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A foalhood story

A faul hood story

It was beautiful day at Tambelon Castle..

Spik n Span was happily dusting the stained Glass window, when suddenly was interrupted by a large crash.

In the royal armory the Cutie Mark Crusaders could be seen standing in the middle of pile of collapsed armor.

Sweetie Belle: Uh.. Why are we doing this again..(Dusts herself off)

Apple Bloom: I told ya'll before! This is a sure fire way to get our cutie Marks in Armor Polishing.

Scootaloo: Armor Polishing, I thought we were trying be Royal Guards

?: Eeeeeeeeaaaaaahhhh

The three fillies turn to see Spik n Span has entered the room, his face in a state of terror and quickly turning red.

Spik n Span: Now see here you three hooligans!

Apple Bloom: Spik n Span! Watch Out!

The girls watch as Spik n Span accidentally steps onto a Unicorn helmet and begins rolling into the center of the room, desperately trying to keep his balance atop it.

Spik n Span: YeaEeaEeaEeaEaaaaaa!

Crash! "tinkle"

The three fillies rush over to Spik n Span who has collapsed amongst a pile of armor. As they attempt to check his condition, Spik n Span lift a helmet from his head, an angry look across his face.

Scootaloo smiles nervously: Well on the bright side.. You make a good guard pony.

Spik n Span picks himself up: Now see here Apple Bloom! I specifically told you not to let your friends into the royal armory! How many times do I have to tell you not to play royal armory!

Sweetie Belle Looks Confused: You've never told us not to play in the Royal Armory?

Spik n Span: That's because I never thought I had to!

Spik n Span begins attempting to reassemble the armor. Apple Bloom approaches him as he does so..

Apple Bloom: Well, we were just trying to get our cutie marks..

Spik n Span: Uh you three and your Cutie Marks.. Can't you try to earn them outside the castle! Honestly Apple Bloom your just like your sister!

The three fillies look at each other confused. Suddenly all three fall to the floor and burst out laughing!

Crusaders: AhHaHaaHaHaaHaHaaHaHaa!

Spik n Span turns to them: What are you laughing about?

Apple Bloom wipes a tear from her eye: Me? like Apple Jack? Please..

Scootaloo chimes in: Yeah Apple Jack and Apple Bloom are nothing alike.

Sweetie Belle: It's true every we time we try to get out Cutie Marks Apple Boom says, "A cutie mark just has to wait!"

Spik n Span raises an eyebrow, a sly smile crossing his face: Oh really? Well, I'll have you three know, when Apple Jack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash were just as concerned with getting there Cutie Marks as you three were!

The Cutie Mark Crusaders leap up in utter surprise: Whaaaaaaaat!

Spik n Span: Along with Pinkie Pie, Fluttery, and of course Princess Twilight.

The three fillies suddenly rush up to Spik n Span and jump around him excited.

Crusaders: Tell us! Tell us! Tell us! Tell us! Tell us! Tell us! Tell us!

Spik n Span composes himself: Oh, very well. If you three assist me in reassembling this place. I be more than happy to tell you the tale!

The three girls stand at attention, confident smiles on their faces.

Scootaloo: Sir yes, Sir!

As the Apple Jack, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo begin picking up armor, Spik n Span begins rubbing his chin in contemplation.

Spik n Span: Now, I believe it all began when you and your sister first moved into Tambelon castle..

It was a sunny spring day and the Apple Family were trudging down a dirt road a pony and cart.

Granny Smith attended to an infant Apple Bloom with a smile: Just a few more miles youngins, and then will all be starting out a new life in Tambelon Castle!

A young Apple Jack huffed to herself next to her brother Big Mac.

Apple Jack: I don't want to start a new life! I liked things just the way they were back on the farm!

Granny Smith takes a scolding tone with Apple Jack: Now Sugar Cube, be reasonable. We all know that times have been tough ever since.. the incident! (A sad look crosses Granny Smith's face)

Apple Jack loses her bluster, and turns back to Apple Farm, disappearing in the far distance.

Granny Smith: ..And let me tell you, it certainly wasn't easy to get this job!

The cart pony continued to pull the Apple Family and their belonging down the dirt road, passing by small towns and green forests. As the morning moved on Tambelon Castle began to appear in the distance. After passing through the village of Pony Ville and eventually the Tambelon Marketplace, the cart made it to the gates of Tambelon Castel.

Spik N Span and Shining Armor stood in front of the gates waiting to greet the family!

Shining Armor: Welcome to Tambelon Castle! I'm Shining Armor, the prince of the Castle!

Granny Smith: Ooh, a Prince! We'll we be meeting the King and Queen as well?(Elbows shining armor)

Shining Armor: Regrettably, my parents couldn't attend at the moment, but I came to greet you in their place.

Spik n Span coughs into his hoof..

Shining Armor: Oh right.. This is Spik n Span, he's in charge of the Castle Staff!

Spik n Span shakes hooves with Granny Smith: A pleasure to make your acquaintance!

Granny Smith places a Hoof around Spik n Span's shoulder with a smile: So your main pony in charge around here? Mind if I call you Spiffy?

Spik n Span attempts to push Granny Smith away: Yes Madame, I would.

Spik n Span turns to lead the Apple Family into the castle: Now, if you would just follow me, I will you and your Grandchildren to the castle farm.

As Shining armor watches the Apples being led away, he suddenly notices Apple Jack still standing nervously at the gate.

Shining Armor: Well hello there, what's your name?

Apple Jack mumbles: I'm.. Apple Jack..

Shining Armor: Well Apple Jack, do you mind if I ask why you're so sad?

Apple Jack takes a deep breath: I don't wanna live in a castle! I wanna go back to the farm!

Shining armor stares at the young filly for a minute and then chuckle to himself: Hmhmhm.. Let me let you in on a little secret, sometimes I don't want to live in a castle either.

Apple Jack: Really

Shining Armor smiles: Oh sure, there a plenty of times I would like to head down to the village and hang out with my friends! But, my parents are royalty, so they expect to act a royal it.

Shining Armor takes Apple Bloom by his side: Tell you what! How about I give you a personal tour of the castle.. You know I have a sister about your age, I think you might like her!

High up in the towers, a young Princess Twilight Sparkle looks down to see her brother with a young filly her age. The sad princess sighed to herself, feeling lonely, but not quite sure why!

?: Oh Princess!

A small voice chimed in much to Twilight's annoyance. She turned as a small white Unicorn pranced into the room!

Rarity: I've come to help you select your outfit for the day!

Twilight: Rarity, I thought I told you to call me Twilight..

Rarity: Whatever you say Princess!

Rarity to open large closet. Numerous beautiful dresses hung inside, far to many for one pony to wear. The next thing she knew, young Twilight Sparkle was in front of a mirror being forced to try on numerous dresses, a task which she despised. Rarity continued to chatter on as she dressed up Twilight.

Rarity: Oh you don't know how lucky you are to have so many dresses Princess!

Twilight: It's Twilight..

Rarity: I wish afford to just spend my whole day putting on gorgeous outfits just like you do!

Twilight: Hmph..

Rarity: But alas my parents are just simple common ponies, working as a castle guard and kitchen staff!

Twilight: Uh huh..

Rarity: Oh what I would give to be a princess just like you?

All of a sudden Twilight's expression changed. An idea began to form into Twilights as she turned to Rarity with a smile.

Twilight: Say Rarity.. How would you like to try on some of my dresses?

A giddy look crossed Rarity's face: Eeeeeeeee!

Down in the Castle Kitchen shining armor showed a young Apple Jack around. Numerous bakers and assorted kitchen staff were baking pastries and assembling meals.

Shining Armor: ..And this is the royal kitchen, where are staff prepares meals for the entire castle. Since we a quite a lot of mouths to feed, there's never a dull moment down here.

Apple Jack chuckled to herself: Hmhmhmm..

The Stallion turned to catch her smile, but Apple Jack hid it before he had the chance.

Shining Armor: Seems like you're beginning to like the castle more already.

?: Stop! Slow Down! Not the Ketchine!

