• Published 26th Apr 2020
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Equestria's Ray of Hope - The_Darker_Fonts

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It was a windy day, the flags of the camp billowing loudly as Ray walked between the tents. As had been planned, the focus of yesterday and today had been gathering the last of the Fallen’s few possessions and establishing an above ground camp. Considering the neat organization and planning done by Skalos and two other Fallen Ray hadn’t quite gotten the names of, the task had gone by quickly considering the size of the army. In only thirty-two hours, the last of the Fallen had left the Harkening and pitched their tents, leaving the Matriarch’s children as the last inhabitants of the ancient city.

Ray’s purpose right now was to simply monitor and assess any potential problems that may occur, though there hadn’t been any that couldn’t be easily solved. A misplaced tent here, an overcrowded one that required deviation, and a few missing pieces of equipment found elsewhere. Nothing that would be outright concerning if it occurred upon their first landing. The only thing he would change was the flags, their tall, billowing cloth loud enough that he was sure the inhabitants of Ponyville were able to hear it, and if they could hear it, he didn’t want their position to be revealed to the minotaurs through their patriotism.

The flags weren’t inherently Equestrian, but rather a multitude of different flags that represented different nations or even different armies and divisions within the Fallen. Many had been handcrafted by materials donated or found by the Fallen over the course of their rapid rise in publicity, however, there was one particularly special flag flying at the entrance to camp. Looking up at it, sad that he was about to order it to be taken down, Ray stared at his flag, the black emblem of a kharamh and open hand inked into the fresh, glowing silver silk of the Matriarch’s kin.

Upon learning of the Matriarch and her children’s presence in the Harkening, Zecora had rushed to the underground to investigate the new allies. Among the things she found out about them, some with Twilight’s persistent assistance, was the genuine uses of the silk they produced. It was soft and easily weaved, and after only a few hours of weaving, she had produced the patch of cloth for him to decorate as his own flag. While he hadn’t had the time to personally decorate it, somehow Garish had, “borrowing” some of the ink Twilight had brought with her for notes and added the characteristics.

With a sigh, he glanced around at some of the older and more colorful flags that had been around for weeks or even months in anticipation of the invasion. Looking to a trio of Fallen who were dutifully cleaning their weapons, glancing occasionally at him, he asked, “Which flag is yours?”

“The yellow one with the pale blue stripe down the center, sir,” one of them, a blueish stallion, replied with a sharp salute. Looking over his shoulder in the direction the stallion had indicated, Ray nodded keenly. The stallion quickly explained, “It’s Rohan’s flag, the flag of the Third Spear Legion. My name is Umron, sir, captain of the second unit within it, and these two are my friends and seconds, Garet and Hammer.”

“Pleasure to meet the three of you,” Ray said with a smile, reaching forward and shaking the captain’s translucent hoof firmly. “Rohan was the first Fallen I met beside Skalos and a dear friend. It’s a pleasure to finally meet some of the strong stallions he commands. You all prepared for the journey ahead?”

“Well, sir, if I’m being frank, I don’t look too kindly at crossing the sea,” one of the other stallions, a light green unicorn, answered honestly.

“Garet here ain’t gotten his sea legs yet, sir,” the other one, Hammer, laughed as he clapped a hoof against his back.

Garet gave his companion a short glare before defending, “I may lose my fight with the ocean, but you can be sure as the sun will rise that I’m punching a hole the size of my hoof through the first minotaur I see. Them bastards ain’t gonna be able to see what hit ‘em before we send them straight back to their creator.”

“That’s the plan,” Ray nodded, smiling at the determination of his soldiers. Crossing his arms, he glanced back over to the company’s flag, informing them, “Well, I haven’t given it as an order yet, gentlemen, but just be aware that when we set camp in the new world, we aren’t going to be able to set our flags out. Considering the lack of knowledge we have of our enemies, we don’t want to give away the position of our camp with our patriotism. For now, though, they’re fine to fly, and we may even just post them up on our boats when we cast off.”

“Yessir,” Umron snapped, a salute from him and the other two confirming the message.

