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Alicorn party

Alicorn Party

It was night at Canterlot Castle. King Sleipmir was slumbering soundly in a bed of velvet, along with his Queen Faust, dreaming of the day they first met. All of a sudden his dreams were interrupted by a familiar Alicorn..

Luna Said "Um.. Father.."

Sleipmir turned from his future bride to his daughter and said "Luna? What have I told you about visiting my dreams..

Luna glanced backwards nervously.

Then Luna said "My apologies father.. But there's something you should know."

Sleipmir turned back to the mare of his life.

Sleipmir and said "Whatever it is.. I'm sure it can wait till tomorrow.. Now if you'll excuse me.."

All of a sudden Sleipmir was awoken from his slumber by a loud noise. The king of the Alicorns attempted to get himself to his hooves as his wife continued to sleep soundly.

As the noise continued he soon began to realize that the noise was music.. Very loud music!

As his daughters Luna and Celestia suddenly entered the room, a look of realization suddenly crossed Sleipmir's face.

Sleipmir said "Is that what I think it is?"

Celestia nodded as Luna spoke up. "That's what I was trying to tell you about father."

Sleipmir groaned as he rushed over to the balcony. Out in the courtyard, bright colors lit up the night sky as millions of earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns alike danced in the gardens below. At the center of it all on a large stage stood a Alicorn Sleipmir knew all to well.

Liamire the party alicorn sang "I like to move it, Move it! She likes to move it, Move it! He likes to move it, Move it! Ya like ta?

Ponies shouted. "Move it!"

Sleipmir put his hoof to his head as he watched his nephew dive into the crowd.

Liamire sang "All mares all over the world! Original Prince Liamire in castle ya'll! DJPon3! Make them move their bodies! I like to see them move their bodies! Crank up the beat!"

All of sudden the music stopped, as the headlights shone to the balcony above.

Sleipmir shouted " Liamire!"

Liamire said " Ah, Uncle! Welcome to the Party!"

Sleipmir groaned " Liamire! This is the eighteenth party you've throw this month!"

Liamire said " Actually, it is the nineteenth Uncle.. We are about to go for twenty!"

Sleipmir glared down in disbelief " What are you even celebrating?"

Liamire said " Uncle.. You do not need a reason to Party! This is Canterlot! We can party any time we want!

The ponies cheered as the music picked up again " WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

Sleipmir slammed down his hoof and shouted "Silence!"

The music instantly stopped as the ponies froze in place.

Liamire shook his head with a smile " Uncle, I am just doing my job! After all, I am Alicorn Pony of Parties!"

Sleipmir said " That may be true, but even Alicorns have their limits! And you need to learn!"

Liamire tapped his muzzle in thought "Very well! And I shall learn them.. Right after this party is done!"

The music quickly cranked upward as the ponies in the courtyard continued to dance. Sleipmir's face was quickly turning bright red.

A bright flash of thunder sounded over Canterlot Mountain, as a single figure seemed to fly out of the castle high above and down to the ground below.

Liamire aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGHH!

Prince Liamire fell to the ground face first. He quickly picked himself up and looked back towards Canterlot.

Liamire then said "Okay.. I'll just be heading to Tambelon now.. See you soon!

The Party Alicorn trudged down a dirt road, making his was to Tambelon just as the sun began to rise..

Birds tweeted happily over the Kingdom of Tambelon. Everypony in the city seemed to be hustling and bustling, hanging streamers and balloons from light posts. Up at Tambelon castle, guards attempted to hold off reporters trying to enter the palace gate. Up in one of the highest towers, Twilight Sparkle was listening into her faithful butler as read off a long to do list..

Spik n Span said "Alright Twilight.. First we will be having the royal parade in your honor..

Twilight then said "Spik n Span.."

Spik n Span then said "Then you will be meeting with guest from Absymia to Saddle Arabia.."

Twilight then said "Spik n Span."

Spik n Span "Then we will begin the semi formal, pre dinner dinner party.."

Twilight "Spik n Span!"

The stallion looked over towards the call. Princess Twilight Sparkle was standing in front of mirror in a frilly purple dress. Her good friend Rarity was attempting to sow on the final details to her ensemble.

