• Published 18th Oct 2020
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Changing Expectations - KKSlider

What does it mean to be a Changeling? To the former human Prince Phasma, that means doing what you can to survive and thrive in an utterly alien world.

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4- Olympus

“You’re telling me that Prince Phasma… spoke?” Queen Chrysalis asked.

Having been fed and sat through story-time, the young charges of Lethocerus and Psocid decided it was play time. Though a few wriggled about around Prince Phasma, the majority scaled the, by their point of view, sheer cliff faces that were Queen Chrysalis’s legs.

“Yes, My Queen. Through the Weave,” Lethocerus clarified.

“Through the Weave?”

“Yes, My Queen. During the First Lesson, he… finished it, saying the ending stanza. His Highness accessed the information directly from the Weave, and finished the poem before Broodnurse Psocid could.”

Chrysalis stared at the attentive Prince.

“That’s… not possible,” the queen all but whispered. “A mere larva? Speaking through the Weave?”

Lethocerus shifted on her hooves and glanced at Psocid. Luckily, Psocid took the hint. “We were under the impression that using the Weave to communicate was a trait common to all royalty, My Queen.”

Her Majesty tore her gaze away from Phasma to address Psocid. “That is correct. But being able to communicate at the larva stage…. That has never happened. Princes and princesses learn to speak at the Nymph stage, and verbally first.”

‘Chrysalis is being very forthcoming with information,’ Lethocerus thought. After the Prince spoke, Lethocerus and Psocid checked the Weave for information on the life cycle of the royals. They could not find anything.

‘She’s even been here for five minutes and hasn’t even threatened us. This must be something really serious.’

The queen glanced back towards the nascent prince.

Before feeding Prince Phasma, Queen Chrysalis decided she would get to the bottom of this. A larva speaking? Preposterous! Impossible! These nurses must be delusional, no larva has ever possessed the intelligence to speak.

Even her own offspring or from what the records say any changeling royal only start communicating at the Nymph stage. She would have to visit the archives later to double check, there was no time today.

If they had interrupted her precious relaxation time for a mere misunderstanding, there would be hell to pay! Of all the resources the hive possessed, her time was the most precious, the most coveted.

‘Let’s see if there is merit to their madness. I can always think of punishments later.’

She moved closer to Phasma and spoke through the Weave.

”Prince Phasmatodea. What is my name?”

The large larva tilted his head to the side, but otherwise did not respond. Thinking back, she might have neglected to introduce herself. Well, that’s something that had to be corrected immediately.

”I am Queen Chrysalis, ruler of the Fourth Hive Dynasty. I am your progenitor. Now, repeat back to me my name.”

Still nothing. The nurses did mention that he spoke during the First Lesson…

During the lesson, one broodnurse uses the Weave and broadcasts the information for the listeners to access through their own connection. It was how all larva started to learn how to use the Weave.

Quickly, she thought up a test for her prince. She brought up on the Weave Phasma, Chrysalis, Dynasty, and Progenitor. Then, she leaned closer down to Phasma.

“Phasma, Chrysalis, Dynasty,” Chrysalis spoke aloud, and waited.

”Chrysalis,” Phasma spoke through the Weave.

‘Impossible!’ The queen shot upright, dislodging a few larva that clung to her. Rather than saying progenitor, the word that was left unsaid, or expectedly remained silent, the prince had answered ‘Chrysalis’.

Chrysalis’s mind raced with possibilities, implications, and ideas. This changes everything.

“Prince Phasmatodea will be in my direct care from now on,” Queen Chrysalis addressed the other two changelings in the room actually capable of speech. ‘Verbal speech,’ she unconsciously corrected herself.

Chrysalis regurgitated some love from her personal stores for Phasma. The pure love would accelerate his growth; she decided to personally feed him every day, before and after giving him lessons instead of having love delivered for him. That would reinforce her position in his life as provider of everything under the sun.

‘Or would it? He seems to be quite intelligent. This is the most interesting phenomenon I’ve ever seen since Lieutenant-Colonel Acrid exploded during the last war games. No, definitely longer than that!’

Chrysalis, as I now know her name was, opened her mouth and the love flowed outwards again. Again I drank in the wonderful pink cloud. The familiar sense of complete euphoria filled my being, just as warm and filling as the first time and I slumped over.

‘So this is why people do drugs; they’re amazing!’

She then picked me up and placed me on her back using her telekinesis. That was a really neat trick that I needed to learn as soon as possible. This whole lack of fingers thing hasn’t been a problem so far but I mean, it’s telekinesis. Who wouldn’t want telekinesis?

Bug mom also removed the other larva from her, then turned and left the room with me still on her back. Field trip!