“Alright then, you guys have a good rest of your evening,” Ray departed, turning and walking down the rough paths beaten out by countless hooves walking across them. Glancing from tent to tent, noticing the different activities of the dozens of Fallen he saw, he finally emerged from the edges of the camp, to where the road to Ponyville suddenly appeared from between two hills. Though he had no intent to stay at his house for the night, he did want to visit the town briefly to catch up on the gossip spreading about his army. Already it had attracted half the town’s population, the spectacle of encampment catching their attention quickly and holding it for hours on end.

Right now, the crowd was much smaller than it was this time yesterday, though he credited it more to the windy, sunny day than the lack of any more movement between Tartarus and the above ground world. They had scattered the waypoint they had used between the Harkening and the camp, officially closing off any way for a large number of people to pass between the two worlds. The thought caused him to sigh sadly, the fond memories he shared of the Harkening with the Fallen were numerous and powerful. Saying goodbye to his adopted home, however, was inevitable, and so he had left it without any regrets.

Many of the Fallen, if not every one, had shared a few tears with their company upon returning to the surface, leaving the Harkening for what may have well been the last time. With a shaky breath, they had pushed forward to dutifully complete their task however, the coldness of leaving home well familiar to Ray, leading them to the future. They would leave their home once and look back only with the fondest memories and with the desire to return should they survive. Skalos had made his division swear to him that they would not think to return to the Harkening until they had received their restored bodies, and considering the tradition of the former Grims, Ray hardly doubted they ever would.

Biting his lip as he approached the town, he felt every eye on him as he crossed the small stone bridge over the creek and into the town. Some peeked at him from behind curtains, others stared wide from the street vendors, and a few kindly greeted him. Boy did he need those few kind greetings over those cold and fearful stares. Looking to one of those friendly familiar faces, the shopkeeper that had given him the sleeping powder, he smiled and dipped his head in a thankful nod. The shopkeeper, who Ray still regrettably didn’t know the name of, returned the gesture in kind, an understanding curve to his smile.

Refusing to note the fear of the others, he allowed himself to be confident, knowing that for better or for worse, he was here for a purpose beyond the favor of the ponies. He was here now to save them, if he could, and whether they appreciated his actions or not, he would do so. It wasn’t a question anymore of if he could, but rather if they would allow him, though knowing the timid nature of the residents of the small town, they wouldn’t even think to get in his way. A lifetime of being the victims of countless oddities and enemies had trained them to hide and fear while someone else saved them, and as bitter as the fruit was, there was a hint of sweetness within.

Striding through town square, eyes locked on a certain shop that held the distinction of all Equestria, Ray climbed the stairs to the shop in a single step, knocking softly on the door. Before a breath had passed, it was pulled open, Rarity staring up at him with the slightest upward curve of her lips.

“They’re staring still, aren’t they,” Ray asked, both of them knowing full well the answer.

“But of course they are, dear,” she replied cheerfully. “After all, with such a dashing ensemble accented with your astounding height and fabulous weaponry, how could anypony resist such charms? Although, I do have to say, you have had better looking days.”

“Well, you’ll have to forgive my appearance, Rarity,” Ray apologized, stepping inside and seating himself on the nearest couch. “I haven’t slept in some sixty hours, I think, and haven’t had the time to wash myself in longer.”

Rarity did a visible double take at the statement, whipping around from where she had been walking to give a hard stare. “You’re telling me you haven’t slept all week?”

“Well, with the craziness of the past day and a half of unpacking the Harkening and establishing ‘base camp’, along with the turmoil and preparation for the task, nope, I have not gotten a wink of sleep since Saturday,” Ray answered earnestly. “Oh, on the topic of turmoil, don’t pester Fluttershy too much about what all occurred down in the Harkening.”

“Wait wait wait, you brought her to Tartarus,” Rarity demanded to know, her face terrified at the prospect.

“At her own request and with Skalos’ permission,” Ray confirmed with a nod.

“There’s no way that she would’ve wanted to return to Tartarus, not after what happened the last time we visited,” Rarity began, before raising a hoof to silence both Ray and herself. “I know, she’s a mare that can make choices for herself, and I don’t doubt that she did join you in the journey, but my real question is why?”

“Well, if I’m being honest, it’s because I wasn’t talking to her, or hadn’t been talking to her for months because of everything I’ve been doing down in the Harkening,” Ray honestly replied. “I guess it was a way to see why I took so much time to myself down there and never returned home, or why I had grown to love the depths of Tartarus, and I think she found her answer. Funny that she learned why I love the Harkening the day before we left it, isn’t it.”

