• Published 30th Jun 2020
  • 9,124 Views, 240 Comments

The Smiling Monster of the Everfree - Ghost Alvasa

  • ...

The Seeking

Author's Note:

Been done for a few days now but never had a chance to look over it due to work. Hope you guys enjoy it.

Alvasa Out! nwn

"Did you really have to suck face right there in front of the school?' Rainbow crossed her arms. "And in front of me!"

"We didn't make out!" Twilight shot back embarrassed with a deep red over her face. "I just kissed him. You would've done the same thing if it was the stallion you love and they'd literally just perform a feet of devotion like that for you!"

"I have to agree Dear Twilight on this one Rainbow Dash," Rarity backed the book pony. "What Gar did was outright astounding in its own right but the fact he did for the mare he loved to help further her spread friendship is absolutely romantic!" She sang and twirled. "I wish I had a stallion that would do the same for me, not the exact same mind you but willing to do something of the sort."

"Ah'm gonna have to agree to side with Twi and Rares on this RD," Applejack looked at the school in all its glory while removing her hat. She wiped a tear from her eye, "Ah see a bright future for this place and all that are gonna come here."

"Yea," Pinkie bounced around. "It'll be super duper fun to teach friendship to everyponies else. Think of all the parties and smiling faces! OH MY GOSH, WE NEED TO THROW A 'FOUNDING OF TWILIGHT'S NEW SCHOOL THANK YOU GAR PARTY!" She yelled before zipping off and diving into the pond.

Every pony stared at the water for a minute then the silence was broken by a yellow mare.

"I can't wait to share how to be kind with my animal friends," Fluttershy silently squeed. "YAY!" She clapped and slightly jumped in place. "Oh, speaking of Gar, where is he Twilight?"

"I don't know," Twilight shook her head.

"What ya mean 'Don't Know?'," Applejack raise and eyebrow. "He's your stallion Twi and he usually tells you where he's goin before he leaves."

"I mean I don't know Aj," Twilight slightly snapped at the farm mare "Yes, he and I are together but I don't need to keep him on a leash and know when and where he is and what he's doing at all times. He has his own kingdom to look after too."

"Sorry Twi," Applejack rubbed the back of her head. "Ah didn't mean it like that."

"Yea it's just he usually tells you what he's going to do," Rainbow added.

"I'm sorry I snapped like that girls." Twilight looked at the ground. "He brought me back to the castle a couple of days ago and then kissed me goodbye and then left," Twilight sighed. "He said he'd be back in a few days and that in the meantime I should get with you girls and start sitting up here." She motioned to the empty school. "Try and get in touch with everypony that know's somepony else."

"I can certainly see the reasoning behind his logic," Rarity pointed out. "Did he get summoned?"

Twilight simply shook her head 'no'.

"Ah wonder what he's up to?" Applejack scratched her head. "But if he said he had the stuff to do then we best trust him and leave him be."

"He's never given us reasons to doubt him before," Rainbow agreed. "I'm sure he'll be back and tell us all about what he's been up to when he gets back."

"Dear I also have to ask, Where's Spike? I haven't seen him around at lately," Rarity pointed out.

"He left later the same day Gar did," Twilight sighed. "He went to tell the Dragons about the school in person," Twilight explained. "And before you ask if I'm sure he should he wouldn't stop no matter what. He is friends with Ember, and I don't think a letter would be persauvive either. It's been a while since they last saw each other anyways."

"I hope he's okay," Fluttershy muttered.

A few days later...

"Twilight!" Spike called out as he enters the castle. "Hello?! Any lavender book princess home?!" He called out setting his duffel bag by the door.

"Spike?!" Twilight called out. "I'm in the library!"

Spike walked along then off the main foyer to the library where he found his princes sorting through paperwork. "Hey Twi," he looked over her shoulder. "What ya doin?"

"Trying to go through the last of the paperwork for new students for the school!" she groans as she flopped down face first. Slightly turning her head she looked at the drake with a single violet eye. "What about you and Gar? Haven't seen you two in a few days now I know you left after he did for the Dragonlands to see Ember. But what about after that? Other than that I don't know what he's been up to. Not even Yuki or Adreana are telling me what he's doing."

"Yea I managed to catch up to him and he dropped me off and I spent some time with Ember," Spike said as the purple of his face darkened slightly.

