• Published 26th Apr 2020
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Equestria's Ray of Hope - The_Darker_Fonts

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The Liar's Price

“Well, as surprising as this twist is, it isn’t an unwelcome surprise,” Skalos muttered, staring up at the spider. He and the human alike stared at the enormous figure of the Matriarch, fully illuminated by the cavelight of the Harkening. Ray could hardly believe the true size of the Matriarch, even while consciously knowing that her head alone was as large as him. Perhaps it was because of the grand scale of the spider in general, or perhaps because he had become too used to being the largest thing around but seeing the Matriarch in the open like this had left him speechless all over again.

“It will be my pleasure to assist the cause with my children for the children of vengeance,” the Matriarch nodded politely, a large feeler reaching out to gesture to the breadth of the Harkening. The scuttling of hundreds of thousands of spiders followed the statement as suddenly the children of the Matriarch began to climb up the nearby walls and onto the ceiling of the grand cavern. Ray watched with astonishment and some level of horror at the sight of them all, spiders of varying sizes spreading across this side of the Fallen’s home. The human side of him shivered at the sight, but the rest of him resisted the urge to back away from the horde of arachnids.

“Do not fear, and let your soldiers know to not fear, my children obey my word and thine alike,” the Matriarch ensured, staring up at her spiderlings. “Unfortunately, the vast majority of them are far too young to have learned the art of tongues or adopted manners of the mystic arts. However, they are quite hardy and well prepared to assist in any conflict to befall them and easily understand the words you speak to them. Much like the Fallen, their lives for the majority have been spent in the darkness of Tartarus, and it has shaped them into a silent, yet quite proficient force. Given the princess Twilight’s permission, I should like to take my spawn above ground shortly to inhabit a spot of woods to adjust them to the light and soil.”

“Well, I’m sure Twilight will be most pleased to see a horde of spiders on her grounds without any prior knowledge,” Ray joked, crossing his arms. “I can ask her, but I’m not quite sure when the next time I’ll see her is. It may be a few days till I get back to you.”

“Hm, I suppose my sudden appearance on the above-world would cause quite a stir, enough to draw her attention, correct,” the Matriarch pointed out keenly, a glint of mischief in her ancient eyes.

Smiling at the joke, Ray shook his head no as Skalos stated, “The time between now and the invasion is slimming quite narrowly. Two weeks until we launch, and then we will land eight days afterward. From there, Celestia guide us and our blades to success. We need these few days to introduce our two armies together and help the Fallen such as myself get used to, well you, World Weaver. We’ve seen plenty of strange and wonderful things, but frankly, you are terrifying to the common mortal.”

“Yes, I quite understand my… immense size and its effects on the much more miniscule life in Equestria. Perhaps it is wisest to worry less about our own physical comfort and focus more on the unification of our two species as one force, united under our lordling,” the Matriarch ruled with a thoughtful reach of her feeler to tap the ground. “The war we are about to fight, while mortal in conflict, most certainly pertains to the cosmos also, and in some way, it will affect our universe, as our universe’s creators most certainly have a hand in this. A complete and thorough understanding of this will not be comprehended by my children, for too few have my developed understanding. However, if somehow you could inform the Fallen of the piece they play in the Aspect’s works, then mayhaps it will allow for a more cohesive uniformity in this army.”

Ray cringed slightly at the Matriarch’s sudden request, the delicate topic of the Aspects brought up in front of Skalos and Fluttershy. Skalos glanced sharply over at Ray, a questioning arch in his brow as the mare did the same, although less reserved as she gawked at him.

“I thought we agreed no more lies,” Fluttershy cried, sitting down to point an accusatory hoof at him.

“Yes, and that’s why I didn’t tell you anything I couldn’t confirm,” Ray quickly explained, holding up a hand to the Matriarch to ward off her interruption. “Twilight and I have come up with several theories of what the Spectre may or may not be, however, since none of this are solidly founded on fact, we have simply decided that, until more information is disclosed, the Spectre is simply, well, a spectre. Not quite explainable but something to be feared and cautious about. One of the theories Twilight had, and one I’m partial to, is that the Spectre is an Aspect, one of the powerful beings that represents a piece of Equestria through itself. Whether it is or not we cannot confirm and doesn’t seem all too likely, but it’s the closest bet we have in my opinion.”