Spik n Span "Yes Princess.."

Twilight gave a large sigh "Couldn't we just have a simple party with just my friends and not everypony in Equestria!"

Spik n Span shook his head "Princess Twilight.. Everypony went to a lot of trouble to put together this celebration for you.. Think of how selfish it would be to set aside all of there hard work."

Twilight sighed "I suppose your right.."

Rarity looked at the sad expression on Twilight's face as Spik n Span continued to read from the list. As she exited the room she met with a familiar group of ponies.

Applejack "Well?" said the earth pony.

Rarity "You were right.. She's miserable."

Rainbow Dash "Told ya."

Fluttershy "What are we going to do?"

Applejack sighed "As usual, there's only one pony for this kind of situation.. Pinkie!"

The familiar Pink Pony appeared from nowhere in between her friends. "You Rang!"

Applejack "Pinkie Pie, we all know that today is Twilights Birthday. And we know, as usual, her parents and everyone else in the kingdom has gone overboard!"

Pinkie Pie nodded thoroughly "Mmhm, Mmhm, Mmhm, Mmhm!"

Pinkie Pie placed a hoof around Applejack's shoulder "Applejack, Applejack, Applejack, Applejack! You just sit yourself there and leave everything to your Auntie Pinkie Pie!"

Applejack rolled her eyes "I'm a year older than ya'll.."

The whole hallway suddenly went dark. A bright light suddenly shone down as Pinkie Pie presented an elaborate chalkboard to her friends.

Pinkie "All right girl's here's the plan.. Spike will keep Spik n Span busy while Rarity sneaks Twilight out of the castle.."

Spike appeared beside Pinkie Pie "Roger!"

Pinkie continued "Meanwhile.. Apple Jack and I will prepare a party of our own at an undistinguished location.."

Apple Jack: Already got on planned out!

Pinkie "Rainbow! Fluttershy! You two ponies will get the party supplies we need! Here's the List!"

Rainbow saluted "On it!"

Pinkie "If all goes according to plan, we should have a small party with only Twilight's closest friend and nopony will be the wiser."

The six friends put there hooves and claw into the center..

Pinkie "Ready.. Break!"

Meanwhile, out in the streets of Tambelon, Flash Sentry was conversing with his friends about a problem all his own.

Flash "I'm telling you guys.. I just don't know what to get her! I mean what do you get for somepony who has everything!"

TrenderHoof smiled to himself "Well.. If it was me.. I would get her something valuable and expensive!"

ThunderLane scowled at him "And how is he.. Or any of us for that matter.. Supposed to afford that?"

The unicorn smiled pulling out a map and TrenderHoof "Well.. It just so happens I know a mare in Manehatten who just happens too..."

His bulky friend interrupted him.

TroubleShoes "No! No scams!"

TrenderHoof smiled sheepishly and stuffed the map back into his shirt.

TrenderHoof "Sorry.. Old habits.."

Flash rolled his eyes "Well at least you guys are more help than Soarin and Cheese.. Where are they anyway?"

Cheese "Flashy Boy!"

A familiar orange pony appeared out of nowhere and landed atop of his pegasus friend.

Cheese "Have we got news for you!"

Flash eyed his friend suspiciously "New? What kind of news?"

Soarin confidently floated down beside Cheese.

Soarin "It just so happens that your two best buds in the whole world did you a huge solid. We invited the Princess of Tambelon to celebrate her birthday at our place!"

Flash leapt to his hooves in horror.

Flash "You did what!?"

Cheese put a hoof to Flash's muzzle..

Cheese "Shhh.. It's a secret.. Don't tell anypony.. not even me.."

The pegasus flung his friends hoof from his mouth and hissed under his breath..

Flash "Are you guys kidding me.. We live in a hovel on top of a roof.. And you invited somepony who lives in a castle to celebrate there..?!"

Cheese smiled "Yessss!"

Flash face hoofed himself "Look.. "Princess" Twilight is royalty.. What do you think she will think of our little dump of a home..?!"

Cheese thought "Well, she'll probably say something like, Oh what a lovely little hole in the wall!"

A vein began to throb in Flash Sentry's forehead. Taking note of this, ThunderLane decided to step in.