Pinkie Pie: Weeeeeeeeeeeeee!

A small Pink Pony with curly hair sailed into the kitchen riding on a cooking sheet. Numerous kitchen staff panicked as they attempted to remove their dishes from the path on the oncoming pony. Apple Jack and Shining Armor watched as the filly bounced around the room until finally crashing into the kitchen cupboard. A white puff of flour filled the entire kitchen.

Spik n Span rushed into the kitchen in a panic: Sweet Celestia what happened!

The entire kitchen and staff was covered in flour with blobs of batter hanging everywhere. At the center of the mess sat the small pink pony powdered white.

Pinkie Pie: ..Achoo (The powder cleared away as Pinkie Pie sneezed)

Spik n Span furiously approached the filly, his face turning red: Pinkemena Diane Pie!

Pinkie Pie looked up at Spik n Span nervously: Hehe.. Sorry.

Spik n Span attempted to compose himself: Ooooooh.. You young filly, are an apprentice baker. You're job is to assist Mr. and Mrs. Cake with there.. Cakes!

Pinkie Pie suddenly approaches Apple Jack: I know that Spik n Span! ..But, I heard there were new ponies in the Castle! ..And I heard one of them was my age! ..And what's the best way to welcome new ponies into the castle?

Spik n Span, Shining Armor, and Apple Jack stare at her blankly..

Pinkie Pie: That's right, sliding down the banisters of the castle stairway using nothing more than a cooking sheet!

Spik n Span backed up in confusion, and then suddenly exploded: Noo! The best was to welcome new ponies into the castle is not make a mess of the entire kitchen staff!

Shining Armor approached Spik n Span attempting to calm him down: Spik n Span, how about I take it from here.

Shining Armor approached the young Pink Pony: Pinkie? Does Mrs. Cake know that your not attending to the dinner rolls?

Pinkie Pie: Nope!

Shining Armor: Well then we'd better go find her shouldn't we.

As Shining Armor turned to lead Pinkie Pie turned to lead Pinkie Pie out of the kitchen, he suddenly took note of Apple Jack.

Shining Armor: Um Apple Jack, why don't explore the rest of the castle yourself?

Apple Jack sighed glumly: "sigh" Okay..

The young pony turned to exit the kitchen. As she entered into the grand hallway, she suddenly bumped into a small white Unicorn.

Apple Jack smiled and extended a hoof: Howdy, I'm Apple Jack! What's your name?

The white Unicorn winced nervously and then quickly rushed away. As Apple Jack watched her go, an angry look crossed her face.

Apple Jack: Sure, I'll learn to like this place.. When pigs fly!

High above Tambelon Castle, a large white fluffy cloud floated. This particular cloud happened to be home of the pegasus ponies, more to the point pegasus in charge of guarding Tambelon! At one section of the cloud, their was a small flight camp for future pegasus in training, Junior Speedsters Flight School!

Numerous tiny pegasus sailed across a training course. All except for one filly who was a bit scrawnier than the others.

The tiny yellow pegasus hid beneath her pink hair, trying to hide herself.

?: Look out!

All of a sudden a small blue pony with a rainbow mane crashed into her.

Gilda: Are you alright Rainbow Dash?

A small griffin floated down to the two dazed ponies in a pile?

Rainbow Dash: Uhh.. I think so.. You alright Fluttershy?

Fluttershy: I'm.. fine..


The two pegasus and the griffon turned to see a trio of colts laughing at them!

Hoops: Good one Rainbow Crash!

An angry look crosses Rainbow Dash's face: Don't you three have some other pony you could go pick on!

Dumb-bell chimed in: Good idea! How about Fluttershy, who can barley fly!

Score: Or Gilda the Griffin who wishes she was a pony!

The three boys laughed cruelly. Rainbow Dash and turned to see Fluttershy and Gilda, both of whom looked like they were about to break into tears.

?: Or maybe we should pick on the three stooges, who having nothing better to do but to pick on other ponies.

The Colts turned upward to see a small black pegasus floating above them.

Dumb-bell: Who are you calling stooges?

Thunder Lane: Who do you think? You, Moe, and Curly!

Dumb-bell: Oh yeah, why don't you put your bits where your muzzle is?

Thunder Lane: Name the Time and the place?

Dumb-bell: How about right here? Right now?

Rainbow Dash: Hey!

The colts suddenly turned to see Rainbow Dash, an angry look across her face!

Rainbow Dash approached Thunder Lane: What in Equestria do you think your doing?

Thunder Lane looks at her confused: I'm trying to defend you?

Rainbow get's into Thunder Lane's face: What makes you think I need you to defend me?

Thunder Lane suddenly get's annoyed: Will you just let me help you?

Gilda and Fluttershy look at each other in confusion

Rainbow Dash: What makes you think that I need your help?

Thunder Lane: From I see you could use all the help you could get!

The three bullies are quickly becoming annoyed.

Rainbow Lane: If anyone's going to take on these jerk's it's going to be me!

Thunder Lane: No, it's gonna be me!

Dumb-Bell: Enough!

Thunder Land and Rainbow suddenly turn their attentions to the bullies.

Dumb-Bell: We'll take on the two of you any time, any place, any where, any when!

A confident smile crosses Rainbow Dash's face: Okay..

Rainbow confidently pulls Thunder Lane to her side: Me and Thunder Boy here challenge you three to a race all the way to the EverFree Forest and back!

A look of fear suddenly crosses the three bullies faces.

Dumb-Bell: The EverFree Forest.. Isn't that the forest full of all sorts of terrifying creatures.. "gulp ..Where ponies are never seen again!

Rainbow smiles cruelly: What's the matter boys? Scarred?

A look of fury crossed the bullies faces!

Dumb-Bell: You're On!

Thunder Lane suddenly chimes in: Uhh.. Do I get a say in this?

Rainbow Dash and Dumb-Bell shout together: Nooo!

Meanwhile, at Midnight Castle..

Sombra laughs wickedly in his throne room: MwaaHaHaHaaHaHaaHa!

Sombra rubs his hooves together in excitement as he plots with his second in command Catrina: Soon the key ruling all of Equestria will be in my hooves!

Catrina: Indeed Master!

Sombra: I have many magnificent and vicious creatures under my command.. But once my newest follower, I will truly be unstoppable.

The slowly begin to creak open reveal Sombra's newest minion..

Cujo: Heh.. Hey.. Boss

Catrina glance at her master suspiciously.

Sombra: ..Not him

Sombra approaches his new associate: Ahhhh.. So you must be Cujo, the leader of the Diamond Dog Gang..

Cujo: nervously scratches his head: Uh.. Yeah.. That's right..

Sombra continues: Yess.. I've heard of the vicious nature that you "dogs" have..

Cujo: Oh yeah.. We sure are vicious..

Sombra: But of course you'll need more than just a vicious nature to join my ranks.. Have you brought the item I asked you to aquire?

Cujo: Uhhhh.. Yeah.. About that..

A loud cry echoes from Midnight Castle, echoing across the entirety of EverFree forest!

Sombra: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatt!

Sombra drags Cujo directly in front of him: What to you mean it was already sold!?

Cujo sweats bullets: Well.. I tried to get it.. But some other creature placed a higher bid..

Sombra eyes blaze in fury: Do you have any idea how hard it is to find one of those things in Equestria?!

Cujo: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..

Sombra: Cujo.. I don't care what you have to do.. I don't care what lows you have to sink to.. But you will get me what's mine!

Cujo smiles nervously: ..Or what?

A dark expression crosses Sombra's face: Let's just say I'll introduce you to a whole new meaning of the word pain..

Scootaloo: Wait a minute.. How could you possible know that was happening?

Spik n Span pulls at his collar: I may be using some artistic integrity here..

The Tambelon market place was as busy as ever. All around ponies of every shape and size were shopping, among other creatures. And in one particularly dark section of the marketplace, a dark deal was being done.

A tall Minotaur sits behind a desk: All right boys.. Listen up!

