> InFamous: Return of the Dazzlings > by Blackdrag-rose > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > New Information > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adagio huffed for a moment as she, Aria, and Sonata stopped their training for the day, something they had started rather recently and were getting used to, even though each of them had to be careful not to use too much of their power, lest the area around them be destroyed in the process. All three of the sisters were anthropomorphic ponies, despite their true nature as Sirens, which had been changed into a transformation for them to use against their stronger foes, and after their adventures they were used to their new bodies. Each of them were wearing dark blue jeans, the type made for running and jumping, or parkour as the people of the Earth they had been sent to called it, though Aria had long since cut the length of hers in half, making them more like shorts instead of pants. In addition to that each of them were wearing different colored shirts, as she was currently wearing a dark purple shirt, Aria had a dull green one on, and Sonata's was maroon, though in addition to that they had small backpacks resting off to the side that had straps for their cellphones, a gift of sorts from someone who was no longer of this world. Their training was partly due to the tournament they had recently taken part in, fighting for the sake of their universe and the rest of creation, while also partly being because none of them had any idea what the future held for them, so taking a bit of time to practice their skills made sense to them. "Well girls, I think that's all for today." Adagio said, because they had been training for a while now and she felt it was time for them to stop for the time being, where she found that Aria and Sonata lowered their arms as both of their brilliant blue auras vanished, something she was used to seeing these days. Such a thing reminded her of the world they had been sent to, the powers they had gained and the foes they had faced, not to mention the choices they had made to become the people they were today, an adventure she wouldn't trade for anything in the world. It also made her think about the unfinished business they had with the planet in question, they had no idea if the plan to take down the Beast had been successful, had no idea if the plague caused by the Ray Sphere's activation had been eliminated, and had no idea if peace had been restored to the world. Discord was the cause of such a thing, because the Spirit of Disharmony, or God of Chaos as he was called these days, had abducted them shortly before Cole activated the RFI, the anti Ray Sphere, to deal with the Beast and save the world, bringing them back to Equus while depriving them all of seeing the end of their adventures with their friends. Of course they were going to be annoyed with the chimera creature for that day, in fact Adagio was sure the only way they would forgive him was if he took them back to Cole's world to see what the aftermath of the battle was and what the three of them could do to set things right. After thinking about that she decided to shelve the thought for the time being, as there was no way Discord would help them get back to Cole's planet, in fact she was sure that he'd only help out if they begged him to take them back for a time, but she decided not to think about such a thing, as they would figure something out. "You know, I kind of miss fighting on the streets of Empire City and New Marais... we got into some interesting fights while helping the people out." Aria commented, where she walked over to the bench that held their backpacks and pulled out a bottle of water, since they had been at this for quite a while, before taking a few sips as her sisters joined her, though as she did so she raised her left hand and conjured some fiery red marbles in her palm. "I miss our friends too, Aria, but you heard what Discord said, the planet's at peace now... or at least he was positive of such a thing the last time we asked him." Sonata remarked, though while she knew that they didn't overly trust Discord, due to their past histories with each other, before they were banished to a world without magic, and his actions during their time in New Marais, she was hopeful that he hadn't lied to them. "Unfortunately, I'm afraid that whatever peace you fought for has been broken." a new voice said, where they turned their heads for a moment and found three newcomers coming to a stop near the section of Ponyville's training area that they had been using for the last couple of days, three figures they knew well enough due to recent events. The three newcomers were Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack, all anthropomorphic ponies like them, in fact all of the races of Equus were like this now, though each of them were wearing clothing that was unique to their stations in life, obtained shortly after the tournament Adagio had thought of not a few moments ago. They found that Rainbow was wearing light orange baggy pants with a darker orange cloth belt around her waist, with a sash that had two white cloud icons on it before ending in a lightning bolt that matched her Cutie Mark. She was also wearing a short white shirt about her upper chest, complete with a collar wrapped around her neck that had designs that matched it, plus she had a pair of golden bracelets on her arms and a single golden cuff on her left ear. It was still odd for someone like her to wear something while showing off her midriff, but it seemed to be in the style of the group she had joined not that long ago, and it sure looked like she was rocking her new look. Twilight, on the other hand, was wearing a violet robe with a black cuirass over it, complete with markings that matched what was on Rainbow's clothing, though she was holding a staff in her right hand that had an orb floating at it's peak, with a blue ring resting around it. Applejack was still wearing her cowboy hat on her head, or one that had been designed to fit her new form, Adagio and her sisters never got the full story from her on that matter, though in addition to that she was wearing a light green shirt and pants. According to what they had seen before this style of clothing usually had puffy shoulder sections, why they had no idea, but she didn't seem to care about that too much and had opted to make hers smooth, like an actual shirt, since she was a fighter and preferred to have clean movements. Over those she wore her own dark green jacket or robe, it was hard to describe what it was supposed to be even though it did seem a little posh, especially since the back side was far longer than the front since it ended in a point that reached the back of her knees. She was also wearing a set of earrings that were golden near the ears and had small green orbs attached to them, Adagio believed they were called 'Potara' and allowed one to merge with another to make a greater warrior, which she and Rainbow used against the foes that really required such a power. The sisters had to remember that Rainbow and Applejack were the daughters of Beerus the Destroyer, the former having taken over as the God of Destruction for this universe, as in Universe 19 and not Universe 7, which their father watched over, while Applejack was the Kaioshin, or God of Creation, leaving Twilight as Rainbow's Angel Guide. "What's that supposed to mean?" Aria asked, because she and her sisters had gone through a lot to make sure that the Beast was destroyed and that the world he was destined to bring ruin to was saved, so hearing that the peace they had fought for was broken made her, Sonata, and Adagio turn towards them immediately. "Applejack's been keeping an eye on the planets that the Displaced were sent to, just in case things changed for the worst while we were busy, and it happened to your world." Rainbow replied, though at the same time she found that Aria just palmed the marbles she had created, which held no power inside them from what she could tell, but it was easy to see that the Dazzlings weren't happy with this news. "According to what we've seen it seems like a new organization has taken root in your world, capturing Conduits while hunting others down." Twilight explained, something that surprised the trio for a moment, as they knew far more about the powerful people of the world and hearing that Conduits were in trouble had worried them almost instantly, before she tapped her staff on the ground, "We're not completely sure what's going on with the world you were sent to, but I figured that, before we send our God of Destruction to investigate, we should ask you three if you would be willing to head back and figure out what's going on... and whether or not divine intervention is needed." "You don't even need to ask us such a question: we're in!" Sonata said, where she grabbed her pack and put it on before tossing the other two to her sisters, who grabbed them before they even hit the ground, showing the trio that they were ready to go and that nothing would stop them from heading back to Cole's world. Twilight nodded as she weaved her magic into a sphere that surrounded her, Rainbow, and the sisters, though as soon as it was done she focused once more and they went flying into the air, leaving Applejack to focus on her own tasks as they raced across the universe. The benefit of traveling this way was that it was probably the fastest method, plus the magical sphere meant that they wouldn't have to worry about the depths of space getting to them, so the sisters were able to rest as they waited for Twilight to bring them to their destination. Such a thing caused the sisters to ask for any information that might help them on their new mission, just in case there was something, or multiple somethings, that the pair hadn't told them back on Equus, only to find that they had come to them as soon as they knew things had changed. That meant it was up to them to figure out what in the world was going on, who was in control of the organization that was messing with the Conduits, and bring an end to whatever threat might be lurking in the shadows. Fortunately the section of space that housed their version of Earth, as there were far too many in their universe, wasn't too far from where Equus rested and Twilight navigated them down to their destination without delay, landing on one of the islands that put them a good distance from the USA. "This is as far as Rainbow and I can take you... the rest is up to you three." Twilight said, where she undid her sphere, to let the Dazzlings touch down on the beach, while she and her friend floated before them for a few seconds, causing her to pull out a flat device with a blue ring around it, which she handed to Adagio before rejoining Rainbow in the air, "Use that to contact us once you've figured things out, or if you encounter something that needs our immediate attention... by then we should be able to set things right or even help you make things better for the Conduits." "Will do." Adagio replied, taking a moment to stash the item away in part of her pack, where it would be safe and sound for the foreseeable future, though as she did that Twilight and Rainbow burst into the air and departed, leaving no trace that they were even there to begin with, causing her to turn to her sisters, "Okay, we need to figure out where we are, and how long it's been since the battle with the Beast, before we do..." "Adagio? Aria? Sonata?" a familiar voice asked, one that sounded like the speaker was surprised to see them, causing the sisters to turn their heads for a moment and found a slightly chubby person standing nearby, wearing a white shirt with a flaming dice design on it, brown pants, a pair of well used sneakers, his trademark sunglasses he wore all the time, and, of course, a gun holster that had a gun inside it. "Zeke? Boy are we glad to see you again." Aria replied, as it was hard for them to mistake Zeke Dunbar, Cole's best friend, even despite his betrayal in Empire City, for anyone else in this world, even though it looked like he had lost some weight since the last time they had seen him, "Where are we?" "Condutopia... or the Isle of Thunder, as Trish calls it, located in the Bermuda Triangle," Zeke said, though while he said that the sisters rushed up to him and embraced him for a few seconds, as they had missed him during their time on Equus, all while Adagio realized that the odd word he had said had been broken up into syllables, as in 'Con-du-topia', "It's been seven long years since the battle with the Beast, and to be honest I was beginning to think we might never see you guys again... man, the others are going to freak." "Others?" Sonata asked, because while they knew that Trish was alive and well, he had just mentioned her, they didn't dare to hope that Cole, who sacrificed himself to stop the Beast and cure the Plague, was still around, and she could tell that her sisters were interested in what else Zeke might have to tell them. "Conduits of course... you guys and Cole were labeled as the 'Patron Saint and Angels of New Marais'." Zeke replied, where he started to head up the path that was behind him, the very one that he must have used to reach the beach that they had landed on, causing the sisters to follow after him so they could see what else was on the island, "Trust me, you guys are going to love this." The sisters chuckled as they followed after him, as it would be nice to see whatever he wanted to show them, before they worried about the organization that was harassing Conduits and what they had do to bring peace back to this world, a task they would start on after figuring out what happened after the battle with the Beast. > Reunion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As it turned out the Isle of Thunder was far larger than the sisters first thought, because when they crested a hill Adagio, Aria, and Sonata quickly found that it was almost as large as one of the islands of Empire City and the area in front of them almost looked like a caldera, a repurposed volcanic crater in a sense. The bowl shape served as protection from the rest of the world, since it meant that they had to walk along the paths that lead to this point, which Adagio assumed were far more protected than what they had seen, while the area in front of them was full of life. There were trees, bushes, and all sorts of areas that had been designed for farming, which also included someone forming areas for water to rest in before being used for whatever Zeke and his group needed it for. Such a thing caused them to glance at the various log cabins that were all over the caldera, designed in the style of a campground oddly enough, each designed to house multiple people, so there had to be a fair amount of people on this island. While they walked down the path, however, the sisters spotted one cabin that was on a higher perch than the others and instantly knew that it had to be Zeke's, given that there was a symbol on it that looked a lot like the AMP, the weapon that he had made for Cole once upon a time. "Zeke... how is this possible?" Adagio asked, because while she was sure that no such island existed where this one did, or at least according to the maps she and her sisters had seen on the way to New Marais, she was interested in how this place came to be. "You'd be surprised by the powers that the next generation of Conduits, those who survived the RFI Blast, have access to and what they're able to do with some training." Zeke said, though even as he said that the sisters found that there must be times where even he was surprised by what the Conduits of the island were able to do, where he beckoned off to their left for a moment, allowing them to spot one, a young girl with faun facial features and ears, "Shayave, for example, tends to the plants and nature, along with the others with similar powers... she, um, chose to leave her old life and name behind when we finally rescued her from her hunters, said it was too painful for her to remember..." "I don't blame her, given the story we heard and confirmed... at least she's happier." a new voice stated, one that Adagio and her sisters recognized almost instantly, as it came from a short brown haired lady who was dressed in shorts and a short sleeved shirt, though the medical equipment she had confirmed what the sisters were thinking, before her eyes widened as she realized who Zeke was talking to, "Oh my god... Adagio? Aria? Sonata?" "Trish! Boy are we happy to see you again." Sonata remarked, which was the truth, they had become friends with her after the Blast of Empire City, even if she had treated Cole like garbage before finally realizing that he was telling the truth and forgave him, before she held her arms out. Trish took all of a few seconds to set her equipment down before embracing the sisters, as Adagio and Aria joined in the instant it happened, where Zeke stood off to the side for a few seconds, not wanting to ruin the reunion, before the four of them separated from each other. "I honestly can't believe it... you guys are actually here." Trish said, where it sounded like she had missed them, which was fine since the sisters missed her as well, and the look in her eyes told them that she was overjoyed to have the three of them back in her life once more, before she picked up her supplies as she turned towards Zeke, "I have to make one more stop before I head to the main building... you guys are welcome to follow, as long as you mind the fan club that'll no doubt form while we're walking." True to form Adagio, Aria, and Sonata found that a fair number of the people of called the island home paused what they were doing and stared at them for a time, as if they couldn't believe that they were here, walking among them, and Adagio heard one, Shayave, utter their new title in awe. Zeke didn't need to explain why everyone saw them in such a glorious light, as they had fought tooth and nail to help Cole take down the Beast before disappearing, thanks to Discord's arrival at what had to be the worst moment ever, and they were clearly remembered as heroes. He did, however, inform them of the fact that there were more types of Conduits than what they had originally thought, so training them to master their powers did, at times, result in injury, since not every type had a reliable source to draw on to heal themselves. It meant Trish was able to use her medical training to ensure no one was seriously hurt, another perk of being a Conduit was that they healed faster than a normal human, so a wound that would cripple a human would be healed in a day or two for a Conduit, even seconds if they had a power source. What surprised them was that there were machines generating and producing electricity for the island, though they didn't question it since it meant things were better for the people of the island, as Zeke informed them that they had ordinary human helpers as well, before they headed to the highest building. "How are you able to keep this place hidden from those who hunt Conduits?" Adagio inquired, because she assumed that someone would have stumbled on the island at some point and would have alerted the government group as to where it was located, hence all the traps that were no doubt set up to keep themselves safe. "We rescued a young girl who had the power to create openings into a private dimension, and, with enough training, she was able to hide this island inside it," a new voice said as they entered the larger cabin, where the Dazzlings stopped walking as soon as they heard it and turned towards the source, a familiar young man, wearing a white shirt and blue track pants, but the most shocking part was the metallic device on his right wrist, the very one Kessler used once upon a time, "she's also developed a way for us and our allies to enter and leave this area, without alerting the government as to what we're doing, while our ships are official transport vessels between multiple ports in the surrounding area. Does that answer your question, Adagio?" "...Cole? It's not possible." Sonata said, as she and her sisters knew that it couldn't be possible, he had used the RFI to stop the Beast in it's tracks, a fact that came with him sacrificing his life to make sure the rest of humanity survived, something all three of them had come to terms with after their previous adventure on this world, before she touched his chest and found that it was normal, not an illusion, "How?" "After the battle with the Beast, and you disappeared, Cole collapsed on the ground and we carried his body into back to the front of the church," Zeke spoke up, though at the same time he and Trish walked over to the table that was resting just outside Cole's place, a balcony that allowed him to overlook the rest of his kind with a smile on his face, and he made sure to pick up some drinks for everyone, soda to be exact, "As you know, the people of New Marais heralded him as their Patron Saint and you three were his Angels, guardian spirits, but while we left the AMP behind... somehow it got lodged in one of the stone pillars and was seen as a sacred relic... we took a small boat with his coffin out to sea, where it was struck by lightning from a storm that was building overhead." "It supercharged my body, despite the fact that we believed that the RFI would kill me... and, at the same time, I unlocked my most dangerous power." Cole said, where he slipped a cover over his drink, which Zeke had placed upside down so he didn't have to touch it, before turning it over and popping the lid, showing that he had far more control over his powers than what they had seen the last time they were with him. "No way... time travel?!" Aria inquired, because that had been Kessler's most 'dangerous' power, the one that Cole's future self had used to travel back in time and set things up so his younger self, the Cole they knew, could gain the power to take down the Beast, severely messing with the flow of time itself and causing multiple things to happen differently than what he knew in his ruined world. "Not quite. More time foresight, peering into the future... that's why I wasn't surprised to see you guys again, one of the first things I had seen was your return." Cole replied, as he understood that they would be confused by this discovery, in fact he couldn't blame them for being shocked by what he and the others were telling them, before he sighed and rubbed the side of his head for a few seconds, while worried Trish a little, "We've determined that multiple Conduits of the same type can exist, but how they use their powers differs from user to user... like the few other electricity users can't use their powers like me, and it seems that the same applies to me: Kessler used his power to travel through time, meaning I have to use it differently. The downside is that peering into the future leaves me drained... usually I have to rest for multiple days before I have the energy to move again, but it's worth it to save the Conduits that we've been able to help so far, as I can pass on information to Zeke, who makes sure the correct agent gets it." "I see... and why are you wearing Kessler's odd gauntlet?" Adagio asked, as she was curious as to where it had come from and why Cole was wearing it, since he hated his alternate future self with a passion, given that Kessler nearly killed Trish back in Empire City and succeeded in turning Zeke against him, for a time anyway. "Zeke took it before we left Empire City with Kuo and kept it hidden while he worked on it... when my new power manifested he pulled it out and gave it to me." Cole answered, where he glanced down at the device for a time, more out of respect or even gratitude and not the hatred that they had been expecting given their past, before he glanced away from it and focused on them once more, "Think of it like a focus for my new powers... helps me focus on what I'm seeing and grounds me in this reality so I don't get lost in the time stream... had a few close calls in the beginning..." Zeke took over things and explained that seven years have passed since the battle with the Beast, and while there were a lot of people who appreciated what Cole had done for them, such as New Marais and those who survived Empire City, it was clear that the military didn't. In the wake of the Beast's attacks along the USA's east coast, activating new Conduits as he destroyed who knows how many people, Conduits found themselves being lynched in the streets or being gunned down by the government, up until a concrete user called Augustine trapped one of her own kind in a concrete prison, to earn the trust of her superiors. She went on to form the DUP, the Department of Unified Protection, an agency created to arrest all 'bio-terrorists' and lock them away in a place called Curdun Cay, basically a prison for Conduits since they were unable to use their powers once inside it, and in the first year her forces caught at least three hundred of Cole's kind, all for the crime of existing in their new state. Her forces were empowered in a similar manner to Vermaak 88, the ice people that Adagio and her sisters had helped Cole take down in New Marais, and according to some of the Conduits that they had been able to save their concrete powers hurt, explaining why she had been able to capture so many in such a short period of time. The Resistance, as they called it, was working hard to prevent Conduits from being captured, bringing them here so they can learn how to control their powers in a controlled environment, while Zeke and several other were discovering all sorts of information that could be used to bring the DUP down. "We've received word that, due to doing too good of a job, the DUP might be shut down in the very near future, and both we and Cole have seen Augustine moving her pawns into place." Zeke continued, showing Adagio and her sisters that the rebel outfit was far more organized and managed than they originally thought it would be, given that Zeke was a higher ranking member and remembering his past, "We think she's planning on releasing several Conduits out into the world, for what reason we are unable to see, and trick the world into thinking they're evil monsters... or at least that's our working theory, since not even Cole can see the future... said it's covered in darkness." "Well, I guess we have a better idea of what our God of Destruction and Kaioshin saw." Adagio said, though she had to wonder if there was a way to talk some sense into this Augustine, something she seriously doubted if the figure was on a seven year high and wanted to keep it going into the future, before noticing the looks on the faces of their friends, as they were surprised by her statement, causing her to remember something, "Hey Zeke, remember how Cole said that Dragon Ball Z wasn't real?" "Yeah? Why do you..." Zeke started to say, though in next moment his eyes widened as he realized something, the sisters had revealed that their own world existed after talking to them one afternoon, despite the fact that it was a cartoon world, meaning there was a chance that they were going to blow his mind, "No way... Seriously?" "Yep, it's real... as are Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, and everyone else. We even fought beside the Saiyans not that long ago, due to very special circumstances." Aria answered, something that caused their friends to raise their eyebrows for a moment, all while Cole seemed to realize that they hadn't been lost to time for the last seven years, rather they had been taken to their home and had come back after their business was taken care of. "Ah yeah, I knew it. Universe 7 is the best! We won the Tournament of Power!" Zeke stated, showing that he was pleased to hear that everything he had seen in the show was real, though at the same time the sisters knew it wasn't totally right, given what they had experienced. "Actually, we aren't in Universe 7. We're in Universe 19." Sonata said, which shocked Zeke and confused the others, a fact that meant they must not have watched much of the show, before she chuckled as their friend realized that he had to ask them about whatever differences there were between reality and the show, "Tell you what: when we're done figuring out what Augustine is up to, and we set things right for the Conduits of the world, we'll fill you in on what's going on. For now, why don't we focus on the DUP and what it's up to." Cole nodded and informed them that there was a Conduit who was an a direct path with Augustine, in fact the two had crossed each other not that long ago, and informed them that there was an event that would darken his future, one that he couldn't see, where the sisters braced themselves for the briefing of their lives and the adventure that would follow it in due time. > The New Conduit > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adagio, Aria, and Sonata found that their time on the Isle of Thunder was incredibly short, just as they expected after the discovery of the DUP and how Conduits were being treated by the rest of the world, though Cole insisted on them spending the night before they departed. Zeke ensured that they were given new phones, as theirs were several versions behind what a lot of people in this age and age used, though the sisters ended up taking one that was better than their old ones while also not being totally new, since they didn't need all of the features the new ones had. Other than that the rest of the day was spent getting to know some