ThunderLane "Putting Flash's feelings aside, isn't the Princess supposed to be attending a celebration in front of all of Tambelon?"

The confident pegasus brushed this off.

Soarin "Don't worry buddy.. Applejack says that Pinkie Pie has a whole plan to get her out of the palace!"

A cold look crossed ThunderLane's face.

ThunderLane "And your telling this to a member of the castle guard why?"

Soaring placed a hoof around ThunderLane's shoulder "Why? Why because if you did anything to try to stop it, you'd be disappointing Princess Twilight! Or worse, Fluttershy!"

ThunderLane groaned "Alright, but make sure it's a small party.."

Cheese "Don't worry! I only invited you, Flash, Soarin, TrenderHoof, TroubleShoes, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Spike, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Granny Smith, Big Mac, and a couple other ponies that you didn't even know you were friends with!"

ThunderLane "In what world is that a small party?!"

Cheese "I was just following this guys advice!"

The stallions turned to something that made there eyes pop. Down the streets trotted an all to familiar pony. Music seemed to play as he did so, and buildings seemed to dance as he did so..

Liamire "Hello regular ponies! It is I, Liamire! Equestria's Number One Party Alicorn!"

Flash then said "Hold that thought your parntyness."

He then turn to Cheese and said with and annoyed voice. "Where did you find this guy!?"

Then Cheese said "Oh Sleipmir kicked him out of Canterlot to tech him self control and "party less" Can you believe it how would want to party less?!"

Then Liamire said "When I came to this lovely Kingdome I heard that there was a party and you can't have one with the alicorn of parties."

Soarin then said "But we had parties with you all the time."

Then Liamire replied "Oh well I had another parties to attend to."

Then Flash said "Excuse me your majesty I need to talk to my friends."

The stallions huddle up and Flash looked an Cheese angrily. "Why the heck did you bring this guy here!?"

Then Cheese said "Well duh...Party alicorn. Pulse this could be your big chance to impress Twilight."

Flash saddlery blushes and said "Oh well when you put it that way."

Then Thunderlane said "Are sure about this I've hear his parties can be quit loud and troublesome."

Then TrenderHoof said "Oh let him help less work for us to do."

Thunder then sigh and said "Oh very well Cheese, TroubleShoes you help his majesty with the party along with AJ and Pinkie. While me TrendHoof Soarin and I help Flash find a gift for Twilight."

Then Soarin said "I'm just wondering how the how would the girls say."

Meanwhile back at Flash Soarin and Cheese's home.

AJ and Pinkie Pie then enter then place and then the apple pony said "Whoee! I can believe the boys live in a place like this."

Then the pinkie pony said "Why what's wrong?"

Then CMC enter while pulling a wagon of party supplies and their leader Applebloom said "Oh Applejack! We got those things you wanted us to get!"

Then Applejack said "Good job sugar cub."

Then Sweetie Belle said "EW! This is where Flash Soarin and Cheese live in?"

Then Cheese popped in the room from nowhere and said "Why what's wrong with it?" With Troubleshoes entering as well.

Then Applejack clovers Sweetie's mouth before she can say any thing else and then said "Nothing wrong it's just that well...We're not sure that is gonna big enough for the party were gonna throw."

Then the party alicorn said "Not big enough!? Ha! It's plenty big! Sure it's a little cramped and wall are little close but it just it better to bring down the roof."

Then AJ asked TroubleShoes. "Who is this pony?"

The Troubleshoes said "That Liamire the party alicorn."

Then Pinkie gasp and said "The Liamire! Ah this a dream came true! Oh when I was a little filly!"

Then Applejack plugged Pinkie mouth and said "No time for a song Pinkie."

Then Liamire said "Nonsenses! There's always time for a song!"

Then Liamire's horn light up and then saddlery the CMC are playing instrument that they never knew how to play.

Then after the song the ponies (minus Pinkie and Cheese who were applauding) where standing there dumbfounded.

TroubleShoes said "Why do I get the felling at this going to end badly."

Then AJ said "That because it is."

Meanwhile back at the market place we see Flash Soarin, TrenderHoof and Thunderlane where looking for a gift for Twilight.

