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Episode 8: On the Side...

Sparkler and Raven trotted with Twilight on Sparkler’s back. They were headed for lunch after making the rounds for the day’s princess duty schedule. “Ok so everything’s in order for the Summer Sun Celebration, and you’re meeting with your band for practice this afternoon.” Raven said.

“Yep. And thanks to hatred I can actually fit in a practice.” Sparkler responded. Ok, she had to admit, the Ex Nobles hating her guts actually had one positive perk, they avoided her like a plague, which left her schedule freer than she thought.

“Sad, but true.” Raven said.

They made it to an outdoor cafe and ordered. Not even a few minutes into their meal, they all heard a very loud. “HEY! YOU!” Coming from a familiar, and angry voice.

Sparkler turned and sure enough, saw Prince Blueblood storming over to them. She shook her head. “Ugh. I’m on break Blueblood, whatever it is can—“

“SHUT UP!” Blueblood growled, cutting Sparkler off. “What did you do!” He demanded.

“Excuse me?” Sparkler asked.

“The treasury!” Blueblood growled. “No pony can access it!”

Sparkler sighed. She saw this coming. “Yeah. Raven and I had it, and everything else essential for Equestria’s survival locked down.” She explained.

That sent Blueblood into a fuming rage. “You CANNOT do that!” He growled.

“Actually, we can.” Raven responded. “We can take any measure necessary for Equestria’s survival. And your last visit here made me realize that right now, you and all the other Ex Nobles are a risk to that survival.” She explained.

“Then how are we supposed to hold a Summer Sun Celebration!” Blueblood exclaimed.

“Pay for it yourself?” Sparkler suggested. “I mean Celestia didn’t strip you of your wealth when she—“

“Silence!” Blueblood cut her off again. “You will unlock the treasury this instant!” He demanded.

She never thought she’d think it, but right now, Sparkler was glad she was wearing a crown. If only to make sure Blueblood remembered who was in charge. “I will do no such thing. For one, you are forgetting the magic word. And for two, you have done nothing to show that you can be trusted at this time to have access. So scream at me all you want. You might get a noise complaint against you.” She said with a sly smirk.

While Blueblood was fuming, from up above on a rooftop, a black furred unicorn stallion watched. He shook his head. “Single braincelled fool. He doesn’t seem to realize he’s screaming at a pony who can very much have him thrown into the dungeon whenever she wants.”

“You could get him with a tranquilizer dart from here.” Suggested a Pegasus Mare who came up beside him. “They don’t call you Midnight Arrow for nothing.”

“Lunar Diamond, my love, that will blow our cover for sure. Us and Fletcher and Omega are supposed to stay incognito.” Midnight responded. “Besides, I think our apparent Crystal Pony can handle him.”

“I’m calling it now, she’s a Crystal Princess.” Lunar Diamond said.

“We shall see.” Midnight responded. Midnight suddenly felt like they were being watched. He glanced around, seeing nothing. “Hmmm…” He said under his breath.

High in the sky, Sky Flitter, Trail Blazer, and Sprinkle Medley soared through the air, looking around for a little Baby Rainbow Dash, who got away from them. They soon found their target. “There she is!” Sprinkle exclaimed.

Sky saw Rainbow and smiled. She bolted for the baby and before the foal could get away, Sky scooped her up in her forelegs. “And gotcha!” She said.

Rainbow giggled while Trail and Sprinkle approached. “Wow. You’re a fast little one aren’t you.” Trail said.

“That’s what happens when we accidentally let her get out.” Sprinkle said.

“Good thing we can actually keep up with her when she’s like this.” Sky said. She turned her attention to Baby Rainbow. “Hey Dashie, wanna go see Soarin?” She asked. “He came by asking to see you.”

Rainbow smiled widely and nodded. The three Medley siblings smiled, flapped their wings, and headed back to the castle.

Elsewhere in the sky, Light Wing and Dark Wing were chasing a flying Pinkie Pie, who was using her tail as a propeller. “Pinkie! Come on! Come back, please!” Light Pleaded with the filly.