“I’ve never heard of these Aspects before,” Skalos muttered, also taking a seat as he rubbed his chin incredulously. “Most ponies don’t even really think about life after death, since Celestia has assured us of its existence after her transcendence to the throne. Are you saying that Celestia has been lying to us this whole time?”

“I doubt she has,” Ray assured the Fallen, the grim expression on his face slackening. “I just don’t think she told you about the Aspects for fear of angering them, as Twilight warned me, they are far more powerful than anything here on Equestria. When she was telling me about the existence of the Aspects, she seemed paranoid, almost as if by telling me she was putting us in danger. Whatever is going on, the Matriarch has confirmed that the Aspects are involved in some way, which is why I guess it’s best if you learned now. Sorry for how messy this came out, but you have to believe me when I say that I know nothing but that there are some higher powers, and that there is nothing I can say or do to stop them if they get involved, so for the moment, the less people that know, the better.”

“This goes nowhere, then, not even to Twilight,” Skalos agreed with a sharp nod. Glancing to Fluttershy, he told her strictly, “What you have heard is undoubtedly concerning, if not terrifying, and as such, you will not spread such fears through your friends. There’s already mass paranoia over the oncoming worldly war, and if we accidently involve these Aspects as well, it could mean the loss of society as we know it.”

“If I may add my knowledge to this discussion, I would like to point out that the Aspects are the very same things that created this universe,” the Matriarch objected, a feeler stroking along the ground. “The Aspects created me as one of the first four living creatures, an oracle for this world to warn and assist any champions of the cosmos, such as Ray. I could not oblige to hearing the Aspects called warmongers as you suggest, in spite of the nature of some. They are beings who would not destroy their own creations, their own children even. Slandering their name is only but a quick path to having them turn their backs to you.”

“We aren’t calling them good or evil, and I’ve noticed that you’re doing the same,” Fluttershy spoke up, the other three turning to her. “We can’t call them enemies or allies because for thousands of years, we haven’t seen hide or hoof of the Aspects. All we know is that they are now part of this, whether or not we wanted them to, which means we have to be wary of them.”

“Precisely,” Ray agreed, looking back over to the Matriarch. “I’m not quite sure what your relationship with the Aspects is and why you find yourself in their service so diligently, but I can respect it. However, if you are going to involve yourself in our war, you are going to have to prioritize this fight over whatever loyalties you have on high. We trust you and your judgments of the cosmos, but we can’t trust however higher loyalties are to, seeing as how the Spectre has proven we mortals are merely ants to immortals.”

“You stereotype the Aspects based on the thesis of one capricious immortal,” the Matriarch demanded furiously. “The Aspects are greater beings than the amassment of all mortals to have ever lived in their realms. We cannot dare to oppose their impediment into this conflict, for if we anger them, there is very little any of us can do to stop them from turning their wrath on us.”

“Then we don’t try to stop them, but we don’t allow them to pierce our ranks with their grand scheme,” Ray allowed. “If we can’t stop them, we will simply do as we need to survive both the Aspects and the minotaurs, and if that means allowing the Aspects to be involved in some way, so be it.”

“In theory, however, we may be able to mask the conflict, if you feel the required actions to be hidden from the Aspects’ eyes,” the Matriarch commented. Ray gave the arachnid a quizzical look at the sudden helpfulness of the comment. Noting his glance, the Matriarch stated, “You asked me to put my loyalties into the fight with the minotaurs, and as such I shall do my best to assist you in that manner, even if it means shading the truth from the Aspects. They know much and everything, but they are admittedly vulnerable to their own eternal strivings. I have come to appreciate the smaller and shorter lifespans of the creatures that roam their world, and as such will indulge myself in this conflict not only for your sake lordling, but for the ponies too.”

“We thank you greatly for your input and assistance, then,” Skalos thanked with a respectful bow. “Now, World Weaver, please, go on. Share with us how we may shield ourselves from the sight of the Aspects.”

