• Published 19th Jan 2023
  • 469 Views, 82 Comments

InFamous: Return of the Dazzlings - Blackdrag-rose

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata return to the world of Cole MacGrath to finish what they started and help a new Conduit find his place in life.

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New Area, Old Problems

Adagio stood on the edge of a roof for a moment as she observed the scene that was unfolding before her, as Delsin and Fetch were blasting the jamming towers to pieces before the DUP even knew what hit them, not that it mattered since Aria and Sonata were fighting them. Behind her stood the frozen soldiers who had tried to take her down after their assault had started, which seemed to contain more Knights, heavily armored individuals who had to be out in force in this portion of Seattle, than Pawns, plus there was a Bishop or two mixed into the group. She was still surprised that her plan to get them over to this portion of Seattle had worked out without Augustine really knowing what they were up to, and now that one of her Jamming Stations was being destroyed she likely knew that the concrete bridge had been a failure. At the same time she did glance off to her right and stared at the concrete structure that was built above the water, near the southern edge of this island, a place for the DUP to set up their more protected Command Centers, targets for her, her sisters, and their friends to take down.

Her thoughts were interrupted by an explosion that rocked the area, which seemed to be Delsin and Fetch destroying the Mobile Command Center that was located near the dock they had stopped near, not to mention the fact that she noticed a helicopter depart from the concrete bridge, likely holding an annoyed Augustine.

"Ah the Lantern District... much more fortified than I was expecting." Delsin remarked, where it was clear that leaving him and Fetch alone had been a good thing, they worked well together and their relationship was growing with each passing moment, though that was when Adagio's phone beeped for a moment, "Is Reggie calling?"

"No, it looks like we might have an ally on this island... most likely the other Conduit." Adagio replied, though she found that the message she received was a set of coordinates, which seemed to be leading to an area that he or she would no doubt contact them in so they could get some help in dealing with their problems, unless they were like Fetch and fled as they tried to interact with them.

"Eugene? He's probably locked himself in a basement somewhere, playing his video games while keeping an eye on what Augustine is up to." Fetch said, reminding them that she had likely encountered the other Conduit before Augustine had her, him, and Hank transported to their new homes, either before the incident or during the ride, though that was when she sighed for a moment, "I don't know a whole lot about him, other than what little he told me during the few moments of free time we were given in Curdun Cay... we weren't allowed to do much, save for train and stay in our cells, since she feared us revolting, despite the shackles she put on us."

"Once Augustine's taken care of, and the Akomish are freed from her concrete shards, that's the next stop I want to make, before taking a break." Delsin remarked, which the sisters agreed with, keeping Conduits trapped like animals was just plain wrong and that it needed to be taken care of once their target was knocked down, though they also knew that Zeke and his team were likely hunting for it's hidden location.

Fetch nodded before the group departed for the coordinates that had been sent to them, which happened to be close to where the Mobile Command Center had been resting, though along the way everyone stopped to take care of a couple of dealers that were setting things up, leaving them wrapped up for the police to deal with later, and when they arrived at their destination Delsin's phone rang.

Hey, uh, is this Delsin Rowe? a male voice asked, which had to be someone around Fetch's and Delsin's age, though such a thing didn't surprise the sisters one bit, as Augustine wanted to show the people how 'evil' Conduits were and by using rash young adults to further her schemes as they fought for justice.

"Yeah. Who is this?" Delsin inquired in return, even though Fetch's information gave him an idea on who was calling, since he trusted her information, while the sisters glanced at the surrounding area to be sure they were safe, since there was no telling where the DUP would strike from next.

Eugene. I'm calling about the tag you placed on the Needle... I'm not sure what it means. the speaker said, which was understandable since the sisters had helped Delsin create the tag and the ones that had been placed on the other signs that they had taken care of, to disrupt the DUP's operations in Seattle.

"Harmony. Unity. Compassion. Understanding. That the bonds between us are truly magic." Sonata replied, which caused Fetch and Delsin to stare at her for a moment as they considered her words, something that Eugene had to be doing as he listened to them, though this time her sisters nodded as well, especially after everything they had been through.

So... I can't believe I'm saying this... Friendship is Magic? Eugene remarked, almost as if he didn't believe them, which was understandable since he hadn't met them yet and had no idea what they were capable of, causing Delsin to rub his head for a moment as Fetch let out a chuckle, Anyway, I want to help you take the fight to Augustine and the DUP.