"How is she?" Twilight sat up. "I know she has her hands full with being Dragonlord and all but I now she always makes time for you," She smiled. "How'd she take the school enrollment idea?"

"Things are going pretty well for her and she's all for the school," Spike smiled with a wink and a thumbs up then sighed as he plopped on his butt. "Unfortunately I had to talk with old man Torch about the Gauntlet of Fire."

"What happened?" Twilight looked worried.

"Yea apparently the Bloodstone scepter has an enchantment on it that recognizes the first male and female dragon pair that touches it as the ruling mated pair," Spike flailed his arms in the air and Twilight's eyes shrank.

"But that means-" Twilight started to say.

"Yep," Spike sighed as he rubbed the back of his head ruffling his spines. "Ember and are I technically married and since I'm the one who originally touched the scepter first I'm the true Dragonlord and Ember is just my proxy. The old man wasn't mad in the slightest though, in fact, he was over the moon with joy, He shook the whole ground with his dancing every drake thought it was an eruption," Spike laughed then got a serious look in his eyes as the glowed a bright emerald green. "Look Twi, I will be staying with you as your assistant, I made that clear to the old dragon, but at the same time, I do have a few more duties to act on as the Dragon's representative here now. Ember will continue to act as the reigning Lord until my body matures a bit more in the coming years while I stay here with you but at the same time, I still have to become the Dragonlord. In that time Lord Torch wants me to learn as much as I can about friendship and bring it to the Dragonlands while also teaching ponies about dragons so they can be better understood."

Twilight's face let up with excitement, "You mean-"

"Yes Twi, we are going to have a few dragons come over here and attend the school., "Spike smirked, "Also we're going to have a dragon class for ponies, Torch was adamant about that."

Twilight buried the drake in a big hug wrapping her wings around the dragon boy, "Spike! You're the bestest little brother slash number one assistant ever!"

"Twi-" Spike wheezed out. "Can't... breath..."

"Sorry," Twilight let go with a blush of embarrassment. "So, what about Gar?" She asked concerned again.

Spike held up a clawed finger while catching his breath. "I... don't... know..." Spike took in a deep breath and leaned back. "Whew... Sorry, Twi... He dropped me off... and left..." Twilight's ears flattened against her head. "I did hear from Thorax that he met with Gar in the return letter I got."

"And..." Twilight looked hopeful.

"A few changlings are coming to the school," Spike nodded. "Thorax said he and Gar got along pretty well and he simply let him know who he was. Thorax also said that Gar is the true king of all fairies and would succeed the throne to him in a heartbeat. He said he could tell that Gar was a good pony with a good heart but that he refused to take Thorax from his role as the king of the Changelings."

"Thorax did say that Gar mentioned that when he was headed out to Mount Aires after he was done meeting with him and the rest of his hive," Spike added.

"Understandable," Twilight tapped her chin. "It would be better to see them in pony than wit ha letter and he's already partially there with how close the hive was. I wish he would've told me though!" She pouted. "I've been really worried bout him."

"Gar is a big boy Twi," Spike reminded his sister. "He can take care of himself."

"I know but I still worry," Twilight sighed. "He just recovered from a spur fight with a high-level demon not even barely a week and a half ago and according to him there are five more of its gang out there."

"He beat the last one I'm sure he can beat the rest," Spike shrugged off the comment and yawned. "I'm really tired. I'm gonna take a nap for a bit. When I get up I'll help sort through this..." he motioned to the papers all around. "Later Twi..." he walked off.

Twi chuckled, "Get some rest little brother."

The Fairy King's Forest of Everfree

"That bastard has been gone for days!" Chrysalis complained, "Where in Tartarus is he?" She fumed. "I was gonna take over Sparkle's spot but with all the activity she's been up to lately she's never alone ad I can't outside the forest with all these busybodies around either. "She looked out over the forest. "What are they doing making all this stuff anyways? I can only suspect it has something to do with that school. Ugh whatever, I can wait and still build power by gathering love from the town." She buzzed off to Ponyville and took the form of a mare. "Hmhm..."Chrysalis eyed a stallion, "Target acquired. Game set and match."

Gar stood atop one of the peeks of Mount Aires. He looked down over the Hippogriffs that have chosen to move back into their once-abandoned city. Many of them go between the surface and their underwater city of Seaquestria. Both cities have greatly prospered since the hippogriffs return to the surface. And with the defeat of the Storm King, the nations and neighboring town of Klugetown have greatly benefited from the airships that have since become a great trade industry being freed from the evil storm tyrant.