“Hm, yes, I see, but in this matter, I think I’ll remain blissfully ignorant,” the mare noted. “Now, a second question, why are you here, exactly?”

“I need a shawl to cuddle with at nights when I’m missing home,” Ray sarcastically answered with a smile. “No, I need to check up on what everybody is saying about the army coming up and encamping a mile outside of Ponyville.”

“Well, mostly they’re all saying the same thing, which is absolutely nothing,” Rarity explained. “Everypony seems equally scared and grim about what this means, the fact that what they were told is true, in spite of all hopes otherwise. I mean, even I must admit that the exodus from Tartarus is quite… awakening. I’ve known you since the first hour you’ve been here, but I must admit, the day felt so long from then that, now that it’s happening, the gathering of your army and the assembly of your navy to take you across the sea, I find myself caught with my tail up. I can’t even begin to understand what you have gone through to prepare yourself for this day, these coming days, but I can see it in your eyes. You know how this conflict will end, how you will completely decimate our enemies and save us… even if it means going down with your ship to do it.”

“You know me too well, Rarity,” Ray smiled sadly, shaking his head. “The plan isn’t to die saving, or even die trying, but to end this war on our terms, ensuring the safety of Equestria for days to come. While there is undoubtedly the risk of me not coming back, that shouldn’t be the main concern of you or anybody else in Equestria. Your main concern should be continuing to live as if nothing is happening. The Fallen and I have it under control, and no matter what happiness out there, it will not affect this land. I’ve given my word that I’ll fight for this land, and now I promise you that I will defend it as well.”

“That’s not very comforting,” Rarity admitted, sitting down across from him and nervously flicking her tail sideways. “I’m worried that you haven’t said anything about coming back home from the war, even if you do survive and win. Why do you refuse to say that you’ll come back when you know that we want to hear it? Even if it’s true, it’s much more comforting than simply having your fate be open ended.”

Ray sighed deeply, looking away from the mare as he confessed, “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to return to Equestria after what happens out there, in the war. Beyond the obvious that I will have become a killer the likes of which nobody alive has ever seen, but also because the end of the war is not the end of my work. I doubt we’ll ever be able to completely eradicate the minotaurs, so instead I must dedicate myself to nullifying them elsewise. The Fallen have been promised new life and restored bodies once the war is done and I intend to uphold that promise and send them back to Equestria to live the lives they once gave up. I, however, promised to fight for Equestria for an indefinite period of time, and now that I’ve promised to fight for and defend it, there is no changing the trajectory of my eternal life here. I will defend Equestria after the war and long after… long after you die…”

Rarity flinched at the sad statement, staring at Ray with pinprick eyes. Slowly, she stammered, “You… you’ll never return, ever? Not to visit us, even after everything we’ve done together, the time we’ve shared and the memories we’ve made? You would just forget it and never return home?”

“Rarity, Equestria- heck, Ponyville- was never my home, even as I tried to fool myself that it was,” Ray explained grimly. “As much as I’ve come to love the ponies and town that Ponyville is, the ponies that you, Fluttershy, AJ, Rainbow, and Pinkie are, it isn’t a place for something and someone like me. I’ve seen it in the eyes of the ponies on the streets, in your eyes even. No matter what I do and how long I live with them, I will always be seen as a different thing, a strange creature that was brought from a whole other world to this one. It isn’t exactly the most… healthy of conditions, even if I were to live here a thousand of your Equestrian years. Eventually, I would snap and let loose, destroying the world I swore to protect, breaking my oath and soul all over again.”

“No, no there’s more to it than that,” Rarity stated sharply, glaring hard at him. Pointing an accusatory hoof at him, she claimed, “That’s a surface level excuse, but like you said, Ray, I know you too well. What are you attempting to hide from me, trying to protect me from?”