"Well, you can tell us where to meet you so we can discuss our actual plans in person." Delsin said, because if this was the Conduit that they were looking for, and he suspected that it was, they might be able to skip some of the madness, get to him getting the third power, and then building it and Fetch's neon power up so he'd be ready for the fight with Augustine, a fight they all knew was coming, "Look, I don't know where you are or where you're watching from, but Fetch is with us, or Abigail if you prefer that name, and she mentioned you when we reached this island, so there's no reason for you to come up with a lie for us. We just want to talk, maybe shake hands, before focusing on Augustine and her plans... besides, you should see the sisters in action, as they're amazing."

Look, before I do anything, I need your help with something: the DUP is moving several buses full of suspected Conduits through the Lantern District, using the I-90. Eugene stated, showing them that he was working on his own plan and that he wanted to make sure that the DUP knew he was fighting against their iron rule, though as he did that Aria pulled out her own phone to track down where the I-90 was located, Now, none of these people have powers, but they triggered the security stations when it scanned their bodies for the Conduit gene and on this island the DUP lock them up in these ridiculous contraptions that let them be identified as potential dangers to ordinary people.

"I get it. Augustine's not trying to weed out potential Conduits to protect the city, she's trying to force them to awaken their powers so they'll become a threat." Aria remarked, causing Adagio to nod her head as well, because she had been taking her time thinking about things and this seemed like the reasonable conclusion to make, while their companions seemed to pause once more, "Think about it: she's been trying to make every other Conduit in the world look like villains... Fetch, she made you out to be a murderer when you were dealing with just drug dealers; Eugene, I'm sure she's labeled you as a kidnapper who targets anyone and everyone, given that you want to free the suspected Conduits; and us... well, we're the Devil's Succubi to her, even though we helped people. She's only out to turn our good deeds against us and make a name for herself, plus her stupid organization."

Wow, I... never saw it that way. Eugene said, which was shared by Delsin and Fetch, though the sisters couldn't blame them since they had spent a fair amount of time working with Sombra, possibly one of the greatest tactical minds in the entirety of Equus, meaning their abilities to figure things out had improved greatly, Look, just figure out a way to stop the buses and I'll be sure to evacuate the people who have been taken against their will... after that, well, maybe I'll let you into my secret lair.

The sisters glanced at their friends for a moment, as Eugene was definitely a weird one, before they got moving as Aria zeroed in on the location of the I-90, where she tracked down an area that had a few weak points for them to exploit, as in four legs that had weak joints. Delsin and Fetch didn't have to do anything as they moved up onto the actual bridge for a time, leaving Sonata to carefully undo four of the joints, though oddly there was no one around to watch them do it, which meant it could be blamed on faulty work or improper maintenance, where the latter could be placed on Augustine since she was controlling the city. Once her work was done they took their positions on a nearby roof, as Eugene was sure that a convoy was on it's way, in fact he could hear the chatter over it, before he told them that there was some delay going on and that he needed to figure out when they were going to move. As such the sisters and Delsin went on a tagging spree in the surrounding area, using some of the designs that Delsin had come up with during one of their previous periods of rest on the other island, mostly dissing Augustine and the DUP, while Fetch kept an eye on things.

When the convoy actually started to move, however, everyone finished up what they were doing and took their places to ambush the DUP, who drove right into the trap as the section of the bridge collapsed, dropping two vehicles and allowing them to move onto the buses.

It was then that Eugene's part came into play, as the sky was filled with something interesting, golden armored angels who had blue energy wings, who swooped down and captured the three buses that were part of the convoy, hauling them to safety as Delsin, Fetch, and the sisters dealt with the now confused DUP. Eugene shared a program with them while the angels flew off with the buses, something that allowed them to listen in on communications that were going between all of their enemies, the DUP and whoever happened to be aiding them. He was probably trying to get their assistance in one of his other ventures, to put the hurt on Augustine's forces and those who were threatening the suspected Conduits, though as that thought came to mind Delsin wondered if there might be a way to track Eugene down, using one of the vests that their new friend had told them about. Adagio countered the idea and said that the best way was to either earn his trust, as he was different than Fetch and might not give them access until he thought they were ready, and if that failed she knew it would be easier for her or one of her sisters to follow the angels.

As they dealt with the rest of the distracted DUP forces, however, the sisters knew that once this was done they would have to take the fight to the various districts, liberate them from Augustine's control like they did on the previous island, and then, once they earned Eugene's trust, they could take the fight to her and bring an end to her schemes, before she did something she regretted.