• Published 18th Oct 2020
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Changing Expectations - KKSlider

What does it mean to be a Changeling? To the former human Prince Phasma, that means doing what you can to survive and thrive in an utterly alien world.

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23- Yggdrasil

We stopped in front of a nondescript habitation room. It wasn’t even labeled.

“This should be the place,” I said quietly before knocking.

Thorax and I had to weave our way through the block to reach this dead-end hallway, out of sight of most of the rest of the units. With so many turns off the main hallways, it was a miracle we didn’t get lost.

In addition, not being seen entering here is a blessing I did not expect, but I intend to use to its fullest.

Thorax opened his mouth but I cut him off before he could say anything.

“Not here. Wait till we’re inside.”

The door in front of us opened as Oestridae greeted us.

“Thorax? Phasma?”

‘And that’s about as big of a greeting as I will get out of him.’

“Hi Oestridae, may we come in?”

Oestridae stepped aside to let us in, but not before looking me over.

“You’ve… changed,” he said as we stepped into his room.

As expected, it was utterly spartan: somewhat larger than my small room, yet just as bare. He had a desk with a chair on one side, and a bed on the other. The bed had some kind of mattress on it that I guessed was made of a softer substance than the floor, if only marginally.

‘Why does he have a desk? It’s not like we actually have paper to write on freely, or books to read. Is it for eating meals? Doesn't the Greencave grow some supplements for their diet, or something?’

I turned around as Oestridae shut the door behind us.

“Yes, I have. I see you don’t have a roommate? That’s good, we can speak freely for now.”

He nodded, “We can talk in here. Are you well?”

“Yeah Oest, it’s great to see you again,” Thorax said from my side.

“I am as well as expected. I’m sorry I couldn’t contact you sooner, but I’ve been very busy of late.”

“Yes. With the Swarm,” Oestridae spoke plainly.

“You’re with the guard now, right?”


“Aha. That’s good to hear, are you enjoying it more than transportation?”


“Good, good. I have an open position for a personal Praetorian, Thorax here is the one other. Are you interested?”


‘Get this man a Pulitzer award!’

“Fantastic. However, I do need you in the guard for a bit longer. I’ve got a job and it has… risks.” I glanced at Thorax before continuing. He had a questioning expression. “You may end up banished.”

“Is it important?” Oestridae asked.

“Potentially, yes. It could be for nothing, or it could also decide the fate of the hive.”

“I’ll do it.”

“You have been nothing but reliable, Oestridae.”

“You’re telling him to do something that could get him banished?”

“Thorax, I said not to put too much hope in finding alternatives. That was because we were being watched and listened to. Now, we can speak freely: our objective is information that will save the hive. I… I don’t know if what we need is in the vault. But we have to try.”

I nodded towards the chair and the bed, and Thorax and Oestridae took their seats respectively. The height difference was even more noticeable with them sitting.

“As you both know, the Weave holds information up to ninety nine years old. After that, any information important enough to be kept but not important enough to stay on the Weave is recorded and stored in the vault down at the base of the hive. In addition, any information too… radical, is also stored inside.

“Queen Chrysalis rejected the notion of considering alternatives, citing the fact that she already did. That means there are alternatives. They will most likely be held in the vault somewhere. We’re going to see for ourselves just what these alternatives are.”

‘As well as check for the fates of my siblings.’

Oestridae just nodded, but Thorax spoke up.

“Breaching the vault? That’s never been done before. No ‘lings even consider it.”

“Which means its security has never been tested nor improved. Now, I could try to devise a plan to crack through the vault’s impossibly thick exterior. I could also try to figure out its combination, assuming it has one. I could do one of a myriad of impossible things, however, the simplest solution is usually the best solution.”

I pointed at Oestridae, “I need you on guard duty for the vault. I’ll try to provoke Chrysalis into checking the vault’s contents twice. Once so you can scope out the security, I’ll tell you what to look for, and a second time if my theories on the security lines up.”

