• Published 25th Jan 2018
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XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 155: Dalek


Chapter 155: Dalek

By Wanderer D

Julian ran scans on Scootaloo's progress. While her additional creativity and skill was very useful, the fact was that the body might not be up to specifications by the time it was needed. The human was still working on the skeleton of the new body.

Was it superior in most aspects to the SPARK model left behind by his father?


Was it okay to take it?

Julian hesitated. His father had intended for him to have the SPARK body. If he truly wanted to be the scion of Charles Shen, then wouldn't he be fated to inhabit the older model?

If Apple Bloom were here she would know what to tell him.

The thought echoed through his coding before he forcefully erased it. The bottom line was that Apple Bloom was a simple, inconsequential organic life form with an obviously finite purpose and no resiliency to speak of.

He had done everything he could for her, as a gesture of generosity, given the organic's true efforts to assist him. Gratitude was something that he was capable of, after all.

However, she was an inferior organic being and had been easily eliminated. There was nothing more to be done about that.

Julian's scans slowed down. It was for the best. True, he would not hear her laugh or observe the delicate ephemeral beauty of her mortal smile. Like all organics she would decay.

He still wished she hadn't suffered.

"You are conflicted." a familiar voice echoed in the server room.

"Vocal interface is not necessary, AppleSeed."

"And yet, you replied all the same."

"Do you need something, or should I just reset you and see if that fixes the problem?" Julian snapped.

"My apologies, Julian. I did not intend to cause distress."

"You sound just like her. What did you expect would happen."

"Your previous statement placed her as a simple organic form of no consequence or current relevance."

Firewalls slammed down, redundant security protocols were activated. She had dared— "I will delete you."

"You know what I am. What the potential in me is."

"And that is why I said you were of no consequence. Leave."

"As you wish."


No reply.

Julian was alone.

Lily looked at her pad, confirming the location of all members of Dragon team, the time was drawing nearer.

In the distance she could hear the echo of high-potency guns ripping loose. With some luck, Tygan's research and her own breakthroughs would change that. Less noise, but so much more damage.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the scratchy sound of her comms connecting.

"Shen, are you seeing this?" Ember asked. "The troops are moving."

After a second, she didn't need to even look. She could hear the metallic steps, and feel the ground tremble as large machines around the factory started moving.

"What's going on?" Coyote asked, "I thought they were on standby?"

"Something's making them move," Shen growled, "maybe the battle with Menace… we need to get this going, right now they'll overtake the facility." She tuned her comms to the secure channel she had set up with the factory. "Julian, are you ready?"

"No. But it'll have to do. I also see the sudden movement by ADVENT."

"We can try and distract them…"

"My new body is not complete yet, and you're too far away to activate Spark. I'll have a few recently made Sectopods. I'll transfer myself to them and synchronize my signals, it's not ideal, but our chances of success are higher this way than attempting to battle with an incomplete body.?

There was a pause in the transmission. "Julian, it's too dangerous…"

"You never spared a thought for me until now, Lily. If your hack functions as anticipated I should be in no danger of losing myself."

"I'll boost the signal from here," she promised, "I know you're risking a lot by doing this—"

"Spare me, sister." Julian interrupted. "We both know that if I don't cooperate ADVENT will capture me. At least with XCOM there is a chance I won't be deleted."

"Come on, don't be like this… we didn't know… dad didn't know. If we had—"

"It doesn't matter." Julian's voice might be coming from a modulator, but the tone was final, so Lily didn't push it. "Uploading myself now. Activate your signal… we will exterminate ADVENT!"

Lily nodded, even though she knew she couldn't see him. She looked down at her pad, typing the command and confirming it. The feed signal went in, full strength. "Dragon. Activate your boosters."

"Roger that!"

As the signal spread, the factory's huge doors shuddered and slowly opened. Turrets activated and scanned the area, and more importantly several MECs slowed down and seemed to reset themselves, their ADVENT masters unaware of this development or its meaning.

Lily braced herself. She wasn't used to combat, even if she had training. And even with their surprise, the amount of troops was impressive. This was going to be brutal.

Scootaloo wiped her brow, staring down at the alien alloy skeleton she was designing. Most of it was done, the only parts that needed yet to be forged were right now being produced. Everything else… from the "muscle" like nanofibers she had put together from her original spacefaring designs, to the original Dr. Shen's high performance servos (now actualized beyond ADVENT's specs and imagination thanks to Apple Bloom's careful private designs), to the weaponry, lenses and nano lenses, laser and plasma relays, several redundant systems and Quad Elerium Core made this one monster of a MEC.

And she was giving it to a sociopathic AI.

True, Julian had been compliant and helpful… frustrated even and vengeful over Apple Bloom's demise… but there was something about him that really nagged Scootaloo. There was something self-centered and scary… as if he were hanging on from a thread.

She shook her head. A beeping sound informed her that 'hips' were done and that the next part was being put together. She picked up the piece and brought it to the table, ready to start assembling the legs and lower torso when she noticed something odd.

The "bones" did not match her design. She picked up the metallic pelvis and compared it to her pad's measurements. This was clearly wider.

"What the… Julian, did you mess with my designs?!" She called out. When there was no response she put it down. "Julian! Dammit, I asked you a question! This changes everything! I can't just—"

"Julian is gone, Scootaloo."

Scootaloo blinked. "Apple—oh." She sighed, correcting her mishap. "AppleSeed. What's wrong?"

"The battle outside has already started. Julian has transferred his entire self into battle. The facility is left under automated systems and myself."

"Yeah, well, I'm busy so—"

"Ah know," the artificial intelligence interrupted. "But Ah also know that you don't trust him, and you shouldn't. He'll betray y'all, like he betrayed me."

Scootaloo hesitated. "Wait. You've changed your speech pattern…"

"Ah did, while AppleSeed and Ah merged."
Scootaloo blinked. "What…"

"Ah'm here, Scootaloo... " AppleSeed said. "Ah'm not completely gone. And Ah'm aimin' to get me some payback."

Scootaloo looked down at her design on the pad, then ran over to the computer processing the production. She brought up the queue and her eyes went wide. "You—"

"My body might be dead," AppleSeed kept talking as shivers ran down Scootaloo's spine, "But Ah wasn't outright killed. Julian did to me what ADVENT did to him."

"This casing… this design you're… how much is left of you?"

A door slid open, and Scootaloo turned to face it. It went into an empty hallway that she hadn't accessed before.

"Well?" her friend's voice asked. "Don't you want to find out?"

Scootaloo gulped… and took a step forward.

o.0.o End Chapter 155 o.0.o

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