• Published 30th Jun 2020
  • 9,124 Views, 240 Comments

The Smiling Monster of the Everfree - Ghost Alvasa

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Traing and HEATED Debates

A week has gone by since Gar had been in Zeldris’s world. During that time, they did many things. Such as Ki training…

“So how do you wanna do this?” Zeldris questioned Gar as they flew over to an uninhabited part of the Everfree. “You want to have a one-on-one only using Ki. Should we just practice on the undead? Maybe we summon a displaced and use them as a practice dummy.” Zeldris asked as they landed in an open part of the forest.

“Who do you know that will willingly take hits and bounce back from it right away?” Gar asked flatly. “Cause I can think of only a few, two being assholes you’d rather not deal with and the third being busy in some sort of Displaced Tournament according to the older of the other two.”

“There’s a displaced tournament?” Zeldris asked, confused. “Well, whatever. I’m guessing the two assholes are your siblings… wouldn’t mind beating them up.” The demon smirked as he looked at Gar. “I guess that leaves the undead or us clashing.”

“Yea I just had my ass handed to me and nearly died last week,” Gar continued flatly expressionless, “so yea the undead it is. I can only teach you what I’ve figured out myself though. Flight and ki blast or drawing out your power. You don’t really have the physical advantage I have with the zenkai boost and let's face it,” he stared. “You’re never going to get your ass handed to you unless it’s someone stronger than you and even then you’d still refuse that power. I have also figure out ki weapon constructs to a point, like Black’s scythe.”

“Ok, I’ve already figured out Ki blast.” Zeldris demonstrated using a tree as the target. He fired off two blasts in quick succession. “I haven’t touched on flight yet since I have so many other options, but I still need to learn it. And the Ki constructs shouldn’t be too hard to learn.” Zeldris said, looking to the sky in thought. “And wait, are you saying you can pull an elder Namekian and unlock my potential? Wait, was that the elder Namekian or the Kai?” He mumbled the last part quietly.

“It was both actually but what I’m going to do is closer to a Namekian and unclog your energy flows so you run more something, like a car. I can clearly see you’ve mastered blasting shit to pieces,” Gar looked over to the smoking remains of the tree. “But you haven’t mastered ki blast control,” Gar lit his pointer finger, and a small ki ball formed above it. Gar then moved his finger and the ball whizzed all around the area before landing on the stump and blasting the rest to ash. “You waste too much energy on being showy and excess isn’t always the best way. Motor control plays a large part in the construct aspect as well. Instead of controlling the ki away, you maintain its shape near you,” he created a large ki ball then shaped into a sword. “Another thing you must remain aware of is that ki is heavily influenced by emotions. Lose control and the construct may explode and blow off your own hand. Can’t tell you how many times I had to go off and find one of mine or grow a new one.”

“Goddammit. Training is such a hassle.” Zeldris complained as he raised one of his hands pointed towards the open field. “Summon undead 10th tier.” After saying that an army of skeleton knights rose from the ground. Some had horses and others wore robes and had grimoires. “Holy shit I didn’t know what was going to happen but that is a lot.” Zeldris flew up in the air and began to gather large amounts of Ki in his hand. “Hey, Gar! Falcon punch!” He yelled as he dived towards the army making a crater in their forces.

“What did I just say about Ki control?” Gar said flatly as he shook his head.

Coming from out of the small crater Zeldris laughed. “I know but I really wanted to do that.”

“Anyways,” Gar rolled his eyes. “You have just demonstrated a fine aspect of ki nature control,” Zeldris tilts his head. “You changed the nature of you ki to have the effect of fire.” Zeldris raised an eyebrow. “Look, just know that ki is life energy and as energy, it takes on different states and planes and existence. Falcon Punch is a fire-based ki technique while Flight is an air-based ki technique. They will have a similar effect to the elements which they look like. Basically, if you visualize yourself flying while using ki, you’re flying. Ki is all about visualizing what you want to do with it, but its major Achilles heel is that it can easily be turned against its user. Naturally, we’re not immune to our own attacks or having our ki stolen,” Zeldris nods. “That leads me to deflection, shoot me.”

