• Published 18th Oct 2020
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Changing Expectations - KKSlider

What does it mean to be a Changeling? To the former human Prince Phasma, that means doing what you can to survive and thrive in an utterly alien world.

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135- Beach Episode 2: Electric Boogaloo

The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was Luna’s cyan eyes, looking back at me.

“Hey,” I whispered after a while.

“Hello,” she replied. “You are not dead?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Then we are good!” She said happily.

“We are?”

I tried to sit up and look around, but Luna pushed me down. We were in her room, and I was laying in her bed.

“You need to sit still for the rest of the day. Theoretically, you are perfectly fine, but extra caution is advised,” she explained.

“What… so it was a success? Did you… find it?” I asked.

Luna smiled, “Found it, contained it, destroyed it.”

I let out a huge sigh of relief and sank into the bed.

“It was a particularly nasty enchantment construct. The things it could do…. Not that you need to be worried anymore! It simply could have held a lot of power over your mind, given the correct stimuli.”

“You sound like Twilight.”

“I spend a lot of time with her.”

“Hm. What kind of things could it do?”

“It was designed to override your thought process when exposed to particular corruption or dark magic. If you felt an extreme inclination to activate or use potentially dangerous artifacts when you were in the Third Hive, this was partially to blame.”

“Oh… anything else?”

“For the most part, that was it. That was probably enough for the Nightmares to achieve their desires using you, so that was all that was required. The smaller and less intrusive it is, the harder it would be to detect. This one took a long while to find, and we would have missed it on every in-depth scan if we had no idea what to look for. Originally, I had shielded virtually your entire mind from magic. This would have proven to be ineffective, should the mark have ever been truly activated.”

I blinked as I realized something.

“So the only reason why we knew about its existence was because they bragged about it?”


“.... Morons.”

“Never curse villains for being foolish. The clever ones are the scariest ones.”

I snorted, “You got that right. The smartest ones could do something like plan an invasion of Equestria, and if that fails, figure out a backup plan to get what they want anyways.”

Luna leaned in and kissed me.

“The horror,” she said after parting. Then, she scrunched up her muzzle, “You have bad morning breath.”

“I can’t leave bed, how am I supposed to brush my teeth?”

Luna sighed dramatically, “I will have to aid you. There would be a long list of things to worry about, to watch out for, and follow-up appointments to make, but given that you will be by my side for many hours of the day and every single night, all you need to do is shower me with affection.”

“Business as usual, then?” I grinned.

“Quite so. Now, slowly get up. We shall bathe together so that I can keep an eye on your progress.”

“We already do that.”

Luna winked, “Yes, but now I have an excuse.”

“Since when were you worried about excuses?”

The rest of the morning passed by slowly. My head felt fine, so other than being noticeably tired, I felt no side effects from the procedure. When we went to breakfast to meet Celestia and Cadence– Luna slowly pushing me around in a wheelchair, they both were eager to hear about my recovery.

Celestia most of all, considering she was the one doing most of the work, apparently.

“I’m fine,” I said.

“I’ve heard that one before,” Celestia replied.

“There was some weird disturbance during my dream, but that was the only symptom.”

“Any trouble accessing magic or remembering things?”

I shrugged, “How should I know? Luna doesn’t even let me walk around.”

“You are quite capable of that,” Celestia rolled her eyes.

“This is my excuse for keeping close to him for the entire day. You can not take this from me,” Luna declared.

“Since when did you need an excuse?” Cadence asked.

“That’s what I said!” I groaned.

“At any rate, you should know exactly what we found,” Celestia said. “The mark of Lámhmarbh, as it was identified as, can be thought of as a prefabricated implant. Whoever designed it must have done so eons ago, so thankfully countless breakthroughs that have been made since its inception were not found. In fact, we can accurately date its creation to… some time after the Discordian Era. Given that we don’t know its exact origins, anything more precise than that is impossible.”

“It’s from a Nightmare.”

Celestia nodded, “Yes, but we don’t know where they come from. If they originate on the other side of Equus, then the flow of information could have been substantially slower, meaning this mark is much newer than we think, see?”

“.... I think so.”

Celestia continued, “This mark had great influence over your actions, but was inert almost the entirety of the time. It did not respond to almost all of our tests, and only in the presence of dark magic did it awaken. Then, it sent commands through your psyche and mind. We can accurately guess what those commands were, but we didn’t see the need to wake you up and confirm that. Once we knew what we were dealing with, we managed to unravel its structure and remove it completely. Luna placed the protective wards around the area, and that part of your soul should heal up within…. twenty years or so.”

“That’s a long time.”

“Indeed. Don’t split your soul or anything like that and you should be fine.”

“I’ll try not to. Anything else?”

“Until your soul heals, this will be a vulnerability. So you should avoid being on the front lines with the Nightmares, if they appear before you are healed.”

I shook my head, “That might not be possible. Furthermore, it might not even be up to me.”

Luna scowled, “It most certainly is possible. You are rather shit at fighting, anyways.”

