• Published 30th Jun 2020
  • 9,126 Views, 240 Comments

The Smiling Monster of the Everfree - Ghost Alvasa

  • ...

Don't Let Sleeping Monsters Lie

Author's Note:

Hey guys this chapter took a while for me to get straight in my head but I got done what I wanted to put in pulse a bit more. Sen me ideas for what you want to see next, Gar will be taking it rather easy after this, but for how long... can't say. I hope you all enjoy this and have as much fun if not more than I did when I came up with the ideas. Fair warning, it is on the wordier side for this story.

Enjoy, ALVASA OUT!!!

Gar lay in the medical ward in at least four cots that had to be pushed together just to have a place to allow him to be examined. He had IV's and machines hooked up to him to help monitor his vitals and keep him with a steady supply of the proper nutrients. He'd been in a coma for nearly three days since he took down the demon Pump that had attacked Celestia.

Celestia was looked over thoroughly by her regular doctor after an examination by the on-staff medical team. She was given the all-clear. Just a few cuts and bruises with a very minor concussion the first day. The doctor had said if Gar hadn't gotten there when he did then the Princess would have sustained much worse injuries and eventually would've been killed by the demon. She was in her room resting and was under orders to stay away from the throne room and stress for at least a week to allow her to completely recover, which she gladly accepted.

Luna had all but closed the castle off to the public. She would see the occasional noble pony or good noble ponies such as Fancy Pants and Fleur. The couple had come by to check on Princess Celestia and Gar after they'd been informed of the attack that day and had continued to come every day and stay four at least two hours with both of their bedridden friends. They also helped Luna with the minor duty she needed help with or they could at least so too during the day due to Luna's sleep schedule. Though even this didn't deter the night princess from staying up as long as she could during the day.

Then there was Twilight Sparkle and her friends that had burst into the castle the evening of the attack. Twilight immediately demanding to know where Gar was and that she be brought to him. By his side was where stayed until she passed out from exhaustion and was brought to her old room by her little brother slash assistant, Spike. This still did very little to stop her from going back to sit by Gar's side when she woke up.

It was currently evening and the doctor, a unicorn stallion by the name of Horse Shoe, was with Princess Luna to discuss Gar's condition.

"How is he, Dr. Shoe?" Luna asked ash she looked in on Gar and Twilight from the doorway.

"By all accounts, he should've been dead after all the damage done to his body, how quickly he burned through all the magic in his body, and the pure physical exhaustion," Dr. Shoe flipped through the medical reports. "How he's still breathing let alone made it back to the castle via the flight on his own is a miracle on its own." He pulled out an x-ray picture and held above to let the light shine through it and show Princess Luna. "The sheer strain of what I can only guess was his own power at the time snapped every muscle fiber in his entire body Princess. So much so that he shouldn't have been able to move at all after his fight. If he wakes up he wouldn't be able to move if he were a pony."

"What do you mean Doctor Shoe? From what you just said it seems that he may still be able to move," Luna tilted her head.

Dr. Shoe pulled out a new x-ray of the same area and shows Luna in the same manner as before hold the picture up to the light. "This is the exact same area but this x-ray was taken this morning during the changing of his bedding."

"Luna's eyes grew wide. "But... this looks like..."

"Exactly," Dr. Shoe gave a curt nod. "Whether it's his body, magic, will to live, or all three. His body is steadily repairing itself. And the muscle fibers that are repaired now are even denser and stronger than when they were broken. It's probably like an auto-immune response of some kind to help prevent his body from buckling under the strain of whatever he went through again." He pulled another x-ray out. "There is something rather concerning."

"What's wrong?" Luna took the x-ray and held it up. She raised and eyebrow and then looked at Dr. Shoe confused.

"What exactly am I looking at?"

"His chest," Dr. She pointed at a certain area wit appeared to be a cavity with something shining in it. "There appears to be a foreign object in his chest. What it is we can't say for sure. We just know that something is in there and we can't even scratch his flesh let alone cut into him in order to remove it. None of our equipment is sharp enough or has enough force or and edge to do so. It would be amazing to studying if it wasn't so irritating," He sighed. "If it's this hard while he's injured then it will be nye impossible when he gets better."

"What's you're standing on his condition Doctor?" Luna said as she crossed her arms.

"If everything keeps on coarse as is he should be fully healed both physically and magically in another three to four days," Dr. Shoe adjusted his glasses. "But... as for when or if he'll wake up, I can't say. He may wake up now or three days or even a year from now. That part is all on him."

