• Published 19th Jan 2023
  • 469 Views, 82 Comments

InFamous: Return of the Dazzlings - Blackdrag-rose

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata return to the world of Cole MacGrath to finish what they started and help a new Conduit find his place in life.

  • ...

Reggie Takes Flight

"You know, when I first saw those angels I thought for a moment that we had the wrong Conduit... that we were going after God, or something." Delsin commented, because after helping Eugene out, and getting the chance to see part of his power in action, he had considered the scene and what it might look like to someone who didn't know that the angels had come from a Conduit's powers, before he chuckled, "Honestly, even with the Dazzlings on our side, I don't think we would have stood a chance against God himself."

"If there was a godly Conduit, we'd probably beat him. It all depends on their powers." Sonata said, though while it would have been far too easy for her to say that they had fought a god, in fact she and her sisters had faced someone whose pure strength was above that of the gods themselves, she refrained from mentioning Jiren or the tournament.

"I can't tell if she's joking or telling the truth." Fetch remarked, where she knew it wasn't a funny joke if the former was how she meant her comment to be received, though if Sonata was telling the truth it opened up the potential for them to have been somewhere else for the seven years since the battle in New Marais.

"We should focus on tearing down Augustine's forces, instead of the angels." Aria stated, because there was no telling what the DUP was up to and they needed to be prepared for whatever madness their target had in store for them on this island, especially after everything that had happened when they were tracking down Fetch, causing her to tap her phone for a moment, "Hey, Eugene, you need any additional help before we're allowed to visit your lair?"

Well, I'm not sure I want to advertise where my lair is hidden, but there is some DUP chatter. Eugene said, which told the group that they were going to have to do something drastic to figure out where his lair was located, since he was keeping a lower profile than Fetch was before they encountered her, Apparently one of the suspected Conduits got away from the rest of their group and was able to take their vest off, as there's one in the Hing Hay Market. Now, there are plenty of good places to hide there, plus my angels can't get close enough on account of the setup they have, so you'll have to go in and flush them out... and be careful of the Akurans, as they're actively hunting for those wearing the vests.

Delsin wasn't too surprised by that piece of information, since it seemed like Augustine was ensuring that there were more ways for a potential Conduit to awaken their powers, as he believed what the sisters had said earlier, she was trying to make more to make her job easier. With that in mind they headed over to the Hing Hay Market without delay, because if there was a suspected Conduit without the vest on in the area, and they were sure Eugene's information was accurate, the sisters were sure that either the DUP or the Akurans would be in the market, hunting them down. It didn't take them long to track down the vest, as the yellow offending device was resting on the ground, where Delsin remarked that it looked like a bitch to put on and take off, something Fetch agreed with even though she had never worn one. Adagio stared at it for a moment and came to the conclusion that if someone wanted to take it off they were going to need space and privacy, which meant using one of the nearby porta-potties to get the job done, since it offered some privacy and a place to sit if needed.

"Okay, I can understand why people hate wearing these things... they look stupid." Fetch commented, as she noticed all of the locks that were on it, designed to make sure someone couldn't take it off, at least easily or without aid, meaning that if Eugene had found it here the person who wore it had to be nearby, "Are we really doing to open the porta-potties to see if the suspected Conduit is still here?"

"Honestly, I'd rather not... and we may not have to." Delsin remarked where they found that he was looking at a group of armed individuals who looked like gang members, not the thugs they had taken out on Fetch's island, meaning they had to be the Akurans that Eugene had told them about, who were currently in the middle of bullying someone in what was Russian and forcefully opening the doors to the potties.

Delsin called it 'bi-lingual bullying', as the Akurans didn't seem to give anyone time to answer their questions, causing the gang members to accuse the people of not knowing English and 'offering to teach them', though what he found to be far too interesting was the shock on their faces that appeared when the sisters showed themselves. Of course, since they were people who hated Conduits and likely captured them to sell to the DUP for a reward, the Akurans tried to open fire on the sisters, causing Adagio to sigh as she used a little moisture to freeze them, leaving their heads free so they didn't perish while they were gone. While she did that one of the portable restrooms opened and a man ran out, who had to be the one that removed the vest Eugene had told them about, though before the sisters or their friends could react he was taken by the angels, who must have been silently waiting for someone to reveal where he was hiding. It was strange for them to do nothing and still have everything go their way, as the man had said something about running from the group of Akurans, though before they did anything the local cops came and arrested the frozen ones for disturbing the peace of the market, plus whatever other crimes they had committed recently.

After that suspected Conduit was taken Delsin got a call, though what surprised him was that it wasn't Eugene, rather it turned out that Reggie had caught up with them, as he was now on the second island, which meant that he was able to aid them in tracking down more of the DUP's suspected Conduits.

