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Episode 28: Forever Free Family Pt 4

Much to Twilight’s utter chagrin, Sparkler had been knocked out for the last three days. Ever since she fainted after the Tree of Harmony summoned her. Sparkler was medically fine, as confirmed by Nurse Redheart, who was kind enough to do a house call. But she still hadn’t woken up.

Now, Twilight and Moondancer were having lunch in the castle kitchen. Moondancer noticed Twilight’s gloomy mood. “Worried about Sparkler?” She correctly guessed.

“Of course I’m worried about her.” Twilight responded. “It’s been three days since her encounter with the Tree of Harmony, and I can’t even BEGIN to guess what happened. The Tree of Harmony is an all powerful ancient artifact powered by six gemstones. For all we know Sparkler now has the knowledge of Faust herself.” She said.

“What I’m trying to figure out is why the tree called Sparkler Vs you or one of the other element bearers.” Moondancer commented. “She’s not a bearer.”

“All I know is that if the Tree of Harmony summoned Sparkler, it’s got to be important.” Twilight responded. Her mind racing.

“We’ll just have to ask her when she wakes up.” Moondancer responded. “Speaking of her…Twilight what would you say if Sparkler and I got together?” She asked.

Twilight’s eyes widened. “You and Sparkler?” She asked.

“Yeah. Like, you love me and Sparkler equally. I love you, and so does Sparkler. If Sparkler and I loved each other it would complete the set.” Moondancer explained.

Twilight nodded. “I mean…that makes sense. But that question still came a bit out of nowhere.” She said.

“Yeah…I…may have been trying to find a spark I may hold for Sparkler. As the book on romance suggests in it’s polyamorous section.” Moondancer explained.

Twilight blinked at Moondancer, surprised with this revelation. “Oh…ok.” She said, trying not to get her hopes up. Sparkler and Moondancer loving each other would be the best because that would mean that the three way relationship was pretty much secured on stable ground. But she also knew that one could not force love. It had to come naturally. And she had no idea where Sparkler stood. “D-did you find a Spark?” She asked Moondancer.

Moondancer looked away and smiled sheepishly. She had spent the past few weeks studying the time she spent with Sparkler. Particularly when the two hung out when Twilight had Royal duties or something. Analyzing her feelings towards Sparkler. And after learning more about Sparkler and getting to know her personally, Moondancer came to the conclusion that there was a spark that she held for Sparkler. Her love of learning and impressive technical knowledge were forefront reasons for the spark to form. “Yeah.” Moondancer responded. “Yeah I did.”

Twilight beamed in delight and hugged Moondancer. “That’s great!” She said.

“Yeah. Well, it’s not much if Sparkler doesn’t return my feelings for her.” Moondancer pointed out.

“I hope she’ll be willing to give it a shot.” Twilight said.

As if on cue, there was a puff of smoke that suddenly appeared, and dissipated to reveal Sparkler.

Neither Twilight nor Moondancer had time to process what was going on before Sparkler tackled Twilight in a tight hug. And it quickly became apparent that she was in a panicked state with what flew out of her mouth. “Twilight! Oh thank FAUST you’re here!” She exclaimed. Twilight felt a few tears from Sparkler that dropped onto her fur.

“Sparkler?” Twilight asked, immediately worried for her Fiance. “Sparkler, what’s wrong sweetie?” She asked, wrapping Sparkler up in her wings to try and soothe the distraught mare.

“Sparkler said nothing as she continued to cling to Twilight, seemingly having a panic attack. Moondancer watched from the outside and her mind raced. Either she had a nightmare and Luna didn’t do her job…or maybe the Tree of Harmony did something. She thought as she approached Sparkler and Twilight. “Hey, Sparkler.” She cooed as she patted Sparkler’s back. “It’s ok Sparks, Twilight and I are here for ya.” She said.

Sparkler’s ears perked up at the sound of another voice. She turned her head away from Twilight to see Moondancer smiling at her. “Moondancer?” She asked. She shook her head, seemingly coming to her senses. “W-what happened?” She asked.

“You were knocked out for three days after your encounter with the tree of harmony.” Moondancer responded. “And you just came in here a few moments ago and acted like you hadn’t seen Twilight in centuries.” She added.

“Tree of Harmony?” Sparkler asked. Her mind raced as she remembered what had happened. “Right…Harmony had called me…” She said.

“Harmony?” Twilight asked.

“That’s apparently what the Tree’s conscience is called.” Sparkler explained, shivering a bit as she remembered what Harmony had said…again.

“Sparkler?” Twilight asked, feeling the shiver. “What happened?”

“Harmony summoned me…she wanted to warn me that a grave danger was coming.” Sparkler revealed.

“What?!” Twilight and Moondancer asked in unison, surprised. “What danger?”

“She didn’t say.” Sparkler responded. “Just that apparently it’s something the Elements of Harmony tried to conquer, but failed…she said I was the only one that could defeat the threat once and for all.” She said, shaking, clearly frightened, prompting Twilight to hold her lovingly.

“It’s gonna be OK Sparkler.” Twilight said. “Whatever this threat is, we’ll face it together. You’re not alone.”

“Are you sure Harmony didn’t tell you anything about the threat?” Moondancer asked.

“She didn’t.” Sparkler responded. “Just that the Elements have tried, but ultimately they failed.

Twilight sighed. “That barely narrows it down aa to which known villains we’ve faced that COULD come back.” She said.

“Yeah.” Moondancer said. “Although…Harmony COULD also be referring to a threat the pillars of harmony faced. Or the stones themselves.” She offered.

“So really it could be anything.” Twilight reasoned.

“C-Can we not talk about armageddon anymore today?” Sparkler asked. “I don’t want to think about it yet.”

Twilight leaned in and nuzzled Sparkler’s cheek. “Alright, we’ll send a message to the Princesses tomorrow.” She responded.

Sparkler nodded, grateful. Moondancer though got the hunch that there was something Sparkler WASN’T telling them. “Did…did Harmony tell you anything else?” She asked. “Anything at all?”

Sparkler winced. Moondancer was right, Harmony DID tell her something else. After a few moments, she spoke. “...She told me I had another blood relative out there…Living in the Everfree Forest.” She revealed.

Twilight’s and Moondancer’s jaws dropped and they gasped. “What?!” They exclaimed.

Meanwhile, in the forest village where she lived, Melody Frost stopped what she was doing and let out a light gasp, feeling a disturbance. “Something’s wrong. Something is very VERY wrong.” She said.

To be continued…

Author's Note:

So Moondancer found a Spark for Sparkler. Good.

On the other hoof, I wonder what danger is coming. So many questions.