• Published 30th Jun 2020
  • 9,124 Views, 240 Comments

The Smiling Monster of the Everfree - Ghost Alvasa

  • ...

The Butler and the Doctor

Author's Note:

Spoiler Alert!

Okay, guys update on Gar. This Crossover goes into a branch I usually don't explore too much outside my Edward Displaced but I HAD FUN WITH IT. This is a crossover with ShadowStar_IMHP story DOOM of Griffinstone!. Check out his story it is awesome and he really knows his stuff. This is part 1, so we hope you enjoy.

Alvasa Out!

After the fight everypony headed back into the foyer once they came up from the arena. Along the way, the princesses had explained to Gar that they said he'd get, Twilight offered him the Everfree Forest as no pony regularly goes in it outside of the elements and a few others for certain plants. Due to the dangerous plants and fauna as well as the uncontrollable weather patterns, the land couldn't be developed anyways. He was already living there and was able to survive fairly easily, and if the Fairy King's title held, then the forest would listen to him.

"Are these terms acceptable to you, sir Gar?" Princess Celestia asked nervously.

"Very much so," Gar nodded as he returned to his Zebra form. "But, I have a request, specifically for you, Princess Luna."

"I will make it so if it is in my power," The Princess of the Night stepped up.

"I wish to use your observatory from time to time," Gar humbly bowed to the sock of everypony there. "Even though I do not know your skies, I would very much like to. Perhaps my skills as an astronomy major can still be put to use mapping the constellation of your night sky."

Princess Luna blushed heavily at his request as no pony had ever requested to study her night sky, let alone try and map out the images she saw in them. Though everypony thought she’d created the stars, she didn't, but she did help them shine down on the ponies at night, so they could be seen more clearly in the hopes that her subjects would also love the but of the sky.

Luna's bush only grew more at the way Gar had praised the stars, "A-ah... I see n-no harm in-n letting y-y-you use it f-from t-time to time Gar," She took a deep breath and calmed herself, steadying her speech, though her face remained thoroughly flushed. "I just hope you won't mind my company some time, it is my observatory after all."

"Not at all highness," Gar said as he returned to his monotone demeanor. "Now, I must rest. Is there a garden here? I feel as though I need to be surrounded by nature."

"I'll show you the way... that is if you don't mind," Fluttershy hovered in front of the mock zebra.

"You are more than acceptable, Fluttershy," Gar remarked flatly. "Lead the way, please."

Gar followed Fluttershy out to the gardens, where she began to introduce him to the animals. It didn't take long before Philomena joined in the fun, taking up a spot of the Fairy King's shoulder. He was right at home amongst the wildlife of the castle gardens and spent the rest of the day into the night there.

"Gar, it's getting kinda late," Fluttershy said in a soft sweet tone.

"Indeed it is," He looked up and saw the stars come out, "Magnificent. The nigh's here really do put the ones of my homeworld to shame."

"Would you mind telling me about your home," Fluttershy sat down next to the mock zebra. "What were the animals like there?"

"Much like the ones of this world, many of the same species, but we didn't have hydras, cockatrices, and many of the other magical creatures that you ponies have here. Most of the creatures here I refer to as magical are myths in my homeworld," Gar looked to the mare who was starry-eyed.

"It must be a wonderful place to live," Fluttershy smiled.

"In many places it was, but in many, it wasn't as well," Gar deadpanned. "The human race like ponies has its flaws, but I would say they are worse than ponies. Caught up in our negativity always at war with one another. Most not even realizing that we have so much in common but that it is our differences that connect us and could make us better as a whole. We are so against one another that instead of trying to understand one another that we'd rather just outright destroy it altogether."

"That's horrible," Fluttershy places her hands over her muzzle.

Gar took a deep breath and sighed. "Yes, humans are horrible creatures, but there are those amongst us that try to help and better others. My oldest brother was like that in many ways. Though he still was selfish in others. But he managed to balance his life. He helped others but also took time to pursue his selfishness, even using that selfishness to help others in ways."

"You loved your older brother, didn't you," She looked at him as he enjoyed the sky.

"I love both my brothers," He said outright. "I wish I could have been like them at times, but at the same time, I'm glad I'm not BECAUSE I wouldn't be me if I HAD been like them."

"You... the way you think is nice," Fluttershy shivered slightly. Out of nowhere the Baquias wrapped around her in the Emerald -Octo form. She didn't even flinch or shake. "Why did you..."

"You shivered from the cold, and the Octo will keep you warm while you remain out here," Gar stated. "And I thank you for your comment."

They stay outside for hours simply watching the stars until Fluttershy dozes off and gently falls against Gar. Most of the animals had already returned to their dens, and only a few of the nocturnals remained. Philomena had returned to her roost in Celestia's bedroom hours earlier. Gar decided it would be best for Fluttershy to sleep indoor to keep her from catching a cold, so he got up and walked into the castle.

