• Published 26th Apr 2020
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Equestria's Ray of Hope - The_Darker_Fonts

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As Twilight had predicted, she wasn’t able to finish the pendant in time for Ray to make it back to the Fallen on the full moon. It had been an expected disappointment, but the young man had found himself sulking as he stared at the moon practically all night, thinking deeply about what it meant. An entire month in Equestria before he could return, and infinite possibilities of what could be occurring on the other side of the world to his friends there. Those possibilities and fantasized tragedies had tortured Ray all night long, leaving him restless as the first week of the month passed by gruelingly.

Discord and Fluttershy had returned to Ponyville, and while Ray himself was tempted to join them, he determined that he would remain with Twilight in the castle. Spending his days in Ponyville would be like a vacation, and he refused to allow himself to fall into comfortable slothfulness. Even if his wounds weren’t fully healed, he needed to utilize this time as best he could. The castle staff had gotten used to leaving him be, given how he didn’t ever request anything from them, and they really didn’t have the authority to tell him where to be.

Twilight also remained incredibly busy, not just with rebuilding the pendant, but also general Princess things. It had also been nearing her coronation day- which if Ray remembered correctly was now today- making her free time next to null. The human had tried to assist in building the pendant, but as it turned out, he was no good at forging or engraving, as the project required. So, instead, he spent the days doing whatever he could to heal his wound and rebuild his muscles. The only reason he wasn’t training out in a private patch of the castle’s vast garden was because Twilight had given him clear instructions to be ready by noon for guests.

Whether he liked it or not, his presence in Equestria was well-known, as was his state of recovery. Every now and then, some creeping journalist would suddenly appear mid-training session to bombard him with a flurry of questions before any of the guards noticed and carried them away. While he had given these journalists a more civil approach, after an entire day of them sneaking in and finding him, he started tossing them out with impunity. The castle guards didn’t really watch over Ray anyways, considering who he was, so it was almost always his responsibility to deal with intruders. It was kind of cathartic to be the one dismissing the pesky press members, but more than anything it was an annoyance and a danger to them. Especially considering he had spent a majority of his time practicing archery.

He had figured that, given the arm strength required and how much he needed to work out his right side again, archery was the perfect weapon to master. He had been pretty standard at the bow when they had set off for the Tauran plains, but he hadn’t used the weapon at all since, and was far out of practice. After a little more than a week of hours of practice every day in the temperate Equestrian sun, he had gotten much better, though not at a level he was confident with. Sure, he could hit a standing target with above average accuracy, but minotaurs had a habit of moving whenever they felt endangered, whether it was a lethal valley falling on them or a wave of Fallen charging their lines.

There wasn’t much else to practice with anyway, considering in his haste to make it back to Equestria, he had left his kharamh on the battlefield. He wanted to kick himself for leaving his valuable weapon behind, but realistically the impractical use of the pendant and ensuing burning may have melted the weapon. If he had brought it with him, he might have lost it in transit. Even though there were spears that the guards used, they felt like they were made of paper and had no sharpened tip to them. Practicing with them would be much like using a twig as a sword. Luckily, there was an abundance of bows and arrows that were military grade, so archery was his best option.

It was getting late enough in the morning that he needed to put his equipment away, so he took the small walk to where the weapons were stored. There was no one around, and aside from the servants he had seen when he procured breakfast early in the morning, he had been alone all day. He enjoyed it as much as he hated it, giving him the time to think while also bluntly demonstrating his isolation from ponykind. It wasn’t surprising and quite normal, but with thoughts of the future still fresh in his mind from Discord, it was a… raw subject.

Regardless, he made his way into the castle and, after a few minutes of walking through the spacious building, returned to his room for a shower. However, as soon as he entered the room, he spotted Rarity standing on a stool, working on a large suit. He paused in the doorway, waiting patiently for the unicorn to notice him, which didn’t take long considering how rapidly she was circling it.

“Ah, Ray darling, perfect timing,“ she greeted him breathlessly, stepping off the stool and moving it to behind the suit. “I’m just giving it the final touches before I’ll have you put it on.”

“I… didn’t know you’d be here,” he stated simply, slowly moving to observe her work. The suit was impressive, Rarity’s finest work for his human body so far. It was made of a solid, soft black satin fabric with some golden embroidering making its way from the collar down the center and across to the shoulders. The sleeves were long and tight, though obviously Rarity had taken into account the muscles Ray had built up since her last piece for him.

“Oh, I planned it to be more of a surprise, but I didn’t quite expect you to return yet,” she hummed, busily threading the back of the collar to make it tighter. “Twilight did say she wanted us ready for everything by twelve, yes?”

“Yeah, but I need to shower and such first, y’know,” Ray half-joked, pointing at the sheen of sweat he was still sporting. The unicorn gave him the briefest glances before cracking a smile, getting back to work.

“Yes, well, that would be the best for everyone wouldn’t it,” she agreed. “If you're comfortable with it, I’d like to stay in here to work on this while you clean up.”

“Oh, sure,” Ray replied, before chuckling dryly. “I already basically walk around naked as is, and I trust you not to peek… but, um, I’m not sure if I want to wear that…”

“And why not,” Rarity inquired, unoffended by the statement.

“Well… I just don’t want to put on a costume for everyone,” Ray explained, sitting himself down on the bed, watching as she continued to work. “It isn’t like me anymore to put on a fancy suit and a proper face to talk with a bunch of important people. I don’t need to bend to their fashion and customs just because they’re present. They want to see me as akin to them so they can relate to my struggle, and more importantly, the struggle of my Fallen. I won’t bend, though, and I won’t hide what this war has done.”

Rarity didn’t reply at first, carefully setting her sewing tools aside and stepping off the stool. She looked him up and down slowly, thoughtfully, before reaching out a hoof and carefully touching the new scar across his stomach. The skin was tender, but no longer hurt. Even so, the feeling of the cold chitin against it made him shiver ever so slightly, though he didn’t back away. Finally, the unicorn softly commented, “You want them to see your damage, what happens to those who fight Equestria’s war. They’ll never know the names of the dead like you do, but they’ll recognize the scars on their champion. It’s a very pragmatic and frank approach, but it isn’t the correct one. At least, I don’t think so.”

Removing her hoof, she turned to her work and continued, “The creatures and nations of Equestria are already frightened by what the world across the sea can send our way. They also are already enthralled by your and the Fallen’s heroism in stepping up to such a bold task. What they need isn’t a show of what war means to those who fight it, but a demonstration of resolute resolve to continue the silent task of finishing the war. Even if the war isn’t so close to an end as we all hoped, they want to know they’re safe and need to know that, no matter what, you’ll continue fighting.

