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Episode 10: Attack On Ponyville

The monster roared again and ponies everywhere began screaming in terror and galloping in all directions. The monster looked around until it seemingly lay eyes on Sparkler directly. It roared and shot a beam of energy directly at her.

Sparkler, thankfully coming out of her shock and horror just in time, lit her horn and erected a shield that managed to stop the beam, but the continuous flow of the beam still pushed Sparkler back a few feet. The beam stopped and the monster roared and resumed approaching.

“Of course. OF COURSE a monster has to attack NOW!” Sparkler exclaimed.

Twilight saw the monster and started crying her eyes out and wailing. Sparkler immediately turned to her and smiled. “Hey, hey it’s OK Twily.” She cooed. “It’ll be ok.”

“Sparkler it’s mouth is open again!” Raven exclaimed.

Sparkler took one glance at the monster, saw its mouth open, and flapped her wings to fly Twilight and Raven out of the way. The beam of energy shot passed them.

Vinyl saw the beam coming right at her and leapt out of the way. The beam hit the DJ set and blew it to bits. Vinyl saw what happened and growled. “Hey! Watch it pal!” She said.

Sparkler landed on the ground. Raven saw the monster following them. “This isn’t good.” She said.

“No kidding.” Sparkler responded.

“Sparkler!” They heard Moondancer exclaim. They saw her race up to them. “Are you guys ok?” She asked.

“For now.” Sparkler responded.

Twilight saw Moondancer and flew from Sparkler’s back to Moondancer, clinging to her and whimpering, clearly terrified. Moondancer hugged Twilight comfortingly. “Hey, hey, it’s ok. It’s ok.” She cooed.

“Right, Moondancer, you and Raven get Twilight back to the castle and warn them. Tell Fleur I need her help.” She instructed. “And check in with Starlight and Trixie. We need Twilight back as soon as possible.”

“Right.” Raven responded as she and Moondancer took Twilight and ran.

With them out of the way, Sparkler turned her attention back to the monster. She took a deep breath. “Alright Sparkler, you got this.” She said as she lit her horn and charged at the monster. “Eat this you monster!” She blasted at the monster with magic.

From afar, Blueblood and another Ex Noble watched as monster and Sparkler slugged it out. Blueblood smiled wickedly. “Yes. That’s it, destroy the Falsicorn.” He said.

“Blueblood, I still think this is a little extreme.” His companion stated. “Not to mention—“

“Quiet!” Blueblood roared as the battle raged on.

On the castle balcony, the kids had heard commotion while the Mane 5 were napping, they saw the monster attacking and groaned. “Sweet Tap Dancing Faust did that monster HAVE to attack now?” Sky asked.

“You sound like monster attacks are normal around here?” Light responded.

“We live next to the Everfree Forest. That place is crawling with monsters and they routinely come here.” Crystal explained.

“Oh.” Dark said. He and Light looked at each other. Thinking the same thing. This place just got more interesting.

At that moment, Fleur rushed into the balcony, having seen the commotion through a window. “Kids! Get inside and stay with uncle Shining and uncle Fancy!” She instructed as she spread her wings and took off towards town, probably going to help Sparkler.

Down below, Moondancer and Raven approached the castle, Moondancer noticed Fleur De Lis launch from the balcony. “Guess she got the message already.” She commented as the mares burst through the doors and Raven led them to where Starlight and Trixie were.

“Guys! How goes the spell overcoming?” Raven asked. “We need Twilight back to normal NOW.”

“Yeah. We saw the commotion.” Starlight responded. “Still working on it.”

“I’d hurry it up. Sparkler didn’t sound like she and Fleur could beat that thing alone.” Moondancer responded panicky.

Sparkler blasted at the monster, scoring a direct hit on its chest. The monster roared and swung its claws downward, trying to hit Sparkler. Sparkler quickly dodged out of the way and the hand smashed into a tent, crushing it. “Oh come on!” Sparkler groaned. “Did you really have to do that?” She asked.

“Acting Princess!” Called out a familiar voice. Sparkler turned to see Bon Bon galloping towards her.

“Bon Bon?” Sparkler asked. “What are you doing here? You need to get away from here!”

