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Bad dogs bad dogs, what's ya gonna do?

Bad Dogs bad Dogs what's ya gonna do?

We enter midnight castle as King Sombra braces about talking with Catrena.

"I don't like it." Said the evil king "I don't like it one bit."

What choice do we have." Said Catrina. "Your loyalist followers had betrayed you."

"They'll come back." Said Sombra "They always come back."

"They're not coming back." said the cat witch. "Look the point is we now need some one to go and get it and they're the only ones available."

Then Sombra growled and then shouted "Cujo get in here!"

The quavering diamond dog entered the throne room and said "Yes your mercilessness."

Then Sombra face hoof himself and said "Quit your sniffling I have a mission for you and only you and your dogs can do it!"

"You really mean it boss!?" Said Cujo with a smile.

"Of course I mean!" Said Sombra "It with my other minions occupied and Starlight and Sunset gone who else am I suppose to turn to?"

"Don't forget Trixie." Cujo stated.

"Right her too." Said Sombra rolling his eyes. "Anyway I need you and your thugs to retrieve a rare and valuable artifact. Catrina if you would?"

Then the magical cat rise her staff and a map of Equestria appeared in the throne room.

"The item in question is located at the snowy mountains near the base of the the Stom Kings place." said the cat witch.

A sudden look of fear came across Cujo's face and said "Uh...Boss don't the Storm King hates you and the guys working for you?"

Then the shadow king said "Your point being?"

"Well..."Said Cujo "Isn't it dangerous for me and my boys to go to his Kingdome unannounced?"

Then King Sombra gave him an evil glare. "The real question is what will happen to you if you don't go there!"

"But...I thought you said you needed me." Said Cujo.

"No necessarily in one piece." Growled Sombra.

"You make a compelling argument." Said Cujo he then turn to doors of the thorn room "If you need me I'll be at the storm kingdome getting that thing!"

He then called out for his minions "Rover Fido, Spot!" He search the castle and eventually he found them playing poker a game they had no idea playing.

"What on earth are you idiots doing!?" Cujo shouted

"Huu..." Fido spotted. "Gold fish..."

Cujo then face pawed himself and said "how are we the same species? Look you morons games Sombra got a job for us!"

"He does?" Spot stated "That unusual."

"Yes well." Cujo stated. "Scenes his "daughters" are no longer available it's up to us to the heavy lifting around here. A chance to prove ourselves."

Then Rover said "Can we do it after our games?"

Then in a act of fury Cujo smashed the table in two.

Deep beneath the mountains of Equestria four diamond dogs dogged their way to the storm king's castle.

"Cujo!" Rover spotted "Why couldn't we just fly to the storm kingdom?"

Then Cujo smacked him over the head. "You moron! Do you want everyone in the storm Kingdome to find us!?"

Then Rover said "Can we at least get a nap break?"

Then Cujo said "Are you joking me? The storm Kingdome is massive twice the size of Equestria and the storm castle is right in the smack of it! So we are digging until we get there. So dig!"

Many, many hours have pass finally the diamond dogs reach the surface.

"At last!" Cujo sprigged from the ground over joyed. "We made it to the storm Kingdome!"

"The Storm Kingdome!?" A voice cried out curiously. They looked up to see that they are surrounded by griffin.

"This is griffinstone you nitwits!" A cracky old griffin with a fizz shouted. "The storm Kingdome is thousands of miles that a way!"

Cujo smacked himself in the face again then he turn to the others. "Which one of you were in charge of directions!?"

Then Rover said "Humm I think I was you sir."

Cujo looked furious at himself and then clampy breath.

"That's it we are taking a blimp!"

The Dimond dogs are now riding a charter blimp with a number of ponies.

"That you for flying air Equestria." A stewardess pony came up to the diamond dogs. "We will have you in Yakyakistan in a few hours."

"Yakyakistan!" Cujo shouted "I thought this flight was going to the storm Kingdome!"