The Minotaur pushes a mysterious box out onto the desk: This item has been purchased by an extremely influential client.. And it's very important that it arrives to him unharmed.. Never mind what's in it just make sure get's to Manhattan on time.. You do this job and you two will be set for life.. You got that?

A teenage Trender Hoof and Trouble Shoes look at their employer with distain

Trender Hoof: You got it boss..

The two Stallions to be exited the Minotaur's office and stepped out into the busy street.

Trender Hoof: I know what you're going to say Trouble Shoes.. This is a bad idea

The large brown colt huffed his nostrils in agreement.

Trender Hood: But like the boss said.. Once this job is done we'll be set for life.. No more living on the streets! No more doing dirty jobs! From this point onward will be going straight!

?: Coming through!

Three young colts suddenly crossed Trender Hoof's path, causing him to spin around wildly!

Trender Hoof: Hey, watch it you brats!

?: Stop thieves!

Two guard ponies suddenly pass by Trender Hoof, causing him to spin in the opposite direction.

As Trender Hoof begins to notice his side saddle is surprisingly light.

Trender Hoof: The Package! Where's the Package!? I can't find the..!

All of a sudden Trouble Shoes holds out a wooden box in front of Trender Hoof.

Trender Hoof blushes: Oh right..

Trender Hoof and Trouble continued on their way, neither of them that the package had been slightly opened!

Back on the streets of the Market Place, the three colts were continuing to run from the guards.

light blue colt: This Way!

Orange colt: No, this Way!

Curly haired colt: No both ways!

The two colts yelled at their friend: Cheeeese!

All of sudden the orange colt noticed that the guards were approaching from behind. With a sight the young pegasus and his companion raised their wings and carried their earth pony pal upwards.

The royal guards looked around both ways completely at a loss.

Guard 1: Uh we lost them again!

Guard 2: Don't worry.. We'll catch those little thieves.. Eventually!

Up on the rooftops above, the three colts down on the guards below. All of sudden they look, smile, and fall back laughing.

Colts: AhHahaaHahaaHahaa!

All of a sudden the orange colt regains his composure: But seriously guys.. That was a close one!

The light blue colt chimes in: Oh come off it Flash.. That was almost to easy!

Flash: All I'm saying is Soarin.. One of these days were gonna get caught!

Cheese: Hey guys, I've been thinking are we bad guys, you know, stealing food and stuff?

Flash: Stealing? Please we're just borrowing some food for those who can't afford it!

Soarin puts an arm around Flash: And we can't afford it!

Cheese: Borrowing? Is that what we're doing? Boy are we debt!

Flash draws both of his friends close to him: Don't worry guy's! Someday things will turn around for us!

Soarin pulls out three loaves of bread: But for now.. We feast!

The the colts quickly dug into their meal. Meanwhile back down on the streets below, a young white Unicorn walked along the marketplace. She glanced at the many colorful stall, oohing and ahhing at the rare items at each one.

All of a sudden she bumped into two familiar ponies

Guard 1: Oh, I'm sorry young filly. Are you alright.

Upon seeing the two guard ponies, the young unicorn panicked and scattered away into a vacant alley. When she finally felt she had gotten far enough away, she leaned up a nearby barrel to catch her breath.

All of sudden the barrel tipped over spilling fresh cider all across the street!

?: You'd better be planning on paying for that..

The young Unicorn turned to the Minotaur from early with two goats as his side.

Unicorn: Umm.. paying?

Minotaur: Yes paying.. As in you break it you bought it.. Now hoof over some bits!

The Unicorn slowly backed away: But I don't have any..

All of the young Unicorn bumped into another barrel of cider. This time the whole barrel washed over on top of her. As the young Unicorn tried to pick herself up the Minotaur and his minions took notice of something..

The white of her coat was beginning to melt away reveal a light purple. Her mane was still purple, but a streak of violet was suddenly revealed within it. The young began to tear up..

Minotaur: Are you Princess Twilight Sparkle?

Back at the castle Spik n Span was rising up the stairs to the Twilight's room.

Spik n Span began to knock on the door: Princess, are you decent?

From within the room a voice cried out musically: I'll be right out!

The doors swung open revealing the Princess Twilight Sparkle, or so it appeared.. Twilight was wearing a frilly dress and her mane was done up in a fancy curl. An elegant smile was crossed which seemed to be covered in makeup.

Spik n Span was dumbfounded. He had raised Twilight Sparkle since she was in diapers, and he had never once known her to enjoy fancy clothing or care about her personal appearance.

Spik n Span: Princess Twilight.. Are you feeling alright?

"Twilight" pranced out of her room giddily: Of course Spik n Span! Why this is the best that I've felt in ages!

It was true, this was without a doubt the best day of Rarity's life. Only moments ago the Princess of Tambelon had asked her dressing pony to switch places with her for the day. All it took was a little magic, and a lot of makeup, and soon the two young Unicorns were indistinguishable from each. After hours picking out the perfect outfit, Rarity was finally ready to enjoy the perks of being a Princess.

Spik n Span eyed the "Princess": Well anyway your majesty, it's time for you to begin your royal lessons!

Rarity wave a fan in front of her face: But of course.. My public awaits!

Spik n Span led the young Unicorn through the of Tambelon Castle. Both staff and guard pony alike could not believe their eyes as they Twilight Sparkle prance about like a member of high society. When they finally reached the classroom, the Princess prepared to make a grand entrance in front of her new teacher.

Rarity: The finest Princess in all of Equestria has arrived!

The Unicorn proclaimed this as she burst through the door.

A soft voice called out to her: I'm glad you could make it..

As Rarity opened her eyes, her jaw nearly dropped to the floor. Standing right in front of her was Crown Princess of Canterlot, the alicorn Princess Celestia.

Rarity: P-P-P-Princess Celestia!? I'm sorry! I didn't mean..!

Celestia: Honestly Twilight there's no need to formal.. We see each other every day!

Rarity: We do..? Of course we do! I know that because I'm the princess!

Princess Celestia tilted her head slightly at the young Unicorn, eyeing her curiously. Then her smile returned to her face.

Celestia: Now then Twilight.. Shall we begin reviewing your essay?

Rarity grits her teeth: Essay..?

Celestia: Why of course Twilight.. Your five hundred page essay on the founding of Equestria?

Rarity's eyes grew as wide as dinner plates: Fi-f-fi-fi-fi-five hundred page essay?!

Celestia eyed the unicorn with a mischievous smile: You do have your essay with you.. don't you Twilitght?

Rarity began to stutter nervously, her jaw shaking and her eyes tearing up: I-I-I-I..

All of a sudden Rarity threw herself down to the floor: ..I can't take it anymore!

Rarity quickly wiped the makeup off of her face, revealing her true self..

Spik n Span was dumbfounder: Rarity?! What? How? Where is Princess Twilight!?

Rarity began bawling out in tears: Bwahahahaha! She made me do it! She's probably outside of the castle by noooow!

A grimace appeared upon Spik n Span's face: Oh no!

Down in the castle barn, a furious Apple Jack was packing a burlap sack in her "new" room.

Apple Jack: Pony feathers to Tambelon! I'm moving back to my home on the farm if it's the last thing I do!

The young filly quietly crept down and towards the front. When she looked outside, she saw her family chatting happily with the rest of the castle staff. She one last sad look at them, and the headed to the window at the far side of side of the house.

She slid the window open carefully and quietly, and then out the window.

Pinkie Pie: Whatcha doing?

Apple Jack was startled to see Pinkie Pie standing right in front of her: I'm uh, just gettin' some air.

Pinkie Pie: With a burlap sack and without saying goodbye to your family?

A stubborn look crossed Apple Jack's face: Oh for Ponies Sake! I'm goin' home!

Pinkie Pie: But, I thought this was your home?

Apple Jack turned to trot away: Well no offense Pinkie, but my home is back on the farm! With the fresh air and plenty of apples!

Pinkie Pie's face suddenly lit up: "Gaaaaaaaaasp!" You're from a farm? I'm from a farm! Of course it was a Rock Farm.. But it's the same exact thing!

