• Published 25th Jan 2018
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XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 19: Orders


Chapter 19: Orders

By Wanderer D

With Sunset's magic gone, the door splintered when it was viciously kicked open by Applejack. "Alright! Where is she?!"

The scene they encountered was that of Celestia looking at a mirror in horror, while Cadance and several guards helped Princess Luna up. There was no sign of either Twilight, or the pony she had been chasing. "What the hay happened here?"

"Did that unicorn take Luna down?" Rainbow's voice was a mix of excitement and incredulity.

"She used unexpected tactics," Luna muttered, rubbing her face where a bruise had formed under her coat and wincing. "The blood witch will never be so lucky again."

"Who was that pony anyway?" Rarity asked. "She made such a mess of that poor guard back there…"

Cadance and Celestia exchanged worried looks, before the former walked up to Rarity. "I'll go help him out. Is he okay?"

"Yes," Rarity responded. "Our dear Fluttershy was kind enough to help set everything right and pronounced him mostly okay, although he still hasn't woken up yet."

"I'll go check on him… you can talk to them, auntie," Cadance said, putting words into action and leaving the room in a hurry.

"Um… where's Twilight?" Fluttershy finally asked.

Celestia grimaced. "She's on the other side of the mirror."

"Well, we know where we're going, then," Applejack stated, walking towards it, but stopped when Celestia stepped in front of it, blocking their path.

"I'm afraid you can't," the princess said. "Twilight and the Element of Magic are already gone, and it will be up to her to retrieve her crown and return… I can't risk anypony else going through that mirror, especially in light of what Sunset said."

"Sister, surely you cannot expect your former apprentice to help Twilight Sparkle back. Your former student is a Blood Witch!"

"That… doesn't sound good," Spike said faintly.

"It is not," Celestia replied, shaking her head. "Blood Magic was banned from Equestria centuries ago."

"For good reason," Luna added, "for it is a foul magic that will transform the user into a monster. It changes your soul, as you slowly feed off the life-force of other beings to give yourself power. You are eventually consumed by it, and turned into a Blood Wraith, a shadow of your former self, bent on the destruction of others for your own pleasure."

"Meep!" Fluttershy hid behind Applejack, who looked a bit sick.

"And you want us to stay here while Twilight fights a Blood Witch?" Rainbow Dash asked, incredulous. "Are you insane?"

"While I do not think you have lost control of your faculties in the centuries since my incarceration, I do have to wonder what your logic behind leaving your student to fare on her own is, sister," Luna added, looking at Celestia with some concern.

"I trust Sunset," Celestia said after a moment, turning to glance at the mirror.

"The Blood Witch?!" Luna asked. "But how-why? She just betrayed you!"

"Didn't you hear what she said, Luna?" Celestia asked softly. "She hasn't lost herself… and she took the forbidden book over three years ago."

"That is hardly enough proof…"

"She healed me," a voice rasped off to the side.

The ponies turned around, facing a guard, lying on his side, who coughed.

"You're part of my entourage," Celestia said, getting closer.

"T-that's right, your highness," the guard responded. "When-when she first arrived, we heard a bang and noise in this room, so we rushed in to check…" he shuddered and groaned. "I rushed her, not thinking about any real danger and she…" he gulped. "She cut me open."

Everypony gasped.

"You seem to be in fairly good condition for somepony who was sliced through," Luna noted dryly.

"He's telling the truth, Princess," the other guard said. "I know when you found us, we were simply paralyzed by the blood magic, but Stout here was split open and bleeding to death."

Applejack looked green and Rainbow Dash had to swallow, hard. Fluttershy had to sit down, feeling faint. Rarity swayed and would have landed hard were it not for Spike catching her and breaking the fall.

"But… she healed him," the other guard continued.

"I could see her eyes," Stout added, shaking his head. "She was saying things about how she would have cut me in half had she been paying attention, and such…" he shuddered. "But… I could see the relief in her face when her magic worked and I started healing. She was right, though…" He laughed a little. "It really hurts."

"How can you just laugh it off like that?!" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Because I'm too glad to be alive." The guard leaned back, resting his head against the wall. "Sunset, was it? Was right in one thing at least… she could have killed us easily. Her sword cut through my armor as if it wasn't there… and had she used it against the princess…" he shuddered.

Luna straightened up at that, but shook her head and turned to look at Celestia, when the latter smiled gently and opened her mouth to say something. "Oh no you don't." Luna interrupted her sister, before she had a chance to make one of her infamous 'my little pony' speeches. "Even if she healed him, it's still assault, and need I remind you that she used forbidden magic on Equestrian ground; froze public servants; stole a powerful, magical artifact; and severely injured another guard?"

"I know," Celestia conceded, glancing at the mirror. "Sunset has much to answer for… but is it so strange that I am glad to see another that I thought lost returned?"

Luna sighed. "I suppose not, but sister, don't let your feelings for your former student blind you. What she did is unforgivable, and it will eventually consume her."

"We shall see what Princess Twilight has to say about that when she returns," Celestia said. "We must trust her… and for what it's worth, give Sunset a modicum of trust as well."

"Why?" Applejack asked, exasperated. "After all that?"

"Because her words were honest," Celestia said firmly. "At least, I felt them so… she was truly desperate, and thought that the Element of Magic was the only thing she could use to save lives." She glanced at Luna. "Does that sound like somepony who has lost their way in blood magic, sister?"