“Language!” Cadence groaned.

“I’m not shit at fighting!”

“You can not win a fair fight, even if your life depended on it!” Luna retorted.

I laughed, “That’s why I never fight fair!”

“You will stay in the rear echelon, where you can guide the battle and provide shields. It is safe there!”

“I’ll go where I’m needed!” I declared.

Celestia cleared her throat loudly, “This is a discussion that can wait till later. There is something else that requires your attention, Phasma.”

“Hmph. What is it?”

She paused, clearly unsure of herself, “I… have not taken a vacation in quite some time. The idea of traveling to the mountains together this Hearth's Warming is most intriguing. However, I’d rather have it pan out for the better, rather than being a bust. Organizing my absence is an undertaking I would rather not waste. As such, it is necessary to make sure that enjoyment will be had and all things put in order.”

I tilted my head, “Which means?”

Luna clapped her hooves excitedly, “We shall go this weekend!”


“I need you two to scout the place and make sure it is big enough, luxurious enough, and, well, you get the idea,” Celestia explained.

“We shall depart early, so that we might visit your establishment in Manehattan, too!” Luna chimed in.

A smile slowly crept onto my face.

“Luna, Celestia, that’s… amazing!”

“I’ve taken the liberty of informing your right-hoof pony, Coxa, about your planned absence from Canterlot,” Celestia added.

“Oh, uh, thanks Celestia!”

Luna launched herself at me, squeezing me in a bone-breaking hug that would have been actually painful had I not been covered in chitin.

“Oh what merriment there is to be had! I say, I have not been this excited since the prospect of seeing you in person!”

“I’m excited too, Luna,” I said, patting her on the withers.

“Another victory for love,” Cadence smiled. “This will be a great vacation for all of us, come winter. I’m even getting Shiny to come over.”

I raised my eyebrows, “That’s us four, the First Fang, Shining Armor…. Anyone else coming?”

“Celestia has extended invitations to the Elements, as their heroism deserves rewards, but acceptance is unlikely for almost all of them,” Luna said, not letting me go.

“That would be a lot of ponies attending,” I remarked.

“We all have our separate rooms,” Celestia explained.

“–and I’m all for it!” I cheered. “Quite different than… my old life. We, uh, bunked up back then, going so far as to sleep on the ground whenever we went on vacation. But now we’re all rich, huh?”

“This was Celestia’s surprise,” Luna said. “Hence why I could not speak of it to you.”

“I figured you two could use the break more, especially with last night’s procedure,” Celestia admitted.

I felt my ears splay back, “... Thanks again, Celestia. I… thanks.”

Outside of the First Fang, there were few people I could trust that actually did something nice for me out of the kindness of their heart. The Fifth Hive served me out of blind loyalty, though some of it could be argued as not blind loyalty, and the guards of Hooferville had no idea I was a changeling.

‘And Celestia has thankfully not mentioned my…. fit.’

Last night had been one of the most stressful and frightening nights this year, which was really saying a lot.

“.... yourself de-stressed and ready for when you come back,” Celestia said. I missed the first part of her order. “We have a lot to do, even before the winter arrives.”

Luna broke the hug, “I shall go back immediately!”

“Wait–!” Celestia called out, but Luna had already teleported away. “You’re not leaving until tomorrow,” she sighed. “Well, you have the rest of the time off, Phasma. No more negotiations.”

“I’ll go work things out with my Hive after breakfast, then. There’s a lot left to be done; I’m nearly as buried in paperwork reforming the Fifth Hive and getting everyone situated as you are fixing your kingdom.”

Cadence smiled, “You’re staying? I expected you to run off with Luna the moment you could.”

I shrugged, “I don’t always eat food, but the company is always nice.”

Cadence pointed a hoof at me, “See?! You can be a nice, considerate pony!”

“Only when you aren’t threatening or accusing me of anything.”

“The tales I have heard speak highly of you,” Celestia added in. “Your changelings look up to you greatly, and you instill positive values in them. I cannot ask for much more, aside from proper behavior and self control. But enough inflating your ego, today we’re having Prench toast.”

I clapped my hooves, “I knew there was a reason why I decided to stay!”

The Crystal Caves were almost empty now.

Most of the lings had been moved off to Manehattan or other locations, with only the Red Right Hoof staying behind, as well as my support staff. The Fifth Hive’s military and command structure could not leave easily, and having them in Canterlot was very important: the administration team for obvious reasons, and the Red Right Hoof because they would be training alongside the Equestrians starting next week.

With Celestia’s guidance, we finally had some rooms picked and cleared out for my changelings to use. She even provided a few large rooms to serve as barracks, which I gladly took, but the administration team was provided apartments in Middle Canterlot on my own dime. Given their importance, justifying renting– couldn’t find anything to outright buy yet– was a simple matter.

All that was left was moving the last of the changelings and materials out of the Crystal Caves. A lot of the material was slated to head directly to some storerooms within Canterlot Castle, and the whole process would be finished by the weekend.