Apple Jack rolls her eyes: Yeah.. That's nice, now if ya'll excuse me!

Pinkie Pie: Wait! Won't your Granny be mad that you ran away?

Apple Jack: Well it's her own fault, I didn't even want to come here anyway!

And the young Earth Pony stormed off in a huff..

Back at the Junior Speedsters Flight School, all the young Pegasus were gathered for the upcoming race. Rainbow Dash and ThunderLane were both at the mark, the three bullies right beside them.

Dumb-bell: Ready to race Rainbow Crash?

Rainbow Dash replied confidently: I was born ready!

Just as Rainbow Dash was about to take off, the leader of the three bullies stopped her!

Dumb-bell: Hold on a second Rainbow Crash! There are two of you and three of us. You and ThunderLame need a third partner or else you forfeit!

Rainbow Dash floated back in a huff: Fine, give us a minute to pick!

Hoops: Wait a minute! Since you two made the bet we should get to choose your third partner!

Score: Yeah!

Rainbow Dash crossed her arms at the three pegasus: Fine! Who did you have in mind?

The leader of the bullies rubbed his chin, acting as if it was a tough decision: Hmmmmmmmm.. We choose.. Fluttershy!

The entire class of pegasus looked over to small yellow pony standing beside her griffon friend. Gilda attempted to comfort Fluttershy as she whimpered, trying to hide herself beneath her long pink hair.

Rainbow Dash's jaw dropped wide open: That's not fair!

ThunderLane stepped in: Yeah, you know that Fluttershy is afraid of flying!

The leader of the bullies strutted confidently: Tough cookies! Either you fly with her or you forfeit!

Rainbow Dash slumped downward, as she gloomily approached Fluttershy: Come on Fluttershy, your in..

Fluttershy panicked: Oh.. Um.. That is.. I really have to!

Rainbow Dash: Come on Fluttershy! We need you!

Fluttershy sighed: Okay..

The three young pegasus lined up at edge of the cloud next to their bully rivals. A googly eyed foal floated in front of them, preparing to wave a checkered flag..

Rainbow Dash: On your marks.. Get set.. Go!

Back in Tambelon, the three colts sat atop the market place, quite satisfied with their meal.

Soarin rubbed his belly: Aww yeah, that was good.

Cheese Sandwich chimed in: Yep, what's for desert?

All of a sudden the three colts heard a loud cry..

Twilight: Aaahhh! Help!

The three boys looked down into a nearby alleyway, to see a large minotaur carrying a purple filly in a cage!

Minotaur: Aww, Don't worry little Princess. I'll let ya go just as soon as your parents pay your Randsom!

The Minotaur held up the filly in cage mocking her!

Minotaur: Until then, just make yourself comfy.

Flash Sentry down at the scene below in disbelief.

Soarin: Poor kid.. Got herself caught by old Longhorn over there..

Cheese: Shouldn't we do something?

Soarin: And get ourselves caught?! Not a chance..

A determined look suddenly crossed the young Flash Sentry's face.

As the Minotaur mocked his young captive, a large rock suddenly smacked him in the back of the head.

Flash: Hey Fathead! Let her go now!

Soarin quickly ducked out of sight: Dude, what are you doing?

The Minotaur glared up at the young pest above, clearly annoyed: Why don't you come down here and say that you little punk!

A confident smile crossed Flash Sentry's face: Okey Dokey!

The young pegasus confidently flew down, drop kicking the Minotaur in his fat face!

Soarin Smacked himself on the head: Why does he always do this?

The Minotaur was so stunned that he dropped the cage releasing his young prisoner.

Flash Sentry called out to the tiny purple unicorn form atop the Minotaur's head: Run!

Twilight: Right, Running!

The Minotaur, clearly infuriated, threw a fist at the tiny pegasus above him: Why you little!

Flash Sentry quickly flew out of the way before the fist could reach him. Up above his companions watched in awe.

Cheese: Her Soarin, over here!

The orange earth pony pointed his friend to something on a nearby rooftop.

Back on the ground the Minotaur quickly called for his goons: Get her!

The two Goats quickly began to chase after the Princess: Okay Boaaasss!

All of a sudden a large barrel drop down onto one of the goats, followed by a second for his partner.

Goats: Heaaaaaaaaayy!

Flash Sentry looked up to see his partners in crime snickering at the chaos they had caused down below.

Soarin: Look out below you Jerks!

Cheese: Ha Ha Ha!

The Minotaur glared at young foals above him: You boys are makin' a big mistake!

All of a sudden, Flash Sentry noticed a large stack of crates, each one filled with consumer goods!

Minotaur: When I catch you I'm gonna..

A sudden clattering caught the Minotaur's attention. He turned around to see his own stockpile of goods and produce collapsing directly on top of him!

Minotaur: Oh Moooo..

As the dust cleared from the massive pile of jellies and wood, Flash Sentry confidently floated down atop his buried bovine enemy.

Flash: That's what I call a bull in a China Shop.

The young Unicorn peaked around the corner amazed at what she saw. From atop his battlefield the young pegasus almost looked as brave as her big brother!

Twilight: That was incredible! Thank you!

Flash Sentry blushed as the filly approached him: Oh you know. That's just how I do..

Soarin: Smoochy, Smoochy!

Flash abruptly turned to see his two best friends snickering high above him.

Soarin: Someponies in love!

Cheese: Ha Ha Ha!

Flash Sentry grew red as his two friends continued to mock him.

Flash: I am not! I hardly know her!

A look of realization crossed Flash's face as he realized what he had said. He turned back to see the small unicorn looking rather hurt.

Flash stuttered nervously: I mean.. That is.. I gotta go! See ya!

The young colt flew away quickly to join his friends. All three quickly rushed away leaving the young filly behind.

Twilight: Bye..

The colts rushed atop the rooftops until the market place was far behind. When they finally stopped to catch their breath, Flash Sentry regained his bluster.

Flash: I can't believe you two embarrassed me like that! And right in front of a girl too!

Soarin snickered: Hey your the one who tried to impress her, acting all herioc!

Flash crossed his arms in a huff: No I wasn't! I was just trying to do the right thing!

Soarin: Nuh-uh..

Flash: Yuh-huh..

Soarin: Nuh-uh!

Flash: Yuh-huh!

Cheese: Guys, guys!

Cheese sandwich interrupted his two friends, placing a hoof around both of them.

Cheese: We're best buds! We don't need a filly to come between us!

Soarin rolled his eyes: I don't think she's my type..

Cheese: You're missing the point. As long as the three of us have each other we don't need no Mares, no Hearts, no Hooves!

Flash Sentry smiled as his goofy young friend: Bronies before Ponies!

The three put there hooves together and raised them upward: Bronies before Ponies!

Back on the streets of the market place, Twilight Sparkle wandered sadly. She had thought the young cold who had saved her was young and heroic, but she wasn't so sure. For a moment she thought of returning back to the castle..

That's when she noticed the two guard ponies from earlier passing by.

Realizing that her disguise was gone, Twilight Sparkle quickly fled down a corner of the market place. As she failed to watch where she was going and tripped on a twig.

As she regained her senses, she suddenly noticed a shiny purple object lying on the ground directly in front of her.

Twilight: An egg?

It was indeed an egg, a large purple speckled egg that seemed to shimmer in the light. Twilight had many books about the various eggs laid by creatures, but she had never seen an illustration of an egg like this.

The young Unicorn picked herself up and levitated the orphaned egg towards her.

Twilight: Well I know for a fact that you don't belong here.

Twilight Sparkle thought to herself for a moment thinking of many books she had read over the years. She knew that certain creatures laid, but where could the creature who laid this egg possibly be?

Suddenly a realization dawned upon her.

Twilight: The Everfree Forest!

In the Throne Room of Tambelon, Spik n Span paced paced back in front of Shining Armor and Celestia. There was no doubt that he was a nervous wreck.

Spik n Span: Oh this is terrible, just terrible! I was supposed to watch her while her parents were gone! I could lose my job for this! What in Equestria will we do!?

Celestia: Spik n Span!