Thorax waves his hooves in front of him.

“This all sounds very vague and unlikely to work. You have theories on how to crack a vault that you’ve never even seen before? C’mon Phasma, that’s ridiculous, no plan-”

“-Survives contact with the enemy? I know, which is why improvisation might come into play here. I’m hoping it doesn’t, but we’ll burn that bridge when we get to it. Oestridae, you know what to do. I’ll contact you when you manage to start getting assigned to vault detail.”

“And what should I do?” Thorax asked.

“I don’t have a job for you. This is for Oestridae and myself alone, a two person job. If I need to come up with a plan that requires more hooves, I’ll get more from the First Fang, don’t you worry.

“That should be everything. I’m very busy today so I can’t stick around and chat, and I have to drag Thorax here with me when I return to the main hive spire. We’ll see you later, Oest.”

“Take care.”

“Bye Oest!”

We reached the top of the main hive spire and entered the main hall before the throne room.

“Is... are those the Doors of Maxilla the Savior?”

Thorax had stopped and pointed a hoof at the towering doors that made the entryway to the throne room.

“They have a name?”

“C’mon Phasma, don’t you know your history?”

“Queen Maxilla, predecessor to Queen Chrysalis, reorganized the internal societal structure of the hive.”

“You sound like you’re listing off facts from a lecture.”

“... As opposed to?”

“Your teachers never– oh. I forgot. I forgot how young you are.”

“Am I missing something here?”

Thorax walked closer to inspect the massive carved doors.

“None of us drones have personal tutors, Phasma. We all get put in a few lectures a day for our nymphhood in addition to our duties. One of these lectures is the history of the hive, and I'm assuming that Queen Chrysalis didn't go in depth on each subject when teaching you.”

He poured over the details of each door, like they were the answer sheet to an upcoming exam.

“Oh my, I love expositions!”

“Look, the point is Maxilla the Savior saved the hive, hence the name. This is something all nymphs are taught. See there, the crowned changeling standing above the rest? That’s her. And over there, the lines of changelings saluting? That’s when she formed the broods and drastically reduced the hunger crises.”

‘The Savior saved. I’m not going to judge changelings on that nickname, Emperor Aurelien “Restorer of the World” restored order to the Roman world.’

“Sounds straightforward. My lessons never covered anything in great detail.”

“Well, these doors are ancient. And so much detail went into their creation, look at the fins on those guards over there!”

A guard standing next to the door glared at Thorax.

“Is there… no art in the hive like this?”

“No Prince Phasma, not outside the throne room.”

“Well then step aside so they can open up the throne room for us.”

Thorax froze.

“Throne- oh! I get to see the throne room in person!”

The doors slowly swung open in a way that was starting to get on my nerves by this point. Grand slow moving doors are cool the first time they open, but when they’re a part of your daily commute then they’re just a pain in the ass.

Thorax stared at the open gateway, eyes slowly sweeping over the throne room. His eyes lingered first on Chrysalis’s throne, and second on the tapestries that hung from the rafters.

“Come on Thorax,” I said as I passed him. Belatedly, he slowly walked forward, never taking his eyes off the banners.

The throne was empty, Queen Chrysalis was currently in her study doing queen things. This was the period of the day where normally I practiced magic, however with the week delay Chrysalis gave me the time to start implementing my reforms.

‘Mom said it’s my turn on the totalitarian communist throne.’

I was about to lead Thorax into the royal wing and into an empty room that was starting to be used as my own office, however his mind was too far up in the clouds to notice my gesturing.

“Thorax. I’ve got a meeting with Colonel Aphid in…” I casted a simple spell to translate the sun’s position into local time. “Ten minutes. If you want to freak out about the room, get it out of your system quickly.”

'So glad I'm cleared to cast spells again.'

“Ph- Prince Phasma, look at those!” He exclaimed, shaking a hoof at the tapestries that I had seen more times than I can count. Granted, I had only been alive for around 180-200 days, but still.

