• Published 26th Apr 2020
  • 6,908 Views, 515 Comments

Equestria's Ray of Hope - The_Darker_Fonts

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Friendly Outings

Fluttershy chewed her lip nervously, her hoof tapping quickly beneath her as she stared out at the open plain. It felt like it had been so long since she’d last had a good look at the grassy hills, and not the house which stood solitary on the top of a shorter one. The solitude provided with the location of the house was probably intentionally designed, in case Ray had taken a disliking to the ponies and had wanted to stay away. That was understandable, but now, more than ever, it looked like he was being cut off from the rest of the town, left alone in the middle of a foreign hillscape.

Now, however, the privacy also offered somewhat of a challenge to Fluttershy, a dangerous, unforeseen flaw in a budding plan. She had never spied on anypony before, at least, not with the intent of ensuring another pony’s safety -well he wasn’t exactly a pony, now was he- but this felt like the right thing to do in her mind. It wasn’t every day that she felt herself leaning in for a kiss, and she knew that no stallion in their right mind would give up an opportunity to kiss somepony they already confessed to being in love with. This was simply her seeing exactly what might be going on with Ray, and why he might be so off, more than he explained.

It had been three days now since Ray had returned from that dreadful place, three days since he’d rejected her. She may be completely out of her mind for thinking that this was the best way of resolving the problem at hoof, but she needed some way to see behind the masks and lies, to see who Ray really was. And if it meant spying on him day in and day out, well, so be it. She didn’t have too much on her plate anyways. With the Running having just occurred, most of the winter preparations for the animals were instinctual, and nothing urgent had come up yet to prevent her. In fact, this was all almost perfectly timed to happen, which may be why she felt down.

Was spying on somepony else really this easy? Was this invasion of somepony else’s privacy actually just a walk through the town and a look through the binoculars, because if it really was, did that mean somepony else could be spying on her? The thought made her even more nervous, and she forcefully pushed her own trembling leg to the ground to prevent it from tapping. The most concerning thing to her wasn’t that it was so easy, but that it felt too easy, as if it were like a weakly made nest; real enough to draw you in, but as soon as you settle down, it collapses.

That’s what it felt like, even before Ray was awake. She was absolutely sure some pegasus from above or an observant earth pony would spot her and give her away. She kept glancing around the sky and ground around the tree was hiding in, one that was lining the road into the town, just on the other side of the bridge. There were a few ponies out at this time, but most were just barely waking up or otherwise getting ready to leave, which was probably the only reason nopony had noticed her clumsy attempt at spying. With another nervous glance around the town square, she went back to staring through her little binoculars.

Surprisingly, it was at that exact moment that she spotted Ray leaving the confines of his home with Otolo fluttering around his head. He looked slightly messy, his hair rustled up as he began to sprint away from his house. However, instead of taking the path through town like she presumed he would, he simply began running down the side of the hill, straight towards the Everfree. Gulping, she realized that he was going to pass through the dangerous forest to get to the Acres quicker, and that if she wished to keep up with him, she’d have to leave her hiding spot and follow.

Sighing, she glanced around to once again make sure nopony was around, then slowly flew out of the tree, brushing branches aside. With another gulp, she began to hover over the ground and fly in the direction that Ray had been heading. She kept herself low, but quickly realized that it might be harder to spot him from so low without being spotted herself, so she ascended above the thick cloud cover. She wasn’t quite up to date on the weather schedules, so maybe it would rain, but she wasn’t sure exactly if that was important. Other than some weather pegasi that might make sure the clouds were in the right place, the rain may mean more cover, which would be good.

Oh sweet Celestia, since when did I become so analytical, she thought to herself as she passed wetly through a cloud and landed on the top. She knew why she had, though, why each and every one of them, even Pinkie, had become more somber than they had before. If Twilight had told them about the minotaurs, she knew they would have been shocked, but they would have gone into the conflict with a sense of… safety? After all, every other fiend and villain they’d faced so far had failed to harm them or otherwise defeat them. The fact that she didn’t believe they could defeat this threat, however, was punctuated with her bringing Ray among them. And perhaps that was why, for what he stood for, he was the scariest thing in Equestria.

She shuddered as she felt the truthfulness of the thought, the brutal reality that, given any number of situations, he was more powerful, more capable, and more dangerous to Equestria than any other villain, or villains. At any moment in time, if he found himself disappointed, enraged, or betrayed by the ponies he was supposed to defend, he could turn tides and effectively become the destruction of ponykind. He was powerful without magic, and the fact that he didn’t seem to realize it only made him more concerning. The more she thought about it, the more Fluttershy realized that he was a monster, a monster who had no cage but whatever it made around itself.

