• Published 18th Oct 2020
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Changing Expectations - KKSlider

What does it mean to be a Changeling? To the former human Prince Phasma, that means doing what you can to survive and thrive in an utterly alien world.

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131- Nahundi

“Court is adjourned for the day. I thank thee all for coming, and bid thee a pleasant evening.”

‘Looks like Luna slips into her old habits when being all ceremonial. She didn’t do that during the official announcement, but that might be because Celestia helped write it.’

I watched from the shadows as Luna adjourned Equestria’s open court period. It was an idea I approved of; the idea that you could approach your ruler and present your issues is something I supported wholeheartedly, and implemented myself. Though it was quite a bit easier for me to implement it, considering the Fifth Hive had a fraction of the population that Equestria does.

When the pony visitors had left, I stepped out of the doorway behind the dual thrones and into the light.

The place had certainly changed since I was last here. It was currently between phases; Daybreaker’s harsher décor themes of bright reds and oranges were being prepared to be painted over, as the alicorn sisters redecorated their castle for the second time this year. The damage from the gigantic fights this room hosted was all but erased, with only the smallest of details sticking out, and only if you knew where to look.

Overall, it looked remarkably better than when I had seen it.

“Oh, Phasma,” Luna said, pulling me back into the present.

She was standing in front of me, having run into me on her way out of the throne room.

“Hey Luna. Sorry, this place brings back memories…”

“Good or bad?”

“.... Just memories.”

“I understand. This was where you fought with your mother, correct?”

“Yeah…” I sighed. “Well, I came here to kidnap you. Alright, get in the bag.”

“What bag? You have no bag.”

“The bag is metaphorical. Celestia and Twilight Sparkle are asking me about Earth, I knew you would actually want to be there.”

Luna frowned, “That sounds most enjoyable, however my business is not done for the day–”

“Celestia is giving you a free pass for the day,” I interrupted.

“She is?”

“She is now, if she wasn’t before. Dump your extra work on her tomorrow, tonight we eat unhealthy snacks and get drunk. It’ll be like a party, only ten times more sad and pathetic since there’s only four of us.”

Luna cheered, “Ha–Ha! Sounds like a plan! I shall enjoy this, where are the other two?”

“They’re over in… uh… a room. I can’t remember its name, but I know the way.”

“Lead on!”

As we walked through the palace’s halls, I struck up a conversation with Luna.

“Your sister is up to something.”

“She is often up to many things,” Luna replied. “Could you be more specific?”

“Not really. I mentioned the fact that you were busy, and she grinned like a madmare.”

“That ought to narrow down her plans quite considerably, one would think.”

A pair of guards saluted as we passed.

“Any ideas, then?” I asked.

“I have a hundred and one more preferable things I would rather be doing than guessing Celestia’s plans, Phasma.”

“So you suggest just ignoring her?”

“I do. She might be planning something, however it most certainly is not something we need to concern ourselves with. Let it go, Phasma.”

“.... I find that uncomfortable.”

“What? Letting others make covert plans around you?”

“I guess so.”

I felt a pull on my tail, and stopped to see Luna’s horn dimming from ending a spell. Telekinesis, I suspected.

“What?” I asked.

“Phasma…” She began before checking to see if anyone was around us. “Listen. That is not normal behaviour. I suspect it is a holdover paranoia from your time in the Fourth Hive with Queen Chrysalis.”

‘I mean, I guess?’

“I’m not sure how to respond to that,” I admitted.

Luna sighed heavily and nudged me along.

“Nevermind. It is something we will work on. I am certain the other Princesses will have trust exercises that we can use.”

“Trust exercises? Do I really need those?”

“Maybe. To be honest, Phasma, oftentimes we just do everything and see what works when it comes to problems such as these.”

“But you think trust exercises will ‘help’ with paranoia? You know, it’s not paranoia if they’re actually out to get you. Then it’s just called foresight.”

“Celestia is planning a harmless prank, or something otherwise benevolent. It is not something you should ever be stressing over.”

“I think you’re overreacting, Luna.”

She scoffed, “I am the one overreacting? You are the one working yourself into a knot over an off-hoof comment Celestia made.”

“... I ignored my paranoia once, and nearly paid the ultimate price for it. Excuse me for being hesitant to ignore those feelings once again. Last time I was nearly caught off guard.”

