• Published 26th Apr 2020
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Equestria's Ray of Hope - The_Darker_Fonts

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The Magic of Friendship

It had been so long since Ray had lived like this, so long since he had enjoyed the feeling of waking up, even if most days he awoke sore. He had never expected that he would find happiness in heavy labor, much less in a nation, and world not of his own. He had expected that the apprehension of what was to come in a year would make him crack, kill him even, but as the day approached that marked a month since his arrival in Equestria, he found himself happy. It was almost as if the conflict of what was to come was obscured completely by the conflict of everyday life.

Of course, calling his life normal in any means was hilariously incorrect, as it wasn’t common that a boy his age would be training to kill minotaurs on another planet to protect ponies, by a dead pony nonetheless! Still, he woke up smiling every day, looking forward to spending the morning hours training with Skalos and the evening hours working with his new family, or talking with his new friends. He was hyper aware now, thanks to the bitterness of having to kill for the first time, that if he were to take life, he was not to take it lightly.

“It does you no good to kill out of hate,” Skalos had yelled at him, pointing to the disembodied head of the straw dummy. “It only gets you killed, or those around you. You kill to defend those you love, not to destroy those you hate. If everypony were to fight like the very same minotaurs we call our enemies, then there would be no point in defending our pony brothers and sisters. You saw and felt firsthand how it is to kill a living, breathing, sentient being, to see the pain and suffering of those they loved and who loved them. Well, if you haven’t realized, every single living creature comes from somewhere, and has somebody who cares about them, and when you kill, you kill somepony’s brother, sister, father, mother, uncle, cousin, friend, lover, or whatever else they may be. By killing, you destroy a line of life, and damage the way of living for others as well. By taking life in hate, you disrespect what it stands for, and thus never deserved to be the one who took it, or the one to decide to end it. If you have no value for life, then you shouldn’t be taking it.”

The Fallen stopped to huff irritably, glaring at the shrunken Ray. Calming himself down slightly, he straightened up and said, “You had every right to kill that stallion, but you have no right by any means to become pitiful over your actions. Whether you knew that he had a lover or not, in the moment, you will always choose yourself and what you stand for over theirs. You are a thousand more times than you even realize, and if I have to give you this talk after every battle, so be it, I’ll suffer through it to keep you upright. If you ever want to protect this world, or anybody for that matter, you’re going to have to get over that mental battle. There is no right or wrong in battle, just surviving to decide whether the war is right or wrong. Do you understand?”

Ray nodded, feeling shameful. He had been rather selfish in pitying himself and acting so childish when it wasn’t him who’d lost someone. He would lose people when it came down to it, and while he couldn’t feel glad that he had killed somepony, he wouldn’t waste his tears on an enemy.

Closing his eyes and breathing in deeply, he hoisted another basket of freshly chopped apples into the airtight chamber to let them dry and crisp over a lit stove. This years harvest had been incredibly large compared to others, or at least, that was what both Applejack and Apple Bloom had claimed. There had been so many that they still had nearly three hundred bushels left over, all which needed to be cut and dried out for whatever uses they might find. This was the third batch of the month, the previous two being used as they normally would for jams and apple chips, or sold to buyers all over.

Ray had met somepony from basically every city in Equestria in the past two weeks thanks to the increased business, and each one of them had found the news of a human surprising. While the ponies didn’t know of humans, and there weren’t any humans in the world, they didn’t react to him like he thought they would. Instead of staring in shock or confusion, they simply noted him with amazement, maybe sparing a few moments to speak with him, and got back to business. Applejack called it “farmer’s syndrome”, since everypony that came around was a farmer who didn’t want to waste a minute of daylight and weren’t really shocked by much. When Ray asked why they didn’t find him weird, she merely responded mystically, “You’ll see come spring.”

The door to the smokehouse burst open as Apple Bloom came through, hoisting several more baskets precariously balanced on her back, head, and in her hooves and mouth. “Geez Apple Bloom, what’s the rush,” Ray cried, rushing over and grabbing the heavy baskets from off her back. “We don’t have to finish them today, y’know!”