It was clear, however, that this monster was in control, and may even be harming itself instead of those that have cause to fear him. Whether he intended to or not, Fluttershy could see that Ray was causing himself immense pain by forcing himself into the shoes he’d promised to fill. The cage the beast had made for itself was much too small, and Fluttershy intended to find out why the beast restricted itself when it could be better when it was free. The only problem was that it meant getting close to the beast, a daring move that brought a good deal of both turmoil and heartbreak. After all, she knew that a beast was just a creature that wasn’t understood by the world it resided in.

Fluttershy crept to the edge of her cloud, watching the human enter the Everfree from above, catching the faintest glimpse of his blue shirt through the shrubbery. Taking the opportunity while he was still in the forest, where his view of the sky would be obstructed, she flitted to a cloud a few hundred paces away, one that was thick and broad, spanning from the forest to Apple Acres and beyond. The massive cloud was a soft, dark one that provided enough of a firm footing to allow her to rest her full weight on it, and she flew from one end to another, settling down at the edge.

As soon as she had seated herself down, she spotted her friend emerge from the dense thicket and into the small lanes that split the Acres from the Everfree. He was running at full speed, descending a small hill towards the lake that sat right behind the farm. It was bordered on all sides by hills, some bare green and others covered with the Everfree and the calmer forests. The unique spot was quite cut off from the other areas around Ponyville thanks to being right past the Apples’ property and surrounded by the dangerous Everfree.

From her vantage point, she could faintly see another figure beside the lake, waiting patiently for Ray’s arrival. She could tell they were talking, but couldn’t hear quite what. Perhaps if she moved down and onto the crest of the hill, she would be able to hear them, but that would mean that she wouldn’t be able to see the two. With a slightly disappointed clench of her mouth, she decided to stay in the clouds and watch. She pulled out her binoculars and took a long look down at the figures below.

The Fallen -Skelo, if she remembered right- was talking slowly and pointing to a pair of dummies that she hadn’t noticed, Ray nodding along with the instructions. She frowned in confusion as Ray carefully set down his spear and grabbed a short wooden rod. He ran his hand up it as he stared at his teacher before grasping it at the other end. With both ends grabbed, he listened to the ghostly pony as he continued to speak. Ray spoke in return and indicated one end of the wooden rod, receiving an affirmative nod, and more instructions from the stallion.

The interaction between the two went on for a few minutes longer, before Ray suddenly started moving towards one of the dummies. As soon as he arrived, he began striking quickly at the straw figure, making quick, lethal blows along the neck and stomach. Fluttershy swallowed hard as he suddenly struck the head of it with a wide swipe, causing some hay to fly out of the side. She grimaced as he repeated the action with the other side of the head, with the same outcome as before. Chillingly, when she looked back to the stallion, he was smiling and saying something to Ray, whose head jerked towards him. They both shared a moment of laughter before Skelo began giving new instructions.

The Fallen produced another short stick, giving it over to Ray, who looked a bit confused for a moment. After some gestures and waving his hoof around, Ray nodded unsurely and began to slowly strike at a singular dummy with both sticks. As he began to get the rhythm down, he sped the attack up, and soon his strikes were sharp and precise, a dance with lethal intent. Her throat tightened up as he suddenly turned so he could begin striking both dummies fluidly, and suddenly one of the heads of the dummies was knocked clean off.

Having destroyed the first dummy, he focused on the last one, using his knives to strike simultaneously at the straw enemy. With malicious endurance, he focused on the gut of the figure, and within only a few minutes of the deadly attack, he had opened up its gut with the blunt sticks, allowing for straw to fall out. Having finished off the two, he turned back to Skelo, who nodded in affirmation at something he said. Dropping the sticks, he walked over to the lake and dipped his hands in the water. All the while, Fluttershy watched, entranced by the immense power that Ray was showing, the pure strength he had that was unmatched by any other.

It was strange that seeing such things terrified her, yet she was too fascinated to look away, instead staring dumbly. Ray finished cooling his hands and returned to his instructor, who was speaking once again. Following whatever orders were given, he picked up his strange spear, the metal glint blinding her for a moment. With a grimace at the blinding light, she looked away, setting her binoculars down.