Meanwhile, Princess Luna had just finished the last of her meetings and wrapped up Night Court and was heading down the hallway going through some paperwork. She was on her way to her room so she could see to her dream duties but wanted to stop in the kitchen for some hot cocoa on this brisk night. That and she anted a raspberry tart. Celestia loved her cakes a no pony touched them, but those only bold enough to know they could get away with, but no pony missed with the moon princess's tarts.

Luna soon came upon Gar in the hallway on the way to her room, and the poor creature was looking from side to side as he scratched his main. She then notices the mass of vine floating next to him and heard soft snoring from the bundle. Raising an eyebrow, she walked closer, and to her confusion, she saw Fluttershy snoring comfortably in the vine ball with a soft smile on her face.

"Ah... Sir Gar?" Luna said getting his attention

"Good evening Princess Luna," Gar turned around as he hovered over the ground.

"Call me Luna, you've more than earned that. Is there something I can help you with?" Luna asked curiously as to why Fluttershy was in his vine bundle. "And my I inquire as to why you have Ms. Fluttershy in your... spear vines?"

"I was originally using them to keep her warm outside. I didn't want her to get sick from the cool night air," Gar explained. "We were outside for some time, and she fell asleep. Again not wanting her to take ill, I brought her inside to put her to bed but soon got lost as I've never taken a tour of the castle."

"Ah, and the vines were already around her, and you didn't want to disturb the young one," Luna looked to the snoring pegasus. 'That looks like it would be quite comfortable. "Shall I show you to her room, and would you join me for some hot chocolate afterward?"

"Lead the way, your majesty," Gar did a humble bow and followed the lunar diarch.

In the sky, a flash of light and a figure came falling to the ground. Black in the body, he was just about 2 meters or 7 feet. His head was pale; almost egg white, no nose, mouth, eye, or ears, only a vague imprint of where his face should be. If anyone has seen or heard a description of the Slenderman, the falling figure was a reasonable replica. As he fell, tendrils spread out, forming web-like wings guiding his fall. “DISCORD IF I DIE I’M GOING TO KILL YOU!” It wasn’t enough as he was still falling too fast.

Meanwhile, in the castle, Luna had led Gar to Fluttershy’s room where he gently tucked the sleeping butter-yellow pegasus in using the Baquias. The duo had made their way through the halls of the castle again to Luna’s private observatory.

“You know you’re a lot more in touch with your emotions than you think Sir Gar,” Luna commented as she boiled some water for their hot chocolate.

“How so your highness?” Gar asked flatly as he looked at Luna’s equipment.

“It’s not in the way you speak but in the way you act around others,” Luna smiled. “Like just minutes ago with Fluttershy.”

“I do not understand,” Gar turned around. “I only did what made sense to do. Fluttershy was cold so I provide her with the means to keep her warm, and she fell asleep so I brought to her room where she would sleep better.”

Luna let out a soft giggle and looked at him with a warm smile. “That may be true but not many would try to do it on their own at first and then ask for help. I am only stating what I have observed from you, Sir Gar. You have helped the Elements, Cadence, myself, and my sister greatly in your time here. Our citizens still have the makeshift flag of your face waving in the place they put it during the revolt. Even the nobles that were here refuse the others that weren’t in the city at the time of the invasion to have it taken down. You are a beacon of hope for our ponies.”

“Hmm…” Gar looked out through Luna’s balcony.

“Coco is done,” Luna brought a tray over. “All I‘m saying is keep doing what you’ve been doing and thank you for all you’ve done.”

Gar nodded silently and then perked up as he heard something on the wind as well as smell a new scent, a scent he didn’t recognize and not from this world.

Unable to correct his flight he crashes into the ground, if he was still human he would have a few broken bones. Being a magical constructed being he didn’t have the bones to break. Soon after the wings withdraw reforming into his body and slowly stand up, groaning. “Okay, that's a class crashworthy of Rainbow Dash.” He reaches back and removes a basketball-size robotic spider’s head. Sighing he spots a new dent in the metallic head.

“Alright, thank god there aren’t any hippos around.” He looks around trying to figure out what is going to happen next. Tilting his head up he saw the city of Canterlot, “Well, it’s Equestria. Might as well say hello to the Princesses.” Wings sprout from his back once again, they were webbed much like a Dragon’s or Bat’s all black like the rest of his body. This time he didn’t have the force of freefall to counteract his flight and he went up into the air.

Looking back he spotted Ponyville and Twilight Sparkle’s castle. “Ah, so it’s after Tirek... So either he cast me into the future or this is another version of Equestria.” His flight was wobbly at first but soon he got used to the rhythmic pattern of flapping his wings.