of the other Conduits that had been brought to the island some time ago, since many were eager to meet them, while it also gave them some time to see what Zeke's team was up to. One thing they knew was that they were looking for something, anything, that would give them the dirt on the DUP, enough to bring them down, and Zeke was sure that whatever was going to happen in Seattle was the key to everything. When morning arrived the sisters bid Cole and Trish farewell for the time being as Zeke and his small team of five left the island, where he informed them that, to avoid the DUP's gaze, they had to travel along a specific path with the boat he used, which was large enough for all of them. Zeke informed them that it was a command vessel that looked like a yacht, one that most people ignored whenever they moved it into position, before telling the sisters that he was going to get them as close as he could to the new Conduit's awakening point before his team moved onto Seattle. With how the DUP operated they had to maintain a fair distance from the city itself, least Augustine zero in on their position and bust their operation, but he and his team would be hacking into her systems in an attempt to get some dirt on her movements or goals, and if the sisters joined up with the new Conduit it would be the perfect distraction. It was, in some way, a pincer attack by the Resistance, one that might spell the end of the DUP if they were lucky, where the sisters agreed with the plan he was presenting, as it would allow them some time with the new Conduit. In the end it took them roughly six days to reach the edge of the area that Zeke was planning on dropping them off in, on the side of the road that was between a reservation and Seattle, so while he continued on his way to Seattle the sisters headed over to Salmon Bay to track down the newly awakened Conduit. "I wonder what sort of power this new Conduit will possess... we've seen some interesting ones before, and it sounds like new ones awakened after the Beast's defeat." Sonata remarked, as they had discussed the various possibilities on the way here and she was bringing it up again, since this time they didn't have to worry about Zeke or someone else cutting into the conversation. "Personally, I hope they haven't left yet, otherwise we'll have to fly to Seattle and appear on Augustine's radar sooner than we planned." Aria said, because she knew that when one trusted the power of peering into the future it usually came with downsides or the user became too complacent in how they approached things, though Cole seemed to have a good grasp on his new power and tried to determine the truth before telling someone something. "I think we're in luck girls." Adagio commented, as she was staring at a dark green truck that looked like something that a sheriff would drive, complete with cop lights that were turned off, though her focus was on the pair near it, two young adults that looked like brothers, one in a light brown coat and blue pants while the other wore denim jeans and a denim vest, a red beanie, a black hoodie, and a red shirt, "Hey, you guys wouldn't happen to know where we can find a Conduit by any chance?" "Oh my god! It's the Devil's Succubi!" the sheriff exclaimed, causing the sisters to stop and raise their eyebrows for a few seconds as he dived behind his truck, as if he was terrified of them or something, meaning that Augustine had tarnished their names while they were gone. "No way, it's the Angels of New Marais!" the other figure said, where he sounded like he was interested in them, no doubt due to some of the stories that were told about them, while Adagio noticed that he had a chain wrapped around his right wrist, a thick one at that, "Come one Reggie, they're not going to hurt us... or me, for that matter, since I'm the Conduit they're looking for. With that in mind, why are you three looking for me?" "We heard that a concrete Conduit came through here and did some damage, so we were hoping to figure out what went down and set things right." Adagio replied, where she noticed that the younger of the two, who identified himself as the one they were looking for, was studying them in interest, no doubt because he had heard the stories about them and just wanted to see how they measured up to reality. The young Conduit smiled and introduced himself as Delsin Rowe, along with his brother Reggie Rowe, causing the sisters to do the same thing, even though they already knew that the pair knew who they were based on their reaction to their presence, which meant things were going to be bad in Seattle. With the introductions done Delsin beckoned for them to join him and his brother, though they had to sit in the back of the truck, the part open to the air and wind, while Reggie took the driver seat as Delsin sat in the passenger side. Once that was done they departed from Salmon Bay and started to make their way to Seattle, which involved using the 520 Bridge, where the brothers informed the sisters about what had happened before their timely arrival, about how a military vehicle had crashed, three Bio-terrorists had escaped, and one of those two had been caught. As it turned out Delsin's contact with the first Conduit, a smoke user, awakened part of his power and his body went crazy as he tried to control it, while his second contact with Hank had given him some weird information while allowing him to stabilize his powers a little. After that he explained that he had chased Hank right into Augustine's hands, who immediately assumed he was more than he was showing due to his use of the word 'Conduit', since only 'traitors' used that word, and he had offered to give himself up to protect the Akomish, his people. Augustine didn't believe his tale about how he was a Conduit who could copy the power of any Conduit he came into contact with, something that surprised the sisters since it was a power that none of them had considered on the way here, and she used her power on him. After being attacked by concrete shards in both of his legs, however, Augustine moved onto the rest of the Akomish and 'interrogated' them, which meant she had attacked all of Delsin and Reggie's people, who refused to give Delsin up after many saw him with his new powers. As Delsin started to get emotional about what was going on his brother told him that he'd take over and did so without delay, informing the sisters that, due to the damage Augustine had done, the Akomish were dying, as everyone had a number of concrete shards in their bodies and it was only a matter of time until someone died. That was why they were heading to Seattle, as Delsin was sure that he could leech some of Augustine's power from her, just enough for him to save his tribe, they just had to reach the city, figure out where the other two Conduits were, maybe get a bit of their powers, and then take the fight to Augustine herself. While they rode to Seattle, however, Adagio noticed something interesting on the back of Delsin's vest when he changed how he was sitting, there was a star shaped marking on it that looked like two birds, as it was split down the middle and she could see two birds heads on the fifth point. The bird on the left was blue colored and the one on the right was red, which reminded her of what happened back in Empire City, that good choices were represented by the color blue and bad choices were represented by the color red. Such a thing made her wonder if the vest might reflect Delsin's Karma stance, because the birds were resting with the blue one being higher than the red one, something that, when connected to the fact that he told them that he had turned himself in to protect the tribe, revealed that he was walking the path of a hero, without any assistance from someone else. Her sisters noticed it as well and decided to say nothing, there was no need for them to weight him down right now, causing them to focus on his plan of attack, Augustine was the big target and they would have to focus on the other Conduits before doing anything else. The ride came to a stop when they discovered what appeared to be a DUP blockade, one that had been destroyed by two new powers, one that seemed to be related to light in some manner while the other seemed to be glitching, almost as if it was connected to television or something. "Something doesn't feel right... this was a transport mission, right?" Sonata asked, recalling the information that they had been given back before they left the Isle of Thunder and started this mission, where her sisters nodded as Delsin and his brother investigated the scene with mixed feelings, one excited and one slightly frightened, "Even if the DUP knew about the crash, since they lost a vehicle and everything, there's no way they could have had the time to set up a roadblock, not if the other two Conduits made a beeline for Seattle... it's like..." "They knew it was going to happen ahead of time and came prepared?" Aria remarked, as she had thought the same thing as her sister, a benefit of them having spent years upon years together, as they were able to tell what the others might be thinking at any given moment, and this was one of those moments, "Yeah, the DUP knew this would happen." "Figures. Remember what we were told? The DUP's going to be disbanded soon... what better way to secure their future than to arrange for an accident and use the 'escapees' to their advantage." Adagio said, it all made sense, with what little real information they had on the car crash that lead to Delsin awakening his powers in the first place, though for the time being she knew this needed to be kept between them, at least until they knew more about Augustine's plans. As her sisters agreed with her Adagio found that there was some sort of metallic box that was damaged, one that just so happened to have what appeared to be energy like a Blast Shard coming from it, a whole chunk of Rayacite Energy, based on what Dr. Wolfe had told them in the past, which Delsin seemed to absorb before their eyes, allowing him to unlock a new power, a small blast of smoke energy. "Wow, just like what happened when Cole reconnected transformers in Empire City." Aria commented, though Reggie was annoyed that his brother was adding more powers to what he currently had, apparently feeling that there was some way to reverse what had happened to Delsin. Reggie was of the opinion that there was a way for them to get around the dilemma that was in front of them, having to get to Augustine, but he wanted to wait until they were in Seattle before saying anything, though they were interrupted by someone crying for help. Delsin beckoned for his brother to go ahead, since it would give him a chance to look around the rest of the area, and when Reggie went to investigate the noise the sisters found that the new Conduit used his newfound power to blast a few drones, small flying devices, out of the air. Such a thing allowed them to discover that each one held a Blast Shard inside them, a power source while also allowing whoever was using it to hunt down Conduits, or people that might have the genetic marker slumbering inside them, so removing them took away some of Augustine's eyes. Delsin also had the power to drain the Blast Shards, just like Cole before him, to increase his overall power to store more energy, or smoke in his case, and even strengthen his other abilities so he'd be more prepared for what the future held. "So do you guys absorb the power of these things as well?" Delsin asked, because if so he felt bad about taking all four of them without thinking of his fellow Conduits, who had just watched him go to town on the drones, which he would have to keep an eye out for when they reached Seattle. "No, we're... unique... among Conduits. We don't need Blast Shards." Sonata replied, though it was nice that he thought about sharing with them, even if it was after he took down the drones and drained their batteries, instead of being either greedy or vain, like some of the other eviler Conduits they had encountered in the distant past. As Delsin opened his mouth to say something his phone went off and found that it was Reggie, oddly enough, who told him and the sisters that he had found a bus full of relief workers up ahead, only the way was blocked and there was nothing he could do to get through the blockade, much less convince them to abandon the bus. With that in mind Delsin used one of his newer powers, a condensed smoke blast, to tear through one of the blockades, even if his brother was disappointed in him since he wanted to keep a low profile during this venture, not that Delsin cared. Since there were a few more blockades in front of the bus, all made with the power that the DUP possessed, Adagio and her sisters approached them and used their base power, just simple Ki blasts, to carefully remove them while preserving the road. Delsin was, of course, amazed by the level of control they possessed and wondered if he'd be able to do the same thing in time, though he was the only one who approved of their actions, as Reggie and the workers were horribly frightened by their power. While Reggie and Delsin talked on the phone, about how Delsin couldn't get on the bus since it would cause everyone else to riot, the sisters had to wonder just how much brainwashing Augustine had done to the people of this world to make them into what seemed to be the ultimate boogeyman, the ultimate nightmare. In the end Adagio told Delsin it was fine, they could walk the rest of the way to Seattle while Reggie took the bus to the city, that way the innocent people wouldn't have to worry about being stuck here and their supplies could be brought to those in need, causing him to sigh as his brother drove off without them. Such a thing allowed them a chance to further study the two tracks that the other Conduits left behind, because they were unlike anything the sisters had seen so far and they told Delsin that the ability users they were familiar with didn't leave too much of a trace, save for the ice users. Most powers, in their experience, only affected the world for a specific period of time and disappeared once that limit was up, so this was a little outside what they had seen in the past, but it only made them more interested in meeting the other Conduits that had been freed earlier. Delsin also got another call from Reggie, reminding him about the GPS link that their phones shared since he was always losing his and had to use his brother's to track his down, giving him an idea of where to go and how far he had to walk to reach his destination. As they entered the tunnel that Reggie used, however, there was an announcement that the DUP would be destroying the 520 Bridge, which had to be totally illegal, and they found some thugs trying to break into a car, though upon being seen by the group the thugs opened fire on them. The sisters, having trained a fair bit for the tournament, reacted immediately and blocked the incoming bullets with Ki shields, while Delsin, who didn't have one, took a few to the chest and collapsed, but his regeneration ability kicked in a few seconds later and he was on his feet in no time at all. Once he was ready to go the group attacked the looters, the sisters dodging bullets while punching their foes and knocking them to the ground, while Delsin used his chain, infused with smoke energy, to hit his foes into submission. While they did that the sisters found that he also had a power that was similar to Cole's, where when a foe surrendered he had the power to 'chain' him to the ground for the cops to collect, even if it was just modified smoke keeping him pinned in one spot. After that, however, they felt the tunnel shudder and rushed towards the end of it without delay, only to find that the bridge leading to Seattle was literally being torn apart before their eyes, with concrete spikes tearing through the road with ease, segmenting the entire structure in the process. Adagio and her sisters were sure that this was illegal in the grand scheme of things, just like how it had to be illegal for the Conduit they were after to attack a whole tribe and leave them on death's door, though as they started to make their way over the ruined bridge they spotted a few more Core Relays. They knew that name because on the side of one of them was a label that informed them of what the massive sources of Rayacite Energy was, though they gave Delsin some new powers so he could make his way over the bridge as Augustine's power tore it apart before their very eyes. Those abilities allowed him to launch himself into the air after standing on a car for a time, while another gave him the power to glide, similar to how Cole used his Static Thrusters in the past, though the sisters followed after him with ease, thanks to their flight power they had mastered long ago. While they were doing that Delsin got another call, this one from Betty, the lady he risked his life to save when he told Augustine he was a Conduit, even though he did it for the tribe as a whole, who seemed a little annoyed that they went to Seattle, but wished them well when she learned that Delsin was busy. When they reached the end of the bridge Delsin messed with his brother a bit, who was dangling on the edge of a pier, but as the brothers did that the sisters came to a stop nearby and stared at the city for a few seconds, as they knew that the first step of their mission was now behind them and they were eager to see what the future held for them and their brand new acquaintances. > Into the City > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Now that we're all here, I'm afraid that there's some bad news: there's no way we're getting in undetected." Reggie said, speaking after he and Delsin finished their little conversation, giving the sisters time to study the area in front of them, as it reminded them of what they and Cole experienced during their previous adventures, "The DUP has set up devices that can scan one's DNA, after a person applies their fingerprint and likely get pricked by a needle or something, and will no doubt figure out if one has the ability to become a Bio-terrorist... er, Conduit. Now, I should be able to get inside the city with no problems, and I'm hoping that we can sneak Delsin in, since he didn't his powers the way that a normal Conduit would... you three, however, they're going to fire on you before you even reach the terminals." "You know, you'd think they would hold off on firing, just in case there was a Conduit who could forcefully transform their victims into new forms." Aria remarked, because if the DUP people were trigger happy, which seemed to be what Reggie was trying to suggest, it would place them in a bad light once all of the evidence was brought against them, plus her comment was due to the fact that they had no idea what other powers there might be in the world now, "If we presented ourselves like that, that we're just victims, we could infiltrate the city and then bust out of whatever holding cell they put us in." "Don't you get it? You three are the greatest evil in the world right now, far worse than the 'Beast', who destroyed Empire City, and the 'Demon King' Cole MacGrath." Reggie stated, causing the Dazzlings to raise their eyebrows for a moment, as while they knew of Augustine's smear campaign to paint them and Cole in a dark light, making them the ultimate fear for ordinary people, it was amusing to think that they were considered worse than everyone else, "The DUP has made it clear that you are the greatest threat to ordinary people... to civilized people... and they'll stop at nothing to bring a end to the 'Devil's Succubi', monsters that supposedly command the strangest powers in the world and can twist anyone around their fingers with a single word. While I can tell that the tales might be... overly exaggerated... that's not going to stop the DUP from attacking you whenever they see you." "Then we can be the distraction." Adagio replied, causing her sisters to nod their heads for a moment, because if the DUP was going to label all three of them as enemies so soon, without actually seeing if they were threatening the people of the city, then they were going to give Augustine's forces what they wanted. Reggie looked at them for a moment before sighing, as he could tell that there was no reasoning with them, before both he and Delsin made their way over to the blockade that was temporarily barring people from entering Seattle, or at least until they went through the DUP's safety measures. Adagio and her sisters stood back, seemingly out of sight until they reached a certain point, allowing them to observe as Reggie opened his jacket and informed the watchers that he was a sheriff, making his weapon a registered firearm, and when they ushered him forward he did so without delay. He passed the barricade without delay and the soldiers beckoned for Delsin to approach the machine, where he did so and pressed his finger against the device, though, due to his nature as a Conduit, it went off and labeled him as a Prime Conduit, but before the soldiers moved the sisters stepped forward. Reggie, seeing them do that, pointed their way and made sure the DUP knew they were coming, causing the soldiers to forget about Delsin as they turned on Adagio, Aria, and Sonata, just as the group had planned since it allowed Delsin to slip by them without wasting time. "By order of Brooke Augustine, Director of the Department of Unified Protection, the three of you are to give yourselves up and come peacefully." one of the soldiers stated, though in that moment the sisters found that each foe happened to have their weapons at the ready, as in they were pointed right at them, showing everyone that the DUP was more than willing to open fire on them while they had done nothing to them, "Surrender and die, for the sake of humanity!" "You know, you really shouldn't threaten people... you might not like what happens next." Sonata remarked, which was the truth, she and her sisters were probably the strongest Conduits in all of Seattle, given that they had helped take down the Beast back in New Marais, so threatening them in such a way was a bad thing to do. The sisters had planned on letting the DUP fire the first round, starting the fight while they presented themselves in a more peaceful manner, allowing the people of Seattle to see that they were fired on for no reason, putting the first of many cracks in the brainwashing Augustine had forced on the people of the world. Once the people saw the scene play out the sisters started to move as Delsin and Reggie departed from the area, as Sonata leapt over the pitiful barricades that were in front of them and struck down a soldier with a single punch to the chest. Aria did the same as her sister, taking down another foe in the process, before she smirked for a moment as she called forth her power and summoned three flame marbles between her fingers, which she tossed at the incoming line of soldiers, blasting them backwards with ease when they made contact with her attack. Adagio dodged a couple of bullets that came at her as she held a hand out towards the bay that they had rushed over a few minutes ago, calling forth some globs of water that were sent flying at her foes, instantly becoming ice as soon as they struck her targets and froze them to the ground. Sure enough more soldiers came down the path beyond where the station was set up and Reggie disappeared, no doubt to track down his cop buddies so he could figure out something to help Delsin, while his brother charged at some of the DUP and struck them with both his chain and his new smoke powers. While they did that, however, the sisters found that Delsin did pause every now and then to help citizens onto their feet, using his smoke powers to heal them from the inside out by the looks of it, which they approved of, especially since they didn't have powers like that. In addition to that it was easy for them to see that the DUP had set up towers on the corners of certain street crossroads, which had walkways so they could keep an eye on all sides of traffic, though the sisters blasted them down, surprising the soldiers that were on them, as they clearly weren't expecting such a thing to happen. Sonata used her wind powers to make sure the fragments of the towers and walkways didn't fall on anyone, dropping them off on the sides of the street so that cars wouldn't be affected at all, and a benefit of doing that was that it showed everyone that they weren't the monsters Augustine made them out to be, even if it would take a lot of time to undo that damage. Reggie, likely having made it to the roof of a nearby building, directed Delsin to an area of interest, causing the sisters to follow after him, before they found another tower area where the DUP was actually firing on the innocent people, causing Adagio to rush through the air and punch the walkway, breaking it in seconds. As they went to town on the soldiers, as they stood no chance against both the sisters and Delsin, Reggie informed them of the DUP's Mobile Command Centers, along with the fact that they had eyes and ears everywhere, reminding the sisters of what happened in Empire City, the villains spying on ordinary people. Fortunately everyone was thinking the same thing, take it down and see what sort of damage it did to the DUP, though Sonata mentioned they should be looking for a communication array, that was far more important since smashing that would cripple the DUP somewhat. With that in mind the four Conduits approached the area that their target was resting in, a long black vehicle that seemed to be powered by a well protected and rather large Rayacite Core, a fact that only made the sisters wonder how the DUP was able to recreate the substance since the Ray Sphere was gone and the one who made it was dead. As soon as the soldiers spotted them the group split up, each one going their own way as they clashed with the soldiers that were trying to gun them down, though while Delsin was having a hard time, since he was fairly new to being a Conduit, he found that the sisters weren't burdened by inexperience. For the most part Delsin found that the majority of the DUP's forces were focused on Adagio, Aria, and Sonata, though as they tried to gun the sisters down Adagio smiled for a moment as she manipulated the moisture in the air to make an ice wall between her and their foes. It showed him that Augustine considered them to be far more dangerous than anyone else, especially when he found that the sisters were no longer behind the ice wall, rather they had flown up into the air and were wiping the floor with the soldiers that were all over the area. What was interesting to him was that they even seemed to have precision attacks, like they were snipers in some manner, surprising the soldiers with just how vast their powers were and it even made Delsin wonder how his own powers would develop, once he found more of those Core Relays. While the sisters dealt with the rest of the soldiers, knocking them to the ground and sending their concrete grenades into the air to make sure they didn't hurt anyone in the surrounding area, Delsin opened the nearby cages and released those who were inside it, eventually leaving him and the sisters in the area near the vehicle. "Okay, the area's clear. How do we destroy this thing?" Delsin asked, because there was no telling when more of the DUP would arrive to do battle with them, so they had to do something with the Mobile Command Center before they arrived, even though he was looking at some of the panels on the exterior of the vehicle and wondered if he could break them with a few blasts. Aria answered that question by dropping out of the air as she extended her right arm, the flames forming a blade rather quickly, confirming her level of power to Delsin, and stabbed it into the area that the core was located in, allowing her to channel the power of her attack into the vehicle before backing away, where it exploded and scattered pieces around the area the DUP had set it up in. "Right... forgot you guys were the right hands of Cole MacGrath." Delsin remarked, where he realized that destroying the Mobile Command Centers would be child's play for the sisters, given the vast power that each of them were supposed to have command over, or at least according to the tales anyway, meaning he could learn from their example, before he found a new vehicle stopping nearby. As it turned out backup had arrived, for the DUP anyway, in the form of a soldier that had concrete armor on his arms, his legs, part of his chest, and even a collar around his neck, and he was holding a machine gun that was likely ready for the battle he would be entering. Just like before the Rook attacked them, as Adagio heard some of the soldiers talking about how it was here to take over for the fallen 'Pawns', and by that Delsin found that the sisters were his targets, causing them to take to the air and force the Rook to fire into the sky. He knew why they were doing that, to ensure that no one was hurt by any stray bullets, though it also opened a path for him to attack the Rook from behind while it was distracted, but even as he did that Delsin found that the Rook was far more focused on Adagio and her sisters. With his meager powers he couldn't offer them too much in the way of assistance, which they needed to work on immediately since he didn't want to be a burden on Adagio, Aria, and Sonata, he was able to decimate the Rook when he crouched low and shielded himself with his power, using