The butler turned to place the noble Alicorn with a gentle smile.

Celestia: Relax, Twilight Sparkle is an intelligent young pony. If she found her way out, she can find her way back.

Spik n Span: But-But she hasn't even been outside of the palace before! What if she gets lost? What if she never comes back!?

Shining Armor spoke up nonchalantly: Relax Spik n Span, I'll send the royal out to find her. With any luck we'll find her before the day is over.

As Spik n Span watched the two royal ponies walk away, he suddenly turned his ire toward the small young unicorn quivering in the corner..

Spik n Span: Rarity the Unicorn! I am holding you personally responsible. If anything happen to the Princess Twilight, I will make sure it is on your head!

As the stuffy unicorn continued to yell at her, tears began to well up in Rarities eyes. All of a sudden she burst into tears.

Rarity: Bwaaaaaaaahaahaha!

Spik n Span was taken aback by this: Well now, there's no need to cry about it..

Rarity continued to wail, and rushed out of the throne room a stream of tears following her.

She continued to wail as she rushed through the halls and all the way to the front gate. She was busy wailing, she didn't even notice the small orange pony with a knapsack directly in front of her.

The two fillies smacked right into each other both of them falling to the ground. As Apple Jack began to pick herself up, she suddenly recognized the unicorn in front of her.

Apple Jack: You again!

Rarity began to stifle her tears: "sniff" Me.. I haven't you before!

Apple Jack: Don't you play dumb with me. This is the second time ya'll have run into me today!

Rarity began to grow angry: I most certainly have not!

Apple Jack: Darn tootin ya did!

Rarity: No! I was busy all day with..

A realization dawned upon Rarity.

Rarity: Wait.. You've run into me before?

Apple Jack rolled her eyes: Uh, yeah!

Rarity exclaimed: That wasn't me that! That was the Princess Twilight Sparkle disguised as me!

A furious look crossed Apple Jack's face: That is the biggest load of applesauce I have ever heard!

Rarity fumed: It is not a load of.. whatever it is you said.. It's the truth!

Apple Jack: No it Ain't!

Rarity: Yes it Is!

Apple Jack: No it Ain't!

Rarity: Yes it Is!

Pinkie Pie: Stoooooooooooooooooooooop!

The two fillies turned to see Pinkie Pony that had just appeared between them.

Pinkie Pie smiled: It's the truth! You see Twilight Sparkle is the Princess of Tambelon! And every morning it's Rarity's job to help her get dressed! But this morning Twilight decided she wanted to switch places with Rarity! So they both covered themselves up in makeup! And then Twilight Sparkle snuck out of the castle, while Rarity attended her lessons with Celestia! But Celestia figured it out quickly, and then Spik n Span yelled, and Rarity cried and cried and cried. And then she bumped into you, and I bumped into her, And Now Were All Best Friends Forever! ..Oh, and I think Twilight got kidnapped.

Apple Jack and Rarity stared at Pinkie Pie in disbelief.

Rarity: Pinkie.. How did you know all that?

Pinkie Pie shrugged: I don't know!

Deciding not to question it, Rarity turned back to Apple Jack dramatically: Anyway.. I cannot possibly return until I have corrected my mistake!

Pinkie Pie drew the two ponies close: Ooh! Are you running away? Apple Jack's running away too! Maybe, all three of us can run away together, and then we can have one big Running Away Party!

Apple Jack turned to Rarity: Is she always like this?

Rarity: Pretty much..

Rarity pushed the two ponies away: Anyway, I must I find Princess Twilight and have returned her too the castle! Only then will I be able to look myself in the mirror again! And I need to, I look fabulous!

Apple Jack rolled her eyes: Well good luck to ya.. If ya'll need me I'll be back on the farm!

Rarity: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaait!

The young unicorn grabbed tightly onto Apple Jack's hoof.

Rarity: You have to help me find Princess Twilight, or else I'll never be to come home again! Please, please, please, please, Please!

Apple Jack desperately attempted to get the pony of her leg: Alright, alright already!

Finally shaking Rarity off, Apple Jack gave her a stern look.

Apple Jack: But after that, I'm gone!

Pinkie Pie chimed in: Can I come too!

The ponies stared at her knowing all to well that she wouldn't take no for an answer..

Rarity and Apple Jack: Fine..

Far outside of Tambelon, two teenage colts walked down a dirt road, their destination still a long way ahead of them.

TrenderHoof frowned as he looked at his map: Ugh.. I can't believe Manehatten is so far away. I'm telling you TroubleShoes, the first thing I'm buying when were set for life is a chariot!

TroubleShoes looked at TrenderHoof, expressing his feelings without even speaking.

TrenderHoof: Huh, you're right TroubleShoes.. Even if we did have a chariot, one of us would still have to pull it, which kind defeats the purpose!

As the two continued the one way conversation, they failed two a shadowy figure lurking form the shadows.

TrenderHoof: I guess we had an automatic chariot it would be okay, but where are we supposed to find a..

?: Ha-ha!

A mysterious voice called. All of a sudden a group of bandits of every type and creature surrounded the two friends. At the head of the group stood a tall handsome griffon wielding a saber.

Don Grif'aun: Shipmates, it appears we have caught our prize!

The bandits snickered as they surround the ponies.

TrenderHoof: Who the heck are you guys?

Don Grif'aun: What is this? You mean to tell me you have never heard of the famous sky pirate, Captain Don Grif'aun?

One of his shipmates chimed in: "He's the famous Captain Don Grif'aun.."

Don Grif'aun quickly whacked the thug on the head, knocking him unconscious: No time for a musical number!

The cunning griffon captain drew his saber close to the throat of TrenderHoof.

Don Grif'aun: Now listen well young pony, we know are delivering a package to Charlatan! And we know that he is offering quite a hefty sum for it. Therefore, it is only natural that professional thieves like us should receive it rather than amateurs such as yourselves!

TrenderHoof smiled sheepishly: Well.. since we are such amateurs.. Maybe you professionals could show us how it's done.. That way you could take us to Charlatan and we could split the reward fifty-fifty!

Don Grif'aun taps his beak in contemplation: Interesting, interesting.. But, counteroffer! You and your friend give us the package, and we will not throw you off a cliff!

TrenderHoof's teeth chattered as the fiends closed in on him. He darted his eyes back and forth trying to find a way to escape. All of a sudden, TroubleShoes puts gentle hoof on his shoulder, an understanding look in his eye.

TroubleShoes reached his satchel and took out the package: Here.. Take it.. Just leave us alone..

Don Grif'aun took the package with a smile: Excellent choice!

As the pirates began to walk away from the two boys, Don Grif'aun turned with a smirk.

Don Grif'aun: Better luck next time boys.. Consider this a lesson in professional thievery.. It's every pirate, bandit, and ne'er-do-well for themselves!

TrenderHoof and TroubleShoes watched as the pirates walked off with their prized. Their mission a failure, they turned around trotting glumly back to Tambelon..

High up in the sky, six little pegasi flew up above the Everfree Forest, attempted to keep pace with each other.

Rainbow Dash: Come on Fluttershy! Keep Up!

The scrawny little pegasus panted as attempted to keep up..

Fluttershy: I'm.. "gasp".. trying.. "gasp"..

ThunderLane looked back at Fluttershy with concern. He was so busy watching that he didn't notice one of the bullies give a wicked smile.

All of a sudden two of the bullies turned around mid flight, and aimed themselves directly at young Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash gasped in horror as she realized what two ponies were attempting to do.

Rainbow Dash: Fluttershy!

The little yellow pegasus panicked as she attempted to scurry away midair. Just when the brutes were about to make contact, a bright flash of Rainbow intercepted the attack.

ThunderLane: Girls!

ThunderLane watched in terror as the two fillies tumbled downwards towards the Everfree Forest! The three bullies laughed cruley.

Dumb-bell: Later Cluttershy! Later Rainbow Crash!

In blind fury, ThunderLane charged the bullies leader: What in Equestria did you just do!

The leader of the bullies suddenly became terrified.

Dumb-bell: T-take it easy bro! It was just a prank!