Luna looked over to see the Gar had drunk his coco and walked out onto the balcony. She noticed that Gar’s attention wasn't here but out in the distance in the sky instead of on the stars in the star in the sky.

“Sir Gar,” Luna tried to get him to look at her but he never showed any sign of turning his head. Luna pouted as she puffed out her cheeks.

“I can hear pouting, it's very unbecoming of a princess,” Gar said flatly. “I wasn’t ignoring you Princess but I caught the scent of something strange on the wind. It was brought here from over the top of Ponyville by the wind currents and it's getting stronger.”

“What could it be?” Luna looked out.

“I don’t know but I intend to find out. Basquias First configuration: Basquias,” Gar made a hand sign and his thorn necklace changed into his spear but at a much larger size than the when he’d used it in the underground arena.

This thoroughly shocked Luna, “How did it get so big?”

“I can control the size of my spear by how much magic I put into it but I can only manage two sizes at my current level of control. At this time, I need a ride as my flight skills also in need of a lot of work,” Gar aimed his spear in the direction that he picked the scent from with his hand while changing back into his true form.

Luna flew up and sat behind Gar wrapping her arms around him. “I’m coming too If this is a threat you’ll need help to face it. Especially, how after that fight with Blue left you drained.”

“Very well,” Gar said as they shot off the spear.

The normal sight of humans wasn’t what Hans had. The closest logical explanation was echolocation or using Dungeons and Dragons terms Detect Magic or Mage sight. In a world full of magic night and day was the same. Sure in the Marvel world he was limited magic wasn’t as pronounced as Equestria, but it was there. So seeing the coming bright spotlights of magic coming from the castle wasn’t hard for him to notice.

Being able to fly enough to hover wasn’t in his skill set so he started circling down to the base of the mountain where he once again messed up on the landing and crashed. “Okay, I will never call Rainbow Dash, Crash. Landing is harder than it looks.” Standing up he brushes himself off and retracts his wings.

Then he looks to the incoming figures “No guards, hmm so sure of yourselves Princesses?” With a tilt of his head, he focuses, “That’s not Celestia… wrong color… Luna my dear, who is your companion?”

“I smell him just ahead of us Princess,” Gar said with a bit of curiosity in his voice. Adjusting his eyes to better see at a distance he got a glimpse of what it was that they were going to meet.


‘What is it?” Luna asked as she hung on. “Is it dangerous?”

“It can be,” Gar said flatly. “It appears to be a Displaced and he is a creature of horror stories from my homeworld known as Slender Man, Hopefully he’s friendly. It appears he is waiting on us to get there, I will slow Basquias as best I can and then we jump off and fly to him the rest of the way ourselves.”

“I’ll follow your lead on this Sir Gar,” Luna agreed.

Gar nodded and slowed the giant spear till the wear about two hundred yards out and the duo jumped off the spear and with a flap of their wings started to fly on their power. The spear shrank down but hovered near its master as Gar and Luna flew down and met with the odd creature.

Looking up from the ground to the two figures “Well, given that you haven’t attacked me, Princess Luna, it's safe to assume I’m not on the Equestria of my origin.” He bows “Greetings Princess I am Hans, servant butler to his Royal Majesty Doctor Victor von Doom of Griffonstone.”

He then looked to the much larger Gar. “At first I thought you were Celestia, but the magic I can detect from you is far stronger than both Royal sisters combined. You are also quite… impressive physically. My meta knowledge doesn’t include anything like you. This is also encouraging because I can see that Princess Luna doesn’t see you as a threat. So the Princesses in this reality aren’t specialists.”

Looking back at Princess Luna “I humbly apologize intruding into Equestria territory. The Discord of my reality decided to remove me from his meddling and I ended up in your reality. For the time being may I have shelter until I find a means back to my Liege?”

“You may come with us to the castle,” Luna spoke up. “But you will remain at sir Gat’s side. A Displaced that was sent here by Discord is unnerving and an unknown factor.”

“I don’t sense any hostility from him, Princess,” Gar added. “I shall keep an eye on him at all times if it eases your mind.”

“Thank you Gar,” She looked over her shoulder. “I don’t think either my sister or I combined could handle a creature like him,” Her attention turned back to Hans. “Follow us. I will alert my sister to your presence. Perhaps our Discord could send you back.” They all went back to the castle as swiftly as they could.

He spread his wings and followed them to the castle. Once landing he withdrew his wings and looked to Gar. “Luna called you a Displaced… that was the second time I heard someone call me that. Truth is I still don’t fully understand, the other person rubbed me the wrong way so I mostly just stopped listening.”

“Then listen well for I will tell what Displaced are by also telling you a bit of who I was,” Gar said as he shrank down to his zebra form. Hans was surprised by this sudden change in shape. “I am Gar, though my real name is Garet Ferris and like yourself, I was once a normal human being,” Hans was even more shocked.