Pinkie giggled and kept going. Dark shook his head. “Sweet Faust how is she even DOING that?” He asked.

“Dude, remember what Mom and Mommy Twi told us, never question Pinkie.” Light responded.

“Hey guys!” They heard their friend Lucky call out. Lucky came out from a cloud and joined them in the sky. “How’s it going?” She asked.

“Just chasing a baby physics breaker. Nothing out of the ordinary around here.” Dark responded.

Lucky laughed. “Bet you never thought you’d do that when you came here from the future.” She mused.

Dark nodded. While the knowledge that he and Light were from the future wasn’t exactly confidential, it still wasn’t something they’d normally talk about. But when asked by Lucky and Pearl where they were from, they said the future without even thinking it. “I don’t suppose you have any ideas?” Dark asked.

Lucky smiled. “Hey Pinkie!” She called out. “Want some candy?” She asked.

Pinkie stopped right in her tracks and whirled around. She smiled widely and watched as the three batponies, who didn’t have enough time to stop, zipped past her, slowed down, and approached her. Light scooped Pinkie up and sighed in relief. “Candy, why didn’t we think of that?” He asked.

“It’s so obvious in retrospect.” Dark commented.

Pinkie laughed, before she reached up onto her mane, pulled out a full sized party cannon being held up by balloons.

Light, Dark, and Lucky’s eyes widened. “Pinkie! No!” They exclaimed, begging her not to set it off.

Alas, it wasn’t meant to be as Pinkie lit the fuse. And while the blast wasn’t anything terrible, the cannon’s recoil sent Pinkie soaring through the air again. Light groaned. “Pinkie Pie!” He exclaimed as the three batponies chased after her again.

“Ah’ll tell y’all what. I don never seen a filly as powerful as that Flurry Heart there.” Commented Granny Smith.

Pedal and Lightning brought baby Applejack to Sweet Apple Acres, if only to let her family know that she was safe and was being taken care of.

So they were all having lunch, with Big Mac feeding AJ. “Eeyup.” He said to Granny Smith’s comment.

“I just can’t believe Sparkler actually accepted the crown.” AppleBloom commented. “Figures it would take something like this to get one on her head.”

“Oh believe us AB, this was the only way to get a crown on her head.” Lightning responded with a chuckle.

“The poor whippersnapper.” Granny Smith said. “I don hope she’s doin alright.”

“She’s holding on.” Pedal said. “The Ex Nobles hating her finally came in handy because that means she doesn’t have to deal with them. But even then, I can tell she’s not gonna last forever.”

“Maybe it would help if y’all left AJ here with us.” Granny Smith suggested. “Let us care for her until y’all find a way to change her back.”

“Sadly, mom would prefer it if AJ stayed with us. We don’t know what else might have happened so until she’s back to normal, she’d like her to stay at the castle so we can keep an eye on her.” Lightning explained.

“Hopefully it won’t be too much longer before she’s back to normal.” Pedal added.

“Alright fine. I’ll trust Y’all.” Granny responded. “But anything bad happens and I’ll come after you.”

Meanwhile, at Fluttershy’s cottage, Angel Bunny hopped outside to see Lumber Striker, Flappy, his kids, and…a Baby Fluttershy? What?

Angel hopped over to the landing site as Lumber set Fluttershy down on the ground. “And here we are.” He said. “A nice, peaceful time with animals.” He said.

Fluttershy smiled and giggled as the animal tenants living in and around the cottage approached her, a mix of confusion, intrigue, and happiness that she was back.

Angel Meanwhile glared at Lumber and the parrots. Flapperina shrugged. “Crow! Yeah I know Angel. That’s Fluttershy. Don’t worry, we’re working to get her back to normal. Crow!” She explained.

“Squeak! Yeah. We just brought her here so she can see you guys again. Squeak!” Pecker added.

Angel narrowed his eyes at Lumber and the parrots, before turning his attention to Fluttershy, who immediately hugged him when he got within a Forelegs’s reach.