“Not when you need help.” Bon Bon responded. “Trust me. I’m experienced in monster hunting.”

Sparkler was gonna question it but decided against it for the time being. “I’m open to ideas on how to stop this thing.” She said.

“One idea comes to mind.” Bon Bon responded.

The monster opened its mouth and fired another energy beam. Sparkler saw it coming and grabbed Bonbon. “Watch out!” She cried as she carried her to safety.

The beam destroyed even more of the Summer Sun Celebration as Sparkler landed. Bon Bon pointed at the monster. “I’ve watched that thing this entire battle, and I noticed that it’s only attacking you. Nopony else.” She explained.

Sparkler’s eyes widened. “You mean that monster’s after me.” She realized.

“Yeah. And we can use that to our advantage.” Bon Bon said. “If you can lead it to the lake, we can trick it into going INTO the lake, and with any luck you’re powerful enough to to FREEZE the whole lake, if that doesn’t stop it it should at least trap it for a while.” Bon Bon explained.

Sparkler listened to Bon Bon’s plan, and she smiled. “Considering the Elements of Harmony are all out of commission, that’s a good idea. Let’s do it!” She said.

“Right. I’ll go ahead and set the trap. You keep that thing busy and lead it to the Lake.” Bon Bon said. With that, she ran off.

Sparkler nodded and turned her attention back to the monster, who was charging up for yet another energy beam. She flapped her wings and took off. “Hey hothead! You want me? Come and get me!” She exclaimed as she blasted at the monster with magic.

The monster fired at Sparkler and she dodged, beginning to head for the lake. The monster followed without hesitation.

Up further along the street the monster was going to go down, Night Mare, Celestia, and Luna trotted unknowingly TOWARDS the action. Luna rolled her eyes. “Can’t we just go back to the castle now?” She asked.

“Aw come on sister! Aren’t you having fun?” Celestia asked as she pranced around.

“I’d rather just go back and read comics.” Luna responded.

Night Mare meanwhile was looking at the two alongside Flash Sentry, who Sparkler assigned to keep them safe. Night Mare was near her breaking point after a week of having to deal with these two. I hope Starlight and Trixie find the threshold soon. She thought. She had received updates over time and by the sound of it they were REALLY close. “That’s a good idea.” She said.

“Let’s go back to—“

At that moment, they heard a roar and the three of them saw the monster coming, and Sparkler land right in front of them and blast at the monster. After that, she turned to the four. “You four, back to the castle. Now!” She ordered.

“Whoa! What’s THAT thing?!” Celestia exclaimed. “Kill it!” She said as she hid behind Night Mare in terror. “I’m too young to die!”

The adults watched their princess cower in fear. And gave each other a look that screamed ‘how did these two mature enough to rule a nation?’

Luna, unlike her sister, smiled and lit her horn. “Oh hay yeah. I’ve been wanting to fight monsters. Let’s—“

“No!” Sparkler exclaimed as she stepped in front of Luna. “Luna, you need to get out of here now!”

“Aww! But I wanted to fight a monster.” Luna responded in a whiny tone.

“Oh no. No no no you are not fighting any monsters. Flash! Take everypony back to the castle.” Sparkler ordered.

“Night Mare can do that. I’m sticking with you.” Flash responded. “My first duty is your safety.”

“It’s getting closer!” Celestia screamed.

Everypony looked and saw the monster getting dangerously close, and it opened its mouth for another energy blast. Luckily though, it didn’t get a chance as a powerful magical blast hit it right in the mouth and canceled the charge. While the Monster roared, everypony saw Fleur De Lis land on the ground. “Normally I’d give you a chance to leave. But mess with my sister. You don’t get that option.” She said as she blasted at the monster again.

Sparkler heard what Fleur said and her mind immediately thought Of course I only get a sibling with that mentality AFTER the period where I would actually need it. She shook her head clear of the thought and turned back to Night Mare and the princesses. “Get out of here, Fleur and I will hold this thing off.” She said.

“Ugh. Fine.” Luna responded. Night Mare ushered them away while Flash readied his spear.

“I don’t suppose there’s a plan?” He asked.