I'm all for tracking these people down, but why are you so focused on them? Don't you already know who the other Conduit is? Reggie asked, which was a fair question since he had remained on the other island while Delsin and Fetch joined the sisters in crossing over to the second one, no doubt cleaning up the mess they had left behind or telling all of his cop friends that he was following his brother.

"We're trying to earn his trust... if that fails, and he doesn't invite us to his hidden lair, we've got an idea on how to figure out where he's hiding." Aria replied, something that seemed to shock their friends for a moment before they realized that she and her sisters were planning several steps ahead of them, and maybe Augustine as well, though in that moment she had a thought before the call was over, "There's a vest in the Hing Hay Market, left behind by the guy we helped out... maybe you can study it for clues while we see if there are any other suspected Conduits to help."

As the call reached it's end Reggie commented that it sounded like Delsin was getting the hang of hunting for people and that he might make him a deputy when they got home, since it would give him a job, causing his brother to decline since two cops in the family would be worse than one. While that happened the sisters heard that the Akurans had tracked a second suspected Conduit down, apparently pushing up to climb the nearby crane to escape them, and it didn't take them long to discover that he was telling the truth. As such Adagio had Delsin and Fetch climb up to help him out, while at the same time Sonata summoned her wind powers to create a safe zone for the suspected Conduit to jump down into, which he did after a few seconds, allowing her to pull him to safety as Sonata called Eugene so he could bring him to a safe spot, his lair no doubt. A few moments later an angel arrived to take him to safety, where the sisters told him that an ally was waiting on the other side of the ride, causing him to nod before his escort took him to wherever Eugene had set up his base of operation, where everyone else moved once the Akurans backed off.

While they flew off, however, Delsin came to a stop on one of the roofs and made a remark about Eugene not caring about joining up with them so they could take the fight to Augustine, though before he could really get into an argument with the others Reggie told all of them to meet up with him... only to find him in Hing Hay Market, wearing the very vest that had been discarded not that long ago.

"I'll tell you, this thing was annoying to put on." Reggie remarked, where he found that everyone was looking at him like he had gone made or something, especially since the sisters had their own plan to track down Eugene's hiding place, but at least he was willing to help them out in tracking down their new ally, even if he was reluctant to help them, "Listen, before any of you say anything, I want to make some things clear: you five will be 'escorting' me away from this area and I will play at being a... deranged Bio-terrorist, likely freed from a DUP detention center or something... look, just chase me and see if the angels arrive to cart me off to 'safety'. Once that happens, Delsin, you can use our phone link to track me down... they should bring me right to Eugene, meaning you'll be able to meet with him."

"This is going to be awkward, isn't it?" Sonata commented, as this plan seemed a little dangerous and foolish, especially since Eugene was a reluctant ally and might realize that his angels were bringing Delsin's brought to him, meaning there was a chance that this idea could fail.

Reggie, showing his brother's determination, ran off and started spouting nonsense about how he could do all sorts of foul and horrible things, like melting faces with a specific gesture from his pinky, causing all of them to bring their palms to their faces as they realized that he hadn't thought this idea through at all. Fortunately Eugene took the bait as an angel came down and took him from the streets, no doubt since Reggie was shouting enough to draw the focus of the DUP, so while he was carried off the group retreated to one of the rooftops as Delsin tracked his movements. From what he found it looked like Eugene had his angels go all over the Lantern District and the surrounding areas, mostly to confuse the DUP so no one knew where they were going, before coming to a stop in an area not far from where they were waiting. What they discovered was that the angels seemed to be coming from some television screens, along with some red demons, a group that seemed to be guarding the skies of the area, which was a bad move since it created a net for Augustine to look at, if she cared to anyway.

"Hey, Eugene, we figured out where your base is hidden... really shouldn't have angels and demons hanging near it, if you want to remain hidden." Delsin said, where he and the others found that one of the red skinned figures turned towards the area that they were currently standing in, confirming that he could see them and that he likely wasn't happy about the call, since it meant that Augustine could track him down if he wasn't careful.

Look, I don't want any trouble... I know if we got into a fight I would lose anyway. Eugene replied, meaning he either knew of the power that the sisters possessed and was scared of them, which was the most likely, or he wanted to avoid conflict entirely so they could move onto bigger and better things, I've unlocked the entrance to my lair, so come on in and we can get to business.

The sisters smiled as they heard that, as it meant they could save time and energy while focusing on tearing down the rest of the DUP, not to mention whatever Augustine had planned for the rest of the city, and they were eager to see what sort of powers Delsin could gain from the upcoming exchange.