• Published 18th Oct 2020
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Changing Expectations - KKSlider

What does it mean to be a Changeling? To the former human Prince Phasma, that means doing what you can to survive and thrive in an utterly alien world.

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26- Argonauts

“Is there a particular reason why the invasion must happen so soon?” I asked Chrysalis.

We had just wrapped up today’s work. Our lessons now consisted of magic spells and theory and nothing else. She really wanted me to have a veritable arsenal of spells ready when the invasion came.

She looked up briefly from the paper on her desk which had her rapt attention.

“Constraints require the invasion to occur soon. Now be off you, we both have work that must be done.”

“What constraints?” I pushed.

“The ones I have placed on you. You are dismissed, Prince Phasma.”

She looked back down at her paper, ending any chance of further discussion.

‘I’ll keep asking until you give me something. There’s got to be a good reason why you’ve chosen such an early date, I don’t believe you would risk your one chance at victory just to have it sooner.’

I huffed and walked out, shutting the door behind me.

I yawned after leaving Chrysalis’s study. The magic training which had been going on for two weeks at this point was leaving me feeling drained every night and not much better the next morning. I made my way into the throne room, the Praetorians saluting as I walked past them.

Thorax was waiting there, kited with his Praetorian armor. He was looking down at his peytral, the simplistic lines had caught his attention while waiting for me.

“Praetorian Thorax, we’ve a busy day ahead of us.”

He looked up at his name, “Ah, Prince Phasma. Busy for you, or busy for us?”

“Us,” I replied as I started walking out of the throne room and into the main hallway outside.

“Whereto first?”

“The Second Legion.”

“The infiltrators? What do we have to do there?”

“As it just so happens, I received word that the latest recruits are in…”

“The expedition!”

“So we’re going to see if any of the First Fang are there. If not, we’ll go check their usual spots. Do you know what Tarsus was before and during infiltrator class?”

“He instructed nymphs on basic spells. That’s where he met Lacewing, in fact.”

‘With his cheery disposition, I can imagine him having fun teaching nymphs.’

“That’s… I can see him enjoying that job. Why did he go into the infiltrator line?”

“Tarsus didn’t have a choice.”


We were silent on the way over to the Legion’s offices. Unlike most Legions, the Second had a decent amount of rooms dedicated to their work. In addition to a hooffull of offices, they had storage rooms, meeting rooms, training rooms, and so on. All material and recovered information goes here first, before being sorted and placed into warehouse rooms further down the hive.

Stopping at a large door at the end of the hall dedicated to specifically offices, the one guard at the side saluted me when I came near. I opened the door without knocking.

The changeling at the desk looked up from the report they were writing.

“W- oh. My Prince, I didn’t expect to see you,” Intelligencer Ocelli said with a short bow, placing their quill down.

“Good evening Intelligencer. Has the Second’s restructuring gone well?”

“Yes My Prince. There was little to change, other than some titles and names. Losing a few of my best agents to train the other Legions is quite the setback, but one I can handle, My Prince.”

I nodded, “Good.”

“Though I do hope, if I may be so bold Your Highness, that I will be getting those infiltrators back.”

“They will be back in the Second before the invasion, in time for you to brief them and give them their objectives.”

“Thank you, My Prince.”

“I did not come here just to see if all is well. I heard that the newest recruits had finished their training?”

“Yes, My Prince. Their expedition arrived two days ago.”

“How many will be recruited from the pool?”

“Of the three classes, only thirty two, My Prince.”

“Thirty two out of… Seventy five?”

“That’s right, My Prince. We have nothing but the highest standards, the infiltrator role risks not just the infiltrator’s life but the hive’s existence.”

'I know for a fact that that's no longer true.'

“I would like to see a list of these recruits.”

Ocelli blinked at my strange request, but levitated over a paper with no comment. Reading it through, I saw only Tarsus’s name on the list.

‘No more teaching for him, then. Hope he likes his new role.’

I hoofed it back, or rather I levitated it back, as most of these exchanges of items usually goes.

“That will be all, Intelligencer.”

“Of course, My Prince. Might I inquire as to when the first drafting of the invasion plans will begin?”

“Soon,” was all I replied as I left.

Thorax, having held his tongue throughout the meeting, followed me out. Once we left, however, he broke his silence.

“Who’s on it?”

“Just Tarsus. Lacewing and Coxa must not have made it.”

“Lacewing won’t be happy about that.”

“And we won’t be able to talk to Tarsus anytime soon. I bet he’s not even here in the hive at the moment.”

“So, which are we seeing first?”

“Coxa. The storage section is on the way to the Greencave.”

“Fifth times the charm,” I said, pushing open a side door leading to the room in front of us.

With the workers constantly moving items around, or taking items from the storage rooms in the Infiltrator section using direct access corridors, it was hard to pinpoint a specific changeling working in them.