"Hmm..." Luna looked at the couple. "I never would've thought that young Twilight would care so deeply about Sir Gar, but t the same time how could she not fall in love with him." She turned to the doctor, "Be sure to keep close watch over both of them and let Ms. Zecora and Tempest Shadow and her friend Grubber come and go as they please. Keep me posted on any changes in his condition Dr. Shoe." She let out a sigh and then looked at Gar. "I do hope he will be okay and wake up soon. We already owed him a great debt for saving our kingdom and Twilight from the Storm King and now he's saved my sister yet again without even thinking of the cost to himself." Luna turned to Dr. Shoe, "I must attend to my duties and again seek me if anything changes with him. Also, if you would please check in on my sister's recovery that would be most appreciated."

"Certainly your majesty," Dr. Shoe's bowed, and then Luna walked off. "I do hope he recovers soon, for Princess Twilight's sake at the least." He sighed and shook his head while walking off.

Some time later that night...

I pair of Night Guards stood at attention outside the draw bridge. One let out a soft sad sigh.

"What's up?" Guard 1 whisper asked slightly turning his head.

"I'm a little worried about the big guy," Guard 2 replied.

"I get it," Guard 1 nodded. "You younger guys did get to do a little bit of training with him. So ya feel a bit of a kinship with him. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little concerned too. The big guy has done a lot for all of us and never asked for anything. Heck, we didn't even ask him to help us."

"Yea he just did it..." Guard 2 rubbed the back of his head under his helmet.


"You say something?" Guard 2 looked at his companion.

"No," He said flatly.


"Okay I know I hear something," Guard 2 looked around

"I think I heard something to..." Guard 1 checked his hearing. The duo stayed silent for a moment.


"Okay is it me or does that sound a lot like a train?" Guard 2 looked down at the train station but there was no incoming train.


"Ah..." Guard 1 said as he listened. "Yea but why can't we see it!"


"Where the buck is the damn thing?" Guard 2 growled.

"Ah... up there..." Guard 1 pointed up causing his companion to look up.


Both guards rubbed their eyes several times to make sure they weren't seeing things. The hollowing of the engine couldn't be mistaken either. There was indeed a large red and gold sun themed heavily armored locomotive racing through the skies. The heavy grand machine raced along on rainbowic rails of light under its large wheels.

"Quick! Go tell the Mistress!" Guard 1 told his subordinate. "I'll raise the alarm!" he ran to the tower, 'First Princess Celestia is attacked by and upper-level demon and then Sir Gar falls out cold from his fight with it!' He yelled mentally. He started to beat on the alert bell. "ALL GUARDS THIS IS NOT A DRILL! GET TO BATTLE POST IMMEDIATELY!"

At the same time in the throne room...

"A WHAT IN THE WHERE?!" Luna cried in the royal Canterlot voice of old in utter shock and horror.

"A very heavily armor train rushing through the sky and rails made of light," Guard 2 said again in an abbreviation of the events he saw just moments earlier. "The alarm has been raised and all guards are being called to arms your highness."

"And this... flying train?" Luna looked worried as she got off her throne and walked to tell her older sister.

"Last I saw it was still in the sky but it seemed to be steadily descending," Guard 2 explained.

"Thank you, you may go back and join the others now," Luna dismissed the guard who saluted and left. "I must warn Tia of this. She may not be at one-hundred percent but we may need her help.," She arrived and knocked. "Sister tis us. We must speak with thee immediately."

"Come in Luna," Celestia answered sleepily. Luna enters to see her sister laying on her bed in nothing but a sheet. "What's wrong Lulu? I heard the alarm and woke up, the night guard is running a drill rather early tonight."

"Get dressed Tia," Luna sighed. "It isn't a drill," Luna told her sister what the guard had just told her mere minutes ago in the throne room while Celestia got behind her blind to get dressed.

"This is indeed very upsetting," Celestia stepped out from her blind in full armor. "We may not stand a chance if we fight, even with both of us."

"I fully agree sister," Luna crossed her arms under her chest and looked down with closed eyes. "It takes not only an incredibly powerful magic user to even power a normal train but also a very experienced and skilled one. And to have it fly through the sky is unheard of. That means we're dealing with someone not only very well versed in magic and its uses but someone who is extremely powerful. Someone of Gar's level of magical power or above." She sighed. "I doubt we'll even be able to win if it comes to blows."

