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Ponyville school play

Ponyville school play

We open at the Ponyville elementary school in side the Kingdome of Templon. We see the school teacher miss Cheerilee addressing her class "Settle down every pony I got an very important announcement to make! Now it's time for our annual school play this year we'll be performing the pony of OZ!"

The students cheered.

"As you know." Said Cheerile "This play will be taking a lot of work. We going set designers, costumes and of course a Steller star cast to play the roles! Oh and you'll be trilled to know that the royal family will be attending!"

Then kids cheered even louder.

"Big deal." Scootaloo whispers to Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. "We see the royal family almost every day."

Then Sweetie said "Hey but not our class mates."

Later during recuse Scootaloo Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle discuss plans to audition for the play.

"So it's agreed!" Said Apple bloom. "I'll play the scarecrow pony, Scootaloo plays lion and Sweetie Belle will play the tin pony!"

"Yes!" Said Scootaloo. "We'll totally get our cutie marks in acting once we star in this play!"

"Cutie mark crusaders super stars!" All three shouted at the same time.

"Ha ha ha ha!" They hear an annoying lough that they are all to familiar with.

"Do you hear that Silver Spoon the blank flanks think they can bet us for the main roles." Said Diamond Tiara.

"Oooh it's hilarious." Said silver spoon

"Hey!" Said Apple bloom "We got as much chance as you do!"

"Ha!" Said DT "Don't make me lough even louder. There's no way miss Cheerile would make a bunch of blank flank babies like you in the led role. That's why the three of us will be aiming for the led roles."

"Humm..There are only two of you." Said Sweetie Belle.

DT then pointed at a far location to a small pink pegasus filly with blue curly mane reading a book.

"That's Cozy glow!" Said Diamond Tiara. "My mother introduce me to her yester day she come from one of the riches families in all of Equestria."

"Of course." Said Silver spoon "She'll be joining us in the led roles in the school play!"

The two fillies lough hysterically but it was short lived when two water balloons dropped on them.

"Ahhh!" DT screamed. "My mane!"

"Ah nice one!" Shouted a voice.

Then fillies turn to see three young colts Rumbles Button Mash, and Tender Tapes.

"Nice one!" Said a unicorn in a repeller hat.

"No pro." Said the grey pegasus as he floated back to the ground.

"Aw did Dimond trewp and silver spittoon got all wet?" Said an orange earth pony.

"Grrrrr!" Growled DT "You three are unbelievable! I'm telling miss Cheerile!"

Then the two rotten fillies ran off screaming.

Then the CMC turn to the three colts.

AB then said "Nice one there Rumble."

Then Rumble said "Aw it was nothing, it's the least i can do for my favorite fans."

"We're not your fans!" Shouted Scootaloo abruptly.

"I didn't mean me." Rumble said "I mean fans of my big brother Thunderlane."

"I told you a million times already we are fans of Rainbow Dash!" Shouted Scootaloo.

Then Sweetie "Since when are we fans of Rainbow Dash?"

"Since always!" Scootaloo stated

"Thunderlane is way better then Rainbow Dash!" Rumble problemed.

"Nuh-uh! Rainbow Dash rules Thunderlane Drools!" Scootaloo replied.

"Nuh-uh!" Said Rumble "Thunderlane is the best!"

"No it's Rainbow Dash!"


Rainbow Dash!"

The Applebloom said "There at it again."

"How many times has it been now?" Proclaimed Button mash.

"136." Said Tender Tapes.

Then Sweetie Belle broke up the fight "Okay that's enough. Anyway Rumble thanks for saving us again."

"No problem." Said Rumble "What's the worst that could happened."

"Yeah." Said Button "What are they going to do make us work on that stupid play?"

"Boys." Said Cheerile lecturing the three colts. "As punishment for throwing water balloons you three are going to help work on the school play as stage hoof."

"Nice one." Said Rumble elbowing Button.