ThunderLane sneered at the bully, and then looked down towards the forest where Rainbow and Fluttershy had crashed. After regaining his composure he quickly flew down to forest below.

He searched and searched the limbs below but to no avail. Finally realizing that his friends were lost, he headed back up to skies.

ThunderLane: I can't find them! I'm heading back to the castle for help!

One of the bullies pointed a hoof down accusingly.

Dumb-bell: Hey wait a minute! Were still in the middle of a race! If you leave now, you totally forfeit!

ThunderLane rolled his eyes. Without a second thought, he quickly flew back into the direction of the castle. The three bullies watched as he vanished in the distance..

Score: Dude.. That guy needs to chill out!

Down in the shadows of the Everfree forest a stunned Rainbow dash attempted to pick herself up.

Fluttershy: Rainbow Dash! Be careful!

The tiny blue pegasus suddenly winced in pain. One look down at her wing, and she instantly realized why.

Rainbow: Aww, pony feathers! My wing's busted!

The fillies looked up at the forest surrounding them. Crooked trees surrounded them from every direction. The leaves up above almost seemed to form a roof over their heads. The only light that shone through the dark forest was from the small hole they had created up above.

Rainbow: Well.. It looks like flying out of her is out of the question..

Fluttershy: W-w-what are we going to do Rainbow Dash?

Rainbow Dash cautiously rose to her hoofs: Well, I guess were gonna have to walk back..

The two young fillies slowly trudged through the forest. But as far as they were concerned, every tree and vine looked exactly the same.

Fluttershy: "Gasp!"

All of a sudden Fluttershy noticed something in shadows. Rainbow Dash turned at instantly realized what she saw. From deep within the woods, a pair of eyes peered out at them from the darkness.

The two fillies quivered as a the mysterious figure approached them. As it came into the light the young ponies saw both a lions mane and a scorpions tail.

Rainbow Dash: A Manticore! Run Fluttershy!

The ponies dashed through the woods as the lumbering beast chased after after them. Fluttershy flapped through the air with Rainbow Dash following close on the ground. Despite their best efforts the Manticore continued to stay on their tale. All of a sudden, Rainbow Dash tripped on a crooked root.

Rainbow Dash: Umph!

Rainbow Dash landed face first in the dirt. As she curled up wincing in pain, the Manticore finally caught up to her.

Fluttershy: Rainbow Dash!

The little yellow pegasus quickly turned back and dived to the aid of her friend, just as the Manticore lumbered over her. As the beast raised it claws to the two ponies, Fluttershy suddenly noticed something.

Fluttershy: Wait!

Fluttershy raised her hoof to the manticore, causing it to pause in mid swipe. The beast suddenly winced in pain and lowered it's paw downwards. Fluttershy took the paw in her hooves and looked at it carefully.

Fluttershy: Oh, you poor thing..

A thick black thorn was stuck in the middle of the Manticore's paw. The savage beast whimpered, as the small pony approached his injury. With the greatest of care, Fluttershy slowly but surely removed the massive thorn from the creature.

Fluttershy: There you go.

A wide smile suddenly crossed the Manticore's face. Out of nowhere it picked up both Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy and licked them thoroughly with gratitude. Rainbow Dash groaned in annoyance.

Rainbow Dash: Grrrrrrrrrr..

Fluttershy: Awwww.. Your just a big old pussycat, aren't you!

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, yeah, yeah.. This is great and all, but how are we supposed to get home?

Fluttershy smiled at the fluffy friend above her: Excuse me sir, but could you help us get home?

Rainbow Dash: Fluttershy! It can't understand you! And even if it could..

All of a sudden the massive beast leaned forward and tossed the two ponies onto it's back. Without hesitation, the Manticore quickly leaped into the forest, and began to race the two fillies home!

Rainbow Dash: Ehh.. Never mind..

Back on the outskirts of Tambelon Kingdom, a small pony cart trudged forward whistling as he went. Little did he realize that he had a small stowaway hidden in his hay.

Twilight: Don't worry little fella.. We'll find your mother.

The young unicorn princess whispered to the purple egg in her hoofs, cradling it lovingly. As she looked at the city vanishing in the distance, she realized this was the farthest she had ever been from home.

Twilight: I hope that I'm making the right decision.. I know that everyone back at the castle is probably worried right now. But if there's even a chance I can bring this egg home I have to take it.

Twilight Sparkle continued to contemplate her situation as the horse and cart moved forward. As it continued down the path, another cart suddenly approached from behind it.

Mr. Greenhooves: Well hey there Matilda!

Matilda: Why hello there Mr. Greenhooves. How are you on this fine day.

Mr. Greenhooves: Oh I'm just my usual happy self.

The old pony and the donkey continued to converse as they journeyed down the path. Twilight Sparkle began to yawn as the conversation went on.

As she started to drift off to sleep she started to hear a voice calling out to her..

?: Twilight..

Twilight Sparkle began to stir.

?: Twilight!

The unicorns eyes began to open.

Pinkie Pie: Hey Twilight!

The young princess woke abruptly as she recognized the smiling pink pony hovering directly above her.

Twilight: Yeeeiiiiiaaaa!

Twilight Sparkle leapt to her hooves start, completely dumbfounded as to Pinkie arrived here. As she regained her senses, she suddenly noticed that Rarity was standing right beside Pinkie, along with familiar orange earth pony she had seen earlier.

Twilight: What are you guys doing here!

Pinkie Pie: Weeeeeell.. After Rarity, Apple Jack, and I got to know each other.. We snuck out of the castle to come and find you! So we looked in the market! We looked at the gates! We looked at the store where they sell Quills and Sofas, but nothing else, which is kind of weird when you think about it! We couldn't find you! Finally we saw you sneaking onto a haycart! So we asked Matilda for a ride! Then once we caught up to you we switched carts, and now here we are!

Twilight was dumbfounded: Well great, but why are you here?!

Rarity gave Twilight a serious look: Princess, this has gone far enough! I got in trouble because of you! And the only way I can show my face back at the castle is I return you this instant!

Applejack: Uh.. I'm just here for the ride!

Twilight Sparkle looked at the three ponies for a moment and then placed her hoof down.

Twilight: No!

Rarity: No! What do you mean no?!

Twilight gave Rarity a serious look: I can't go back to the castle. Not I have returned this egg two it's mother!

Pinkie Pie looked at the purple egg in awe: Ooooooooh! What kind of egg is it? Is it a griffin egg? A roc egg? An Easter egg? An eggplant?

The young unicorn placed a hoof over Pinkie's mouth before she could continue.

Twilight: Whatever kind of egg it it, I need to return it to it's family right away!

Rarity was dumbfounded: B-b-bu-but.. We don't even know where that egg could possibly belong!?

Twilight Sparkle posed confidently: I know exactly where it belongs! It belongs in the Everfree Forest!

Applejack's eyes lit wide open: Did ya'll say the Everfree Forest..?

Rarity, Twilight, and Pinkie Pie turned to Applejack with curiosity.

Twilight: You know about the EverFree Forest?

Applejack: Know it? My old farm was right outside of it! Back in the day, me and the whole Apple Family would head out into the Everfree Forest just to make Zap Apple Jam! Why I know it like the back of my hoof!

Twilight Sparkle eyed her curiously: Could you take me there?

A nervous look suddenly crossed Applejack's face: Uh.. Beg pardon, did I say the back of my hoof? Heh, heh..

The three fillies eyed Applejack suspiciously. Finally the small earth pony gave a deep sigh.

Apple Jack: To be perfectly honest.. The Everfree forest is the one part of my old farm that I didn't miss.. It just ain't natural! The plants grow, the clouds move, and the animals take care of themselves all of there own.

A chill ran down Rarity's back as she began to shiver, clinging onto Pinkie Pie tightly. Twilight though about what Applejack said and then approached her.

Twilight: Please, I need to bring back to the forest! I'm sure that it's parents miss it.

A sudden tear appeared in Applejack's eye, as something Twilight said pulled at her heartstrings.