“When I was still human I bought a set of DVDs for the Anime Parasyte The Maximum and was here to this Equestria buy the shop owner, a man that wore different cosplay every day,” Gar said and Hans could hear a bit of irritation in his voice. “Those who are sent to an Equestria or another world like this in some manner come to be Dimensionally Misplaced or Displaced as we prefer to be called. We can summon other Displaced across the Void to our worlds by using what are called tokens,” Gar held up a hand, and from his body came an old spyglass.

“We use an object that we think will best represent us and will while thinking of a saying then send the token out across the Void to other worlds so other Displaced can find it and call upon us,” Gar gave Hans the spyglass as the trio walked into the throne room.

“You stay here with our friend,” Luna looked at Hans, Gar nodded. “I will fetch the others.” She walked away leaving the Displaced to speak.

“What is the point in summoning others like us?” Hans asked intrigued, also excited to let Doom know of this.

“Point, there is no one point in summoning another Displaced,” Gar said flatly. “The point is that we simply do it for our reasons. In the process, we can also grow stronger as Displaced by sharing our power if we choose.”

“I wouldn’t lie that news would be problematic if Doctor Doom found out. He has the problems of his comic book counterpart, I fear he would follow the comic version and chase power if given the option.” He takes the spyglass and looks it over. “I’m not quite a Displaced, or I am. It’s confusing but I believe I've figured it out.”

He set the spyglass to his leg and it got absorbed into his thigh. “I do not know the Anime you spoke of, however, it seems who or what does this displacement takes inspiration from something we have when displaced. I created a replica of Doctor Doom armor for cosplay. Then I saw an Infinity Gauntlet for sale and bought it. When it arrived I got dressed for some photos. Next thing I was a voice in the back of Doctor Doom’s mind.”

“Do you know about the Doom armor? If someone other than Victor von Doom wears the armor it rewrites the person’s mind to believe they are Victor von Doom. So if whatever Displaced me made the armor real it started to rewrite my mind. At the same time, I had the mind stone from the Infinity Gauntlet protecting my mind. That makes sense the Mind stone protected me and the Doom armor was rewriting my mind. I’m a copy of the man that was Displaced, saved via the Mind Stone. Victor von Doom or my original body created this form to house my mind.”

He draws a card from his chest as if there was a suit pocket there. On the black card with silver writing. Hans von Doom, Battle Butler “So I inject some of my power into this token? Hmm,” He held up the card “I am Hans von Doom, the right hand of his majesty Doctor Victor von Doom. I seek not wealth, power, or heroism. I serve my Lord and my lord alone, and am willing to hear your offer for his benefit.” He then flicks the card and it vanishes into the multiverse. He then creates a second card token and hands it to Gar.

“It seems you landed in a much better Equestria then I did. The one we arrived at Prince Blueblood is a drug dealer, and had the Griffons growing Dream Weed, basically a form of Opium. Doctor Doom used the Infinity Gauntlet to reset the Sun and Moon into proper gravitational orbits, and Celestia went berserk and fired a magical blast that would have killed a group of Griffons if Doom didn’t teleport her away.”

“Right now we are preparing to invade Equestria, to help them when the Changelings are due to invade during the Royal Wedding. I can tell you already had that happen thanks to Twilight’s Castle in Ponyville. So has she opened her School of friendship yet?”

"No," Gar said plainly. "And I appreciate that offer but I must decline. I only wish to live in Everfree and be with my friends when they need me. I am soon to be knighted and granted authority over the forest," Gar sighed. "I can feel something off about this world since my return as the Fairy King. I gained demon power and fairy power last time I was summoned since then my connection with nature has been stronger. This world, many are descended from demons, and few from the clan of light, or goddess clan.” Gar paused to form a moment, wondering how he knew the last bit of information that he spoke of. ‘I must consult Zeldris on this.’ Gar thought as the Princesses arrived with the Elements.

"What the hay is that?" Rainbow Dash said abruptly.

"I don't know but I love its clothes," Rarity giggled.

"I've never seen a creature like you before," Fluttershy said in soft confidence getting close to Hans.

"Ya sure are spindly lookin’ thing aren't ya,' '' Applejack crossed her arms with a look of concern. "Do they feed ya at all where ya come from?"

Turning he spots the four. He makes a bow “Greetings and Salutations I am Hans von Doom. A pleasure meeting you.” Standing fully he nods to Applejack “I do fear that I haven’t been able to enjoy the pleasure of a proper apple from Sweet Apple Acres. I do not eat material foods so that one treat that I will not enjoy. I do however live off of the ambient magic for I am a magical creature known as a Slenderman or a noppera-bō a faceless spirit from Japan in my world Rainbow Dash.”
He looks to Rarity “I am honored you approved of my butler tux, not often am I complemented by a lady of such refined taste.”