Shaking his head, biting his lip, he answered softly, “There’s always more to this than anyone ever could’ve thought. This conflict, the war I’m about to wage, is the catalyst for something bigger than anything this world has ever seen, or so I’ve been warned. I can’t go into it knowing how dangerous the true enemy may be, but let’s just say that the Spectre is only a surface level threat to a much deeper and more dangerous enemy than we ever could have imagined. This threat… it’s centered around me, and if the worst were to come to pass and the Spectre manifested itself through me, terrible things would happen. I refuse to return to Equestria when I’m virtually a ticking time bomb of some overarching being with indescribable power and unbelievable intelligence. I can fight it now, but once my Fallen pass on, once you guys, my first friends and family here, die, I don’t think I can continue to win this fight. If I can’t prevent my fall, I have to prepare for it. I’m sorry.”

Rarity stared at him long and hard, visibly rolling his situation over and over in her head as she wiped at her eyes. Finally, after several long seconds, she finally asked, “You won’t ever return from the war, but you will visit during it, yes?”

“Of course,” Ray confirmed with a firm nod. “In fact, it may be the only way to stabilize myself through the battles and killing. Why?”

“Then we can visit you once the war is over,” Rarity stated factually, drawing herself up in a dignified manner. “We can come and visit you every month until the day we die, and you can have those memories and interactions to remember, to keep you going for as long as you can.”

Ray swallowed hard, taken aback by the kind offer, having expected protesting or arguing to follow. Instead, the white unicorn stood up and walked over, resting a hoof on his knee as she stared up at him. “I know you too well to think that I can change your mind or convince you to compromise with this situation. I also know that everything you do is to protect the world that isn’t your own, and all I can do to show my support for your bravery is to uphold you and support whatever decision you make. As the Element of Generosity, I have found that there are none so courageous and courteous as those who would willingly give up their time or self-importance to those who do not care or are ungrateful for their actions. Everything you do, Ray, I watch with admiration, and all I can ever say is this: Thank you, you brave, charming, insurmountable man. May Celestia favor you in all your doings and may your strength outweigh even that of the most powerful creatures.”

Without hesitation or warning, the mare wrapped her hooves around his stomach, pressing her head into his sternum solidly. Holding back a sad sigh, Ray accepted the embrace, gently wrapping his arms around her as he felt her take her own deep breath, attempting to hold in her emotions. Somehow, he had known something like this was coming, the goodbyes he had to say before he left overcoming him with emotions over and over as he prepared to depart. Still, such profound emotions following each other so quickly had suddenly left him feeling hollow, as if those emotions would remain with the words said, left in those places as he walked away from them.

Still, he couldn’t help but feel his eyes begin to tear up as their embrace continued longer. Breathing deeply, Ray ducked his head down into her mane, letting out a shaky exhale as he allowed the emotions to fill the hollowness left from his conversation with Skalos. The cool blue of sorrow, loneliness, and all of the frigid emotions that could be attributed to the grim sadness he felt, filled the void within, freezing him from the inside out. Pulling himself around her, seeking out the warmth from her fur, he began to thaw himself, to rid himself of the emotions that coursed through his blood.

After a long moment, Rarity muttered with a soft laugh, “I’m trying not to cry because I’m afraid my mascara will stain your tunic.”

Ray chuckled at the joke, feeling the coldness warming. “I wouldn’t worry too much about staining this tunic. After all, I doubt it’ll survive too long out there.”

“Fair enough,” she replied promptly, leaning back away from him. Giving him an apologetic look, she explained, “Ray, as much as I wish I had the time to continue talking with you, I didn’t realize you were going to give me a visit, especially not at this time. I have a meeting with a shareholder of vast importance that I must take in only a few minutes, and I doubt you’ll be treated as you should be with him around. As much as I dislike the stallion… he does give me a lot of bits for his part, which is why unfortunately I’ll have to ask you to leave at the moment.”

“Oh of course, don’t let me intrude on your plans,” Ray quickly assured her with a strangely genuine smile. “I was here for information, and you gave me that and much more. Thank you for having me, and best of luck with this shareholder of yours.” The human began to depart before a wicked idea popped in his head and he gave the mare a glance over his shoulder. “If he needs a little roughing up to be more compliant, I do happen to have four feet and seventeen thousand soldiers on him.”

Rarity shook with laughter at the rhetoric, shaking her head as she told him in between fits of giggles, “Oh, Ray, I don’t think I’ve ever heard somepony ever dare to make a joke of that caliber.”