“Gladly,” Zeldris said, not missing a beat. He thought about what Gar said about control, and focused on having more Ki in one blast, then compacting it. Now having a smaller Ki blast he shoots it at Gar. Gar easily deflects it right back to Zeldris, catching the demon off guard. Not having enough time to react, Zeldris gets blasted in the face, knocking him on his ass.

“You dick.” Zeldris said, getting up slowly.

“Deflection, one of our greatest assets,” Gar held up his claw. “We are constantly generating ki and have it on us as a result. Being able to deflect our opponents’ attack is matching our ki energy with them and matching the speed at which they blast us. It's simple but hard. The number of opponents you take on, the kinds of powers they have, etc. Understand so far?”

“Yes I do but I have a question. You know what bleach is correct?” Gar nods. “I was wondering if Ki and Reistu are compatible with each other. Like can we combine them to make a new but similar type of energy? I’m bad at explaining.”

“It is a common mistake that reiatsu and ki are compatible but reiatsu is able to take on more worldly forms such as solid material where ki does not,” Gar answered. “You may be able to combine technique like your cero with the Kamehameha wave but don’t try and force them together lest the clash. At a base level, they are nearly identical but reiatsu is both living and dead compatible where ki is only living compatible or for those who have maintained a physical body after death.”

“Hmmm... I’ll have to touch upon this after I’ve mastered both of them.” Zeldris hummed in thought. “Now back to Ki training. We have to get rid of this army somehow.” He motioned to the still Skeletons.

“Ki beam,” Gar points his finger, and a ki laser fires as he whips his hand across the skeletons destroying them all, “Maintain a constant stream like with a construct but reach out like with fine motor control but less control. Easy enough.”

Zeldris stuck out his hand. He coated it in Ki and constructed a small Ki blade. After swinging it around for a couple of seconds he followed Gar’s instructions and made a Ki beam. Zeldris looked at Gar with a smile on his face.

“Easy enough,” Zeldris said as he shot Gar with the Ki beam.

A day went by with nothing happening, except for more training. So that brings us to the third day Gar has been in Zeldris world. But let’s not focus on the displaced, let’s focus on the Angels...

The two sisters were in the kitchen with the mummy chefs teaching them how to cook, so that they could better satisfy Zeldris. What they didn’t understand was why their father just didn’t make more angel chefs like them.

“I think he made us under circumstances,” Adreana noted. She really didn’t care one way or another.

“He did not his butler once,” Yuki agreed. “For undead, they are rather decent cooks but horrid fighters.”

“Got that right,” Adreana flicked one of the mummies away. “Even if they can’t speak like the others, they should still be more powerful, at least if they want to prepare pops a halfway decent meal.”

“I concur,” Yuki nods. “I wonder how Wazu is doing?”

“Who is Wazu?” Simon asked as he walked into the kitchen accompanied by James.

“Wazu is our brother, big brother,” Yuki explains. “We are triplets. He is currently in the service of Goku Black. Lord Gar,” the sister noticed Simon sneer slightly at the mention of their master’s name, “Transferred control of Wazu to Black not long after our creation. He didn’t see the need for three cooks at the time. Though I am the cook and Adreana is the hunter. We are still more than capable of doing either task, but these are the roles we prefer. Lord Gar saw no need to change this either.”

“Hmph, so three ungrateful children who no longer serve their master.” Both sisters were taken aback by the comment. Adreana released bloodlust at Simon, while Yuki stared him down coldly.

“We were created to sever lord Gar asshole,” Adreana cut in. “The master you serve is our father; it is he who created us and told us our purpose the second we were born. We were created to serve Lord Gar as his personal cooks, so we did and do!”

James got in between them. “Please, he didn’t mean a word he said.” He said to the sisters attempting to calm down the situation. “Simon what the hell is wrong with you!” James whisper yelled at his friend.

“Even if you were created to serve Gar, you should still be loyal to our Master.” Simon spread his wings to look more intimidating. “However, it seems you are more loyal to that thing instead… how could you do that to the being who created you, your father?” As Simon spoke, he grew more upset.