“I am very honored you aren’t afraid of me Fluttershy.”

“Excuse me,” I heard Twilight speak up, Hans already noticed that she had a quill and scroll float next to her and sparkles in her eyes. “Are you another Displaced like Gar, and what exactly are you?”

“No offense dude, but you look like something out of a nightmare a really, really, scary horror story,” Spike finally cut in.

Suddenly Pinkie Pie popped up out of Hans’s left top jacket pocket. “Too bad you don’t eat like regular ponies, oh do you like parties?” She said with a gigantic smile.

“Please one questioner at a time. Alright Twilight, yes I'm still trying to figure out what I am. My best theory is I am a mental copy of a Displaced. He now goes by the name of Victor von Doom and he forgot who he was. I am the memories that were saved, and those are patchwork at best.”

“Yes, spike I do look like a monster of horror. Then again can you say Gar true form isn’t scary? Appearance is not a reflection of what is inside. A sweet innocent-looking filly could be a twisted villain. If this reality followed the one I know of you knows this personally thanks to a Changeling named Thorax, is that correct?”

“Now Pinkie I can’t say I like or dislike parties. As I said my memories are a patchwork. I remember trying to paint, draw, and make clay figures. I remember making outfits and costumes and even got awards for such work.” He looked to Rarity “I’m no fashion stylist, it was just costumes for contests.”

“So that brings me to the parties, I went to comic cons, similar to a Daring Do Convention but for comic books.” He looks to Spike “If I have to stay here long enough I would love to read one of your Power Ponies comics.”

“So back to the party thing. No, I haven’t done parties like a Pinkie Pie party. Or at least can’t remember.”

"Urm…" Celestia cleared her throat, "All good question my little ponies but I'm afraid I must interrupt for the important one." Celesia looked at Hans. "Hoe is it that you came to be in our reality Mr.Hans? Luna mentioned in passing that you'd said something about Discord sending you here? As well as something about sock puppets?"

Everyone looked at Hans with raised eyebrows.

“Ah, yes please forgive me, Princess Celestia. The Equestria I ended up in is very similar to yours. One difference is time. Discord had just escaped his Stone prison and causing some trouble for us. To separate me and my friends he sent me through a few realities and I landed in this one. As for sock puppets… wait did you have a Grand galloping gala where Discord showed up with a Smooze as his plus one? Or am I remembering events wrong? I am aware of more than ten different versions of Equestria. Some are farther in time than others, some are way back a thousand years ago. Events do get confusing, for example, the Prince Blueblood from my Equestria was growing a drug in Griffonstone called Dreamweed. In another, he had a stroke and became a kind and humble prince. Sorry, I’m rambling the sock puppet was in another universe that a Discord was going to banish Treehugger to when he was jealous Fluttershy took her to the Gala. I’m guessing that didn’t happen here.”

“We are familiar with the Smooze and its globy self,” Luna huffed. “And except for having to clean up slime that night went rather well.”

“Discord was a little jealous but not enough to banish Tree,” Fluttershy cut in.

“I remember sending an extra ticket to you,” Celestia added. “I’m very glad I did now.”

“And that news on your version of Blueblood is appalling,” Rarity said in outright disgust.

“Well, I mean if there are several versions of Equestria out there then it would only make sense that there are several versions of us and other ponies we know in them,” Twilight pointed out. “There may be somewhere the princesses are princes, or one may be a prince while the other is a princess,” She remarked causing the princesses to blush slightly.

“Can we get back on topic, “ Gar deadpanned.

“Yes,” Princess Celestia agreed, especially wanting to change the subject. She looked at Fluttershy. “Would you please ask Discord to come?”

“Discord, we need some help, please,” Fluttershy called. That is if you wouldn’t mind.”

There was a sound of trumpets and then a roll of red carpet pushed open the doors. Soon a spotlight shined and in walked a man who looked to be in his late thirties walked in. He had spiked white hair and very bush eyes and a narly chin beard with a singular fang stick out of his mouth. His attire was of a sand brown dovetail coat with a lighter brown vest underneath, black suede wingtip shoes, and a pair of brown plaid pants. On his right arms was a heavy golden gauntlet and on his left hand was a single white glove. A sign that said applause in fluorescent light flashed.

“You rang my dear,” he popped over to Fluttershy then looked at Hans and Gar. “Oooo…. I smell chaos!” He pooped over to Hans. “You’ve had a bit of a mess happen to you my spindly butler of a horror show haven’t you.” Discord leaned at a right angle and looked at Gar. “Been a while since I’ve seen a high-level purebred demon but that’s not all you are is it King of the Everfree.”

“What do you mean?” Gar raised an eyebrow.

