• Published 19th Jan 2023
  • 470 Views, 82 Comments

InFamous: Return of the Dazzlings - Blackdrag-rose

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata return to the world of Cole MacGrath to finish what they started and help a new Conduit find his place in life.

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As it turned out the Isle of Thunder was far larger than the sisters first thought, because when they crested a hill Adagio, Aria, and Sonata quickly found that it was almost as large as one of the islands of Empire City and the area in front of them almost looked like a caldera, a repurposed volcanic crater in a sense. The bowl shape served as protection from the rest of the world, since it meant that they had to walk along the paths that lead to this point, which Adagio assumed were far more protected than what they had seen, while the area in front of them was full of life. There were trees, bushes, and all sorts of areas that had been designed for farming, which also included someone forming areas for water to rest in before being used for whatever Zeke and his group needed it for. Such a thing caused them to glance at the various log cabins that were all over the caldera, designed in the style of a campground oddly enough, each designed to house multiple people, so there had to be a fair amount of people on this island.

While they walked down the path, however, the sisters spotted one cabin that was on a higher perch than the others and instantly knew that it had to be Zeke's, given that there was a symbol on it that looked a lot like the AMP, the weapon that he had made for Cole once upon a time.

"Zeke... how is this possible?" Adagio asked, because while she was sure that no such island existed where this one did, or at least according to the maps she and her sisters had seen on the way to New Marais, she was interested in how this place came to be.

"You'd be surprised by the powers that the next generation of Conduits, those who survived the RFI Blast, have access to and what they're able to do with some training." Zeke said, though even as he said that the sisters found that there must be times where even he was surprised by what the Conduits of the island were able to do, where he beckoned off to their left for a moment, allowing them to spot one, a young girl with faun facial features and ears, "Shayave, for example, tends to the plants and nature, along with the others with similar powers... she, um, chose to leave her old life and name behind when we finally rescued her from her hunters, said it was too painful for her to remember..."

"I don't blame her, given the story we heard and confirmed... at least she's happier." a new voice stated, one that Adagio and her sisters recognized almost instantly, as it came from a short brown haired lady who was dressed in shorts and a short sleeved shirt, though the medical equipment she had confirmed what the sisters were thinking, before her eyes widened as she realized who Zeke was talking to, "Oh my god... Adagio? Aria? Sonata?"

"Trish! Boy are we happy to see you again." Sonata remarked, which was the truth, they had become friends with her after the Blast of Empire City, even if she had treated Cole like garbage before finally realizing that he was telling the truth and forgave him, before she held her arms out.

Trish took all of a few seconds to set her equipment down before embracing the sisters, as Adagio and Aria joined in the instant it happened, where Zeke stood off to the side for a few seconds, not wanting to ruin the reunion, before the four of them separated from each other.

"I honestly can't believe it... you guys are actually here." Trish said, where it sounded like she had missed them, which was fine since the sisters missed her as well, and the look in her eyes told them that she was overjoyed to have the three of them back in her life once more, before she picked up her supplies as she turned towards Zeke, "I have to make one more stop before I head to the main building... you guys are welcome to follow, as long as you mind the fan club that'll no doubt form while we're walking."

True to form Adagio, Aria, and Sonata found that a fair number of the people of called the island home paused what they were doing and stared at them for a time, as if they couldn't believe that they were here, walking among them, and Adagio heard one, Shayave, utter their new title in awe. Zeke didn't need to explain why everyone saw them in such a glorious light, as they had fought tooth and nail to help Cole take down the Beast before disappearing, thanks to Discord's arrival at what had to be the worst moment ever, and they were clearly remembered as heroes. He did, however, inform them of the fact that there were more types of Conduits than what they had originally thought, so training them to master their powers did, at times, result in injury, since not every type had a reliable source to draw on to heal themselves. It meant Trish was able to use her medical training to ensure no one was seriously hurt, another perk of being a Conduit was that they healed faster than a normal human, so a wound that would cripple a human would be healed in a day or two for a Conduit, even seconds if they had a power source.