Coxa’s foreling would not know where he is, so we had to find him ourselves. Four times so far we entered a room, filled with different things from metal to clothing for disguises. Each room had a few changelings constantly buzzing around between rows of shelves. Each time the workers bowed when they noticed my presence.

The fifth warehouse was half filled with chitin, bone, and other organic materials harvested from creatures slain. It was a chilled room, to better preserve its contents.

“Worker Coxa?” I called out.

“Gimme a moment!” Came the reply, several rows down from the door.

I strained to see if I could pick out the changeling, but even with my taller height the shelves were at least two hooves taller than me.

“Some bastards went and threw an entire haul in here. Lazy ‘pillars, no respect for organization!”

A loud thunk echoed in the spacious room as Coxa presumably threw something heavy on the hive-gel shelf.

“Now, what can I do for ya?” He asked, stepping out from the aisle. When he saw me, his eyes widened and jaw dropped.

‘Coxa doesn’t look like a nymph anymore, he’s a full drone now.’

“Phasma? Ya look like shit!”

I rolled my eyes, “Thanks Coxa. You look utterly unremarkable.”

“Better than looking like shit. Lace ‘n I molted during the expedition. What happened to you? Did you start drinking that stuff that pools down at the entrance to the Underhive?”

“Hi Coxa!”

“Oh, hey Thorax. And why’re you wearing guard armor?”

“To answer your first question, I molted for the first time three weeks ago.”

“And I’m a Praetorian!”

Coxa tilted his head.

“You? A Royal Guard?”

“Praetorian,” I corrected. “I had an open position, and he had a shitty job.”

“Phas says I don’t have to fight, just look pretty.”

‘So he DOES call me Phas!’

Coxa leaned against the shelf next to him and pressed a foreleg to the top of his head.

“Oh, Prince Phasma, have you come to whisk me away too? Here to sweep me off my hooves and take me away to a far off tower?”

“Yes, actually. I need a Steward, my paperwork seems to reproduce every time I leave my office. You’re it until you're dead or I find someone better.”

Coxa dropped his foreleg.

“Dead? The hell kinda paperwork do you got?”

“The kind you drown in. Queen Chrysalis has apparently stepped up the infiltrator’s game when it comes to nabbing resources for the hive, paper especially.

“Ooooh. That explains the shelves of the shit we got up in A4. Why didn’t we start taking more sooner?”

I shrugged, “Chrysalis has been rapidly expanding the infiltrators since a bit before I was hatched. The more drones we have out in the field means we can steal more stuff.”

“Aaaand why have we only expanded the infiltrators recently?”

I threw my hooves in the air. “I dunno! Chrysalis has been dodging the question. Best I can figure is that more infiltrators means a bigger risk of being exposed. Also, we did lower our standards a bit, despite what Intelligencer Ocelli wants us to believe. We used to recruit directly from the Royal Guard, but now we’ve expanded to the whole hive.”

“Is that why we had combat lessons before infiltrator class?”

“You all had combat lessons? And never spoke a word of it?”

Thorax leaned over, “Most changelings do. It’s just that those of us in the class had more. Nothing new, and pretty boring stuff.”

“Why did no one tell me during class?”

“Why bother?” Coxa asked. “It’s really standard stuff. You can’t exactly hold a conversation talking about how you casted a stun spell twenty times today. Or ten in nymphs’ cases.”

“I… suppose so. And we did always have better topics to cover.”

“Like the Swarm. The whole expedition heard you’re reforming the Swarm, how’s that going?”

“Where do you think the paperwork is coming from?”

He looked surprised. “Wait, you want me to help you reform the entire Swarm?”

“Just the paperwork. I’ve done all the groundwork for the reforms. You’ve got an analytical mind, and two extra hooves. So I’m dumping at least half of this on you.”

Coxa looked around the cold warehouse.

“My talents are wasted here…”

I leaned towards Thorax and faux whispered behind a raised hoof, “Should I tell him he doesn’t have a choice in this promotion?”

Thorax smiled, “Phas, you wouldn’t do that to one of us.”

“Alright,” Coxa said.




“You two are horrible,” Thorax moaned.

“Thank you,” we both echoed.

“Back to more important topics,” Coxa interrupted Thorax’s whinging, “Molting doesn’t really explain why you look so… drone-y.”

“I think Mother Dearest was doing things she wasn’t supposed to when I was an egg. That would explain the Nurse's reaction when she claimed ignorance. Dunno, I’ll find out… soon.”

“You got a plan for that?”

“I do.” I quickly casted a glance at Thorax and saw him staring at me, mouth shut. “I’ll tell you about it later.”

“Sure you will. We need to tell my boss that I’m quitting, though.”

“Already handled,” I said while turning towards the door. Thorax followed me by my side, with Coxa bringing up the rear.

When we went down instead of up in the vertical shafts meant for flying, Coxa spoke up.

“Hey, uh, My Prince? Isn’t the… whatever-room-you-work-in up at the top?”

“Yes. Lacewing is down below, though.”

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