"That's not far." Said Tender. "Those Dimond Tiara and silver Spoon were the ones who stared it!"

"That may be true." Said Miss Cheerile stated "But that doesn't excuse your actions."

Then three colts rolled their eyes and then Rumble said "Find what do we got to do?"

"You three are going to help construct the set for the up coming play." Said the school teacher "I'll be sure to tell your parents that you'll be helping the play."

Then Button Mash turn to his friends and said "Well it can't that hard all we got to do is set up the stuff for the play."

Back on the playground Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon approach their new "Friend" Cozy Glow who was still reading her book.

"So." Said DT placing her arm around Cozy. "How's are newest member of our group doing today?"

"Oh I'm sorry." Said Cozy "Do I know you two?"

"It's Dimond tiara!" Said the pink earth pony dumbfounded. "We just met yesterday!"

"Oh right umm." Said Cozy glow nervously. "What did you talking about?"

"Well ..." Said DT "Since we are the most popular fillies at this school. We thought we give you the grand honor of joining us at the led roles of the school play."

"But I don't want to be..." DT interrupted her.

"No need to thank us." Said DT "Considerate a favor from your new BFF!"

"But..."Cozy tried to speak.

"Bum Bum sauger lump rum!" Diamond Tiara and Silver spoon cried forcing Cozy into their dance.

From across the playground Cutie mark crusaders watch the scene.

"Great!" Said Scootaloo "Now theirs three of them."

Then Sweetie Belle said "What are we going to do now?"

"What are we going do?" Said Apple Bloom. "We gonna try out and be the stars of that play!"

"But what about those three." Asked Sweetie.

"What about them?" Said Scootaloo "They can't tell us what we can or can't do! what we need is some professional help and I know just where to get it from!"

Later in princess Twilight's tower

"Sorry guys I don't know much about being in plays." Said Rainbow Dash.

"What!?" Said Scootaloo "But your Rainbow Dash you the best at everything!"

"Really?" Twilight said as she rolled her eyes. "Has she even read the pony of Oz books? Cuz I have all 206 volumes."

"Um Twilight." Applejack sated "The play is base of the movie which is a heck of a lot different from the book."

"OOOhhh!" Said Rarity. "I love the pony of Oz play! When I was your age I got the best role in the entire cast! Costume designer!"

"Ummm... Sis that's not really a role." Said Sweetie Belle.

"But of course it is Sweetie Belle." said Rarity. "You think customs assemble themselves?"

"Look ya'll." Said Apple Bloom "We need help performing in the play. Do any of ya'll know anything about acting?"

"Mmmm..." Said Pinkie "Fluttershy might."

"Eeeppp!" Said the yellow pegasi hiding behind Twilight's bed.

"Wait Fluttershy?" said Sweetie belle. "Your kidding right?"

"Oh no joke at all my dear." Said Rarity "Fluttershy has always been the best actor out of all of us."

"I'll say!" Said Applejack "Remember the hearth waring Eve pageant back when we were youngins?"

"But I thought we were never going to speak of that again!" said Fluttershy

"Fluttershy!" Said Applebloom leaping on the bed. "You got to help us addition for the pony school play!"

"Come on Fluttershy." Said Twilight "It'll be fun I'll help them with their lines, Rarity can make costumes."

"And I'll be the queen of Saddle Arabia!" Said Pinkie Pie

"Beg your pardon Pinkie Pie?" Said Applejack. "What does that have to do with the pony school play?"

"I don't know." Pinkie Pie said.

"But...But...but." Fluttershy said.

"Please..." Said the CMC wide eyes and adorable.

Fluttershy signed "All right."

Back at school

Rumble Button Mash, and Tender Tapes were being to construct the set.

"Excellent work boys." Said Cheerilee looking in on them "I'll just leave you to it."

"Well this stinks." Rumble said trying to paint the scenery.

"I'll say." Said Tender Tapes "I was hoping to addition for the play."

