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The Wonderbolts

The Wonderbolts

High above Tambelon a pegasus tosses down flyers which gently float down to the citizen below, and many ponies are trilled when they read them. One such pony, a blue pegasus with a rainbow mane snoozes soundly on the branch of a tree when suddenly a flyer falls directly on her face.

"Huh! What? Who? How?!" Rainbow Dash removed the peace of paper from her eyes and began to read it. As she reads a look of excitement slowly grows larger and larger across her face. "Soarin!" She cried leaping up into the air.

Rainbow Dash quickly soared through Tambelon in search for her friend.

Meanwhile Soarin stood on guard at the western point of the castle when he suddenly heard a familiar cry in the distance. "Soarin!" The voice grew louder, until suddenly Rainbow tackled Soarin to the ground. Pieces of armor fly everywhere as the pegasus pins her friend to the ground. "Soarin take a look at this!" RD held out the flyer in Soarin's face. It read..

Open audition for the Wonderbolts

one weekend only!"

"Can you believe it!?" cried Rainbow Dash as she picked up Soarin and hugged him tightly.

Soarin's eyes grew wide as while and then he shouted "Alright! Next stop Cloudsdale!"

The very next day Twilight, Spike, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Flash, Cheese, Thunderlane, TrenderHoof, and Troubleshoes along with the CMCs, Soarin and Rainbow Dash were riding a dirigible to Cloudsdale.

Then Scootaloo cried "I can't believe Rainbow Dash is about to become a Wonderbolt!"

"I know kid!" Said Rainbow hugging Scootaloo tightly, "It's a dream come true!"

"Know then let's not get a head of our selves," Said Rarity, Spike tending to her bags. "Technically she and Soarin are only auditing for the Wonderbolts Reserves."

"That right Sugar Cube," Applejack chimed in, brushing Applebloom's hair. "First they got to compete with all them other ponies trying to become Wonderbolts."

Rainbow sighed, "Thanks for bringing down the mood guys."

Then Twilight spoke up "Now Rainbow we all have faith in you we just don't want you and Soarin to get your hopes up to soon."

"That's right," Said Flash. "After all, almost every pegasus in Equestria is going to be trying out today."

"Yeah!" Said Soarin. "But none of those pegasi stand a chance agents this unstoppable team." Soarin and Rainbow then hoof bumped each other.

Scootaloo proclaimed, "That's one of the reasons I started the Rainbow Dash fan club!"

Soarin turned to the little filly. "Hey what about the Soarin fan club?"

Applebloom rubbed her chin for a moment and then said "I think ya'll are thinking of the Thunderlane fan club."

"What!" said Soarin as he turned and looked at a smirking Thunderlane.

"ThunderLane's little brother Rumble started that one." Sweetie Belle chimed in.

"Enough talk!" Said TroubleShoes at the wheel of the blimp. "We're almost there!"

The ponies turned to see Cloudsdale floating next to Mount Everhoof, Millions of pegasus flew to the cloudy summit no doubt trying out to become Wonderbolts.

Soarin and Rainbow Dash's eyes grew wide, until finally Soarin said "Wow that's a lot of pegasi!"

"Well you guys better get in line." TrenderHoof said to RD and Soarin. "Troubleshoes and I will park the dirigible."

"Oh TrenderHoof," said Rarity cozying up to the stallion, "That's so considerate of you!" Spike groaned at the sight of this.

"Wait a minute!" Said Flash. "How come you guys get to park the blimp!?"

"It our ship." Said TrenderHoof matter of franticly.

"I thought this was Don Grif'aun's ship." Said Cheese.

"Yes but we confiscated fairly and squarely." TrenderHoof then said.

Then Flash thought it over for a minute and then said "Well I guess you have a point. But didn't we all steal together."

"Uh!" Said TrenderHoof. "You guys live in a castle what more could you possible want?"

Flash rolled his eyes and said "Come on every pony lets go."

With a Flash of Twilight's horn the ponies were instantly transported to the Cloudsdale Coliseum.

Then RD said "Wait a minute! How are you guys walking on clouds!?" She looked over to the non-pegasus members of the group.

Applejack smiled "Twilight put a cloud walking spell on all of us."

Then Spike smiled confinity "Yeah, you'd be amazed what kind of spells Twilight can cooked up."

Flash Sentry looked at the princess amazed, "That awesome! your awesome!" Twilight Sparkle blushed at the compliment.