“This suit is a perfect example of that because it isn’t the style in season this year,” she explained, giving him a sly smile out of the corner of her eye. “The colors in style right now are teals and purples, mostly in celebration of Twilight’s coronation and an overall ‘spring’ feel to clothing. Fabrics are light and threaded thinly, giving a flowy freedom to whoever wears the clothing. Your suit, however, contradicts it all. It’s bold, rich, and determined. Black is a universal color and gold embroidering solidifies it in its uniqueness. When ponies look and see this, they will see your height and strength outlined by a tightly fitting suit and a rich coloration. They will see that you are about what you say, not whimsical or dismissive but firm and present.”

“Huh, I guess I’m not really fluent in fashion, then,” Ray chuckled slightly. “I trust you. I’ll try it on as soon as I've cleaned up.”

“I’m glad to hear it,” Rarity smiled, stepping back onto the stool to finish whatever she was still working on. “I’ll leave you be for that.”

Standing up, Ray walked into the bathroom that was joined with the bedroom, grabbing a towel from the rack in there and flipping the water on. He slipped out of his clothes and stepped in, setting the loincloth on the floor to let it wash out. The cool water helped quickly wash away the sweat and small amounts of soot on him, as well as easing tense muscles. Today’s exercises weren’t necessarily strenuous, but they did leave his muscles achy enough to be called exercises. Within a few minutes, he had finished washing up, his mind focused almost solely on making sure he was properly cleaned.

When he stepped out of the shower, however, he realized he didn’t have anything dry to put on underneath the suit itself. For several long seconds, he stood there awkwardly, looking around as if he could simply find a pair lying out somewhere. With a sigh, he knew there wasn’t really anything he could do about it, having to leave the bathroom in a towel to find some underwear or something.

“Hey, I’m coming out in a towel,” he called to Rarity, cringing slightly at the admission. “I forgot to grab anything to wear after the shower.”

“All good, I’ll close my eyes,” came the reply, prompting Ray to quickly dart to a drawer and grab a pair. Racing back to the bathroom, he swiftly put on the clothing and made his way back out.

“Alright, you’re all clear,” he told the unicorn, sitting down on the bed once again. “Might as well put the suit on.”

“Yes, I’m quite finished with what I can do without you wearing it,” she commented, giving the piece one last look, before nodding contently. “Go ahead, try it on.”

Slipping on a simple white undershirt that hung on the rack first, Ray proceeded to put on the night-black pants with ease before realizing how complex the suit itself was. Frowning as he carefully took from the rack, he looked it up and down before finally slipping it over his head. The heavier, soft fabric clung tightly to him, not in an uncomfortable way, but should he need to move fast, it would almost certainly tear apart the costume. It was also a little warm already, and considering the summer weather in Equestria, he was worried that being outside would lead to discomfort.

“Um, Rarity, it’s a bit hot,” he commented, earning a confident smile from Rarity.

“That won’t be an issue,” she assured him. “According to the schedule, from noon to four, or dinner, you’ll be inside with all the other dignitaries, ambassadors, and foreign rulers at Twilight’s side. After dinner, she’ll go out and address the crowd at a quarter past five, then return to the palace whenever she’s done and continue to propose what she plans to do in the next year or so as princess and so on. However, after eight, we’ll all go onto the upper balcony of the palace and watch the light show before calling it a night.”

“Oh, so it’s designed for tonight’s schedule,” he realized with a nod. “Alright, that makes sense then.”

“Yes, even though summer is here in all her warth, nights on the mountain still get awfully chilly,” the unicorn explained, beginning to look at different areas of the suit. She hummed idly to herself as she observed each little hem and stitch. However, after several minutes of her circling him over and over, looking over each inch of the cloth, she took a step back with an appreciative hum, muttering, “Well Tartarus, I’m getting the hang of human bodies, aren’t I?”

“Feels like it,” Ray replied with a smile, rolling his shoulders to demonstrate how well the fabric endured such use. “This sure looks like quite the piece in my opinion. Striking, if not my norm.”

“Hm, yes, well, it’ll certainly garner you a proper amount of lasting attention,” she said with a bright smile. Then, winking at him, she suggested, “Perhaps you’ll even find a certain female friend tonight interested in more than just your muscles and heroics. With a striking piece to match your striking personality, I’m certain you could spark a relationship with whomever your heart desires.”

“How many times am I going to have to tell you that I’m not looking for a relationship,” Ray sighed, shaking his head slightly.

“Oh, I’m not telling you to go looking for your special somepony,” the white unicorn mare replied innocently. “I’m just saying that if one comes your way, don’t ignore it or your heart. It’d do you some good to finally have somepony that truly has caught your eye.”

“And when will you follow your own advice,” Ray shot back, ignoring the direction the conversation had been headed. Rarity looked slightly taken aback by having the question turned on her, prompting him to press on. “You and Spike have been apart for more than a year, and he seems fine and dandy, and you seem like you haven’t given it a second thought. Are you just waiting for some dashing stallion to whisk you away?”

“Well, I’m not really… pursuing anypony,” she admitted hesitantly, before taking a stand. “But I’ll have you know it’s not for lack of wanting. I’ll try if I think I have a chance-”

“And so will I,” Ray interrupted with a victorious grin, making Rarity sigh and roll her eyes at the human, realizing she had been beaten.

“Just have fun tonight if you can,” she encouraged, putting away her stuff in a small kit. Then, glancing at a nearby clock, she said, “Probably should be heading downstairs now. The rest of the girls should be waiting down in the lobby early and we wouldn’t want to keep them waiting. I was barely able to convince them to stay put and let me be the only one to invade your privacy as is.”

“Alright, I think I’m all set anyways,” he replied, silently slipping a knife into the belt hidden beneath the suit as soon as she turned her back. He didn’t need it, he knew, but it was still a comfort to know he was prepared for… whatever.

They left his room silently, entering the empty hall and making their way down to the main foyer. It took only a couple minutes before they were at the grand staircase that took them down to the marvelous room. Over the marble railing around the opening, he could see the others waiting, each mare wearing a striking dress of their own and Discord with a uniquely fancy suit as well. Twilight was with them, looking surprisingly calm considering what a hectic day today probably was for her. It wasn’t a surprise to see them talking softly amongst each other, but for the first time he realized that Pinkie was not only present but bouncing happily beside what he presumed to be her husband, an equally poofy yellow-orange pony.

Allowing Rarity to take the stairs down first, he carefully followed behind her, his footsteps padded by the simple cloth shoes he wore. It wasn’t really surprising that Rarity hadn’t made him fancy dress shoes to match the ensemble, all things considered, but it was funny that everything but his feet were covered in the finest clothing he’d ever worn. Rarity’s hooves clacking on the granite stairs gave away their approach, and he smiled and waved at the group as they saw him.

“How’re ya doin’, Ray,” Applejack questioned, as he reached the bottom, only to be greeted with a reckless hug from Pinkie as she practically shrieked, “HE LIVES!”