Flash grown in frustration and said "This so hard how do you buy something for a mare who has everything!"

Then a mysterious peddler pony approaches them and said "Ah so the young stallion is looking for a gift for his pretty princess no?"

Then Flash said "Ummm how did you?"

Then the peddler said "husss...Come to my shop."

Then suddenly the stallions see him at his stand and then he said "Welcome to stand young stallion a place mystery and enchantment, and the faintest sales in all the land come on down!" After said that lights snig, and a velvet carpet appear.

Then Flash notice there something faller about the old pony and then he said "Discord is that you?"

The peddler said "Oh Discord! I've heard of him his quit handsome and brilliant!" Then a halo appeared over his head, But then he swipes it's away.

Then TrenderHoof said "Well then "not Discord" What exactly do you have to sale?"

The not Discord said "Well I'm glade you asked." He then pulled out a serious unknow item. "Behold it slice it dices and it's makes farcie fires in under ten minutes. But best of all it'll never break, It'll never..." But then the item broke and then he said "It broke." But then he showed the boys something else a small white box and then he said "Behold the ancient winds of saddlearabia!" He then open it a little and said "It's still good."

Then stallions just look at him unused.

Then the peddler just said "Oh you're no fun." Then peddler just transformed in to Discord himself.

Flash said "What are you up to this time Discord?"

The Discord said "Well if you must know one of my good friends is having problems finding a gift for his special some pony!"

Then Flash said "Not that's any of your business but what makes you think I had thing Twilight?"

Then discord pulls out an Equestria girls DVD and said "I watch the entire Equestria girls series."

Flash then gave him a confused look.

But the Discord said "But not important, the point is I've got the perfect gift for you win Princess Twilight Sparkle." He then snaps his claws and a box appears in Flash's hooves.

Then the young stallion said while trying to open it. "What is it?"

Then Discord said "Don't open it!"

Then Thunderlane said "Why is this another one of you tricks Discord?"

Then Discord said "Oh not it just not the right time."

Trenderhoof said "And what is the right time."

Then Discord said "Trust me you'll know, when the right time is."

Meanwhile back the castle in Twilight's room.

Spic n Span greets the King and Queen as they enter, "Behold princess Twilight Sparkle."

He gestures towards Twilight at the center of the room. She wears a beautiful purple ballgown which she clearly is not pleased with.

Tears begin to form in King Nightlight's eyes, "Oh Twilight, you look absolutely beautiful."

Queen Velvet gives a simple smile and places a hoof on her daughter's shoulder, "I know this isn't exactly what you wanted for your birthday today, but your father and I appreciate what you're doing for us today."

Twilight gives off a small sad smile.

"So how's the birthday pony doing today?" A sudden voice cries out.

Twilight watches as her give brother enters to room with his classic BBBFF banter, "Considering the fact that I'm about to throw a party for the entire Kingdom, I've done better."

"Oh really," said Shining Armor approaching his sister. The stallion turns and watches as the King and Queen leave the room, discussing the schedule with Spik n Span. "Well, what if I could tell you it's about to get a whole lot better."

Then Twilight heard a tapping sound of from the window and then she turn and see that Spike and Rarity were out there. Then she open the window and said "Spike, Rarity what are you two doing?"

Then Rarity said "Well Twilight remember when we were fillies we made that swatch-a-roo?"

Then Twilight said "Yes."

Later Rarity magical levitated a dummy look a like of Twilight.

Then Spike said "Are you sure this will fool them?"

Then Shining Armor said "They will with me around."

Then Twilight hugs him and said "Thanks Shining." She then join Rarity and Spike down a window washing scaffold.

Then Spike begins lowing them down with the pulley while Rarity explains the plan. "Okay here's the plan darling we are going to celebrate your birthday at Flash's place."

Then Twilight said "Well that's Rarity but how are we going get pass the guards"

Then Rarity said "Leave that us to us darling." Then the white coated unicorn zapped up a flare.

Not to fare in a cupule of clouds we see Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy and then they saw the flare and then RD said "That it single let's go Fluttershy!"

Then the two pegasus flies to gets some clouds and used them to make a fog and it was so thick that it descanted the guards.

