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Episode 15: Revelations in the Strongest Shape

Sparkler, Twilight, and Flash all flew side by side above Ponyville on a beautiful Summer morning. Twilight was all giddy and bursting with excitement. “It’s finally here, it’s finally happening. I’m so excited!” She kept saying.

Flash and Sparkler chuckled. They knew exactly why Twilight was so excited. “Excited about the grand opening are we?” Sparkler asked.

“I have been dreaming of this for the last two years! I loved the Golden Oaks Library when I first moved here and was devastated when Tirek destroyed it.” Twilight said excitedly. “But now its legacy can live on in The New Golden Oaks Library!”

Flash chuckled. “I can see you spending all your time there Twi.” He said.

“And why would I do that if I have my own Library in the castle?” Twilight asked.

“Does the Castle Library have a Moondancer you can fawn over?” Flash asked.

That got two reactions from the mares beside Flash. Twilight immediately blushed and gained a look of horror, while Sparkler gained a look of confusion. “What’re you talking about Flash?” She asked.

Before Flash could answer, Twilight cut him off. “Oh that’s just Flash being silly. Ehehe. Says stupid things all the time.” She responded. “Hey Sparkler, mind going ahead? I just remembered I need to talk to Flash about something. Top secret Royal Guard stuff.” Twilight asked, hoping Sparkler would go for it.

Sparkler stared at the two for a moment, before shrugging. “Alright. But don’t be late. I think Moondancer wouldn’t be happy.” She responded and flew ahead.

Once Twilight was sure Sparkler was out of earshot, she whirled around and gave Flash a terrifying death glare. “What, the, hay Flash!” She growled. “What the heck was all that about?”

“I thought you had a crush on Moondancer?” Flash asked.

“Who told you THAT?!” Twilight asked frantically.

“Cadence. She seemed adamant I make sure you don’t go behind Sparkler’s back.” Flash responded

Twilight’s eye twitched. Before grabbing Flash and pulling him to a cloud. “Alright, what do you know?” She asked when they landed on the cloud.

“I know you had and maybe still have? A crush on Moondancer and SSC week reawakened that crush.” Flash responded. “Particularly I know about a certain kiss.”

Twilight had a look of absolute horror, and a hint of seething anger at Cadence. “That information DOES NOT reach Sparkler’s ears.” She growled at Flash. “Understood?”

“You mean you haven’t told her yet?” Flash asked.

“NO!” Twilight growled. “Do you have any idea how Sparkler could react to that? She could very easily interpret it as me cheating on her, she could become so emotionally compromised that she could have a magical breakdown and she could literally DIE! Meaning I would’ve killed Sparkler!” Twilight exclaimed frantically.

“You don’t know that will happen.” Flash responded.

“It COULD. And that’s what scares the living daylights out of me. That, and another terrifying thing. My crush on Moondancer hasn’t gone away yet. My heart still flutters thinking about her!” Twilight said. “I feel like I’m being unfaithful to the most amazing mare in the world, and I don’t like that Flash!”

“So what are you going to do?” Flash asked.

“I’m gonna wait and see if this crush passes. It did once.” Twilight responded. “If it does, I’ll tell Sparkler about it, if not…I don’t know.” She said.

“Want my advice? You should tell her soon regardless.” Flash responded. “She might explode, but she’ll want to hear it from you rather than a secondhoof source.” He reasoned.

“I know.” Twilight sighed. “It’s just we’ve been through so much together in such a short time. Hay, we have 11 kids off at camp right now. I just don’t want to give her a reason to think I don’t love her anymore when that couldn’t be farther from the truth.” She explained.

“Have you ever thought about polyamory?” Flash asked. “If your crush doesn’t fade, no reason why you can’t have both.”

Twilight blinked. She never even considered that she could have two lovers. But now that she was thinking about it… “Flash, that might have been the first thing out of your mouth today that I don’t want to kill you over.” She said. “That could certainly be an option, so long as Sparkler’s ok with it.”

Meanwhile, Sparkler came in for a landing in a gathered crowd. Moondancer saw her land and frowned. “Sparkler? Where’s Twilight? I expected her to show up with you.” She said.

“She’s talking to Flash about something.” Sparkler responded. “She’ll be here.”

“Good. She has been the most vocal proponent for this Library to be a thing and it would SO not be her if she didn’t come to the grand opening.” Moondancer said. “Er, barring mandatory princess duties or friendship missions.” She added.

Sparkler laughed. “She cleared her schedule just to be here. She’s not missing this thing for the world.” She said.

“Good. Maybe after this the three of us can sit down and read about the history of music.” Moondancer mused.

Sparkler chuckled. “I could probably TEACH that topic to anypony with the amount of musical history I’ve consumed over the years.” She commented.

“I bet you could.” Moondancer responded, both mares chuckled.

After a moment, they settled down, and Moondancer let out a discreet gulp. “Hey Sparkler?” She asked.

“Hm?” Sparkler responded.

Moondancer took a deep breath, she had decided that she was obligated to let Sparkler know this. “There’s something you should know. Something that happened the week of the Summer Sun Celebration.” She said.

Sparkler raised an eyebrow. “What’s that Moondancer?” She asked.

“When we turned Twilight back to her original age, before her mind could catch up, she was all happy and excited and in that excitement…she kissed me like she kisses you everyday.” Moondancer revealed.

Sparkler blinked. “Pardon?” She asked, not entirely sure what Moondancer was saying.

“She kissed me when she returned to the right age. And it wasn’t just an excited kiss, it was a genuine, heartfelt kiss you’d only give to your significant other.” Moondancer explained, bracing herself for the potential outburst.

“She kissed you?” Sparkler asked.

“On the lips, yeah.” Moondancer responded.

Sparkler blinked as she stared at Moonancer in confusion. “Uh…ok?” She responded, not sure how else to respond.

“I just thought you should know. As well as that fact that while I do have a crush on Twilight, I won’t get in the way. You got to her first fair and square.” Moondancer responded.

Somehow, THAT got Sparkler’s mind going. “Wait, she kissed you, and you have a crush on her…” Her mind was racing. Is Twilight cheating on me?! was one such thought that came to her mind.

“Yes. But I promise nothing’s going on between us.” Moondancer responded. “It was probably just a heat of the moment thing. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” Moondancer pinkie promised.

As they both heard the ominous forever from Pinkie, Sparkler stared at her, before nodding. “Ok…thanks for letting me know Moondancer.” She responded, several things cropping up in her mind.

“Sure thing Sparkler. I’m sure you and Twilight will be very happy wives together.” Moondancer responded, glad to have that off her chest.

Sparkler nodded as Twilight and Flash arrived, and while Sparkler was confident that Twilight wouldn’t outright cheat on her with another pony, that didn’t stop the fear from creeping up in her mind. She glanced at Twilight. I’ll give her some time if she was planning to tell me. But someday soon we’ll have to have a talk about that. If only to make sure our relationship is safe. She thought as the grand opening ceremony began. She knew that her love for Twilight was as strong as ever, but she didn’t know if Twilight’s love for her was wavering or not. Even if she was confident about it.

To be continued…

Author's Note:

I've heard the triangle was the strongest shape. We got a possible love triangle on our hands. So that's what the title is referencing.

I'm sure Twiight wanted to say: Shut up Flash!

But she's too nice for that. Lol