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Steven Universe Of The Creek Chapter 10 Sparks Of The Shield · 5:05pm Mar 28th, 2023

Steven arrived in the living room with the whole Williams family together. He noticed Craig and Bryson sitting together, while the stump kid tried to participate in the reunion, but he wasn’t helping himself.

“Okay so how about we go outside and check out my garden from the backyard?” Earl offered.

“Earl, we did that in our last reunion, where we watered them.” Duane replied.

“You know they need water to live.”

“About that, I’ve actually taken care of the gardening this morning.” Jojo chimed in. “I knew he wanted to do it again, so I’ve made the changes.”

“We always celebrate here, what’s the difference?”

“Switching jobs?” Darnell said.

This caused Steven to take action. “Have you all ever thought of the idea of doing something new every once in a while?”

“Technically, we do.” Kimberly walked up to Steven. “We did The Jessica And Small Uncle Show when we learned she acted it out in front of her brother for the first time.”

Everyone turned their attention to Craig and so did Steven. “You watch your sister’s show?”

“Yes but, let’s just say I’m not a fan of it.” Craig spoked quietly.

Steven then thought of an idea to do something similar to Jessica's idea for an activity. “My parents always did that type of activity with me when I was the same height as Craig’s.”

“You mean age, not height?” Nicole asked.

“Yes, every time at home, I always go on adventures with my parents to fight off creatures from distant places.”

The Williams family became confused at first. “What show did you watch exactly?” Bernard wondered.

“It wasn’t a show, it was all imagination. Really, they’re so many imaginative landscapes and people of two species. Humans…and Gems.”

“You make friends out of jewelry?” Darnell asked.

“Seems like a glorified world in your childhood.” Jasmine added.

Craig took notice of Steven’s handling of this. He knew Steven’s personal life more when the truth came out about his three mothers and the gems who are his friends. If only he wished it would’ve turned out better yesterday, there would’ve been something to make up for his deeds.

“If you don’t believe me, here’s what my parents made for me.” Steven heads out the door and heads straight to his van. He opened the door from the other side but he uses his powers to activate his shield. He shuts the door as he heads back to the house, entering the front door, taking everyone by surprise again.

“Is that a shield?” Jessica walked up to Steven. “It’s beautiful!”

“Yeah, that’s a really great looking shield.” Nicole commented.

“Looks like time really revolutionized shields.” Earl added.

The family walked up to Steven, amazed at the design of his shield. However the only ones who stayed in place are Craig and Bryson, who’s in complete shock.

“Is this what you’re talking about?” Bryson leaned in to his cousin.

“Yes, but the less said about that, the better.” Craig whispered back.

“I have to admit Steven, your parents must’ve paid a fortune to make this.” Jasmine felt his shield. “Most shields don’t have these accessories.”

“You'll be surprised, these would be difficult to make with my parents.” Steven smiled. He then took full advantage of his plan as he took everyone out in the backyard to showcase his shield. Craig and Bryson sat together, sitting behind the back door like last time.

With their families watching in full view, Jasmine throws some beanbags at Steven while he blocks them with his shield. With Jasmine changing her targets, Steven single handedly got into every spot to use his shield. Everytime a beanbag hits his shield, small sparkles appear upon slight impacts.

“Am I seeing things or did I just see sparks from his shield?” Jojo locked closely.

Bernard looked closer in his glasses. “It looks like it.”

After the final beanbag impacted, Steven turned to the William’s family. “Still strong without scratches.” He showed his shield.

“Well it’s beanbags, not missiles.” Duane added.

“Also, why were there sparkles on your shield?” Earl pointed.

“Well that’s a good question.” Steven awkwardly grinned. “But we would be here all day questioning logic right?”

The William's family blinked, while also giving awkward looks. Craig and Bryson on the other hand are catching on to what's going on. “Our families don’t understand cartoons unlike us, don’t they?” Bryson whispered.

“Not really, but if cartoons are really real, the creek would’ve been different.” Craig said.

“Steven, are you sure you're telling the truth?” Nicole asked.

“Mom, those sparkles are beautiful!” Jessica jumped in joy.

“If I wasn’t telling the truth, little girls like Jessica wouldn’t want an essay of how shields work.” Steven smiled.

“Just like what I felt when I did social studies essays.” Kimberly replied.

Nicole looked down at Jessica while looking back at Steven’s shield. “Seems like a wireless feature.”

“There’s no buttons on his shield.” Bernard taking notice.

“Jessica, come on up, you can play me.” Steven called as Jessica walked up. He then notices Craig and Bryson and points at them. “Craig, Bryson, come on up there.”

Craig and Bryson took notice from Steven’s voice. Craig may not have his staff, but it doesn’t change the fact he’s too depressed.

“Bryson might play, but his cousin isn’t in the mood.” Darnell added.