“Well, Skalos, the involvement of myself and my children will certainly draw some attention to the Aspects, as while I am also but a mortal, I am the first of Darkness’ creations and the only still living. However, if I were to be concealed within the folds of the army and my children divided up and dissolved into the units of the Fallen, then mayhaps they will be unable to detect my substance amongst you. I can hide myself physically from the sky, however it will take more than visual elusivity to conceal my presence from the Aspects. For that, we will need something else to be distracting the Aspects’ sight, preferably something here within mainland Equestria. I would request that Twilight would be the distraction, as her Princesshood grants her a power and connection to the Aspects, however, she was also the one to stir the flow of the cosmos to bring you to us, and the connection could easily be made, and from there, revealment.”

“We don’t have time to figure out a way to distract the Aspects from an actual war without using another conflict that’s going on right now,” Skalos pointed out. “By tomorrow, the Fallen will have finished packing up the Harkening and will leave it forever. We have only an ample couple of weeks to establish a base camp here for any possible retreat, refit the boats, and cast off. Combine that with a continued training of amphibious assault, and the lordling and I will have no time to place our focus elsewhere. We need an outside influence to assist us with this cause, someone that isn’t connected directly to us or Twilight.”

“There are a great many dealings in the world that concern me,” the Matriarch suddenly began to speak. “I have long listened to the winds of change and watched as the surroundings of this world became… chaotically peaceful. A dark presence resides in Equestria, hidden away from the natural world, protecting themselves and the ponies of Equestria from each other. A continual conflict arises between them, however. Perhaps I can manipulate this situation that has slowly arisen to capitulate on our purpose. For reasons unknown, even I cannot identify this sect, for they are neither pony, griffon, dragon, or any other Equestrian species, rather, I can sense Darkness’ presence in them, and that is my only acknowledgement of their existence. I will take my leave and find these forlorn souls to see what I might learn about them and how they may be able to assist us. If I’m not back before you cast off, my children shall follow you on your boats without question and follow any and all orders given.”

The Matriarch paused momentarily, her eyes looking out above her and to the sides of her, where the spiders had begun to establish themselves homes in the luminescent light of the Harkening. Slowly, the Matriarch admitted, “I am not one for personal connections, not even to my own children, but I do request that for the sakes of my spiderlings, you treat them as the individuals and sentient creatures they are, and not as exposable tools. A good many of them have also lived beyond the life of the Princesses and have only begun learning their potential, the longevity of life shedding light on knowledge and casting instinct away as they develop their beings. Do not waste the potential of my children on a war, even one so important as to involve the Aspects.”

“You have our word that the spiderlings will be welcome to this army and treated as the individual soldiers they are,” Skalos assured her with a respectful nod. “The army of Fallen and spiderlings will sweep across our enemies swiftly and secure every victory we might against the minotaurs with minimal casualties, if possible.”

“We trust you and your children and are grateful for your continued assistance in this conflict, and hopefully through the end of it, we may find a way to learn more of the cosmos’ involvement in our lands,” Ray continued for the Fallen. “As soon as this worldly conflict is concluded, we will devote our time, strength, and attention to this troubling matter of yours. The Aspects will be acknowledged and the World Weaver will become a seer and general the same to assist us in protecting the Aspects from whatever harm may have befallen them or help them in whatever grand scheme they have.”

“Your words comfort, and your eyes speak truth,” the Matriarch began before slowly turning to Fluttershy. “But your eyes show equal fear to the courage you have shown, child of magic. I see your discomfort and fear at all that has transpired here today, and all that will transpire in the months to come.”

Suddenly, the Matriarch’s voice slipped away into the hissing and clicking of mandibles as the two’s conversation became individual. Skalos looked confused for a moment, but Ray quickly explained, “The Matriarch has the power to alter her voice so only an individual she wants to hear the conversation will hear it. We won’t understand a word the other two say while they talk personally.”

“Hm, I see,” his friend observed, lifting a hoof to rub his chin. Turning to Ray, the Fallen set his brow hard as he asked, “Do you truly trust this World Weaver with putting our better interests in front of whatever plan she has?”