“Yeah. It looked like you were leading this guy somewhere.” Fleur added.

Sparkler nodded as she blasted at the monster. “Bon Bon is setting up a trap by the lake. This thing is after me. So I was leading it to the lake. Once we get it there, we’re gonna make if fall in and Fleur, you and I are gonna FREEZE the lake to trap this thing.” Sparkler explained.

“Huh. That’s actually a genius plan.” Flash responded.

“Bon Bon came up with it. It’s relying on mine and Fleur’s power and this thing’s IQ, which I doubt is very high.” Sparkler responded.

“Then let’s do it.” Fleur responded.

“Let’s coral this idiot like a sheep dog!” Sparkler proclaimed.

While the three started attacking and leading the monster to the lake, Fletcher and Clear-Cut watched from above a rooftop. Fletcher drew his bow and aimed at the monster. “Yep. Looks like now’s the time to jump in.” He said.

“No.” Clear-Cut responded. “Not yet.”

Fletcher gave Clear-Cut a confused glare. “Not yet? The frack does that mean? I thought it was your sworn duty to protect Sparkler with your life. It certainly looks like she could use the help.” He said.

“They have a plan.” Clear-Cut responded. “We will only step in if it’s the only way she’ll survive this fight.”

Fletcher rolled his eyes. “Fine. My team and I agreed to follow your lead so that’s what we’ll do. But when we report to Celestia you’ll be in it.” He said.

Down by the lake, Bon Bon secured a pole into the ground several yards away from another pole that she had planted. “These had better be strong enough to trip that monster.” She said. She would normally have more gear available, but that was when she was a secret agent. Now she only had what was in her case back home, and whatever she found lying around in Ponyville. Once she hammered the pole into place, she used her grappling hook to tie a line between the poles, creating a giant tripwire. She nodded approvingly at her handiwork and glanced around for the monster. Which she saw approaching. “It’s go time!” She said.

Sparkler and Fleur blasted at the monster while Flash landed beside Bon Bon. “Bon Bon, is your trap ready?” He asked.

“Just finished.” Bon Bon responded. “With any luck it’ll trip this thing and it’ll crash into the lake.”

“Let’s hope!” Flash responded.

Sparkler and Fleur continued blasting at the monster as they neared the lake. Fleur noticed the lake approaching and smiled. “Almost there!” She said.

“Let’s hope Bon Bon’s plan works!” Sparkler responded. She flew to hover over the lake in the middle. And stopped there. “Yoo-hoo! I’m over here!” She told the monster.

The monster roared and stepped forward, it had one foot on each side of the line, it tried to take a step but it got its good caught in the line. It began falling forward.

Fleur saw the monster falling and decided to help by striking it in the back with her hind legs in a flying buck.

Sparkler got out of the way as the monster came crashing down. The splash down drenched Bon Bon and Flash. Bon Bon smiled though. “Haha! Yes!” She exclaimed.

“Now’s your chance!” Flash told the Alicorns.

“Come on Fleur! Let’s put this thing on ice!” Sparkler said as she lit her horn.

Fleur did the same and they blasted at the water with a freezing spell. The lake quickly started freezing, and the monster was stuck in Ice in no time. The monster’s head was still free so it tried to fire its energy beam, but Sparkler quickly froze its mouth shut.

The monster struggled in its new prison and Fleur and Sparkler landed next to Bon Bon and Flash. “It worked!” Fleur exclaimed excitedly.

“We actually bucking did it!” Flash cried out with joy. “We beat a monster!”

“Bon Bon, that was a genius plan!” Sparkler told Bon Bon.

“Sometimes simplicity is best.” Bon Bon responded.

While the four were celebrating their seeming victory, Blueblood saw the whole thing and growled. “Oh no you don’t.” He said as he lit his horn and blasted at the ice, cracking it.

The monster tried to escape, and was eventually able to do so, using the weakened ice to its advantage to break it.

Sparkler and her teammates watched in horror as the monster got free. “Oh come on!” Bon Bon exclaimed in frustration. “Why couldn’t it have been that easy? For ONCE?!”

Sparkler lit her horn again. “I don’t suppose there’s more water nearby.” She said,

“No.” Bon Bon responded.