Then the stewardess smiled and said "Oh sorry sir. The storm Kingdome is out of our jurisdiction the closest we can get you is Yakyakistan."

"Grrrrrr." Growled Cujo sinking back into his set.

"Relax boss." Stated Rover putting him arm around Cujo's shoulder. "Just set back have some peanuts and enjoy the in flight movie."

"Now presenting." An announcer said "The happy singing flower pals!"

"WE are shush lovely flower! We will now sing for hours."

Cujo then shouted "Noooo!"

Hours later Cujo was still listening to the singing flower. When Spot notices something out the window.

"Huh boss there a gremlin outside of the blimp."

"Don't be ridiculous!" Growled Cujo "What would a gremlin be doing outside of a blimp?"

"Yo-Ho-Yo! Yo-Ho-Yo! Yo-Ho-Yo!"

"Oh no," whimpered Cujo recognizing the all to familiar tune.

"Ah ha!" Cried Don Grif'aun burst on to the blimp fallowed by his pirates. "Attentions passengers! We have come to take over this blimp!"

Then Cujo smacked himself on the face again. "Why didn't we think of that?"

Then The pirate Griffin spots Cujo and said "Dog what are you doing here are you on a mission for king Sombra?"

Then Cujo dratted his eyes back and forth across the blimp. "No, no we are not!"

"Yes we are don't you remember Sombra..." Fido stated while Cujo turn making silencing motion across his neck.

"Oh I love charades. Humm head...off with your head...Oh I got if we don't get that artifact from the storm Kingdome Sombra will cut off our heads!" Spot said

Cujo slaps himself in the face.

"Wait." Don Grif'aun stated "There's legendary artifact in the storm Kingdome and Sombra wants it?"

"Uhhhh...No." Said Spot sheepishly.

Later the diamond dogs are now riding an air life boat while Don Grif'aun and hos crew cheered aboard the shanghaied ship.

Then Cujo turn to Spot and said sarcastically. "Spot why did you tell the griffin about the thing we were looking for?"

Then Spot said nervously. "Ummm Maybe he didn't notices."

Then Cujo who was still being sarcastic. "Oh that's right he wouldn't notices that's smart thinking there spot."

The diamond dog leader then clunk him on the head and shouted "You blithering idiot!"

Then Fido said "Well at least thing can't get any worst right?"

All of a sudden it began to rain.

Then Cujo turn to the dig dog and said "You had to say it didn't you?"

Eventually the small blimp flouted down to a small cutch town in the middle of the desert.

Then Cujo said "Well this is just great were still miles away from the storm Kingdome and now we're stuck in the middle of nowhere!"

Then Rover said "Well maybe we still could get another ship to the storm Kingdome."

Then Cujo shouted "What do you think there's a giant blimp in the middle of town straight to the storm king's castle!?"

"Tickets!" A giant naked mole rat cried out. "Tickets to the storm king's castle for a missive blimp at then center of town get them while their hot!"

Cujo then glared at his minions behind him. "Not a world."

Then Cujo approach the mole rat with a suit and tie. "Excuse me my find sir we would very much like to purchase those ticket to the storm king's castle."

"Excellent!" Vergo stated "That will be 200 bits."

"What!?" Cujo shouted "I'll pay 50 bits for these tickets and nothing more!"

"300 bits!" Replied Vergo.

Then Cujo picked him up by his suit and said "How about this give me those tickets and I won't rip out you're eyes!"

"I have no eyes." Said Vergo rising his glasses. "500 bits!"

"Look buddy I work for King Sombra so you better hand over those ticket!"

"Well I work for the storm king. 1000 bits!"

"GRRrrr!" Cujo snarled his face truing red with anger.

"Umm...Boss." Rover chimed in. "Maybe we should find anther way to the storm Kingdome."

Rover Fido and spot dragged their leader away from the mole rat.

"Are you three nuts!? We need to get storm Kingdome before those pirates do!"

"It's a good thing that old rat was blind." Said Spot holding out the tickets.