“It is as Adreana said and you so callously pointed out big brother,” Yuki said coldly. “He is not our master but our creator and father. His purpose for us was to serve another master and we do. Lord Gar has been good to us,” Yuki’s gaze narrowed. “He gives us freedom to make choices as we see fit and even trains us to better our power with skills, we never knew we could access. We would gladly fight for father, but we will die for OUR MASTER!

“If Lord asked me to go to the sack and wait for it, I would do so with pride!” Adreana added with a bit of red in her face.

“Gar, that thing, doesn’t have emotions. How can you care for something that doesn’t have the ability to care for you back?” Simon genuinely questioned.

“You truly think our master doesn’t have emotions,” Yuki raised an eyebrow and scoffed.

“You couldn’t be more wrong about that,” Adreana said insulted. “You haven’t seen what he’s done for the ponies and fairies of our world. He is a teacher.”

“He has saved the lives of many in his time as the Fairy King, and many before even that,” Yuki’s scowl deepens. “He loves one of the princesses and went so far as to build her a school. A place to spread her teachings of friendship. TELLING ME HE DOESN'T FEEL IS MORE THAN AN INSULT BUT AN OUTRAGE!”

Simon took a step back and his gaze softened. “This sounds nothing like the monster who slammed my face into the ground…” He bowed. “I apologize for my behavior; I never knew the kind of being he was.” James fell in line with Simon and bowed.

“Call our master a monster one more time and you will regret it,” Adreana remarks as she’d reached her boiling point.

“You must have met him when his emotions were inhibited,” Yuki scoffed. “If he slammed your head into the ground it must’ve been because he was either defending himself or because you provoked him. Even when his emotions were muted, they were still there but he would still not lash out without a reason,” she crossed her arms. “When he was emotionally stunted, he would always follow logical action above all else, meaning you were the aggressor and you deserved what you got, big brother.”

Simon laughed nervously while scratching the back of his head. “I see that I was in the wrong here… I do hope you can forgive me and act like this never happened.” Simon grabbed both of his sisters and brought them into a hug. “I’m sorry and I hope you still love your big brother, because I love the both of you.”

“Aww!” James commented as he watched on.

“Say anything to anyone and I’ll bury you alive where not even the ponies will find you,” Adreana growled behind the butler with a raised fist as she emitted a red aura of permanent death.

“Adreana enough,” Yuki said curtly, stopping her sister. “We will overlook your adornment behavior this time big brother but don’t let father catch you bad-mouthing his friend like that. He does consider Lord Gar to some sort of degree, then there are our master’s older siblings. They are true monsters, especially the eldest, and if you don’t believe us ask our father about them.”

“Of course, I would never,” Simon said as he grabbed an apple off the counter. “And I’ll keep an eye out for his siblings since you are talking them up so much.”

“They’re no joke,” Adreana says. “We’ve never met the middle but according to our master, his middle brother wields Anti-magic and is a highly-skilled martial artist and blade user. The oldest...”

“We’ve never met him before, but we’ve felt his presence at one point,” Yuki shakes slightly. “That much power in one form, he… is terrifying… to think he can travel across the worlds as well. From what Lord Gar told us father did meet him once.”

“Sounds like a family of monsters…” Simon could feel Adreana start to become hostile again. “I didn’t mean it like that! I wasn’t calling them monsters in that way! But they sound powerful, of course not as strong as Father.” He said with his chest puffed out.

‘Watch what you say about my baby brother from now on…’ Came a deathly voice on the wind.

“I believe we should change the subject now,” Yuki quickly said as a chill ran down everyone’s spines.

“Can you guys make an apple pie?” Simon asked in the spur of the moment, trying to change the topic. “You guys are chefs, right? Let’s see if team twins or team mummies make a better apple pie!” Simon proposed and took a bite of his apple.

“We don’t compete,” Adreana cut that off. “Yuki already has a strawberry pie in the oven for pops anyway.”

“The mummies are rather adept if not plain,” Yuki noted. “Can you not gain skills in this world?”

“Skills?” Simon questioned. “They are mummies made to help out around the tower, they have their limits.”

“I take offense to that.” James quietly said under his breath.