That was her undoing, as in a moment of thoughtlessness, she had forgotten that pegasi could stay on clouds, and not objects. The binoculars fell straight through the cloud, which she only now noticed had drifted over the pair training, and towards the ground below. She could only stare in mute horror as the object fell several hundred feet, praying that the two below her wouldn’t notice the object. The only indication of them noticing was the two suddenly pausing in their actions, which from so high looked only like shuffling. However, having seen the same reaction from before, she realized that they had looked up, and she quickly ducked behind a puffy part of the cloud.

“Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no,” she muttered fearfully to herself. She knew that she would mess up like this, somehow give herself away on the first day of her desperate attempt to see the real Ray. She hadn’t even managed to catch him in his natural state, only spot him when he was his most focused. And now the opportunity had been blown in a moment of carelessness, and she was probably spotted and Ray would never want to see her again and hate her forever. “Oh, why are you so stupid,” she quietly wailed to herself.

Before Fluttershy could react, Discord suddenly popped into existence right beside her, a burst of confetti appearing with him. “Alright, where is the lovely pink pegasus that is committing the horrendous act of self deprecation,” he asked, staring directly down at her as he floated. Without thinking, she reached up quickly and pulled him down. The action seemed to catch him by surprise, as he didn’t resist at all, falling directly onto her.

“Ope, well, isn’t this cozy,” he teasingly cooed as he rolled off her, causing her face to go red as she glanced away. “Now, about insulting yourself.. What have I told you about that?”

“‘I’m too good for that’, ‘That’s my job’, or ‘Come on, you?’,” she responded, remembering what he told her everytime that she said something remotely discrediting about herself. He’d started doing this some months ago, but she knew that the enchantment didn’t listen to what she said, only the negativity directed to herself, so she wasn't too concerned about Discord listening in to conversations.

“Precisely,” he loudly exclaimed, throwing his paw and claw into the air. She shot up and pulled him under cloud cover once again, this time making sure he landed besides her and not on her. Sitting up, he brushed dust that suddenly appeared on him off his shoulder. “Now, please explain why exactly it is you’re handling me like some sort of hug buddy? I may be rather attractive” -the claim was punctuated with a slick mustache appearing- “but please control yourself. I personally find physical contact rather bothersome if it isn’t built up somewhat.”

Ignoring her chaotic friend, she whispered sharply, “I’m spying, Discord, and you might’ve blown my cover if I hadn’t already!”

“Oooh, spying,” he shrilly whispered back. His body became white and puffy like he had suddenly transformed into a cloud, which is what he probably had done. Turning to the ground below, he questioned conspiratorially, “And who, pray tell, are we spying on today, my dear?”

“R-Ray,” she stuttered softly, refusing to meet the surprised stare of the draconequus lying beside her. “I need to help him, but I can’t if I don’t see exactly who he is,” she defensively stated. “He constantly wears a mask, so I need to find a moment when he doesn’t have his mask on, even if it means watching him from the moment he wakes up to the moment he sleeps.”

“Fluttershy, this is… Well, it’s mighty devious of you, but even I didn’t spy on ponies directly, mostly because I was too busy conquering them, but still,” he cried. Wiping the back of his cloudy claw across his forehead, he seemed to realize he was still a cloud, and waved away the puff on it. “The point is, I think you’re a bit too worried about Ray. I mean, invasion of privacy is a triable offense, if indeed you are caught, though I’m pretty sure Ray wouldn’t press charges. All I’m saying is, it took me a while to come clean with my emotions and let myself loosen up. Considering the piles upon piles of stuff he’s dealing with in his life, the more pressure you put on him to open up, the deeper the real him will burrow in. Even if you aren’t caught, what you may find might not be worth the effort and may cause you to… step away from him completely.”

Tapping his digits together nervously, he softly muttered, “Sometimes we put on masks because the truth is worse than a lie.”

Fluttershy stared long and hard at Discord with her mouth slightly ajar, not quite sure how to process what he’d told her. In all of her life, a pony indeed attempted to hide themselves with masks, but never once had what was under been something terrible, merely a fear the pony had about themselves. However, Ray wasn’t a pony, and not really even an innocent person, but a grown boy, and a killer. Maybe if the mask was pulled off, it would reveal something unforgivable, something that she wished she could deny existed. And that was probably the true cost of forcing Ray open, the truth of why exactly he was the one here, and nopony else.

Fluttershy swallowed hard, looking Discord in the eyes as she felt her own begin to tear up. Furling her mouth to prevent from crying, she threw herself against him, wrapping her hooves around him tightly and pressing her face into his soft fur. Instantly, his own paw and claw encircled her, bringing her in tight as the draconequus embraced her fully, smoothing her mane as silent tears began to flow. Discord leaned his head down to her, his long neck wrapping intimately around her as his tail did the same. With a soft, sorrowful sigh, he pressed his own head against hers.