But then Soarin coughed in to his hoof. "Tone it down (cough) Bro!"

Flash just gave him a glare.

"Well anyway!" Said Rainbow. "Let's get in line for the...(Gasp)!" Rainbow turn to see a seemly endless maze of pegasi lined up to enter the coliseum.

"Who are all these ponies!?" She cried out in desperation.

"Isn't this great!" Said Pinkie Pie pulling all her friends close to her. "This line could go on forever and ever and ever and ever! We can have a great big campout right here in the middle of Cloudsdale! Singing songs, roasting marshmallows.."

Meanwhile back on the blimp TrenderHoof and TroubleShoes were looking for a parking place.

"Huh." Said Troubleshoes looking at the large number of ships parked on the clouds. "You know for city full of ponies that can literally fly, you would have think they wouldn't have a need for air ships up here."

Then Troubleshoes said, "Right now I'm wishing we could have joined Flash and the others."

"Oh relax." Said Trenderhoof. "I'm sure we'll find a park spot any minute now."

Back at the line Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich had set up a series of tent. The Crusaders, Applejack, and Rarity were roasting marshmallows at a roaring bonfire. As for Rainbow Dash and Soarin, they sat waiting impatiently for the line to get going.

"Well this this just great!" Said Rainbow. "How long have we been waiting in line anyway!?"

"5 hours 36 minutes" Twilight replied, Spike snoozing on her back as she read a book.

"Relax." Said Soarin putting a hoof across Rainbow Dash. "We waited our whole lives to become Wonderbolts we can wait a couple more hours."

Rainbow rolled her eyes as the line moved onwards at a exceedingly slow pace.

"There's our Rainbow!" a voice shouted out to the ponies.

Rainbow's eyes grew wide as saucers. "Oh no!"

They all turn to see a large stallion with a rainbow mane and light blue mare.

"Rainbow we here hoping you'd be here!" The large stallion proclaimed proudly.

Soarin looked puzzled and said "Uh, Rainbow who are these ponies?"

"My parents.." Rainbow groaned.

"What!?" Said Scootaloo in amazement. She zoomed right up to the two pegasi, "Mr. and Mrs. Rainbow Dash I'm your daughter's biggest fan!"

Bow Hothoof stared at the little filly, "Well that's impossible kid because we're Rainbow Dash's biggest fan!" He then open his jacket reveling a picture of Rainbow Dash on it.

A coy smile suddenly crossed Soarin's face "This is the happiest day in my entire life."

Rainbow Dash groaned.

"What brings you here?" Fluttershy asked Rd's parents.

"Well." Said Windy Whistle. "All of Cloudsdale are having open try outs today so of course we knew that our super star Rainbow Dash would be the first in line!"

"Mom not in front of my friends," groaned Rainbow.

"Oh by the way Fluttershy, we invited your family too." Said Windy.

A nervous look suddenly cross Fluttershy's face. "Oh you didn't invited my entire family did you?"

Then Windy said "Thankfully no."

Then Flash whispers over to Thunderlane "What does that mean?"

Then Thunderlane said "Let's just say Fluttershy's brother can be difficult."

Mr. and Mrs. Shy approached the group.

"Oh hello every pony." Mt. Shy replied quietly. "We brought cucumber sandwiches."

"Yeah! Now it's a cucumber party!" Pinkie Pie shouted.

As Cheese Sandwich music began to play Rainbow Dash slumped down to the ground, "Can this line get any slower?"

Back at the blimp, Trenderhoof was quickly becoming irritated. "We circled around this entire cloud formation seven times! How is possible we haven found a parking space!"

"Wait." Said Troubleshoes in a claiming voice. "There's an open space over there."

All of a sudden a whooshing sound filled the air, as a magical blue police box appeared in the spot. A brown stallion with a tie and a hour glass cutie mark exited the box.

"You see I told you I could get us to Cloudsdale on time," The Doctor said.

"With only a small detour to medieval Equestria," Giggled a grey derpy eyes pony following behind.

TroubleShoes and TrenderHoof looked dumbfounded .

"Forty-nine barrels of Oats on the wall! Forty-nine barrels of Oats!"

Pinkie pie strummed away on a guitar, while cheese played a tambourine. The Crusaders, Apple Jack, Rarity, and Spike moved to the beat, while Fluttershy's parents passed out sandwiches.

Rainbow Dash groaned, caught between her parents and a snoozing Soarin.

