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Episode 11: Don't Stop

The Summer Sun Celebration was in shambles. Sparkler, Twilight, Fleur, and all of Ponyville walked around inspecting the damage. Booths were destroyed, the stage where the princesses were supposed to put on their big show of raising the sun and lowering the moon was all but trashed, and the entire situation looked grim.

The three Alicorns were picking up all sorts of chatter. Ranging from “This is a mess and a half.” To “now we can’t do the Celebration tomorrow.” And including. “What are we going to do now?”

Sparkler, upon hearing these things, could tell that optimism and hope were low, if not outright not present, in Ponyville. They were really looking forward to this. She thought. She’d be the first to admit that this would be her FIRST Summer Sun Celebration, so she had yet to see why it was so exciting, but that didn’t change the fact that the ponies around her were excited. After looking around at the disheartened ponies. Sparkler had an idea. We can still do this. She thought as she made her way to the stage. Twilight noticed and raised an eyebrow. “Where’re you going Sparkler?” She asked.

Sparkler turned back to Twilight and smiled at her. “To do my temporary job.” She said simply as she hopped onto the stage, summoned a megaphone, and addressed the crowd. “May I have everypony’s attention please?” She asked through the megaphone.

All eyes turned to Sparkler, who continued after a moment. “Alright, I know things look grim right now, the Summer Sun Celebration is in shambles thanks to this latest monster attack. But you know what? I think we can get this all fixed in time.” She said.

That had ponies muttering in confusion. Twilight raised an eyebrow. “What’s she doing?” She asked.

“Yeah. I know it might sound crazy. How can we repair all this work in one day? But I do really believe we can do it. I admit I’ve never been to a Summer Sun Celebration before, but I do know how important it is. I know you all have been looking forward to it.” Sparkler said, ponies agreeing with her. “I’ve heard the stories about what’s happened in this town since Twilight Sparkle moved here. You’ve all been through Tartarus and back dealing with monsters, evil villains, and whatever else happens to return after a long time. In every story, in every crisis, this town always bounces back to normal. At an almost comically impossible speed.” Sparkler said.

Fleur and Twilight saw ponies agreeing with Sparkler. Fleur smiled as she realized what Sparkler was doing. Sparkler continued. “If we’ve done it before, why shouldn’t we be able to do it now? Why should we let one monster ruin our fun?” She asked.

It was working. Sparkler could tell that spirits were rising. “We can get this mess back in order, we can have a Summer Sun Celebration tomorrow, and we can prove that we can do anything. Because we have something stronger than any monster can break. You know what that is?” Sparkler asked the crowd.

“The Magic of Friendship!” The crowd responded, their hope and optimism restored.

“So come on everypony! Let’s do this!” Sparkler chanted.

The crowd cheered. Twilight had tears coming from her eyes. Sparkler got off the stage and trotted to Fleur and Twilight. “Head back to the castle, start restoring our friends, and tell everypony not essential to the age Spell working and not affected to come here. We’re going to need all the hooves we can get.” Sparkler told them.

Twilight reached out and pulled Sparkler into a hug. “You’ve made me so proud just now!” She cried.

Sparkler smiled sheepishly. “Hey, a princess is supposed to bring hope to disheartened ponies right?” She asked.

Fleur laughed as Twilight and Sparkler pulled apart. “I know you don’t want it Sparkler. But you definitely are worthy of being a princess.” Fleur responded.

“I should just stop denying that, should I.” Sparkler responded.

Twilight laughed as she and Fleur took off for the castle as Bradford and her Saddle Arabian friends walked up to her. “Oh yeah. I definitely wouldn’t complain if you changed your mind about being a princess Sparkler.” Mark said.

“Yeah. You got the looks, and you got the inspirational power.” Hanzal added.

Sparkler smiled and nodded. “Thanks guys. Now, let’s show everypony what teamwork is all about.” She said.

Everypony who heard that called out “yeah!” And they all started working…right as spontaneous music started playing.

