• Published 26th Apr 2020
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Equestria's Ray of Hope - The_Darker_Fonts

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The Shower is a Great Place to Make Life Changing Decisions

Chapter 6 “The Shower’s a Good Place to Make Life Changing Decisions”

As his vision returned, Raymond fought the sudden urge to throw up. Guess teleporting around willy-nilly was an easy way to upturn one’s stomach. Big surprise. Speaking of stomach, the unruly organ let out a loud groan, complaining about it’s lack of breakfast, and by now, lunch. He sighed, looking up from his stomach to take in his surroundings.

He stood in what he could only assume was the living room of his new house. In front of him was a desk with an accompanying bookshelf that reached to the roof, stacked with its namesake. To his left was a window facing far hills next to the door that led out the house. To his right, an open doorway led to another room, the wall beside it completely bare. The wallpaper featured an endless pattern of zigzagging teal and cream lines.

He stepped forward and turned around to get a better view of what was behind him. There was a long, lapis lazuli blue sofa in the right corner that looked so airy that even a feather would make it compress. Beside it was a padded wooden rocking chair with a more modern aesthetic facing the window. How kind of Twilight to give him a place to contemplate his life.

He walked into the other room, finding it to be a white tiled kitchen. Well, that was probably a good thing, since he actually knew how to cook. Feeding seven monsters, two parents, and one’s self is a very quick way to learn how to cook food correctly. There were three long cupboards on all three walls, the middle one broken up by a microwave. Below it was a stove and oven, more cupboards on the ground level. There was a sink to the right with a window above it, allowing him a view of Ponyville. Overall, the average American kitchen.

He began rifling through the cupboards, finding the bottom ones were filled with mixing bowls, pots, pans, and other kitchen utensils. The top ones were stocked with boxes of oats, wheat, rye, and other grains, along with some sauces and spices. He nearly tripped over a stool that was too small to be any use to him, but in doing so, discovered the pantry. It had other food stuff in it, including a refrigerator that had cheese, milk, and, blessedly, soda. He immediately took out one of the bottles and chugged it down, letting himself enjoy the tingle of carbonation. It didn’t seem to have caffeine, but at least the sugar still gave him a small burst of energy.

He decided to eat before exploring the rest of his new home, lest he get sidetracked with some other feature. He pulled a pot out, along with some noodles, tomato sauce, and a couple spices. He quickly whipped up some spaghetti, noting that the clock on the stovetop read 12:48.

By this time, he’d be heading to his other job at Ms. Pina’s. Other than, he’d be stopped, in a rather painful manner.

Ray shook his head. Best not to think of that so soon. He let himself become completely consumed in his cooking. He delicately stirred in the last of the basil he’d sprinkled in, then took a small taste. Perfect. Despite his situation, he smiled as he grabbed a plate and- whaddya know! They have forks!- and plopped the concoction onto his plate. He set out to the room behind him, a small dining room with two doors connected to it, and sat down on one of the wooden chairs.

The room was nothing fancy, something that Ray actually appreciated, just a table for four, and the two doorways. There were also windows that allowed him a better view of the bustling town. He ate silently, idly thinking that he would have to find some curtains to block out that still too bright sun. He’d need money for that though, which also meant finding a job.

He quickly ran through a list of jobs he could do on the fly. Anything to do with lifting, cooking, or gardening. His mind instantly went to the well organized grove of apple trees he’d seen. They must be part of a farm to be so symmetrical and tame, and Twilight had mentioned an Apple farm. He quickly made the connection between a certain Apple Jack, and made a mental note to ask her about it next time he saw her. He briefly considered the fact that Pinkie Pie had to be a cook of some sort, but dismissed the idea of working for her when he realized that trying to keep up with a pony that seemed to run purely off of sugar was beyond him.

Slowly, Ray felt himself relaxing, and even allowed himself to forget entirely why he was here in the first place. He felt a little stinging on his shoulders, and quickly checked beneath his shirt to find slightly pink shoulders. Sunburned. Lovely.

He finished up his lunch and walked back into the kitchen, washing off his plate and fork and setting them out to dry, as there was no dishwasher. He walked back into the dining room, and decided to go through the door to his left since it was closer. It led to a carpeted stairwell that went upwards. Two story house, it seemed. He was about to slowly creep up the dark stairs like in some horror movie, when he realized there was a lightswitch right by his hand.