Applejack: I'll take ya'll back to my old homestead.. But after that I'm done.

A happy smile crossed Twilight's face as she teared up. All of a sudden hugged the young Earth Pony tightly, much to her surprise.

Twilight: Thank you so much!

Applejack shrugged the young unicorn off with a blush: Well.. Let's get goin'..

The two fillies leapt off the edge of the cart off into a new direction. Rarity watched in a panic as they began to trot away.

Rarity: Oh Whatever shall we do?!

The white unicorn began to shake her pink pony friend thoroughly. All of a sudden a wide smile crossed Pinkie Pie's face as she hopped away to join her friends.

Rarity grimaced: Sure.. Let's go into the dangerous forest instead of the nice comfy castle! What could possibly go wrong?

Back in the forest, a small group of Diamond Dogs, led by one in a fedora trudged through the forest..

Fido: Ehh.. Where are we going again?

Cujo growled: I told you before! We're going to go find that package for Sombra! If we don't find it, it'll be the end of you, it'll be the end of me, but worst of all, it'll be the end of me!

Rover: Um.. How are we supposed to find it anyway!

Cujo rolled his eyes: According to that cat, this compass should lead us directly to what Sombra wants! Whatever that is!

Rover: You don't know?

Cujo snapped: Well I never actually saw the thing!

The four grumbled onward through the forest, completely unaware that something was following not far behind them.

Rainbow Dash: How much longer till we're out of this forest?

Fluttershy: Now Rainbow Dash, be patient.. Fluffy is going as fast as he can..

Rainbow Dash: You're calling him Fluffy, Really?

The two young pegasi continued onward the back of there Manticore friend. Little did they know that they were about to make a few more.

Applejack: Well, here it is!

The young earth pony pointed her friends to a large farmhouse, dozens and dozens of rows of apple trees dotted the landscape spanning off into the distance. A large farmhouse stood at the center of it. Though it had once looked, grand it had clearly been down over recent events.

Rarity attempted to force a smile: Oh.. My.. It looks.. Lovely..

Applejack frowned: Well.. It used to be lovely! Before.. the incident..

Twilight Sparkle scowled at Rarity: I'm sure it was lovely Applejack! Could you show us where the Everfree Forest is?

Applejack gave a concerned look: It's.. right over there..

The young pony pointed to far end of the farm. There a series of mangled trees clumped together, seemingly out of place. It was almost as it they did not belong in this landscape, or even this world!

Rarity shivered, once again clinging onto Pinkie Pie tightly

Pinkie Pie: Ooooh.. Spooky!

Twilight Sparkle stared at the mysterious woods, and then finally took a deep breath: Let's get going..

The young unicorn gripped her purple egg tightly, as the four fillies headed down to the woods. Little did they know that four pairs of eyes were staring out at them from the trees.

Cujo: That's her! That's the package!

The hideous Diamond Dog held out his compass directly at Twilight Sparkle, the arrow pointing directly at her.

Fido: The Pony..? Why would Sombra want a Pony?

Cujo slapped his minion on the back of his head: You idiot! That's the Princess of Tambelon! Of course Sombra wants us to bring her to him!

Another Diamond Dog pointed to the object in Twilight's hooves.

Spot: But Boss.. What if Sombra Wants us to bring him the egg?

Cujo slapped himself in the face in frustration: Alright, alright! We'll grab the Princess, and the egg, and the other three ponies as well, and then we'll ask Sombra witch one he wants!

The four ponies continued to approach the forest unaware of the conversation going on in front of them. All of a sudden Applejack paused..

Applejack: Ya know everypony.. I'm not sure if this is such a great idea.. Who knows what kind of critters are waiting in there?

Pinkie Pie put an arm around Applejack: Relax Applejack! What could possibly go wrong?

Cujo: I'll tell you what could go wrong!

The four Diamond Dogs suddenly leapt out of the forest.

Cujo: You being surrounded!

The four fillies screamed as the Diamond Dogs approached them. They quickly scurried in different directions!

Cujo: Oh no you don't!

The leader of the pack lifted poor Rarity by the tail. The young unicorn screamed, kicking her captor the entire time.

Cujo: Don't.. "Oof".. Just stand there.. "Ughh".. Get "Oomph".. the others!

The largest of the Diamond Dogs chased after both Pinkie Pie and Applejack.

Fido: Gotcha!

The bulky Diamond dog held each of the two earth ponies beneath his arms.

Meanwhile another of the dogs chased after Twilight.

Rover: Come here you!

The young unicorn was in such a rush that she tripped on her own hooves. The egg that she held flew the air much to her horror.

Twilight: Noooooooooo!

Just as the egg was about to fall, it fell into the paws of the smallest Diamond Dog!

Spot: Hehehehehehehee!

His partner in crime quickly placed Twilight over his shoulder.

Rover: We got em' boss!

Cujo looked over the captured ponies: Good! "Oof" Now let's get all of these annoying ponies to Sombra!

All of a sudden the Diamond Dogs and their pony captors heard a large roar. Cujo turned and to his horror saw a large Manticore leaping out of the forest towards him.

Cujo: Yeeaaaaaahhh! Run for it boys!

Cujo quickly Rarity to the ground as did the other Diamond Dogs to their captors. As Twilight Sparkle watched the egg drop to the ground, she flung herself forward and caught it just as it hit.

As the Diamond Dogs fled back into the forest Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie quivered at the Manticore before them. All of a sudden a voice called out.

Fluttershy: Are you okay?

The three ponies turned their heads in confusion. All of a sudden, two familiar pegasi appeared from atop of Manticore.

Rainbow Dash: BwaHaHaHaHa! You should have seen your faces!

Rarities face quickly turned red: Rainbow Dash, you little..!

Applejack looked at the two ponies atop of the Manticore: How did ya'll tame this thing!?

Rainbow Dash placed a hoof around Fluttershy: Thank Fluttershy over here! She's the one who has a way with animals!

Pinkie Pie: Ooh this is so exciting! Now everyone knows each other! Applejack this is Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash this is Apple Jack! Apple Jack this is Fluttershy! Fluttershy this is Rarity! Rarity this is Pinkie Pie..!

Rainbow Dash: All right Pinkie Pie, we get it!

The five fillies laughed as they got to know each other! All of sudden Rarity noticed Twilight Sparkle down on the ground.

Rarity: Princess.. Is everything alright?

As Rarity approached the young Unicorn she noticed tears forming in her eyes!

Twilight: The egg.. It's broken..

Twilight Sparkle showed the ponies a large crack that had formed in the egg. Applejack approached to comfort her.

Applejack: It's alright Sugar Cube, it's not as bad as it..

All of a sudden, Apple Jack noticed something.

Applejack: Hold on.. It ain't broken.. It-it's hatching!

The six fillies surrounded the egg as something began to break out of the shell..

Catrina: Remind me again why the package is so important master?

Sombra growled at his second in command: I told you before Catrina.. Within the confines a monster! Or at least, it will become a monster when it hatches! All we need to do is supply it with a little greed.. and a whole lot of evil.. And within a week it will grow to a size large enough to conquer all of Equestria. Not even my father will be able such a beast.. And Canterlot shall be mine!

Sombra laughed sinisterly, his cackling echoing far beyond his castle and across the forest. Thunder clapped as he continued to laugh!

Rarity: Aww.. He's adorable!

The six ponies stared down at the tiny purple creature in Twilight's hooves, sucking on his tail.

Fluttershy: It's a baby dragon! I've never seen a baby dragon before!

Twilight: I didn't even know there were any Dragons in Equestria!

Applejack: Well there certainly ain't any in the Everfree forest! Trust me, I would know..

Pinkie Pie: Baby Dragon Birthday Party!

Pinkie Pie began tossing streamers into the air and blowing into a noisemaker. All of a sudden Rainbow Dash leapt to her hooves.

Rainbow Dash: Hello everypony! That thing is a dragon! And one day it's gonna eat us! And.. and..

All of sudden Rainbow Dash noticed the adorable purple creature eyeing her happily.

Rainbow Dash: ..and, it's so Cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!