Then one of the guards said "Yeah what's going on? There was fog schedule for today?!"

The the other said "How should know I'm a unicorn!"

While the guards were distracted Twilight Rarity and spike snuck out of the castle with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.

Meanwhile at Flash's place.

Then Applejack said "Umm...Liamire I know you're trying to help but does this really count as a small party?"

Then we see a ball pit a stag for DJ Pon-3 and a disco ball.

Then Prince Liamire said "Well of course it is. This smallest magic karaoke machine I could find." Then he shouted to DJ Pon-3 "DJ Pon-3 knack up the beats!"

Then as she plays the music and then it was getting loud but then one of the near by ponies said "What is nose!?"

Meanwhile where on Twilight and the other were way to Flash's place then suddenly they see a brilliant light filled the night sky.

Then Twilight said "What in Equestria was that?!"

Back at Flash's place the music was getting louder. Limier Pinkie, and Cheese were dancing.

But while that Applejack Troubleshoes, and CMC were covering they're ears.

Then Applejack shouted "Umm...Lemire do you think you can turn the music down!?"

Then the party alicorn "Can't hear you!"

Then Applebloom shouted "She said Can you keep it down!"

Then alicorn shouted "Still can't you!"

Then Troubleshoes shouted "She said Can you keep it down!"

Then Someponies came in to the and one of them said "Yeah we're for the open house party!"

Then Applejack said to them "What you are you ponies and there's!?"

Then one of the frat ponies say "Dude we say the flayer!"

Then Applejack said "Flyers?! we don't put any!" Then a look of realized is on her face and then shouted. "Liamire!"

Then the party alicorn said "What you can't have party with with a few more ponies!"

Then Pinkie said "But Twilight wanted a small party."

Then he said "Small party, big party what's the different."

Then Cheese said "But this party is for Twilight."

Then Liamire said "Oh Cheese, Pinkie don't tell me my two favor party ponies have lost the edge."

Then they both said "Well no but.."

"Then Dance!" Liamire proclaimed, "Dance like there's no tomorrow!"

All of a sudden both Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich began to dance uncontrollably.

"Pinkie Pie," Applejack cried, "this is no time for dancin'!"

"It-t-t-t-t's not me-e-e-e-e!" Pinkie proclaimed, "I Ca-a-a-an't Sto-o-o-o-o-op!"

"I can't believe I'm saying this," Cheese cried, "But I think we're partying to much!"

Meanwhile with Flash Trenderhoof Soarin and Thunderlane were walking down the street to the party with discord's gift in hoof.

Then Soarin said "I don't guys what if this is another one of his tricks."

Thunderlane said "Well if it is I'm sure Sleipmir will probably give him a proper punishment."

TrenderHoof said "Well on bright Twilight will get a gift after all."

Flash said "Personally I just hoping that Twilight is enjoying her small party."

Then a loud boom felled the air and then Flash's jaw dropped as he turn a corner when he saw that his little hovel. A top of his roof top home dance over hundred wild and crazy ponies. Coloaded lights and music felled the air, then crowed was so large it felled the area.

Then Flash said "What in Equestria!?"

Flash and the boys attempted and struggled though swim the crowed.

Flash said "Excuse me, pardon me, excuse me!"

They then made to top as they fight to work up the stairs the pass by Applejack

Flash said to her "Who are all this ponies!?"

Applejack then said "Why don't ya'll asked him!" She pointed up the stairs.

"Applejack help!" Ponies watch as Applebloom drowning in a sea of ponies.

"I'm coming sis!" AJ shouted and then swam after her in crowed.

Then stallions finally made to the top and see that Cheese and Pinkie doing a tango.

Then Soarin said "Seriously I thought this was going to be a small party!?"

Then Flash said "Yeah what think when she sees this!?"

"What in the world!?" Then they turn to Twilight with Spike Rarity Rainbow and Fluttershy next to her.

Then Flash said "Of course."

Then Rainbow Dash when to Soarin with an angry look. "We thought told you this was going to be a small!"

Then Soarin said "Don't blame me blame them!" He pointed to Cheese and Pinkie who were still dancing.

Then the two party pony planners said "It wasn't us it was him!"