He chuckled at his own foolishness, flipping it on and lighting up the blue stairway. He strode upstairs, finding a two way hall at the top. The left led to two different doorways, the right one to a large room with chairs and sofas taking up the space. He dubbed it the social room, because it seemed to be the only proper use for it. He figured he’d explore the other two rooms, since the social room was basically completely discovered.

Opening the door to the one on the right, he found that it was a pleasant master bedroom. Inside was a queen size bed that could’ve easily fit three of his siblings with their stuffed animals. He laid down on the bed for a moment, sinking into its soft mattress. There was a double window to his left that allowed him further viewing of Ponyville. He quickly saw just how far away from the town he was. Nothing too far, just enough to keep most ponies away.

There was an adjoining master bathroom that had the same white tiles as the kitchen below him. The bathroom featured a large bathtub, a shower with distorted glass to allow privacy, a closet and a toilet. Quickly realizing that he did need to go, he quietly did his business. As he washed his hands, he caught a whiff of his pits. Right. He hadn’t gotten the opportunity to shower, since last night had been one of his more exhausting shifts at the dump. He would have to deal with that after he finished his exploration.

He checked the other room, finding it to be a smaller bedroom, with a smaller bed. This one he dubbed the guest bedroom, since there wasn’t much other use for it. He wasn’t really sure exactly when or why he might have guests, but it was nice to set precautions. Heading back downstairs, he found that the other door was just a closet. So interesting.

Glancing at the clock as he passed through the kitchen, it was a quarter after one. So much time left to the day that he didn’t even know how to spend it. He began to allow the bitter thoughts to creep back into his brain as he reached the bedroom. Grumbling incoherently under his breath, he grabbed a fluffy white towel out of the bathroom closet. He couldn’t find the soap initially, but as he stripped down beside the shower, he saw it in the corner. Tearing it out of the box viciously, he turned the shower on at full heat. Within seconds, steam flowed out of the shower.

Stepping into the shower, he realized that, unlike in his home on Earth, hot really meant hot. Yelping in pain, he leapt out of the boiling. He had a silent moment of rage to those people- scratch that ponies- that actually enjoyed two hundred degree water on their bare bodies. Turning it to midway, he found that the water was sufficiently warm, and hopped back in, shutting the door behind him. Letting his mind fixate the sound of rushing water, he felt his thoughts turn to the thoughts they usually did.

You see, in a house of seven siblings and two parents, the only private place to think the deepest thoughts one might have, was where the water blocked out the noise of the world and warmth couldn’t be pulled away. Here, thoughts and secrets wound their way through the mind in a long, strenuous trail that ended with the flowing of warm water. It took time, and that allowed more thoughts to be formed and ran through. Usually, it was calm, soothing. Right now was different.

The conversation with Twilight kept playing through Ray’s head over and over, like a broken record player trying to play through a disc. Numerous questions were floating around his head, all of varying importance.

Did the others actually approve of this violation of his life? What would they think if he told them that he wouldn’t fight for their species? Would they understand ? He hadn’t been able to actually talk to them due to the demand he’d made. That was lack of foresight on his part. How would they be getting home? That one was actually the lowest of his questions. He didn’t even know them. Why should he care?

What was family like back on Earth? Twilight had suggested that they might be better off now than they were before. Would they actually be better off without him? He was the reason why his parents hadn’t finished college. Would they actually have finished their education? Were they now pursuing their dream jobs, instead of the makeshift work they had imprisoned themselves? Was he the reason his family was destitute, nearly to the point where there wasn’t enough food to go around?

The last thought made him shudder in realization. Yes, he was. The thought was one that had never really caught up with him. Pain, actual pain, burst from his chest as he tried to hold back tears that were collecting at the corners of his eyes. He sobbed as he let himself remember why he’d always fought so hard for his family, had given up his dreams for them.

His tears joined with the warm water that was flowing down his face. He’d never wanted to accept this, never had allowed himself to think about it. It was painful, beyond anything he’d ever felt, and he had to brace himself against the wall to stop himself from crumpling to the shower floor. He softly banged his head against the wall, trying to feel any semblance of his body. He was caught up in his emotions, unable to feel anything but his walls crumbling, releasing a flood of despair and anger at himself. Years of keeping himself solid, unifaced, in front of his siblings was now falling apart in a single, interdimensional shower.