Shooting a sharp glance over to the Matriarch and Fluttershy, he hissed, “Do you really want to have this conversation right in front of her?”

“Well, obviously she could hear us any other place we might take refuge for the matters at hand, so best to be upfront about it than to try and talk behind her back,” Skalos pointed out sharply. “I personally do trust her to be a great asset in this war, but beyond that, I don’t believe she has concerned herself all too greatly with the matters of Equestria. I don't think she cares about the Fallen, me, or even you.”

“You could have at least waited for us to be out of feeler’s reach before you said all of that,” Ray muttered, still staring at the World Weaver, noticing the way her head had turned ever so slightly towards him and Skalos. Peeling his eyes off her, he replied firmly, “The Matriarch has no reason to not care for Equestria, as all she has done so far is in defense of it and I can trust the sincerity of her words. I also know for a fact that she is hiding something- no, a great many somethings- from us, but for the moment, she is our greatest ally. What she has said to me, about everything, about the Spectre, she does it out of concern for me specifically, but along with that, she is concerned with what concerns me. So, if I want to save Equestria and ensure it remains peaceful, she will do the same to please me, as she has done by joining our cause.”

“And what makes you so sure that she cares so greatly for your condition,” Skalos questioned earnestly. “The act of joining this war is commendable and was very needed for us, but at the same time, what more does she gain from this than your security? She has already stated that higher powers are at play in this conflict. What higher power does she serve that benefits her to assist ‘mortals'?”

“It’s because of me,” Ray confessed, settling down on a patch of mossy rock, setting his elbows on his knees. “In some way, I’m involved with the Matriarch’s goal to assist some grand plan to play out. The act of Twilight bringing me here to Equestria disrupted the flow of the cosmos and suddenly found me entangled in ‘the plan’, part of some much bigger course the Matriarch calls the map of eternity. I don’t understand a word of it, other than that it involves me, the Aspects, the Spectre, and the World Weaver.”

Skalos sat thoughtfully for several long moments, thinking, before he finally said, “The Spectre appeared during our scouting trip four weeks back, didn’t it? That was why you had fallen overboard, because you were taken from your body and allowed to drift while alone. Why did you try to hide it from me, Ray?”

Ray was less shocked by the sudden acknowledgement of his lies and more stung by the hurt in Skalos’ voice as he asked the question. The Fallen looked up at him grimly, his brow set deep not in anger or stoic emotionlessness, but rather in sorrow and pain. Instantly, Ray was on his feet, stepping to his best friend and compatriot, wrapping the Fallen up into a hug. For one reason or another, tears stung his eyes as he tried to hold back the guilt and subtle pain of lying to his most trusted ally in the world.

“Skalos, I didn’t need you to be worrying about me any more than you already have been, and I didn’t want to have to worry about another thing taking you away from me,” Ray admitted, holding on to his much smaller companion tightly. “You’re braver, smarter, and stronger than me in every way, which is why I know that if and when the time may come, you will lay down your life for me. I don’t want that, though, even though it’s one of your most prudent goals. You’ve already given me so much in this world that I never had on Earth, and the thought of losing you stings me even when we attempt to keep this professional. You’re my brother, Skalos, in more than just spirit, but in a way I could never explain with words. Without you, I and the rest of this world would be lost, and yet somehow, at the end of the day, you never seem to realize your value.

“If you were to learn of the Spectre, I feared so many different reactions, from tired, begrudging acceptance that you would one day have to stop me to an instantaneous cut off of all communication and emotion. I’ve already lost one family and have distanced myself from another to protect them. I was worried that if I lost you and the Fallen too, I would shatter and allow the Spectre to take hold of me. There is nothing in this world that I want to save more than the Fallen, and in order to do that, I need you. Without you, I remain simply a monstrous boy who will only ever amount to nothing. “

“Almost a year and yet we are still strangers,” Skalos muttered hoarsely into Ray’s ear. “I think you have it quite wrong about you and me, Ray. In the seventeen hundred years I’ve called the Harkening my home, there has hardly been a moment of emotion that was not regret, pain, or sorrow. When you first arrived, a youth blinded by the light of the new world yet lost in the dark, I thought for sure that we were simply given a different species of Fallen. Then, you opened your mouth and spoke to the entirety of the Harkening, and that speech I still remember to this day. There were many promises and some falsehoods in there, but none more grievous than you calling us ‘Risen’.