Don't stop, keep on moving!
magic's hot, it keeps us going!
Helping each other every day!

With such a gigantic mess
and not a lot of time!
We're working and we're fixing
There's no time to relax!

We have to keep on keeping on
Like a well-oiled machine!
With our heroes out of action
There's no time for daydreams!

Don't stop! Let's work together!
'Cause our magic's hot! We'll go on forever!
There's nothing standing in our way!

Sparkler found herself helping ponies repair a booth when she heard Melody’s voice. “Mom!”

Sparkler turned to see her kids arrive, with HUGE smiles on their faces.

“Mommy Twi said you needed our help.” Trail said.

“Whoa did that monster make a mess here.” Lightning observed.

“How can we help?“ Crystal asked.

Sparkler smiled confidently. “We need to get this mess all straightened out and fixed before tomorrow. And we need as many hooves on deck as possible. Lumber, help get the petting pen animals back into the fenced area.” She said.

“Roger that.” Lumber said as he trotted off.

“Melody, Pedal, Lightning, go find Big Mac and see what he needs help with.”

“Right!” Melody, Pedal, and Lumber responded.

“Sky, Sprinkle, Trail, collect some rain clouds and help put out the fires.”

“Fun!” Sky said as she Sprinkle and Trail took off into the Sky.

“Light, Dark, it’s getting to be night time so lend your night vision to whomever might need it, and your claws to help steady things.”

“Can do!”

“Mystic, Crystal, help anypony who needs a third hoof, or horn.” Sparkler finished telling her kids what to do.

“Aye aye mom!” Crystal responded as the kids all went off to help.

Raven watched them go, and looked around and saw ponies working hard. “The whole town’s working together.” She observed.

“We’re not gonna let some monster ruin the fun.” Sparkler responded.

Raven smiled. “You know Sparkler. I don’t care what anypony else says, if for whatever reason you were forced to take the throne long term, I’d happily serve you.” She said.

“Thanks Raven.” Sparkler responded. “You’ve been very helpful this past week.”

“All a part of the job Sparkler.” Raven responded as the singing started back up again. Everypony was working together to get everything done.

We're doing our best!
We work as a team!
We don't stop to rest!
We've got the Magic of Friendship!

Don't stop! Keep on moving!
Magic's hot! It keeps us going!
Helping each other every day!

Don't stop! Let's work together!
Cause our Magic's hot! We'll go on forever!
here's nothing standing in our way!

No not today! No not today!
There's nothing in our way!
No not today! And we won't stop!

Sparkler eventually was helping Vinyl set up her BACKUP DJ system. “I’m surprised you had a backup DJ station Vinyl.” Sparkler commented.

“Living in Ponyville, you learn to appreciate Backups.” Vinyl responded.

Sparkler nodded and continued fiddling with wires, until she got a Horn Pulse from Cadence.

Cadence: Sparkler, we need you. Fleur can handle restoring the non Alicorn ponies on her own but for Celestia and Luna, due to THEIR Ages, we’ll need all the magically inclined ponies we can get if we want them back in a reasonable amount of time.

Sparkler: On my Way.

Sparkler got out from behind the DJ station. “Gotta dash Vinyl, they need me in order to return Celestia and Luna back to normal.” She said

“Roger that cap’n.” Vinyl responded.

Sparkler nodded and took off for the castle after leaving Raven in charge.

At the castle, Starlight was busy restoring the affected ponies not Alicorns, while Cadence kept glancing at Twilight. I trust her to not break Sparkler’s heart in such a way, but I also sense that crush she had on Moondancer years ago… Cadence bit her lip. She was debating whether to bring it up or not. After a few seconds of deliberation, She decided on a course of action. She tapped Twilight on the shoulder. “Hey Twily? Mind stepping out with me to talk?” She asked.

Twilight raised an eyebrow, but nodded and followed Cadence out the door. Once they were in the hallway, Cadence went for it. “Twilight, have you been feeling anything….strange lately?” She asked.

“Strange?” Twilight asked. “Other than being reverted to a foal I haven’t felt anything strange.”