He pointed a hoof at the leftmost tapestry on the right side of the room, “There’s the first changeling!” True enough, I saw the outline of one at the bottom of the banner made of what looked like vines coming from the sky. The biggest one had a curvy ‘N’ on it. I knew that symbol was the Thread of Together.

Above them, the banner showed different symbols clashing that were not that hard to grasp. Such as a heart being impaled by a nine-pointed star, representing the melding of Love and Magic.

Since changelings lack a common alphabet-- we use Equestrian-- the banners were composed of almost hieroglyphics.

It was easy to see that this was the creation of the world.

“And there, that’s the first disguise!”

The banner on the right was the changeling in between two halves of a sideways double helix. Change, I recalled. Seeing it written down, rather than a nebulous concept on the Weave, made me realize the symbol for change is almost DNA.


“Prince Phasma?” Came a muffled voice from the royal wing. It was Chrysalis, she must have heard Thorax’s excited yelling.

“Wait out here, Thorax. And don’t piss off the other Praetorians.” At their mention, the closest one broke their rigid parade rest to glare at Thorax, before going back to the stance.

I opened the door and entered the royal wing, heading straight for Chrysalis’s office. The door was open, and Queen Chrysalis and Chamberlain Eucharis were inside, looking back at me.

“You called, Queen Chrysalis?”

“Who is the changeling yelling in my throne room?”

“That would be my new Praetorian.”

“Your new Praetorian sounds highly undisciplined.”

“The rapid expansion of the Swarm by the Founding requires that we… lower standards when it comes to recruiting.”

“You did not recruit them from the existing body of the Swarm? What is the name of this changeling you have elevated to the highest martial status capable of an enlisted?”

“... Thorax.”

Eucharis’s head snapped to Queen Chrysalis, “A known rabble-rouser, My Queen! He has received disciplinary sanctions for siding with pony ideology.”

Her eyebrows raised but she did not say anything.

‘She expects a good explanation. Bullshitting powers, go!’

“Yes, he is a dissenter. However, you have bestowed upon me the honor of High Marshal not because I entrench myself in the ways of the old, but for my unique, outside perspective. Thorax is certainly outside perspective. Entropy exists in vacuums, after all. I seek only to emulate your wisdom, Mother.”

“You seek council from your personal guard?”

“I will not be on the front lines, and when I am, your Praetorians will be more than enough to protect me. If a threat makes its way all the way to me, two more guards will not defeat it.”

“Hmmm… Chamberlain, who are the known associates of this dissenter?”

“That would be Prince Phasma, Thorax’s brother Praetorian Pharynx, infiltrator Tarsus, clerk Coxa, grower Lacewing, and guard Oestridae.”

‘Now, did Pharynx tell them that, or did Eucharis assemble that information from retrieving me all those times?’

“A Praetorian’s brother? You believe their lineage possesses the raw skill and talent needed for a Praetorian?”

‘She seems like the kind of ruler to pursue eugenics.’

“The broods remove the opportunity of studying that fact. Perhaps once Equestria has fallen, the broods will be… defunct. If it is, we should begin work improving the drones as soon as possible.”

Chrysalis nodded. “Return to your duties.”

“At once, Mother.”

‘She knows about Thorax far sooner than I had hope, but this is still a victory for me,’ I thought as I swiftly made my exit.

Fearing what the delay cost me, I checked the time again as I headed into the throne room.

“Thorax,” I called out as I came close, “I’m going to have to cut our time together off for today. You are dismissed, we’ll discuss your position tomorrow. Head to the throne room at seven and I will collect you.”

“Oh. I’ll see you later then, Prince Phasma.”

“One more thing. Queen Chrysalis knows about your, ah, accusations put against you. You’ll need to watch what you say around her and the public.”

“Am I in trouble?”

“No, but that answer isn’t enough to stay out of her ire. You have a target on your back already, you have to be careful. I’ll see you tomorrow, Thorax.”

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