Button then turn to the two of them and said "Come on guys it's not that bad." He levitated a set up word. "Just think how grateful every pony will be when this set is finish."

"Especially Sweetie Belle." Rumble said.

"Hey!" Said Button "What do you mean by that?"

"Oh come one." Said Tender Tapes "We all know you have a crush on her."

"What no we are just friends!" Said Button Mash blushing. "Besides what about Rumble and Scootaloo?"

"Please." Said rumble "I can't stand that fillies. Well not as bad Dimond Tiara but still."

Little do they know the pony in question a long with Silver Spoon and Cozy Glow were hiding in the sets below.

"Umm what are we doing here exactly?" Cozy asked

"Getting back at those colt." seared Diamond Tiara. "If they think they could get away with stoking me they got another thing coming."

Then Cozy asked "But aren't they already pushed for that?"

"Not quit pushed enough." Dimond smile sinisterly.

Back at the castle

Twilight was going over the line with the crusader. "Okay girl let's take it from the top."

Scootaloo then spoke in a monotone voice. "Oh look at the circles under my eyes I haven't split in weeks."

"Why don't you try counting sheep?" Said Sweetie Belle

"That doesn't work I'm afraid of them." Said Scootaloo

"No no no." Said Fluttershy "Scootaloo you can't just read the lines you need to believe them."

"OH everypony!" said Rarity as she entered the court yard "Look what I made!"

Apple Bloom walked out side in a fluffy pink scarecrow costume she looked very annoyed.

"Umm Rarity." Said Applejack "AS some pony who's lifted on a farm I don't think that costume is very authentic."

"Nonsense." Said Rarity "Just because Apple bloom playing a scarecrow doesn't mean she can't look fabulous!"

"I don't even want to know what costumes she made for us." whispers to Rainbow Dash.

"Umm maybe Applejack and I should help you with the costumes." Said Rainbow to Rarity.

"Well if you really think you should very well." Said Rarity.

The three ponies walked into the castle while apple bloom joined her friends.

"Can some pony help me get out of this thing?" Applebloom said

"In a minute dear." Said Fluttershy "But right now let's take it from the top."

Scootaloo looked back on her script "Ahhh!" Scootaloo droned "Something grabbed my tail, something grabbed my tail!"

"We got a long way to go." Sing Fluttershy.

Back at the school the colts finally finish their work for the day.

Then rumble said "Well that was terrible let's got guys. My brother is waiting out side."

"At least the set looks good." Said Button Mash.

"Yeah." Said Tender Tapes "I bet Miss Cheerilee will be happy to see this."

As the three boys shut the door behind them.

Diamond Tiara Silver spoon, and Cozy Glow popped their heads out from the sets.

"Okay girls now it's time to get to work." Said Diamond tiara.

The next day the mane six and the CMC headed to the auditorium.

"Well." Said Fluttershy "You all made great improvement girl especially you Scootaloo."

"Anything would be an improvement compared to yester day." Apple bloom whispers to Sweetie Belle.

"Any how." Said Applejack "I'm sure with all the hard work you girls made I'm sure ya'll get work in this here play."

"You think We'll get the leads?" Said Sweetie Belle

"Let's not get a head of ourselves." said Twilight.

"Stop!" Cried Button Mash just as the girls were about to enter the auditorium.

"Button what's going on?" Asked Sweetie.

"Nothing going on!" Button said nervously "You just can't go into the auditorium right now it's not ready!"

"Well I realize the set not finish yet but I'm sure it's more then ready for auditions." Said Rarity

"No!" Said Button Mash darting his eyes back and froth "It's the paint it's not dry yet!"

Suddenly Thunderlane and Cheeilee appeared from behind.

"Button Mash what is going on here? Why aren't you letting any pony in for the audition?" Asked the school teacher.

"Um" Said button "No reason...It's just we have a little more work to do before we let any pony in!"