“Are you sure?” Cadence asked. “Because I’m sensing something from you. The signs of an old crush?”

“Cadence what’s all this about?” Twilight asked. Confused.

Cadence sighed. “Remember that crush on Moondancer you had long ago?” She asked. Twilight nodded in response. “Yeah it seems to have resurfaced.” She revealed.

Twilight’s eyes widened in shock. “What? No. No, I'm over it. And I’m with Sparkler now. I’m about to MARRY her.” She said.

“I know Twily.” Cadence responded. “But sometimes old crushes can resurface even if we’ve forgotten about them. And if we were regressed to foals, our inhibitions could be removed and we, in excitement, kiss our old crushes as passionately as we do our current loves.” Cadence said.

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “What? What does that even—“ Twilight stopped when she ran back through her memory…and realized what she did when she first restored. “Oh…” She realized. Horror in her eyes.

Cadence nodded. “Now, I’m not telling you what to do or anything. But I do have advice for you. If for whatever reason you decide you’d be happier with Moondancer, it’s better if Sparkler knew upfront. Rather than going behind her back.” She explained.

Twilight’s brain took a moment to process what Cadence said, before laughing. “Wait, you actually we’re worried I’d CHEAT on Sparkler?” She asked. “I would NEVER do anything like that. If, for some unfathomable reason, that my heart would switch to another, I would make sure Sparkler and I broke up on good terms. No secrets, no going behind the back, everything would be out in the open.” She said.

Cadence smiled and sighed in relief. “You can’t blame me for having the thought Twily. It’s my job to worry about love lives.” She said.

“Well I appreciate the concern but don’t worry.” Twilight responded. “I’m sure this crush will pass just like last time.” She said confidently.

“We’ll see.” Cadence responded.

They both went back into the room, and soon Sparkler burst in. “Alright. I’m here.” She said. She looked around and saw that pretty much everypony was back to normal. “Oh thank Faust! You’re all back to normal!” She exclaimed happily.

Rainbow Dash smiled. “Yeah! Thank Faust for that. That was not fun.” She said.

Pinkie laughed. “Oh come on Dashie, you know you liked it. And I bet soarin did too.” She said.

Rainbow blushed while everypony else chuckled. Sparkler glanced around. “So, where are Celestia and Luna?” She asked.

“Celestia! Starlight wants the both of you to go to her! Don’t you ignore that request!” They all heard Night Mare growl. “And that goes for you too Lu—no, NO! Luna don’t you—“ That’s when they heard laughing. Sparkler and Twilight rushed out to see, much to their shock, that Night Mare had a cake thrown in her face and Luna and Celestia were laughing.

Twilight rushed to her sister’s side and started cleaning her up. “Nighty, are you ok?” She asked.

Night Mare took a deep breath. “Get them back to their proper ages. I am at my wit’s end with those two.” She deadpanned. “How these two managed to mature into the leaders we know today is BEYOND me.”

Sparkler nodded and turned to the two laughing princesses. “Alright you two, come in!” She said. “It’s time to turn you back to normal.” She said.

“You’re not our mom.” Luna said.

“We don’t need to listen to you.” Celestia shot at Sparkler.

That’s it, Sparkler was gonna do something she honestly did not want to do. She lit her horn and captured the BOTH of them in her magic. “You’re being restored one way or another.” She said simply as she dragged them to the room. Celestia and Luna literally kicking and screaming.

Sparkler dragged them into the room. “One of us is gonna need to hold them down.” She said.

“I got that.” Moondancer responded as she lit her horn and held Celestia and Luna in her magic.

Sparkler, Fleur, Twilight, Cadence, Starlight, and Trixie all lined up and lit their horns. “Ok let’s put an end to this nonsense, finally.” Sparkler said as they all fired a continuous age spell at the two apparent crybabies.

The effects started showing immediately. Slowly but surely, Celestia and Luna started to age. The entire process took 10 minutes, but eventually, the spell casters heard Moondancer’s call to stop. They did, and Fleur and Sparkler collapsed, heaving. Neither of them had to hold a spell for that long before.