his smoke power to take him out. While they did that Reggie called with an idea he had, that all of the DUP forces were, in some manner, infused with the power that Augustine possessed, so Delsin should, in his mind, be able to drain the power of the Pawns or the Rook to complete their mission, though when he tried it they found that nothing happened. "Oh crap... ugh, Reggie, we're going to have to nix that..." Delsin started to say, though as he said that he found Adagio and her sisters turning to look at him, where he suspected that they might have known or suspected he might lie to Reggie to stay in Seattle, causing him to sigh for a moment, "Okay, I tried to drain the Rook... it didn't work. Look, before you tell me that we should go home, just remember that I'm not leaving until I have the power to fix what Augustine did to the Tribe... I can't leave without her power." I was afraid you were going to say that... fine, we'll stick around and see if we can't get close to her. Reggie replied, all while the tone of his voice told the sisters that he was either surprised by Delsin being open with him or he knew that the three of them had convinced him without saying a word, Look, find someplace to hide while I check in with the police of Seattle... I might be able to get some information from them that will help us out. "Agreed... and ask about the Core Relays, as they'll help Delsin hone his powers and we can deprive the DUP of whatever purpose they provide." Adagio said, because she knew that the new Conduit had to be annoyed by what had happened during their first real fight together, as a team, and suspected that he wanted some power so he could stand with them and actually contribute, instead of relying on them to do everything. As Reggie confirmed that fact, even though he clearly didn't like the idea of giving his brother more power, the sisters and Delsin walked out of the area so they could find someplace safe to rest and wait, since there was no telling what the city might throw at them, but they knew that the battle for Seattle had just begun and hoped Augustine was ready for the fight of her life. > New Powers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So, out of curiosity, what do you do for fun?" Sonata asked, because while they waited for Reggie to get back to them with the locations of some Core Relays, so Delsin could grow his powers, she figured asking a few questions was okay since it would help them pass the time. "I like to tag things... you know, using cutouts to paint over existing things or on a blank canvas." Delsin replied, though in that moment he discovered that the sisters had no idea what he was talking about, or if they did his description had taken them by aback, causing him to pull out his phone and pull up a video for them to watch, "Reggie, on the other hand, hates it and arrests me whenever I do it... granted the times he does that are when I'm defacing the local cop billboard, but it really bothers me that he doesn't like my art. How do you guys not know what tagging is?" "You have to remember that we were cast forward in time, missing seven whole years." Adagio answered, because for the time being she knew keeping Equus a secret would be the best thing for everyone, since most of the people of this world assumed they were Conduits transformed by the Blast, and once they were ready they would tell Delsin the truth of their home world, "So, where do you get your supplies?" "Well, I usually check out the local dumpsters, to see if there are any cardboard boxes near them." Delsin said, where it was easy for the sisters to tell that he was trying to make sure they didn't think he was robbing the dumpsters themselves, a dirty activity he'd rather not do, before he pulled out a pencil and a sharpener, "I tend to use one piece out of a set as a area for me to sketch out my thoughts, after studying what I want to work with, and once I have a rough idea of what to do I'll use a pair of modified scissors to cut through the cardboard. I've also got some tape with me, so I can connect the pieces into a single mass or repair the damage I've done... I usually put my spray cans somewhere safe, though since we're here I might need to get a backpack." Aria raised an eyebrow for a moment as they observed the video that was playing on Delsin's phone, though she could see some interesting ways to show the people that she and her sisters weren't the demons that Augustine had labeled them as once she came to power, as succubi no less. As she pointed that out to her sisters, especially since it was embarrassing to even think about, Adagio mentioned that if they and Cole had walked down the path of evil, instead of the path of good like they had, Augustine's labeling would have been spot on. Other than that all three of them focused on Delsin's art and what it might mean for the rest of the city if they learned how to do it, to project good messages to the people and maybe make fun of the DUP while they were at it, and found that Delsin agreed with their proposal, as he didn't like what they had done to Seattle and it's people. He figured that this would be a good way for them to show the people that the Head of the DUP was wrong, that they were here to help people and not to take over the city, or whatever it was Augustine was telling everyone, and he was interested in seeing what sort of art they would create. While they discussed art, however, the sisters sketched out their own markings for Delsin, not mentioning that they were their Cutie Marks, or their hypothetical marks, and they could see that he was forming ideas in his head while the four of them remained in an alleyway, to avoid panic right now, before Reggie called them. Okay, I've tracked down a couple of Core Relays... as much as I don't want to give them to you, I know you'll talk be into it at some point. Reggie stated, showing that he knew what his brother would do in this situation and that he wanted to skip it this time around, especially since the tribe was in danger thanks to what Augustine had done, before they heard him sigh for a moment as he looked at someone else, I've also got some leads on a few other Mobile Command Centers... taking them out will make things easier for the people of Seattle, but taking out their communications array would be better. I'm still looking for it and I'll call you when I find it... and don't call me when you use the Core Relays, as I don't want to know what they give you. "Yeah, well, thank you Reggie." Delsin replied, because he knew that with his meager skills facing Augustine was out of the question, even if he counted on the sisters being there when it happened, so getting stronger and adding more powers to his own arsenal was the best course of action, causing him to look at his phone and found three targets had been added, a good sign for him. With the information in hand the group departed from the area they had been hiding in, finding that the people had calmed down since their arrival in Seattle, though it was far too easy for all four of them to see that the DUP had put their junk all over the place and the people were too nervous to do anything about it. Of course, due to being demonized by Augustine, the sisters found that some of the citizens screamed when they noticed them walking down the street and the DUP, who had all sorts of vehicles roaming around the city to search for Conduits, had a patrol stop nearby to confront them. Delsin found that they stood no chance as Sonata summoned the wind and knocked the DUP backwards, taking all of the Pawns down before any of them could even raise their weapons to them, though as she did that he also found that she avoided hitting the people that were around them. Such a thing surprised the people, because they were used to the tales that Augustine and the DUP spread about the sisters, that they were demons, and yet here they were, making sure the ordinary people who spurned them were safe from the brief battle that took place. While they did that the sisters also heard of a broadcast that talked about the military transfer, how it seemed to be one of the worst decisions made recently, and it seemed like they were blaming everyone but Augustine for the crash, where the sisters sighed as they focused on making sure everyone else was okay. Following that the group headed back towards the area they came from, as there was a Core Relay near the pier, so they could grab a new power for Delsin, though Reggie informed them that the DUP had shut down all travel in or out of the entire city, including the destruction of the bridge. Sure enough there were a few Pawns standing guard near the Core Relay they had chosen to go after first, though as they trained their guns on the group Aria lashed out with her fist as she punched one of them in the face, knocking him to the ground before spinning to kick out the legs of the others. With that done she called up her power and chained all of her targets to the ground, surprising Delsin with the fact that her style seemed to be flaming chains, causing Sonata to inform him that hers was the wind pushing down on her targets while Adagio usually just froze the arms and legs of her foes to the ground. Once they were sure that the area was cleared out, for the time being anyway, the sisters quickly moved up onto the top of the nearby building as Delsin faced the device he was after, leaving him to his business as they made sure the area was cleared for the time being. Delsin, in turn, focused his power and used the condensed smoke blast to blow the Core Relay apart, where he started to absorb the energy that was inside it, something that caused him to float into the air for a few seconds as he felt a new power awaken inside him, before he touched the ground again. "It seems that it worked. Now then, let's see what you've got!" Adagio remarked, where she pointed to the four Pawns that were entering the area that the first Core Relay had been resting in, a group that had likely been nearby and came running at the sound of Delsin breaking his target apart with his power. Delsin nodded and hurled what looked like a smoke bomb of sorts at the Pawns, where when it landed it released a burst of smoke that entered the helmets of his foes and induced a coughing fit that prevented them from firing for a time, an interesting power when Adagio and her sisters considered what they had seen so far. Such a thing allowed him to rush up to his coughing foes and pin them to the ground with his binding power, meaning if he had been walking down the path of evil it would have done something far worse for everyone, so this was good for him. She also had to wonder if a grenade power was common among the abilities a Conduit could learn over the course of their lives, as Cole had one, both Nix and Kuo had their own, and the three of them had their own variants, making her ponder what else they might find. Once they were sure that the area was cleared of enemies, as in that no more were coming to check on the noise of the Core Relay being destroyed, Delsin and the sisters departed for their second target, this time using the roofs to avoid being noticed by most of the DUP, since this was more about gaining power and less about drawing attention. The second Core Relay, as they discovered, was stashed away in an alleyway with two Pawns guarding it, meaning it was far too easy for the group to deal with the pair, as all they had to do was drop behind them and deliver a strike to the side of their necks, allowing the sisters to move the unconscious pair out of the way as Delsin did his thing. As he landed this time around a patrol vehicle came around the corner and Delsin fired a rocket made of smoke at it, an attack that slammed into the target and blasted it apart with ease, surprising him and the sisters for a moment, due to the fact that none of them were expecting such a strong power so soon to the start of the adventure. With that power added to their arsenal Delsin tracked down the third and final one that Reggie was able to provide him with the location of, but as they did so the sisters realized that something needed to be done about the DUP communication line. It was to knock them down a peg and to really cause some chaos among their ranks, but tracking down where they had set up such a very important device was going to require some time and effort on their part. Sonata also asked about Delsin's new power as they traveled and he told her that it took a lot of his available power to fire one of them, so if he increased his reserves to a new level, by absorbing more of the Blast Shards from the drones, he might be able to fire more of them. The third and final Core Relay, as they discovered, was at the peak of a building and seemed to be unguarded, which was odd considering how important each one seemed to be to Augustine, but it allowed Delsin to smash it and tap into a new power, one that seemed to be a rapid descent type of ability, which he used to decimate a group of Pawns that were down on the alley below them. "Ah man, what a rush... I need more, so I can expand my arsenal some more." Delsin commented, as he had wondered how it felt to use powers, since the DUP made it seem like those with powers were monsters of the highest order, and all of this made him realize that he could do good with what he had been given. "Not a good idea. Expanding your power too quickly can have disastrous consequences." Aria said, as while it was easy to tell that Delsin had the good of the people on his mind right now, and not any sort of conquest like a villain, she knew that power could corrupt if one gained too much of it far too quickly, meaning they needed some heroic tasks to help Delsin come to terms with his powers. I have to agree with Aria. You need to calm down first. Reggie added, meaning Delsin had called him as soon as he had used his new drop attack on the Pawns, no doubt to ask for more Core Relays, though at the very least it meant that he was on the same page as the sisters and Delsin sighed for a second as he nodded his head, Look, I'm working on a possible lead with a detective from the S.P.D., and tracking down the DUP's communication array, but I'm not telling you, Delsin, anything until you take a moment to calm down and lay low. Adagio and her sisters were happy to see that Delsin was okay with the idea of laying low, especially since it gave them some time to come up with more ideas for his tagging, all while wondering what Augustine was thinking about the fact that they had returned, something they would no doubt discover as their adventure continued. > Communication Destruction > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adagio, Aria, and Sonata spent about an hour with Delsin, making sure he was fine after awakening three new powers in rapid succession, especially after what happened when Cole awakened his powers in the past, but found that he was totally fine, he just needed time to come to terms with what he was capable of. Okay, I've made some progress and I've discovered the location of the DUP's Central Communications Array. Reggie said, something that caused them to stop what they were doing as everyone listened to what he had to say, especially since this would be a crippling blow to their enemies if they could take it out, Now Delsin, don't get too excited, but... well, you did say you wanted to see it while we were here. "Shut up. the Space Needle?!" Delsin remarked, more in the sense that he was getting his wish after all, to visit the icon of the city before dealing with Augustine's forces, though now it was a two for one special, he could still visit it and he could deal a heavy blow to the DUP. Indeed. Now, it's going to be heavily guarded, so be careful. Reggie stated, as while he knew that his brother was safe in the hands of the Dazzlings, given what he had seen from them in the short period of time they had spent together, he felt better saying that, even if he knew his brother would ignore his comment anyway, While you do that, I'm going to follow up on a few leads... I might be able to find one of the two Bio-terrorists that were let loose into the city. "Conduits. They're Conduits... never forget that fact." Adagio said, because that fact annoyed her the most, that the DUP and Augustine called people who awakened their powers criminals, even if they did nothing at all, more than then fact that she and her sisters had been demonized by the leader of their. Reggie said nothing to that as the line went dead, allowing them to go about planning how to get around the enemies that were no doubt guarding the Space Needle, because the sisters agreed with Reggie, it was going to be a heavily guarded area, both on the ground and up at the peak, and they needed a plan. With how important a communications array was, a fact the sisters had learned during their time on Equus before the start of the Tournament of Power, a small force had to be guarding it, because without it Augustine would have a hard time commanding her forces. That was why they wanted to take it down as soon as possible, before she had a chance to actually react to the fact that the sisters were here, as all of them had thought an army would be after them at this point and it meant someone was keeping their arrival a secret, or at least for the time being. Adagio assumed that it was Zeke's team of hackers, keeping the fact that they had arrived in Seattle a secret from Augustine, and if that was the case she was grateful for his assistance, allowing them to focus on the task at hand. Once the group had a plan in mind, even if it just seemed to be the usual attack and neutralize the enemy plan that Cole had used in the past, the group moved out without delay, only to pause a few moments later when Delsin found one of the Mobile Command Centers in a white walls plaza area. "Well, we're definitely close to the Space Needle... can't believe all the ugly junk they put on her." Delsin said, because he was looking up at the pieces of metal and devices that were linked to something that seemed to be at the highest point of the entire structure, before he glanced at the enemy camp that was in front of them, "We should take them out, before they get in our..." Adagio grinned as she floated down into the area in question, as there were a number of fountains for her to work with, so while the Pawns turned their weapons on her, after finding out that she had gotten by all of them with ease, she drew on her power as the water vibrated. The Pawns watched as bits of water floated out of the various fountains, like some sort of being was calling on them or manipulating them in some manner, and the moment they lowered their guards, all to look at her creations, Adagio spun around as she activated her trap. In that instant the watery spheres rushed at each of the Pawns and struck them in their chests, expanding outwards as she nailed her targets to the walls, where Delsin and her sisters watched as her attacks froze the Pawns to the walls, making it so they couldn't move at all. She didn't stop with that as she raised a hand into the air for a moment, causing Delsin to watch as she formed a large fist made out of ice and sent it down into the vehicle, crushing it in a matter of seconds. The resulting explosion tore the vehicle apart and destroyed it, scattering pieces all over the place and opening the way for Delsin to gather a few more Blast Shards for himself, even though he stood there with a look on his face that told them that he was stunned by her move. "Okay, never mind... this place wasn't even a threat." Delsin remarked, where he took a few moments to siphon the rest of the energy that resided in the couple of shards that had been scattered around the area, noting just how powerful Adagio was as he realized that the sisters were stronger than the stories claimed. "Still, we just cut off one head... and opened the way for us to take the communications array." Sonata said, reminding him of the reason they had come here in the first place, while referring to the DUP camps like they were the heads of a hydra, which in a way all of them kind of were, before they turned towards the Space Needle. "Besides this command center, there's no one down here." Aria added, which worried her to some degree, since they had been expecting a number of soldiers guarding the area around the building and, as they walked over to it, she found that there was no one guarding the base, which seemed to be a mistake in her books. "Save for a bunch of electrical junk that's likely being hauled to the top." Delsin stated, gesturing to the piles that were off to the side, some of the final components that they either had too many of or didn't get around to installing before it was time to go to war with whoever had been released in Seattle, "So, is there a reason why I can't drain the power off of the enemies we've encountered and defeated so far?" "You probably have to come into contact with a Prime Conduit, like Augustine, the ones that escaped, Cole, Kessler, Nix, Kuo... the list goes on." Adagio replied, because that seemed to be the case when they considered his powers, meaning it would be a long time before Delsin was able to get the power he was after, the one that would make him go home as soon as he got it. "Cole's dead, everyone knows that... as for the others, I have no idea who they are." Delsin said, where he figured that the ones that weren't Augustine were Conduits that the sisters had faced at some point during their previous adventures, but at the same time he knew they had to focus and didn't pry for information. In that moment he started to climb up the side of the Space Needle, using the ladders and items the DUP had added so they could work on adding their junk to it, to the point he was able to reach where one of the elevators were located and found that it can unlocked before rushing down towards him, only to stop on it's own... which was when he heard a huff behind him and turned his head, only to discover that the sisters were floating in the air behind him. "Wait... you can FLY?!" Delsin asked, as he had turned around so he could look at what was going on and was stunned to see that the sisters were just floating there, with what looked like a faint blue aura around them that seemed to let them float in the air like it was nothing, "Why didn't you say so sooner?" "First, you didn't ask. Second, we're trying to stay under the radar." Aria replied, where she grabbed onto his arm and just pulled him up to the observation deck, cutting out the majority of the trek so he could get ready for the main reason they were here, especially since there were Pawns waiting for them. Sure enough the sisters lashed out at the Pawns that were in the area, as they were on the roof of the building, and Delsin joined them without delay, finding that there were at least ten of them and that none of them really stood a chance when Adagio, Aria, and Sonata were involved. As that happened, however, he found a trench coat wearing soldier that had to be a Bishop, making him wonder where the Knight class enemies were hiding, though as he expected the figure targeted the sisters while they were distracted, confirming that they were a greater threat than him. Delsin was actually fine with that, as it meant he could slip around their foes and attack them while they were distracted, though the Bishop seemed to keep an eye on him, no doubt reporting to his superiors before Adagio froze him in a block of ice that went sliding off the edge, landing on the ring below them. While they did that, however, Delsin found something he wasn't expecting to find, one of the Core Relays, which caused him to tear the thing apart with his own powers, so when the rest of their enemies were no longer moving he could tap into a brand new power. Once everything was said and done he made sure the sisters were standing back before he crouched down a little as he readied his new power, something that propelled him up into the sky as three bolts of smoke, before merging into his body in the air as he rushed down with the full power of his elemental power, allowing him to smash the winch that held up all of the metal, freeing the Space Needle from the DUP's hold. "Wow... impressive." Adagio said, as there was nothing else for them to say, that was an impressive move for someone of this world to pull off with their powers, though at the same time she found that Delsin was pulling out his materials so he could tag the flag that was above the Space Needle. At first Delsin had resisted their ideas, but in the end they were able to convince him to paint over the DUP flag with the symbols that were associated with the three of them, the very symbols of their musical talent, and he even added in their faces behind them, a warning to Augustine that they were here and that they were going to take her down when the time was right. Things had been going well for Augustine, as the time she had spent in Seattle had born good fruit with the officials of the government, as they could see the terror that two of the three 'escaped' Bio-terrorists were causing, since Hank had been of no real help since he was safely behind bars once more. Abigail Walker, for Fetch as she preferred to be called, was on her mad quest to destroy every drug dealer that existed in Seattle, in fact the DUP had secretly found a way to pull in all sorts of people like that for her to pick off, and she was doing a good job scaring everyone. Eugene Sims, who was hiding somewhere in the area that Augustine's main headquarters was located in, was kidnapping suspected Bio-terrorists right off the streets and stashing them away in a private place that she and the DUP couldn't get to. That was fine, because as far as the people of Seattle were aware they were dealing with a mass murderer who killed anyone and a kidnapper who took anyone who struck his fancy, as there was no reason for the public to know the truth, only the lies that would ensure the DUP's continued existence for the foreseeable future. Her thoughts were interrupted as her workers started to report that they were no longer able to communicate with each other, meaning someone had attacked the Space Needle and took out the array, though as they locked onto the building in question her blood ran cold as she stared at the screen. "No way... are those...?" one of the workers asked, staring at the figures on the screen, three girls who fit the descriptions of Cole MacGrath's infamous companions, ones that everyone thought had gone missing after the event in New Marais all those years ago. "The Devil's Succubi." Augustine said, though she did her best to keep the fear out of her voice, as there were countless accounts of what the sisters were capable of, from enticing their foes with their voices, like the Sirens of Empire City that Moya Jones once called them, to their brutality towards those who stood in their path as they used what seemed to be the forces of air, wind, and water against their targets, "Do whatever you can to get reinforcements as soon as possible... if these three are here, well, you know what they'll do." It was the total destruction of the DUP if they were left to their own devices, so Augustine could only pray that her workers were able to call in more of their forces, to deal with the threat that was going to be knocking on their doorstep if they weren't stopped, making her wonder what the future held for her and her forces. > Fighting the DUP > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the modified banner in place, which would leave the authorities baffled until someone figured something out that could be presented to the public, Delsin and the sisters headed out into the city to see what sort of damage they could do to the DUP's operations, before worrying about the other two Conduits. Delsin discovered that someone other than Reggie was helping them, as their phones got updates to their maps with various coordinates, where Adagio told him that they were mission markers, to help take the fight to Augustine's forces. The sisters suspected that it was Zeke or his people that had done the deed, figuring out areas for them to target in an attempt to bring down the DUP and liberate the city from those who were currently controlling it, but for now all Delsin needed to know was that they had another ally. He seemed to be fine with that information, knowing that there were more out there that were taking the fight to Augustine in their own ways, though before they could get too far he got a call from Betty, one of the wounded people he was fighting to protect. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata left him to his conversation, as she was calling to check up on him and he told her about his visit to the Space Needle, though they had smiles on their faces, because he had something to fight for, his entire tribe, and that allowed him to focus on something other than himself, meaning they were walking the right path. Once the conversation was over Delsin returned to them and they got started with their self imposed mission, which was breaking the DUP's operations, something that involved hunting down their hidden cameras all over the city and breaking them, taking out the Blast Shard drones, and doing whatever missions were sent their way. Delsin took great pleasure in tracking down and carefully breaking the wings of the drones, allowing Sonata to use her wind powers to safely lower them to the ground so he could drain the power of the shards, especially since it allowed him to grow his skills in other ways. Such a thing really reminded the sisters of their time with Cole, hunting down the shards to boost his power so he'd be ready for whatever the future held for them, though for the time being they focused on the drones in the areas they were clearing out at the moment, before worrying about the rest of the city. The camera, on the other hand, they made sure were installed by the DUP and not installed by the owners of the buildings, since they didn't want to annoy anyone with their actions, but, as Adagio expected, their allies were right and Delsin destroyed the camera with ease. In addition to that Delsin destroyed the scanning stations that had been set up on the roads, since they also contained a Blast Shard for him to absorb the power of, while the sisters tracked down and broke apart the containment cages, which freed the people trapped inside. Of course some of them were worried when they realized who had freed them, due to all of the tales that Augustine had spread about them, but Adagio, Aria, and Sonata were happy to see that not everyone actually believed the tales and believed what they were seeing. It meant there was a chance that they could break the lies that their foe had created, show the people that none of them were monsters and that they fought for justice, causing the sisters to accept the thanks that were offered to them before joining Delsin as he kept an eye out for the few remaining targets that were in this area. Taking out the cameras meant that it would be harder for the DUP to track them down, due to the fact that they were unable to see everything that was going on in the areas that they were seizing control of, which meant the group could relax a little every now and then, give Delsin time to get used to his new powers or come up with ideas for his tagging. Reggie also informed them of the local drug dealers and asked if it was possible for them to capture them, and maybe do away with the drugs as well, so when they encountered one the sisters took down the thugs while Delsin found and took out the container his brother wanted destroyed, before handing them over to the cops... before they discovered a small playground off to the side, with symbols the sisters recognized. "No way! Is that Sly Cooper?" Sonata asked, gesturing to the picture of a male anthro racoon, drawn to match the style of a child, dressed as a thief while being joined by a turtle and a hippo who were walking on two legs as well, a figure she and her sisters knew from their time on Equus, talking with his sworn sisters and even meeting him at one point. "Yeah, the star of a very popular game series that has four entries... the last one kind of sucked, but had some good music involved, as one's even my ringtone." Delsin said, though while he was surprised to find such a mural in the city, since he knew that the game series held no importance to the city, he figured it had something to do with teaching kids not to be thieves or criminals. The sisters glanced at each other for a moment, as while they wanted to say something about Sly not being part of a game or series, due to what they knew, they also knew that revealing that truth now would be bad for everyone, so they kept it to themselves as Delsin headed out once more. Following that the sisters tackled one of the other missions that were on their map, one that involved one of Zeke's hackers sending them a report on the disguised DUP agents who happened to be in the area the coordinates had lead them to, where they were spying on people to see if they could sus out Conduits who might be hiding themselves. Fortunately their hacker friend was in contact with the police, as the agents were actually invading people's houses, stealing information and valuables to force cooperation from those they were harassing, and all sorts of other things that the police was actually putting a bounty on their heads. With that in mind Adagio divided the list of the area's agents between them, each one would take one of the directions and seek out their targets, tackling them to the ground and then delivering each one, or their group, to the police, which would earn them some points with the city at the very least. It took them some time to actually round up and knock out all of the minor agents, they were just Pawns that had a bit of extra power who ran away from enemies, before handing them over to the officials and moved towards the ruined bridge they had crossed over, which was when Adagio got a call. "This is Adagio. Who is this?" Adagio asked, though at the same time she made sure the call was on the speaker option as she, her sisters, and Delsin moved somewhere where Augustine's forces or devices wouldn't be able to hear them talk for a time, especially since they were interested in who this might be. "I'm not allowed to say, but you can call me Epsilon." the caller replied, which was an odd name for someone to take and told the Dazzlings, at the very least, that he must be a member of Augustine's organization, one who was angry with what she was doing and knew it was time for change, while Delsin seemed confused, "Listen, I've been trying to keep tabs on all of you, as in your sisters and Delsin Rowe, since you arrived in Seattle... which is no easy feat, considering how fast you move. Like it or not, but you've started whispers throughout the entire world and people are talking about the need for the DUP and Augustine... even Washington is aware of your return and what it might mean. I want to help you, though for the time being I cannot say anything or directly help you out, so I have left audio recordings around the city to help you fight Augustine in another manner and I've sent a file that will allow you to use a program that will allow you to track each of them down." "So we get to learn more about her sins against the Conduits and use it against her." Aria remarked, which was great since she was sure that they could transfer that information to Zeke's team, or personally deliver it to them when Augustine wasn't looking for them, before she considered something that had happened during their time in Empire City, "Say, the officials in Washington won't try to, I don't know, bomb the city now that we're here... right? Moya Jones tried that and she failed to do anything but annoy us." "I don't know, but that means you should move quickly." Epsilon stated, meaning that there was a chance that the people in charge of the country might bomb their own people to get rid of the sisters, and possibly the head of the DUP so they could shut them down that much easier. As the call ended Delsin had to ask about the comment Aria made, about the government bombing Empire City, and while they searched the destroyed end of the bridge for the audio file Adagio confirmed that it was only Moya who did it, not the government itself, so right now it seemed like the officials were just watching right now. The audio file talked about how the recorder informed the listener about how Augustine was the strongest Conduit they had ever known, possible to the point that she could have beaten Cole MacGrath on her own, causing the sisters to laugh. Delsin asked them what was so funny about that remark and they reminded him that Cole was able to topple the Beast, a being that would have reduced the whole world to fire and ash, an apocalyptic world to be exact, if it wasn't stopped, so unless Augustine had the power to deal with something of that magnitude, and they were sure she didn't, there was no way she was beating him in a fight, even a hypothetical one. He stared at them for a moment, not sure if they were just messing with them or if they were, in fact, telling the truth, but decided that it was best if he didn't try and figure it out on his own, rather he focused on what else they could do to fight back against the DUP. One of the other missions the sisters discovered was the existence of expertly hidden cameras that were disguised, not to mention out of sight while they spied on people, where Delsin found that he could actually hack into the video feed, due to their hacker ally no doubt, and tracked it down without delay. While he did that Aria round the area that another Mobile Command Center was in, something that caused her to smirk as she gathered her power and formed a number of her fire marbles, allowing Delsin to watch as she sent them out into the space in front of her as her sisters watched. Each orb just rolled for a few seconds, coming to a stop under the vehicles that belonged to the DUP, not to mention what looked like machine guns and even the main target itself, before she snapped her fingers and caused all of them to detonate as some of their foes finally noticed what she had done. In the next moment explosions could be seen and heard as the marbles tore apart the DUP's defenses, tearing apart the vehicles as if they were made of fragile material, breaking apart the few machine guns that had been set up, and even destroying the command vehicle as parts were scattered all over the place, tossing the various foes around like they were dolls. It was another reminder for Delsin that the sisters were far stronger than he realized, a fact he was learning more as time went by, though instead of focusing so hard on the DUP he suggested that they take some time to tag a few areas, like an area near the Space Needle. The sisters discovered that he went with a piece of art known as 'Gnome Run', which involved creating an old man with a few of the cutouts Delsin had made earlier, who was in the middle of mowing the lawn as he seemed to casually chase a trio of lawn gnomes, the trio being in the middle of climbing a post to escape him. This first instance was the sisters simply helping him put everything into place so they would understand the art firsthand, like a lesson of sorts, where they found that he was quite skilled in seeing the art in an area and knowing how to form the scene he wanted to make, and he used a fair amount of blue in his art. Adagio knew it was his Karmic state that had to be influencing him in some manner, as he was prone to making decisions that benefited the majority and not himself, where she and her sisters watched as his vest changed as he worked, as the two equal birds shifted, the blue one becoming more prominent as the red one started to grow smaller. It was a sign that the good in him was growing as they worked, even his art helped in some odd manner, a fact that the sisters weren't even going to argue with, and while that happened some of the people came to watch the four of them work, adding comments and having a good time as they realized the Dazzlings weren't demons. Such a thing brought a smile to their faces as they realized that they were already doing well in tearing down Augustine's hold on the people, and the city itself, though all of them knew that they would be hunting one of the other Conduits soon and took this opportunity to relax while they had it, since there was no telling what the future might hold for them. > Showdowns and Investigation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- While the sisters relaxed after the various fights with the DUP, breaking their hold over the city as a whole, Delsin had a small conversation with Reggie about what the DUP's announcer had done, he labeled them as 'Banner Men' and that the symbol on the flag was to inspire fear into the public. Not only was he insulted by the fact that the message was being twisted in such a way, when they were here to inspire hope into the people and show everyone that there was nothing to fear from Augustine's foul plans, but he was also insulted by such a dumb name. He went on and on about how he wished they had given each of them their own titles, like the 'Smoketastic Man', the 'Empress of Frost', the 'Wind Whisperer', and the 'Mistress of Flame', instead of insulting all of them by grouping them with a dumb name. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata didn't care about it as much as Delsin did, given that he was raging, though they were fortunate that they had picked a nice roof that the DUP had trouble getting up to, or maybe they didn't want to after what they did previously. Adagio was figuring out how to seize control of the districts from the DUP, calculating how much they had taken from each one by looking at a map that their hacker friends had supplied them with during the start of their break, and she was sure that, in due time, they would be able to start taking them back in the very near future. Once Delsin was ready to go, and had gotten over his frustration about the dumb name they had been given, even if the public couldn't link the Smoketastic Men to the Devil's Succubi, the group departed from where the sisters had stopped and resumed taking the fight to the DUP. Such a thing meant tracking down and arresting more of their secret agents, which came as a surprise to the Pawns and the people, finding the various reports that Epsilon had left for them to obtain so they could be used against Augustine iron rule, and just wrecking the DUP's stuff. Adagio was interested in the fact that Epsilon had the Conduit gene, which explained why he was working for Augustine, and while he originally believed in her mission, since it was saving people, he now knew that she was wrong about many things, and all of this was before Adagio and her sisters returned. It made them wonder how many of the DUP were doing this because it was a job and how many of them were doing it because they loved to track down 'Bio-terrorists', but for the time being the sisters focused on what they could do for the people of Seattle, even if it meant breaking every now and then to help Delsin tag an area. It never ceased to amaze the sisters that tagging an area like this would actually bring people together, as whenever they did it there were other artists ready to join them, making their own art, usually in the form of music or panting, all while Delsin gave the city a taste of his art... though during one of the gatherings Adagio felt her phone ring and walked over to a private area before answering. "Hello? Who is this?" Adagio asked, because she had no idea who else would bother to call them, given that she and her sisters were strangers in this part of the world, before wondering if it might be one of Epsilon's comrades, someone who had believed in Augustine's mission before realizing she was wrong. "Raymond Wolfe, a reporter... and brother to the late Sebastian Wolfe." the caller stated, where she could tell that it was a male speaking right now, someone who sounded similar to the researcher who died at the hands of Bertrand's men back in New Marais, something her sisters would find interesting when she told them about the call, "You might have heard of me, about how I cracked the military's real involvement with the affairs in Empire City... about how Moya did what she did and how she ended up. You should know that some members of the government wanted to imprison her for the crimes she had committed, especially after figuring out that she wanted to use the Ray Sphere and turn Cole into a weapon... oh, and by the way, I don't blame you or your sisters for my brother's death." "Bertrand paid for that and more by the time we were done with him." Adagio remarked, as Bertrand was probably one of the worst people she, Aria, and Sonata had encountered over their many years, given everything he had done to the city he was in control of, or at least until they reached New Marais, "So, what can we help you with?" "I need you guys to get to Sundial Park and I'll explain everything." Raymond replied, though given that he was a reporter it was possible that he knew something that might get him in trouble and that meant she and her sisters would have to save him, since there was a chance he might be one of Zeke's allies. Adagio said nothing to that as the call was dropped, causing her to focus on what the others were doing as Delsin quickly finished his art, which made fun of the DUP by showing Pawns being treated as babies or humiliated in some manner, but once he was done he thanked everyone for showing up and told them that it was time to get back to work. With that done she pulled the others off to the side and informed them about the call, surprising her sisters, since they weren't aware that Wolfe even had a brother, while Delsin was amazed that they knew Raymond's family, but everyone was eager to see what sort of mission he had for them. The park in question happened to be close to the bridge they had crossed over to enter Seattle, even though it meant tearing through the DUP in the process, and upon their arrival Adagio got another call from Raymond, who informed them that his editor had been captured by the DUP and that he was working on figuring out where he was being held. His latest story was resting nearby and he wanted the group to collect it before the DUP found it, since they would use it to cause major damage to his friends, causing the sisters to realize that Raymond had to be one of Zeke's allies, before informing them to look for his calling card, salmon stickers that were pointing in the direction that the next was in. That was the reason that he asked them to come to Sundial Park, the first of the markers was there, and by following it for a couple of minutes the group was able to find that it lead right to where a bunch of Pawns were patrolling, by the left side of the mountain range, causing them to wipe them out in no time at all and collect the report. It was titled 'Cole's Gift', and as Adagio, Aria, and Sonata listened to it, while Delsin made sure to knock out the DUP agents and smash their gear, they found that it was all about the aftermath of the battle with the Beast, as in curing the plague while taking a fair amount of the Conduits out with him. Such a thing made all three sisters realize that Sebastian designed it to not killing everyone that had the gene, rather he managed to make sure it only killed a portion of them, while ensuring that the RFI was powerful enough to deal with their true foe and save the world. Of course there were people who were thankful and those who felt angry at the world, where the former were forced to abandon their ways to avoid being labeled as traitors by the DUP, just like those in New Marais, though Raymond had thoughts and ideas that were shared inside his report, causing them to pocket it without wasting too much time. Raymond informed them that he was looking for answers as well and that he was sure that, with their help, he would be able to do something with his story, causing the sisters to tell him that their aid would be his when he needed it, which he was relieved to hear as he entrusted the story to them and informed them that he'd contact them again in due time. "Man, I can't believe you know Raymond Wolfe." Delsin commented, all while the group returned to the city so they could figure out their next course of action, since there was more to do and more DUP agents to take down as Reggie searched for the other Conduits who had escaped earlier. "Correction, we knew his brother." Aria said, though she was pleased to hear that Raymond was happy that his brother had been avenged during their time in New Marais, that he didn't hold it against them in the slightest, and, more importantly, that he was turning his focus to his true enemies. With the story in hand, safety stored away until Adagio found a perfect chance to deliver it to Zeke without being seen by Augustine's forces, the group returned to the districts and quickly made their way to an area that became marked on their map, one that their hacker friend noted was a jamming area. Such a thing told them that the DUP was more than willing to disrupt the lives of the people, even the innocent ones, in the off chance that someone was harboring the Conduits that had escaped with Hank, and to move forward with their mission it seemed like taking the jamming center out was the only thing for them to do. With that in mind the sisters targeted the towers that had been set up around the section of Seattle that their hacker friend had pointed out to them, smashing through them as the forces of the DUP glanced up at the air, where Delsin lashed out at them with his powers while they were distracted. It was clear that, while many of the forces of the DUP had been trained to deal with Conduits, no one had warned them of their existence or the fact that they might have to fight them at some point, a flaw on Augustine's end since she had been expecting them to return at some point, a fact they would use against her. Sure enough they found another command vehicle in the center of the jamming area and Sonata went to town on it, since it was her turn after all, shaping the wind into blades that slashed through all of the weapons that the DUP had before she twisted it into a tornado that slashed apart the Mobile Command Center. "Okay, note to self: don't get on your bad sides." Delsin remarked, once more understanding that the sisters were a force of nature and that to stand in their way was pretty much folly, making him wonder what in the world was going to happen once they clashed with Augustine, as he was sure it was going to be awesome. Following the destruction Delsin took a few moments to make sure to absorb the Blast Shards, while the sisters took care of the defeated DUP forces that had been knocked down by Sonata's attack, though once that was done they departed before more enemies could track them down. Delsin wanted to tackle one of the billboard signs and the sisters were up for a challenge, though this time it was him writing down the number for the DUP before they got to work tagging it with a design they had come up with during one of their rests. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata had offered the idea of using the faces of the various important ponies back home, with Delsin noting that they were strange for picking a show that little girls liked to watch, but, while it was clear he hadn't put their appearance and the show together, he was fine with their ideas, since the message was far clearer. Twilight and the others spoke of harmony, the very message they needed to spread to show Augustine and the people that there was no reason for ordinary people to hate those with the Conduit gene, so they and Delsin were redesigning the billboard with an imagine of Pinkie on it, as the girls remembered her. By the time they were done Delsin wondered what other designs the girls had in mind, as he wouldn't mind meeting this version of Pinkie, if she existed anyway, but once the entire billboard was covered he pulled out his phone and dialed the number he had written down before they got to work. Hi, you have reached the DUP help line. Do you have a Bio-terrorist incident to report? a voice asked, a young lady by the sounds of it, who had to be one of the few people who got called when Conduits were discovered using their powers, not to mention someone who likely felt that Conduits were evil and impure people. "Yeah, there's been a disturbance nearby: four Bio-terrorists have vandalized one of your billboards." Delsin replied, while at the same time making his voice seem like he was older than he really was, a fact he was failing at by the sounds of it, but, for what they wanted to do, it was just fine. In the next moment the lady informed him to stay where he was and they would send some people to investigate, almost as if it was a threat or something in case the actual 'Bio-terrorist' was standing nearby, and sure enough they found a few vehicles approaching the area that the billboard was in. In addition to the trio of vehicles the group also discovered that the DUP also had access to helicopters and one just so happened to be coming right at them, where Delsin, Adagio, and Aria leapt down to the streets to welcome their guests as Sonata remained near the billboard. The reason for that was due to the helicopter, which fired a missile at where she was standing and she raised her hands, calling forth the wind to stop it in it's tracks, much to the surprise of the watchers, before sending it right into the side of the flying vehicle, blasting it out of the air as she made sure to catch the pieces so no bystanders were harmed. Everyone else tore into the DUP with ease, as Delsin's boosted power allowed him to deal with all of the Pawns without burning through his energy, while both Adagio and Aria blasted their targets into submission, causing the people watching to cheer for them. As they seized control of the first district the sisters knew that Augustine would be displeased with their actions and likely condemn them on the news, but it hardly mattered, the people understood the truth and soon all of Seattle would know, but before that happened they had some Conduits to find and recruit to their growing cause. > Tracking the Sniper > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After taking a few moments to rest and recover, mostly to let Delsin rest since he was still getting used to his powers, the sisters departed from the area that they had stopped in and followed the coordinates that Reggie had sent them, since he was in the middle of his work. Adagio knew that he was going to ask them for help in some manner, no doubt in tracking down and dealing with one of the Conduits who had been released into Seattle due to Augustine wanting to prove that her kind were nothing but monsters to the public. Delsin, on the other hand, was pleased with the people who had come out to cheer them on in clearing out the DUP, as many informed him that they also agreed on his opinion on the name that the DUP gave him, the 'Banner Man' when addressing him as a singular person. Once more the sisters really didn't care about all of the names that were being thrown around, since they were mostly worthless and were falling apart in the eyes of those they saved from Augustine's people, so the sisters focused on their mission and nothing else. One thing Sonata noted was the fact that part of the area that Reggie sent them to happened to be on the outskirts of the jamming area they had taken out, meaning it had been under it's effect for some time and was only now getting back to how things were supposed to be. "Gah, the television's on the stupid 'Banner Men' article again." Delsin remarked, as the coordinates brought them to one of the stores that happened to have a television in the window, allowing him to watch a reporter talk about the news that the DUP gave him, so they could push his untrue stories upon the masses until Augustine told him to stop. The sisters paid more attention to the story that came after theirs, as it was about the Bio-terrorist sniper they happened to be seeking right now, even though none of them knew the figure was a sniper, and that the person had killed at least twenty-one people since their arrival in the city. Hey, Delsin, I wanted to tell you and the sisters that I got hung up and that I won't be able to meet you. Reggie said, as the sisters heard the phone ring before Delsin did and managed to get him to answer it so they could figure out what his brother wanted from them, I just found out about this Bio-terrorist maniac... "Hey, off topic, but... do you think we need some PR people?" Delsin remarked, reminding them that he liked his art and that he was still easily annoyed by the fact that Augustine had labeled him as the 'Banner Man', though in that moment he found the sisters raising their eyebrows at him in a disapproving manner, "Okay, fine, we'll focus on the Conduit... would it kill you to stop using the word that Augustine came up with to make sure people would be afraid of innocent people?" Look, I don't care what you call him, we just need to find him before Augustine does. Reggie stated, something that all four of them agreed with, since the sisters wanted to know what was going on while Delsin wanted whatever powers the figure had, since it would help him deal with his true target, before they heard a beep in the background, It seems that there's another body at 5th and Briar, but for now you should stay away from the cops and everyone else... we might be able to figure this out before anyone else if you get there fast. "We'll try, but you never know... we might have some fans at the crime scene." Sonata said, as she knew that there were a few cops who had come to see what was going on when they and Delsin were visited by the other artists, who were chill with a couple of Conduits running around, fighting the DUP as they retook Seattle from Augustine, so there was a chance they might run into them again. While Reggie was thinking about her statement, or whatever it was that was going through his mind at the moment, the group departed from the area that he sent them to and started to zero in on the new location he was sending them to this time around, where Adagio and her sisters kept an eye out for the DUP. Since it wasn't too far from the store they were able to reach the alley he had sent them to, where some of the cops greeted them with open arms and asked Adagio if all of them were here to deal with the Conduit who was was responsible for the recent murders. When she told him that they were, since they were able to do something about it, he turned and pointed down the way for a moment, revealing a track of light energy that matched what they had seen when Delsin started uncovering his powers, a purplish light that was like the neon in the