She didn’t know why she flinched away at the touch of it at first, maybe because it was unexpected, or maybe because she felt ashamed for being so reliant on others, but she pushed herself back into him, whimpering through her tears. Discord’s claws began running slowly through her messy mane, comforting her in a way only a creature like him could. She felt herself calming down quickly, as if the embrace was something like an outlet to her sorrow and weakness, sucking it all away and dispensing it.

She soon felt her tears dry as the last of her raw sadness was dispelled by Discord’s presence. After several more minutes of silent embrace, Discord slowly pulled away, though Fluttershy caught his claw as he did so. He looked her over lovingly, staring her down from head to hind hoof with a small smile on his face.

“You know, Fluttershy, your beauty may be able to hide your exhaustion for a while, but it isn’t an infinite reservoir,” he commented as he pulled his paw through her mane. “You have circles under your eyes, and you look bedraggled overall. I know this whole ordeal has taken its toll on you, but you need to take care of yourself in spite of it all. So how about I take you to have a spa? I’ve never been myself, but I think an eon and a half of old muscles would need the occasional tending to, don’t you think?”

The offer and comment earned a smile from Fluttershy, and even though she saw through his ploy to try to ease her away from her troubles, she followed through with it, the offer too kind and the prospect too pleasant to ignore.

“That sounds lovely, Discord. I’d be happy to take a break to just… relax.” She paused as she looked around, noticing their cloud had drifted slightly so that she could view where Ray and the other stallion were. She bit her lip, catching sight of his tiny body from so high up jerking something around, and she bit her lip, forcing herself to look down at the puffy surface they sat on. She knew that Discord had seen where she was looking, and felt a relaxing paw on her shoulder.

“He’ll be alright,” he reassured her, looking into her eyes. With a small chuckle, he muttered, “I may not have spied on ponies, but I certainly know when they’re boring enough to be honest. That dead guy down there is one of the most down-to-earth ponies out there, and that’s with only half a glance from half a mile up! Now, how to get down,” he asked with a certain cheekiness in his voice.

Fluttershy realized that they probably couldn’t get out of the clouds without being spotted, especially if her guess that Ray had caught a glance of them earlier had been correct. She suddenly understood Discord's quip as there was only one option to get out of the sky.

“Discord, would you mind doing me a favor,” Fluttershy questioned humbly.

“Anything, my dear,” he happily replied, knowing exactly where this was going.

“Would you please get me out of here, preferably to the spa,” she politely requested, trying not to show her amusement at Discord’s cleverness. “And yes, I do know this will cost me another tragic night of spending time with a dear friend,” she tried sarcastically, though the tone felt awkward on her tongue.

Discord smiled nonetheless at her attempt, commenting, “Well, we’re going on a date to the spa already, so either way you’d end up going out with me.” Making his voice mockingly menacing, he warned, “Let this be a reminder of what happens when you insult yourself in even the slightest of sincerity!”

“Oh dear, a date with a draconequus, how severe,” she played along, giggling at the absurd little conversation.

“Now, off to the spa then, eh?”

“Yep,” she agreed shortly, bracing for the feeling of teleportation. It came over her quickly, the strange color of chaos transfused with the purer magic that came with teleportation. Twilight had explained it once upon a time, but she hadn’t retained memory of the process well enough to remember. All she knew is that it normally looked like the color of the unicorn’s magic mixed with the cosmetic colors of black and white, but with discord, those colors and his own took shapes. Today’s were spirals which formed unevenly spaced paws, though there had been countless other shapes before these.

Suddenly it was all gone, with the feeling of being light as air filling her and making her naturally lift her wings and tail to balance. Realizing her slightly public display, she quickly clamped all appendages around her tightly, glancing towards Discord was right beside her to make sure he hadn’t noticed. He hadn’t, considering how he was staring intensely into a pitifully small wallet which had a few small flies emerge from its shallow interior. With a small grumble, he tossed it behind him, where it began to fly away like a bird.

“I didn’t bring any bits, or at least, any that would stay in existence as long as I remembered them, and Twilight finally managed to seal up the Royal Coffers so I can’t reach into their reserves, so I’m out of actual money,” Discord grumbled unhappily. “And don’t even think about trying to pay for this,” he quickly added as soon as Fluttershy opened her mouth. She shut it slowly, looking down and around. There was nopony outside of the spa, but considering the hour and day, there probably weren’t too many patrons anyways.

