• Published 25th Jan 2018
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XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 102: Gangsters


Chapter 102: Gangsters

By Wanderer D

The view was fantastic.

For miles around, in fact, as far as the eye could see—save for the slight, almost invisible piece of track that emerged from the dense jungle—the only visible thing was trees, wild land and more trees. Far to the East, what might've been the sea could be spotted in the horizon.

That places such as these existed was a miracle onto itself, and spoke in favor of the reality that whatever the Elders were looking for on Earth was… it definitely wasn't natural resources. And yet, just like the benevolent image they gave to the citizens of their conquered world, so too was the mountainside Sunset and the others found themselves atop deceiving in nature, as it hid within it one of Earth's mightiest enemies.

Elena guided them, her hand holding a GPS device of impossible accuracy, until they stood in a semi-flat area of the mountain of no particular note.

"According to the structural blueprints, this is the location," she said, marking the place with an 'x' drawn with the tip of her boot.

"Well, time to find out if this whole thing was for nothing…" Jane muttered, kneeling down and fishing out explosives out of her backpack. "You guys get the ropes ready and secure, I'll plant the explosives."

"Are you sure this is the best place?" Annette asked, fishing out her rope.

Jane nodded, giving her a slightly annoyed glance. "Yeah. It wasn't just me selecting it either, Shen, Tygan, Security and Jaws were with me. We studied the whole structure, if we blow this spot, it's perfect for my GREMLIN to shut down most of the security and lock the upper rooms from backup."

Annette nodded. "So as soon as we're in…"

Jane grinned. "The cameras go dark."

A little further away, Laetitia noticed that Sunset kept frowning and looking around, as if something was going to creep out of the mountain and attack them. "Are you okay, Sunset?"

"Um? Oh yeah…" Sunset took a deep breath, standing up, rope in hand, smiling confidently at the others. "I just… I have a sense of… something going on here… magical, maybe."

The others shared concerned looks. "Does the Assassin… can she use Equestrian magic like you or Twilight?" Annette asked. "Because if so, she's never revealed that."

Sunset shook her head. "Not that I know of… and you'd know better than I, in any case. It's… something else, a sense of… echoes? I don't know how to explain it. Two levels of existence…" She rolled her shoulders trying to figure out what she was sensing. "Voices? Not… invasive, it's not an attempt at mental control…"

"I can't sense anything in our vicinity," Laetitia said, glancing at Annette, who also shook her head.

Sunset sighed. "Come on, it might be nothing… let's just get started… this place is just giving me the creeps."

Once they had secured the ropes, and they were far enough and behind cover, Jane looked at the others and nodded. "Let's start the fun."

The explosion echoed in the still air of the mountain, while dust and tiny pieces of rock rained around them. They didn't wait.

"Go, go, go!" Sunset shouted, taking her rope and jumping into the hole the had blown open. She activated her blood sight and looked around as she descended, making sure there were no enemies in sight.

There were.

But they were not prepared for XCOM to come down crashing on them.

As she slid down the rope, she opened fire on a stunned Lancer, the alien alloys from her shard gun piercing through his armor like it was made of paper and splattering blood on top of the other two ADVENT troopers.

They started running for cover—of which there was plenty in the small warehouse-like room they had burst into—but the surprise attack gave the base invaders a definite advantage. Annette fired her sniper rifle as she descended, piercing one Trooper through the head, while Jane and Elena's shots finished off the last ADVENT member.

Soon enough, Menace was spread out all over the room.





"Aaaand…" Jane muttered… "Dark!" she announced as her GREMLIN beeped in confirmation. "Ha! Those hours spent with the nerd princess did pay off!"

"Alright," Sunset took a deep breath. She glanced around, her blood vision revealing little around them. In the distance, she could see some signs of living beings, but nothing immediately close. "I don't detect any organic enemies nearby…"

"Which means we need to keep an eye out for MECs," Elena summarized.

"Well, we have to kill them all anyway," Jane muttered.

"Set up the link with the Avenger," Sunset ordered.