“Alright. Get out of here Bon Bon. It was a good effort but I think you need to get to safety.” Flash responded.

“I’ll go find Lyra and Tootsie then.” Bon Bon responded.

“Tootsie?” Sparkler asked.

“Yeah. Tootsie Flute. Lyra and I adopted her yesterday actually.” Bon Bon explained.

“Aww Congrats.” Fleur responded. “I’m sure you two will be good mothers.”

“Yeah. And if you ever need any parental advice just hit me and Twilight up.” Sparkler added.

“Thanks.” Bon Bon responded. With that, she took off.

Sparkler nodded and the three turned back to the monster, who had finished turning around. “Ok. I guess we need to destroy this thing with force. Let’s give it everything we’ve got!” She said.

Fleur and Flash nodded and Fleur lit his horn. Flash let out a sigh. “We really should think about upgrading the Royal Guard’s arsenal, a spear doesn’t do much these days.” He commented. “Maybe you could Sparkler?” He asked.

“Really Flash? Now?!” Sparkler asked.

“Just a thought.” Flash responded.

Sparkler rolled her eyes. “Just take it up with Celestia. She’ll be back to normal soon.” She said.

At that moment, Sparkler got a Horn Pulse, from Starlight.


Sparkler smiled in relief.

Sparkler: AWESOME! What is it?

Starlight: A single Alicorn with Unicorns as boosters should be enough for most of the babies.

Sparkler: Will it fix Twilight?

Starlight: 99% sure it will.

Sparkler: Good enough for me. Fleur’s on her way.

Sparkler cut the connection. “Fleur! Get back to the castle, they found a fix for this, but they need you.” She said.

“What about you?” Fleur asked.

“I’ll keep this thing busy until somepony gets back here.” Sparkler responded.

“What?” Fleur asked. “I am not leaving you to face this thing alone.”

“We don’t have time for this!” Sparkler responded. “Just go before I’m forced to pull rank on you.” She said.

Fleur bit her lip, before she hugged Sparkler. “Just stay alive ok? I just got you back as a sister.” She said.

“Oh you aren’t getting rid of me that easily.” Sparkler responded.

Fleur nodded, before she spread her wings and took off towards the castle.

Sparkler nodded and turned to Flash. “Let’s give it our all.” She said.

“Copy that.” Flash responded as the monster roared.

Back at the castle, Starlight sat Twilight down on the floor. “Alright Twilight, we’ll get you back in just a moment.” She said.

“I remain confused.” Trixie said. “Why can’t Princess Cadence be the Alicorn?” She asked.

“Because she’s a foal, remember?” Starlight asked.

“Yeah. I’m not as powerful as I am as an adult.” Cadence said.

“That makes sense.” Moondancer commented.

A few moments later, Fleur galloped into the room. “We better hurry and get Twilight back to normal.” She said. “Sparkler’s only got Flash out there with her.”

“So basically she’s all alone.” Trixie responded.

“Ahem. Don’t count the Royal Guard out.” Shining interjected.

“Oh yeah? Where were they when Chrysalis attacked?” Starlight shot back.

That shut Shining up as Fleur nodded. “Ok, now what do I need to do?”

“You and I need to shoot a continuous age spell at Twilight. To put it simply, we’re speeding up time as far as growth is concerned.” Starlight responded.

Fleur nodded. “Ok, then let’s do it.” She said as she lit her horn.

Starlight also lit her horn and stood next to Fleur. Together, they blasted at Twilight with an age spell. As the beam held, Moondancer noticed that Twilight was growing, in the way that one would expect when ponies grow older. “It’s working!” She called out.

Fleur and Starlight kept up the pressure, Moondancer started glancing at the age clock that Starlight put together to ensure the right ponies were returned to the right ages. After a moment, the clock struck green, which meant Twilight was back to normal! “Ok that’s enough! Twilight’s back to normal!” She exclaimed.

Fleur and Starlight cut the spell and the magic ceased.

Everypony watched as Twilight opened her eyes, and started examining herself. After a second, she beamed. “It worked!” She exclaimed as she pranced around. “I’m me again!”

