• Published 25th Jan 2018
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XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 62: Regret


Chapter 62: Regret

By Wanderer D

Sunset rolled behind a column and glanced at the hallway. The ADVENT Lancer took the bait, rushing out with their electro-stick crackling with energy. Before it got too close, she shot it down with a short burst, and after checking for more opponents and finding none, she motioned for the others to move.

Laetitia let the trooper she had levitated off the floor and impaled with her psychic blades fall several floors down, while Jane stored in her backpack some of the equipment the Captain she had ambushed had dropped when killed.

XCOM had a long standing order to take some of the equipment back with them if it was recoverable, their weapons could only become better if they had more options to modify them with.

They ran up the stairs and onto the next floor, bursting out of the emergency exit and quickly taking covering positions to oversee the area. There were no soldiers that they could see right now, but the enemies from before had come from this floor, so it was likely they were the last patrol.

"This is the right floor, Jane?"

"According to the systems, yes, we should be in the nearest access to it: Emergency exit AA-23. Twilight should be in the Lab… that's room 2187."

"I think I see it," Laetitia said. "Up ahead, right side."

Sunset ran up to the door, and looked at the number on it, nodding. "This is it." She took one side of the door as Jane took the other. The exchanged glances and nodded.

Sunset pushed the door open and made her way in, doing a quick sweep of the room with her shotgun, and immediately spotting the cells. "Cover the entrance!"

She made her way through checking behind tables for hidden opponents until she was right in front of Twilight, who had stood up with wide eyes.

"Sunset…" Twilight whispered, eyes shimmery with tears. "Please… check on Kevin…"

Sunset gulped, and waved to Jane to come over and start hacking the door as she moved over to check on the other missing soldier. A part of her felt bad that his safety hadn't even crossed her mind, and another part realized that it was a normal thing to put those you know ahead of others.

Still. He was a fellow soldier. It took her one look to know. At some point, Kevin had used his remaining strength and body weight to kill himself in a moment of desperation. He wasn't breathing, and the position he was in wouldn't have allowed for oxygen to get through.

"How is he?" Twilight asked. There was an undertone to her question. As if she already knew the answer.

Sunset shook her head. "It's better if you don't look, Twilight."

"I… expected that," Twilight sighed. "I tried to calm him, but he was… just too far gone. It didn't help that he was so terrified of the Assassin…"

She had expected the young alicorn to break down, but Twilight had taken a deep shuddering breath and reigned herself in. It was odd. That… earlier pride (and fear) for Twilight had not diminished at all, and now that she was holding herself up with such aplomb.

Twilight caught Sunset's look and smiled sadly. "I'll have time to mourn later… for all of them." Her eyes went wide. "The Assassin! She's here, Sunset, and not only that she's—she's a siren!"

Sunset gasped. "What? But they were destroyed centuries ago by Starswirl!"

Twilight nodded. "I know, but it all matched, and when I confronted her with the information… she never denied it. In fact, she said that Starswirl had simply exiled them into this world."

Sunset shook her head, pulling off her backpack and fishing out the package that Bradford had given her. She gazed at the small container, a deep part of her urging it to keep it to herself… a part with long, black claws, red, demonic skin, horns, wings and fangs.

"Here," she choked out, giving Twilight the package. "Y-You might need it. Especially if Aria is around."

"Aria?" Twilight took it, unveiling…

"A crown?" Jane asked.

"Not just any crown…" Sunset said. "Twilight's crown." She reached and stopped Twilight from putting it on. "Not yet… we won't use it if we can avoid it. Aria is the assassin's real name… she gets annoyed if you say it, but keep your element at hand. If she comes after us, you might need it."

"And speaking of things we might need," Laetitia said from across the room, she smirked and stepped away from the small closet that Twilight had noticed earlier. "I think I found your gun and armor, rookie."

"Team Alpha, this is team Bravo," Annette's voice came through the comms. "We encountered the assassin, and she has been taken care of."

Sunset let Laetitia assist Twilight in setting up, turning to look out the small lab window and looking down. "Roger that, Bravo. We have our package. I see hostiles gathering below, including some heavy mechs. What floor are you at?"

"Thirtieth floor."

"Understood, we're high enough to not be affected, so we'll be giving them the first present. We're just a couple of floors below you. Stay at your location, we'll meet you there and proceed to evac."

"Understood, Lieutenant."

Sunset turned just as Twilight finished strapping on the last of her armor and took up her rifle. "Alright! Jane, do you think if we deliver the present right now we'll be affected?" She glanced at their specialist's GREMLIN with some concern.

Jane hummed, "No, the area of effect for that device shouldn't really get all the way up here. It's designed to affect a small area, after all. It's one of Shen's prototypes for small grenade-sized EMPs. Wouldn't be of great use if they shut us down as well."

"Then you know what to do," Sunset said as she motioned for the others to follow. "We need to make sure they don't follow us in yet."

"Roger that," Jane said, pressing a couple of buttons. The only sign that it had worked was that the whole building went dark.