"This is Avenger, link established," Chrysalis said into the comms.

"Okay people," Bradford's voice came over next, "Stay alert and remember why we're here, the Assassin dies today."

"...no matter what it takes," Annette added.

"We're detecting a strong energy signature further ahead in the facility. There's no doubt in my mind that it is where the Chosen is located." Tygan added.

Just as the group was taking positions next to the closed doors heading deeper into the facility, a new, unwanted voice broke into the channel. "You should be proud, XCOM… Blood Witch… Traitor… you are the first of your kind to find your way here. Your death will bring glory to the Elders."

"Ignore the bitch," Annette growled, "she always liked trying to get into the head of her enemies."

"Well," Sunset readied her shard gun, "that won't work with us…"

The world shifted, and suddenly she was in a different facility. Men and women ran around, armed with advanced weaponry that contrasted with their almost gangster-like looks.

The people that ran in and out of her field of view all had their faces covered with a bandana, making them mostly unrecognizable, even in the off chance that they might've been familiar. They all wore a patch, however, on their arm, with a logo she recognized from her history lessons: an eye overlooking the curve of the world, where a star hid…. EXALT.

"...will it?" Sunset muttered.

"You can't!" a shout drew her attention, where Aria… but not the Assassin—Aria as she had been back in the world of the alternate Sunset, stood, arguing with a tall, dark man also garbed in the gangster-look of EXALT. "They trust us! They're part of us!"

The man scoffed, his striking, emerald eyes turning to look in disbelief at a group of people Sunset knew were out there, on some level, but she wasn't able to see.

"Really, Aria, you grow too fond of your pet," the man said, and he smirked, a confident, malicious smile. "Don't tell me you're having second thoughts? You know what fate awaits Adagio."

Aria flinched, stepping back and shaking her head. "You're not going through with that, are you? Tell me you'll let my sister go!"

"Your sister, your pet psychics, you, you, you…" The man shook his head, reaching out to touch a gem hanging around his neck. A gem just like Aria's. "For an alien intelligence, you grow fond of simple things too easily, Aria. Perhaps I should help you."

"What do you intend to do?" Aria's voice was slightly scared, and Sunset had to wonder, who was this man that scared her so?

"Why, nothing my dear… nothing that you shouldn't have done yourself." A surprising glow emanated from the gem in his grasp, resonating with the one around Aria's neck.

The siren shook her head, but her body sagged and she relaxed, almost falling back, if she hadn't caught and helped up by another female EXALT member. For a moment, Sunset ignored completely the stammering, straightening Aria, concentrating instead on the woman that had helped her up.

She was tall, and even dressed in the gangster set up, carried herself with a confident air. Her hair was immaculately done, it's indigo curls falling graciously on her shoulders. Sunset knew this woman.

"Do you feel calmer, now?" the man asked, drawing Sunset's attention back to Aria, who was holding a hand to her temple.

"Y-yeah, better," Aria said, a slight anger in her tone. "Thanks."

The man snorted again. "You have to keep that under control. Didn't you tell me you sirens used to support each other by using the gems to keep your killer instinct alive? You can't expect me to keep track of when you need it and not."

"Fine, fine," Aria muttered. "I still don't like it, but I guess we can let the aliens use them… we didn't get them just to make friends, after all."

The man smiled. "No, we did not."

He looked up at the woman who had helped Aria. "You, assist Aria with prepping our guests. It's time we repaid the Aliens for helping us, isn't it?" Not waiting for an answer, he turned around and walked away.

"Come on," Aria said, roughly, "let's get going…"


Sunset blinked, looking around at the worried expressions of the others. "Whu—"

"We lost you for a second there, Bloody," Elena stated, her eyes fixed on the open door, ready for any approaching enemies.


"She's right," Jane said, "You spaced out completely…"

"What's going on?" Annette asked.

"I think... " Sunset took a deep breath, mind racing, "I think… not all of Aria might be gone after all."

o.0.o End Chapter 102 o.0.o

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