“Every Fallen knew that you were incorrect to say that we were risen from our miserable state, both in a physical and mental sense. However, when you said those words, in spite of your own knowledge, you sparked a fire in each and every one of us that were listening to earn that moniker, to become Risen. I listened that day, Ray. I wished for myself to become something more, and looking up at you, hearing your words and seeing your actions from every day onward, I have felt next to nothing but hope.

“Lordling, you thought yourself lost without us, but in truth, both you and the Fallen were lost together, unable to find anything through the dark. On that day, the day you visited the Harkening, however, you lit a torch in this dark and dreary place of the damned. It allowed us Fallen to see that path we must take to become Risen, and it allowed us to help use your torch to light seventeen thousand more. You gave us the spark we needed to guide you to your destiny, and while ours may be to end on the battlefield, honorably by your side until the end, the battlefield will not be your end. For your courage and bravery to be wasted in blood would be a sin to the highest degree, and I know the cosmos will not allow it, but before even that, we Fallen will not allow it. We don’t lay down our lives so you may live, we live our best lives so that we may rise, to become the closest thing to you we may ever be able to achieve.

“Our quest, lordling, is to not die in battle, but to rise to the occasion to redeem ourselves in the eyes of the only person who has come to matter to us. You, Ray, lordling, are our quest, our oath, and our freedom from the hell of hells we’ve trapped our damned souls in. The truth of my heart is that there cannot be a world without you in it, even if it means laying down my regained life for you. We don’t and will not give our lives away for the vanity of honor, but for the greatest respect and admiration we have gained of you. This is the truth, Ray. These are the true emotions I and all of the other Fallen have hidden from you so that we can continue to feel this way about you without your guilt. As much as you have hidden from me, the entirety of the Fallen has hidden their truest love and admiration for you, Ray, my brother.”

Ray swayed slightly as Skalos finished his words, the broadest, brightest smile he had ever seen on the stallion’s tear-streaked face. Slowly, the human reached out and placed his hand on the Fallen’s cheek, wiping away one of his wet, translucent tears. Speechless, he stared at his hand, the wet mark on his fingertips left by Skalos’ tears. Unable to remain hallowed by his words, Ray watched as several more drops landed on his cupped hands, tears blurring his vision as he was overcome with emotion. For several long moments, he felt the world crumble away to just him and Skalos, tears falling quicker than his beating heart as he began to cry for the first time in many long months.

Before he could say or do anything but blubber, Skalos reengaged, a tight hug around his neck, his cold skin rubbing against Ray’s warm skin. Ray wrapped his arms back around the Fallen, holding on tightly as he allowed the words to roll over and over him, rocking him from the deep dark sea he had stranded himself in. All of these months of callous training and dark preparation for the war to come shattered in an instant, his professional act crumbling to dust. This, these tears, his emotions, were the truth and guidance behind his actions, beyond duty, and now he swore through tears that he would not allow himself to become what he had.

Slowly, the emotions began to subside, Ray sniffing as he leaned back to wipe away his tears. The two gave each other a brief look before laughing sheepishly at the sudden breakdown, Ray saying, “Sorry, I think I cried into your back a little.”

“Aye, you may want to clean that tunic when you can,” Skalos suggested as he also wiped away his tears. Clearing his throat, the Fallen regained some of his composure as he punctuated, “Ray, what I just told you is not just my emotions but the emotions of every Fallen who calls themself your soldier. I hope you know that, and I hope that means that we can gain your trust now that our truth has been shared.”

“Well, I would say that you will always have my trust, and I must ask forgiveness for breaking yours,” Ray replied humbly.

“Ray, what you did was not to lie for the sake of self-fear, but for the fear for us, your friends and comrades. There is nothing that gains more trust than the protection of those who you love through such drastic measures as to hide it from them. I, we, the Fallen, forgive you of a trespass that only progressed our path and did not defile it.”