“Yep, I’m living,” he replied to both, chuckling at the pink pony’s antics and prying her off. “I’m doing perfectly fine, thank you.”

“That suit’s one heck of a piece, Rarity,” Rainbow complimented, whistling at the sight. “I mean, you made Ray look even taller somehow, and his mangled ol’ mane looks proper scary like that!”

“It isn’t mangled,” Ray replied with a pout, running his hand through it to prove his point, only for it to get caught in the mess.

The cyan pegasus gave him a cocksure grin, before saying, “Oh really? When was the last time you got a haircut?”

“Um… only a few months, like fourteen or something like that,” he admitted with a wry grin of his own.

“Wow, keep it up and curl your hair and you’d be stealing my look,” Pinkie squealed, taking her baby from her husband’s hooves. “Ray, meet Cheesy. Cheesy, Ray!”

“Cheesed to meet you, pal,” the stallion greeted with a wild handshake, his voice like a radio broadcaster. “I’ve been hearing so much about your wacky adventures with everypony here and how much of a great guy you are!”

“Oh, they mythologize me,” Ray dismissed with a warm smile, letting go of the stallion’s hoof. Then, with a playful wink, he told Cheese, “I’m more of a legend than a myth.”

“Careful, Ray! If your head gets any bigger and it might fall off your shoulders,” Discord warned, his own head inflating to at least twice its normal size before falling off with a pop. This made the earth pony couple, Fluttershy, and Dash laugh while AJ, Twilight, and Rarity shared an exaggerated eye roll.

“Hey, this guy’s funnier than you warned me,” Cheese teasingly complained to Pinkie in between chortles.

“Well usually he’s gloomier, but it seems like Discord’s been rubbing off on him,” the mare replied with a laugh, and even though the comment elicited amusement from the others, Discord and Ray fell silent, sharing a glance. They hadn’t talked since their last conversation in the library, and even though the two had come to an agreement, the human couldn’t help but feel a lasting tension between them. They had agreed that no matter what, they wouldn’t agree on Ray’s role in Equestria during and after the war. It wasn’t a comfortable arrangement, and not knowing if he had told Fluttershy or not left a secondary layer of tension. However, that could be put aside.

A sudden flare of trumpets overpowered the chuckles of those who were still laughing, and the sudden groan of the giant front doors opening prompted all to take position in whichever way looked most formal. Ray looked down at Twilight, who met his gaze with equal confusion. It wasn’t quite time for guests to be arriving, so this was an impromptu meeting. However, as the doors opened enough to reveal who was at the steps of the palace, things made a lot more sense.

“We’re not late, are we sis,” Twilight’s brother asked as he began to step into the castle, Princess Cadence holding his hoof as they did so.

Before Twilight could answer, a streak of purple, white, and pink shot past them and straight into the alicorn’s hooves with the shrill cry of, “Auntie!”

“Hi Flurry,” Twilight squealed in delight, squeezing her niece tightly in a hug. “How’s my favorite niece in all of Equestria doing?”

“I lost three teeth,” the little filly exclaimed proudly, grinning to display before noticing Ray as he stood over her and Twilight. Her eyes lit up as she exclaimed, “Oh my gosh, it’s my big weird uncle!”

This time, Ray laughed with the rest of the ponies. The filly was a year older than last time, still retaining that very distinct childishness, but now also knowing a little better. He couldn’t tell if that was truly her nickname for him or just a joke, but either way, it was funny. What he didn’t expect was for the filly to suddenly wrap his leg in a small hug, much to Twilight’s dismay.

“Hey…” she pouted, though a glimmer in her eye revealed her joy at her niece sharing a bond with Ray. “What about me?”

“I see you all the time, and you’re awesome all the time,” Flurry explained bluntly. “I only get to see my big weird uncle once every blue moon. He’s always… where are you?”

“Across the ocean, doing human things,” Ray explained without missing a beat or dropping his smile. Reaching down and patting the filly on the head, he told her, “It is a shame I don’t get to see you often, though.”

“How’re doing, Ray,” Cadence asked, her concern hidden well behind her warm smile.

“I’m doing perfectly fine, Princess, thank you,” Ray answered with an equal smile, bowing as a subtle demonstration of his recovery. Satisfied with his response, the Princess moved on to greet the others in the room, her husband doing the same as Flurry returned dutifully to her parents’ side. Even with her young age and clear vibrance, there was a regality in how she held herself and was able to keep her excitement under control as she took turns talking with those around her. Ray subtly took a step back, knowing that these conversations were for the much closer family and friends.

They talked until the next guests arrived, a group of politicians and nobles representing Canterlot, Baltimare, and Vanhoover. The group noted Ray with amazement, but either out of respect or fear, none of them conversed with the human, instead accepting Twilight’s greetings before being guided to the ballroom by a butler. It wasn’t long until there was a slow, steady stream of important nobles, politicians, and business leaders making their way through the doors. Much like the first batch, the other attendees gave Ray wide-eyed stares and whispered to each other, though never daring to get near enough to talk. He was expecting that sort of behavior, and simply reminded himself to be thankful they were now scared of him because of the legend Twilight had been building here in Equestria and not his strange, intimidating physique.

At some point, the others left, leaving just Twilight to greet the guests with the human standing a few paces behind her, smiling respectfully and watching. He was a bit surprised that there were so many guests, considering the last event he had been to in the castle was so exclusive. Then again, the matter on the table was much more dark and entirely secretive, rather than a celebration. Honestly, it was encouraging to see how many guests were appearing for Twilight. The Princess deserved the support of her people, especially considering everything she was doing to both keep in touch with the war, prepare Equestria for defense, and keep it from panicking. Even though Ray no longer was able to see it firsthand, he knew from the guests that they were indeed respectful of and thankful for Twilight’s leadership.

That was another thing he noticed about the guests. Even though many of them were richly dressed and of high standing, they were less cordial than he would have presumed. Less… pompous. Many of them carried themselves casually and spoke honestly, saying what they wanted to and keeping themselves humble before their Princess. It was refreshing to see that the ponies in charge weren’t a group of snobbish, upright bastards and thieves like he had expected. There were times when even the setting of Equestria surprised him with its genuinity.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle and the human lord, Ray,” a sudden booming voice sounded, as another trio of guests entered through the main entrance.

“Redar,” Ray greeted the black dragon, stepping forward to embrace the lizard. Where once the dragon had been several inches taller than Ray, it was now he who held the advantage in height. The shock of this change in appearance wasn’t hidden from either he or Ember’s faces as they stared up at with disbelief. Smirking as he stepped back into his place, the young man asked, “Surprised?”

“Indeed! What happened to the smaller Ray,” Redar questioned, smiling even if in shock.

“I grew, got more trained, led my army, killed a few dozen minotaurs, almost died,” Ray surmised with a coy smile, before playfully adding, “The usual human business.”