“Comedy’s my specialty,” he replied with a wink before stepping out of the door and into the street. As soon as he stepped outside, he was assaulted by a flurry of feathers and fury, Otolo circling his head as she pecked at him endlessly. The door slamming shut behind him as he tripped down the steps, swiping at the ruthless bird, he laughed, “Dammit, Ohs, what’re you on about now? I can’t understand you when you’re twittering like a wild animal.”

He finally caught the little bird with one of his swipes, holding on to her firmly but not tightly as he lifted her to his face. The little bird attempted to peck at his hand, to which Ray responded by lifting the bird to his face and blowing a puff of air into her. Otolo blinked multiple times at the sudden burst of air, staring at him in shock at his sudden actions. Pointing a finger at her little face, he chided, “Hey, you attacked me at random, consider it a blessing I like you enough not to just cook you for dinner tonight.”

The bird let out a short burst of chirps in response, a mean insult laced with guilt tripping. Rolling his eyes in response, he muttered as he began to walk away, “Going for the low hanging fruit, are we? Well, you are probably just some dumb little rabies-ridden bird who miraculously hasn’t ended up as somebody’s meal. You got Fluttershy to thank for that last bit because, as you keenly pointed out, I’m not a very good pet owner.” Starting in realization, he laughed as he smacked a hand over his forehead, “Wait, you just called yourself my pet! And after all these months of denying it as well!”

Glaring up at him, she pecked at his hand again, this time a little sting piercing his calloused skin. Letting out another puff of breath into the bird’s face, he snorted, “You just aren’t a very good learner now, are you?” A defiant twittering both confirmed and denied the allegation at the same time, causing Ray to chuckle again. “Come on now, Ohs, how can a bird who flies through the skies be beaten by a single breath of air?” You’re just holding me still. “Okay, fair point, I am using my hand, but you were also using your wings with your beak and little talons.” Your hand is twice the size of my body. “True also, but honestly, it was your fault for picking a fight with an actual giant compared to you, right?”

Suddenly, the bird fluttered in his hand, escaping his grasp in an instant, but thankfully she simply landed herself on his shoulder, chirping contently. Smiling at the little bird, he accepted the peace offer, reaching up his pointer finger to rub the little bird’s head. Chirping happily, the two set off back towards the camp, silently enjoying the midsummer day.


Fluttershy finally let out a breath as Ray shut the door behind him, allowing herself to peek out from the kitchen, where she had been hiding for the duration of the human’s brief visit. Making eye contact with Rarity, she apologized, “I didn’t mean to intrude on such an emotional moment.”

“It’s fine, darling,” Rarity dismissively waved. “You were here first after all. There was no way either of us could have known Ray would drop by for such a visit. I did tell him the truth, however. Prince Blueblood will be arriving sometime in the next half hour, and I don’t want anypony else to be around that vile stallion but me.”

“Okay, I understand, I’m glad to have talked,” Fluttershy replied, looking down at the ground in vague disappointment. She had wanted to say more, to ask more, and most of all to try and understand why Ray had said what he had to Rarity. Pausing at the door, too frustrated by the vast amount of information she didn’t know, she turned back to her friend and inquired, “Rarity, why did Ray come to you, and why was he so frankly honest with you when half the time he shrouds his thoughts whenever talking to me?”

“Fluttershy, Ray and I have a strange relationship I can only describe as being siblings, in a sense,” Rarity explained, her brow scrunching as she attempted to illustrate further. “I find that we fashionistas grow our relationships with our most frequent clients because very quickly the decency of a pony- or human, in this sense- as we have to measure the curvatures and lines of our clients' bodies. The awkward barrier of our physical sex is broken away with such simple actions as measuring for a dress or suit, allowing for the body to not hide the mind. In this sense, I’m guessing it’s why Ray and I have formed such an understanding bond, and an honest one at that. We’ve broken beyond his strong, tall, formidable body and are able to communicate one on one from mind to mind.”

“Hm, I understand how, but I don’t understand why he won’t ever tell me his true intent and emotions,” Fluttershy stomped frustratedly.

“Darling, he is being honest with you about the vast majority of things he says, but that doesn’t mean he won’t continue to defend you from the truth of the situation,” Rarity emphasized, reaching out and resting a hoof on her shoulder. “You are his heart right now, and the body protects its heart until it slowly comes to a halt.”

Author's Note:

Another very emotional chapter. Anyways, as always, questions, comments, and concerns welcome and wanted.

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