What surprised them was that there were machines generating and producing electricity for the island, though they didn't question it since it meant things were better for the people of the island, as Zeke informed them that they had ordinary human helpers as well, before they headed to the highest building.

"How are you able to keep this place hidden from those who hunt Conduits?" Adagio inquired, because she assumed that someone would have stumbled on the island at some point and would have alerted the government group as to where it was located, hence all the traps that were no doubt set up to keep themselves safe.

"We rescued a young girl who had the power to create openings into a private dimension, and, with enough training, she was able to hide this island inside it," a new voice said as they entered the larger cabin, where the Dazzlings stopped walking as soon as they heard it and turned towards the source, a familiar young man, wearing a white shirt and blue track pants, but the most shocking part was the metallic device on his right wrist, the very one Kessler used once upon a time, "she's also developed a way for us and our allies to enter and leave this area, without alerting the government as to what we're doing, while our ships are official transport vessels between multiple ports in the surrounding area. Does that answer your question, Adagio?"

"...Cole? It's not possible." Sonata said, as she and her sisters knew that it couldn't be possible, he had used the RFI to stop the Beast in it's tracks, a fact that came with him sacrificing his life to make sure the rest of humanity survived, something all three of them had come to terms with after their previous adventure on this world, before she touched his chest and found that it was normal, not an illusion, "How?"

"After the battle with the Beast, and you disappeared, Cole collapsed on the ground and we carried his body into back to the front of the church," Zeke spoke up, though at the same time he and Trish walked over to the table that was resting just outside Cole's place, a balcony that allowed him to overlook the rest of his kind with a smile on his face, and he made sure to pick up some drinks for everyone, soda to be exact, "As you know, the people of New Marais heralded him as their Patron Saint and you three were his Angels, guardian spirits, but while we left the AMP behind... somehow it got lodged in one of the stone pillars and was seen as a sacred relic... we took a small boat with his coffin out to sea, where it was struck by lightning from a storm that was building overhead."

"It supercharged my body, despite the fact that we believed that the RFI would kill me... and, at the same time, I unlocked my most dangerous power." Cole said, where he slipped a cover over his drink, which Zeke had placed upside down so he didn't have to touch it, before turning it over and popping the lid, showing that he had far more control over his powers than what they had seen the last time they were with him.

"No way... time travel?!" Aria inquired, because that had been Kessler's most 'dangerous' power, the one that Cole's future self had used to travel back in time and set things up so his younger self, the Cole they knew, could gain the power to take down the Beast, severely messing with the flow of time itself and causing multiple things to happen differently than what he knew in his ruined world.

"Not quite. More time foresight, peering into the future... that's why I wasn't surprised to see you guys again, one of the first things I had seen was your return." Cole replied, as he understood that they would be confused by this discovery, in fact he couldn't blame them for being shocked by what he and the others were telling them, before he sighed and rubbed the side of his head for a few seconds, while worried Trish a little, "We've determined that multiple Conduits of the same type can exist, but how they use their powers differs from user to user... like the few other electricity users can't use their powers like me, and it seems that the same applies to me: Kessler used his power to travel through time, meaning I have to use it differently. The downside is that peering into the future leaves me drained... usually I have to rest for multiple days before I have the energy to move again, but it's worth it to save the Conduits that we've been able to help so far, as I can pass on information to Zeke, who makes sure the correct agent gets it."

"I see... and why are you wearing Kessler's odd gauntlet?" Adagio asked, as she was curious as to where it had come from and why Cole was wearing it, since he hated his alternate future self with a passion, given that Kessler nearly killed Trish back in Empire City and succeeded in turning Zeke against him, for a time anyway.