“Sounds like it,” Ember chuckled, giving Ray a small bow. The human couldn’t veil his surprise at the gesture, but the dragoness waved it off with a dismissive smile. “Oh, don’t worry about it. You deserve the respect you’ve earned.”

“Indeed,” Redar agreed, looking the human up and down appreciatively, before asking, “And you’re doing fine now?”

“Yes, I’m in perfect health, if that’s what you meant,” the young man replied reassuringly. The pair of dragons gave each other a look, before each inspecting Ray once more, before Ember nodded.

“You seem alright,” she stated simply. “Seems not even a life-threatening wound could keep you down for too long.”

“I’d be careful speaking too loudly if I were you,” another familiar voice chimed in as Pharynx suddenly stepped into the conversation. “Many of the ponies here either don’t know why he is with us today or don’t want to be reminded. Most of them, like us, would rather consider that Ray has everything under control across the ocean than that things are going poorly. Speaking of which, considering we’re nearing a year of you being out there, I’ll go ahead and congratulate you for carrying on, Ray. It can’t have been easy…”

“No, no it hasn’t,” he admitted with a sigh. Then, putting on a smile, he told the changeling, “But it hasn’t been for a preponderance of troubles. We’ve been victorious in every engagement and have secured a large swath of territory in the minotaur’s homeland… though we haven’t discovered any of their settlements yet.”

“Peculiar, perhaps they live in caves or mountains, somewhere hidden,” Redar suggested helpfully.

“Haven’t found many of either, but we’ll keep our eyes out,” Ray joked, easing some of the tension the other three had been showing. Ember once again looked up towards her mate, tugging slightly on his arm. The male dragon blinked, but nodded silently in understanding.

Smiling apologetically, Ember explained, “We need to get going. Many ponies have vested interests in the Dragonlands as they continue to open up to Equestria but don’t have the time or means to visit. We’re hoping to settle as many matters as possible before Twilight’s speech. If you don’t mind, I’ll be taking my husband from you.”

“Husband,” Ray questioned. “When did that happen?”

“Oh, three months ago,” Ember explained casually. With an apologetic smile, she told him, “We would have invited you, but there was no way to line it up with a full moon and Redar and I couldn’t wait.”

“Well, the world doesn’t revolve around me,” he assured the Dragon Lord with a respectful nod. “I’m glad for both of you. You’ll do well together, I’m sure.”

“Thank you, Ray,” Redar said with a slight bow before following his wife down the hall and making their way into the ballroom. The human remained where he stood, noting how the trickle of guests was now beginning to show a little more diversity in species. The buffalos walked right past him and Twilight with a simple statement of greeting, while other guests like Pharynx and Thorax lingered. Though the former didn’t have much to talk about, the latter was buzzing with conversation as he managed a few words to Twilight between each greeting.

Ray listened in, but it wasn’t the sort of conversation that he was too interested in. Prosperity in the changelings’ hives and a great amount of cooperation between them and other species. The occasional grievance of a minor inconvenience or a peculiar situation that popped up since the two had last seen each other. Twilight humored the conversation, replying whenever she could and adding tidbits of insight. Pharynx waited patiently with his brother, occasionally also talking with some entering ponies.

Within an hour, most of the guests had arrived, and the changeling brothers had left to join the rest of the guests. Even though there were mere hours to go until Twilight gave her speech, she was giving any passing official their own personalized speeches for whatever questions they were asking. Ray didn’t get to see the Princess’ political side very often, especially with her as the one in charge of the room in such a way, but it was clear she was a natural. If a pony came to her with a problem, they were quickly assured in a genuine way that Twilight would see to their concerns. If someone approached her to talk about some mundane scientific discovery, she engaged in a deep conversation about the topic. Knowing she had everything on her end under control from the get-go had allowed the human to slowly but naturally drift to the outskirts of the room, watching both the entrance of guests and the ballroom at the same time.

When it came to him, the large creature looming in the corner of the castle entrance with the dark purpose, most ponies simply gave him a passing nod. He wasn’t able to tell if it was out of respect, acknowledgement, or fear, but it was the most he would get from them. They seemed to have a perfect understanding that he wasn’t there to tell them about how the war was going, and that they really didn’t need to ask either. There were maybe three stallions that had the courage to verbally greet him, but otherwise the whole hour he spent in the entrance after guests began arriving was simply observation.

However, when it was silently decided that enough guests had been greeted by Twilight, she moved to the ballroom. Ray didn’t follow right away, lingering in the main foyer to simply watch the next few guests arrive before also stepping into the ballroom. There was a group of instrumentalists that rotated out every few minutes, playing what sounded almost like classical music, if just a bit more chipper. The music was proper, but not uptight, and that was the biggest takeaway from the ponies here. Many of them were simply that: proper, but not uptight. Some talked loudly, others joked with Pinkie Pie, and still more were dancing along to the music almost carefree. It was… alleviating.

“Crowds aren’t really your thing, are they,” a sudden sharp voice piped up near him. Confused, not recognizing it, he looked down to find the griffon girl from a year back at his feet. The little bird cat’s bright eyes gave him an amused smile even while her beak remained respectfully passive. Although she was certainly the same excitable griffon from a year ago, Ray quickly recognized a maturity to her he hadn’t seen during their previous encounter.

“Gabby, was it,” Ray asked in return, giving her the slightest nod. When his only response was a nod in kind, he knew she wasn’t going to simply let her question drop. With a breath, he looked back over the crowd and explained, “It isn’t that crowds aren’t my thing, more that I much prefer observing this crowd than getting involved with it. Soldiers are more my type, I guess. I could talk to tens of thousands of them at once and know they’re listening to my words for what they mean, not what they might mean in different contexts. Here, every conversation is a dance, and I’m not the smoothest dancer.”

“Even this one,” Gabby asked, curious.

“Especially this one,” he emphasized, slowly crouching into a sitting position, having to work around the tight satin. Now eye level with the griffon, he told her, “You’re young and apparently very important, given your presence here. You have a future ahead of you in these political games that will undoubtedly cross paths with me over and over, given my importance to Equestria. What I say now will stick with you until you meet me again and give you a preconceived notion of who I am. You’ll also probably tell all of your friends about how you talked with the human and give them an honest answer to what I’m like, so whatever you say will sway them to like or dislike me.”

“Yeah, that’s what Gilda’s been teaching me,” she said with a sigh. Then, with a more chipper smile, she told him, “I’m being taught by Gilda and some of the other reformist griffons how to be an ambassador. Given how involved I’ve been these past two years in Equestria, Seaquestria, and the Crystal Empire, they asked me to step up as a validated ambassador. It’s pretty neat how you knew that right off the bat.”

“Well, you’re one of the youngest creatures here, and I remembered you from last year,” Ray noted. “It makes sense after how well you did then that you’re taking on larger roles now. How’s it been treating you?”