“I know I know,” she responded moodily, dropping the other three baskets she held and shaking herself out. Lowering her voice, she whispered, “I’m hopin’ that if we get more done t’day, then t’morrow Applejack’ll let me go to town with the girls.” Laughing lightly and giving him a sly smile, she whispered secretively, “Sweetie’s got a coltfriend now!”

“Really,” Ray noted with interest, hauling two baskets of cut apples up to the lip of the opening and pouring them in. “I wouldn't happen to know the lucky colt, would I?”

“Nah, he’s a bit introverted,” Apple Bloom explained, passing him another pair of baskets to pour out. “He doesn’t really go out ‘n about much. Likes writin’ an’ playin’ games an’ such. He’s real funny once ya get to know him, th’ natural comedian type, ya know? Can make a storm a’ laughter outta Miss Cherilee’s classroom.”

“Ah, so talkative Sweetie went for the silent, funny type, huh,” Ray questioned, taking the baskets and tossing the contents in before grabbing the last pair. “Well, I guess opposites do attract..”

“Are you sayin’ Sweetie Bell isn’t funny,” Apple Bloom asked sarcastically.

“Well, I’ve never heard her tell a joke,” Ray retorted as he emptied the baskets into the furnace.

“Fair enough,” Apple Bloom said, “Scootaloo’s usually the jokester. Anyways, th’ pair aren’t really official yet, seein’ as how Rarity would flip out over her lil sis datin’ somepony. Really, you and Rumble are th’ only ponies outside a’ th’ Crusaders that know. Well, an’ Tender Taps, of course. Er, well, I guess all a’ our classmates know as well, but Cherilee! -wait, nope, she knows, but nopony else knows! Actually… darnit, Zecora knows too!”

“Guess you guys are bad at keeping secrets then,” Ray mocked with a short snort.

“Oh hush it now, what would you know about.. Oh, wait, right…” Apple Bloom trailed off as Ray merely quirked an eyebrow at her.

“Yeah, right,” Ray muttered with an eye roll. Getting back to the topic, he offhandedly commented, “Well, I just hope the two of them don’t get caught snogging like you and Tender were. Heaven knows what Rarity would do.”

“Wha- What in th' hay is snoggin’ an’ why would anypony in their right minds be doin’ it,” she asked in confusion.

“Well, where I come from, that’s how a lot of people say making out, but to me it always sounded like-”

“-something pigs would do,” the two finished simultaneously. Looking at each other for a moment, the two began to laugh uncontrollably. Ray shook his head, leaning against the wood wall to hold himself up as he calmed down.

“You humans’re some a’ th’ strangest folk,” Apple Bloom commented, giving him a complimentary look.

“Oh, absolutely,” Ray agreed whole-heartedly.

“An', while on th’ topic, I gotta ask, why in th’ wide world a’ Equestria do ya have yer shirt off now? I mean, don’t ya wear those clothes for warmth an’ decency, or whatnot. It’s gotten colder since you’ve arrived and you ain’t wearin’ that shirt a’ yours when anypony can walk in on ya.”

“Oh, well, I took it off when I lit the furnace a few minutes ago because it heated up like crazy in here, but you let out all the warm air when you entered, so I guess there isn’t much reason now,” he explained. After a moment of thought, he stated decisively, “The furnace is full enough right now anyways, so might as well light it. Do you know what time it is?”

“Um, I saw it was around six, but that was before I brought s’more baskets in, so it’s probably a little past six,” she guessed. With a sad look, she said, “I guess that also means ya can go now, huh.”

“Yeah, and I wouldn’t go unless I had something planned already,” Ray told her with an apologetic smile. Grabbing his shirt from off an empty basket, he pulled it on and quickly lit the furnace before turning the timer for ten minutes on. “Don’t let that burn,” he lightly instructed as he pushed the double doors open, ducking under them and exiting the smokehouse. Before the door closed, he quickly called back, “See you tomorrow!”