Then on a big stage where DJ Pon-3 work the turn table stood Limier who shouted to the crowed. "That right everypony shake what your moma gave you!"

Then Twilight said "Limier! What is he doing here!"

Then Pinkie said "Kicked out of Canterlot for throwing too many party!"

Then Cheese said "So we invited him here to help with are party!"

Then Pinkie said "In retrospect that was probably was a bad idea!"

Flash turn to Twilight desperately pleated to her "Oh Twilight so sorry! I didn't want any of this to happened I just wanted to give you the perfect party with perfect gift!"

Then Twilight said "Well actually I'm a little more concern about the loud music! how many ponies can hear this thing?!"

Meanwhile at Tambelon castle the king queen, Shining Armor and "Princess Twilight". Stood in front of a crowed of regal ponies in the ball room.

Then Spik n span stood to preset the royals. "Ladies and gentlecolts it is my great privilege's to introduced to you!"

All of a sudden loud interrupt him and then he was suddenly furious and ran to the balcony and cried out to the streets below. "Would you keep it down! there is a ceremony going on in..." He then creams "AAAAAAAGGGHHHHH!"

A sudden tidal wave of ponies crash down on the balcony and fell the ball room. The gust panic as the wild party ponies swam around them.

Then king queen, Shining and "Twilight" try to desperately to navigate though the sea of ponies. Meanwhile Spik n span noctes a drowning "Twilight" as he reach her, her head suddenly pooped off her shoulders and fell in to the crowed.

"Twilight Sparkle!" Spik N Span screamed. "NNNNNOOOOOO!"

Then he took another look and said "Wait a minute...how?" He then turn to Shining Armor and said "Shining Armor!"

Then king and queen looked at there son with annoyance. shining Armor simple blushed and said "Um...you mean that's not Twilight?"

Twilight Velvet said "Shining Armor where is your sister?"

Back at the hovel the party spared across half of Tambelon, up on the roof Rarity and Sweetie Belle try to stay a float a top of a table.

Rainbow Fluttershy and Scootaloo were trapped in a conga lead by Pinkie and Cheese.

TrenderHoof and Troubleshoes try to stay a float on a life boat. They threw a life preserver out to spike and lore him to their direction.

"That it!" Pinkie cried "Liamire this party must stop at once!"

Then Liamire then said "Stop? Sorry but I can't!"

Then the ponies and spike shouted. "What?!"

Then the party alicorn said "I'm the party alicorn I only know how to start parties not stop them!"

Then Cheese shouted "Why did you started a party this big and don't know how to stop it!?"

Then Liamire said "Well you wanted party for an alicorn princess this is they way to do it!"

Then Pinkie shouted "But Twilight wanted a small party with her closet friends not a crowed of crazy dancing ponies!"

Then Lemire said "But I'm the alicorn parties I can't do any small!"

Then both of the shouted "This party ain't about you!"

Then Limier eyes popped out of his head and said "What, it's not?"

Then Cheese said "Of course not! It was never about you it was always about Twilight!"

Then Limier said "But everypony is having such a good time."

Then they both shouted "Does she look like she having a good time!" they pointed up to the disco ball where Twilight and Flash where desperately clinging for dear life.

Then Limier saw the she wasn't having fun and then said "Oh she looks sad."

Then Cheese and Pinkie shouted "You Think!?"

Then Flash said to Twilight "Twi I'm sorry I should have never let cheese invite that guy!"

Then Twilight said "Well at least It's can't get any worst."

"Twilight Sparkle!" Then two looked down and saw Spik n span with king and queen with him while shining Armor looked down at the ground sheepishly.

"What In Equestria is the meaning of this!?"

Then Flash turn to Twilight again. "Well Twilight I guess this is a good as time as any to give you this."

Then Flash held out the mysterious package and gave it to Twilight and then he said "Happy birthday Twilight."

Then Twilight smiled and said "Flash that's so sweet of you." She use magic to untie the ribbon and open the box the a voice shouted.

"Okay kids what's a box? Is it Sleipmir? Is Celestia? Is it that little cutie from the Equestria girls series? No It's me!"

Cried Discord as he magically appeared and then he pulled and giant vacuumed cleaner and said "And the party is over!"