“It’s been great,” she exclaimed softly, her characteristic enthusiasm much more reserved now. “Exhausting for sure, but a great time. I’ve traveled to all sorts of events across Equestria, and made quite a few friends, but I’ve gotta say, comparing conversations to dances is a great analogy. Even when talking with friends, they have things they want to know about you without asking or push a certain idea without saying it. I’d be upset, but I’ve been doing it as well. It’s kinda refreshing to have someone who just upright points it out.”

“Well, I don’t quite have the time or patience to do dances, which sometimes comes off as offensive to more sensitive politicians,” Ray replied with a slight smile. “I’m blunt with my soldiers, generals, and friends alike. It’s just how I’ve come to be after everything I’ve learned with my time here.”

“Huh, don’t dance with creatures that have large toes,” Gabby stated thoughtfully. There was a moment of silence as Ray attempted to pick up on what the griffon was putting down, but at last he had to concede he had no idea what she was trying to say.

“I… don’t get it,” the human admitted with a sheepish smile.

The griffon squealed awkwardly, blushing slightly as she explained, “Well, bigger toes are easier to step on, so you don’t dance with creatures with big toes… because you’re more likely to step on them…”

Once again, Ray paused as he came to understand the little metaphor, before chuckling at the explanation. It tickled him in a way he couldn’t quite explain, but the young griffon’s wide eyes and honest demeanor had him laughing at the silly comparison.

“That’s the truth right there,” Ray wheezed, leaning back against the wall and looking up at the ceiling. “You’re very fun to talk with Gabby. I don’t think I’ve felt this relaxed talking to anyone else in… well, it’s been a while.”

“Not even with your friends,” she inquisitively pressed.

“Being honest, not even then,” he told her truthfully. “I don’t suppose you quite know why I’m here, on a day that evidently isn’t a full moon and is, well, daytime.”

“No, I don’t,” she answered, before glancing at the crowd. “I don’t think most of them do. Maybe just the really important leaders. Why are you here?”

Resting a hand over his new scar, patting the satin ever so slightly, he explained, “I was almost killed, and in surviving I destroyed the device that transports me to and from Equestria. It’s taken a while for Twilight to fix it since it’s such a complicated little mechanism. I was wounded after we won a very crucial battle, so I was able to leave without leaving my troops in the middle of a battle or anything.”

“You almost died,” Gabby whispered in disbelief, looking him up and down.

“Yes,” he confirmed with a slow nod. “I’ve almost died twice now, once in my world and once in this world. It was because of my own negligence this time. The minotaurs, though easily beaten, are smart creatures and take what advantages they are given. It is why I’m even here in the first place, because without me and my Fallen, they would have taken advantage of Equestria’s peacefulness and goodwill.”

“But you’ll return,” she inquired, tilting her head slightly, her wide eyes focused intently on him.

“I’ve rarely gone an hour without the desire to go back,” he told her with a broad smile. “Those Fallen, the generals and soldiers alike, are my closest friends. Together, we’ve seen each other through thick and thin, no matter what adversity we face. Hundreds of them have died not just for Equestria, but for each other.”

“Hundreds,” Gabby questioned hushly, the shock on her face evidence enough for Ray to realize he had said something she had no knowledge about. Before he could ask, she quietly stated, “We’ve been told the war’s been going extremely well for us… but not at what cost.”

“Yes, there’s been a great cost for what we’ve gained,” Ray affirmed sadly, his thoughts drifting to Garish, Adant, and Rohan. “But what we’ve sacrificed has been returned to us a thousand times over, and for that we can claim victory.”

“I’m sorry,” the griffon muttered, clearly having nothing to say for the heavy news he had borne.

Smiling once again, he told her, “We’ve volunteered ourselves to keep up this war, to continue forcing ourselves out there, and it is our pleasure and purpose to do so.” Then gesturing at the hundreds of guests and their happy, smiling faces, he told her, “Your job is to make the most of that time, to celebrate people like Twilight who ensure things go smoothly and help those of us who struggle to become stronger, more capable versions of ourselves. That’s why tonight is about her, isn’t it. Her three years of leadership, though challenging and turbulent, have been greatly successful and have seen Equestria becoming a better land every day.”

“How old are you, Ray,” Gabby questioned, her eyes once again curious, though this time there was a defined purpose in them.

“Not quite seventeen,” he answered. “Why?”

“You’re very smart,” she stated simply, nodding her head while her eyes scanned the floor distantly. “You’re only two years older than me, yet you know so much and carry yourself in a way that makes sense. I think that’s why you were chosen; you’re able to be smart and strong at the same time. I’m going to try and be like you.”

“I have my flaws,” he insisted with a flushed smile.

“I wouldn’t know them with a hundred guesses,” she replied simply, standing up on her paws. With a kind, intelligent smile, she bowed her head and told him, “Thank you for humoring me, Ray. It's been a privilege and an honor talking with you.”

“And it’s been a blessing to see the promise of Equestria’s youth,” Ray stated in kind, standing up to his full height before bowing his head.

“Oh, shut up, you’re still just a kid too,” she joked, sticking her tongue out at him before turning over her shoulder and making her way seamlessly back into the midst of the crowd.

As he watched her go, her tail swishing ever so slightly, he noticed that there were far more eyes on him than before. Apparently, his conversation with the young ambassador had gained the subtle attraction of many other astute members of the party. They peered curiously at him over the shoulders of their constituents or from behind their little wine glasses. Some bothered to hide it, others didn’t. From what he could read in the eyes of those who watched him observantly, they were measuring him up. They had heard the legends of him, what Twilight had told them of his feats with the Fallen, and now they wished to see for themselves how the human truly was without the mythos. He was a veiled truth to them, something that blatantly existed, but the nature of which was unnatural and unknown. However, even as his head churned with ideas of how to construe this event to his and the Fallen’s favor, what he had told Gabby rang true in the back of his mind.

This event was not about him, but about Twilight and her successes. The creatures of Equestria could adore and support him later, but first they needed to be confident in who their Princess was and what her leadership gave them. Ray’s vocal support tonight was the only thing that mattered. The war was going fine, and whatever questions they asked about it could be answered in a way to continue to paint Twilight in a positive light. After all, if anybody disagreed with her currently, the support of a towering warlord who had killed dozens of minotaurs across the ocean would most certainly be enough to sway even the most hesitant ponies to her.

He continued to think about what he might say in response to questions or comments concerning him, the war, or Twilight for longer than he realized as the party continued to slowly grow, the music becoming more festive and food more flamboyant. Even though dinner was soon to be only two hours away, wines, breads, cheeses, and other appetizers were carried in and out by servants. He didn’t try to get any for himself, and the waiters nervously avoided him if they could. After a long while of observing the party, he slowly made his way along the wall to the other side, almost making it to his new position before being caught by Twilight herself.

