• Published 25th Jan 2018
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XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 200: Alliance


Chapter 200: Alliance

By Wanderer D

Blue-white energy cascaded from the sky, like the fist of an angry god, smashing against the concrete floor with tremendous force, splashing around like liquid and crackling like a live wire. Slowly the light lessened, gradually revealing at it center a kneeling, hooded figure with a large rifle on her back, until all the energy was gone, leaving a perfectly circular burn mark around the Chosen.

Had anyone been watching, it would have been suitably impressive.

Sonata had once started an argument with her dear ally about how the Elder's style of teleportation was not only effective, but also a statement onto itself. It wasn't a shimmering, glittering, sparkly slow materialization, like in those old Star Trek shows, nor was it subtle like in a fantasy novel. And it wasn't flashy, exactly. Flashy was what happened when unicorns teleported. Flash! I'm here!

No. The Elders wanted to make a statement, and that statement was: fear us. We are here. Sonata was 110% sure that was the reason it was more of a torrent of blue-white energy slamming onto the ground with a resounding crack.

If they had wanted it to be silent they'd do it differently. It was all energy, after all, and it didn't have to make a sound to do its job.

Sonata stood up slowly. Part of her argument too, was the fact that to teleport, they had to kneel, which was a BS way to declare that, as powerful as the Chosen were, they were still chosen by a higher being.

She sneered. These Elders knew nothing. They were so afraid and worried about their own survival against their other foes, they were stupidly ignorant of the threat right here.

In other words… herself. And her ally, she supposed. 'Still, I do have a mission,' she thought, checking out the eerily silent area. She immediately noticed the dead viper. It was hard to miss, impaled as it was on a flagpole.

She dashed forth towards the large complex of warehouses and labs, ignoring the occasional dead viper, sectoid or muton. The dead aliens were of no concern. They drew no sympathy. Neither would have humans.

No alarms had been set off. Their killer had been that effective, that vicious. She did a quick scan of the area, finding no living being.

She could feel it. She was here.

Sonata used her hook to catapult over onto the highest building, then jumped from rooftop to rooftop, trying to contain her glee. The ADVENT facility she was currently in had been decimated, both humans and ADVENT were little more than desiccated shells, or splatters on the walls, floors and—well, everywhere, really.

Some still battled in the distance, she could hear… a futile attempt, as their screams were cut short immediately after. Still, she supposed their deaths had been useful in some way, giving her a direction to move to, instead of searching the whole complex.

It was hard enough homing on her objective without something big like this happening. If one of the dead ADVENT soldiers hadn't been plugged to the psi-network at the time of their death, no-one would have known for several hours why this place had gone dark.

She snuck through, relishing in the smells of fear, death, and lust. Her prey had outdone herself.

Sonata was as careful as she could be as she followed the tracks, and screams, until finally, she reached the lab.

The lights buzzed and flickered where they remained intact. Bodies were strewn all around, on the floor, on a table, on top of equipment. A smoking one had its head shoved clean through a computer screen on the wall.

Some bodies looked like dried husks, others were torn in half, their blood slowly flowing towards the middle of the room, where, surrounded by dark energy and a seemingly-endless river of blood that flowed to her every whim was Sunset Shimmer, or Fugue, as she had named herself.

Sonata liked that name. It was a proper siren name, worthy of such a being.

Fugue stood tall, a red-tinged demoness, taller than any human by far… even taller than the chosen. Her wings were bat-like, dark red and shimmered with a flowing-blood-like tint to them. Her long, serrated tail swishing side to side as she held the much smaller form of a female scientist close to her bosom.

They were kissing. Or the scientist was kissing the siren, in any case. Fugue herself was feeding.

Little rivulets of blood wormed around the captive woman's legs and arms, going under her clothes, or coming from under them, it was hard to tell. Her body twitched from time to time, her one arm wrapped around Fugue's waist, the free hand tracing the siren's body. The scientist's eyes were rolled back in pleasure while Fugue caressed her body in turn with her claws, slowly drained the lifeblood out of her overexcited victim.

A quick glance from the demon told Sonata she was aware of her presence, but neither said anything, both content to let the demonic siren finish her meal.

After a few minutes, the woman's body gave one last, long shudder and a low moan before it finally just hung there, in the siren's grasp, completely devoid of all life. Her plaything dead, Fugue let the body crumble at her feet and turned to face Sonata, licking the blood around her lips as she considered the siren.

"Satisfied?" Sonata asked, not even batting an eye.

Fugue shrugged, relaxing, her wings stretching. "Not nearly enough."

Sonata giggled. "There's a lot more where they came from. There's whole cities of humans, you know? Settlements. ADVENT bases. You name it, we have it."

Fugue tilted her head, eyebrow raising. "What's in it for you?"

"What's in it?" Sonata laughed. "What isn't?! After what they did to me and to Aria and Adagio?" Her serrated grin was vicious. "I want to take it all back. I want you, and me, and Adagio to go on a singing spree. I want to feed on the humans, ADVENT, and the aliens!"

"No revenge for Aria?" Fugue asked neutrally.

Sonata quieted down. "You have her gem?"

Fugue swayed in place as if she was considering the question. "It is safe. I can pick it up whenever I feel like it."

"Then that's enough for me." Sonata smiled. "You know well enough why."

Fugue chuckled. "And what is in it for me?" She gestured at her body. "I'm not just a siren."

Sonata smirked. "Clearly not. But you are a siren nevertheless. We all started with forbidden magic to get our gems, you know. You just took it further." She jumped down and sauntered over to Fugue, swaying her hips sensually and posing just in front of her. "And can you say no to this?"

"Tempting. But I could just have you now."

"And be hungry later," Sonata countered, not flinching away from the claw tracing her cheek and neck. "You want to have fun too, sister. I can see it. You know it. You're one of us. Let's take the world back… and then the universe."

Fugue grinned. "And then Equestria."

Sonata giggled. "Aww, you're the best sister ever, Fugue!" She jumped and took the demoness by the arm. "But we need to get Adagio and her gem back first."

Fugue shuddered, smiling at the touch. "And do we know where she is?" she purred.

Sonata shook her head, but her smile didn't disappear. "No, but we know who does."

Fugue raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, silly, you're already hunting the bastard down!" Sonata giggled. "Let's pay a visit to Tirek and get that gem back!"

o.0.o End Chapter 200 o.0.o

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