“As my sister says, the first step is acknowledging you have a problem.”

“Celestia really said that to you?”

“.... No. I read it in a self-help pamphlet Daybreaker gave me following my return to Equestria. Still, I believe the statement holds wisdom. If you are so worried, I will confer with Celestia and confront her about what she is planning. If it is something you should know about, I will tell you. Do you trust me on this?”

“Yeah, whatever,” I muttered.

“Is that a yes, or should I ask for trust building exercises?”

I snorted, “I think you just want an excuse to start using blindfolds and cuffs on me.”

“Trust building exercises would be an integral part for your recovery–”

“This conversation can wait till we’re behind closed doors,” I cut her off.

Outwardly, Luna had remained quiet and calm. Inwardly, I sensed the real response to my suspicion. I had other things to consider, however.

‘But honestly, she’s probably right in some way. I doubt I’d be comfortable completely trusting others. Not after finding my half of my siblings in a closet, and usually the front half of ‘em. After Chrysalis, it was Division-P. After Division-P… it’s only a matter of time before the next subversive threat appears. The Nightmares certainly aren’t going to sit around and wait for us to collect our strength, that’s for sure.’

When we arrived at the sitting room, I found myself in a much more sour mood than when I had left it.

“Princess Luna!” Twilight said, bowing to her as she entered.

“Hello Luna,” Celestia greeted, having claimed the largest chair in the room.

‘Old habits die hard.’

“Hello Celestia, and what did I say about my title, Twilight Sparkle?”

“You said n– oh, sorry. It’s just… it’s hard not to treat you with the respect you are due.”

Luna shook her head, “If I had a bit every time we had this conversation, I would have at least seven bits. That is a lot of repeating myself, Twilight.”

Twilight cringed, “Sorry–”

“Don’t apologize! Just… please regard me as a friend, not a cold, distant ruler.”

“You can be both, Princess… Not a cold, distant ruler, I mean! Just a ruler!”

Celestia rolled her eyes at the conversation, “You have to admit that doesn’t make sense, Twilight.”

Twilight sighed, “I’m sorry, Princess– I mean, Luna. I’ll… try my best.”

“That is all I ask,” Luna said. “So. You have dragged me from my duties. Make this worth it, Phasma.”

“Ha! Pour yourself a drink and pick a seat, because I’ve got a lot to talk about.”

Twilight set her filled out notes down.

They had gotten to the point where she simply could not write any more. Not because she was satisfied with the amount of info gathered, but rather because she could no longer confirm King Phasma’s facts as being facts. His state of intoxication had been slowly increasing over the course of the night, and it had gotten to the point where she simply could no longer rely on him being able to tell the truth.

The changeling was currently slurring his way through a story, with Princess Celestia listening with all her attention, and Luna half listening, half focused on cuddling up to him.

‘Definitely in love, those two. Reminds me of mom and dad.’

Twilight had to admit though, the story was entertaining.

“So no shit, there we were, listenin’ to this kid present some… stuff… earnin’ our cinnamon... cinematography merit badge, when Jay pulled out the stack of tortilla bread he stole from lunch. Jay was older than us all, as he was an Eagle Scout and was old enough to be our chaperone. Then, while this kid was still trying to give a serious pre– per– pre-sen-tay-shun, Jay ate two eye holes and a mouth hole in one of the tortilla thingies, and he started wearing it as a mask. When the presenter told ‘em to stop, cuz he was trying to teach us stuff, Jay was like, ‘You can’t tell me what to do, I’m an adult!’ The kid didn’t believe ‘em, course, and Jay had to get his Driver’s license out to prove he actually was eighteen. When the kid had to admit defeat, Jay gave everyone else tortillas to make masks out of, and we earned our badge while wearin’ tortilla masks.”

King Phasma laughed at his own story, and the alicorns joined him in his merriment. Twilight herself chuckled. It reminded her of the hijinks she and her friends would sometimes get up to. King Phasma went to pour himself another glass, but when nothing came out of the bottle of liquor, he frowned and shook it.

“I think we’re out…”

“Perhaps that’s for the best. We still have business to do tomorrow,” Celestia said, not even appearing slightly drunk.

‘Ha! See, Luna? She doesn’t get drunk! I knew it!’

“Feh!” Luna grunted. “Countless wars were settled over a pint or twelve in my day!”