Apple Bloom didn’t respond as the door shut, so Ray just kept walking, shivering slightly in the crisp autumn air that contrasted the heat of the smokehouse. Applejack was still out somewhere in the acres checking for any straggling apples, though thanks to Ray’s height, he had been able to see most that missed the initial harvest. Sugar Belle had been busy baking all sorts of sweets, but lately she had also been helping Pinkie bake apple-based treats as her pregnancy began to affect her. She was still as hyper and happy as ever, but she was slowing down slightly and beginning to be a bit more moody. Meanwhile, Big Mac was somewhere on the other side of Equestria making the last few deliveries by hoof, and hadn’t been around much in the last week, save for when visitors arrived.

Overall, the Apple family had become much busier than when Ray had arrived, but he guessed that was to come naturally around harvest time. He too had felt his schedule tighten up as his mornings consisted entirely and exclusively of training and his evenings were filled with helping out on the farm. It wasn’t too exhausting or grueling, but it certainly wasn’t leaving much room for other activities around the town unless he wished to stay up later. Sometimes he would go out racing with Rainbow, or see Fluttershy for a late night cup or tea.

She would still come over every couple of nights to check on him, making sure that he was staying healthy and happy, and for the most part, he was. However, he noticed that every time she visited him, or he saw her, she seemed distracted, and more than a little guilty, though for what, he still was unsure. He still couldn’t repress the feelings he got whenever he saw or talked to her, the feeling of his chest about to burst, but also being out of breath. He knew that it was better for the both of them to stay separated, and that in general he shouldn’t be close to anypony, really, but regardless, he couldn’t stop himself. It was nigh on impossible to imagine himself not knowing these ponies anymore, even if it was the wrong thing.

Before he knew it, he had already arrived at his house. He had promised Otolo that he would be home before sunset, and with autumn in full swing, that was roughly around six thirty, meaning he’d made it by only a few moments. Lately the little bird had become more and more insistent that he was around, and not working all of the time. He suspected that Fluttershy might’ve had a hand in it, but seeing as he couldn’t exactly ask Fluttershy why his bird was acting like his mother, and if it was because of her, they remained merely suspicions.

As he opened the door to his house, he called out, “Alright Ohs, I’m home!”

“And so you are,” a familiar voice noted from behind him, his back being turned towards the entrance as he closed the door behind him.

Turning in surprise, Ray asked, “Skalos, what are you doing here?”

“Well, lordling, it seems that Twilight has requested your presence this instant, and I am to be in attendance as well,” Skalos informed him. Ray opened his mouth to say something, but cut himself short as he saw Otolo sitting on Skalos’ head.

“Oh, hey Otolo,” he greeted, trying to buy himself time to think. Twilight needed to talk to him right away, and that most likely meant that he was going to have to leave this evening. However, if he disappeared without a word again, he knew at least three different ponies that would have a heart attack when they learned he was missing. He didn’t know how important this meeting was though, and whether or not it was completely necessary to travel up to Canterlot to take. Setting his jaw, he said, “Sorry to keep you waiting, but I think that if it was important enough to call for me, she would’ve come here herself.”

“Well it’s a good thing that she did,” Skalos sharply responded, turning slightly to make way for Twilight, who emerged from around the corner. She wore her full regalia, and indeed looked quite majestic as she stepped up towards him. Skalos bowed slightly to the Princess of Friendship before glancing over towards Ray, a slight questioning arch to his brow.

Ray kept his jaw firm as he watched Twilight, refusing to be surprised by the surprising act. He honestly had never expected to see Twilight in his house, and quite frankly, his feelings were mixed on seeing her in his home. On one hand, he felt slightly touched, and a bit satisfied, that it was her approaching him and not the other way around. On the other hand, he felt compromised, knowing that at any moment the Princess could and might appear to summon him to whatever needed to be done. Pushing all of it down, he asked, “So, what is it you need then, and why is it so urgent?”

“Well, it’s a matter of your own comfort,” she told him. “You see, the leaders of nations across the Equus plain have heard about the mysterious creature that lives with the ponies. Several have shown great interest in why and how you came to this world, and why it was that you appeared among ponies. Considering the fact that you are seen most publicly in the company of the Elements of Harmony themselves, many, including ponies, have wondered about your importance. For the most part, they want to deduce whether you’re friend or foe, and, well, to conduct their own interrogations on you.”

“Okay, lots of people are curious about me,” Ray summarized, shrugging his shoulders. “Does that mean I’m in danger?”