Ray scoffed bitterly at himself. What a guy he was, crying in a shower that in reality, wherever that was, he had done nothing but destroy his family since birth. He was utterly useless. Another head among seven billion who had doomed nine. He hit his head against the wall of the shower harder, feeling the bruise from his earlier run in with a pillar respond with pain. He hit himself against the wall harder, wincing in pain as the bruise yelled at him. He deserved it.

He began to increase his force, banging beginning to echo from the shower. It wasn’t enough. He needed to do more. He ripped the shower door open, leaving the water on as he left. Dripping across the floor, he began searching through the closet. After only a few seconds, he found it.

A razor.

He tore open the box, tossing it aside as he pulled the tool out. He ripped the guard off as he strode over to the sink. He held his wrist over the sink and pressed the blade against the vein there.

He could do it. There was nothing here for him, and there was no way of going back to where he belonged. He could just end it all now. His life was pointless, inconsequential without any purpose. He pressed the blade down harder on his skin. Just a simple swipe, and soon life would be over. No more suffering, no more failing, only darkness, maybe even heaven.

His hand began shaking, and slowly, he pulled the blade away. He was a coward, unable to do even one thing right. The blade slipped from his hand as his grip loosened, bouncing off the counter and clattering to the ground beside him. He stared into the sink, hating himself. He didn’t deserve the air he breathed, the house he now owned, the second chance he’d been given.

He sunk to the ground, shivering as the warm water on his back became cold. The shower continued to run beside his, the soap untouched. He didn’t deserve any of it. Slowly, he got up and back into the shower, shutting the door behind him, as tears once again joined the water of the shower.

At this point, Ray began to actually wash himself, allowing himself to calm down. He stared blankly at the ground as he did so. Was he really about to kill himself? Despite the injustice of his whole situation, despite the injustice of it all, Twilight had still given him a second chance. A chance that he could actually make a difference, for better or for worse. Grudgingly, he thanked the pony for being crazy enough to choose him.

Now, he had a purpose. Now, he had a life, not the slavery that he’d subjected himself to. Although, was this a different kind of slavery? Being forced to fight for another’s benefit. In a way, this was his world too, and if the minotaurs did arrive here, he was just as screwed as everyone else here. Slowly, he came to a conclusion.
He would fight. He would fight for himself, for a second chance at life. He’d fight for redemption for his past life, and he would fight for those who couldn't fight for themselves. He wouldn’t fight for some prissy pony princess, but for his own sorry hide.

He decided quickly that he would take up her offer to train him, even though she was the last pony he wanted to be around. He would need an army, too. Twilight had made it sound like the army of minotaurs was composed of thousands, if not tens of thousands. No amount of training would allow him to take on a force like that and come out on top. He’d have to ask her next time he saw her. Hopefully not that soon. He’d come to terms, at least for now, with his fate.

His brain began working faster. He needed a map of Equestria, so he could get a decent look at his new home. He quickly thought of the minotaurs from mythology. Large, brutish beasts with a taste for human, or in this case, pony blood. They were naturally muscular, so he’d need a weapon to combat that. Something that would be quick, with as much force as he could put behind it.

His mind naturally went for a sword, but he realized that the elegant weapon would do minimal damage against the likes of them. Unless he was able to get a throat slash, or between the ribs, it would be like poking a bear with a stick. Instead, he’d need something long to keep him out of the minotaur’s reach. A spear.
Not just a spear, though. Something that could do surface damage beyond repair. Something built to kill, even if it wouldn’t necessarily be immediate. If the minotaurs were going to play inhumanely, then he would play their game to his advantage.

There could be hooks on the side, forming a sort of V with curved out sides. He played a mental movie in his head as he ran shampoo through his hair. Him, in the front lines of some magical force, toting a spear like no other, courageously facing down the foes of existence. He laughed as he unintentionally added the red effects of the Demon King to himself, with his three youngest joining him with their elven legions. For the fun of it, he added Kevin with a submachine gun, spraying down wave after wave of beasts with unrealistic accuracy. Mags would be manning artillery pieces in the back, working quicker than their greatest supercomputers to get correct angles. Ben, flying an F-16C, dive bombing their ranks with Mason as his copilot. Mental stuff really.

