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Episode 18: Make Your Mark pt 2

Sparkler and Flash stood there and watched in shock as SAPPHIRE SHORES and who were presumably two of her backup dancers broke it down in the open circle of the crowd, with Sapphire singing a song to boot. And they were pulling off some sick moves.

Sparkler watched the show and was struggling to process what was going on. The letter she got from Star Sound mentioned Sapphire Shores…and now she was STANDING in the direct vicinity of the famous music artist. Almost like the letter was foreshadowing. Did…did Sapphire Shores jump the haybale a bit? She thought, Sapphire was very likely to be here to do that collab.

“Holy horsecrap, she’s good.” Flash commented to her.

Sparkler could only nod in agreement as the performance came to an end.

Sapphire Shores smiled as the crowd applauded. “Aww. Thank you everypony! So glad you enjoyed it!” She called out to the crowd.

As the crowd began dispersing, some after getting autographs, Flash leaned in and whispered to Sparkler. “Might be a good time for an emergency band meeting. That letter and her showing up on the same day is a sign.”

Sparkler blinked, before whispering back to Flash. “Assemble the band members at sugar cube corner. Now.” She told him.

Flash nodded and took off. Leaving Sparkler alone.

Sapphire glanced around at the dispersing crowd, until she came to lay eyes on Sparkler. She smiled as the description of Sparkler matched that which Star Sound gave her. “Ah! You must be Sparkler.” She said as she approached the now shellshocked frozen Alicorn. “The rising star Star Sound has told me so much about.”

It was at that moment that Sparkler had a thought she never expected to have. Somepony made a slip up, and it wasn’t on our end. Her mind started running through possible explanations while she found it in herself to respond. “Uhm…yes, that’s me. I…it’s an honor to meet you Sapphire Shores.” She said.

Sapphire smiled as she shook Sparkler’s hoof. “I gotta tell ya Sparks, when Star Sound first told me about you and your band and showed me some of your work, I knew any collaboration the Harmonic Medleys and I did would be a real head banger. Has Star Sound talked to you about that? A potential Collab?” She asked.

Sparkler so very much wanted to hide under a bed right then. She was basically caught naked with her tail between her legs. “Uhm…well…” She gulped. “I uh…he sent me a letter and I only got it about 5 minutes ago.” She admitted. “We hadn’t had time to think about it.”

Sapphire’s smiled faded as she raised an eyebrow. “Huh? I thought he was coming to talk to you in pony?” She asked, confused.

“He planned to, but something came up last minute so he sent a letter instead.” Sparkler explained.

Sapphire nodded and Sparkler could see that she was becoming embarrassed. “I…I jumped the haybale didn’t I?” She deduced.

“…maybe a little.” Sparkler admitted. “Sorry.”

Sapphire shook her head. “No, no it was my fault, I got too excited. I just love it when I get to collab with other artists in the music business.” She explained.

Sparkler nodded sympathetically. She understood that feeling all too well. Getting to work with others in her industry. She remembered how excited she was when Airwave first came to her. It was a dream come true.

After a silence had befallen the two, Sparkler broke it. “Well, I mean, we can look at the bright side, may have been out of the blue but I personally wouldn’t say no to collaborating.” She told Sapphire.

That lifted Sapphire’s spirits a little. Sparkler continued. “Look, I gotta consult with my band but I’m pretty sure they’ll be open to it, give me say…an hour or so and there’ll be a definitive answer.” She told Sapphire.

Sapphire beamed, smiling again. “That would be great. Thank you Sparkler.” She said. “And…sorry again for dropping this on you like this. Error on mine and Star Sound’s ends.” She said.

Sparkler nodded, and took off, headed for Sugar Cube Corner

Flash had gathered the other members of the Harmonic Medleys and they now sat in a booth in sugar cube corner. “Wait wait wait, Star Sound sent Sparkler a letter mentioning Collabs with other names in music?” Chroma asked.

“And today, Sapphire Shores just HAPPENS to be in town the same day Sparkler gets that letter?” Feathers asked.

“Yes and yes.” Flash responded. “I doubt it’s a coincidence.”

“You think Sapphire’s here to collab with us?” Autumn asked.

“Possibly.” Flash responded.

“She sure jumped the haybale there didn’t she.” Chroma commented.

“Yeah.” Flash responded.

At that moment, Sparkler burst through the doors of the bakery and galloped to her bandmates. “Guys! Emergency Harmonic Medleys meeting!” She called.