signs. With that information in hand they continued down the path, heading into the alley behind most of the buildings in the area, following the neon markings that seemed to be leading somewhere important, at least to the one who did all of this, before everyone came to a stop a few moments later. What they discovered was an art scene made of neon, of what looked like a skull and drugs, plus writing some words on a wall, something that caused Reggie to ask his brother to take a few pictures as the sisters studied the area in question, as it seemed random in the grand scheme of things. Delsin openly wondered what sort of power did this, since he didn't buy the idea that this was some sort of neon power, though the sisters felt that they were right, given their own experience traveling with Cole, as he did what his brother wanted. Of course Reggie told them that there was a chance that Delsin's power might not work again, as if he thought it might be a one usage type of thing, but Aria told him it wouldn't make any sense at all, especially since the user didn't seem to know they had their power until they absorbed a bit of someone's power. In the end they agreed to disagree, allowing the other to have their own opinion on the matter, before they heard a few sirens nearby and Reggie informed them that the DUP was going to seal the area for now as they investigated, not to mention another murder had been reported, so part of the team was heading to this location and another was heading for another one. This time around the group decided not to blow away the DUP, choosing to let them waste time hunting for a Conduit that didn't want to be found by them, even though Adagio was sure that they were doing this intentionally to ensure that their boss' plan succeeded with flying colors. When they reached the area just outside where the second body had been discovered Delsin found the DUP were nearby and wasted no time in launching what he called an Orbital Drop on the vehicles that were outside their destination, which just destroyed all of them and downed the DUP. With that done, and Sonata called on the cops to deal with them, Delsin and the others entered the area and found that it was identical to the first, a person done up with neon markings nearby, though this time around Reggie had news for them as he got a picture of the newcomer. Apparently this was a drug dealer and that seemed to be the reason behind why he was targeted, causing Adagio to recall that there had been a destroyed stash of drugs near the first figure they had found not that long ago, who Reggie confirmed was the same as this one, a fact that interested them. When Delsin discovered the stash of drugs behind the stairs, however, Aria pulled him back as a beam of energy rushed at him, hitting the drugs and destroying them, though she spotted something interesting, there was a neon sign not too far away from this area that had dimmed, the hideout of their target no doubt. It took them a few moments to reach the sign, one that was actually wide enough for someone to live in, and discovered that there were a few bits of clothing, including a bra and some panties, along with a few other feminine items that told them that the sniper was a girl, not a boy like the media claimed, and there was a faded image of some person carved into both the ground and part of the edge. Adagio took note of the neon trail that went off into the distance, the sniper had noticed them coming and fled before she could be seen by them, which was fine since she had left a lot of information for them to use to track her down later, as it seemed like they would run into her later on. As Delsin took pictures they discovered the name 'Brent' burnt into the walls, someone of importance to the girl before she was captured by the DUP, Reggie used the marking they had seen, which he ran through facial recognition, and discovered that it was no other than Brent Walker, who died with a wound through his chest that was identical to the neon wounds. Since there was a report on it and everything Reggie was able to track down where he had died and directed them there by sending over the coordinates, though along the way they found a drug deal going down and surprised the dealers, knocking them down and chaining them to the ground so the cops could arrest all of them. After that they found a locked door that lead to Brent's resting place and Delsin slipped through it with his smoke powers, causing him to chuckle as he realized Adagio, Aria, and Sonata didn't have any powers to get under the door or go through it, only for Adagio to prove him wrong as she surrounded her and her sisters in water before moving them under the door and appeared on the other side. As Delsin took in that fact, that Adagio could basically trap them inside the air bubbles in water, they discovered that there was a shrine to Brent inside the small passage, like someone was mourning his passing, and it wasn't hard to put together that the Conduit was behind it. In fact the sisters wondered if the Conduit was a member of Brent's family, it made sense if they were attacking drug dealers and destroying drugs, meaning Augustine's people were lying to the people to bring fear to their hearts so they would hate Conduits. Reggie took a look at the pictures that Delsin provided him with and told the group that there was an Olaf's not too far from their location, as it looked like the sniper had left her food container when she left to go take down more drug dealers and it gave them an idea where they might find her. With that in mind, and the shrine had nothing left to offer them, the group departed from the shrine and made their way towards the location that Reggie gave them the coordinates to, discovering people who were supporting the DUP's efforts to expel the various Bio-terrorists that were in Seattle. They ignored the group, allowing them the freedom of speech, while discovering that part of the roof would serve as a good hiding place, as there were some boxes for Delsin to hide in as the sisters remained on a higher level behind the signs, but as it turned out to be a long wait as day turned to night... and, sure enough, the sniper returned for some food. "Man that smells good... I should have taken some money from those dealers." the lady said, who turned out to be around Delsin's age, in fact Adagio was sure they were the same age, who wore a white shirt with a green jacket over it, plus a pair of black pants that had many rips in the leggings. "Abigail Walker?" Adagio inquired, as while they were waiting for her to arrive Reggie informed them of everything he could find on Brent's case, including the one who had been captured after the hole had been blasted in him, his own sister no less, and the sisters suspected that there was more to the story, causing her to raise her arms to show that they weren't here to do harm as the girl turned towards them, "Relax, we're just here to..." "No way... you guys are the Angels of New Marais!" Abigail replied, where she sounded excited by the idea of meeting them, no doubt because they had used their powers for the good of the people, like she might be doing, and because they might be her idols in some manner, "Honestly, I prefer to be called 'Fetch' these days. So, um, what can I do for you three?" "We're here to take down Augustine and help Delsin save his people, and to do that he wants to increase the powers he has by absorbing a little from you and the other Conduit in Seattle." Aria said, something that immediately caused Fetch to raise an eyebrow for a moment, especially since their companion revealed himself to her, before she wondered if there was some sort of task they could help her with to convince her that they were telling the truth. "Okay, that sounds... interesting... sure, why not." Fetch said, where she raised her arm towards him as she focused on the sisters, showing that she was more interested in them and their forms, instead of someone who could copy powers into himself, not that they were surprised by her reaction, "I've got something I want to do later and could use some extra hands in pulling it off... you game?" The sisters agreed, as they had a feeling that they could put Fetch on the right path, and were glad that they were able to talk with Fetch, instead of her attacking and running off, and knew that things were going to change once Delsin had access to a whole new set of powers, which made them interested in what the next few hours held in store for them. > Cleaning the Streets > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It took Delsin a few moments to actually go through with the act of absorbing a bit of Fetch's powers, where the sisters found that the neon seemed to wrap around both of their arms as he did that, though it also looked like they might be in the middle of sharing something. Adagio guessed that part of Delsin's powers allowed him to see the moments that lead to a Conduit gaining their powers, or maybe a powerful emotional moment that shaped their lives, which for Fetch had to be the day her brother died due to drugs, based on Reggie's report. Of course she and her sisters weren't about to pry, it was for Fetch to know and for Delsin to find out about so he could talk with her about it, or just to understand what she was feeling right now, but they were happy that Fetch saw them as allies and not enemies. In the next moment the pair fell backwards and her sisters caught them, Sonata rushing to Delsin's aid as Aria did the same for Fetch, though instead of forcing them to move, so soon after experiencing such a thing, the group decided to pause to let them catch their breath. When both Delsin and Fetch were ready to go Delsin found that the first neon power he had access to was her running skill, the light trail they had seen when she fled from them earlier, and while he could only move in short bursts, which were uncontrollable, he had someone there to teach him how to move. Fetch had an idea in mind for a place to see what sort of powers he had gotten from just the exchange itself, so she carefully moved around the city as she reached a large building that seemed totally empty, though there were a fair number of old neon signs inside it. From there they dropped inside and she had Adagio create some dummies for Delsin to fire at, where he followed Fetch's lead as she demonstrated how she did her basic attack, firing a small burst of neon energy at the icy foes that Adagio set up for him. While they did that Aria and Sonata made sure to keep an eye on the outside, just in case the DUP showed up while they were focused on training, only to find that Reggie arrived to arrest Fetch for the murders she had committed, since it skipped the legal process that he and the other cops usually went through. The two brothers had a private conversation about what to do with Fetch, who just stood with the sisters, before Reggie finally caved and left the area, meaning Delsin had convinced his brother that he knew what he was doing and that Fetch was in good hands. "Sorry about that, Reggie couldn't see that you were trying to make the city a better place by taking care of the dealers that are here," Delsin said, as he knew that Fetch had been a little worried about Reggie's remark, not too much since the sisters wouldn't allow him to jail a Conduit who was fighting for the people, and this was his way of telling her that she was fine, before he thought of something, "Look, I know Augustine trained you to kill, but we can show him... show the people of Seattle... that you aren't who the DUP are making you out to be." "Wait, she trained you to kill people?" Sonata inquired, mostly because if that was the case it confirmed what she and her sisters had suspected, Augustine had raised several Conduits to spread fear to make her false message known to the rest of the world, no doubt to fund her group for the foreseeable future. "Yeah, but I gladly went along with it since it gave me the tools to deal with those who took my brother from me... even if my powers ultimately killed him." Fetch replied, where she rubbed her arm for a moment, showing that it wasn't a topic she wanted to talk about too much, which was understandable since losing a family member in such a way likely wrecked her emotionally, before she sighed for a moment, "However, I don't like how she's labeled me as a monster when I'm only trying to straighten out the city by eliminating the illegal drugs that are in the city." "We think Augustine's doing this on purpose, to make you and all Conduits look like monsters while making the DUP look like the heroes." Aria said, something that caught the attention of both Delsin and Fetch for a moment, since this was the first time she or her sisters had mentioned their thoughts to anyone, but after everything they had been through they all knew that Delsin was trustworthy and Fetch, while being a newcomer, seemed the same way, "So, what do you say we prove her wrong by showing the people that we're more than the monsters she's trying to tell the people we are? You'll find that the people actually believe us." "Look, if we're going to help Fetch out, I need more than a running skill and a basic attack... I'm not complaining, I love the feel of this power more than my smoke ability." Delsin stated, while at the same time telling Fetch that he liked hers, since there was a chance that she might get offended by his statement, but she either didn't mind or hadn't caught his words, or maybe she was focused on something else while they talked, "We need to find more of those Core Relays, both to wipe all of them out, since we have no idea what they actually do, and to get me some new powers... I am absorb the energy out of the devices and it gives me a boost, unlocking new powers." Fetch told him that she'd have to look at the region of Seattle she had been operating in, as while she recalling seeing one or two before this point she also wasn't entirely sure if she was right or not, though as she started to leave Delsin called his brother to see if he had any information. Apparently Reggie pulled what Delsin called the 'Pouting Reggie' on him, likely due to the fact that everyone wouldn't let him bring in Fetch or whatever had been said between him and his brother not that long ago, but, despite what seemed like a small argument, his brother sent him the location of the only Core Relay his friends had discovered. With that in hand they departed from the ruined building and headed out into the city, where the group found night was truly upon the city and that most of it's citizens had turned in for the night, save for those that were up to no good, those who did late night activities, and the DUP patrols. Fetch knew of the one that Delsin told her about, where the sisters weren't surprised that the two had exchanged contact information, right before Reggie barged into their training session, and told them that she'd meet them at the Core Relay, as she was already done taking care of the drug dealers for the time being. As such they found the location of the first Core Relay and Delsin smashed it, where he absorbed it and revealed that he had a new precision attack, where he could either hit the legs and arms to restrain his foes, to capture them alive, of, if he was feeling evil, hit them in the head to kill them, where he decided to avoid the latter. Sure enough the sisters found that several DUP Pawns were in the area and it proved to be an excellent chance for him to test out his brand new power, as he struck them in their blue weaknesses, or at least they were blue to him, restraining them in no time at all. Fetch, on the other hand, departed from the area before he even finished absorbing the power and contacted him once she had news, she had found another Core Relay and she had left a trail for them to follow, special neon markings that pointed towards the next one. While it wasn't the greatest thing in the world, since it left something for the DUP to track, the sisters were fine with taking to the sky and following Delsin as he tracked down the Core Relays, though while he did so he found that a few more drug dealers had been taken down by Fetch. What was amazing was that the pair seemed to talk a lot while Delsin carefully followed the markers, as he tried to tell her to tone down her rage, to not feed the monster that Augustine wanted people to think she was, where she told him to bite her, showing that she was still angry, despite her earlier friendliness. The second Core Relay happened to be near one of the docks, where Fetch happened to be watching over it as she downed more drug dealers that annoyed her, allowing him to break it open and get another power from it's inner energy, causing him to smile in the process. The grenade power was up this time around, allowing him to knock his foes into the air to make it easier for him to hit their weaknesses and restrain them, which he used to perfection against the dealers that came to investigate their fallen friends. After that they discovered that the next Core Relay was near the edge of a mountain, not the one they had visited previously, and that the next power was his concentrated blast attack, this time the focused beam of neon energy, which he used to decimate all of the incoming DUP agents. After that they found one that amazed them, as the last of the Core Relays gave Delsin his super skill, the strongest one that really drained him, where he released a massive surge of neon energy that lifted enemies and vehicles into the air as he floated in place, before he released a number of neon missiles that just obliterated everything in his path. "Holy hell... now THAT'S a finisher." Adagio remarked, as it was far more powerful and more dangerous than the Orbital Drop, meaning it put a greater drain on Delsin's energy than the previous super skill he had gained, and she could tell that her sisters were surprised by it as well. "Oh man, Fetch you didn't tell me this thing packed such a punch." Delsin stated, because he agreed with the sisters, this power was possibly the strongest one in his arsenal now, and the most dangerous when he considered what he could do with it, the level of destruction he could bring upon all of their enemies. D, you must have gotten a watered down version of my strongest move... that was nowhere near the power of my own finisher, the Singularity. Fetch said, which caused the sisters to raise their eyebrows as she mentioned it, because while Delson's power was incredibly strong in it's own right, and very destructive, this only made them wonder how strong the true finisher of the neon power actually was, Listen, I've been thinking about things, and I've decided that it's time to truly make a difference for the people of Seattle: I'm going after the source of the drugs. Whose with me? "Do you even have to ask?" Aria remarked, to which they found that Fetch had already sent them the coordinates of the area she wanted to meet them in, meaning she knew that at least she and her sisters would come to help her out, causing the four of them to head out without wasting even a second. As it turned out she wanted to meet them at one of the docks, a larger one than the one Delsin got a power near, but Fetch ended up calling along the way and informed them that she was going to be late, as she had learned of a large shipment of drugs that were in the marina, whose mark was the dolphin. With that in mind the group headed out to check the boats for the marking, where Delsin intended on making them in his own manner so Fetch could destroy them with precision, and, as everyone expected, there were drug dealers in the marina, which Adagio dealt with. Such a thing gave Delsin a good view of her power again as she froze the criminals to the docks, so when the cops arrived they would be able to arrest them without fear of them running away, though as Adagio did that her sisters aided Delsin in tracking down their targets. What surprised them was that there were a few people aboard the boats that the drug dealers were using, hostages to make the cops and the local authority stand down, who they freed as Delsin carefully tagged all three of the boats with a marking that Fetch would appreciate. When they were sure that the boats were clear of innocents, and the sisters were sure of that, they pulled back and Fetch went to town on their targets, using her more powerful beams to blow up the boats and the drugs that were aboard them, forcing the dealers to move a truck with the last of their shipment, which the group ambushed and knocked down the drug dealers while releasing the hookers that were aboard it. "People really adore you three, don't they?" Fetch asked, as the girls that were aboard the truck thanked the sisters for the timely aid before disappearing into the night, allowing the Conduits to take control of the vehicle so it could be delivered to Reggie and properly catalogued before the drugs were destroyed. "Indeed... and, if you stay on this path, they'll adore you as well." Sonata said, though at the same time she noticed a scene that brought a smile to her face, Fetch and Delsin seemed far more interested in each other right now and it seemed like a good idea to leave them alone. With that in mind the sisters dropped them off near the Olaf sign, witnessing them share a kiss before heading up to the area of the roof they had encountered Fetch in earlier, before heading off to deliver the evidence to Reggie, though they knew this would be a major blow to Augustine's attempts to label them as monsters and they were eager to bring down her schemes, after some rest anyway. > Outmaneuvered > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adagio, Aria, and Sonata rose with the rising sun as night turned to day for Seattle, as there was much to do and they had to get started before more of the DUP went out to do their patrols, though the first thing they did was swing by Olaf's and found that Delsin and Fetch were sleeping with each other, as in Fetch's head was on Delsin's chest. "I hate to interrupt you two lovebirds, but we've got work to do." Adagio stated, her voice being more than enough to rouse both Conduits from their slumber, who were shocked to see them standing nearby and that they had discovered them in such a position, even though it wasn't as bad as it could have been. "Ah, come on. Do you really have to get up so early for hero work?" Fetch asked, where she yawned as she and Delsin got up from where they had fallen asleep, showing that while she was sort of used to getting up early, likely for Augustine's foul training or so she could hunt down drug dealers, part of her body still lagged behind. "Considering that we're fighting against Augustine, we have to move quickly." Aria said, though as she said that she took a moment to glance down at the area just outside Olaf's, causing her to smile for a second as she and her sisters noticed the scene that was forming near them, "Though you're going to love this." Reggie, despite not liking Fetch, her history, and everything about her, had honored whatever conversation he had with his brother back in the abandoned building before taking it one step further than necessary, as there were people outside Olaf's with food, drinks, and even recovering addicts who came to talk with Fetch about Brent. Despite his dislike for Conduits, no doubt due to the stories that Augustine was spreading about them, Reggie realized that the sisters and his brother were right, they were people and, more importantly, that they shouldn't be judged based on what they were, they should be judged on their actions. The problem with such a thing was that many likely believed that Fetch was a murderer and that she could be jailed for her crimes against Seattle, but the ladies they had saved the previous night had managed to convince everyone that she meant well, causing all sorts of people to come to this area. It was like what happened not all that long ago, Delsin and the sisters were visited whenever Delsin did his tagging, by people cheering them on or even other artists itching to see his style with their own eyes, a show of unity that defied the DUP's core beliefs and showed all of their foes that harmony was more important than anything else. Fetch, while initially overwhelmed by the turnout that not even the sisters had seen coming, joined them in enjoying a bit of food, since it had been quite a while since she ate anything, while Adagio laid out the plan for her, Delsin, Reggie, and her sisters, a basic one that involved drawing attention to one area of the bridge between the two sections of the city, to distract Augustine, before heading into the other region. "You do know that there's only one bridge between this island and the other, right?" Reggie asked, because the DUP had, as per Augustine's orders, crushed the pair of bridges that connected both islands together, while forging one made out of concrete for their ground forces to use, in some capacity since it was made in sections, meaning the only way over was by using the bridge in question, "Using it will mean you'll have to fight the DUP anyway." "Actually, not really... I'm a water Conduit, remember?" Adagio remarked, where she tilted her hand a little and some of the water that was in the cup to her left twisted into a spiral, dancing around her fingers as she pulled some of it out of the symbol, before she froze all of it into icy marbles that fell to the ground, broke apart, and turned into mist, "I can make us a bridge out of ice, something she won't see coming... by the time she realizes that we've bypassed her bridge it'll be too late to stop us from starting the search for the other Conduit." "Well then, shall we have some fun?" Fetch inquired, though it was far too easy for the sisters to see that she was looking at Delsin as she said it, no doubt wanting to have a little fun with him in dismantling some of the DUP before he joined the sisters on their mission to travel to the other island. "Sure, I could use some exercise." Delsin said, where he finished off the rest of his breakfast and thanked the people who had come to show their support for him, the sisters, and those who were fighting to restore order to Seattle, who quickly dispersed before the DUP started their patrols and decided to imprison them for showing that they were against their occupation of the city. With the morning meal done the sisters also separated from each other as Adagio stopped near the concrete bridge, as she needed to focus on ensuring that the bridge was ready once everyone had succeeded in their missions, though she had to smile as the minutes went by. Her reason for doing that was because she could see that Sonata decimated all of her foes with twisters and gusts of wind, Aria tore through the helicopters that were sent to take her down, and a couple of explosions went off with a rather pleasant light show going on. She had to assume that the last group was Delsin and Fetch trashing the DUP that happened to be in the area that they took on, showing a level of teamwork that happened to be even better than when he fought with her and her sisters, meaning it might be best to leave them as a team during their time on the second island. While that happened the three groups closed in on where the bridge was located, since it was a focal point for them to use against the DUP, and sure enough she found the others as they reached the start of the bridge, where Delsin, having switched to his smoke powers, covered the area with a cloud so he and the others could slip down to where Adagio was standing. Once everyone was ready she turned around and started running, where the water below them rushed up to meet her hooves, forming an icy walkway for them to use that would collapse once everyone was beyond a certain section, which would confuse Augustine once she realized what was even going on. Augustine was having a pretty bad day, despite the fact that it was only seven in the morning, because the President and the other leaders of the government had called her after discovering something she had been trying to keep hidden while she formulated a plan of attack: the sisters were back. Her job had been easy when dealing with ordinary Conduits, since none of them had the power of Cole MacGrath, especially since she had napped Henry shortly after his 'escape', and her plans to deal with the others had been perfectly crafted to ensure their capture. Delsin's awakening as a Conduit was, of course, an unexpected annoyance when she confirmed that he actually had powers, a powerful one that was incredibly dangerous in the wrong hands, hadn't been too much of a problem for her, despite his skills at taking down her soldiers since his arrival. The fact that the Dazzlings, the girls she had named the 'Devil's Succubi', had returned in full force, with all of their devastating powers, was something she honestly wasn't expecting and had tried her best to keep it a secret so she could continue with her operation without bringing any unwanted attention from the government. With their return everything was already falling apart, those that were questioning her methods were coming out of the woodwork, some wondered if they should just leave the sisters alone and hope that they disappear again, and a few even claimed that nuking Seattle was the only way, causing her to sigh for a moment. "Okay, things could be better, but the ball is still in my court." Augustine commented, speaking to herself, with her own earpiece resting out of her ear so no one else could hear her talking, before she glanced at the area she had readied for her second meeting with Delsin Rowe, as she had readied a circular arena on the concrete bridge to catch him, confirm his power with her own eyes, and maybe turn him into her next weapon, "Where is he?" As she put her earpiece back into her ear, before someone realized that she was ignoring the outside world, she paused for a moment as she spotted a few neon detonations that had to be Abigail venting her anger on the drug dealers, just as Augustine had planned when she picked her first Conduits out. Of course there were instances of Sonata taking care of a number of DUP agents, while Aria was taking down the helicopters that were hunting her and her sisters down, though it looked like Adagio was either sleeping in or leaving the fighting to her sisters. Such a thing reminded her of just how bad they were for her operations, as the sisters had arrested a fair number of her lesser soldiers, the Pawns, crippled a chunk of her Mobile Command Centers and Jamming Stations, in fact she was sure they were all gone at this point in time, and the police were turning on her. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata were pests, unruly vermin that were ruining everything she had built since she awakened her own powers all those years ago, and right now she was unsure of how to deal with them, as all her plans hinged on them never returning, while she was unsure if her own ultimate power would be enough to deal with even one of them. While she thought about that, however, she noticed that the paths of destruction were converging on the tower that she had set up at the start of the concrete bridge, the first in a line of defenses to keep Abigail in her section of Seattle, which meant that Delsin and his allies were coming her way. After a few seconds Augustine expected some of her forces to open fire on the incoming Bio-terrorists, to stop them from crossing over to the other island, and yet nothing happened, as if all of their targets had suddenly dropped off the face of the planet. Of course she waited for a couple of minutes, since she felt that one of the attackers would have noticed the size of the walls and likely stopped the others to discuss the scene in front of them, to build a plan of attack that would allow them to get to the other island, but when ten minutes went by she realized something was wrong. With how skilled Adagio, Aria, and Sonata were, not counting the newcomers that had been brought into their fold, she had expected them to be here by this point in time, landing on the other side of the arena so she could bring out a few of her soldiers and test Delsin before his capture, and yet nothing was happening, as if they had given up on their mission. In the next few moments explosions erupted from the island behind her, where she turned around quickly and found that the Jamming Station they had set up near the other side of the concrete bridge was under attack, towers falling to ruin as she spotted Sonata using her wind powers to break them. "How? There's no other bridge connecting the..." Augustine started to say, though in that moment she realized something she had overlooked, Adagio was a water Conduit, someone who could turn water to ice in an instant if she so desired, and that meant it was possible that the wakes of destruction had been a diversion while she formed a bridge for her group to use, right under her very nose, "All units on the bridge, return to the tower for redeployment... we've been had." She hated being outmaneuvered like this, especially with the carefully laid out plans she had crafted to ensure her victory, and now she had to deal with the consequences of allowing the sisters and their allies to enter the other island, she just hoped that this wasn't the start of something bad for her and her entire organization. > New Area, Old Problems > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adagio stood on the edge of a roof for a moment as she observed the scene that was unfolding before her, as Delsin and Fetch were blasting the jamming towers to pieces before the DUP even knew what hit them, not that it mattered since Aria and Sonata were fighting them. Behind her stood the frozen soldiers who had tried to take her down after their assault had started, which seemed to contain more Knights, heavily armored individuals who had to be out in force in this portion of Seattle, than Pawns, plus there was a Bishop or two mixed into the group. She was still surprised that her plan to get them over to this portion of Seattle had worked out without Augustine really knowing what they were up to, and now that one of her Jamming Stations was being destroyed she likely knew that the concrete bridge had been a failure. At the same time she did glance off to her right and stared at the concrete structure that was built above the water, near the southern edge of this island, a place for the DUP to set up their more protected Command Centers, targets for her, her sisters, and their friends to take down. Her thoughts were interrupted by an explosion that rocked the area, which seemed to be Delsin and Fetch destroying the Mobile Command Center that was located near the dock they had stopped near, not to mention the fact that she noticed a helicopter depart from the concrete bridge, likely holding an annoyed Augustine. "Ah the Lantern District... much more fortified than I was expecting." Delsin remarked, where it was clear that leaving him and Fetch alone had been a good thing, they worked well together and their relationship was growing with each passing moment, though that was when Adagio's phone beeped for a moment, "Is Reggie calling?" "No, it looks like we might have an ally on this island... most likely the other Conduit." Adagio replied, though she found that the message she received was a set of coordinates, which seemed to be leading to an area that he or she would no doubt contact them in so they could get some help in dealing with their problems, unless they were like Fetch and fled as they tried to interact with them. "Eugene? He's probably locked himself in a basement somewhere, playing his video games while keeping an eye on what Augustine is up to." Fetch said, reminding them that she had likely encountered the other Conduit before Augustine had her, him, and Hank transported to their new homes, either before the incident or during the ride, though that was when she sighed for a moment, "I don't know a whole lot about him, other than what little he told me during the few moments of free time we were given in Curdun Cay... we weren't allowed to do much, save for train and stay in our cells, since she feared us revolting, despite the shackles she put on us." "Once Augustine's taken care of, and the Akomish are freed from her concrete shards, that's the next stop I want to make, before taking a break." Delsin remarked, which the sisters agreed with, keeping Conduits trapped like animals was just plain wrong and that it needed to be taken care of once their target was knocked down, though they also knew that Zeke and his team were likely hunting for it's hidden location. Fetch nodded before the group departed for the coordinates that had been sent to them, which happened to be close to where the Mobile Command Center had been resting, though along the way everyone stopped to take care of a couple of dealers that were setting things up, leaving them wrapped up for the police to deal with later, and when they arrived at their destination Delsin's phone rang. Hey, uh, is this Delsin Rowe? a male voice asked, which had to be someone around Fetch's and Delsin's age, though such a thing didn't surprise the sisters one bit, as Augustine wanted to show the people how 'evil' Conduits were and by using rash young adults to further her schemes as they fought for justice. "Yeah. Who is this?" Delsin inquired in return, even though Fetch's information gave him an idea on who was calling, since he trusted her information, while the sisters glanced at the surrounding area to be sure they were safe, since there was no telling where the DUP would strike from next. Eugene. I'm calling about the tag you placed on the Needle... I'm not sure what it means. the speaker said, which was understandable since the sisters had helped Delsin create the tag and the ones that had been placed on the other signs that they had taken care of, to disrupt the DUP's operations in Seattle. "Harmony. Unity. Compassion. Understanding. That the bonds between us are truly magic." Sonata replied, which caused Fetch and Delsin to stare at her for a moment as they considered her words, something that Eugene had to be doing as he listened to them, though this time her sisters nodded as well, especially after everything they had been through. So... I can't believe I'm saying this... Friendship is Magic? Eugene remarked, almost as if he didn't believe them, which was understandable since he hadn't met them yet and had no idea what they were capable of, causing Delsin to rub his head for a moment as Fetch let out a chuckle, Anyway, I want to help you take the fight to Augustine and the DUP. "Well, you can tell us where to meet you so we can discuss our actual plans in person." Delsin said, because if this was the Conduit that they were looking for, and he suspected that it was, they might be able to skip some of the madness, get to him getting the third power, and then building it and Fetch's neon power up so he'd be ready for the fight with Augustine, a fight they all knew was coming, "Look, I don't know where you are or where you're watching from, but Fetch is with us, or Abigail if you prefer that name, and she mentioned you when we reached this island, so there's no reason for you to come up with a lie for us. We just want to talk, maybe shake hands, before focusing on Augustine and her plans... besides, you should see the sisters in action, as they're amazing." Look, before I do anything, I need your help with something: the DUP is moving several buses full of suspected Conduits through the Lantern District, using the I-90. Eugene stated, showing them that he was working on his own plan and that he wanted to make sure that the DUP knew he was fighting against their iron rule, though as he did that Aria pulled out her own phone to track down where the I-90 was located, Now, none of these people have powers, but they triggered the security stations when it scanned their bodies for the Conduit gene and on this island the DUP lock them up in these ridiculous contraptions that let them be identified as potential dangers to ordinary people. "I get it. Augustine's not trying to weed out potential Conduits to protect the city, she's trying to force them to awaken their powers so they'll become a threat." Aria remarked, causing Adagio to nod her head as well, because she had been taking her time thinking about things and this seemed like the reasonable conclusion to make, while their companions seemed to pause once more, "Think about it: she's been trying to make every other Conduit in the world look like villains... Fetch, she made you out to be a murderer when you were dealing with just drug dealers; Eugene, I'm sure she's labeled you as a kidnapper who targets anyone and everyone, given that you want to free the suspected Conduits; and us... well, we're the Devil's Succubi to her, even though we helped people. She's only out to turn our good deeds against us and make a name for herself, plus her stupid organization." Wow, I... never saw it that way. Eugene said, which was shared by Delsin and Fetch, though the sisters couldn't blame them since they had spent a fair amount of time working with Sombra, possibly one of the greatest tactical minds in the entirety of Equus, meaning their abilities to figure things out had improved greatly, Look, just figure out a way to stop the buses and I'll be sure to evacuate the people who have been taken against their will... after that, well, maybe I'll let you into my secret lair. The sisters glanced at their friends for a moment, as Eugene was definitely a weird one, before they got moving as Aria zeroed in on the location of the I-90, where she tracked down an area that had a few weak points for them to exploit, as in four legs that had weak joints. Delsin and Fetch didn't have to do anything as they moved up onto the actual bridge for a time, leaving Sonata to carefully undo four of the joints, though oddly there was no one around to watch them do it, which meant it could be blamed on faulty work or improper maintenance, where the latter could be placed on Augustine since she was controlling the city. Once her work was done they took their positions on a nearby roof, as Eugene was sure that a convoy was on it's way, in fact he could hear the chatter over it, before he told them that there was some delay going on and that he needed to figure out when they were going to move. As such the sisters and Delsin went on a tagging spree in the surrounding area, using some of the designs that Delsin had come up with during one of their previous periods of rest on the other island, mostly dissing Augustine and the DUP, while Fetch kept an eye on things. When the convoy actually started to move, however, everyone finished up what they were doing and took their places to ambush the DUP, who drove right into the trap as the section of the bridge collapsed, dropping two vehicles and allowing them to move onto the buses. It was then that Eugene's part came into play, as the sky was filled with something interesting, golden armored angels who had blue energy wings, who swooped down and captured the three buses that were part of the convoy, hauling them to safety as Delsin, Fetch, and the sisters dealt with the now confused DUP. Eugene shared a program with them while the angels flew off with the buses, something that allowed them to listen in on communications that were going between all of their enemies, the DUP and whoever happened to be aiding them. He was probably trying to get their assistance in one of his other ventures, to put the hurt on Augustine's forces and those who were threatening the suspected Conduits, though as that thought came to mind Delsin wondered if there might be a way to track Eugene down, using one of the vests that their new friend had told them about. Adagio countered the idea and said that the best way was to either earn his trust, as he was different than Fetch and might not give them access until he thought they were ready, and if that failed she knew it would be easier for her or one of her sisters to follow the angels. As they dealt with the rest of the distracted DUP forces, however, the sisters knew that once this was done they would have to take the fight to the various districts, liberate them from Augustine's control like they did on the previous island, and then, once they earned Eugene's trust, they could take the fight to her and bring an end to her schemes, before she did something she regretted. > Reggie Takes Flight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You know, when I first saw those angels I thought for a moment that we had the wrong Conduit... that we were going after God, or something." Delsin commented, because after helping Eugene out, and getting the chance to see part of his power in action, he had considered the scene and what it might look like to someone who didn't know that the angels had come from a Conduit's powers, before he chuckled, "Honestly, even with the Dazzlings on our side, I don't think we would have stood a chance against God himself." "If there was a godly Conduit, we'd probably beat him. It all depends on their powers." Sonata said, though while it would have been far too easy for her to say that they had fought a god, in fact she and her sisters had faced someone whose pure strength was above that of the gods themselves, she refrained from mentioning Jiren or the tournament. "I can't tell if she's joking or telling the truth." Fetch remarked, where she knew it wasn't a funny joke if the former was how she meant her comment to be received, though if Sonata was telling the truth it opened up the potential for them to have been somewhere else for the seven years since the battle in New Marais. "We should focus on tearing down Augustine's forces, instead of the angels." Aria stated, because there was no telling what the DUP was up to and they needed to be prepared for whatever madness their target had in store for them on this island, especially after everything that had happened when they were tracking down Fetch, causing her to tap her phone for a moment, "Hey, Eugene, you need any additional help before we're allowed to visit your lair?" Well, I'm not sure I want to advertise where my lair is hidden, but there is some DUP chatter. Eugene said, which told the group that they were going to have to do something drastic to figure out where his lair was located, since he was keeping a lower profile than Fetch was before they encountered her, Apparently one of the suspected Conduits got away from the rest of their group and was able to take their vest off, as there's one in the Hing Hay Market. Now, there are plenty of good places to hide there, plus my angels can't get close enough on account of the setup they have, so you'll have to go in and flush them out... and be careful of the Akurans, as they're actively hunting for those wearing the vests. Delsin wasn't too surprised by that piece of information, since it seemed like Augustine was ensuring that there were more ways for a potential Conduit to awaken their powers, as he believed what the sisters had said earlier, she was trying to make more to make her job easier. With that in mind they headed over to the Hing Hay Market without delay, because if there was a suspected Conduit without the vest on in the area, and they were sure Eugene's information was accurate, the sisters were sure that either the DUP or the Akurans would be in the market, hunting them down. It didn't take them long to track down the vest, as the yellow offending device was resting on the ground, where Delsin remarked that it looked like a bitch to put on and take off, something Fetch agreed with even though she had never worn one. Adagio stared at it for a moment and came to the conclusion that if someone wanted to take it off they were going to need space and privacy, which meant using one of the nearby porta-potties to get the job done, since it offered some privacy and a place to sit if needed. "Okay, I can understand why people hate wearing these things... they look stupid." Fetch commented, as she noticed all of the locks that were on it, designed to make sure someone couldn't take it off, at least easily or without aid, meaning that if Eugene had found it here the person who wore it had to be nearby, "Are we really doing to open the porta-potties to see if the suspected Conduit is still here?" "Honestly, I'd rather not... and we may not have to." Delsin remarked where they found that he was looking at a group of armed individuals who looked like gang members, not the thugs they had taken out on Fetch's island, meaning they had to be the Akurans that Eugene had told them about, who were currently in the middle of bullying someone in what was Russian and forcefully opening the doors to the potties. Delsin called it 'bi-lingual bullying', as the Akurans didn't seem to give anyone time to answer their questions, causing the gang members to accuse the people of not knowing English and 'offering to teach them', though what he found to be far too interesting was the shock on their faces that appeared when the sisters showed themselves. Of course, since they were people who hated Conduits and likely captured them to sell to the DUP for a reward, the Akurans tried to open fire on the sisters, causing Adagio to sigh as she used a little moisture to freeze them, leaving their heads free so they didn't perish while they were gone. While she did that one of the portable restrooms opened and a man ran out, who had to be the one that removed the vest Eugene had told them about, though before the sisters or their friends could react he was taken by the angels, who must have been silently waiting for someone to reveal where he was hiding. It was strange for them to do nothing and still have everything go their way, as the man had said something about running from the group of Akurans, though before they did anything the local cops came and arrested the frozen ones for disturbing the peace of the market, plus whatever other crimes they had committed recently. After that suspected Conduit was taken Delsin got a call, though what surprised him was that it wasn't Eugene, rather it turned out that Reggie had caught up with them, as he was now on the second island, which meant that he was able to aid them in tracking down more of the DUP's suspected Conduits. I'm all for tracking these people down, but why are you so focused on them? Don't you already know who the other Conduit is? Reggie asked, which was a fair question since he had remained on the other island while Delsin and Fetch joined the sisters in crossing over to the second one, no doubt cleaning up the mess they had left behind or telling all of his cop friends that he was following his brother. "We're trying to earn his trust... if that fails, and he doesn't invite us to his hidden lair, we've got an idea on how to figure out where he's hiding." Aria replied, something that seemed to shock their friends for a moment before they realized that she and her sisters were planning several steps ahead of them, and maybe Augustine as well, though in that moment she had a thought before the call was over, "There's a vest in the Hing Hay Market, left behind by the guy we helped out... maybe you can study it for clues while we see if there are any other suspected Conduits to help." As the call reached it's end Reggie commented that it sounded like Delsin was getting the hang of hunting for people and that he might make him a deputy when they got home, since it would give him a job, causing his brother to decline since two cops in the family would be worse than one. While that happened the sisters heard that the Akurans had tracked a second suspected Conduit down, apparently pushing up to climb the nearby crane to escape them, and it didn't take them long to discover that he was telling the truth. As such Adagio had Delsin and Fetch climb up to help him out, while at the same time Sonata summoned her wind powers to create a safe zone for the suspected Conduit to jump down into, which he did after a few seconds, allowing her to pull him to safety as Sonata called Eugene so he could bring him to a safe spot, his lair no doubt. A few moments later an angel arrived to take him to safety, where the sisters told him that an ally was waiting on the other side of the ride, causing him to nod before his escort took him to wherever Eugene had set up his base of operation, where everyone else moved once the Akurans backed off. While they flew off, however, Delsin came to a stop on one of the roofs and made a remark about Eugene not caring about joining up with them so they could take the fight to Augustine, though before he could really get into an argument with the others Reggie told all of them to meet up with him... only to find him in Hing Hay Market, wearing the very vest that had been discarded not that long ago. "I'll tell you, this thing was annoying to put on." Reggie remarked, where he found that everyone was looking at him like he had gone made or something, especially since the sisters had their own plan to track down Eugene's hiding place, but at least he was willing to help them out in tracking down their new ally, even if he was reluctant to help them, "Listen, before any of you say anything, I want to make some things clear: you five will be 'escorting' me away from this area and I will play at being a... deranged Bio-terrorist, likely freed from a DUP detention center or something... look, just chase me and see if the angels arrive to cart me off to 'safety'. Once that happens, Delsin, you can use our phone link to track me down... they should bring me right to Eugene, meaning you'll be able to meet with him." "This is going to be awkward, isn't it?" Sonata commented, as this plan seemed a little dangerous and foolish, especially since Eugene was a reluctant ally and might realize that his angels were bringing Delsin's brought to him, meaning there was a chance that this idea could fail. Reggie, showing his brother's determination, ran off and started spouting nonsense about how he could do all sorts of foul and horrible things, like melting faces with a specific gesture from his pinky, causing all of them to bring their palms to their faces as they realized that he hadn't thought this idea through at all. Fortunately Eugene took the bait as an angel came down and took him from the streets, no doubt since Reggie was shouting enough to draw the focus of the DUP, so while he was carried off the group retreated to one of the rooftops as Delsin tracked his movements. From what he found it looked like Eugene had his angels go all over the Lantern District and the surrounding areas, mostly to confuse the DUP so no one knew where they were going, before coming to a stop in an area not far from where they were waiting. What they discovered was that the angels seemed to be coming from some television screens, along with some red demons, a group that seemed to be guarding the skies of the area, which was a bad move since it created a net for Augustine to look at, if she cared to anyway. "Hey, Eugene, we figured out where your base is hidden... really shouldn't have angels and demons hanging near it, if you want to remain hidden." Delsin said, where he and the others found that one of the red skinned figures turned towards the area that they were currently standing in, confirming that he could see them and that he likely wasn't happy about the call, since it meant that Augustine could track him down if he wasn't careful. Look, I don't want any trouble... I know if we got into a fight I would lose anyway. Eugene replied, meaning he either knew of the power that the sisters possessed and was scared of them, which was the most likely, or he wanted to avoid conflict entirely so they could move onto bigger and better things, I've unlocked the entrance to my lair, so come on in and we can get to business. The sisters smiled as they heard that, as it meant they could save time and energy while focusing on tearing down the rest of the DUP, not to mention whatever Augustine had planned for the rest of the city, and they were eager to see what sort of powers Delsin could gain from the upcoming exchange. > Power Problems > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eugene, while slightly bothered by the fact that the sisters, Delsin, and Fetch were able to find him, remained true to his word and welcomed them into his lair, which appeared to be the basement of a larger building, while Reggie left to unlock the harness he had put on and to get some rest. The young Conduit, who was definitely around the same age as both Delsin and Fetch, wore a hoodie over his head that was open in the front, revealing his gamer shirt to everyone around him, and he wore glasses over his eyes, though he was nervous about actually meeting them. He explained that he played a game called Heaven's Hellfire, which was where he drew inspiration from when creating both his angels and demons, the former being used to protect the weak while the latter punished the bullies, something that became more real when he manifested his powers for the first time. After that he went on to say that he was just like Fetch, they were trained to use their powers to further Augustine's agenda, which the sisters confirmed since the reporters claimed she was a murderer and Eugene was a kidnapper, where he informed them that those he saved were in one of the worlds his power created, safe and sound until their foe was taken care of. When he went into explaining his powers, however, he offered Delsin his arm and allowed him to what he did to Fetch not that long ago, granting him access to some of his video powers, reminding the sisters of the Conduit back on the Isle of Thunder, before eventually allowing them to leave so Delsin could learn his brand new powers. "Okay, time to see what sort of powers Eugene added to my arsenal." Delsin said, where he thought about what sort of powers he had learned from the last two Conduits, which gave him his smoke and neon powers, as he raised his right hand for a moment, but when he tried to do something nothing came out of his hand, "Oh that's not good... should we be worried about what this means? Have I lost my powers?" "You didn't lose your powers... if this is like what happened to us years ago, some stimulation would be helpful." Adagio replied, though she wasn't too surprised by the fact that Delsin was having trouble with his new powers, because she and her sisters had seen the same thing back when he gained Fetch's neon power and suspected it was true when he gained his smoke powers, "Which means we need to find you a Core Relay. Reggie, you there?" Yeah, I heard. Reggie answered, as Adagio had called him after telling Delsin that he hadn't lost his powers, though she could tell that the cop was hoping something would come along and take away his brother's powers so they could go home, even if Delsin would keep up the fight no matter what, I know the location of two Core Relays, but