“Well,” Discord walked over and leaned on Gar’s massive form. “Fairies domain is nature and Everfree is a natural place, not even my chaos magic can affect it, and seeing as how you have the power Disaster, a power only given to the King of Fairies. It would only make sense that you take up the seat of power where nature is the most prevalent in Equestria.”

“Hold up there Discord,” Applejack cut in. “Are ya saying that the Everfree is wild and uncontrolled like it because it’s supposed to be like that? And what do you mean ya can’t affect it? What about those plunder seeds ya’ll planted?”

“Things in nature happen because they happen. It’s just like chaos. Nature does what it wants and it has to happen, no stopping it,” Discord explained on a chalkboard, then a doodle of him popped up. “Yes I can help out and put things like plunder seeds in the cycle but I still have no say so if they’ll grow or when they grow. Nature in itself also causes its own form of chaos, which is why I can’t affect it. “ Doodlecord walked around the chalkboard. “Everfree is a prime example of nature at its truest. It does whatever it does and it can’t be stopped. You ponies think all this weather and farming you do has always been that way, Eeeennnn,” a busser noise sounded. “Wrong, nature just made it so you could do this. Just like how my kind was made to spread chaos. Nature does whatever and be it order or chaos, that’s for nature to decide. Which is why I affect Everfree. It’s to… natural.” Discord pouted then turned to Hans. “But back to you. Tell me about yourself?”

“Well said Discord. In my Equestria, the Everfree was left free for a reason. Hence the very name ever free of Pony manipulation, a heart of nature when the world was dying.”

“As for myself, not sure what you want to know. I’m from a different reality, one where that Discord hasn’t learned what it means to be a friend. He thinks he’s helping my liege Victor von Doom.”

“I must warn you, my little horror show,” Discord pulled out a pair of glasses and unrolled a large scroll. “We Discords, we’re not supposed to meddle with the chaos of each others’ worlds. Though you ended up here by chance but still on chaos power SO that technically falls outside the
E. He is clearly in the wrong in this and I would be all too happy to get back at him by sending you back,” He chuckled like ‘Goof’.

“Well, chaos theory states the first rule of Chaos is that it follows no rules, including its own. So it is only logical that a Discord somewhere wouldn’t follow that treaty. Given how Blueblood was into manufacturing drugs, and Celestia was willing to fire a blast of magic that would have killed several Griffons, I conclude the Equestria I came from is not as law-abiding as this one. Now to be a devil's advocate given I’m Displaced and don’t originally reside in that other Equestria does that Non-out worldly interference treaty count entities like myself and sir Gar here?”

“On top of that I wasn’t in that Equestria when he sent me here but in a third reality one where comic book characters are real. He was also impersonating or possessing one of those figures, one who is a great mage the Sorcerer Supreme. So one has to wonder if that Treaty counts using magic or a being of another reality?”

"Oh my, he has been a naughty boy about this," Discord took off his glasses and started to snack on them. "One mishap every now and then is alright, we're beings of pure chaos and don't stick to rulebooks after all. The treaty is more of a guideline than anything. You Displaced are more outliers than anything. We can affect and mess around with you but we can't outright kill you. The last thing any Discord wants is a Merchant or Displacer on our tails. Don't even get me started on the Void Dwellers. Biggest pains in the backside you'll ever come across, yeesh." Discord rolled up the scroll and it vanished. "Long story short, we can mess around and maim you but not kill you. But it still counts against him as he did follow you and continue to meddle. If there is a point of some kind then nothing can be done. Though we are chaos, we still have to have a reason, especially when it comes to Displaced."

“Hmm, then I have to believe my theory is correct. The reason he did mess with me is I’m not a true Displaced. That would explain why me and Gilda were targeted, but Victor von Doom wasn’t sent to the Marvel universe as well. He is bending the treaty, but not truthfully breaking it. Because I’m not a Displaced, I’m a mental clone. He messes with Doom who is the true physical Displaced, the man whose mind was reprogrammed. I didn’t create Doom, in some subconscious way Victor von Doom used the Infinity Stones to recreate the original mind the Doom armor overwrote. I have to accept the idea I am not the creator, I am the creation. Hans von Doom, son of Doctor Doom.”

“A very interesting view on things to say the least,” Gar said in his casual tone. “But this still leaves us with the issue of you being in this world without being summoned. Normally, after we’d be done with whatever it was I’d summoned you for I'd end our contract by saying ‘our business is done.’ or something along with those premises, and then a portal would form back to your homeworld to which you would return through. As you were forced here, there is no contract to end, and therefore, no way to send you back through normal Displaced means. We must have Discord send you back.”

“Um, Gar,” Twilight interrupted. “What about your oldest brother? You said he saw you while passing in the Void while you were summoned and how he opened a portal on his own. Then you mention he told Zeldris how his token can be used to call other Displaced that found it,” She flipped through her notes.