“Whoa. Calm down there Medley. Flash already told us what happened.” Chroma responded. “Is Sapphire here to collab?”

“Yeah she is!” Sparkler responded excitedly, her excitement causing her to Crystalize.

Her bandmates blinked at her transformation, Feathers chuckled after a moment. “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to you crysalizing Sparks.” She said.

“Though it does suit you.” Autumn added.

Sparkler just smiled and shook her head. “I blame the crown.” She said. “But that’s not important right now. So, what do you guys think of this collab idea?” She asked.

“Oh I am SO down for it.” Chroma responded. “I love the idea of collaborating.” She said.

“I won’t say no.” Autumn responded.

“Neither will I. It could be a lot of fun.” Feathers said.

“Count me in 100%.” Flash said.

“Great! Come on, let’s go find her and then we’ll go to the castle to start writing a song.” Sparkler said.

At that moment, Sparkler received a horn pulse…from Airwave.

Airwave: Yo Sparkler, are you busy? A good friend of mine just arrived that I’m sure you’d like to meet. We’re at ElectroScratch.

Sparkler blinked. A sneaking suspicion cropping up of who Airwave’s friend was. “I think I know where Sapphire is.” She said.

“Where?” Asked her bandmates.

“Vinyl’s place. Airwave just Horn Pulsed me, says he wants to introduce me to a friend of his.” Sparkler explained. “I bet it’s Sapphire.”

“Want us to head to the Castle while you go get Sapphire?” Autumn asked.

“Sure.” Sparkler responded.

So, while the Harmonic Medleys left for the castle, Sparkler made a b-line for ElectroScratch. Making it there in only a moment. She swiftly made her way down the stairs and immediately saw Airwave with exactly who she suspected he was with, Sapphire.

Airwave saw Sparkler off his peripheral vision and glanced to the stairs to see his friend approach. “Yo Sparkler! Nice of you to join us.” He said.

Sparkler smiled. “Morning Airwave. Lyrica still at home?” She asked.

“Yeah.” Airwave responded. “Another tour around Equestria tired her out.”

“The downside of touring.” Sapphire commented. “Lot of late nights.”

“I can second that.” Sparkler responded.

“Yeah. So, Sapphire, this is my friend I told you about. Sparkling Medley.” Airwave told Sapphire.

“Yeah. We’ve met already.” Sapphire revealed.

“Yeah. She was making a show for a crowd that my Sparkler Sense detected.” Sparkler explained.

“Oh. Cool!” Airwave responded.

“Though May I ask how you two know each other?” Sparkler asked.

“We’ve been friends for quite a while. Did a collab together before Star Records went ablaze.” Sapphire explained.

Sparkler’s eyes widened as her brain connected the dots. “Right! Face to Face. That song’s one of Airwave’s most famous works. Top of all charts for a record breaking 2 months.” Sparkler stated. “I listened to it constantly when it came out.”

Sapphire chuckled. “Sounds like you’re a fan.” She deduced.

“Big fan.” Airwave responded.

“Yep.” Sparkler admitted, with no shame whatsoever.

Sapphire chuckled. “So, Sparkler, have you talked to your band yet about collabing?” She asked Sparkler.

“Huh?” Airwave asked. “Collabing?”

“Long story Wave. Courtesy of Star Sound.” Sparkler responded before directing her attention to Sapphire. “And yes Sapphire, I have. And the Harmonic Medleys are in.” She announced.

“Sweet!” Sapphire responded, excited.

Sparkler smiled as she turned to Airwave. “Ahem, you don’t mind taking a raincheck on the plan to record songs for your album…do you?” She asked.

Airwave chuckled. “Nah, I don’t mind at all.” He said. “I’m happy for you actually. You’re being recognized for the Star you are.”

Sparkler blushed at Airwave’s words while Sapphire had an idea. “Hey. You know what would be fun? If Airwave joined in on the fun. A three-way collab!” She suggested.

While Airwave smiled, and said he wouldn’t say no, Sparkler meanwhile wondered if this was a dream. Luna I swear to Faust if this IS a dream, do not DARE interrupt it! She thought. Sparkler smiled after a moment to process what was happening. “Well then let’s get to the castle and start writing a song.” She proposed.

And so they did. Once the three got to the castle, they met up with the other members of the Harmonic Medleys and got to work.

To be continued…

Author's Note:

Rights to the song used go to Disney.