King Phasma set the bottle down and sighed, “When the troop dissolved… that was that. Never saw any of ‘em ever again. Guess that makes ‘em just like my old family, right? Gone without a real goodbye.”

Twilight felt like she was blasted by a cold wind. This was the first mention of King Phasma’s prior family this entire night. It was a subject he had avoided, and only now Twilight realized why.

‘What if one day, I lose Shiny and Mom and Dad? How would I react? Especially if thrust into an environment where paranoia is a requirement for survival? I can’t imagine I would cope well. A pony without family or friends is no pony at all.’

She didn’t envy King Phasma’s situation. But when she affixed her attention back to the changeling, he was nearly passed out with a smile, holding Luna tight in his forelegs. The flash of sadness had left just as abruptly as it came.

‘At least things are improving for all of us.’

“I shall retire for the night,” Celestia announced, begrudgingly rising from her seat. “I hope you’ve acquired satisfactory notes, Twilight.”

“I have, Princess, though I only got through half of the questions I wanted to ask, and now I have a list twice as long as before to ask King Phasma.”

“Then I wish you luck in convincing him to converse with you again. A word of advice,” Celestia nodded towards Luna, “bribe him with the company of his friends.”

Twilight laughed, “I don’t think I am capable of getting Luna to do anything, Your Highness. She’s a princess, and I’m just me.”

“Why don’t you ask them to hang out with you and your friends? Perhaps engage in some mutually enjoyable activity, such as…. What do ponies do nowadays for fun?”

Twilight found herself imagining the King struggling to play mini-golf. The golf club was comically undersized compared to him.

“I’ll think about it. Thank you for the suggestion, Princess.”

“Anytime, Twilight. I’ll see you soon.”

Princess Luna glared at her sister and adjusted the ice-pack held to her head.

“I told you to pace yourself,” Celestia smirked.

“I did pace myself. I drank as much as you drank.”

“That was a mistake.”

Luna scowled, “You have the body size of a regular pony! How could you possibly keep to your old tolerance of drink?!”

“Practice makes perfect.”


“... You really shouldn’t pick up Phasma’s swears.”

Luna jabbed Celestia, “And you should explain your sorcery! Tell me how you did it!”

“A wizard never reveals her secrets.”

Luna groaned, “Cadence has her durable makeup, you have your improbable tolerance, but what do I have?”

“Stallions,” Celestia mumbled under her breath, but Luna heard it all the same.

“You have nopony to blame but yourself,” Luna replied.

Celestia stiffened, “You know why I don’t seek courtship. The only reason why you’re dating Phasma is because he won’t be leaving you in eighty years.”

“Then find yourself your own immortal stallion to court.”

Her sister snorted, “I suppose you didn’t find him growing on some immortal-stallion-tree, Luna? One where I could pick my own immortal?”

Luna shrugged, “Just redeem a villain. They are a bit a dozen, and a few have obtained immortality, even if by less than reputable means.”

“Those means have costs, Luna, you know that. Trying to redeem one of them would be like trying to build a life-sized castle out of sand. It’ll all fall apart long before any plans get set into motion.”

Luna set the ice-pack down, “You speak of this as if you have experience. Has something happened in my absence, sister?”

“... There was one stallion, if you can call him that.”

“What happened?”

“We were actually together while you were still ruling with me, Luna. I had kept it a secret, as our relationship was tenuous at best, and nearly impossible to maintain otherwise. I never quite understood him, and one day he simply… changed.”

“And he was a villain?” Luna asked.

“... That was unclear. I don’t think he was when we met, but something had changed him. Made him wrong in every sense of the word.”

“Then we shall find him and purify him! Bring this lost love back to Harmony!” Luna declared.

Celestia sighed and looked out the window mournfully.

“If only. When his evil started to… bleed through, I severed the connection between our worlds.”

‘Ah, another world-walker, like Phasma,’ Luna remarked.

“This sounds like a long story,” Luna said.

“It is. One I don’t want to revisit,” Celestia said coldly.

“Then we won’t. Not today, at least. Have you prepared for today’s round of negotiations?”

Celestia nodded, “Yes. It’s going to be an uncomfortable topic for the changelings, however.”

“You’ve been generous to them so far. Far more than I would have been, had I been the one leading Equestria’s negotiation. And provided that I was not involved with Phasma.”

