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Sweetie Sing

Sweetie Sing

"If all the little blue birds fly oh why, oh why can't I?" Tender Taps sung triumphantly.

"Very Good Tender Taps." Said Cheerilee in the sits below the stage. "Not let's move on to the next since."

Tender Tapes then brace off the stage looking cheerful.

"I can believe that Tender Taps got the led role." Whispers Applebloom who was wearing a straw hat and a patch work shirt.

Then Sweetie Bell who tin plating said "Well he deserves his one of one of the best performers in the entire school."

"Well." Scootaloo wear a lion costume. "Wait tell the get load of when we sing."

"Wait!" Said Sweetie Belle "We have sing nopony said we have to sing!"

"Sweetie Belle." Applebloom said "You've been reading your lines for week. How can not know that we had to sing."

Sweetie began to sweat "I-I-I didn't knew I just thought it was a speaking role."

"No," Said Scootaloo, "We all have big singing numbers in this play of course none are as big as mine."

"Get over yourself queen of the froest." Said Applebloom rolling her eyes.

"Okay girls your up next!" Said Cheerile "It's time to sing if I only had a heart."

"That's your q Sweetie Belle." Applebloom said pushing the small unicorn on the stage.

As Sweetie entered the spot light a look of terror came across her face. She didn't sing, she didn't dance she just stood there sweating."

"Sweetie Belle." Said Cheerile "Are you okay?"

Of a moment Sweetie Belle didn't respond she just stood there. Finally a small scream came out of the filly's mouth.


She then ran off the stage and out of auditorium.

Then Scootaloo said "Well that could have gone better."

Back at the palace.

Sweetie Belle sat in her room crying.

Then Rarity open the door and said "Sweetie Belle darling is everything alright?"

"No!" Said Sweetie. "I ran out of the stage back at school because I couldn't sing!"

"But Sweetie." Rarity said confused "You have a lovely singing voice."

"But I don't like to used in front crowed." Said the little unicorn.

"Why on earth not." Said Rarity. "Who now maybe you'll get your cutie mark..."

"No!" Said Sweetie Belle hiding behind her bed.

Rarity looked down on her confused.

"Anything but that!" Said Sweetie "I'll get my cutie mark in anything but not that!"

"But I thought you wanted your cutie mark more then any thing." Said Rarity

"But not singing!" Said Sweetie Belle "If I get my cutie mark in singing then I'll have to sing in front of everypony and don't want to sing in front of anypony!"

Rarity then used her magic to dragged Sweetie Belle out from under the bed.

"Oh Sweetie." Rarity said holding her sister tightly. "Why when I first made costumes for everypony for the play for the pony of Oz. I was terrified that everypony would hate them."

The Sweetie said "Well you never perform on a stage have you?"

"Oh of course I have." Said Rarity. "I have been in plenty of plays before. But I never worry about ponies judging my performance." Rarity said while tossing her mane. "After all you come from a long line of talented unicorns."

"Oh Rarity!" I voice called out "I'm afraid that I washed your new dress of yours on high!"

"While." Said Rarity realizing what her mother had done. "It skips a generation." She then rush out of the room to see that if her dress was still salvageable.

Later Rarity meet with her friends at the Tambelon café.

"Honestly." Said Rarity sipping her milk shake. "She such a talented pony I don't know why she can't sing in front of other."

"Rarity." Said Twilight scolding her. "It's not always easy for somepony to stand out in front of others."

"Yeah." Said Rainbow Dash as she gestures to Fluttershy. "Like Fluttershy here."

Then Fluttershy said "Um can't argue with that."

"Of what Applebloom told me." Said Applejack "Sweetie Belle does find when she acting. It's just the singing part that's got her stuck."

Then Pinkie said "Maybe what she needs it a confidence boot!" Then the pink pony turn "I seem to remember you said you knew stage fright when you see it?"

Then Rarity said "did I say that?"

Pinkie then said "You did but I'm not sure when."

But then Rarity gets an idea. "I've got how about we have her sing in a small crowed."

"Um how small of a crowed are we talking about?" AJ asked.

"Oh just us and Sweetie's friends." Rarity said nonchalantly "And She can't know anything about this."

Later that day Sweetie Belle walked in the palace garden with Applebloom and Scootaloo.

"Where exactly are we going?" Asked Sweetie Belle confused.

Then Scootaloo said "Like I said before there's a new trick Rainbow Dash wants us to see."

Then Applebloom said "And we here."

Then they all see a small gazebo standing in the middle of the garden.

"So... Where's Rainbow Dash?" Sweetie Belle asked curiously.