Appearing from out of the midst of the crowd, she hailed him down with a wave of her wing and a smile. As she approached, he gave her a swooping bow, going to one knee for emphasis. Seeing this, she subtly rolled her eyes at him and sneakily swatted him with her wing, hissing, “Don’t do that Ray, you aren’t my subject!”

“It’s out of respect, Twi,” he assured her disarmingly, standing up again. “Whadya wanna talk about?”

“I’m about to leave in preparation for my speech to Canterlot,” she explained, dragging him aside a little further to get space from the party. “In about an hour, I’d recommend you go take your seat at the dinner table. Your spot is reserved at the head of the table, since I won’t be eating there and-”

“Are you sure that’s a good idea,” Ray interrupted, giving her a narrowed stare.

“I was getting to that,” she impatiently explained. “It’s to show everycreature here that there is nopony in Equestria I trust and respect more than you, and that your authority and presence should be respected on a level such as mine or Celestia and Luna’s.”

“Tonight isn’t about me, Twi, and it’d be detrimental to make it be,” Ray insisted with a frown.

“I appreciate the humility, but tonight isn’t the night,” she stated with a shrug. Then, some of her tension easing a little, she smiled and told him, “You’ve made quite the positive reputation with your little conversation with Gabby. She’s perhaps the third or fourth most looked-at creature tonight after you and I ever since she became the youngest foreign ambassador for any nation, let alone the griffons. She’s been spreading your name and good words to anyone she talks to. There was a photographer here that captured a few impressive photos as well. Great job.”

“I was just talking with her,” Ray replied bluntly.

“Perfect, that’s exactly what they needed to see from you tonight,” Twilight softly exclaimed. “A relatable- though scary- creature who can carry on a conversation with the young ambassador without care or concern of how it looks.”

“How it looks,” Ray questioned with a raised brow.

Waving his concerns away, Twilight stated, “I need to go now, but please just take the seat and deal with it. The girls will be at the second table with familiar faces while you’ll be with… more challenging guests. They aren’t problematic or anything, at least not explicitly, but they are the more loud and dissenting voices in debates. Be patient and don’t scare them.”

“Alright, mom,” the young man replied with a wry grin, earning a slightly less hidden wing smack. Chuckling, he reached down and hugged Twilight, which she returned with the slightest giggle. Softly, he told her, “You’ve done great. Congratulations.”

“Thanks,” came the choked reply as Twilight pulled away and Ray stood up. The alicorn smiled gratefully at him, nodding her head slightly before making her way out of the room.

No sooner had she left than a voice to his left asked, “You hugged the Princess?”

Looking over to find an older gray and white stallion, he nodded his head and answered, “Yes, we’re close friends.”

“Hm, I never would have thought,” he replied with a warm smile. “Then again, she is the Princess of Friendship.”

Having said his part, the stallion walked back into the crowd, leaving Ray ever so slightly confused. Shaking his head, he went back to crowd-watching, observing how Twilight’s exit had done little to dampen the conversation and joy of the party. He watched Princess Cadence and her family make their rounds, talking with familiar and unfamiliar faces. From his new position, he could see Celestia and Luna also crowd-watching, near the large outward facing window. He met each of their eyes briefly and gave them a respectful nod before averting his gaze. There was still the slightest bad blood he held in their regards, but now was not the time. The Elements also made their rounds, mostly sticking together, and before he knew it, the time had come for him to make his way into the dining hall.

He found his seat easily, as calling it a throne would have been more accurate. It sat at the head of the first and largest table, though in spite of its grandeur, as more guests arrived and were seated, he saw it was mostly filled with ponies who seemed only politically important to Twilight. The second table hosted Twilight’s friends, family, and other important foreign dignitaries he had met from his last meeting here. Though somewhat similar to then, there was much more confidence in this meeting having faced the uncertain future and now being much more secure with Fallen in the Tauran plains. It was far more… peaceful than before.

Dinner was served exactly as scheduled, and Ray’s dish even had two small, smoked fishes on it, served by a griffon with more than a few grey hairs. He ate silently, watching as those around him also dug into their meals, though they eyed him in turn as well. He didn’t recognize anyone who was sitting near him, but he could tell they were incredibly important thanks to their fine attire, intelligent politeness, and embroidered pins. After finishing his second fish, he moved on to the bread and salad, patiently waiting for one of the ponies around him to finally address his presence.

“Well, friends, I believe Twilight’s seated us here for a reason,” a teal-coated stallion three chairs down from Ray to the left stated, his voice reserved but endearing. All eyes went to him in an instant, though the yellow mare who sat next to him was the next to speak.

“I think my brother is right,” she said in a tone matching the stallion. Looking toward Ray, she told him, “My name is Sunlight Archive, at your service. I’m the mayor Vanhoover. This here is my brother.”

“Mildew Morning, if you will,” the stallion introduced lightly with a nod. “I’m the mayor of Seasadle, just south of Vanhoover. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ray. We’ve heard legends about the human lordling and his armies.”

“Yes, everypony has,” a far more skeptical white mare with a deep blue mane sitting across from them intruded. She gave him the courtesy of an introduction in spite of her shrewdness. “Gem Pool, Baltimare.”

“Golden Opportunity, Las Pegasus,” another, aptly gold-maned white unicorn mare introduced to his right. Rolling her eyes as the siblings chuckled, she grumbled, “I get it, my name is ironic.”

“Candy Carol, Manehattan,” came the call from the mare directly to his left. She looked sort of like Pinkie Pie with a purple mane and no curls, though her eyes were far more focused and serious than the Element of Laughter’s.

“Rainbolt Hurricane, Cloudsdale,” the stallion sitting next to Golden introduced, tipping a glass to the human. Ray nodded slightly in acknowledgement to the blue stallion, taking another bite as he stared expectantly at the final stallion near him sitting across from Mildew.

The black stallion looked the human up and down for a long moment before finally saying, “Esper Cloak, though I prefer Esper. Canterlot.”

“Hm, I see,” Ray hummed, taking another bite of food as he analyzed the ponies sitting around him. All mayors of major Equestrian cities, all prominent, and each either comfortable with him or not. He was almost done with his meal and was tempted to simply sit in silence and finish eating while staring at them, but decided on a different approach. Looking back at Mildew, he asked, “Well, what were you saying before your sister interrupted you?”

This earned a few chuckles from the more relaxed mayors, including Sunlight. Smiling hopefully, the named stallion explained, “Well, I was under the impression you might know considering it seems you and the Princess are close.”

“Is she trying to intimidate us,” Gem Pool skipped to the point, her scowl poignantly demonstrating her disgust at the thought.