"So Rainbow," said Bow Hothoof placing a hoof around his daughter, "Are you going to introduce us to your boyfriend?"

"WHAAAAAAAAT!" Rainbow shouted leaping up into the air.

"Rainbow." Twilight nudged RD from behind.

"Huh! What Are we there yet!?" Rainbow said

"Actually Yes!" Twilight proclaimed as she showed her the entice to the stadium.

A huge smile crept across Rainbow's face. She then shouted Soarin's ear. "Soarin we here!"

Soarin woke up and shouted. "WA! I'm awake I'm awake, I'm awake!"

The two pegasus rushed inside of the stadium where they saw numerous pegasus soaring through hoops racing down tracks and bumping weights.

"So," an orange pegasus with a flaming mane wearing sun glasses and a uniform appeared behind them, "You two think you got what it takes to be Wonderbolts?"

Rainbow Dash's eyes lit up. "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my Gosh!"

Then Soarin said "Your Spitfire! Yes we absolutely think we have what it takes to become Wonderbolts!"

"Wrong!" Spitfire shouted at the both of them. "If you had what it takes to become a Wonderbolt you two would already be ones!"

"Yeeee.." Soarin chattered hiding behind Rainbow Dash.

Then Rainbow Dash said "Just give us a chance ma'am we possible can to prove our selves."

"Oh you will," Said Spitfire darkly, "You will."

Up in the stands Twilight and the others watched nervously as Rainbow Dash and Soarin struggled to keep up with their training.

"Move those hooves soldiers keep it in line! Keep it in line! Keep it in line!" Shouted Spitfire.

Soarin struggled desperately to keep up with Spitfire instructions.

"They really seem to be struggling," whimpered Fluttershy as she watched Soarin trip.

"Don't worry," Scootaloo chimed in, "Rainbow Dash has got this, and Soarin too!"

"Where is Rainbow Dash anyhow?" asked Applejack.

"Take a look," said Flash pointing upwards.

High up above the stadium, Rainbow Dash flew thought a series of cloud rings confidently.

"Alright Rainbow Dash, Woohoo!" shouted Spike waving a flag.

"Impressive moves cadet" Spitfire looked up at Rainbow Dash with a smile. "Let's see how you do when we kick things up a notch!"

Spitfire clopped her hoof on the ground. All of a sudden the rings of clouds began to grow darker. Soon sparks of electricity could be seen flying in between them.

Rainbow suddenly became quite nervous. Biting her lip she began to soar in between the rings, being exceptionally careful not to touch the edges of them.

A cocky smile crossed Spitfire's face, "Very impressive.. Let's try kicking it up another notch."

Spitfire clopped her hooves on the ground again, causing the rings to begin rotating back and forth.

Rainbow Dash had to be exceptionally careful to make it into each ring. She swooped back and forth through the air, barely making it into each one. Just when it looked like she was about to make it into the final one..

"Zzzaaaaaapp! crackle crackle"

A bolt of lighting struck Rainbow Dash right in the wings. She floated in place for a moment, stunned, and then began to spiral down towards stadium below.

Twilight and the other ponies watched in suspense as their friend crashed down directly in front of Spitfire.

"Uhhhhhhhgh.." Rainbow Dash groaned lying in a pile on the clouds

"Nice one honey!" Windy Whistle proclaimed Happily!

"Nopony makes a crash landing like you do sweetheart!" Bow Hothoof proclaimed!

"Where is Trenderhoof," Rarity huffed to the others, "He should be here supporting Rainbow Dash and Soarin."

Back at the air ship TrenderHoof eye was beginning to twitch.

"Uh buddy." Troubleshoes asked "Maybe you should take a break for a while."

"No!" Said TrenderHoof at his wits end. "That space is out there! It's crafty, it's cleaver but it's out there I can sense it!"

"Huh yeah." TroubleShoes said "You should definitely take a break snice this place had clearly broken you."

"There it is!" Said TrenderHoof.

It was the perfect little cloud formation floating in the middle of the sky the sun almost seem to be shining upon it.

"At long last!" said TrenderHoof with a turn a wheel he set a course for the cloud formation. Just when he was about to reach it, another blimp then slams down upon it directly from above.

TrenderHoof jaw dropped "They took it.. They knew we were heading for it! And they took it!"

"Oh ho ho! What have we here!?" An arrogant and cocky voice cried out.

TrenderHoof looked forward and saw an all to familiar face.