"Last time I encountered my older brother I got the feeling he wasn't a Displaced you want to mess with Twilight," Gar said flatly. "He's still very kind but at the same time, he's very dangerous. I'd rather not pull him here to deal with my problems, no offense." He looked at Hans. "Or get any of you involved any more than necessary."

“I’m more here as a time out than a real issue that needs to be addressed right away. This body was created to combat magical forces, it’s unique so I’m sure Doctor Doom could find me once he knows what dimension I am in. One thing I understand is that Discord rarely lies, he might trick and manipulate but telling a full untruth is rare. Something I myself approved of, a weak mind resorts to lies, and I never heard of a dumb Discord in all the variations of Equestria I know of.”

A sphere of blue energy appears high above the land. In the center, a figure manifests dressed in full armor with a green cloak. Doctor Doom has arrived in the universe. He looks into the west “Equestria again… they better not have harmed Hans.” Doom then starts flying at a max speed reaching Mach 2.

Meanwhile in Canterlot everypony was still discussing how to send Hans back to his own world. Gar's ears picked up the sound of an object moving incredibly fast and making a b-line straight for the castle. He didn't know what it was but he knew it didn't belong here and is reeked of hostility and killing intent.

Zecora and Tempest noticed Gar was siding on the air of caution much like he did before he prepared for a fight or when he went hunting.

"Gar, what's wrong?" Zercora asked with worry.

Suddenly the Basquias flew to its master's side. "Get back and stay with everyone else. It'll be here in under a minute." He gave a grinning scowl at the doorway.

The sound of a sonic boom erupted above the castle as Doctor Doom came to a stop. “
Release Hans or suffer the wrath of
” His voice was amplified via his armor he hovered over the Castle courtyard in full might.

Inside Hans facepalms “Speaking of Doctor Doom.” He turns and heads to the balcony “My Liege I am not being held against my will. These Equestrians are not like the ones from the other reality!”

“I shall be the judge of that.” Doom lowered down no doubt the royal guards were up in arms at his sudden arrival.

"Tell them to stand down right now, or they'll be dead in less than a second," Gar advised while all Princesses nodded.

"Everypony is to stand down,
!" Luna ordered and the guards looked at another then to the Princesses who scowled causing them to obey.

"Gar, please be careful," Zecora looked at her friend but he didn't return her gaze but instead patted her head and walked forward.

Gar now stood in front of Doom, the Doctor mildly intrigued by his form. "Doctor Doom, I must ask you to cease your hostilities against my friends. We have done nothing to harm Hans, we were currently conducting a meeting on how we might send him home," Gar explained in his monotone voice. "Forgive me for my late introduction. I am Gar, soon to be Knight of Equestria, Smiling Monster of the Everfree Forest, Vanquisher of the Storm King, and Fairy King."

“I see Hans speaks true. The Equestrians of this reality aren’t as specist as the ones I’m familiar with if they accept an entity such as you among their numbers.” He looks to the balcony and to Princess Luna. “It is rare for Doctor Doom to apologize. This is one of those moments, I offer my apologies for scaring your civilians.”

Hans nods noting how Doctor Doom was developing as a character. “I was here just a short time my Liege, I was accepted with friendly treatments.”

Doctor Doom then looks to Gar “You are not in my knowledge of Equestria your majesty. Let us land and converse, I've been under stress this past month.”

“Month? It only took a few hours at most for me.” Hans reached up and rubbed his chin.

“Hans not all realities have the same time scale. As of now I only found two of the accent griffon dens. Discord has hidden answers to your and Gilda’s location in two of them, and other prizes in the others.”

A blue of cyan and rainbow color and Rainbow Dash was hovering in front of Doom. “Whoa whoa, Gilda in trouble?
! No one messes with a friend of Rainbow Dash!”

“Rainbow! That Gilda isn’t even the one we know. She belongs to that other universe.” Twilight calls out.

“It doesn’t matter if a friend of mine is in trouble I’m going to help no matter what universe.”

"Even if Twilight had that power at her disposal we have no right to interfere with another world unless invited there Rainbow," Gar cut in. "You ponies are not allowed to cross-dimensions willingly unless forced or you have the power. Even I can't force my way to other worlds. There are Displaced that can, like my brother, but at this time I must be summoned, but," he turned to Doom. "If you allow us passage to and back from your world we'd be more than willing to help. I can't offer much in payment as I can't grant abilities, though perhaps a sample of my flesh would help in your medical studies."

Hans looked over to Gar “Is that true? My Meta knowledge has info about a mirror portal to an Earth-like reality with Equestrian human counterparts. It was also the reality where Star Swirl sent the Sirens. If that mirror was here I’m sure my Liege has the knowledge to modify it to transport to multiple realities with just a change of settings.”