“Aha, I’ve got it,” he declared, snapping his claws, which in turn summoned a portal into existence. Reaching the claw in, he suddenly pulled out a hooffull of bits. Realizing he had nowhere to put them, he glanced behind his head, to where the wallet was peacefully fluttering. He reached out and caught it, stuffing the coins into the pouch before proudly shoving the wallet into a pocket that appeared in his coat.

“Where did you get those bits from,” Fluttershy asked suspiciously, eyeing the place where he’d put the wallet.

“Oh, just the Fillydelphia Bank,” he nonchalantly answered, waving it off. “They owe me since I helped them get back that cartfull of gold that fell into the river there.”

“Um, when did that happen,” Fluttershy questioned unsurely, not remembering her friend mentioning any such incident.

“Just now,” he said quickly, stepping towards the entrance of the spa. “Shall we?”

Fluttershy only smiled softly in return, following him as they entered the spa together. The interior was designed with flowery, thin paintings adorning the walls, the air cool and firm, almost like in a clinic. Door shrouded in steam was the only sign that this was indeed an establishment for relaxation, and not for medical attention. A receptionist desk was facing into the room and towards some soft benches, attended to today by Aloe. She smiled as she recognized Fluttershy, but shivered slightly at the sight of Discord, who was inspecting the room appreciatively.

“Good morning Miss Fluttershy and- uh… Mr. Discord,” she welcomed unsurely, peeling her eyes away from the draconequus to greet Fluttershy. “What will you two be enjoying today? The same as usual for you, Fluttershy?”

“Yes please,” Fluttershy agreed, surprised by how relieved her voice sounded.

“And, um, you, sir?”

“Well, I’ll take whatever can ease up a millennia and a half of stress plus countless chaotic transformations and disfigurements,” Discord responded chipperly. “Or a deep tissue. I’ve heard wonderful things about those.”

“A deep tissue massage it is, then,” Aloe confirmed, jotting it down on something on the desk. “After an hour in the sauna or the hot tub?”

“Hot tub, please,” Fluttershy requested, feeling the sudden need to be completely wrapped in warmth. While the hug from Discord had been nice, being higher up in the air, and especially having the cold, damp cloud’s precipitation soak into her fur, she was still rather cold. Shivering slightly, she felt Discord’s paw on her back as they were led into the hot tub room by Aloe, and she realized then that she must have lost whatever had been said to her thoughts.

They were provided with towels, but Aloe didn’t follow them in, allowing for some privacy as they entered the pool of slightly steaming water. She gasped at the sudden heat before relaxing herself into the water slowly, eventually submerging herself fully. When she emerged, she watched Discord dip his toe into the water tentatively. Pulling it out, he had caused it to melt away like chocolate.

“Ah, just the right temperature,” he exclaimed before stepping straight in, his entire body melting into a puddle of brown Discord. His face appeared in the middle of it as the entirety floated over by Fluttershy. “This is quite pleasant, if I do say so myself. You may not have guessed it, but we draconequi are literally cold-blooded! My natural temperature is only sixty degrees Fahrenheit, but this is almost twice as warm!”

“Sixty what,” Fluttershy asked in confusion, sure she’d heard it wrong.

“Oh nevermind, ponies don’t understand human things,” Discord grumbled, his puddle condensing to form his regular form once again. “Quite frankly, humans don’t understand human things, but alas, I am a simple lord of chaos, and not one to judge mortals for their silly mortality.”

“You confuse me sometimes,” Fluttershy stated drowsily, the effect of the warm water.

“That’s my job,” Discord responded positively, running a claw through her wet mane softly. She dipped her muzzle under the water, lazily blowing bubbles in the water before giggling a little. She didn’t know why she suddenly felt so playful, but given everything she’d been worrying about, she felt it was warranted. Thankfully, those thoughts were being dispelled completely by Discord’s embrace and the warm water that both enveloped her.

Wait… Discord’s embrace? She groggily looked up and saw Discord smiling down on her. She returned the smile with her own, leaning her head on his lap, her face halfway in the water as she felt herself drift away to sleep.


As Discord stared lovingly down at Fluttershy, stroking her silky, wet, pink mane, he didn’t feel jealous that Ray had a place in her heart either. In fact, he felt more obligated to respect him than ever, that he also had hold over her heart, enough that she was risking herself to try and see him truthfully. He felt a sort of mutual respect, that a mare this great could care enough for the both of them, and while he knew that he would be jealous in only a few hours, when all of these warm fuzzies had passed away from him, he was glad. Trully, the choice was Fluttershy’s, and he’d feel grateful if she would still call him her best friend, even though he preferred husband.