What happened next shocked everypony. Especially Moondancer, whom Twilight pulled in and locked lips with in a passionate kiss that until now they had only seen her give to SPARKLER.

The kiss didn’t last long as Twilight pulled back after a few seconds and continued prancing around. Moondancer was left in a state of total shock. D-Did Twilight just…

Fleur meanwhile, in her shock, had different thoughts in her mind. If she breaks Sparkler’s heart by CHEATING on her…

Starlight blinked before coming out of her shock. “Twilight, are you ok?” She asked.

Twilight stopped Prancing, and nodded. “Yep, I am, thanks Starlight.” She said.

“Good. Because Sparkler’s out there and she needs your help fighting the monster.” Starlight responded.

And as if something clicked in her brain, Twilight flapped her wings and rocketed out of the room through an open window. Fleur, after getting over her shock, followed her.

Trixie came out of her shock and blinked. “Ok, is Twilight cheating on Sparkler?” She asked, referring to the kiss.

The remaining ponies all stared at her as if she were crazy. Trixie raised an eyebrow. “What?”

The monster roared as Sparkler and Flash went at it, blasting it with magic and swiping at it with a spear. A pointy stick that didn’t really have the same effect as a magical blast.

Sparkler continued blasting at the monster, until she saw a few ponies running for their lives. She saw the monster about to swing its tail right into them, so she lit her horn, encased them in a magical bubble, and threw them to safety. The tail missing them as a result. “SPARKLER WATCH OUT!” She heard Flash call out.

Sparkler only had just enough time to turn her head before the monster smacked her with its claw, sending her careening down and smashing into the front of the New Golden Oaks Library. She bounced off the floor and crashed into the bookshelves, knocking books off and burying her in them. She groaned from the pain of THAT as she got up on her hooves. She looked around at the mess and sighed. “Moondancer’s gonna be ticked.” She said.

Outside, Flash growled and swung wildly at the monster with his spear. “You just set forth your destruction at the hooves of very passionate bookworms!” He shouted at it.

The monster roared and swung its tail at Flash, sending HIM careening into the library and just barely missing Sparkler as he crashed into the bookshelf next to her. Knocking HIM out cold. “Ugh…” Was what Sparkler heard before Flash blacked out.

Sparkler looked at the monster. Recognizing that she was now really alone. “Frig.” She said as she lit her horn, panting a little. She couldn’t keep this up. She could feel her strength waning.

The monster roared, and charged up its energy attack. Sparkler produced a shield around herself and the unconscious Flash, with mixed feelings about it being able to take the hit this time.

Just as the monster was about to fire however, there was an explosion on its snout. It completely dissipated the charge. Above the Library, Fletcher drew an arrow for a second shot alongside Midnight Arrow. “We should’ve stepped in sooner. Let’s roast this chicken.” Fletcher said as he and Midnight fired another arrow shot.

On ground level, Omega charged at the monster and open fired with her twin saddle mounted crossbows which had automatic arrow loading mechanisms. All the while Lunar and Clear-Cut swooped in with their swords and slashed at the monster’s legs.

The monster roared in pain and stepped back. Sparkler, seeing the monster fall back, as well as the two who swooped in and slashed at it, stood there in shock, before slowly and cautiously stepping out of the Library. She glanced around, and saw four ponies and one cloaked figure regroup. The cloaked Figure noticed Sparkler and stared directly at her. “Are you OK Acting Princess?” He asked.

Sparkler nodded, still unbelieving of what she was seeing. “Who are you guys?” She asked.

“We’re allies to the crown.” Fletcher responded. Not saying anymore than that.

Sparkler nodded as she grouped up with them. “Thank you. Flash Sentry is still in there, unconscious.” She explained.

“Then let’s finish this thing quickly.” Midnight suggested.

Sparkler glanced back at the monster, who was still recovering. She lit her horn, and was surprised when she found that she suddenly had all her strength back, as if she hadn’t spent the past hour fighting this thing. What the heck? She thought. It was like something energized her.