Rainbow Dash picked up the baby dragon and hugged it tightly. The other fillies gilled as they watched her do so.

Rainbow Dash blushed: Well.. it is!

Spik n Span: Princess Twilight!

The six girls turned to the familiar voice behind them. High above pegasus soldiers led a chariot carrying Spik n Span, Shining Armor, and ThunderLane in tow. The fillies fidgeted nervously as the chariot landed, and Spik n Span rushed towards them!

Spik n Span pick up Twilight in his hooves: Princess Twilight! Thank goodness your safe! Which means I'm safe! Because your safe! Which means.. You're in big trouble young lady! Your all in trouble! Is that a baby Dragon!?

The fillies smiled sheepishly as Spik n Span's attitude quickly changed.

Rainbow Dash: Heh.. how did you find us..?

Shining Armor approached the ponies, a stern look on his face: ThunderLane informed us that two of his friends had gotten lost in the Everfree Forest, so of course we rushed to rescue them.. Weren't we surprised to find the rest of you here..

With Shining Armor at his side Spik n Span quickly regained his bluster: This is unacceptable! While of course we are relieved that you are all okay, the fact of the matter is none of you should be going outside all willy nilly! Races to the Everfree Forest! Impersonating Royalty! Ooh, when the King and Queen get home..!

Celestia: That's enough Spik n Span..

The entire partly looked upward to see a familiar Alicorn floating down from above.

Twilight: Princess Celestia! I can explain.. The whole thing was my fault! I'm the one who snuck off to the Everfree Forest.. Everypony else just got caught up in it!

Celestia gave a stern look: While I'm sure that's partially true, it seems everypony here played a part in what happened here. Therefore you all must share the blame, and share your punishment together.

The six fillies looked down at the ground ashamed.

Princess Celestia eyed the ponies with a mischievous smile: Your punishment is..

Celestia suddenly picked up the baby dragon in her wing and handed it to Twilight.

Celestia: Caring for this baby Dragon..

Spik n Span's muzzle dropped wide: Are you joking!? That's not a pet, that's a ferocious beast! What kind of punishment is this!?

Celestia gave Spik n Span look which quickly cooled his temper.

Spik n Span: But, what do I know, I'm just a member of the staff.

Celestia placed a wing around the six fillies and their dragon friend: A baby Dragon in Equestria is a rare sight indeed. Almost as rare as a friendship between six ponies such as yourself. I am feeling that there will be many more responsibilities such as this in your future!

Back at Midnight Castle, the four nervous Diamond Dogs slowly approached King Sombra's throne. One look at Sombra's face and you could tell he was not happy.

Cujo chuckled nervously as he approached: H-hey boss.. I have good news.. And I have bad news..

Sombra glared at the quivering canine unmoved.

Cujo: Well, the bad news is.. We lost the package.. but the good news is.. Well I haven't quite thought of it yet.. but when I do..

Sombra: Cujo..

The Diamond Dog was cut off by Sombra's interruption. Sweat poured down his brow as the menacing stallion approached him. Suddenly Sombra placed a hoof onto Cujo.

Sombra: I'm not mad..

Cujo was dumbfounded: R-really!?

King Sombra trotted past the Diamond Dogs nonchalantly, as if he truly didn't care.

Sombra: Of course you failed.. but you tried your best.. and in the end that's all that really matters..

Cujo turned to his Diamond Dog comrades in disbelief. Soon all four were beginning to chuckle to themselves.

Suddenly Sombra turned back to face them: And you know what.. I have good news.. I've decided to hire you..

A happy look suddenly crossed Cujo's face: Really?

Sombra: Yes..

A smile crossed Sombra's face as turned towards the entryway. All of sudden, the doorway swung open revealing Catrina leading three unicorn fillies behind her. All three had wicked looks in their eyes as their horns glowed menacingly.

Sombra: You can all start.. By being target practice.. For my three daughters!

The screams from Midnight Castle echoed across the entire Everfree forest and beyond..


Deep within the city of Manehatten at an unknown location, a cunning group of pirates met with one of the fiercest mob bosses in Equestria!

Don Grif'aun: Sir Charlatan!

The cunning griffin bowed the oversized penguin sitting in a comfortable chair eating fish. The minions at his side could instantly tell you just how powerful he was.

Don Grif'aun: I just want you to know, that I went through a lot of trouble in getting you this package!

The Grif'aun handed the box to Charlatan. The Penguin opened the box with a smile on his face.

Don Grif'aun: I suppose I shall be getting a huge promotion.

The expression on the penguins face suddenly changed.

Charlatan: There's nothing in here..

Grif'aun chuckled to himself: Don't be ridiculous! Why of course there's something in..!

The griffon suddenly grabbed the box from Charlatan's flippers. His eyes desperately darted around the insides of package, searching for the contents. Sweat dripped down his brow as he sheepishly hand the box back to Charlatan.

Don Grif'aun: Well.. No! Technically there isn't anything inside! But you have a very nice box, wouldn't you agree!

Charlatan glanced at the Box and then back at Grif'aun.

Charlatan: Indeed.. Would you like to take a closer look at it?

The large Penguin suddenly slammed the box atop Grif'aun's head.

As the pirates left the city of Manehatten behind them, Don Grif'aun mumbled under his breath stilll rubbing his head.

Don Grif'aun: Those boys tricked me.. I do not care how long it takes.. I will my revenge, if it's the last thing I do!

The fearsome captain raised his sword to the sun swearing his vengance.

A pirate chimed in: He's the famous Captain Don Grif..!

Grif'aun smacked him atop of his head: You ruined my big Dramatic moment!

Back in Tambelon, TroubleShoes and TrenderHoof trudged through the streets in disappointed.

TrenderHoof: I cannot believe this! After all our hard work.. Our one chance at putting our past behind us.. "poof".. Gone life the wind!

TroubleShoes looked at his longtime friend as he grumbled onward. Finally he placed a large hoof on his shoulder.

TroubleShoes: At least we still have each other..

TrenderHoof looked up at his large friend, and a smile slowly crept across his face..

TrenderHoof: Eh.. Your right buddy.. Still, I wonder what was in that package that was so important?

The two teenage colts were so busy talking that they failed to notice the group of fillies led by the royal guard passing them by..

Fluttershy: What should we name him?

Rainbow Dash: It's got to be a cool name like "Dragon Thunder" or something!

Applejack rolled her eyes: There's no way in tarnation were call'n him that..

Rarity pointed an accusing hoof: What do you care? I thought you were running away!

Applejack shuffled nervously: Well.. I can't exactly run away now! I got responsibilities to take care of!

Twilight Sparkle spoke up: Speaking of Responsibilities.. I'm sorry I dragged all of you into this mess..

Rainbow Dash chimed in: What are you talking about? Me and Fluttershy were in trouble long before you guys showed up!

Pinkie Pie grabbed ahold of Applejack: Yeah! And Applejack and me were already running away from home!

Rarity tapped her chin in thought: I suppose I do share a bit of responsibility.. Running away like that and all..

Twilight smiled: Thanks girls, I really appreciate everything you've done. And at least we get to take care of this little "spike" in our life!

The six girls continued to chatter as Shining Armor and Spik n Span smiled at each other. As the two stallions lead the group back into the castle, they realized that this was the start of a beautiful friendship!

Scootaloo: Wait a minute! I thought this was the story of how Twilight, and Rainbow Dash, and everybody else got there Cutie Marks!

Spik n Span tugged at his collar as the Crusaders eyed him suspiciously.

Spik n Span: Well.. It was the beginning of the story.. How they exactly got their Cutie Marks is another story entirely.. Getting a Cutie Mark requires a lot of work and a lot of patience.. But with good friends behind you, following you every step of the way, in due time..

Apple Bloom: Well this is borin'.. Let's get our Cutie Marks in moat swimmin'!

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo chimed in!

Crusaders: Yeah!

Spik n Span watched in a panic as the three fillies raced out of the armory..

Spik n Span: No, Wait! There are crocodiles in there! Oh nooooo..!