the rest are outside my search net. Hey, out of curiosity, do you really have to do this? "Bro, I know you mean well, but even if the sisters are wrong, and I have lost my powers, I'm going to take the fight all the way to Augustine... even if I have to throw rocks to do so." Delsin stated, showing that it didn't matter right now, his desire to see the leader of the DUP brought to justice was far stronger than his desire to preserve himself, to the point where he'd do anything and everything to bring her down. Reggie said nothing to that as he sent over the information he had, causing Delsin to jog off towards the first Core Relay as the sisters and Fetch followed after him, though their mere presence stopped some of the Akurans from beating up those who were wearing the DUP's vests. Of course they weren't alone in that regard, as there were more angels in the sky to save the suspected Conduits while some of the Akurans were scared off by the demons that followed, showing them that Eugene was serious about keeping the people safe, regardless of how the rest of Seattle saw him. Their target was in an alley, just a short jog away from where Eugene's lair was located, though this time around Sonata slashed into it with her wind blades, breaking parts of it off so Delsin could get at the energy that was resting inside it, which he did without delay. Once he was done Delsin showed off his new power, where it looked like he emitted a ring of energy for a few seconds before simply disappearing, though while he left no trace of his existence, since there was no sound coming from him, the sisters were able to track him down with ease. "An invisibility power! That's awesome!" Delsin said, though at the same time he glanced over at the sisters for a moment as he reappeared nearby, showing everyone that his new power was on a short timer that would no doubt change the more time he spent learning his new video powers, "How did you know where I was?" "We can sense your Ki. You can erase your presence and sounds, but not your Ki." Aria stated, which was the truth, though at the same time she knew that the only way for him to actually hide himself from them would be to learn how to actually use and control the energy she was talking about, just like they had learned how to do so from their friends after Discord brought them back to Equus, "I mean, you could do so if you knew how, but it takes some time to figure that out." Delsin looked at Fetch for a moment, as they were confused by what the sisters had done to track him down, before they decided to focus on tracking down the other Core Relay, which just so happened to be on the nearby dock and was easy to break open with a simple blast from Adagio. With that done she, her sisters, and Fetch stood guard as he started to take in the power of the Core Relay, though this time around more DUP soldiers arrived to stop him in his tracks, only to find that he had claimed it's power and had gained a physical attack in the form of a blue sword, similar to the one that they found on the way to the destroyed bridge. He was now able to melee his foes with his new weapon, which used his chains as it's base, and now, when he used his invisibility power, he could summon miniature swords that pinned his foes to the ground before they had a chance to fight him. Between the five of them the DUP soldiers didn't stand much of a chance, not that it mattered too much since it was just a pack of Pawns based on what Adagio could see, though since this seemed to be the last of the Core Relays that Reggie knew about, causing Delsin to call Eugene to see if he had any information. Sure enough he sent them the location of a Core Relay he knew about, though when Delsin asked if he wanted to help out with the suspected Conduits being harassed in the streets the other Conduit informed them that there were level eleven angels waiting for him in the Valley of Death. "Told you he's weird." Fetch remarked, though at the very least they got some coordinates from Eugene, so it wasn't a loss for them, since it meant Delsin could grow his powers even more than before, allowing him to become more ready for the fight with Augustine, something they all knew was coming in due time. "He's probably stressed out and that game is his only form of escape." Delsin said, which made sense to him, since part of his tagging had to do with relieving some of the stress he felt in his life, though these days it was because it was fun and it allowed him to mock both Augustine and the DUP that followed her, "Come on, he'll call us when he's ready to enact his plan against the DUP and the Akurans." Fetch said nothing to that as she and the sisters followed Delsin towards the next Core Relay, scaring off the Akurans that were on the way while releasing the suspected Conduits into the custody of a couple of angels that were watching them, a fact that meant Eugene was paying attention to their actions. As it turned out the next one happened to be near a couple of Akurans who were bullying a poor man, who, once more, ran when the Dazzlings got near them, which wasn't even a surprise at this point, allowing Delsin to free him before focusing on his main target. A few moments later he emerged from his little power trip and informed them that he could now glide over distances and even up the sides of walls, plus he could use the various satellite dishes to aid him, all due to his new video wings, a copy of what the angels had. With this one taken care of Delsin called Eugene as the others dealt with the couple of snipers in the area, mostly to get the position of the other Core Relays so he could be ready for whatever plan their new friend was preparing for them. Eugene did ask about Hank, since the man who caused the accident that allowed them to escape had talked about his daughter during the trip to Seattle, something the sisters made note of as Adagio sent a message to Zeke, since this just seemed like the perfect ammunition that could be used against Hank, as they were sure he was being imprisoned by their foe, somewhere in her tower. The next Core Relay was located deeper in the DUP's ever shrinking territory, though for the time being Delsin figured that getting his powers, and he meant all of them, was far more important than messing with all of the remaining command centers that were around this portion of the island. With that in mind they followed the angels up to the next Core Relay and let Delsin tap into a new power, though as he finished the group found two helicopters coming their way, where they let him take one with his missile based power, which was him firing off multiple large swords at a target. As one helicopter exploded, the pilot jumping out as he realized the attack would have killed him, Sonata wasted no time in cutting the other one apart with her wind blades, something that impressed Fetch and would likely impress Eugene as well. His next power came from a Core Relay that was located near the western edge of the island, which gave him his main projectile skill, as he was now able to fire out bolts of video energy at his foes, something that allowed Delsin to fight like he did in the past, just with a new arsenal. Of course Eugene thought that this was enough before Delsin convinced him to give him one more, the finisher, and the group found it without delay, located near another command center, though this power allowed him to summon a whole lot of angels that bombarded the immediate area in front of him. "Oh yeah. Here comes Heaven, Hell, and Delsin!" Delsin remarked, where they watched as the attack decimated all of the DUP that happened to be in that direction, wiping out their vehicles and even part of their structure, showing them that it was, in fact, the video finishing move that rounded out his skills. Hey Delsin, here's a thought: maybe 'Heaven, Hell, Delsin, Eugene, Fetch, and the Dazzlings'? Eugene stated, though based on his tone the sisters could tell that he was just a little annoyed with Delsin, which was understandable since Fetch had been the same way when she found Delsin rapidly gaining powers that she had spent years mastering, even though his were less than theirs. "No, that's a mouthful. At that point you might as well say 'Heaven, Hell, and the Conduits'." Adagio commented, which was the truth, Eugene's just seemed like too much for someone to say if they wanted to be epic about it, though due to the fact that Delsin hated to repeat epic things, and had a lot to say at any given time, she suspected that it didn't matter to him in the long run, "So, how's the plan coming along?" Good. I think I'm ready to move... the Akurans are up to something and I mean to stop them. Eugene said, though this wasn't a surprise to the group, as each of them knew that he wanted to protect the innocent and that the Akurans needed to be taught a lesson, so it made them eager to see what sort of plan he had in mind. With Delsin done with the Core Relays, and they were sure of that, they told Eugene that they would swing by the lair and listen to his plan, as it was time to deal with the bullies that were on this island and maybe set things right before dealing with the DUP and finally bringing Augustine down. > Flight of Angels > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Upon their return to Eugene's lair he informed the group of his plan, where they were, as Delsin put it, going to 'rock and roll' while he stuck to the shadows and coordinated everything that would happen, because if he got taken out his angels would disappear and they would lose their advantage over the DUP. Eugene informed them that more of the suspected Conduits, those who have triggered the DUP's machines recently and 'escaped' on their own, have been rounded up by the Akurans and were currently being held inside the construction site they had passed by earlier. Apparently their plan was to collect all of the missing suspected Conduits and sell them back to Augustine, why he had no idea and he quite honestly didn't care, as it just showed them that the Akurans were willing to add human trafficking to their long list of crimes. With all the evidence he had collected so far, all of which he was more than willing to hand over to Reggie if he wanted to get the cops involved, Eugene was convinced that the gang could be brought down at long last, though right now he really wanted to save the rest of the suspected Conduits first. Reggie, despite his attitude towards Conduits, sighed and accepted the information that Eugene was willing to hand over to him, so while they got to work on freeing the rest of the suspected Conduits he would work the cops and see if they could put some pressure on the DUP. When they reached the construction site the sisters found a shipping container on the highest level, which seemed to be what was being used to contain the suspected Conduits, though Eugene quickly informed them that his angels didn't do well in interior spaces. With that in mind it was up to them to push the Akurans to the level that was open to the rest of the city, at which point the angels would arrive to do battle with their enemies and liberate all of the prisoners, and with a few new pictures taken before their venture he was sure the cops would move against the Akurans. There was the fact that the gang might call in the DUP for assistance, Eugene wasn't too sure since no one had said anything about it since Adagio got everyone across the river between the two islands, but that didn't stop him from listening in on Augustine's calls or the communications of her forces. Even with that possibility in mind the group split up and landed in front of each of the openings on the lower level, something that surprised the Akurans when they noticed that they were there, though it was the presence of the Dazzlings that forced them to retreat without firing a single bullet. What was interesting was that the Akurans fell back to the roof to protect the shipping containers they had seen, where a number of DUP helicopters were starting to fly off with some of them, where Adagio beckoned for her sisters, Delsin, and Fetch to take flight as she dealt with the group of enemies in front of her. Thanks to their position on top of the building she was able to call forth the moisture in the air and first formed an ice wall in front of her, stopping the bullets before any of her foes had a chance to harm her, and once they were done she made her move, transforming the wall into bits that let her freeze their bodies where they stood. Aria, Delsin, and Fetch landed on the tops of the containers that were on the move and shattered the connectors that allowed the helicopters to move them in the first place, where Eugene had all of his angels grab onto each one and carefully lower them onto the ground. Sonata, on the other hand, used her own power over the wind to create a cushion below the one she landed on and did the same thing, before turning on the helicopters and slashed them to bits, all while pushing out the pilots so they didn't die, despite the fact that they'd be caught by the authorities. Eugene made sure that he was at each container when they were opened, ushering the suspected Conduits into what looked like a portal to another dimension, which was accurate given his powers, where he promised them they would be safe from the Akurans and the DUP, and that once Seattle was safe he'd let them out, only to discover that there was a fifth container and that it was somewhere dangerous. Guys, there's a fifth container that's being set down in Denny Park... and the DUP are converging on it! Eugene said, allowing everyone to hear that other suspected Conduits were in danger of being caught by the DUP, though even he was surprised by the numbers he was seeing, his scanners were going off the charts, meaning either Augustine wanted these particular suspected Conduits or she was hoping they walked into her trap. "We see them. Let's take them down." Adagio remarked, where she landed on the central fountain and summoned her power as she zeroed in on some of the stronger foes that happened to be here, Pawns that were reinforced with far more concrete than the ones they were used to, Rooks that were the same way, and even ones who floated while having shields around them, like the Kings of the DUP chessboard. As Delsin and Fetch blasted their targets, the former having picked neon for his power since it seemed more suits for the battle that was going on, Aria coated herself in flames as she kicked one of the Super Pawns in the chest and roared as her power surged through him, knocking him down while striking down those behind him. Sonata switched things up as she rushed around the Super Rooks, channeling her wind into spiraling spheres just above her palms, which tore through all of the concrete defending her targets and knocked them out, just to even out the playing field. Adagio targeted the Kings, who seemed to be more interested in her than anyone else right now, though she knew they would fail as she moved her hands and summoned serpent dragons made out of water, which was only possible since this fountain had water coming out of it. With her creations ready she struck at the Kings before they had a chance to realize what was going on, where the serpents crashed into them and instantly froze into solid chunks of ice, keeping the strong DUP agents contained for the foreseeable future, and once that was done she moved onto their other enemies. While they were doing that more helicopters came in, an attempt to fire at them while they were distracted, and Eugene came through for them, as there was a massive archangel, who seemed to speak with his voice, only distorted for some odd reason, floating in the air above them and he used beams of blue energy to strike down those who dared to challenge him... something that caused their enemies to flee, allowing him to revert to his base form as he landed nearby. "Damn man, I had no idea you had such a power... let me guess, that's your super move?" Delsin commented, though as he said that Eugene had the sisters open the container as he opened the way to his safe haven, allowing those that were inside the container to flee to safety. "You mean He Who Dwells? Yeah, I guess he is." Eugene said, where it was clear he had never considered it in such a light before, even though now that he was familiar with the sisters and their actions it made a lot more sense, though in that moment he chuckled for a moment as he faced them, "And before you ask... yeah, I'm in the real world, instead of hiding in my lair all the time. Figured I'd give people one more chance." "That's good to hear. We need to stand together, a united front against Augustine." Adagio stated, causing the others to turn towards her for a moment, where she gestured to the Command Center that was resting near their current position, something that had to go before they dealt with the main tower, "However, before we do that, we should liberate the rest of the island and show the people that the DUP are lying to them about everything." "Go on a rampage of sorts... I like it." Fetch said, as this interested her greatly, because she had been itching to teach the DUP a lesson, or more of one anyway, for slandering her name and making her out to be a murderer, just like how they were doing the same with Eugene's name right now, "Hey, maybe we'll end up with blue auras when we're done." Adagio knew what Fetch was talking about, because as they traveled with Delsin his clothing had turned light blue, while the image on his back transformed into a blue bird with it's wings spread out, the red one having been extinguished over the course of their adventure. It was similar to what happened to her and her sisters during their journey with Cole, whose clothing had changed as they did more and more good deeds for the people, and now it had happened to Delsin as well, showing anyone who looked at him that he was a paragon of justice. So much had occurred since the first instance of his clothing changing that they hadn't kept track of his changes, rather they focused on tearing down Augustine's forces and her plans for Seattle, but now she and her sisters knew that he was serious about being a hero, either because of what the three of them had done in the past or because it was in his nature. She wasn't sure if such a thing would affect Fetch or Eugene, as in would their clothing or powers change, but it was interesting to think about as Fetch kissed Delsin right on his cheek before rushing off to go deal with some DUP agents, causing Eugene to depart as well, before they found that he used his angel form to fly away. They, on the other hand, started to tear down the Command Centers and Jammer Stations that were positioned around the rest of this portion of the city, where Delsin watched as Adagio's serpents surrounded the ones that rested off in the water and crushed them. While they did that, however, Reggie called and informed them that the DUP was mobilizing in another portion of the city, ones that were far away from where Eugene and Fetch decided to hit, and, interestingly enough, the Conduit they were in the middle of chasing had smoke powers. Delsin was surprised, as he had been sure that Augustine had killed Hank after he chased him out of the factory, but now he knew that the lady had captured him with the purpose of bringing him back to Curden Cay, though at the same time the sisters realized that something was up. He had been captured, which was part of what the DUP was supposed to do and had been trying to do since coming to Seattle, so it made them wonder why she would let him out of his concrete prison, especially since Delsin and Reggie informed them that he was a criminal that had used his powers for crime. If Hank had gotten out of the main tower, Augustine's personal compound, Adagio was sure it was for a very specific reason and not because he was skilled enough to escape her grasp, meaning he could be a trap she wanted them to walk into to bring them down, but there was a chance that he could have escaped on his own and if that was true they might have a way to gain an advantage over Augustine. Either way the sisters decided to investigate and found the man that Delsin had described to them in no time, because he was being very flashy as he tore the DUP to pieces, though when they caught up with him Adagio made sure he stayed still for a moment by icing his feet. "Ah, damn it Ice Queen. That's cheating." Hank said, though in that moment he found that the sisters and Delsin were in front of him, something that caused him to reconsider what he had been thinking of doing when someone found him, all while Aria and Sonata kept an eye out for any additional intruders. "Given your history, this was the only way for us to talk without you running off." Adagio replied, which was the truth, the man in front of them was a runner and used his powers to escape, though he also seemed smart enough to know that it was a bad idea to try and flee from her and her sisters, "We're going to bring Augustine down, and you seem like the best bet to get her out of her tower. Why don't we help each other out? You can help us get her out of her tower, maybe to that strange concrete structure she made in the water, and we can help you with your little... problem." Delsin, while confused as to what was going on right now, found that Hank was willing to agree with Adagio, like he knew what she was talking about, and decided that he'd just go along with whatever happened next, since it seemed like their adventure was going to come to an end sooner, rather than later, and he was eager to see what might happen next. > Clash of the Titans > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Following their agreement with Hank, even though the sisters knew that Delsin and Reggie might have their own opinions on the matter, Adagio and her sisters focused on staying out of sight for the time being, because Hank needed time to convince Augustine that he could hand them over to her. The smoke Conduit had departed after their talk was over, which was when the ice holding his feet had disappeared, leaving them to come to a stop on one of the roofs that overlooked the majority of this part of Seattle, giving them a perfect view of Augustine's tower. Sure, allowing him to go back into the lion's den was a risky gamble, especially if he was telling the truth that he had escaped with his own power and their foe's mistake, but it was one the sisters were willing to take, because they were banking on Augustine's desire to keep her kind safe. Even if this plan failed, and Hank decided to betray them, it wasn't like this was their only way to get at their foe, because even with all of the electric fences that were around the outside of her tower the sisters knew it would be easy to get around them. Part of the reason they were trying to pull Augustine away from the tower was because it looked like half of the DUP, as in her full force that came with her to Seattle, was stationed in the area around the structure, meaning the forces they had already defeated had only dented her defenses and that there were more waiting for them. So let me get this straight: you're planning on trusting a convict to get at Augustine? Reggie asked, because Delsin had called him and waited for him to be away from the other officers before revealing their plan to his brother, who, while used to the powers that all four of them had access to, wasn't too keen on their plan depending on a criminal whose history told him that he couldn't be trusted, Are you guys insane?! He'll betray you the first chance he gets. "Look, our options are limited: either we strike at her tower, and cause a lot of property damage given her powers, or we draw her out to that odd island." Adagio replied, which was the truth, Augustine's concrete powers could do serious harm to the surrounding area and even places beyond them, since she and her sisters were her prime targets and that meant she'd be seeking to bring them down faster than anyone else, "At least this way we'll get her away from everything else, so if we do end up fighting her, as I'm hoping she'll listen to reason, we'll be able to do so without endangering innocents or having to worry about collateral damage." Well, you might want to know that during your rampage both Abigail and Eugene were caught, apparently both fought more than they could handle. Reggie said, something that angered Delsin, especially since he hadn't been there to help either of them take control of the areas that they had been in, while the sisters were surprised, meaning Augustine must have been there to deal with both Conduits, It's strange... the people actually voiced their desire to see the DUP leave the city, as if they weren't afraid of being labeled traitors or being arrested for hindering the organization's work, which just seemed to make Augustine sad. Either way, I'll leave you four to your madness. "So, not to ask the obvious, but... how are we getting to that island?" Delsin asked, taking a moment to close his phone as he stared out at the concrete structure in question, which appeared to be where they were planning on having their final showdown with Augustine, even though he was interested in why the sisters were so calm, "And why are you so calm? Our friends were captured!" "Because we've fought foes greater than the 'Concrete Queen', Delsin. And we are upset, but we'll free the others while we deal with Augustine." Aria stated, where she knew that if they had suffered this sort of outrage in the past, before she and her sisters became heroes of the people, they would have likely blown a fuse before going all out on whoever dared to do such a thing, but this time they were calmer than before, "Besides, we'll just use Adagio's ice walkway again, as she'll no doubt be expecting us to arrive by air, or some other direction only she can think of... once we're there we can free Fetch and Eugene before dealing with her." Delsin stood there for a moment before admitting defeat, because he figured that there was no arguing with Adagio, Aria, or Sonata on this matter, to which he decided to sit down and lean his back against one of the walls that were around the roof they were on, keeping them covered while they observed the DUP. None of them were sure what was on the small island of Augustine's, since it was away from the main parts of Seattle, even though everyone agreed that it had to be an area that she had prepared for a battle with all four of them, or maybe just the sisters. Delsin had come to realize that their foe really didn't care about him in the slightest, as all her foes seemed to be on Adagio and her sisters, which made sense when he thought about it, as they were just as strong as the stories said they were and, unless he was mistaken, they were hiding a great deal of the power they used while they were with Cole. He no longer factored into the fight, not in Augustine's eyes, a fact that meant he might be able to slip away from the battle and free the others, allowing the sisters to focus on their foe and bring an end to this madness, so they could free the city, liberate the people, and save his tribe. It was getting close to sunset by the time anything happened, where they found a helicopter landing on the prison island as Hank contacted them, leaving just a short message that it was time to make their move, and they departed from their roof with all the haste they could muster, finding Hank on a pier, along with Reggie standing nearby. "Look, I know I said that I wanted no part in this, but I can help you get close without revealing yourselves." Reggie said, to which he gestured behind him and they found a boat waiting, one that was large enough for all of them to stand in while also looking like it didn't produce a lot of noise, before he focused on them again, "Now listen, we're going to have a short window to get you guys in, as the local police have detected an unregistered boat near the northern island and are planning on investigating... once the DUP turns their focus on that, even for a short time, we'll have our window to get you close to one of the platforms. From there, it's all up to you to free Augustine's captives." The others nodded their heads for a moment as they climbed onto the boat, where Reggie waited for a few moments, as he wanted to make sure his report was correct, and as soon as the DUP turned their attention on the north he powered up the boat before slipping into the underside of the structure, right up into an area that happened to have a Core Relay. "Okay, now she's taunting us... she knows I can drain these and set one up as a trap." Delsin remarked, showing that he had learned quite a lot since the start of this adventure, though at the same time some bits of concrete lifted up and forced his hands into a cuffed position, sealing them as Augustine floated down to their position using a small concrete disc. "Henry, you made great time and delivered to me my prize." Augustine said, where she pulled out a set of keys and tossed them to Hank, who caught them without delay but, instead of moving like the other Conduit wanted, he remained still for a time and focused on what was going to happen next, "Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk... Cole's infamous right hands, the Conduits who possess powers beyond anything anyone has ever seen, who suddenly disappeared right after the Beast was brought down. You were shockingly easy to draw out... it's almost a