Then Thunderlane said "Speaking of which have you seen Rumble I've been looking for him all day."

"Well..."Said Rumble.

All of a sudden a large crash can be heard from with the auditorium. The ponies then rushed into the auditorium, too their horror the Ponyville play set has been completely demolish.

At the center of the stage Rumble and Tender Tapes could be seen desperately trying to pick up the mess.

"Ummm.."Said Rumble whimpering. "We can explain."

Miss Cheerilee was dumbfounded and then said "I don't under stand this boys why on earth would you do something like this?"

"But we didn't Miss Cheerilee!" Rumble try to explain. "Like we said before when we got here this morning we saw the place looking this!"

"Well I like to believe you." Said Cheerilee "But the fact is you boys were the last ponies in this auditorium and I don't see how any pony else could have possible gotten in here?"

Then Thunderlane said "Miss Cheerilee with all due respect, if my brother said he and his friends didn't do it then I believe him."

Then Cheerilee turn to Thunderlane "Well your not exactly an unbiased. So unless a witness comes forth I'm afraid I'm going to have to..."

"Oh my goodness!" a voice called out. The ponies turned to see Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and Cozy Glow entering the auditorium.

"What in Equestria happened in here," said Diamond Tiara innocently.

"Well, were not quite sure," Cheerilee explained, "We found the set for the Pony School Play like this, and can't quite figure out who was responsible for it!"

"Gee that's unbelievable," said Diamond Tiara in disbelief, "Say Cozy Glow, weren't you here at the Ponyville Auditorium last night?"

"What?" said Cozy Glow confused.

"That's right," said Silver Spoon coyly, "You were preparing your audition for the play. You wouldn't happen to have seen anypony who might have destroyed the set, would you?"

"I-I-I.." Cozy Glow stuttered. She looked at Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and then the three colts.

Finally Cozy Glow sighed, "The only ponies I saw were Rumble, Button Mash, and Tender Taps.."

The three colts were horrified at what Cozy Glow said.

"That doesn't prove anything," Thunderlane cried. "I know my brother, he'd never do anything like this."

Cheerilee gave the colts a sad look, "I'm sorry boys, but until I have solid proof of you're innocence, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ban all three of you from the school play."

The three colts looked heartbroken. Thunderlane sadly led his brother and his friends out of the auditorium.

Outside the door, the Mane 6 and the CMCs watched as the sad colts left the building.

"I can't believe that they'd do this," said Fluttershy.

"I don't believe that they did this," said Applebloom. "Those three may be mischievous but they're not destructive."

"That's enough now Sugar Cube," said Applejack putting a hoof on her shoulder. "You three have worked hard on this, now it's time to audition."

Up on what remained of the stage Diamond Tiara read lines with Silver Spoon and Cozy Glow.

"Alright I'll go I there wicked witch or no wicked witch, guards or no guards, I'll tire them apart. I may not come out alive, but I'm going in there only one thing i want you fillies to do!"

"What that?" Said silver spoon

"Talk me out of it!" Wine Diamond Tiara.

"Very Good Diamond tiara." Cheerilee said while sitting in the sets. "Now next up for the audition are Sweetie Belle Applebloom, and Scootaloo."

Diamond tiara and silver spoon trotted off stage with Cozy Glow following behind them. As the two fillies pass by the CMC they gave them cruel smirks.

"Oh wow!" Said Rainbow Dash applauding with other ponies down on the sits. "Wait a go girls you can do it!"

Apple Bloom Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle carefully took their places.

"Humm what's that's?" Said Scootaloo trying her best to act tariffed.

"That there's the castle of the wicked witch, Doris is in that awful place" Apple bloom said

"Aw I can't bear to think of him in there!" Said Sweetie Belle

"Boo hiss!" A voice cried from back stage

"Diamond tiara that is not appropriate!" Cheerilee stated

"Sorry miss Cheerilee." Diamond tiara said "Apologetically" she then gave the crusaders a cruel smirk.