“Maybe you have to have a certain level of intelligence to gain skills,” Adreana thought out loud. “In our world, you can gain powers through combat or doing an action. Usually by going out and experiencing something out of the normal. It doesn’t really matter though, it looks like Master and pops are coming in.”

“It smells great in here,” Zeldris said when he stepped into the room.

“Thank you, father, I am baking you a pie,” Yuki bowed.

“How is the training going?” Adreana asked.

“I’ve done what I can,” Gar motions to Zeldris. “It’s all about practicing the techniques now,” He looked at Zeldris. “You need food and I need food but later there is a matter I must discuss with you about the angels. Something that may provide an edge against our fight against the demons.”

“Alright, we can talk tonight.” Zeldris nodded. Then a smile spread across his face. “But first let’s eat some food from these master chefs!”

“I concur,” Gar marks licking his fangs.

“I’ll go set the table then… come on mummies, we have work to do.” James called out to the staff and quickly set the table.

Later that night

“Now what is it you wanted to discuss?” Zeldris asked as he sat across from Gar.

“It pertains to this,” Gar points to his facial scar. “This part of me bit into Chrysalis and took quite a decent sample of her blood. I didn’t incorporate it into myself due to the goddess part of her biology but that is what I want to discuss. Boosting or ranks, with goddesses.”

“Hmmm, I see.” Zeldris leaned back and crossed his arms. “You want to use her mixed blood dna to draw out the concentrated goddess portion. A brilliant idea.”

“Yes, I want to make a serum that brings out the latent goddess powers of others,” Gar nods. “But this type of serum will only work on being closely related to the goddess clan in biology. The closest currently being the angels. If we can do this, they will become true members of the goddess clan, and totally loyal to us,” Gar scowls. “In that fight with Chrysalis someone interfered with the benign turned to ash, someone with divine powers. It wasn’t the sisters either, but you see why we need this. You are facing the demons, while I… face the goddesses,” He sighs. “Chrysalis DNA isn’t enough though, she is a half goddess, yes but I need at least two other samples that are natural-born goddesses. I have the sisters from my world already due to the battlefield. I just need two more. Do you think you could convince yours?”

“Before I answer that I would like to say that Simon isn’t a member of the goddess clan. I made him a completely unique being.” Zeldris sighed. “And for the sisters, I believe that there will be no problems getting some of their dna. But if this serum works, you’ll have the possibility of becoming part goddess yourself. What I don’t understand is why you haven’t absorbed some of Chrysalis’s DNA already.”

“Think about it Zeldris,” Gar stands up. “Chrysalis in my world is a walking contradiction. She's a demon, fairy, and goddess hybrid. Mixing two things that normal war with each other never ends well outside of a natural birthing process and even then it still has its share of complications,” he points out. “If down artificially before fully understanding it could have dire consequences, especially if done my way. If I try to incorporate her dna into me right now it could be disastrous. I am already part demon and fairy but these actions though introduced artificially, still came around naturally in a way too. Becoming a fairy is only natural if after I received the spear. I was only part demon when I did receive it thus my biology changed to better balance the two due to my parazyte DNA’s adaptability. As far as we know fairy and demon were more compatible than goddess and demon after all in my world there are still technically dark fairies,” he said sitting back down. “My point is it's too high a risk if done outside of a natural process. There are too many variables to consider this early in the experiment, none that don’t justify my own life, the lives of others, or the end game.”

“Ok, I see what you’re saying. But still, all of this is rich coming from the demon, fairy, sayian, human, parazyte hybrid.” Zeldris laughed. “I’ll get your DNA samples in the morning. This is a lot to think about. It could really be a great help in the fight.”

“And these are your children we’re talking about,” Gar adds. “I won’t force any that don’t want this but I still think if we could make this serum we would have an edge, not even the demon king would see,” Gar stands up. “For now though, I will take my leave for the night. The forest calls me,” he says as he walks off.

“Ok Lorax,” Zeldris said as Gar walked away. “And the decision to take the serum is theirs to make. For such a big matter that could completely change their life for the better… or the worst, I’ll let them decide.” The demon got up and made his way to his room.