“That depends on how the Mirror portal functions. My armor has transdimensional tech integrated already all I need is the dimensional quantum signature to transport. It would be possible to build a dimensional gate, that was my goal once I find my home reality again.”

Hans was glad he didn’t have a face or else he would have shown his feelings. He looks at Gar “Sir Gar, I fear that Doctor Doom still hasn’t learned the nature of a Displaced.”

Doom narrowed his eyes “Explain yourself Hans.”

Hans looks over and sighs “Victor von Doom, what happens when someone, not Victor von Doom puts on the Doom armor?”

“The equipment overwrites the person’s mind. My armor is my own!”

Hans shakes his head “Can you check to see if such a system was used?”

It took just a thought. A simple request mentally to the onboard systems. Then it was a clear sign that he saw the truth as he staggers as he lands on the balcony. “No… It can’t be.”

“I’m sorry my liege, that's why you couldn’t return to Earth 616. You aren’t from Earth 616 that armor was created by magic by some being like a Beyonder made it real. It overwrote your mind, but the infinity mind stone saved the original mind. My mind, that's why when you tried to use the mind stone to banish the intruding mind. It attacked you giving you that headache.”

"You are like me, a Displaced," Gar explained flatly. "Someone who bought an item from an unknown being and was sent across the gap in between worlds, some call it the Void, to a new world with new powers to live a new life. We can summon others like us by finding tokens, items attached to us sent across the multiverse. You are only the third encounter of a Displaced for me. The other being a demon who summoned me and second being my oldest brother. He can travel to other worlds willingly, I must warn you Doctor Displacement, will shatter what you know of realities."

“Your majesty, if I may. This is a good thing it gives you an advantage the Doom of other realities don’t have.” Hans speaks up seeing that Doom’s anger was on the boiling point.

“What advantage does being a cheap copy have to me.”

“You can be the hero you desire to be. Doctor Doom saved Latveria, you saved Griffonstone. You will not face the heroes of Earth 616 as you expand your empire across the globe.”

“I need to sit down, and plan. Worrying about the nature of my existence will not rescue Gilda.”

“My liege, the situation is worse than you fear. The reality I and Gilda was in before I was sent here… it’s a reality with a Doctor Doom. He is seeking out Gilda.”

“Hans thou has poor timing. Give Doom time to recover from his shock before delivering another blow.” Princess Luna spoke up. “Doctor Doom was it? Come and sit and calm your mind.”

Doom moved to a seat and sat down. “My original plan was to use the abundance of magic to take over Earth 616. If my counterpart has learned of Gilda origins then his plan will be similar. He will perform tests to find her quantum signature then use his dimensional transportation equipment to reach the Equestria she belongs to.”

"Why do things the way the old Dr. Doom would?" Gar cut in. "Why not be better than him? You were given a chance to walk down your own path, why not do it. My oldest brother had a saying,

“Of course there is also the fact Doctor Doom failed. You Haven’t, there are no Fantastic Four in your history. There are no Squirrel girls.”

“Do not mention that name… Fine I stop focusing on my identity. For now, there is still the issue of Gilda being held by an original Victor von Doom.” He looks to the Equestrians. “I noticed Princess Twilight’s castle, that means you fought Tirek, now Imagine a Tirek that has advanced technology, and has the intellect to not let him become a muscle-bound moron trying to destroy everything. Doom will not be lost in a power high.”

He looks to Twilight Sparkle “Have you traveled to the world of the Humans? Canterlot High?”

"Yes I have, but we can't reconfigure that mirror. It's tied to that reality with a spell and if we reconfigure it then we'll lose that connection and never get it back," Twilight explained.

"I'm sorry Doctor but that's a risk I'm not willing to take," Celestia spoke up. "We can provide you with all of Starswirl's notes, designs, plans, and journals as well as whatever materials you'll need. You can also examine and scan the older portal but I don't want it tinkered or tampered with in any way. For the sake of my former student and adopted daughter."

“I can do that Princess Celestia. Working on a project is one way I handle stress, something me and Tony Stark have in common. Having to build a dimensional portal from scratch will take time.”

“Sir what about our reality? If this Equestria time is slower than the reality we are from… it will be months or years before we get back.” Hans spoke up with a bit of worry.

“You are forgetting Hans my armor does have temporal travel as well. It will drain the armor's power, but we can return just a few moments after I left.” He looks to Celestia “Lead the way your Majesty to where I can build this device. Security should be a high priority, I know you have a habit of leaving highly dangerous artifacts in easily to get locations. Like a stone statue of Discord in the garden, or a book of dark magic in the ruins of the castle of the two sisters.”

Hans coughed “If those events happened in this reality.”

“You are correct Hans I am assuming those events happen in this reality.”