Viewing the journey in reverse, the first thing I noticed was the cold. As soon as we left the nursery, I was hit by a freezing breeze. They must keep the nursery very warm for the developing changelings.

I huddled closer to Chrysalis’s neck for warmth in a vain attempt to escape the biting cold.

As we exited through the door– made of the same black material as the walls– I saw two changeling guards standing on either side of the door, awash in the now blue light coming from sconces on the walls. They saluted as we passed them, crossing their left hoof across their chest.

These changelings wore blue armor but I couldn’t tell the metal. Their helmets’ cheek guards resembled mandibles of a beetle. They also had some sort of chest piece covering their neck and the space between their forelegs.

Onwards my noble steed carried me, though turns and junctions, rooms with unknown purposes, and passing changelings along the way. Most did not wear armor, though occasionally I saw a door with one or two guards posted by them. The changelings we did pass I saw were bowed, probably doing so when they saw their queen passing by.

A few, especially the guards who did not have to bow, saw me watching from Chrysalis’s back. My knowledge on horse body language may be underdeveloped, but it was easy to see their confusion or shock.

We were climbing high, I realized after the third staircase. Higher, higher, yet higher. Less and less changelings occupied the rooms and halls we made our way through, and more guards were making their ways through the hall. A few of them had a purple armor as well as what I guess constituted as vambraces and boots.

There was a nine pointed star on their chest, which was probably important. They also had pieces that covered the rest of their torsos, unlike the other guards. Apparently only these guards were allowed protection from literally any direction other than straight ahead.

One final staircase later and we were in a grand hallway, complete with a red polished stone path set in the middle and great vaulted opened windows on either side. I saw sunlight for the first time in this new life. It was warm in here, though not as warm as the nursery. We were at the top of the hive spire, yet I did not hear the rushing wind normally associated with heights.

The contentment of the love had slowly ebbed away, allowing me enough presence of mind to notice a slight blue shimmer in the glass-less windows. Curious.

The sounds of clanking metal and creaking hinges suddenly filled the room. We then passed through a pair of massive doors, which must have just opened. The doors were covered in carvings and colors, but my attention was elsewhere.

We were in a throne room, that was the only explanation I had for the massive vaulted ceiling, the even bigger– though less wide– windows, and various black, blue, and green tapestries of an unknown material that hung from warped rafters support beams and on evenly spaced twisted columns. More royal guards in purple armor stood at attention in this room, at least twelve in total.

The tapestries depicted changelings bedecked in the rarer purple armor, normal ponies lying prone, and other species I could identify from myths alone. Griffons, pegasi and unicorns that were the same size as the normal ponies, buffalo, and… dragons.

Before I could wonder about the existence of these fantasy creatures and normal small horses, we sidestepped a large stone throne. It sat atop a raised pedestal, flanked by large, smooth black braziers.

The throne itself was made of a different material than the walls; it was a dark blue wide seat, with a back that was five feet high, with a nine-pointed star made of nine teardrop shaped sapphires, their tapered point facing outwards. The symbol of Panarthropo.

A skylight from behind draped the seat in a golden light, far more golden than natural sunlight.

‘All of the decorating budget went into this room, it seems.’

A slow creak signaled the opening of another door, and we passed through an arched door with a blue-stone filigree scorpion on its center.

The room inside was a small hallway, this one with orangish yellow lights atop cones that jutted out parallel to the wall, like a torch. It was a far cry from the private chambers of the obscenely rich European monarchs, but compared to the rest of the hive, it might as well have been covered in gold and jewels.

Seriously, how could this area be so well designed and with so much comparative wealth put in when the rest of the place seemed to be a literal cave?

‘Oh right, absolute monarchy. Screw the poor, and all that.’

This hall had a few doorways that were arched but lacking the scorpion symbol. Chrysalis brought us through the door at the end and into a personal study. It was a smaller study I guessed, though I had no experience with personal studies of ruling monarchs. Still, it was spacious enough, with a black rock chair with white upholstery sitting behind a wooden desk covered in papers, empty inkwells, and a few empty pots. To the left, a wooden bookshelf filled with worn tomes. To the right, a couch and two chairs that seemed completely nondescript faced each other. They sat in front of an empty fireplace with a large silver mirror above it.

‘Their mere existence is fancy enough for Queen Chrysalis, I suppose.’

I was moved from Chrysalis’s back and put down onto the couch. She sat in one of the opposite chairs, looked at me, and sighed.

“Prince Phasma, you will be staying with me from now on. Your tutelage will begin tomorrow.”


‘Aw hell, school again! I knew there was a catch to being reincarnated as an emotion-eating, half-caterpillar half-bug-horse prince!’

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