Then Cujo dumbfounded. "You soled the tickets."

"We're bad guys." Fido said "It's what we do."

Then Cujo took the tickets and said "I'm actually impressed. Okay boys this time we're taking over that ship!"

Cujo and his goons found themselves in the brig. Rover Fido and Spot glared at their leader.

"Well how was a suppose to know that the ship was full of storm king soldiers!" Cujo clamed.

They then heard a loud bang from out side the blimp. Through the window the dogs see the sky pirates were attaking the storm king's castle.

"Those idiot pirates!" Cujo stated "Do they actually think that they could take on the storm king's army!?"

But then a light build appeared above Cujo's head "That's it those pirate will be our distraction while we got and get that artifact."

"Um boss." Said Rover. "We still need to get out of this cell."

All of a sudden a large cannon ball blast from there cell.

"While that was convenient." Said Cujo and then the dogs climb out and get to the life boats and sailed down to the castle.

The four diamond dogs craped with in the chambers of the castle while expositions were sounded out side.

"It's got to be around here some where."

"Um boss." Spot said while pointing into a large chamber.

At then center of the chamber stood a large statue of a gargoyle with a lions mane. He held on tightly to a massive key with the letters W and R on it.

"I think that's it." Said Spot.

"Excellent!" said Cujo approaching the statue. "Nothing can go wrong now!"

"Well, Well, Well!" A screeching voice shouted.

They turn to a tiny yeti with two massive yeti's behind him. "If it isn't some of Sombra's goons stealing our treasure!"

"Ummm..."Cujo stuttered. "you're mistaken we are not thieves we're..."

"Interior decorators!" Fido said

"Yes!" Smiled Cujo nervously "Interior decorator! We were just taking a look of this statue here! Tell me would it look better outside of the castle?"

Then frosted bitten yeti eyed them suspiciously. "Do you think I was born yeastier day!? That's the sacred statue of king Scorpan sultan of storm!"

"Try saying that five times fast." Said Cujo.

But then frost bit threw a spear at Cujo's rear.

That's when the diamond dog snapped his eyes turn bright red and he jumped off the statue "Grrrrrrrr RAAAAAA! That's is I've when way to city of bird cats, Force to suffer thought an in flight movie, had to get off the blimp annoying griffin pirate, bickered with old blind rat, locked in a cell and now you japed me in my rump! Now I'm mad!"

He then tackled frost bit phoning at the mouth.

"Oh ho." Said Rover "Here we go again."

Cujo then proceeded to attack the other two yetis ripping them to shreds.

"Hmm boss." Fido said while grapping the key from the statue. "We got the key you can stop now."

"Grrrrrr" Cujo growled variously at his minions.

"Or!" Rover stated covering Fido's mouth "You can continued."

Cujo proceed to attack the yetis while Rover Fido and spot watch in horror.

"That why he's our leader." Said Rover.

Later at midnight castle Sombra was enjoying a luxury meal.

"I may be banished here but I've made the most of it."

All of a sudden Catrina entered the room. "Umm King Sombra the diamond dogs had return from their mission."

"Return from their mission!" Said Sombra "That's unusual. Send them in."

Cujo with confident smile then entered the dining room his minions close behind them.

"Well boss we did it!" Cujo said

"Did what?" Sombra asked

"We got the artifact!" Rover started.

Sombra eyed them curiously "You actually mange to get the artifact?"

"Right here!" Said Fido pulling out the key.

Sombra's eyes open wide and then he levitate the key to him and said "You actually got the key!?"

Then Cujo said "Yes we did!"

Sombra stared at the diamond dogs and then finally stated. "Cujo you have done a good job."

"I couldn't have done it with out these guys." Cujo stated while pulling his minions close to him.

"Yes yes, now leave me." Sombra said shooing the diamond dogs away.

As the dogs left the room laughing Catrina approach the evil king from behind.

"One down." Sombra said smiling sinisterly. "Six to go."