“No, not yet at least,” Twilight answered. “There are a few who do fear you, but not enough that you yourself should be afraid for your own wellbeing. However, considering exactly why you are here, it is important that, at the very least, the rulers of and politicians of the Equestrian nations accept you. Now, the reason it’s so urgent is because around this time of year is when the ruler of our nations visit one another’s countries. For me, that means riding a train on a long trip around all of Equestria for almost a week, visiting every nation and their respective rulers. I wanted to ask you before we planned and scheduled it if you would like to be a member of my court on my journey.

“I personally think that it would be a great way of introducing you to every nation and allowing you to see every creature you’ll be protecting in the coming year. It would also be a very educational trip on the ways of life around the world, and perhaps by having you visit the nations, the leaders would see your integrity. I also want as many as possible to see you, to get a perspective on who you are, not as a large, hairless beast, but as an intelligent, kind human being. However, the drawback is that this is a week-long venture, and I’m not sure exactly everything necessary for you on that trip. I also wanted to see how Skalos felt on the matter, considering he’s training you and gauging your progress. Skalos?”

“I don’t believe anything valuable will be missed in a week that can’t be taught in a day,” Skalos said thoughtfully, looking over at Ray. “The real question is whether or not our lordling here wishes to go on this journey at all…”

Ray thought for a brief moment, wondering why Skalos had redirected the matter to him before realizing this was some sort of test. His jaw tightened, wishing that for once something wouldn’t be a test, that he could do something of his own volition, and not to meet an unstated criteria.

Hardening his gaze, he turned to Twilight and told her, “No, I don’t think I’ll be going on this trip of yours. You heard what I said about you coming to me. If those kings and queens or whatnot want to see who and what I am, they can do it on their own time. I don’t want to be paraded around the continent like some sort of interesting circus animal, and I most definitely don’t want to be seen by everybody in the world. I’m not going to be intruding on their lives, so they have no need to be intruding on mine, whether I’m in their nation or this one.”

“I thought you would say something like this,” Twilight stated. “In fact, I would’ve been both surprised and alarmed if you had said otherwise. However, I wanted to give you the opportunity, in case you did wish to see the rest of the world that makes up our home.”

“You wanted to test me,” he interrupted, noting the way that Skalos almost proudly nodded. “Besides, I’ll have plenty of time to see it after this war is over.”

“So you believe we’ll win then,” Twilight asked, her brows raising slightly. “How can you tell so soon?”

“Well, call me crazy, but there can’t be any other outcome than our victory, right,” Ray stated, halfway bluffing, but also realizing that he felt truthful. “I mean, the way I’ve seen these Fallen act, the way Skalos has trained me, I know that every one of them is worth twenty minotaurs, no matter how big or how strong. It doesn’t matter what I do, but it does matter what we do, and I saw exactly how strong they can be, even when divided. Whether right or wrong, they are firm, and that’s what counts.”

Ray had finished speaking with his eyes now firmly on Skalos, who returned the gaze with his own milky blue eyes. Slowly, a small smile spread across his face, and he muttered, “Lordling, I believe you are worth more than a thousand Fallen yourself, but I’ll be damned to say I’m not surprised.” Slowly, he went to his knees, bowing with his entire body towards Ray. Skalos’ voice became firm and professional as he vowed, “With what life this curse from the Moon Princess has given me, I will serve you, even if it is only for one battle. Every word you command will be my lifestyle-” Skalos looked up, dead in Ray’s eyes “-and the lifestyle of my brothers and sisters in war.”

Ray couldn’t help but smile as he watched his mentor stand, his throat tight as he tried to register the weight of the Fallen’s words. Without a word, he stepped forward and bent over, hugging the stallion around his neck. “Thank you,” he whispered into his ear.

“No, thank you, my friend,” Skalos returned, reaching up a hoof and wrapping it around the human’s shoulder. They held the embrace for a few seconds longer, before pulling apart, both of them restoring their composure.

Twilight cleared her throat from behind Skalos, reminding them that they weren’t alone. They both turned to her as she said, “So I take it Ray has been quite successful in both aspects of his training, then?”