"Oh she'll be here long shortly." Said Applebloom "Mean time how about we practice our lines for the play."

Applebloom leapt up onto the gazebo, and begin singing triumphantly.

I could while away the hours

Conversatin' with the flowers,

Consutin' with the rain;

Applebloom smiled down at Sweetie Belle, who eyed her suspiciously.

And my head I'd be scratchin'

While my thoughts are busy hatchin'

If I only had a brain..

Scootaloo giggled as Applebloom continued.

I'd unravel ev'ry riddle for my


In trouble or in pain

With my thought every mornin'

I could be an Alicornin'

If I only had a brain.

Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes.

Oh, I, could tell you why

The oceans near the shore

I could think of things I'd never

Thunk before,

And then I'd sit down and think some more.

Applebloom leapt down from the gazebo and danced around Sweetie Belle.

I would not be just a muffin',

My head all full of stuffin',

My heart all full of pain;

She then put a hoof around her Unicorn friend.

And perhaps I'd deserve you and be

Even worthy of you

If I only had a brain.

"Sing it Sweetie Belle," Applebloom pushed her friend towards the Gazebo.

Sweetie Belle sighed and finally gave in.

When a mare's an empty kettle

She should be on her mettle

And yet I'm torn apart

Sweetie Belle danced a bit.

Just because I'm a phony

I could be a proper pony

If I only had a heart.

Scootaloo and Applebloom smiled at each other as their friend continued to sing.

I'd be tender, I'd be gentle

And awful sentimental

Regarding love and art

Sweetie Belle began to smile..

I'd be friends with the sparrows

And the colt that shoots the arrows

If I only had a heart.

Sweetie Belle suddenly leapt atop of the railing, and began swinging about the post.

Picture me a balcony

Above a sings low

Where art thou, Romeoooooo?

"AhhahaaAhahaaAaaah!" Sweetie Belle belted out an Aria triumphantly.

She then leapt down from the post and began to dance atop the banister, now singing louder than ever.

Just to Register Emotion! Jealousy! Devotion!

And really feel the Paaaaaaaaart!

I could stay Young and Chipper!

And I'd lock it with a Zipper!

If I only had a heaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaart!

"Yeah! Woohoo! Way to go Sweetie Belle!" A number voices sounded from behind her.

Sweetie Belle in to her horror she saw the mane six Twilight Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and spike stand along side Applebloom and Scootaloo.

The you filly was so impressed she lost her place and fell into the mud.

"Oooh." Said Rainbow Dash "Not the way we wanted to go."

"Puff." Said Sweetie spatting out mud from her mouth. "What are you all doing here?"

"Well...Um." Applebloom said "You see the thing is...It's Rarity's idea!"

"Applebloom!" Said Applejack.

"Well it is." Applebloom said.

"Rarity." Sweetie approach her sister. "How could you?"

"I just wanted to show you that you can preform in front of others." Rarity said

"That's just it!" Sweetie said "I can't preform in front of others! I just sang in front of you and look what happened!" She shook the mud off her mane. "I can't sing in front and I can't sing in the play!" Sweetie Belle cried and ran away.

"If she only had the nerve." Scootaloo said sadly.

Down at the Templon café Sweetie Belle was setting on a table drinking a milk shake by herself.

Then she said "Why is sing in front of others is so hard for me? I know I love to sing so why can't I sing in front of crowed or even my friends?"

Then suddenly a voice said "Well look how it is?"

She then turn to see TrenderHoof holding his owe milkshake.

"Rarity's little sister." He said

"Um the names Sweetie Belle." The little unicorn filly said "We've meet severely times."

Then Trender said "Right right, right, so what are you doing here by yourself?"

"Well..." Sweetie Belle nervously twilling her straw. "Everypony I know even my big sister expects me to sing in front the entire school for the Ponyville school play that's coming up. But I don't want to sing in front of everypony, I can beardly sing in front of my friends!"

"Yeah I get it." Said TrenderHoof. "It's tuff performing under pressure. I can't tell how many times Troubleshoes and I flop on a mission because the heat was just to much for us."

"That's what I've been saying!" Said Sweetie "Why can't anypony get that?"

"Yeah it's rough out there." TrenderHoof said nonchalantly. "Ponies always expects you to more then your capable of."

"Exactly." Said the little unicorn filly.

"It's not your fault your a terrible singer." Trender said slyly

"Yes I...HEY." Sweetie said "I'm not a terrible singer!"

"Oh don't be so modest." Trender said waving his hoof. "You probably the worst singing in all of Equestria."