“Are you intimidated,” he questioned, looking over his glass as he took a drink of the cool water within. The mare shifted uncomfortably in her seat, clearly caught in her own words. Rescuing her from the embarrassing silence, he declared, “I’m here at Twilight’s invitation to celebrate her success. She’d much prefer this to be a party than a… meeting of politicians.”

“So she would like us to think, yet even your mere presence suggests something to do with the war,” Candy Carol pointed out.

“Yes, with your role as the general of our armies, it suggests that you are a piece of her political shuffleboard,” Golden interjected in agreement, leaning forward in her chair.

“‘Your armies’,” Ray challenged, sitting upright to allow himself to loom over the table. “I think I must remind you that the Fallen are independent entirely of Twilight’s rule and influence, and that includes me. She explicitly agreed that I and my soldiers, until their restoration as ponies, were not Equestrian citizens and thus subject to her.”

The trio of outspoken mares fell silent for a moment, looking at each other to try and find what to say next. Finally, Gem spoke up once again and stated, “Your purpose, in its entirety, is that of war, fighting, and commanding. How can we not feel that your presence at the head of the table instead of Twilight would mean anything but that you are her second?”

“Oh, I am her second, but pray tell, why would she make such a statement,” Ray said outright, earning a few raised eyebrows for how blatantly he put it.

“Then it is intimidation she’s going for,” Golden exclaimed, putting a hoof to her neck in disdain. Instead of verbally replying, Ray let out a long sigh and rolled his eyes, shaking his head in disappointment for emphasis. Hesitantly, the mare softly questioned, “It is, isn’t it?”

“Golden Opportunity, was it,” Ray asked, allowing the impatience to seep through his voice. Receiving a nod of confirmation, he continued, “Tell me, Golden, do you care much for your constituents in Las Pegasus? Do they mean anything to you?”

“Of course they do,” the mare declared firmly, the slightest disdain in her tone. “Las Pegasus is my home and the ponies there are my friends and family. Why, I’m their mare because I put my entire effort into ensuring the city runs right and is represented well!”

“Then you must understand somewhat the regard with which I hold my Fallen,” Ray connected, allowing himself to relax into his seat slightly. Taking another sip of water, he explained, “While I am a general now, yes, being a good general didn’t qualify me to be the one chosen to save Equestria in its hour of need. Like myself, the Fallen will live on after the war, but no longer as Fallen. No matter their virtues and heroism, there will be challenges integrating them back into Equestria after fifteen hundred years. That will be my purpose for being here afterwards, and while I do hope my Fallen can take to representing themselves, it won’t be immediately. That’s why I think Twilight has me seated here: to show that I will be a familiar face to many of you, and that the Princess trusts me with that role. At least, that’s what she hinted at, given she never outright told you.”

“Really,” Candy questioned, looking conflicted at the revelation.

“Yes, as I said before, she would much prefer if this were a party, and not a political meeting,” Ray concluded, resting his arms as he leaned forward on the table. “Please, enjoy your meals and celebrate with the rest of Equestria the successes of Princess Twilight.”

“And what of her failures,” the black unicorn at the edge of the group finally spoke up, his voice venomous. “What say you to those, human?”

“Excuse you,” Ray questioned, sitting upright once again as his brows furrowed angrily.

“There’s been a movement among the ponies of Equestria to allow for them to vote in a qualified ruler that represents them, not a tyrannical system of monarchy,” Esper stated, undeterred, meeting Ray’s eyes fiercely. “For three years now, Twilight has shut down every attempt to push forward with a free election of those who the ponies deem qualified to lead them. What is your response to that, human?”

“Who is most qualified,” Ray uttered in complete disbelief. Then, with a bitter laugh, he pointed a finger at the black unicorn and proclaimed, “I thought you were sitting in the back silent because you had something intelligent you add to the conversation, and you bring this? Seriously, I’m uncertain how the grand city of Canterlot elected an idiot to be their mayor.”

Everyone at the table, even those that hadn’t been participating beyond Esper, gasped in shock, their jaws dropping. Giving them all a quick, scornful glance, he grumbled, “Well it’s the truth. Who would you deem more qualified that Twilight, huh? Some pony who grew up in Canterlot and studied at some stuffy institution on how to talk smart? No, that is no qualification at all. You seem to have all forgotten who Princess Twilight Sparkle is, so let me remind you in words so plain your dumbasses could understand them. Twilight Sparkle is the Princess of Friendship, Element of Magic, and ruler of Equestria not through luck or election, but through her own skill. While you wish to ‘deem’ someone qualified to rule you, she has spent the last eight years of her life proving her qualifications and earning the respect you ought to show her.”

Ray was standing up now, keenly aware that the entire room had fallen still at his outburst, but he kept his eyes trained on Esper. “Who was it that brought the Elements together when Nightmare Moon returned? Who was it that rallied her friends to face any challenge that faced Equestria, saving it countless times? Who was it, when the future seemed full of death and destruction, altered the course of time itself to protect Equestria from its fate? Without Twilight, Equestria would have been torn apart a dozen times over without a fight. Without Twilight, you would all be nothing more than hide wrapped around the bodies of minotaur. That’s what I say to that, pony!”

The young man bit back his anger enough to let his words ring in the silent ballroom. All eyes were on him, bolstering his every word, letting him know that what he said now was what the rest of Equestria would hear. Taking a breath, standing upright, he finally looked around at the other creatures sitting at their tables. They held their own breath, waiting with fear and anticipation for what the human would say next. Letting out his breath, he spoke.

“We are here tonight to celebrate a wonderful mare and spectacular leader who has seen Equestria, both nation and continent, through the greatest crisis it has ever faced, and with that, bring it to a growing golden era. Her foresight, her knowledge, and her enduring kindness in all aspects of her rule have made her the leader Equestria never deserved, but so desperately needed. Through her and her alone we can stand together now and have joy. That is why I am here, tonight, not as a harbinger of destruction or warmonger, but as a living testament to Princess Twilight Sparkle’s immaculate character and nigh-on perfect leadership. That is why we live now.”

Having said all he could, he sat back down in his seat, grabbing his glass of water and staring coldly at Esper as he took a small sip. The black stallion was flustered, and having been verbally thrashed so thoroughly, there was no way out but to leave. Refusing to meet the human’s eyes through his shame, he stood up and was watched by all as he swiftly retreated through the main doors into the ballroom. He didn’t even wait until he was completely out of sight before teleporting away, the flash of his magic a final note to his humiliation.

Several long moments passed in silence as the party stared between the human and where the opposing stallion had been. Ray disregarded the stares, finishing his meal in two bites and downing the rest of the water in his glass. As he did so, he heard a soft sound like a snap, drawing his attention to the second table where Gabby sat, looking almost proud as she watched him. She brought her claws together again, slowly picking up pace as others around her began clapping as well. Soon, the entire room was in applause, the occasional whistle and holler thrown in. Leaning back in his seat he gave them a slow nod, while patting himself on the back. He had stuck the landing tonight for Twilight.