“At no surprise, nonetheless,” Skalos confirmed, his voice once again solidly toneless. “I presume that means that you wish to begin with the next phase of it then?”

“If you would, yes, although not until after the other reason I came here,” Twilight answered. She looked over to Ray, saying, “If you aren’t going to join me while I visit the nations of Equestria, I am going to have to have you join me when they visit me. On the day that marks Equestria’s First International Convention, exactly one month from now, there is an exclusive ball in which the rulers of every nation meet in the palace. They and some of their most trusted delegates have a short meeting, but if I’m being honest, with you in attendance, it won’t be short at all. Either way, the celebration is mostly a party for the rulers of Equestria where they don’t need to worry about formally greeting every guest and making impressionable appearances for the public.

“Considering that you will still be something of concern and interest to them, I would say it’s required for you to be in attendance. Having you appear on your own accord without me guiding you could give them the impression that you aren’t a new, thoughtless creature that we are merely taking care of. Also, you are technically your own nation, considering that you aren’t any of our nationalities, and have complete control over a population that is also technically independent of Equestria. Having you attend not as one of my delegates, but as one of your own would get the point across on the final thing I wish to ask of the both of you.”

Stepping back so she could stare at both of them firmly, she explained, “You see, I wish to explain to my friends who also have their own to care for what is coming, and the true purpose for your existence. I want to, at the very least, warn them of the potential danger that these minotaurs pose, and I wish to explain to them the Fallen and who they are. I can’t keep a secret as important and dangerous as this from them, and I believe that they have every right to know. I know that sometime in the future I will have to confront the ponies of Equestria about this as well, but not until it is necessary for them. However, I won’t do so for either the politicians or populace until both you and Skalos confirm that it’s alright with you. Mostly, I’m concerned with Ray, and about the potential of him being mobbed for answers, but I also worry about the Fallen being a known force of ponies that can kill in a society where the word isn’t even used any more. Your input?”

“Well, I don’t really see anything wrong with going to some fancy noble’s ball, except the fact that I’m not exactly… ‘proper’,” Ray explained. “I feel like, more than anything, it’d be me mostly standing around silently while being stared at by a bunch of royalty. Otherwise, if I can take Skalos with me, I’ll go. Just promise me I won’t become some walking zoo exhibit.”

“Trust me, the nobility of Equestria have become much more present and refined than they used to be, though judging by the dust on that bookshelf, you have no idea what I’m talking about,” Twilight noted, a slightly disappointed glance at the dusty furniture and untouched books.

“He hasn’t had much time for history lessons or reading at all thanks to his training and his new family,” Skalos told her calmly. “As for the matter of alerting the other nations of the threat and my kind’s existence, I believe both are appropriate matters to address in this year’s Convention. In fact, I too wish to attend the Convention as our lordling’s delegate and as living evidence of our hope. If you would allow it, I could be the one to announce the Fallen’s independence from Equestria and allegiance to Ray.”

“I find it fair enough to allow you to attend also, and I would encourage the two of you to think of another, third, delegate to bring as a final representative of the Fallen.” Twilight paused to think for a moment to think before nodding to Skalos. “That is all I needed from you, Skalos. Thank you for your insight, but I’m afraid I must ask for a word with Ray privately now.”

“Good night then, Princess,” Skalos said. As he passed Ray, he looked up slightly and muttered, “Good choices today, lordling.” Without another word, he exited the house, the door shutting softly behind him.

Ray had no time to speak as Otolo landed on his shoulder, finding a new perch after her old one left. She chirped quickly before Twilight softly began speaking.

“Ray, I’ve been wanting to speak to you more often ever since you visited the castle. A lot of time has passed since then, and I feel like I’m missing out on so many things while also being smothered by all of these other responsibilities. I want to set aside a day where we can talk, get to truly know each other better, and discuss the future. I don’t want to miss anything that’s going on with you, because you matter to me more than for just the obvious reasons. Because I took you away from one life, I want to make sure that this new life is so much better for you, and I want it to be for your sake and not mine that I do it.