So it was time for a celebration.

We had swarmed one of the larger, more reclusive fancy rooms. This one was high up, and had a bunch of windows with great views. I had brought out the good vintage for this occasion. The changelings cheered and toasted their glasses, each a mixed drink of alcohol and love rations.

“To brighter futures!”

“To better tomorrows!”

“To an end to the hunger!”

We all knocked back the glasses. I coughed and cringed, still not quite used to the strange combination. Most lings struggled similarly, but a few just laughed.

“Your Majesty,” Cricket whispered, making me lean over to hear her.


“Just wanted to add onto the good news; there’s been a breakthrough in deciphering the language that those tomes you rescued from the Third Hive were written in.”

I coughed, feeling some of the drink come back up, “Really?! That’s great!”

“Mhmm. Twilight Sparkle stopped by for a preliminary glance into what we were preparing for the exchange program, and her help was insightful when it came to translating the morphemes. We have a rough idea as to what the tomes are about.”

‘This is actually great news. Whatever these tomes are written about is probably something we have forgotten about. Unless it’s a bust and it describes transformations or something, this could be a huge boon for us all!’

“Go on,” I said, turning to face her fully. “What are they about?”

“The books are all on,” Cricket paused to glance around, “soulmancy, Your Majesty.”


She nodded, “The practice is forbidden in Equestria, hence me trying to keep quiet about it, Your Majesty.”

“Oh. Well, is it… new information?”

“Yes sir. With the field now known, we’ve taken a look at a few of the spells written down, and they seem completely new. At least, we think so. It’s not exactly possible for any of us to know what Chrysalis knows about the field, or what the Princesses of Equestria know.”

“Neither of ‘em know anything,” I explained. “Chrysalis's expertise laid in genetic and biological sculpting, and neither Luna nor Celestia know much about Dark Magic. They considered this one of its fields, since its so often entwined with it, and it has been outlawed in Equestria since the kingdom’s inception.”

“You’re awfully knowledgeable about the subject, My King,” Cricket remarked.

“I was born through a necromancy ritual, and Celestia was clear on what magic she wouldn’t tolerate in Equestria. Knowing this stuff is my job. Thanks for the new information, Cricket.”

“Should I tell the teams to give up deciphering it?”

“No, no,” I waved to her to stop. “This is very good stuff. I might be able to get permission from Celestia to use the magic within Equestria’s borders, and if I don’t, we can just scoot on over to the Third Hive’s ruins and practice it there. If it’s safe, of course. No point in using it if it just propagates Nightmares or something equally unpleasant. I’ll talk with Luna this weekend about it. Anything else?”

“That’s it, Your Majesty.”

I nodded. The changelings around us were still chatting away, swapping stories, having drinking contests, and otherwise wasting their time. I even spied Coxa and Lacewing sitting on a couch in the back, snuggling and kissing lightly.

‘Awww, how adorable– I mean, absolutely revolting! Coxa exists only to make my life easier and to fill out paperwork! And Lace…. deserves to be happy. Whatever, the joke fell apart. They’re cute, they deserve to be happy, roll credits.’

'... How many lings in this room are liars, merely pretending to be happy? I let my guard down once, and because of that, Lace got captured and Oest died.'

“Hey Cricket?” I whispered.

“My King?” She whispered back.

“... How many Fourth Hive spies do you think are in the Fifth Hive?”

“My King?” She asked, confused.

“The war against the Fourth Hive proper should begin soon. How many traitors are in this room? Beyond?”

Cricket was silent. She looked around the room, trying to hide her worry.

“My King, I don’t know how to answer that. The Infiltrators were in Canterlot, and a few were bound to have been captured. Unless they come forward willingly, I don’t think we could ever possibly find them.”

“But how many are in the Fifth Hive?”

“.... A dozen? Less? It’s impossible to say, My King.”

I swallowed, “Should I be worried?”

Cricket shook her head, “Even if they had contact with the Fourth Hive, which is completely cut off, you’ve proven to be worthy of the title of King.”

That didn’t add up.

“They’re loyal to Chrysalis, though,” I pointed out.

“Technically they’re loyal to the Pontiff, which is a title that can’t be usurped.”

“Which is something I’m trying to do, right?”

Cricket cringed, “Sorta? It’s complicated, Your Majesty. On paper, Chrysalis is and always will be Pontiff. However, given your accomplishments and the success of the Fifth Hive, it can be easily argued that Panar has clearly chosen you to lead us, and therefore you are the Pontiff.”

I snorted, “And will the Infiltrators believe that?”

Cricket shrugged, “Who knows?”

I sighed, “In any case, thanks for the insight.”

“I’m at your service, My King.”

“Suppose I’ll have to figure out vacations for all of you guys as well, huh?” I said, my voice returning to normal speaking levels.

“You’re already giving us four weeks of vacation days a year, Your Majesty,” Cricket replied.

“And will any of you actually use them?”

“Of course not, My King.”

Author's Note:

I have a Ko-Fi if you want to support me.

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