Luna shook her head warily. "That she comes from a place of conflict, where her life and that of others is constantly at risk... I cannot deny," she said softly, touching her face with a wince. "She showed no fear or hesitation once her decision to fight was made… against three alicorns and four armed guards, no less."

She looked at the injured guards. "That she has not succumbed to the blood magic yet, given her choice to not leave a trail of dead ponies... I can concede."

She turned to look at Celestia in the eye. "That you would—despite all evidence—give her your trust to the extent of keeping Princess Twilight safe…" Luna trailed off, glancing at the mirror. "I can only hope, sister, that your hope and trust are not ill-conceived."

'Two less than ideal landings are never a good thing,' Sunset decided, groaning as she pushed herself up. She was back in her human body, armor in place, magic full, magical item secure and…

"Crap." Sunset muttered when the girl on the floor groaned and pushed herself up to all fours.

"Wha-" the girl gasped, her purple hair waving behind her as she looked around frantically at the state of everything around her. "Where am I?!" She caught sight of Sunset's legs and looked up to see her face.

"Who-who are you!?" she asked, recoiling from Sunset and raising a hand protectively. She immediately gasped again and looked at her body, eyes widening in panic before screaming her lungs out.

That was all that Sunset needed to launch herself at the princess, covering her mouth with a hand and looking around in panic. "Are you fucking stupid?!" she hissed, looking around in horror.

To her relief there was no moaning or groaning from nearby Lost. She glared at Twilight. "Listen, I get you're not used to this, but if I hear you scream like that again, I will knock you out! Do you understand?!"

Twilight's eyes were wide and she nodded quickly. After making sure that Twilight looked a bit calmer, Sunset let her go.

Twilight's eyes were a bit teary at the threat of violence, but as she studied Sunset's face, her eyes widened in recognition. "Wait… you're that unicorn that stole my Element!"

"Borrowed," Sunset clarified, "and keep your voice down. The last time I was here there were Lost, ADVENT troops, Alien Rulers and Chosen around, hunting us."

Twilight licked her lips, looking around fearfully.

"Look, the mirror should still be active," Sunset said gently, now that the magic rush was lessened, she also had less interest in being forceful. "Just go back to Equestria, Princess, this is really no place for you… or anypony."

She saw the princess' eyes narrow in determination, and sure enough…

"Give me my crown, and I'll go back."

"I need it," Sunset said, frowning. "You don—"

"Corporal Shimmer, is that you?"

Sunset grew pale so quickly that Twilight looked behind her, expecting a monster to be about to jump on them. When nothing appeared, she turned to look curiously at the former unicorn. "What's going on—" Twilight started to ask, but Sunset's frantic waving shushed her.

"Um... yes, Commander, it's me."

Twilight raised an eyebrow.

"I see you brought a friend."

"She's not my friend, Commander just… um, a civilian I encountered."

"In the middle of a battlefield? In an abandoned city? Wearing a school uniform from twenty years ago?"

Each question made Sunset cringe. "Yes?"

There was a pause. "Let me speak to her."

"Commander, that is probably not a good idea right now, an—"

"Now, Corporal."

Sunset gritted her teeth and her body trembled, but she slowly removed her earpiece and motioned Twilight to get closer.

Curious, the princess leaned in, and allowed Sunset to put the device in her ear. "What is—"


"Meep!" Twilight fell back in surprise before looking around, trying to find the origin of the voice. A few seconds later, the whole thing clicked in her mind and she gingerly touched the piece on her ear. "Um… hello?"

"May I have your name?"

"T-twilight Sparkle, your highness," Twilight replied, feeling nervous at the tone of absolute authority in the other person's voice.

Sunset smacked her face.

"I'm not royalty, miss Sparkle. And I have little time to waste, and so do you. Before I talk to Corporal Shimmer, let me explain your situation, since you seem unfamiliar with what's been going on. You are currently in a war-zone. You are surrounded by enemy forces that will not hesitate to kill you. If you wish to survive, you will follow Corporal Shimmer's orders to the letter, am I understood?"

Twilight nodded, then remember the Commander was not around to see that. "Um, yes, but—"


"Um… C-corporal Shimmer stole something very valuable an—"

"I will make sure she is dealt with appropriately," the Commander interrupted. "For now, if you both wish to live, follow her commands."


"If you could please pass the communicator back to Corporal Shimmer, we will discuss your situation more thoroughly in person," the Commander said and Twilight quickly took the earpiece out, giving it to Sunset.

Sunset rubbed her temples and took it, putting it on her ear. "Yes, Commander?"

"You are to escort Miss Sparkle with you to the pick up coordinates. We will speak about what happened in the Avenger. Any questions?"

"If… Miss Sparkle were to say, disappear…"

"Then you'd better make her reappear just as fast, Corporal. Do not fail…" there was a hesitance there that Sunset didn't like. "Laetitia would like to see you… you don't have time to dally, Sunset."

Sunset's stomach went icy cold.

"The coordinates have been sent. Firebrand is already on her way. XCOM out."

Sunset stumbled back, but was surprisingly helped by Twilight, who had moved forth and caught her rather awkwardly in her arms. The princess helped Sunset stand up more firmly.

"Are you okay?" Twilight asked.

Sunset strode past her and touched the base of the statue. It was solid. She turned around and faced Twilight. "No. No… I'm not. Come on… follow me."

o.0.o End Chapter 19 o.0.o

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