• Published 25th Jan 2018
  • 21,442 Views, 9,179 Comments

XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 185: Fugue


Chapter 185: Fugue

By Wanderer D


Susan Cerendis had been just a kid when the aliens attacked. She had watched on TV when the aftermath of the alien's warship attack on Canterlot City had happened, and she had been in awe of the bravery of reporters who would put themselves at risk to cover the invasion, and later on the riots, wars and finally ADVENT's glory.

She had graduated from her communications college and gone straight to work with the greats of the ADVENT network: Sweetie Belle, John Garcia, Delmonico Richardson and others. She had seen the glory of the Elders early in her life; recognized them for what they were: salvation, and the destruction of those that would not conform.

The Elder's blatant elitism was—to her—a blessing. What better way to keep the human race pure than to get rid of the fringe elements? The ones that scraped and wanted a life that they had no right to at all? Human or not, if they lived outside of the glory of ADVENT they were barely better than beasts.

And if they fought against the Elders and their chosen ones? Then they were less than beasts. At least beasts didn't know what they were doing. These fringe resistance groups that would dare raise their fists against the Elders were the trash of the universe. Filth.

And she took pleasure in describing them so.

When she had been invited to cover the Wittbecker event, she had been ecstatic. She got to interview the very people who had given the Elders the power to dominate and exalt mankind. She aimed to prove that she was as much chosen as they had been, and among the literal legends walking into that mansion, she had witnessed a vision of beauty and sexuality like no other.

She had felt her blood rush at the mere glance Eli Bloom had thrown her way, and then when she had whispered into Susan's ear to meet her inside… she'd almost creamed herself right there.

It had been a drag, waiting for guests to arrive, until finally, she had been allowed inside along with other ADVENT reporters. She had immediately searched the party, trying to find the alluring creature that had all but promised to make her entire night even better, and managed to catch a glimpse of Eli sneaking past some guards.

She had pondered what to do when Mr. Wittbecker himself had gone in and shortly after emerged. The guards had followed him a bit further into the party, and she had taken her chance. Not only was she going to be alone with the delectable Eli Bloom, but she also would get to see the mansion!

She had heard the voices as she approached the doors. Eli's sensual voice was unmistakable, but the other… it felt off.

She had debated what to do, when she was suddenly enveloped in some sort of powerful field, and had been dragged into the room to float, helplessly, in the powerful grasp of one of the Elder's Chosen.

Susan had seen them before, introduced by the Speaker himself during an event. They hadn't stayed long, but the fact that Eli was talking comfortably with one of them—

"You would dare spy on us, human?" the Warlock hissed.

Immediately she realized what it looked like, as if she had been spying on Eli and the Warlock himself, like some sort of free-press miscreant! "I-I didn't!" she promised, "I'm a loyal servant of the Elders! I would never spy on you!"

"Then why are you here?" The Warlock asked, his eyes narrowing.

Desperate for help, she turned to Eli, silently begging her to say something.

The Warlock snorted, drawing her attention back to him. "A weakling would fall for a siren's spell," he said, his smirk turning into a sneer. "Let me teach you the power of the Elders, so that you remember your place in the future."

Susan watched in horror as he started closing his fist, and she felt the power around her grow tight. He was going to crush her! Out of the corner of her eye she saw Eli roll her eyes and wave at her… and suddenly the power was gone. She collapsed on the floor, breathing heavily,

"Now, now," she heard Eli say playfully, "I did ask her to meet with me somewhere private…" Susan saw the young woman look at her with eyes that promised a long night of pleasure. "She's pretty enough to eat."

Whatever was happening was outside of Susan's understanding, that was for sure. Eli seemed to be on the same level at least as the Warlock, able to just dismiss his power and talk to him as an equal… something that just didn't fit with Susan's world view. What had the Warlock called Eli? A siren?

She felt hands caress her, and she felt her blood boil. She flushed as her body reacted to the woman's presence behind her. She pressed her body back against her captor—for she was as much in her grasp as she had been in the Warlock's power—and felt every inch that was touching the sensual creature, this siren…

Eli's finger traced Susan's neck, sending shivers of pleasure. Just her touch, the other woman's hand on her stomach was enough for her to nearly reach her peak. She couldn't talk, her life was a sensual, erotic, goosebump-inducing ecstacy emanating from the touch of her not-quite-lover.