“I’m not gonna be here after today, it wouldn’t be as fun without him.” Steven walked past the family while leaning down to Craig. “Craig, we can at least play together, you do that right?”

“Don’t you think you're kind of pushing it?” Craig asked. “I’m not big enough to use your shield.”

As Steven turned his attention to Bryson, he agreed with Craig. “So do I.”

“You'll be surprised, just work with me.” He stood up while turning back to the family. “Can I go inside for a minute?”

“Sure.” Jojo smiled.

Steven heads inside while quickly heading to the living room. He uses his powers as his shield glows, shortening it down to the size for kids to carry. He then headed back outside from the back, surprising everyone.

“I’ve made the shield much smaller so Craig and Bryson can use it.”

“Don’t forget about me!” Jessica called.

“Okay, I’ll give it a try.” Bryson standed up while he pulled his cousin up. “At least make the best out of it.”

“I’ll see what I can do.” Craig signed while Steven followed behind. Upon heading back to the backyard, Steven handed his shield to Jessica as he headed to the other side. Upon receiving beanbags from Jasmine with Craig and Bryson by his side, he lightly throws them to Jessica as she blocks them with the shield.

“I can see the beanbags through the shield.” Jessica cheered. “It’s so stylized!”

“Just keep your attention on me more than the shield.” Steven called.

As Steven continued, Bernard took notice of the shield for every beanbag it impacted on it. The sparks felt real and had no toy effects on the shield itself. Upon two days knowing Steven personally, he may learn what Craig felt last night.

After throwing the last beanbag, Jessica gave the shield to Bryson with his turn being next. Bryson lifted the shield up as Steven threw the beanbags. Bryson moved while Steven changed his targets, reaching to every spot that impacted on the shield.

“This shield’s definitely one of a kind.” Bryson commented. “Did it ever get any scratches?”

“Nope.” Steven threw another beanbag. “Even during my childhood.”

Craig rolled his eyes, unsatisfied. The final beanbag hit the shield as Bryson walked up to his cousin. Steven looked at the way Craig held onto his shield, he didn’t forget the way he touched it last night. He felt even less impressed knowing how all of this isn’t fake.

“Craig.” Bernard placed his hand on his hip. “Go back over there and please…use his shield.”

“Don’t you mean play with his shield?” Nicole wondered.

“Yeah.” Bernard shook his head.

As Craig went into position, he lifted his shield up while sighing again. Just when Steven’s about to throw his beanbag, he then comes up with an idea to cheer Craig up. “Bryson, why don’t you throw the beanbags.” He handed them to Bryson. “I’m gonna help out Craig.”

“Okay.” Bryson replied while carrying the beanbags. Steven went behind Craig as he leaned down, whispering in his ear.

“I know you're down, but even when I’m leaving, I’m not leaving you empty-hearted.”

“What do you mean?” Craig whispered back.

As Steven looked at Craig’s family, he pointed up at the sky. “Look, a phoenix!” The family turned around up in the sky as he grabbed Craig from his shoulder. He licked his finger while inserting it in Craig’s ear plug.

“Ah! Steven!?” Just when Craig was about to react in frustration, he felt sparkles in his body. But then Bernard took notice as he saw his brother shaking. He witnessed the sparks, similar to how the shield reacted, as if what Craig behaved yesterday wasn’t part of any imagination.

“I don’t see any phoenix?” Kimberly replied.

“Oh my bad, it must have been a red bird flying past.”

Craig’s eyesight became magical while his body felt no emotion. As he looked at Bryson, he then smiled while lifting the shield up. “Give me everything you got!” He cheered.

“Alright then.” Bryson smiled as he threw the first beanbag. Craig holds onto the shield real tight, he uses it to bash the beanbag, causing Bryson to dodge in the nick of time.

“Wow, that beanbag really bounced back.” Craig took notice.

“Make sure you don’t hit hard.” Steven replied.

Bryson threw more bean bags at his cousin in different directions as Craig moved and hit the beanbags repeatedly. Soon he did cartwheels upon landing in spots to hit more beanbags. The family were speechless from the way Craig did gymnastics but Bernard knew he wasn’t capable of doing that. After one more beanbag being thrown, Craig hit it one last time as Bryson grabbed it, satisfied with his cousin’s happiness.

“That was awesome!” Craig smiled. “My body had never felt so alive.”

Steven then lifted Craig up from the ground while placing him on his shoulders. “Craig is definitely the shield apprentice alright.” He turned to the family as they applauded.

“I don’t know how it’s possible for beanbags to be launched back but I’m not complaining.” Duane commented.

“And it’s wonderful that Craig is back in a good mood for our family reunion.” Nicole smiled.

With Steven and Craig smiling at each other, Bernard on the other hand, didn’t clap, in fact he can tell something isn’t right with Craig at all. After the past two days he spent with him, his curiosity started to get the better of him, just like his brother.

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