Hesitantly, he lowered his head and pecked her wet cheek quickly, before sitting up. She stirred slightly, before glancing up tiredly. “I felt that,” she muttered, a little smile appearing.

“Good,” he told her, not really feeling embarrassed for being caught.

“This is lovely, Discord,” she mumbled, closing her eyes as she nuzzled his chest. “Thank you.”

“Of course,” he respectfully responded, brushing through her mane some more. With a little chuckle, he reminded her, “This is only the first half of the spa treatment too. We still have a whole massage to go through.”

Fluttershy moaned happily at the reminder, sitting up and asking, “How long have we been in here?”

“Eh, a little over an hour, but that spa pony told us that we could spend a little more time in here seeing as there aren’t any other patrons,” Discord explained. “She told me to just leave the room and she’ll be with us for our massages.”

“Mmm, well, I guess we shouldn’t keep Aloe waiting,” Fluttershy commented, stretching out and groaning slightly, water dripping from her fur. She stepped out of the water, which had cooled a little since they had entered, Discord right behind her, willing himself dry. Realizing that Fluttershy might have some problems drying off enough while so sleepy, he grabbed the towel provided telepathically. He held it up towards her. Silently asking permission to dry her, to which she nodded. Carefully, he rubbed her down, only slightly heating up the towel for her benefit. While it was true he could dry her just as easily as himself, he really wanted any excuse to touch her, which he took gratefully. He knew Fluttershy had realized as well, but only made him more inclined to reward her, giving his own sort of massage through the towel until she was fairly dried.

They left the room together, and the spa mare appeared almost magically in front of them from around the corner, calling, “Your massages will be right over here.”

The pair followed the gesture and soon found themselves laying on their stomachs across a soft board, getting their backs massaged by the sisters. Discord watched in amusement as Fluttershy dozed off once again, but unlike her, the massage woke him up some more. Sure, he was relaxed, but he was also incredibly interested in how they did their work so well without magic. By the end of the massage, he felt, well, admittedly the same, but that’s because he’d never been tense in the first place, and the twin he got said so herself.

“Your muscles, Mister Discord, are very loose, and easy to handle,” she commented as he paid the fee for the visit.

“Well, one of the benefits of being the Lord of Chaos is that there are no physical limitations to my body,” he told her. Glancing over to Fluttershy’s sleeping form, he smiled and said, “Don’t worry, I can take her home without waking her up.”

The spa mare nodded and allowed him to step past her and gently pick up Fluttershy, who was so dead asleep she didn’t even shuffle. With a silent command, he instantly teleported to her house, straight aways into her room. He managed to tuck her in completely before she awoke. She stretched out wide with a large yawn before blinking awake completely..

“Discord, where am I,” she asked softly.

He had intentionally left the room dark, but forgot that she didn’t have night vision until after he’d said, “We’re in your room, silly.”

“Oh,” was all she said, scooching herself back and sitting up with another yawn. She glanced towards the curtains, seeing that it was still light outside. “Um, isn't it really too early for going to bed?”

“Yes, but it’s the perfect time for a nap,” he teasingly commented. “Now just lay back down and enjoy not having any responsibilities.”

“Okay,” she complied, laying back into her bed as he tucked her in loosely. She stared up at him with her big, perfect teal eyes, and for a brief moment, time froze. He stared at her, and she at him, and their smiles slowly faded. Suddenly, she spoke.

“I… I think I really like you, Discord.”

“Yeah… yeah, me too.”

Without another word, the two leaned in to each other, pressing their lips together hastily. For a moment, they stayed like that, lips interlocked, eyes pressed shut as they forced themselves together. For a moment, they forgot everything but the feel of each other, but all too quickly, the moment was ruined. Discord pulled back, swallowing hard, his face bright red as Fluttershy returned the embarrassed stare, both of them out of breath. Then, she smiled the biggest and brightest he’d ever seen her do, and he felt himself smirk as they both began chuckling.

Yes, this was perfect. For now, it could be like this, and Discord could feel special again. And thanks to this pegasus, he would have the strength to go for another eon.

Author's Note:

Well, this is the longest I've gone without an update for this story, and I feel really bad, but a terrible combination of summer schedule, laziness, and a trying to write romance without ever having been in love myself all held this back a bit. I hope I made up for the time though, and as always, comments are welcome.

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