disappointment." "Actually, we should be saying the same to you. I figured it would take more than a simple ploy to pull you outside your tower." Adagio countered, because Augustine, for the most part, had seemed like a reasonable foe for them to face, or at least in terms of opponents they had faced on this planet, and it was easy to tell that the lady was either displeased with her words or she didn't care, "Also, we know you kidnapped Hank's daughter and have been holding her captive, to force him to comply with your demands... our allies have already liberated her from your grasp and are taking her someplace safe, so you can't use her again." Augustine raised her eyebrow for a moment as she tapped her earpiece, allowing her to get in touch with the soldiers that were assigned to watch Hank's daughter, only to be surprised when she learned that the group had been knocked out and the asset had been freed. "Yeah, we figured out your ploy rather easily." Aria commented, though this reminded her of when they faced Kessler, as he had been surprised to discover their tricks and plans, especially when they derailed his strategies, and it was easy to see that Augustine was starting to feel what he had felt before his demise. "It's amusing that you think you have won, especially when I control the entire board." Augustine said, showing them that she was focused on her own plans and that, even with everything they had done so far, she still believed that she was in full control of how things, to which she snapped her fingers and several snipers emerged from the furthest platform that was behind her. "How cute. Ka... me..." Sonata replied, where she took a step forward, putting herself between her group and the couple of enemies in front of them, while shifting her stance and moving her hands so she could perform the technique she and her sisters had picked up from training with Rainbow and Applejack, causing the DUP to freeze as they noticed energy starting to build between her hands, "ha... me..." When she let out the 'haaa' Sonata fired the beam and caused the DUP to hit the deck, even though her target was one of the support pillars and blasted it to pieces, though with that done she formed some wind gusts and carried her group up to the upper level of the island, where they found Fetch and Eugene floating in a spiraling concrete prison. Adagio quickly made sure that Reggie was far away from this place, in fact he was back at the pier, getting as far as he could so he didn't get involved in whatever might come next, allowing them to break the prison with ease, as she and her sisters used their Ki to destroy Augustine's prison. As Fetch and Eugene landed on the ground, and Delsin and Hank ran up to make sure the pair were alright, that was when the ground shuddered and the sisters turned to look at the western end of the massive concrete structure their foe had set up after setting up her headquarters. Several new support pillars quickly burst out of the ground around the side they were on, while the rest of the structure buckled and broke away as Augustine used her power to transform it into a massive concrete titan, which had a humanoid shape to it. Such a thing told them that she must have spent years mastering her abilities, pushing them to the absolute limit, giving her the power to stand before any threat that might challenge her desires and plans, though this was something she could only use when they were far away from cities, otherwise the collateral damage would be blamed on her. "Okay, she has a Concrete Titan form... we might be in danger." Delsin remarked, because with all of the powers that he and the others had he was sure that Augustine might have the advantage, meaning it might have been better to assault the tower, where her powers would have been restricted, only to find that the sisters stepped forward, "Um, girls, I'm not saying this is a bad idea, but... challenging that thing, and whatever powers it has, is a really bad idea." "Not really, we fought in the Tournament of Power... this is nothing." Adagio said, though at the same time she glanced at her sisters and they nodded, because if Augustine was going to show them her full power it was only right that they do the same thing, hence why their blue pendants started to glow. Delsin watched as the sisters separated from each other, standing a fair bit away from each other, before their brilliant blue auras wrapped around them again, only this time they were engulfed in what had to be their own powers, which just so happened to form pillars that reached into the skies above them. He and the others discovered that the pillars were only there for a few seconds, though as they broke apart and disappeared everyone could see the sisters in all their glory, as they were now floating in the air in front of where Fetch and Eugene had been imprisoned. In that moment they found that the sisters now had a pair of translucent wings, which looked like the fins of a fish, growing out of their backs, or at least it looked like it, while their eyes had gained blue mist emitting from them and their sclera had turned blue as well, a sign of their full power. There was also a more drastic change to the sisters, as their tails had been transformed into odd fish styled tails that were covered in scales, while also being colored darker than what their bodies were, before Delsin noticed that the water below them seemed to ripple with their energy. In that moment he realized something, there were only a few stories of the sisters utilizing a form of sorts that made them far stronger than their so called 'base forms' and that this had to be what had been seen by those who seem them fight in the past, meaning they had been holding back the entire time he knew them. As he considered that, however, the sisters made their move as Adagio raised her right hand, the water rippling as spears made of ice burst out of several locations, all piercing the arms and legs of the Concrete Titan before freezing them so Augustine couldn't move. Aria launched a few large fireballs at their foe as she flew around the area, each one packing far more power than anything she had used in the past, and when they struck her target's chest and backside Delsin was sure that the concrete might be melting, or the markings were just extensive, despite what their foe's body was made of. Augustine was having a hard time dealing with just the constant fireballs, weakening her construct's armor as time went by, and the ice spears that were formed out of thin air, as Adagio was now flying around the titan, opposite of her sister, while drawing moisture from the air to form her attacks or just freeze the titan in place. Sonata, on the other hand, waited for a time before summoning the power of the wind itself by forming a serpent dragon around her as she rushed at the titan's chest, where she pierced it's weakened defenses, grabbed a surprised Augustine in the process, and pulled her outside the back of the construct, before landing near him and the others as it fell to pieces before their eyes. "You know, we were told that fighting you was a bad idea... now we all know why." Hank commented, as he knew Adagio and her sisters were incredibly strong, because even Augustine had been worried about the mere thought of fighting the trio, if it came to that anyway, but even he was surprised to find that the DUP's leader was unable to touch them. "So, can we talk peacefully, or do we have to go another round?" Adagio asked, as she was interested in ending this fight before anyone got seriously hurt, namely Augustine or the rest of the Conduits that were nearby, though before anyone could say anything her phone went off and she found that it was Zeke's number, for a voice call, "Zeke, what's going on? Has something happened?" You bet something's happened: we just got word that the government launched a nuke, and it's heading right for Seattle. Zeke stated, where his tone informed them that this was a major event, the people in charge of everything were fearful of their power, of their return, and were hoping to get rid of them, Augustine, the new Conduits, and most of the DUP with one attack, even if it cost the lives of so many innocent people. As the others paled, due to the thought of what might happen if the nuke actually hit the city, the sisters felt a familiar presence in the air and turned towards the south, where they could see a missile coming towards the city, though in that moment a voice rang out for all to hear. "Hakai!" a voice stated, where Delsin and the others watched as the missile, which they were only now becoming aware of, was seized by some sort of force, one Adagio, Aria, and Sonata were far more familiar with, before it broke apart before their very eyes, as if it was somehow dissolving without detonating it's payload, until there was nothing left as a figure floated down nearby, "I take it that missile was a bad thing for the city?" "You saved Seattle, Rainbow." Aria said, where the others looked up and saw Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Twilight Sparkle looking down at them, with only a few recognizing the attire they were wearing and what it meant for them, not to mention what the sisters had said previously, "So, Augustine..." Augustine promptly surrendered to the sisters, because if they had allies that could take care of a nuke it meant that she really stood no chance of beating them, though she could only wonder what in the future the immediate future held for her, the DUP, the world, and the rest of the Conduits. > Important Discussions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Following the downfall of Augustine, and Rainbow's arrival to deal with the nuke that had been launched to end them and all of the Conduits that were currently in the city, Adagio, her sisters, Delsin, and the rest of their group had followed the lady into her tower and only came to a stop in her command center. "So, that just happened..." Augustine commented, because she had planned out how she was going to beat the sisters, or at least make an attempt on the matter, and not only had it failed spectacularly, in full view of everyone in Seattle, she had also learned of the government trying to nuke Seattle and the arrival of three additional pony girls, one who erased the nuke as if it was nothing, "Honestly, I'm not sure how to process all of this. Who are you three?" "Allow us to introduce the gods of our universe: Rainbow Dash, our God of Destruction; Applejack, our Kaioshin, and Twilight Sparkle, the Angel who tends to the Hakaishin." Adagio said, gesturing to the three individuals in turn, where it was easy to see that Augustine and the others, including Reggie, who had joined them after witnessing the end of their fight, were totally shocked by the information that they were being given, "Before you ask, let me answer a few questions right off the bat: yes, the universes from the Dragon Ball Z show exist; no, we aren't in Universe 7, rather we're in Universe 19; yes, we fought in the Tournament of Tower and helped take Jiren down." "Seriously?" Delsin asked, because while he knew the sisters were strong, and that was confirmed after seeing their final forms, where they had reverted to their base forms after Augustine admitted defeat, this information told him and the rest of the group that they were stronger than they originally assumed, "You guys must be scary strong." "Actually, there were others far stronger than us... I mean, it's hard to contend with actual gods." Sonata remarked, as while they had pulled their weight during the tournament she knew that some of the others had been the reason they knocked off some of the warriors from the other universes, causing her to remember something, "We should tell you about Sombra, our strategist, who was sent to the world of Ichigo Kurosaki and came back with the power of the Dios Hueco, or the 'Hollow God' as he called it... it's still amazing to think about how the dreaded King Sombra became a benevolent god." "Wait, you mean the tyrant who controls dark magic is a benevolent ruler?" Eugene inquired, which was understandable, given Sombra's vast and dark history, something the sisters knew far more of than the people of this planet, before he found a number of gazes being sent his way, "What? Some of the Conduits I've freed are little children and some really like watching the show... I can't help but learn some things about it while I'm saving people." "Well, let's just say you don't want to know his true history... and that it helps that he lost his memories when he was sent to another world." Aria said, which was the truth, some of the displaced lost their memories and forged new lives before figuring out a way to retrieve their old lives, usually shaping them into the heroes they ultimately became, though that was when she focused on the task at hand, "Anyway, we learned that things were happening on this planet, thanks to what our Kaioshin had seen, and came to investigate, which lead us to discover that you, Augustine, were labeling innocent people, Conduits or those who had the gene, as terrorists and were capturing them. Now, we understand that you might have had good intentions, for the safety of your kind, but you went about it all wrong and nearly ignited a war with the rest of the continent... we're fortunate that Rainbow was watching, really." "And what would you propose? The government was killing Conduits before the DUP started... there's nothing we can do besides isolating ourselves in Curdan Cay." Augustine stated, because even though she had lost the battle she knew that she had the upper hand here, as her station was run by her and those who shared her thoughts on keeping the rest of their kind safe from the government, though that was when the alarm sounded. Adagio and her sisters stood still for a moment, as they had been wondering when Zeke's team would arrive, leading to Delsin, Reggie, Fetch, and Eugene doing nothing as well, trusting that they knew what they were doing, which was when the door opened and a figure the sisters weren't expecting to see stepped in. "Holy shit... Cole Macgrath?!" Fetch remarked, as everyone in the world assumed that he had been killed in the battle that took place in New Marais, even with the government blaming everyone on him and the sisters, so it was understandable that she and the others were stunned to see him. "It can't be... the reports said that you died." Augustine stated, though at the same time she did nothing in regards to his arrival, because she knew that if the sisters were able to bring her down, and they had proved their strength to her, there was no chance of her beating Cole, whose power was unlike all of the Conduits who came before him. "I'm afraid that the reports of my death were highly exaggerated." Cole replied, because while the tales were true, he had died to save the world from the Beast, the sisters knew that he had been revived by an electric storm Zeke had drove his boat into, bringing him back so they could form the Resistance that saved Conduits, "I died, sacrificing myself to save the world from the Beast and the Plague, and was revived thanks to a lightning bolt from a storm that formed overhead when Zeke and Trish took me away from New Marais. But that's not important right now, Augustine, as you have been beaten and your plans will never succeed now... but this doesn't have to be the end of your story, as I have a proposal for you: stand down, let the DUP disband, bring in all of the Conduits to New Marais, and join a new unit, the Conduit Liberation Front. Help us save Conduits, and give them hope in a new life, instead of hunting them like beasts." "I don't understand. She's treating people like trash!" Delsin said, speaking for all of them while discovering that Adagio and her sisters seemed pleased with the idea, making him wonder if they were privy to the mechanics that allowed their universe to operate smoothly. "I'm not disputing that fact, her treatment of Conduits leaves much to be desired." Cole commented, where the sisters and the others discovered something interesting, Augustine sank back into her chair, as if she was a student being talked to by a teacher or even the principle, "However, liberating those that are in Curdan Cay and bringing them to New Marais will show that she just wanted the best for our kind, while joining Zeke and our operatives in rescuing others who have just awakened their powers will show she has good intentions. It will take a long time for her to regain herself in the eyes of those who were tormented by the DUP, but if there is one thing that the Dazzlings have taught me in the time I've known them, it's that anyone can overcome their past and move onto a greater future." "Except Tirek, despite Sunset's chances on the matter... he got what he deserved." Aria remarked, which was the weirdest part about what they had experienced during their travels, that most of the evils of Equus could be turned into heroes for the rest of the universe, while one of the biggest ones refused to acknowledge that continuing down that path was only going to lead to more pain. "Really? What happened to him?" Zeke asked, as he had been behind Cole the entire time, while his team was likely either on their boat or in one of the buildings that they deemed to be safe, while also reminding them that he knew more about the other worlds, even though it was because of the shows he watched in the past. "He did something stupid and Sunset terminated his existence... completely and utterly." Rainbow stated, which was the truth, even though the sisters knew there was far more to the tale than that, but only those in the highest positions in all of the universes knew the truth of what happened. Augustine sat there for a moment, carefully listening to everything that was being said and considering what it all meant for someone like her, before she realized that there was a level of power beyond even her own, or even Cole for that matter, as now there were people who could wipe out people and nukes in an instant. There was a hidden threat mixed into the brief conversation that the sisters were having with their allies, that being the fact that anyone who caused bad things to happen on the planets of the universe might be terminated like the nuke had been. She thought about it for a time, knowing now that if she continued down the path she had been walking for some time it would likely be the death of her, not at the hands of a Conduit or government agent, like she had originally believed, but by a being far stronger than her and those who had joined the DUP. Even as Zeke talked about how the public was going to turn on the government, as firing a nuke on American soil was enough to cause many to speak up at long last, because this was unacceptable in more ways than one, so it was only a matter of time until something massive happened. In that moment she shifted her chair and focused on her computer, where she started issuing orders to the workers that were stationed in Curdan Cay, as well as making sure to send a note to the paper Conduit she had released and failed to use on account of the power that the sisters had access to. "I'm sending word to my facility to start transporting the Conduits to New Marais... and I'm telling the government to go ahead with the disbanding of the DUP." Augustine stated, where she could tell that some of them were surprised that she was having this change of heart, but in the face of the powerful beings who were interested in this planet, especially what they were capable of doing, she knew that challenging them in some manner was a bad idea, "It will take some time for all of my forces to get over their hatred for Conduits, since many were lost in the Beast's wake seven years ago, but with me standing down the rest of my forces should follow... maybe some of them will come with me, to help liberate the rest of the Conduits of the world." "And what about our tribe?" Reggie asked, because that was the whole reason that he and Delsin had bothered to come to Seattle in the first place, due to her critically harming nearly everyone in their tribe when Hank caused the wreck, so both he and his brother wanted to make sure she would correct her mistake, otherwise it would annoy Delsin. "Once I'm done here, and we leave to see this city, I'll make sure to extract the concrete before I move on." Augustine said, showing that she understood what he meant and that she was likely hoping that doing this would get her out of trouble with the rest of the group, even though those like Abigail and Eugene would take some time to fully forgive her. As the group walked about what they were going to do next, especially since Cole was interested in talking to Augustine about her organization, the sisters wondered if they'd be able to help get rid of the DUP's hatred towards Conduits, like they had done back in Empire City, and it made them look forward to what might happen next. > End of the Road > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Following their conversation with Augustine, and her admitting total defeat after realizing the truth of things, the first thing Adagio, Aria, and Sonata did was made sure she upheld her end of the bargain, as in she traveled with them back to Salmon Bay to heal Delsin's tribe of the wounds she had inflicted on them earlier. Delsin and Reggie had to convince them that she wasn't here to end what she started, back when she was 'chasing' Hank around, but with their own Conduit watching over her, to be sure nothing funny happened, Augustine got to work carefully healing those she had harmed. Some of them took more time than the others, as the sisters found that she had done some serious damage to a fair number of the tribe, who had refused to give Delsin up when he first unlocked his own powers, but the lady focused on repairing the damage she had done as the sisters made sure the people were alright. Fortunately most of Delsin's tribe, while annoyed over being put in such a situation by her power, didn't hold a grudge and thanked her for repairing her mistake, all while praising Delsin and Reggie for their actions while they were in Seattle, helping those in need while proving that Conduits weren't as bad as the DUP claimed they were. By the end of the day Augustine's job was done, the tribe was safe from the life threatening situation she had put them in, though instead of sticking around the group decided it was time to leave, with Delsin telling them that they had grand plans to help the rest of the world out. "I'm still not sure why you want to come with us, Reggie." Delsin remarked, because after tending to his tribe he, Fetch, Eugene, and Augustine had joined the sisters on the boats that were leaving the area, so they could travel down to New Marais to see if the transports were going to arrive with the Conduits Augustine had imprisoned, though he was surprised to find that his brother wanted to come with them. "Someone has to keep you out of trouble, or at least help you find your way through the cities you'll be visiting." Reggie stated, as he had no idea how long the sisters were going to remain on the planet, nor did he know if Fetch and Eugene would be by his brother's side for very long, so he was going to watch over him for the time being, before he glanced at the sisters for a moment, "Still, I'm surprised that you knew about Cole's existence and kept quite about it." "To be honest, it wasn't our secret to reveal." Adagio replied, which was the truth of the matter, they had promised to keep their friend's rebirth a secret from the rest of the world, at least until he deemed it necessary to reveal himself, and now Delsin, Augustine, and the world knew that Cole MacGrath, the strongest Conduit of them all, was alive, which might be bad for everyone. "Trust me, I wanted to reveal myself sooner, but every time I did so my sight told me it was a bad idea." Cole said, as he and Zeke were standing on the deck of their ship as well, because he wanted to feel the breeze while they traveled back to New Marais, to see if there were any Conduits waiting to join them and head to their sanctuary, "Eventually I realized that I was being warned to wait, to remain in hiding until you and your sisters returned, hence why I stayed on the island for so long... plus it helped calm the newcomers down whenever they arrived, having such a legendary figure watching over all of them like a guardian angel." Adagio and her sisters glanced at each other for a moment, as the tales and legends about both them and Cole had to be essentially lullabies to the other Conduits of the world, that someone was out there, fighting the good fight against those who hated their kind, and now they knew that their saviors were still alive. "So, now that the nuke's been taken care of, and you've taken care of the danger, what are your plans?" Rainbow asked, as she, Applejack, and Twilight had remained silent for the most part, allowing the sisters to go about their business without hovering over them all the time, though there was more for her and the others to do in other sections of the universe and it made her want to see what Adagio and her sisters were planning. "We'll stay here, as our friends still need our help and there are more Conduits out there who could use a helping hand, in one form or another." Sonata replied, not to mention the fact that they had only explored a portion of this world, so there was no telling what else they might find as they dealt with everything else that was going on, especially after discovering that the people of the United States were planning on changing things by tearing down those that were in power, "We'll be able to do some good for the other Conduits, especially since the government needs some changes as well, given what we discovered not that long ago." "Very well, if that's what you wish." Applejack said, where she, Rainbow, and Twilight floated into the air for a moment as they followed the ship for a few more seconds, allowing everyone to see that they were getting ready to depart for the rest of the universe, to either continue their jobs or just head home and relax for a bit before heading back out, "We'll leave the communicator with you, just in case things go from bad to worse, or you discover something that needs our attention, like some world ending event that is beyond your power. We actually have a few more planets to check out, as there might be other dangers to deal with... Twilight's sure she's found a renegade Brethren Moon on the outskirts of the universe, though we're not sure where it came from since Sunset Shimmer got rid of them... she's blaming the crack in reality that we found earlier." "Brethren Moon... as in the horrific flesh moons from the Dead Space series?" Zeke inquired, though if that was the case it actually terrified him, as he knew about the abilities of all of the Necromorphs and didn't want to imagine the possibility that they were actually real. "Ugh, don't remind me... I had to reseed an entire section of the universe after Sunset's little stunt." Twilight groaned, as that was a point of time that she would rather forget about, which she would be able to once they tracked it down and put it out of it's pitiful existence, before she tapped her staff on the air and formed a barrier around them, "Come on, let's go deal with it." Adagio and the others were unable to say anything as the three gods burst into the sky and disappeared, heading to the edge of the universe, or one of them anyway, to track down something that shouldn't exist, though before anyone could utter a single word Trish emerged from the communication room. "Guys, we have to make a stop by San Francisco, as we just got a major Rayacite reading." Trish said, something that was of more importance to Cole, the sisters, and those that were in the know, where Cole looked at the information she had in her hand while the sisters locked eyes once more, as her words meant only one thing. "Okay, I'm confused. Raya-what?" Delsin asked, as it sounded like something bad, based on how the group was reacting to the information, while even Augustine seemed shocked by what Trish had found while they were talking to the gods, but the term confused him and his friends from Seattle. "Ray Field Energy, the very energy that first gave Conduits their powers... the power of the Beast itself." Aria said, though she and her sisters understood why this was bad, because if a Conduit had awakened the very destructive power of the Beast itself, which was why the Conduits were so hated in the first place, then they had to get there fast, to prevent even more destruction since it was happening in a major city, "Shall we step on it?" "Yes. Full speed ahead." Cole stated, where he glanced at the group in front of him, because with the sisters deciding to stay on the planet for the foreseeable future, not to mention Delsin and his friends joining his forces while Augustine was doing everything in her power to repent, he knew they could stop this disaster and reshape the fate of the Conduits once more, showing the world that they were truly heroes. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata smiled as they glanced out in the direction of the next city they were heading towards, as it was a new city to explore, no doubt had new enemies to deal with, and would allow them to bring peace to the Conduits of the world, causing them to look forward to what the future held for them and their friends.