He then slowly began to vacuum up the crowed of dancing ponies much to the amazement of mane six spike, stallions six, CMC, and the royals. He then contained to vacuum up and down the streets of the Kingdome and his vacuum growing larger and larger as he did so. When it finally looked as if the bag couldn't grow any bigger, Discord took note of a small red tag at the back of the vacuum.

"Should I pull it?" Discord asked coyly. "Yes I should!"

All of a sudden the vacuum exploded releasing dazed and confused ponies across the streets of Tambelon.

"Dude," one the frat ponies cried out picking himself up, "What just happened?"

"Who cares," the other frat pony proclaimed, "Let's go home.."

One by one the ponies on the streets began to scatter heading back to their houses. Back at the hovel Twilight Sparkle with her friends and family looked upon the destruction that Lemire's party had caused to Tambelon.

The party alicorn said "Well it could've been a lot worst."

Then all of sudden the stallions hovel collapses behind them fallowed by numerous another surrounding buildings. Spik n span hold his face in horror as half of Tambelon began to collapse around them.

As the dust saddled the king and queen turn to Twilight with serous glare.

Then Twilight said to her parents. "Mom, Dad I'm sorry..."

But then she was interrupted by Flash who said "Don't blame her your majesties we were the ones who cost the all trouble." He pointed at himself and the others.

Then RD said "Actually it was Limier." She pointed at the alicorn.

Then Applejack gave her a serous frown and then Rainbow said "Well we also might have snuck Twilight out of the castle."

Twilight said to the king and queen "The point is I'm sorry the party didn't when the way you wanted to."

Then Spik n Span said "Well should be your parents myself and many other ponies worked really hard on making party for all of Tambelon and you..."

"All of Tambelon." Limier interrupted. "But this was supposed to be her party."

Then Twilight said "His right this birthday party and all past ones was about the Kingdome not for me. Well this party may not gone exactly as I hoped my friends still put a lot of work in to making me happy in trying to give me of what I wanted for my birthday rather of what everyone else wants it to be."

The king and queen looked at each other and then queen Velvet said "Your right darling we are sorry."

Then Spik n Span said "Well that great but what about all this mess."

Then Discord appears behind him and said "Don't worry chef we can rebuild!" He then snaps his claws and then and hard wear hats were now on the stallions and spike's head. He then whispers to Spik n span. "I'm going to need background checks on these guys and don't one with the scales around the power tools."

Then Flash said "Well where are we going to leave now?"

Then Twilight said "Don't worry about it guy scene this was my party that destroyed your home your more then welcome to stay in mine."

Then Flash said "Yes...I mean thanks." He blush.

Spik n span said "Now hold on a second here!"

Then Shining Armor said "Relax Spik I'll keep and eye on them."

Then Lemire said "Um every one I'm sorry. I guess my party when a little over the top."

Then RD said "A little!?"

Then the party alicorn said "Okay okay, but the point is I've learn a lesson of value and I owe it all to my two favorite party ponies right here!" He was squeeze hug Cheese and Pinkie who smiles at this."

Then after he let them go he said "Well now that's over I guess I should leave seeing how that I'm not welcome here or at Canterlot."

Then Discord appeared in front of him and said "Actually I just got a message for you." He then pulled out a scroll and read it out loud. "Your uncle Sleipmir heard you're learn your lesson and now he welcomes you back to Canterlot." The party alicorn then clapped his hooves in joy.

But then Discord reads the next part. "But the next time you throw a party the hardy you'll be the one spanning a thousand years in a lamp."

The party alicorn then filched at that.

The next were carrying suite casts to Tambelon castle.

Then Soarin said "Well Flash you got your wish we are living in a castle."

Then Flash said "Yeah last night had it's bros and cons."

Then Cheese said "My friends new are leaving the good life now."

Then Thunderlane shows up and said "Good you can start by patrolling the west side of the castle."

The Shining Armor appeared behind them with armors and said "You guys didn't think you were staying here for free did you?"

Soarin then said after he got a helmet on his head "I should have know there was catch."

Then Thunderlane puts a wing on Flash with a smile said "Welcome to the royal guards."