That made Sweet mad and then said "No I'm not I have a great singing voice."

"Oh come on." Said TrenderHoof mockingly "If you had a great voice you wouldn't bee so afraid of performing."

"My voice has nothing to do with that!" Sweetie replied

"Oh so you can't dance either then?" Trender said

"I can so dance!" Said Sweetie branching around

"Then you can't act." Trender keep mocking her.

"I've been acting for weeks!" Sweetie proclaimed.

"So you dance you can sing and you can perform what's the problem then?" Trender asked

"The problem is!" Sweetie Belle said but then a sudden realization dawn upon her. "Ohh I get it."

Sweetie Belle then dashed away and rush towers the school house.

"Works every time." Said Trender Hoof drinking from his milk shake.

Back at the Ponyville school the young fillies were getting prepared for the performants.

Rarity was there helping Applebloom and Scootaloo with their outfits.

"Can't believe Sweetie Belle didn't came to rehearse." Said Applebloom.

Then Rarity snig. "I'm afraid it's my fault. I put to much pressure on her."

"Still." Said Scootaloo "I can't believe she's not going to show up for opening night."

But then voice shouted "Who said I wasn't going to show up?"

They turn to see Sweetie Belle standing there with a confident smile.

"Sweetie Belle!" Rarity said rushing to her sister and hold her tightly. "Oh I'm so happy You've decided to show and perform with your friends!"

Then as she let's go of her Rarity then said "Sweetie I'm sorry I put so much pressure on you. "I just wanted you to shine like the star you truly are."

Then Sweetie said "I know that and it was very clever of you sending TrenderHoof to talk."

"TrenderHoof?" Said Rarity confuse.

"Yeah save it." Sweetie said "I know it was you who send TrenderHoof to trick me into singing tonight."

"But I didn't..." Rarity said

"Come Applebloom and Scootaloo we got a play to do!" The three fillies rushed on to the stage.

The curtains opened on the stage of the Pony School Auditorium. Tender Taps stoop at the center of the stage under the backdrop of a black and white farmhouse.

Somewhere over the rainboom, way up high

There's a land that I heard of once in a lullaby

A small sonic rainboom lowered from the curtains above with Sweetie Belle Atop of it. She began to sing..

Somewhere over the rainboom, skies are blue

And the dreams that you dare to dream, really do come true.

The stage started to light up with beautiful colors and decorative sets. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo appeared behind Sweetie Belle as Tender Taps continued to sing.

Someday I'll wish upon a star

And wake up where the clouds are far behind me

More foals entered the stage in colorful costumes, as Sweetie Belle continued the song.

Where troubles melt like lemon drops away above the chimney tops

That's where you'll find me

Sweetie Belle and Tender Taps began singing together.

Somewhere over the rainbow, bluebirds fly

Birds fly over the rainbow, why then oh why can't I?

All the foals began singing together.

Somewhere over the rainbow, bluebirds fly

Birds fly over the rainbow, why then oh why can't I?

As the chorus stopped, Sweetie Belle sang the final lines of the song.

If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow


The ponies in the audience applauded loudly.

After the play, The families of the foals congratulate them on their performants.

"That was great Sweetie Belle." AppleBloom said

Then Sweetie said "Ah I guess."

"Your guess!?" Scootaloo said "You were the star of the show! I can't believe you didn't get your cutie mark!"

Then Sweetie said "Huh I'm glad I didn't."

"What!?" Both Applebloom and Sweetie Belle shouted in amazement.

"I thought the whole point was to get our cutie marks in acting!" Said Apple Bloom.

"Well don't get me wrong this was fun." Said Sweetie Belle. "But this whole experience had made me realize don't want to spin the rest of my life singing and dancing."

"Well what do you want to do?" Asked AppleBloom

"For now." Said Sweetie Belle "I just want to look for my cutie mark with you guys."

"Cutie Mark Crusaders GO!" A three shouted as the high hoof each other.

At the fare corner Rarity was watching her sister and her friends laughing.

"Well that was a wonderful performance." Said TrenderHoof approaching Rarity.

"Huh yes I suppose it was." Said the white unicorn

"So why don't you look happy?" Asked Trender

"It's just I was certain that Sweetie will get her mark tonight." Said Rarity "She just a wonderful singer I don't under stand it."

"Well." Said Trender. "There's a lot more to cutie mark the just destiny. Maybe Sweetie Belle wants something then just singing and dancing."

Then Rarity said "Well I'm just wonder that thing could possible be."

Rarity was so busy talking to Trenderhoof she didn't notice that her sister and her friends were practically glowing.