“A common mistake of allies is to bicker and hide truths from each other, causing rifts and discretion against one another until the peace tears and hate flow,” the Matriarch keenly interrupted, sticking her head in towards the two suddenly. Her large red eyes stared at the two intently, the judgment and curiosity evident as she studied them. “How interesting, the actions of mortals so mature that they may be eons old. Keen of you to set aside such words and worries, allowing complete transparency to forge truthful, lasting bonds. Such is the way when you do not have time as your healing aide…”

“Pardon us for our display,” Skalos replied, ducking his head in a respectful bow. “As you see, we both had something we needed to reveal before we could continue with our purpose.”

“All is well, general,” the Matriarch assured with her own nod. “Emotions are a heavy toll on those who have little time in life to feel them sincerely. Those bright sparks through the moments of time that allow one to feel the raw power of any singular emotion often overpower we mortals for a season. There is a reason why love and hate both have places in the eyes of the Aspects as surging power. Princess Cadance, the Princess of Love still living, and Sombra, Prince of Hate, deceased for but a few years now.”

“Wait, so Love and Hatred are two of the Aspects,” Ray exclaimed, his attention suddenly drawn straight to the Matriarch’s words.

“Why yes, they are two of the weakest Aspects, but they do have two of the great universal emotions,” the Matriarch commented offhandedly. “Emotion itself stems from different variations of hate and love, the root of all emotion, and as such, the two are the constant to each other.”

“So, all Aspects have an opposite to another, a conduit and controlling power for the opposite,” Skalos questioned. A nod of affirmation left Skalos with a simple, “Interesting.”

“I believe that I must take my leave at this moment, seeing as the day is passing quickly and my time to act is running short,” the Matriarch said suddenly, looking up to the ceiling of the Harkening. “My children will not be contentious with the Fallen here, and with the proper explanation, I believe neither will they.”

“It’s been an honor to meet you, World Weaver,” Skalos politely acknowledged with a nod. “And it will be a continued pleasure to fight beside you and your kin in battle.”

“Farewell, Skalos,” the Matriarch responded before her speech slipped into incomprehensible skitterings for a few private words with the Fallen. Ray licked his lips as the Matriarch turned her large head to him, saying, “And to you, Orphan of the Cosmos, I wish the best of favor to be upon you. The cosmos needs your survival for this universe to continue to resist the dark forces that threaten it from a distance. While there is no doubt in my mind the perfection you are for this purpose, your soul’s turmoil will be the downfall of you over any blade cast against you. Remember this in the times that most matter: you are that others may be.”

Ray nodded slowly, looking down from her red eyes and to the rocky cavern ground. Without a sound, the Matriarch finally turned over to Fluttershy, warmly departing, “Goodbye, child of magic. You already know my thoughts of you.”

“Until we meet again, Matriarch,” Fluttershy smiled kindly, ducking her head reverently.

Ray watched as the spider turned, her long legs expanding hundreds of feet forward, bringing her to the exit of the Harkening almost instantly. Though her body was large, the Matriarch was able to slide her way into the tunnel that led into the main sprawl of the Harkening, and without the slightest pause, the Matriarch was through and gone. Looking around him at the hundreds of thousands of different spiders that now inhabited this side of the Harkening, setting up webs or scrambling across the rocks for better positions, Ray couldn’t help but let his jaw slacken. Shaking his head at the sight, at everything he had just witnessed, the bizarreness of the Matriarch, he turned to Skalos, who shared a similar expression. Wordlessly, he stuck a thumb out towards the nesting spiderlings, shrugging his shoulders.

Shaking his head in the same wonder as Ray, he muttered, “Quite frankly, lordling, there are no words for whatever this is. How do you keep finding yourself in the most unusual situations?”

“Well, I wasn’t the one who brought me to Equestria,” Ray replied with a chuckle. “You’ll have to take it up with Twilight.”

Author's Note:

Another chapter with the Matriarch means another happy day for me! Also, sorry for the solemnity of these chapters, but if the first chapter of part 2 hasn't warned you enough, the second half of this story is much darker. As always, questions, compliments, comments, and concerns are welcome and wanted!

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