Celestia shook her head, “The deal is open for renegotiation. He gets what he wants with the independence of this Hive Eternal, and as the years drag on, he will find it harder and harder to justify keeping the Fifth Hive separate. He might like its independence now, but in ten years? Thirty? Two hundred? This is not the first time something like this has happened, and the young immortal knows nothing of century-spanning plans. The Fifth Hive is best suited completely integrated, and in time, he will reach that conclusion himself. And besides all of that, I believe our position is becoming more and more precarious with each passing day."

Luna wondered if Celestia was right, “Opinions change over time, however, treaties such as this tend to last much longer. But what do you mean, our position is precarious?”

Celestia brought out a newspaper from the side of her desk and levitated it across to Luna.

“Chaos in Canterlot,” Luna read aloud.

“Already, the popular opinions and stances are making themselves known,” Celestia explained. “The flood of information we gave our ponies during the press conference was to our benefit; the paradox of too much information and news left too much room for scandal. Whereas ponies used to gossip for hours on end about the smallest detail about my policies or daily life, this overload meant that the papers could only spend so much time on each subject.”

“There was quite a bit to talk about,” Luna remarked, reading through the paper.

“A lot indeed,” Celestia agreed. “But as I said, the popular opinions are already forming. My analysts suggest that Lord Artful Acumen, the unicorn that was in charge of Division-P, has lost his powerbase. The Purity Coalition, which was largely aligned with Daybreaker’s policies, has broken up. Good news for us. In its place, two more power blocs have started to form. Bad news. Very bad news. Darn things like a hydra; one head severed, two more takes its place. These voting blocs aren’t as extreme as the Purity Coalition was, but they are most certainly not in support of the Crown.”

Luna grunted, “At least the scum is rotting away in prison.”

Celestia didn’t respond.

“.... He is rotting away, right Celestia? Celestia?”

Celestia nervously tapped her hoof on her desk, “About that… he may have evaded capture–”

Luna loudly groaned.

“– along with many of his supporters–”

Then, Luna put her face in her forehooves.

“– and a substantial amount of magical artifacts.”

“How?!” Luna yelled.

“It was during Discord’s reign of terror. Somehow, he got wind of what was going to happen, and had made plans to make himself scarce. Or he made himself scarce regardless of the outcome, and it worked out in his favor. The Inquisitors present in the palace that night have all been captured, but many of the fanatics are missing. Turns out, the unicorn had stationed the former S.M.I.L.E. agents on watch duty that night. Most of those old guard weren’t completely loyal to him, so I suppose he offered them up as a sacrifice in case things went wrong for him. The Agents are all arrested, but I’m afraid that the perpetrators of most of the crimes in Locksdale are missing. Well, half of them, at least.”

“I am not going to be the one to tell Phasma this.”

Celestia grimaced, “I know. I will accept the blame.”

“This is really bad, Celestia.”

“I know.”

“It’s going to cause many problems for all of us.”

“I know.”

“And Phasma’s going to be very upset.”

“I know, Luna, I know. This is bad.”

“You also hope to cover the Count’s death today, correct? I cannot imagine he will be happy being told off shortly before being told that you failed to capture the most important ponies involved in the crimes against his changelings.”

“... Captain Shining Armor is not going to be happy when I excuse him of any crime he committed,” Celestia said.

Luna’s eyes widened, “You’re going to do what?! I mean, don’t get me wrong, I am all for it, but there will be massive uproar for this, Celestia. The Captain will be the least of your worries!”

“The alternative is worse,” Celestia muttered. She levitated the newspaper out of Luna’s hooves and flipped it back to the cover, ‘Chaos in Canterlot.’ “We need peace, Luna. Our position as Princesses of Equestria will become less and less of a sure thing as time goes on. This war is anathema to the society I cultivated. We need peace, and we need it soon, lest Equestria tears itself apart at the seams. The cracks are already forming. And when it all falls apart, more ponies will get hurt than you can imagine. A single death of what appears to be a criminal is the absolute least of our worries.”

Luna rubbed the base of her horn, her hangover suddenly returning. “Do you have a plan to mitigate the damage?”

“We will hold a tribunal, us three Princesses. We will judge Phasma, and find him innocent.”

“A mock trial? Can we get away with it?”

Celestia sighed, “We’ll have to. Canterlot can’t survive anything else.”

Author's Note:

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