Ray laughed for a good long while as the movie played out in his head, the addition of his siblings giving the dark thoughts a happier twist. Slowly though, the image faded away, leaving Ray back to his moping. He really should stop. After another moment of self indulgence in his despair, he put his walls back up. He needed to be strong now. He now had another reason to fight.

The water had gotten cold now, so he turned it up a bit higher to finish his shower. He began making plans. He would need to tell Twilight that he would take her up on the offer to train him. He practiced what he needed to say to Twilight to let her know exactly what he meant and why exactly he would fight. The conversation would have to be somewhat professional, which naturally meant no cussing her out. Besides, he’d already gotten most of that out of his system, and searching deeper, he actually found that none of that burning anger was still hiding, waiting to strike.

Not that he wasn’t still pissed off at Twilight, it just wasn’t that he felt like tearing her apart at the mention of her name. More like just wanting to make anything she had to do with him as hard as possible. Act like a right git, if you so please.

Finally finishing the longest shower in his life, he turned the water off and stepped out of the shower. Grabbing the white towel, he gave himself a quick dry off. However, as he went to put on his clothes, he hesitated. It was still light outside, with the sun not even setting yet, which meant that he still had several hours left to his day. He opted to just wrap the towel around his waist tightly instead, as having slightly wet clothes on the rest of the day would lead to chafing in uncomfortable places.

He turned back to the bathroom and grimaced at the mess in there from his frantic searching. He began quickly searching through the different bathroom supplies as he put them back in their proper places. Who knew ponies had Q-tips and cotton balls? It was a good thing they also had rubbing alcohol too, because one of his ears had gotten water in it. Going through the procedure, he found that pony alcohol had to be weaker, since it took him three attempts to get the water completely out. He also found a hidden stash of paper towels that he used to clean up some of the larger puddles on the floor.

He stepped back, admiring his work. It looked practically brand new, which actually made since, since Twilight had said that this house had been custom made for him. Looking closer, he could easily see it. The ceiling was at least two feet above his head, much larger than any pony would need. The tub would fit him lying down, and his shower had proven that it had the capacity to work for a human. The stove was at his stomach level, and the refrigerator also had a top freezer that no pony would ever be tall enough to reach without assistance.

He hummed in slight appreciation for Twilight’s foresight, since being in one of those houses down in town would’ve been quite cramped. Another thing he was already coming to appreciate was his separation from the town. He really didn’t feel like dealing with equine solicitors at the moment, especially with his near death experience. Begrudgingly, he thanked that while Twilight lacked any sense of morals, she knew enough about his psychology to put himself in a place where he could feel semisafe.

Glancing at a bedside clock on a nightstand he hadn’t noticed when he first entered the room, he had to suppress a gasp. The clock now read three minutes to four. Two and a half hours in the shower, or out at some darker points. Looking down at his hands, he saw that they were wrinkled from the amount of time they had been in the water. His toes fared no better, as they looked like pale raisons stuck to his feet.

Sighing, he opened the door to his bedroom and turned down the hall. He needed a snack after such life changing decisions. As he walked down the stairs, he noticed that the stairwell was unnaturally dark. Hadn’t he left the light on? He was too far down the stairs and too lazy to go back up the stairs to turn the light back on, so he simply continued down. Opening a door that hadn’t previously been shut, Ray found the downstairs completely dark.

The windows had been draped, and when he looked for the stovetop clock, he didn’t find it. His skin crawled as he cautiously called out, “Who’s there?”

In response, the lights suddenly flipped on and a certain pink pony popped up in front of him, yelling at full, earsplitting volume, “SUR-PIES!”

Author's Note:

Did I really just pump out a 3712 word chapter in two days? Yes, I did. Did I have to change some things about the rating? Yes, I did. Did I elongate the chapter to hit over 25K words? Yes, I did! Am I completely whacked out? No. Yes. Maybe? Who knows :pinkiecrazy:?

BTW, I thought it would be a great idea to get six teens together to write an original story (of my own design), so I'll be doing that. None of them have anything on here, and I think only two of them have stuff on Archive of Our Own. We might be posting, IDK! It took us 30 minutes to decide on a name for it, so, like I said, a great idea.

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