“You see, in the past few years of my life, I’ve been able to make the right choices, but every time I do so, I hurt somepony else. I want the cycle to truly and surely stop with you, that while I might have done wrong, I’m also doing what’s right to fix it. For the most part, however, I want to become your friend, even if I’m the mare who ripped you away from the life you knew. I know that it will be hard to get past that fact -for both of us- but I know that no matter what, it will be better for us to work together as friends then as resentful acquaintances.”

Twilight stopped talking, pursing her lips as she waited for a response, and Ray could see immediately that the firm, courageous face she’d put forward around Skalos had crumbled. Around him, she was still very much regretful and afraid, and that fact was what made up Ray’s mind.

“Yeah, I think that would be a good idea,” he answered slowly, trying to think out his response. “It’s just that, I’m worried these sorts of meetings will be much too formal, like sitting in an office with a psychologist than talking to someone you want to befriend.”

“Well, fortunately, that actually brings me to my next question, though it’s one you may not like.” Twilight took a deep breath before asking, “Would you like to move into the royal castle?”

Ray did a double take, not quite sure what he’d heard or if it was what was truly asked, but quickly exclaimed, “What, no! Why would I do that?”

“Well, because you’ve been given the greenlight for the next step in your training, you’ll be interacting and training with the Fallen now,” Twilight explained quickly. “Since I can’t keep literally thousands of ponies concealed from Equestria anywhere but Tartarus, you’ll have to visit it daily in order to continue successfully. It would be simpler for you to live near me so I can simply teleport you to Tartarus than you having to take a train to Canterlot and then come to the castle so I can then teleport you there. Also, seeing as how we also want to have a day where the two of us discuss whatever we need, it would be easiest for that to occur in the castle, where I can be available if an emergency were to come up. I also believe that having you in closer proximity with the Fallen would help you connect with them more. I know what happened on your last trip to them, and well… it doesn’t sound promising.”

“Twilight, I appreciate the offer, but please, think,” Ray demanded, gesturing with his arms and accidentally startling Otolo. “I just found myself a spot here, in Ponyville, and I don’t intend to leave it. I can’t abandon the family I just made, and finally having friends again, it’s just… something I can’t do. I’m willing to wake up in the dead of night in order to take a train to Canterlot, and do the same to visit you on whatever day we decide, but I can’t leave. Not yet.”

Twilight stared up at him, biting her lip. She exhaled slowly, looking down and shuffling a little. “When I was crowned the ruler of Equestria, I knew it meant I had to move away from Ponyville and the friends I made there. I didn’t want to do that, but I had a more important duty to fulfill, and I knew that even if I was a hundred miles away from them, we were still friends. However, in a year’s time, you’ll be heading away to an unfamiliar plain, fighting a war, something nopony’s done for millennia. I won’t force you away from our friends, not until it’s what we agree on.” Looking up, she gave him a small smile. “I won’t make you go through what I did early. I can already think of a better way for you to get to Tartarus than through me anyways. It’ll just take a little bit of time. Until then, I guess we need to figure out what to do with you.”

“Well, I mean, my Sundays are the only days that aren’t filled, if we want to schedule that for the day we do our little meeting,” Ray suggested. “Otherwise, I’m perfectly fine with staying like this for another month.”

“Well then, I think my business here is done,” Twilight stated with a satisfied smile. Her smile softened as she nodded to him and said, “Thank you. You’re doing more than you know.”

Ray simply nodded in return, not quite knowing -or having- anything to say. The two shared one last look before Twilight suddenly popped out of existence, teleporting away. Otolo began twittering excitedly on his shoulder before fluttering up in his face.

“You didn’t happen to know that any of this was coming, did you,” he questioned the little bird suspiciously. She twittered in sharp denial, and Ray knew that she was telling the truth. “Well, you could’ve done well to warn me that Twilight was also in my house.”

The statement ended with a yawn, causing Ray to step into his kitchen to check what time it was. He was startled to find that it was nearly eleven somehow, and the reminder that he hadn’t had a meal since noon abruptly hit him. Hearing his stomach loudly rumble, he smiled at Otolo and said, “Well this has certainly been one long night.”

Author's Note:

It's been way too long, and I apologize for it. I hope that this makes up for the time it took, but hopefully the school year will be less crazy than my summer.

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