• Published 19th Jan 2023
  • 469 Views, 82 Comments

InFamous: Return of the Dazzlings - Blackdrag-rose

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata return to the world of Cole MacGrath to finish what they started and help a new Conduit find his place in life.

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Fighting the DUP

With the modified banner in place, which would leave the authorities baffled until someone figured something out that could be presented to the public, Delsin and the sisters headed out into the city to see what sort of damage they could do to the DUP's operations, before worrying about the other two Conduits. Delsin discovered that someone other than Reggie was helping them, as their phones got updates to their maps with various coordinates, where Adagio told him that they were mission markers, to help take the fight to Augustine's forces. The sisters suspected that it was Zeke or his people that had done the deed, figuring out areas for them to target in an attempt to bring down the DUP and liberate the city from those who were currently controlling it, but for now all Delsin needed to know was that they had another ally. He seemed to be fine with that information, knowing that there were more out there that were taking the fight to Augustine in their own ways, though before they could get too far he got a call from Betty, one of the wounded people he was fighting to protect.

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata left him to his conversation, as she was calling to check up on him and he told her about his visit to the Space Needle, though they had smiles on their faces, because he had something to fight for, his entire tribe, and that allowed him to focus on something other than himself, meaning they were walking the right path.

Once the conversation was over Delsin returned to them and they got started with their self imposed mission, which was breaking the DUP's operations, something that involved hunting down their hidden cameras all over the city and breaking them, taking out the Blast Shard drones, and doing whatever missions were sent their way. Delsin took great pleasure in tracking down and carefully breaking the wings of the drones, allowing Sonata to use her wind powers to safely lower them to the ground so he could drain the power of the shards, especially since it allowed him to grow his skills in other ways. Such a thing really reminded the sisters of their time with Cole, hunting down the shards to boost his power so he'd be ready for whatever the future held for them, though for the time being they focused on the drones in the areas they were clearing out at the moment, before worrying about the rest of the city. The camera, on the other hand, they made sure were installed by the DUP and not installed by the owners of the buildings, since they didn't want to annoy anyone with their actions, but, as Adagio expected, their allies were right and Delsin destroyed the camera with ease.

In addition to that Delsin destroyed the scanning stations that had been set up on the roads, since they also contained a Blast Shard for him to absorb the power of, while the sisters tracked down and broke apart the containment cages, which freed the people trapped inside. Of course some of them were worried when they realized who had freed them, due to all of the tales that Augustine had spread about them, but Adagio, Aria, and Sonata were happy to see that not everyone actually believed the tales and believed what they were seeing. It meant there was a chance that they could break the lies that their foe had created, show the people that none of them were monsters and that they fought for justice, causing the sisters to accept the thanks that were offered to them before joining Delsin as he kept an eye out for the few remaining targets that were in this area. Taking out the cameras meant that it would be harder for the DUP to track them down, due to the fact that they were unable to see everything that was going on in the areas that they were seizing control of, which meant the group could relax a little every now and then, give Delsin time to get used to his new powers or come up with ideas for his tagging.

Reggie also informed them of the local drug dealers and asked if it was possible for them to capture them, and maybe do away with the drugs as well, so when they encountered one the sisters took down the thugs while Delsin found and took out the container his brother wanted destroyed, before handing them over to the cops... before they discovered a small playground off to the side, with symbols the sisters recognized.

"No way! Is that Sly Cooper?" Sonata asked, gesturing to the picture of a male anthro racoon, drawn to match the style of a child, dressed as a thief while being joined by a turtle and a hippo who were walking on two legs as well, a figure she and her sisters knew from their time on Equus, talking with his sworn sisters and even meeting him at one point.

"Yeah, the star of a very popular game series that has four entries... the last one kind of sucked, but had some good music involved, as one's even my ringtone." Delsin said, though while he was surprised to find such a mural in the city, since he knew that the game series held no importance to the city, he figured it had something to do with teaching kids not to be thieves or criminals.

The sisters glanced at each other for a moment, as while they wanted to say something about Sly not being part of a game or series, due to what they knew, they also knew that revealing that truth now would be bad for everyone, so they kept it to themselves as Delsin headed out once more. Following that the sisters tackled one of the other missions that were on their map, one that involved one of Zeke's hackers sending them a report on the disguised DUP agents who happened to be in the area the coordinates had lead them to, where they were spying on people to see if they could sus out Conduits who might be hiding themselves. Fortunately their hacker friend was in contact with the police, as the agents were actually invading people's houses, stealing information and valuables to force cooperation from those they were harassing, and all sorts of other things that the police was actually putting a bounty on their heads. With that in mind Adagio divided the list of the area's agents between them, each one would take one of the directions and seek out their targets, tackling them to the ground and then delivering each one, or their group, to the police, which would earn them some points with the city at the very least.

It took them some time to actually round up and knock out all of the minor agents, they were just Pawns that had a bit of extra power who ran away from enemies, before handing them over to the officials and moved towards the ruined bridge they had crossed over, which was when Adagio got a call.