Moondancer kept the princesses in her magic. As they quickly discovered, the minds lagged behind a bit.

Celestia and Luna eventually came to and their eyes opened. They looked around, and were confused. “Uh, why are we rendered immobile?” Luna asked.

Moondancer smiled as she released the princesses. Sparkler stood up and approached. “Princesses? Are you ok?” She asked.

Luna shook her head clear, before nodding. “We are fine Sparkler.” She said.

Sparkler sighed in relief. “Finally, it’s over.” She said.

Celestia nodded as she quickly recalled what was going on. “Indeed. Thank you Sparkler. And…” She blushed and turned her attention to Moondancer. “We apologize for our behavior this week.” She said.

Luna nodded. “Yes…we were not the best ponies at that age.” She admitted.

Everypony in the room laughed. Night Mare smiled as she ran up and hugged her marefriend Luna. “I’m just glad everything’s back to normal.” She said.

Sparkler nodded. “And now that everything is, we could use everypony’s help. Today’s monster left the Summer Sun Celebration in shambles.” She said.

“Well then let’s get out there and help.” Applejack declared.

Back at the Summer Sun Celebration, everypony was still working hard. Light was guiding a pony who was repairing a table when his ear picked up stampeding hoof steps in the distance, getting closer. “Somepony’s coming everypony.” He called out.

Everypony near him stopped and looked around. Another pony noticed a cloud of dust being kicked up in the distance. “Yeah. Something’s coming.”


Dark glanced at the stampede and used his night vision to see who it was, and he smiled when he did. “It’s the mane 6 and the princesses!” He exclaimed. “They’re back!”

True to his word, everypony entirely saw Sparkler return with the Mane 6 and the princesses. Just as spontaneous music returned and everypony resumed working.

Don't stop! Keep on moving!
Equestria! Keeps on going!
Helping each other every day!

When a best friend is in trouble
None of us will rest!
Ponies helping ponies
Using every ounce that's left!

Pushing to the finish line
Yeah, we'll keep on keeping on!
When all of us work together
We're always pulling strong!

Don't stop! Let's work together!
Because our magic's hot! We'll go on forever!
There's nothing standing in our way!

Raven smiled when Sparkler and Celestia approached her. “Your Majesty!” She addressed Celestia. “It pleases me to see you’re back to normal.” She said.

“Glad to be back, Raven.” Celestia responded. “What’s the situation like here?”

“We’re making good time.” Raven responded as she looked at a clipboard. “We actually have a shot of fixing this before the sun rises!” She announced happily.

“Well then, let’s keep it up!” Sparkler responded as the singing picked back up.

We're not giving up!
Gonna see this crisis through!
The moon lights our way
Until the end is in view!

Don't stop! Keep on moving!
Equestria! Keeps on going!
Helping each other every day!

Don't stop! Let's work together!
We're Equestrians! We'll go on forever!
There's nothing standing in our way!

No not today! No not today!
There's nothing in our way!
No not today! And we won't stop!

Eventually, the crowd of ponies stood in front of the work they’d done at the crack of dawn. Raven was looking around checking everything. “Well everypony.” She said when she finished her inspection.

Everypony leaned in to hear what Raven’s assessment was.

To be continued…

Author's Note:

Don't Stop Does not belong to me, I only changed what lyrics were needed to make sense.
And you can't deny that this song is kinda PERFECT for MLP, since it promotes teamwork, which is a big aspect of Friendship.

Now, what happened at the end? Find out next time!

PS: Announcment.

Ok so I will be the first to admit that the first activation of the Sparkling Harmony Minecraft Server was...A disaster. The server was impossible to keep online 24/7

But fear not my fellow Minecrafters, for through much trial and biting of bullets, I managed to Make a NEW SH MC Server!


Copy this link into the server menu, It's vanilla, it's Java, It's 1.19, Come on and let's build a civilization together!