Back at the castle, baby Rarity was posing in front of a dark blue backdrop on the stage built in the hall room while Mystic and Medley were acting as the ponyrazzi. “Yeah that’s it. Work that dress girl.” Mystic said as she took pictures on her phone. “You are slaying it.”

Rarity giggled while Crystal and Melody looked through the clothes racks that they managed to conjure out of thin air for dresses they could put Rarity in next. “Ooh.” Melody said as she pulled a dress out. “This one looks cute.” She said. She did a double take. “Did I really just say that?”

“Really? You’ve been a filly for months.“ Crystal responded. “Still getting used to it?”

“I HAVE gotten used to it. But every once and a while there’s something I say that surprises me.” Melody responded. “Remember last week when I saw my coat and wondered aloud if Rarity could add a few purple stripes to it to kinda girlify it a bit?”

“I see that as you embracing your inner filly.” Crystal responded.

“I mean, there’s no way to change me back so might as well embrace it right?” Melody asked.

“That’s the spirit.” Crystal responded. She glanced at the dress Melody had found and smiled. “Let’s dress her up in it.” She said.

“Faust I hope Rarity doesn’t get mad if any of these dresses are not fashionable.” Melody commented.

“I’m sure we’ll be getting an earful if she does.” Crystal responded.

Meanwhile, in the Library, the castle Library, not the New Golden Oaks Library, Flurry, Cadence, Shining, Fleur and Fancy were hanging around. Flurry and Cadence were reading, Shining decided to pass the time by reading some comic books he found. Hey, might as well embrace being a foal right? And Fancypants was looking through a book, which Fleur got curious about. “Whatcha reading dear?” She asked.

“Crystal Empire history.” Fancy responded. “Trying to find any mention of You and Your sister.” He explained.

“Us?” Fleur asked.

“Honey, Sparkler can Crystalize, so it stands to reason that as her sister YOU too can Crystalize.” Fancy responded. “We can conclude that you both are from the Crystal Empire. But what doesn’t add up is the timeline. Because the Crystal Empire’s only been back for a few years and for you and me, we’ve known each other FAR longer than that.” He explained. “And as for Sparkler, SOMEPONY had to have dropped her off in KiliHima Village 22 years ago. She couldn’t have just MAGICALLY appeared on the doorstep of Mrs Aurora’s and Mr Thundercracker’s house.”

Fleur nodded. “Yeah. It does seem rather odd.” She said.

“You tell me.” Fancy responded. “Something just doesn’t feel right here. You’d think a pair of Alicorns would show up in Crystal Imperial History. But so far, nothing. Something rather suspicious if you ask me.”

“Yeah.” Fleur responded. Her mind racing. I wonder if I can convince Clear Cut to let me tell Fancy…that way he can understand the secrecy…

Later that evening, Lunar Diamond was on a rooftop, watching the castle. After a moment, her instincts told her she was being watched from behind. She drew her two swords from their hilts and whirled around in a battle ready stance, only to find nothing. She raised an eyebrow, until she glanced back behind her to find a cloaked figure hovering in the air. Before she had time to react, the cloaked figure slammed into her and sent her careening through the air.

She crashed down into the ground by the local lake. Luckily she didn’t lose her swords so after shaking off the pain and shock, Lunar grunted, picked her swords back up, and took a ready stance as the cloaked figure landed in front of her and drew a sword of their own. “You are spying on Sparkling Medley.” The cloaked figure said as they pointed their weapon at Lunar.

“What’s it to you?” Lunar asked as she kept her eye on the cloaked figure, determined not to be surprised like that again. “And how do YOU know who Sparkling Medley is?”

“I have my ways.” The cloaked figure responded. Without saying anything else, the cloaked figure rushed forward and raised their sword for an attack.

Lunar crossed her swords to parry the attack. The three swords clash together in a sword lock. “Whoa!” Lunar exclaimed. “Chill the frack out pal!” She pushed the cloaked figure away with all her might.