"This is Adagio. Who is this?" Adagio asked, though at the same time she made sure the call was on the speaker option as she, her sisters, and Delsin moved somewhere where Augustine's forces or devices wouldn't be able to hear them talk for a time, especially since they were interested in who this might be.

"I'm not allowed to say, but you can call me Epsilon." the caller replied, which was an odd name for someone to take and told the Dazzlings, at the very least, that he must be a member of Augustine's organization, one who was angry with what she was doing and knew it was time for change, while Delsin seemed confused, "Listen, I've been trying to keep tabs on all of you, as in your sisters and Delsin Rowe, since you arrived in Seattle... which is no easy feat, considering how fast you move. Like it or not, but you've started whispers throughout the entire world and people are talking about the need for the DUP and Augustine... even Washington is aware of your return and what it might mean. I want to help you, though for the time being I cannot say anything or directly help you out, so I have left audio recordings around the city to help you fight Augustine in another manner and I've sent a file that will allow you to use a program that will allow you to track each of them down."

"So we get to learn more about her sins against the Conduits and use it against her." Aria remarked, which was great since she was sure that they could transfer that information to Zeke's team, or personally deliver it to them when Augustine wasn't looking for them, before she considered something that had happened during their time in Empire City, "Say, the officials in Washington won't try to, I don't know, bomb the city now that we're here... right? Moya Jones tried that and she failed to do anything but annoy us."

"I don't know, but that means you should move quickly." Epsilon stated, meaning that there was a chance that the people in charge of the country might bomb their own people to get rid of the sisters, and possibly the head of the DUP so they could shut them down that much easier.

As the call ended Delsin had to ask about the comment Aria made, about the government bombing Empire City, and while they searched the destroyed end of the bridge for the audio file Adagio confirmed that it was only Moya who did it, not the government itself, so right now it seemed like the officials were just watching right now. The audio file talked about how the recorder informed the listener about how Augustine was the strongest Conduit they had ever known, possible to the point that she could have beaten Cole MacGrath on her own, causing the sisters to laugh. Delsin asked them what was so funny about that remark and they reminded him that Cole was able to topple the Beast, a being that would have reduced the whole world to fire and ash, an apocalyptic world to be exact, if it wasn't stopped, so unless Augustine had the power to deal with something of that magnitude, and they were sure she didn't, there was no way she was beating him in a fight, even a hypothetical one. He stared at them for a moment, not sure if they were just messing with them or if they were, in fact, telling the truth, but decided that it was best if he didn't try and figure it out on his own, rather he focused on what else they could do to fight back against the DUP.

One of the other missions the sisters discovered was the existence of expertly hidden cameras that were disguised, not to mention out of sight while they spied on people, where Delsin found that he could actually hack into the video feed, due to their hacker ally no doubt, and tracked it down without delay. While he did that Aria round the area that another Mobile Command Center was in, something that caused her to smirk as she gathered her power and formed a number of her fire marbles, allowing Delsin to watch as she sent them out into the space in front of her as her sisters watched. Each orb just rolled for a few seconds, coming to a stop under the vehicles that belonged to the DUP, not to mention what looked like machine guns and even the main target itself, before she snapped her fingers and caused all of them to detonate as some of their foes finally noticed what she had done. In the next moment explosions could be seen and heard as the marbles tore apart the DUP's defenses, tearing apart the vehicles as if they were made of fragile material, breaking apart the few machine guns that had been set up, and even destroying the command vehicle as parts were scattered all over the place, tossing the various foes around like they were dolls.

It was another reminder for Delsin that the sisters were far stronger than he realized, a fact he was learning more as time went by, though instead of focusing so hard on the DUP he suggested that they take some time to tag a few areas, like an area near the Space Needle.

The sisters discovered that he went with a piece of art known as 'Gnome Run', which involved creating an old man with a few of the cutouts Delsin had made earlier, who was in the middle of mowing the lawn as he seemed to casually chase a trio of lawn gnomes, the trio being in the middle of climbing a post to escape him. This first instance was the sisters simply helping him put everything into place so they would understand the art firsthand, like a lesson of sorts, where they found that he was quite skilled in seeing the art in an area and knowing how to form the scene he wanted to make, and he used a fair amount of blue in his art. Adagio knew it was his Karmic state that had to be influencing him in some manner, as he was prone to making decisions that benefited the majority and not himself, where she and her sisters watched as his vest changed as he worked, as the two equal birds shifted, the blue one becoming more prominent as the red one started to grow smaller. It was a sign that the good in him was growing as they worked, even his art helped in some odd manner, a fact that the sisters weren't even going to argue with, and while that happened some of the people came to watch the four of them work, adding comments and having a good time as they realized the Dazzlings weren't demons.

Such a thing brought a smile to their faces as they realized that they were already doing well in tearing down Augustine's hold on the people, and the city itself, though all of them knew that they would be hunting one of the other Conduits soon and took this opportunity to relax while they had it, since there was no telling what the future might hold for them.