Sunset nodded. "I'll take point, Jane, you're with Twilight. Laetitia, you're in the back."


"Let's go meet the others and get the hell out of this place."

She was in the void again, body-less, weightless and drifting in purple, blue and red energy waves that carried her consciousness through the infinite.

Before the return of XCOM, she had only been there once, ten years or so ago, when she had been Chosen.

She remembered how the Elders had tried to control them. How it hadn't worked, but they had played along.

Flashes of memories past echoed in the void.

"Yes… just relax, Annette, join the others… try to find XCOM."

Was there regret? Aria wasn't sure.

"Aria… I'm scared… what I saw… those people in that base… were they really enemies? Their friends turned on them because we told them… Aria… are we doing the right thing?

What place was there for regret now? After she had sent dozens of humans that looked up to her and her sisters for protection to be processed by the aliens?

"Please! Aria! Please! Don't let them take me! We're friends! Do—"


"You must have found kindness… somewhere."

That stupid pony-turned human. What did she know?

Maybe Equestria had changed a little, but it didn't change the way they had been treated. They had been hunted down and attacked because of their dietary needs. They were not safe in the sea, nor in land.

They had attempted to ask for protection from one of the unicorn tribes, but ponies feared everything that wasn't equestrian in nature… and not just that. They hated and feared each other too.

Because some could fly.

Because some could cast magic.

Because some were linked to the world beneath.

The ponies she remembered were paranoid, excitable and fearful. Eager to destroy that which inconvenienced their perception of the world. They would rather run away or, if they could, attack, than attempt to communicate.

Much like humans.

"He's my friend!"

No compassion. That was the motto.

At one point in their long lives, she and her sisters had given up on peace and simply attacked when hungry. There had been no further attempt to reason with the fearful creatures, who had proven not only to be unwilling, but completely incapable of empathy with others.

Aria remembered well how things had started with deep moments of shock, then hunger settled in and slowly their empathy for the foul ponies had grown thin, then it was gone. None of them, even when facing death had—

"At least… tried to find common ground!"

Aria snorted. What did Twilight know?

"You couldn't have done any worse than Nightmare Moon and Discord!"

Nightmare Moon? That name meant nothing to Aria, but Discord… Discord did. The Lord of Chaos was a monster even they feared. Was Twilight implying they had somehow… befriended him? Impossible!

What Twilight had suggested had to be a lie. Starswirl had proven that they had as much respect and compassion for those different than themselves as an anvil had for a blade being forged on it. What could have Twilight or the Blood Witch done?

"Something! Anything! We would have found a peaceful way to solve our differences if we tried! You didn't need to be exiled away from everything you knew!"

Aria felt anger at those words.

Trust. Why trust when you always were betrayed? Why trust when you would always betray?

"You say I changed… but so did you. For the worse. I'll meet you again in the battlefield anytime, Aria. Say hello to your sisters."

Seeing Annette had been a surprise. When XCOM was destroyed, Aria had searched for the psionic signature of her former friend. But there was nothing.

She had thought Annette was dead. Another betrayal. Another victim of a predator such as herself.

Remorseless. The voice, familiar echoed in the void. That is what you are now. No regret. No hesitation. You belong to us.

They had traded their freedom when Exalt had discovered them. True "immortals", if only in the sense that they didn't die unless violently killed.

It had been a costly battle for Exalt, to get them to a standstill. And then… and then he had stepped in.

He understood that the three of them were not to be servants or killed. He understood their ambition. And he had guided them to Exalt, not as grunts, or experiments or disposable forces… but as leaders.

As equals.

There had been no attempt from him to befriend them. Or pretend to. He never promised anything that didn't benefit him, which made him reliable.

And so… when they joined, he had promised.

"We will be Chosen," he had whispered to Aria, Sonata and Adagio. "Us. Not this rabble that serves no purpose but to create distractions. Come. Let me introduce you to our allies… those that seek to control us, but will only give us the power to raise beyond them."

She felt a sense of falling, pinpricks all around as her body was reformed. She appeared in a storm of psionic energy, kneeling in front of her Tablet. And as soon as she had, in a flash of magic, her pendant materialized.

She grinned, taking it quickly, just as the expected, angry summon from the Elders crashed into her mind. But she had her pendant now, and she sent back through it thoughts.

Thoughts of fear and thoughts of devotion.


The Elders did not understand magic. They couldn't even truly sense it. They just knew what she and the other chosen chose to share.
Sure, they would "punish" The Assassin for failing with an intensely painful push of psychic energy. But she was not theirs.

Not truly.

Not ever.


Aria grinned, licking her serrated teeth with her long tongue. She wasn't terribly fond of this body… not over her original, beautiful siren body… but it terrified lesser creatures. And one day it would terrify her "masters" as well.

She frowned. At least until he stopped blindly obeying them.

But for now, she had to answer the summons.

o.0.o End Chapter 62 o.0.o

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