"Hmm… you feel delicious."

Susan's body started convulsing at those words, climaxing just by sheer proximity and erotic magnetism. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she gasped. She could feel every inch of her skin reacting, every muscle twitching. She ignored the next exchange of words, lost in a lustful bliss… until she heard the song next to her ear.

It was in an alien language, a whispery, shadowy and seductive cadence, that oddly enough seemed to carry within it another voice. She came, again, and again; her body feeling like it was going to become undone…


It was true that for about twenty years, Bradford had been avoiding soldiering, but as his training of Sunset and other missions had proven (including the infamous meeting with the not-so-mysterious DJ), he was far from losing his edge, and after the return of XCOM, he had trained up to a very close personal best.

So when the wall exploded, his reaction time was on par with Elena's. They both dodged behind the table, Elena jumping clean over it, Bradford sliding across and dropping plates full of delicacies on the floor.

"What the hell was that?!" He shouted over the smoke and screams. He ignored the people around him that had also ducked behind the table and quickly pressed the device signaling Firebrand that they needed and emergency pickup. Hopefully Lieutenant Dash would not be taking a nap at that time.

More screams made them both look up as dozens of people fled to the entrance, but before they could make it, a dark red, almost liquid-like tentacle shot from the hallway and speared the three people closest to the doors.

The bodies convulsed violently, and Bradford was treated to the sight of three people bulging up and bursting into bloody chunks. Even more horribly, the blood didn't just splatter-it took a mist-like property that enveloped the next group of people, who also faced the same fate as the initial trio.

Dark, swirly miasma seemed to grow from the corners of the room, covering windows and stairs; doors and whole areas of the floor. It was clear that touching them was an invitation to die.

"What is happening!?" A voice shouted behind him, making him turn around and stare dumbly at Wittbecker, who stared around in gaping horror.

Bradford exchanged glances with Elena. Their VIP was right there, but there was no way out. As if in response to their observation, the whole house trembled, and from the hallway heading down to the kitchen, a shape emerged. Laetitia, still in her chef's outfit, ran out, with Jane in a fireman's carry. She stopped at the stairs, looking around in horror, before spotting them and heading their way.

"Laetitia!" Bradford went over to help with Jane. "What's going on?"

"There is no time!"

The voice was not Laetitia's. "Hurry now!" the woman turned as thumping steps slowly grew in strength from the darkness within the hole. "We must escape! I will secure an exit!"

The shouting and panic continued as more people were suddenly speared, and the most horrific thing was that Bradford couldn't really make out if they were crying out in pain or ecstasy before exploding into bloody mist.

Bradford almost jumped when Wittbecker landed at his feet, panicked and confused. Elena stepped close to them. "What is our exit strategy?"

"Trying to escape already? But we are just getting started!" a husky, mocking voice called. Bradford felt the hair on the back of his neck raise as they all turned to face the creature emerging from the hole.

Red, scaly skin covered every inch of her almost naked body. A large, blood-red gem glowed with what he could only describe as unholy light on the creature's chest, above its breasts. Her smile was wide-too wide, with rows of shark-like teeth. Two black, spiraling horns emerged from her forehead, twisting back above her head. Her arms, long and muscular ended in wicked claws, her digitigrade legs ended in black-tipped talons, and a long, barbed tail extended behind her, completing the look with the two, bat-like wings made of blood that extended behind it.

On one of her claws, she held what looked like the empty husk of what had, at one point, been a human being. It was little more than skin, making it almost impossible to identify the victim, although he was fairly certain that had once been the reporter that had bothered him outside.

The demon laughed, more bloody spears shooting from its wings to impale a pair of ADVENT guards. Outside, they could hear the attempts from others to get in, but for now they were all trapped.

The demon's green eyes locked on them, and its wings drooped a little. Bradford choked on his orders. "S-sunset?" he gasped.

Laetitia—or whoever it was—grasped his shoulder, drawing him back to the others. "That is not Sunset Shimmer. Not anymore," she growled. "We're getting out now!"

The last thing Bradford saw was the demon raising an almost pleading claw to him, for just an instant, before they were all enveloped in Moonlight.

o.0.o End Chapter 185 o.0.o

Author's Note:

Remember that there's currently an AMA for Ranger going on, expect answers on Friday!

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