The monster roared and began charging up for another energy attack, before a big blast of magic came hurling at it. The impact was so hard that the monster was forced back several feet. Sparkler and her apparent allies glanced up to see a sight that made Sparkler’s heart swell with joy. Twilight Sparkle and Fleur landed on the ground beside them, and they all could see that Twilight was FUMING. “You are SO getting blasted back to the hole you crawled out of! Attacking my fiancé is bad enough, but NOPONY trashes a Library and gets away with it!” Twilight growled.

“Twilight! You’re back to normal!” Sparkler exclaimed happily.

Twilight’s anger temporarily subsided as she turned and immediately pulled Sparkler into a hug. “Sparky! Thank Faust you’re ok!” She exclaimed happily. “I’ve never been so scared in my life for you!”

Sparkler chuckled. “Good to have you back to normal Twily.” She said as she returned the hug.

“Ahem! I hate to break up the reunion but we got a monster to fight!” Lunar interjected.

Twilight and Sparkler parted from the hug and all eight of them looked at the monster. “So, what’s the plan Sparkler?” Fleur asked.

Sparkler smirked. Her confidence at an all time high now with reinforcements here. “We knock this thing right out of town. Arrows attack from afar, Swords below, Twilight, Fleur, with me attacking from above.” She gave out instructions.

Her allies nodded in agreement and stood ready, waiting for her signal.

Sparkler took a deep breath, before giving that signal. “Go!” She ordered.

The team sprang into action. The Alicorns launched into the air with their horns lit and started blasting at the monster in a swarm formation, Fletch, Omega, and Midnight started barraging the monster with Arrows from three different sides, Fletcher’s and Midnight’s arrows had a very explosive effect, and Clear Cut and Lunar began slashing at the monster with their swords while flying low and fast.

The monster roared and kept trying to focus on Sparkler, but the all sides constant attack made it difficult.

Sparkler was blasting away at the monster with her horn, and she could definitely feel the change in her energy. Like she got a second wind and THEN some. Does this crown keep me energized or something? She thought. She was feeling stronger than ever, but didn’t know why. Was it the fact that reinforcements arrived? Was it really the crown’s magic? But that couldn’t be it because she only just now was feeling the power.

The monster in the meanwhile was getting wrecked now. After several minutes of constantly being attacked from all sides, the monster exploded into nothing. Blueblood watched in horror as his plan combusted. “Curses!” He growled.

With the monster at last destroyed, Sparkler, Fleur and Twilight landed in front of their allies. Behind them, there was a crowd cheering and applauding. Celebrating the victory.

The ponies glanced at the crowd. Sparkler sighed and smiled. She knew they were cheering for her above the others. She did just spend the last hour fighting a monster relentlessly.

Twilight smiled and turned her attention back to their allies…only to notice one missing. “Hey, weren’t there five of you?” She asked.

Fletcher and his team glanced around for Clear Cut, but found nothing. Midnight sighed. “He does that a lot.” He said as the four of them started to leave.

Sparkler noticed and raised an eyebrow. “Where are you going?” She asked.

“Our next mission.” Fletcher responded.

“Orders from the princess.” Omega added.

Sparkler smiled and nodded. “Thank you.” She said. “You really saved the day here.”

“All in a day’s work, your majesty.” Lunar responded.

Sparkler nodded, and then felt something. That second wind was now gone, vanished as fast as it appeared. Ok, it’s definitely not the crown. She thought. As the citizens continued applauding, Sparkler remembered Flash and went to check on him. Fortunately he came around and was fine.

Back on the rooftops, Clear Cut sighed in relief. “She did good.” He said.

“Yeah. Although I could tell she had more power than she normally does.” Fletcher responded as he walked up beside Clear-Cut. “You act as a booster for her don’t you.” He said.

“Magic is a fickle thing.” Clear Cut responded as they watched the Alicorns fly off. That monster was not of this world…he is coming.

To be continued…

Author's Note:

Woo! Sparkler won her first battle against a monster!

The two bugbears before don't count cause it was one shot each.

And What's this about Clear Cut boosting Sparkler's power? What could this mean?


PS, Sparkling Harmony now has an official Minecraft Server! Java Edition, come on and lets build a civilization together! Read the book at the beacon, read all the signs in the spawn area, and let's play!

Copy this into the server address


PPS. Ok server isn't online yet. Need to do a few more things But save the server address