“Um, excuse me, Ray,” a voice suddenly whispered in his ear, almost startling him. Through the clapping and cheering, he hadn’t heard the approach of a maid, who now told him, “Princess Twilight would like to have a word with you, if you would step outside the ballroom with me.”

In spite of himself, Ray felt his eyes widen at the request, not having expected the alicorn to be back for much longer. A quick glance at the large window revealed that it was actually sunset, meaning all of this political jargon had taken far more time than he had realized. Smiling through his surprise, he stood up as the applause began dying down, giving a short wave at his friends at the second table before following the maid out of the ballroom.

He once again was given a mini heart attack as Twilight was standing literally right outside of the doors, glaring at him. She gave the maid a short nod, dismissing her, and waited until she was around the corner before stating shortly, “We’re going to my library.”

Ray didn’t even have time to process the statement before the world was suddenly sparkly and purple, and then an entirely different room.

“What the hay was that, Ray,” Twilight cried before he could get ahold of his surroundings, her voice shrill with panic.

“You shouldn’t ever do that while I have a full stomach,” he warned, feeling his belly roll with nausea as he came to terms with where he was and what was going on. Forcing himself to stand upright and take deep breath, he met Twilight’s wide-eyed stare with a coy smile.

“No no no, you don’t get to avoid questions,” she informed him with a curt gesture of her wing and annoyed flick of her ear.

“That was me defending you,” Ray relented, crossing his arms over his chest. He almost choked himself doing so thanks to the shirt he was wearing, forcing him to shift slightly.

“Ray, I told you expressly to be patient and not scare them,” she shouted. “What the hay happened to that?”

“Um, idiots, Twi, idiots and their stupid ideas,” he answered simply. “Esper and his little entourage were questioning your capabilities as a ruler, so I did what I do best and reminded them what you’ve done for them.”

“Thank you, but you weren’t here to do that,” she reminded him with a grimace. “You were there to show that I trusted you, not to confront their complaints about me!”

“But if they don’t trust your judgement, why would they ever trust me,” he countered with a smirk. Twilight opened her mouth to protest, but he watched her mind visibly blank.

Taking a moment to ponder, she finally stamped her hoof in defeat, grumbling, “Shoot, that’s a good point.”

Laughing at the alicorn’s frustrated admission, Ray relaxed and knelt down in front of her, reaching out pat her head lovingly. “Twi, you’re smart enough to know this was a good thing for the both of us. I just defended your legacy and reputation from what I’m assuming are some of your greatest opponents, even though most of them have never seen or talked to me before. Esper ran away crying, for heaven’s sake!”

“Yeah, it was kinda cathartic,” she allowed with a small smile. Then, with a sigh, she told him, “Oh, just hug me already.”

Chuckling, the human did so, wrapping her in a soft hug, working around the restraints of the clothes to give her the best possible embrace he could. They remained like that for several minutes, a warm, lasting smile on Ray’s face as he happily reminisced on tonight’s successes. It wasn’t altogether challenging to overcome the adversity of ponies, given who he was and how he looked to them, but it was a bit of an exercise to not slip up himself. Still, for Twilight, tonight would be- hopefully- the last time she was faced with a dissenting voice.

“Hey, fireworks are gonna start soon, and I’m sure you wouldn’t want to miss those,” she told him, still hugging him with her hooves and wings. “It’d be great to have you on the balcony with me.”

“That was the plan wasn’t it,” Ray asked, his smile growing into a grin. Letting go, he stood back and told her, “Okay, I’m ready for teleportation now.”

“Are you sure about that,” Twilight challenged with a wry grin. “I could always catch you off-guard. Maybe wait for-”

In a flash, she teleported them both, sending Ray off-balance when the world returned to normal. He stumbled into the wall, laughing in spite of a rush of nausea as he exclaimed, “You actually did it, you crazy pony!”

“I try,” she replied with a cheeky grin. Then, with an excited nod of her head to the double glass doors leading out to a crowded balcony, she insistently urged, “C’mon, we’re almost late.”

Following behind her as she magically opened the doors, he stepped outside into the warm summer night air, smiling and nodding at the friends and family standing there. Rarity, Fluttershy, Discord, Pinkie Pie and her family, the Apples, CMC, the Princesses, Princess Cadence and her family, and the other leaders like Ember, Redar, Queen Novo, Thorax, and Pharynx all stood on the balcony. The sun had set leaving a soft darkness, and before anyone could greet the two of them, a sudden explosion of purple flashed in the air over the castle.

Ray watched with a wide grin as firework after firework exploded in the sky, admiring the many different colors, shaps, and sparks they had. He hadn’t seen a fireworks show since the 4th of July almost three years ago, and had completely forgotten how marvelous the little rockets were.

Wait… rockets?

“Twilight,” Ray suddenly exclaimed, turning to the alicorn. “Those fireworks, what do they use to explode like that?”

“You mean, like the colors or-” she tried to understand, confused.

“No, the actual explosions, is that gunpowder,” he interrogated, his heart pounding. “How are they exploding?”

“Flashpowder,” Twilight answered, clearly still not sure what he was on about.

“What would happen if you filled a firework with nothing but primer and flashpowder,” he asked.

“Well, it would cause a large, dangerous explosion, but why would you…” Twilight trailed off as her eyes widened in realization. Then, after a moment, they narrowed in thought, flitting to the next batch of colorful explosions about them, before finally returning to him. That was all the confirmation he needed.

“How many of those could you have made before I return,” he questioned intensely, excitement growing.

“I-I-I-I’m not sure, Ray, I mean, explosive devices aren’t my forte, not by a longshot,” Twilight replied in shock, her mind catching up with his. “I’d have to find somepony else with more experience, and I’m not sure if-”

Whipping around and making eye contact with Pinkie, he asked her, “Do you know how to make fireworks?”

“I don’t talk to cops,” the mare exclaimed, zipping her mouth closed with a hoof and turning away from Ray. Muttering a curse, he turned back to Twilight and explained, “Twilight, if we could get explosives out to the Tauran plains, that would completely alter the way we fight this war. If we can figure out a way to use rockets against the minotaurs by pointing flashpowder fireworks at them, why, we might be able to double their losses and halve our own!”

The final firework went off in a blaze of purples, whites, and pinks, as Twilight stared up at Ray, words lost on her. Finally, she managed to choke, “I’ll do the best I can, but are you sure this is… possible, if right at all?”

“We need these if we can get them, Twi,” Ray insisted, gesturing to the last dying sparks. “Think of the damage they could do!”

Author's Note:

Happy 4 year anniversary, EROH. I was hoping to get one more chapter out today, but this one was a beast itself to get out. I originally thought it would only be 6-7k words, but nope, I had more I needed to write than I thought. Anyways, questions, comments, and concerns welcome and wanted!

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