"If it isn't my old friends!" Don Grif'aun said "TrenderHoof and TroubleShoes What do you think of my new ship? I got this when my last one was wrongfully stolen!" Don Grif'aun looked down at the two ponies below him. "Oh was this your spot?" He proclaimed as he glossed his claws across the edge of the ship. "Oh, I am so sorry. I guess you can say I stole something of value from you. Why don't you come back in a few hours and maybe we'll give it back to you..

Or we just might stay here forever!" Don Grif'aun cackled.

TrenderHoof's eye was definitely twitching now. "Troubleshoes loud the cannons."

"Huh." Trouble shoes replied "I don't think that's a good I..."

TrenderHoof then glared at him "Load the cannon!"

Troubleshoes stuttered, "But we don't even know why he's here?"

Then the pirate captain said "Oh I can tell you why I'm here.. I just like to mess with you two! Bwahahahahaha!"

Troubleshoes watched the griffin captain laugh for a few minutes and then said "Yeah let's load the cannons."

Back at the stadium both Rainbow Dash and Soarin were looking rather exhausted. They stood along side other pegasus ponies who were equally tried out.

Spitfire viewed the entire line of pegasi, with here sun glasses on it was hard to tell if she was pleased or disappointed.

Twilight and the other watch nervously from the stands. Pinkie Pie's teeth where chattering. Scootaloo looked like she was about to cry.

"Well everypony!" Spitfire finally spoke up. "You've all work hard today. But I'm afraid my decision if final. The ones joining the Wonderbolts Reserves will be..."

All of a sudden a loud explosion filled the air above them. Everypony looked up to see a massive pirate ship fleeing from another one.

"Why didn't you idiots load the cannons!?" The Don Grif'aun shouted.

"But we don't have any cannons captain!" One of the pirates said.

"What do you mean we don't have any cannons!" the Captain shouted.

"Well you told us to buy a new ship, not cannons." One of the pirates said.

"Morons!" Don Grif'aun shouted "I am surrounded by morons!"

Close behind Don Grif'aun's ship was a ship that looks all to familiar.

"Keep firing the cannon TroubleShoes!" TrenderHoof shouted "Keep firing!"

Recognizing his friends, Flash quickly flew up to them "What in Equestria are you guys doing!"

"Trust me!" TroubleShoes said "It's a long story!"

Down below the ponies in the stadium were beginning to panic.

"Wonderbolts!" Said Spitfire. "Get these ponies to safety!"

All of the sudden numerous pegasus ponies began to enter the stadium all of them wearing Wonderbolt uniforms.

They quickly picked up the Crusaders and Spike while leading the rest of the ponies up to the exits.

"Okay rookies!" Said Spitfire to the trainees. "This here is the ultimate test! Think you can handle it!"

Then they all said "Yes ma'am!"

"You lot!" Spitfire shouted "Make sure go up there and block off falling debris! You others do your best to lead of the rest of the ponies from the stands to safety! As for you two!" She points to Rainbow Dash and Soarin. "You're with me!"

They followed Spitfire up onto Don Grif'aun's ship.

"Pull over!" Spitfire shouted at the pirate griffin.

"Are you crazy!?" The griffin pirate shouted. "Those ponies are the ones who are firing at us you should make them Pull Over!"

"They're not the ones flying a ship in a no flying zone!" Spitfire said.

The pirate griffin was getting annoyed, "You want me to pull over? Find I'll pull over!"

With swing of the wheel Don Grif'aun began a nose dive down towards the stadium below.

Spitfire was taken aback. "Recruits! do either of you know how to stop this guy?"

"Oh I might have an idea." Said Soarin.

He floated down to Don Grif'aun and whispered into his ear, "So I was talking to TrenderHoof the other day and I wanted to ask a question...Is it true your part Hippogriff?"

"What?!" Shouted Don Grif'aun, "He said I was part Hippogriff!? This is an outrage!" He quickly turn his ship back up word and am directly towards TrenderHoof and TroubleShoes. "No one calls Don Grif'aun a hippogriff!"

Then one of his crew started singing "He's the famous Captain Don Grif..." Whack! The Captain punched his crew mate in the face.

"You really need to know when to keep quiet!" Grif'aun shouted.

Back on TrenderHoof's ship, Flash was still trying to bring his friend to his sense.

"Have you completely lost your mind!" Flash said.