"So this is where've you been," giggled a bubbly little yellow hippogriff that flew up. Princess Sky. "I've been looking like all over the place for you Gar... oops... King Gar," she bowed then looked at his wings. "Still not used to see you with such bright light-up wings. What's on your mind?"

"How do you even know I'm King now Sky Star?" Gar's eyes shifted. "I never told anypony about me becoming a king."

"It's kinda hard to hide info from any creature when you live in a trade hub seaport town silly," Sky giggled. "Creatures are always talking about their travels to places, even if they've been to the same town a hundred times in the same week, " She waved her clawed hand in the air. "So naturally we were gonna hear about the giant tree the grew in one of Equestria's most dangerous forests and about a certain 'Smiling Monster' sitting atop it in a throne. Most of what I know is the stuff that I managed to piece together from the scraps and rumors that I'd heard from passing travelers, and then I caught wind that almost all changlings were flocking to the Everfree by the skyboat loads. Some stopped here and said they just felt like they had to go. So I figured it was all true. I have to say I never thought you'd come to see us personally about enrolling some young hippos in Twilight's school that she's starting?"

Gar stood up raising to his full height towering over the young princess.

"Have you gotten taller?" She tilted her head. "You look taller and hunkier."

"Yes I have grown stronger since we last saw each other," Gar acknowledged as his wings flexed wide. He glided down to the city below with Sky Star on his heels. Though they were taller than ponies Gar still towered over all the hippogriffs and even though he looked like a monster they all treated him as if she was one of them, even giving occasional foods or a healthy wave. Sometimes even a hug was given though this was mainly done by Sky Star and smaller chicks.

He'd originally come here to ask Queen Novo if she'd be willing to send some young hippogriffs to Twilight's school, and though she trusted him and the ponies she was still a little more than skittish to send a few of her youth to the school. He'd been in Aires for nearly three days waiting and Star's mother to make her decision and in that time he'd taken to training and better honing his Saiyan skills in the combat rings of the local market or the Guard training area under the water in Queen Novo's undersea palace. The one constant companion was Princess Sky Star. She was perky and bubble and little on the hyper side, but nowhere near the level of a certain hyperactive pink sugar demon abomination. He founded it hard to go anywhere land, sea, or air without her being there next to him or her finding him rather quickly, but still, she was a magnificent creature just to be around, and he found it hard not to truly smile around the bright yellow bird pony's antics.

"So what are you doing now?" She chirped as she landed on the monster's back between his wings, propping her head in her hands. "Hmmm? More training? Ooo how about we fly over to Klugetown for a few hours?"

"I can't go too far from the Mountain Star," Gar quickly caught off the young princess causing her to pout. "As much fun as I do have with you and as welcome as it would be for a change of scenery I need to stick close by for when your mother finally decides on if she wants to send a few hippogriffs to the school."

"Pony feather," Star slapped her forehead. "That's why I've been looking for you," Gar turned his head slightly to look at the hippogriff. Sar chuckled nervously slightly. "I kinda got distracted in looking for you but mom told me she to tell you that she's okay with sending a few of the younger chicks over to Equestria but that they are under your care and not the princesses. Oh and that I could come as long as you're okay with it to help look after the little ones."

"Hmmm..." Gar grumbled somewhat annoyed causing Sky Star to slide of his back.

"Ummm... I guess that's a no on me coming then," Sky looked down disheartened.

Gar turned and morphed into his zebra form to get eye level with the princess. "I'll allow it but if you cause me trouble I WILL send your bright yellow feather behind back here to Aires. Go tell the chicks and tell them to be ready by the end of tomorrow."

Sky quickly did three-sixty and kissed Gar's cheek causing him to blush, "THANKYOU! THANKYOU! THANKYOU! THANKYOU! THANKYOU! THANKYOU! THANKYOU!" She said over and over as she hopped around Gar. "I PROMISE I won't be anything but helpful and I'll do anything and everything i'm told to! Gotta go! A lot of Chicks to inform and then I have to packet! See ya at supper!" She sing-songed as she flapped off.

Gar immediately regretted his decision, "Oh god what've I done," He grabbed his head.