"Zeke took it before we left Empire City with Kuo and kept it hidden while he worked on it... when my new power manifested he pulled it out and gave it to me." Cole answered, where he glanced down at the device for a time, more out of respect or even gratitude and not the hatred that they had been expecting given their past, before he glanced away from it and focused on them once more, "Think of it like a focus for my new powers... helps me focus on what I'm seeing and grounds me in this reality so I don't get lost in the time stream... had a few close calls in the beginning..."

Zeke took over things and explained that seven years have passed since the battle with the Beast, and while there were a lot of people who appreciated what Cole had done for them, such as New Marais and those who survived Empire City, it was clear that the military didn't. In the wake of the Beast's attacks along the USA's east coast, activating new Conduits as he destroyed who knows how many people, Conduits found themselves being lynched in the streets or being gunned down by the government, up until a concrete user called Augustine trapped one of her own kind in a concrete prison, to earn the trust of her superiors. She went on to form the DUP, the Department of Unified Protection, an agency created to arrest all 'bio-terrorists' and lock them away in a place called Curdun Cay, basically a prison for Conduits since they were unable to use their powers once inside it, and in the first year her forces caught at least three hundred of Cole's kind, all for the crime of existing in their new state. Her forces were empowered in a similar manner to Vermaak 88, the ice people that Adagio and her sisters had helped Cole take down in New Marais, and according to some of the Conduits that they had been able to save their concrete powers hurt, explaining why she had been able to capture so many in such a short period of time.

The Resistance, as they called it, was working hard to prevent Conduits from being captured, bringing them here so they can learn how to control their powers in a controlled environment, while Zeke and several other were discovering all sorts of information that could be used to bring the DUP down.

"We've received word that, due to doing too good of a job, the DUP might be shut down in the very near future, and both we and Cole have seen Augustine moving her pawns into place." Zeke continued, showing Adagio and her sisters that the rebel outfit was far more organized and managed than they originally thought it would be, given that Zeke was a higher ranking member and remembering his past, "We think she's planning on releasing several Conduits out into the world, for what reason we are unable to see, and trick the world into thinking they're evil monsters... or at least that's our working theory, since not even Cole can see the future... said it's covered in darkness."

"Well, I guess we have a better idea of what our God of Destruction and Kaioshin saw." Adagio said, though she had to wonder if there was a way to talk some sense into this Augustine, something she seriously doubted if the figure was on a seven year high and wanted to keep it going into the future, before noticing the looks on the faces of their friends, as they were surprised by her statement, causing her to remember something, "Hey Zeke, remember how Cole said that Dragon Ball Z wasn't real?"

"Yeah? Why do you..." Zeke started to say, though in next moment his eyes widened as he realized something, the sisters had revealed that their own world existed after talking to them one afternoon, despite the fact that it was a cartoon world, meaning there was a chance that they were going to blow his mind, "No way... Seriously?"

"Yep, it's real... as are Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, and everyone else. We even fought beside the Saiyans not that long ago, due to very special circumstances." Aria answered, something that caused their friends to raise their eyebrows for a moment, all while Cole seemed to realize that they hadn't been lost to time for the last seven years, rather they had been taken to their home and had come back after their business was taken care of.

"Ah yeah, I knew it. Universe 7 is the best! We won the Tournament of Power!" Zeke stated, showing that he was pleased to hear that everything he had seen in the show was real, though at the same time the sisters knew it wasn't totally right, given what they had experienced.

"Actually, we aren't in Universe 7. We're in Universe 19." Sonata said, which shocked Zeke and confused the others, a fact that meant they must not have watched much of the show, before she chuckled as their friend realized that he had to ask them about whatever differences there were between reality and the show, "Tell you what: when we're done figuring out what Augustine is up to, and we set things right for the Conduits of the world, we'll fill you in on what's going on. For now, why don't we focus on the DUP and what it's up to."

Cole nodded and informed them that there was a Conduit who was an a direct path with Augustine, in fact the two had crossed each other not that long ago, and informed them that there was an event that would darken his future, one that he couldn't see, where the sisters braced themselves for the briefing of their lives and the adventure that would follow it in due time.