Trenderhoof stated "I don't know I just spent seven hours trying to find a parking space and now I'm shooting cannon balls at a pirate.. You tell me!"

"Uh fellas, is just me or is that ship headed straight for us now." said Troubleshoes.

"Stay out of it Troubleshoes!" Trenderhoof shouted.

All of a sudden Flash had an idea.

He quickly flew back down to stadium below. He soon returned with Rarity in tow, and brought her to the now crazy stallion.

"TrenderHoof what in Equestria are you doing!" Rarity shouted.

Suddenly TrenderHoof came to his senses, a look of embarrassment crossing his face.

"Um...Well.. the thing is.. I.." Trenderhoof said.

"You were supposed to be getting a parking space," Rarity stated, "Not getting into air raids like a pack of wild hooligans. This is no way for a gentle stallion behave!"

"But you don't understand Rarity," Trenderhoof spouted. "I spent seven hours trying to find the perfect parking space and then that Griffin went and took the last one right in front of me and gloated about it!"

"Yes I can understand how frustrating that can be" Rarity continued, "But he is ruffian, you are supposed to a gentle stallion. The proper thing to do in in this kind of situation is to simply turn the other cheek and trot away."

TrenderHoof thought for a moment and finally sighed, "You're right.. I don't know what I was thinking I'm sorry." He then gave Rarity a confident smile and then turned the ship in the other direction.

But Grif'aun was still charging at them. "You think you can get away from me after you insult my blood line!?"

Soarin looked over to the crazy griffin and said "Well we got him to turn the ship around so how do we get him to stop this crazy thing!?"

Then Spitfire said "That hard way!" She then charged at the mad griffin.

But just when she was about to reach him a minotaur pirate knocked Spitfire over then head knocking her out. "Mare over board!" he shouted tossing her off of the ship.

"Spitfire!" Rainbow Dash shouted she then flew after her hero as she fell down to the sky below. Spitfire fell directly pass Cloudsdale and continued onwards down towards Equestria below.

Rainbow Dash tried her best to keep up with Spitfire, but gravity was just too fast for her. Despite this Rainbow Dash when faster and faster, faster than she had ever gone before. Just as Spitfire was about to hit the ground, Rainbow Dash made one final leap past the speed of sound.


A Sonic Rainboom filled up the skies sailing all the way back up to Cloudsdale.

"What in the name of pink!" Don Grif'aun shouted as his ship was blown off cores by then Rainboom.

Soarin then said "That's my que to leave!" He then flew off the ship to join Flash and the others.

Don Grif'aun screamed as his ship headed for the ground.

Back at Cloudsdale Twilight, Fluttershy, Thunderlane, Cheese, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, the Crusaders and Spike along with Rainbow's and Flutter's parents looked to the skies trying to find Rainbow Dash.

"Look!" Said Applebloom pointing to RD holding and knocked out spitfire. "It's Rainbow Dash and she got Spitfire!"

"Aw yeah! Way to go Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo cheered.

"Yeah!" Bow Hothoof shouted opening up his shirt!

"A Sonic Rainboom!" Fluttershy shouted. "She did it! She did it! WOOOOOOHHHHHHOOOOOO!"

Cheese sandwich turned to Thunderlane. "What's a Sonic Rainboom?"

"Long story," Thunderlane stated, "I'll explain it later."

Later at the stadium, Twilight sat in the remains of the stands along with the others.

"I still can't believe Trenderhoof got so upset over a parking space," she whispered to Flash.

"We're just lucking that the Wonderbolts didn't press charges," Flash responded.

"Oh go easy on him," stated Rarity cozying up to Trenderhoof, "He's just a very emotional gentlecolt."

Troubleshoes rolled his eyes.

"Quiet Down," Scootaloo chime in between RD's parents, "It's starting!"

Spitfire, having regained consciousness, marched alongside the remaining pegasus. "Recruits you've all showed a lot of promise today and many of you may have future with the Wonderbolts! However," she then turn to Rainbow Dash and Soarin, "Only two of you showed a level of promises higher then the rest. Rainbow Dash and Soarin your officially in the Wonderbolts Reveres!"

Up in the stands Rainbow and Soaring could hear their friends and family cheer

"Alright Rainbow Dash," Bow Hothoof proclaimed, "WoowooWoowooWoo!'

"So." Soarin asked Spitfire "When do we start flying?"

"You're in the reveres solider," Spitfire stated, "Don't get ahead of yourself."