The cloaked figure recovered from the push back and swung their sword again, and again. Lunar parried and dodged each attack and got in some attacks of her own, which the cloaked figure parried and dodged with ease. Sweet Celestia this guy’s good. Lunar thought. It was well known in the Royal Guard that Lunar Diamond was the best Sword wielder in Equestria. But by the way this cloaked figure was built, they weren’t FROM Equestria.

The sword clashing continued for several moments. But eventually, the cloaked figure took advantage of an opening and promptly disarmed Lunar. Her swords went flying out of her wings, and just to add insult to injury, the cloaked figure roundhouse kicked her down to the ground. With her down, the cloaked figure pointed their sword at her. “I must say, you fight well. But now you will tell me what I want to know.” They said.

Lunar grimaced as she caught her breath. “All I’m gonna say is that I’m under orders from Princess Celestia herself.” She growled.

The cloaked figure, upon hearing that, their eyes widened. “Princess Celestia…” The cloaked figure hesitated. “You’re royal guard.” The cloaked figure said.

“That’s right. And she ain’t alone.” Said a voice from behind the cloaked figure. Along with the sound of a bow being drawn.

The cloaked figure glanced around, and it seemed that during their bout, a trio of ponies arrived. And all of them had arrow weapons that were targeting the cloaked figure.

Fletcher smirked as he aimed at the back of the cloaked figure. “Consider your next move VERY carefully. I think you can see that you’re outnumbered.” He said.

No creature moved for a few moments. “If you are royal guard for Princess Celestia. Then we are allies.” The cloaked figure sheathed their sword and allowed Lunar to get up.

“Allies eh? Not the first word I’d use considering you just attacked our teammate.” Omega responded.

“She was watching the castle in which Sparkling Medley lives. And I have observed her and the black furred pony watching her earlier today.” The cloaked figure explained.

“Oh? And why would our activities attract your attention?” Midnight asked.

“Because I have similar goals to you. The protection of Sparkling Medley.” The cloaked figure explained.

“Is that right?” Lunar asked. “What’s YOUR interest in the Acting Princess?”

The cloaked figure was about to respond, before they felt something. “You four must go. I have urgent business to attend to.” He said.

“You aren’t going anywhere until you explain your interest in Sparkler. If we’re allies you shouldn’t have any problems disclosing that information.” Fletcher said.

The cloaked figure looked around at the four ponies. They could see it in their expressions that they were not going to let them go until they got answers. Deciding on a course of action, the cloaked figure nodded. “If I tell you. You all must vow first that this information will not reach Sparkling Medley’s ears until I say so.” They said. “It is vital for the survival of the entire world.” They explained as the cloaked figure looked into the sky and nodded.

The four special forces ponies glanced at each other, before they all lowered their weapons slowly. “You know more about Sparkling Medley than anypony else.” Omega said.

“That is correct colonel.” The pony’s eyes widened and they whirled around to see Fleur De Lis land. Fleur folded her wings back to her sides and approached. “Clear-Cut, I came to talk to you about my husband. I feel like he needs to know the truth about myself, and Sparkler. He’s digging into Crystal Empire History.” She said.

“Can he be trusted? He is an Ex Noble.” Clear-Cut asked in responded.

“I am sure once we explain the situation, he will understand.” Fleur responded. “He may have been a Noble, but he’s one of only two ponies to actually DESERVE the title.”

Clear-Cut stared at her for a moment, before nodding. “Summon him. I really do not want to have to explain it more times than needed.”

Fleur nodded and lit her horn, teleporting Fancypants all the way from the Castle to the lake. Fleur calmed him down when he panicked and explained why he was brought here.

After everything was calm, and Fancy agreed to hear the cloaked figure out, Clear-Cut began to explain the truth. The truth of who Sparkler really was, and Fleur for that matter.

To be continued…

Author's Note:

Thanks to Midnight Arrow for allowing me the use of their OCs Lunar Diamond and Midnight Arrow for Sparkling Harmony.