"Don't cry now we an't got the oil can with and you've been squeaking enough as it is!" Said Apple Bloom

Two voice giggled off stage rather cruelly trying to distract the girl. Cozy glow seeing this was getting annoyed.

"What's that!?" Said Scootaloo trying once again to act scared.

"I got a plan to get in there!" Said Apple bloom "And your going to lead us!"

"She got a plan!" Said Scootaloo "And I'm going to led us...What!?"

All of a sudden Scootaloo tripped.

Diamond tiara and silver spoon burst out laughing.

Cozy Glow then burst out on to the stage "Miss Cheerilee! Those boys did not destroyed the set of the play! We did!"

"What!" Said Diamond Tiara gasp dumbfounded.

"But I don't understand." Said the school teacher "Why would you do such a thing?"

"I didn't want to." Cozy Glow said ashamed "But Diamond tiara convinced me that we needed to get back at those boys for throwing water balloons at her."

"Cozy Glow What are you doing?" Shouted Diamond Tiara.

Cheerile then turn to Diamond Tiara suspiciously.

Then the spoiled notice her and then try to look innocent "I have no idea what's she's talking about."

Chererile then turn to Silver Spoon "Silver Spoon can you explain this?"

Sweat dripped down the fillie's brow as she shivers and shake. "I I I I..."

"Silver Spoon." Cheerile raised an eye brow.

"I adamant it!" Cried Silver spoon. "We did! WE ruin the set! It was all Diamond Tiara's idea! Please have mercy on us!"

"Wait to keep cool pressure Silver Spoon." Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes.

Then the school teacher then said "Well Cozy Glow thank you for coming out and telling the truth. Since you did so I'll let you off easy but none of you girls will be participating in this play."

Then Diamond Tiara and said "Why did you you tell on us?"

"Because." Cozy stated confidently. "You two just being mean for no reason. Also I'd never wait to be in this play nor be friends with you guys."

"Well your in luck!" Said Diamond Tiara "consider yourself out of the group!"

But then as they turn they bumped into Thunderlane who over heard the whole thing gave them a stern glare. "You two are in so much trouble. Not only you framed my brothers and his friends but you destroyed public property doing so. Consider yourselves a punishment well deserve."

The very next day Scootaloo Sweetie Belle, and Applebloom were talking with Rumble Tender Tapes and Button Mash.

"And Well." Said Applebloom "That's how we got the led roles."

Then Rumble asked "What happened to Diamond twerp and Silver Spit tune?"

"Oh Thunderlane." Applebloom said "Said that they have to clean and rebuild the set."

Button then said "Ah krama."

"Um excuse me?" A small voice spoke up behind the fouls. It was Cozy glow with a sad guilty face she was about to apologize but then Applebloom interrupted her.

"Not need to apologize Cozy. "Applebloom said

"Yeah." Button Mash chimed in. "If it wasn't for you we would have be in real trouble."

"And I wouldn't get to try out for the play!" Said Tender Tapes triumphantly

"Your too kind." Said Cozy glow "But I really don't deserve your forgiveness."

Sweetie then said "Sure you do you came out and spoke up agents what what Diamond tiara and Silver spoon were doing."

"Yes." Said Cozy Glow. "But now I don't have any friends at this school."

Then Scootaloo said. "Well you do now! You have us!"

"You still want to be my friends?" Cozy asked "After what I did?"

"Of curse!" said Apple Bloom "That wasn't yer foul. You can came and hang out in the palace any time you want."

Cozy smiled as she knew she finally have friends.

Later as the other fouls have gone to class Cozy Glow hide behind a near by tree. She then took out the book she had been reading thought out the entire day.

Then as a shadowy silhouette appeared from it's pages.

"Unlace Sombra." Said cozy as she smiles wickedly "I'm in."

Then the shadow began to lough. "Mwa hahahahahaha!"