• Published 19th Jan 2023
  • 469 Views, 82 Comments

InFamous: Return of the Dazzlings - Blackdrag-rose

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata return to the world of Cole MacGrath to finish what they started and help a new Conduit find his place in life.

  • ...

End of the Road

Following their conversation with Augustine, and her admitting total defeat after realizing the truth of things, the first thing Adagio, Aria, and Sonata did was made sure she upheld her end of the bargain, as in she traveled with them back to Salmon Bay to heal Delsin's tribe of the wounds she had inflicted on them earlier. Delsin and Reggie had to convince them that she wasn't here to end what she started, back when she was 'chasing' Hank around, but with their own Conduit watching over her, to be sure nothing funny happened, Augustine got to work carefully healing those she had harmed. Some of them took more time than the others, as the sisters found that she had done some serious damage to a fair number of the tribe, who had refused to give Delsin up when he first unlocked his own powers, but the lady focused on repairing the damage she had done as the sisters made sure the people were alright. Fortunately most of Delsin's tribe, while annoyed over being put in such a situation by her power, didn't hold a grudge and thanked her for repairing her mistake, all while praising Delsin and Reggie for their actions while they were in Seattle, helping those in need while proving that Conduits weren't as bad as the DUP claimed they were.

By the end of the day Augustine's job was done, the tribe was safe from the life threatening situation she had put them in, though instead of sticking around the group decided it was time to leave, with Delsin telling them that they had grand plans to help the rest of the world out.

"I'm still not sure why you want to come with us, Reggie." Delsin remarked, because after tending to his tribe he, Fetch, Eugene, and Augustine had joined the sisters on the boats that were leaving the area, so they could travel down to New Marais to see if the transports were going to arrive with the Conduits Augustine had imprisoned, though he was surprised to find that his brother wanted to come with them.

"Someone has to keep you out of trouble, or at least help you find your way through the cities you'll be visiting." Reggie stated, as he had no idea how long the sisters were going to remain on the planet, nor did he know if Fetch and Eugene would be by his brother's side for very long, so he was going to watch over him for the time being, before he glanced at the sisters for a moment, "Still, I'm surprised that you knew about Cole's existence and kept quite about it."

"To be honest, it wasn't our secret to reveal." Adagio replied, which was the truth of the matter, they had promised to keep their friend's rebirth a secret from the rest of the world, at least until he deemed it necessary to reveal himself, and now Delsin, Augustine, and the world knew that Cole MacGrath, the strongest Conduit of them all, was alive, which might be bad for everyone.

"Trust me, I wanted to reveal myself sooner, but every time I did so my sight told me it was a bad idea." Cole said, as he and Zeke were standing on the deck of their ship as well, because he wanted to feel the breeze while they traveled back to New Marais, to see if there were any Conduits waiting to join them and head to their sanctuary, "Eventually I realized that I was being warned to wait, to remain in hiding until you and your sisters returned, hence why I stayed on the island for so long... plus it helped calm the newcomers down whenever they arrived, having such a legendary figure watching over all of them like a guardian angel."

Adagio and her sisters glanced at each other for a moment, as the tales and legends about both them and Cole had to be essentially lullabies to the other Conduits of the world, that someone was out there, fighting the good fight against those who hated their kind, and now they knew that their saviors were still alive.

"So, now that the nuke's been taken care of, and you've taken care of the danger, what are your plans?" Rainbow asked, as she, Applejack, and Twilight had remained silent for the most part, allowing the sisters to go about their business without hovering over them all the time, though there was more for her and the others to do in other sections of the universe and it made her want to see what Adagio and her sisters were planning.

"We'll stay here, as our friends still need our help and there are more Conduits out there who could use a helping hand, in one form or another." Sonata replied, not to mention the fact that they had only explored a portion of this world, so there was no telling what else they might find as they dealt with everything else that was going on, especially after discovering that the people of the United States were planning on changing things by tearing down those that were in power, "We'll be able to do some good for the other Conduits, especially since the government needs some changes as well, given what we discovered not that long ago."

"Very well, if that's what you wish." Applejack said, where she, Rainbow, and Twilight floated into the air for a moment as they followed the ship for a few more seconds, allowing everyone to see that they were getting ready to depart for the rest of the universe, to either continue their jobs or just head home and relax for a bit before heading back out, "We'll leave the communicator with you, just in case things go from bad to worse, or you discover something that needs our attention, like some world ending event that is beyond your power. We actually have a few more planets to check out, as there might be other dangers to deal with... Twilight's sure she's found a renegade Brethren Moon on the outskirts of the universe, though we're not sure where it came from since Sunset Shimmer got rid of them... she's blaming the crack in reality that we found earlier."

"Brethren Moon... as in the horrific flesh moons from the Dead Space series?" Zeke inquired, though if that was the case it actually terrified him, as he knew about the abilities of all of the Necromorphs and didn't want to imagine the possibility that they were actually real.

"Ugh, don't remind me... I had to reseed an entire section of the universe after Sunset's little stunt." Twilight groaned, as that was a point of time that she would rather forget about, which she would be able to once they tracked it down and put it out of it's pitiful existence, before she tapped her staff on the air and formed a barrier around them, "Come on, let's go deal with it."

Adagio and the others were unable to say anything as the three gods burst into the sky and disappeared, heading to the edge of the universe, or one of them anyway, to track down something that shouldn't exist, though before anyone could utter a single word Trish emerged from the communication room.

"Guys, we have to make a stop by San Francisco, as we just got a major Rayacite reading." Trish said, something that was of more importance to Cole, the sisters, and those that were in the know, where Cole looked at the information she had in her hand while the sisters locked eyes once more, as her words meant only one thing.

"Okay, I'm confused. Raya-what?" Delsin asked, as it sounded like something bad, based on how the group was reacting to the information, while even Augustine seemed shocked by what Trish had found while they were talking to the gods, but the term confused him and his friends from Seattle.

"Ray Field Energy, the very energy that first gave Conduits their powers... the power of the Beast itself." Aria said, though she and her sisters understood why this was bad, because if a Conduit had awakened the very destructive power of the Beast itself, which was why the Conduits were so hated in the first place, then they had to get there fast, to prevent even more destruction since it was happening in a major city, "Shall we step on it?"

"Yes. Full speed ahead." Cole stated, where he glanced at the group in front of him, because with the sisters deciding to stay on the planet for the foreseeable future, not to mention Delsin and his friends joining his forces while Augustine was doing everything in her power to repent, he knew they could stop this disaster and reshape the fate of the Conduits once more, showing the world that they were truly heroes.

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata smiled as they glanced out in the direction of the next city they were heading towards, as it was a new city to explore, no doubt had new enemies to deal with, and would allow them to bring peace to the Conduits of the world, causing them to look forward to what the future held for them and their friends.

Comments ( 7 )

Finally, after so long.

11570650 I'll admit, I was having trouble figuring out how I wanted to end this little story, hence the time delay between this chapter and the last one that was posted.

So, gonna deal with your other stuff now?

11570812 I'm currently working on Rain's Dark Alliance story and Twilight's dbz story. When we're close to done with the former I'll start up one of the next two that are on my docket to complete.

And now we end another story. This was a nice ending for this story.

A good ending I think.

11570933 I'm glad you like it. Took me a while to decide on how to end this story.

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