"That may be sister, but we must try," Celestia placed her hands on Luna's shoulders. "Gar won't be able to save us all the time. Maybe he'll wake up and come help but right now we must meet this new friend or foe."

"You're right sister," Luna nodded as she covered herself in her magical aura, and her dark blue nightdress transformed into a suit of midnight black armor. "Let's go meet our guest."

Celestia stuck her head in the infirmary on the way and found Twilight asleep with her head on the edge of the bed and her hand firmly grasped around Gar's hand.

"I never would've thought she would fall for him," she said to herself as she walked in quietly and used her magic to levitate a spare blanket over the youngest princess's shoulder

A few moments later...

The royal pony sister's now stood in front of a red and gold solar-themed six-car heavily armored train that was rest just outside the draw bridge of the castle. Behind them were hundreds of mixed ranks of the Solar and Lunar guards. They were ready to face this whatever.

The train let off a steady stream of steam and smoke from its stack and then...


A huge cloud of steam was let out from under the engine.

"Be ready," Celestia order, and the guards took up stances.

All that could be heard was the hissing and a repetitive slow quiet thump like somepony was walking in the direction but has something on their hooves to muffle the sound while they walked. As time passed the thumping grew louder and came closer. Whoever it was, they were coming to the princesses and the guards' directions.

"They're rather confident aren't they, sister?" Luna sneered, while a chill ran down her spine as the presence drew ever closer.

"Indeed sister," Celestia glared as a silhouette started to form in the cloud of steam. All of the fur on her body was standing on end at the very presence before them. "This thing is very powerful."

The source of the thump kept drawing ever close until a definite figure could be seen in the shape of a tall pony. It kept coming until it was in full view. A man with golden blonde hair tied in a short braid, amber eyes, and a gaze that commanded respect stood there before them. His body was furless similar to Gar's appearance. His clothing was an all-black suit with silver trim and he wore a red-hooded coat as his outermost garment.

"Guess this is the welcome party," the man comment. "Good evening princesses." he bowed.

"Who are you?" Luna demanded.

"A man passing through," He answered bluntly.

"Show respect to the Princesses!" Blueblood pointed his sword at the man.

"Hmmm...." the man glowered. "I don't have the time for this." He walked forward nonchalant.

"Bastard! Martial Art: Eight Fold Slash of Light!" Blueblood's sword turned red and he raised it above his head and swung it down on the man. In a flash of debris, everypony's vision was obscured. "That'll teach you..." Blueblood trailed off as he saw the man standing on the eight cut marks on the ground.

Everypony reeled back in horror at the sight before them. The man stood there with his left arm on the ground blood gushing from where it had been. There were many other wounds on the man the indicated the light slashes had caught clean through his flesh. Most notable was the slash clean throw his head. Blood flood from the man's wounds onto the ground. Many of the guards were gag as if they were going to vomit.

"Blue," Celestia said in horror. "You... killed him."

Blueblood's whole body was shaking from the shock of what he'd just done. Sure he'd injured others before but never this. Never killed somepony, directly of coarse. He fell to his knees his palms on the ground his blade next to him.

"Perhaps it was for the best sister," Luna said. "He seemed very powerful, and... he was here for something and it was clear he wouldn't take no for an answer," She looked to the corpse still standing and bowed her head. "Rest in peace."



Every pony stared as the corpse start to laugh maniacally. Red electricity started to spark from the laughing cadaver as muscle fibers grew and reattached the pieces of the body. The left-arm started to flake away turning into ash along with the massive pool of blood that had gathered under the body. One more the man stood before them but now laughing and in tattered clothes.

"Bravo!" the man clapped. "Bravo Prince-Captain Blueblood. I give out a ten of ten for that strike," He smiled. "I dare say you could my nephew a run for his money, still wouldn't beat him, but you'd give him a run for his money."

The ponies merely stared in horror as the once dead man stood before them complimenting the captain. The guards knew they'd be no match for a monster like him before he even regenerated. Now they were panicking as their captain had used one of his most powerful Martial Arts and he merely complemented it, after coming back to life. Their only hope lay in their princesses, and Sir Gar if he would wake up. This thing before them was no mere monster, but a demon from the depths of Tartarus from ancient times long since passed.

Blueblood took hold of his sword and got to his feet and pointed it at the man who raised his eyebrow with a bit of surprise. The princesses then step in front of their nephew and pulled a sun themed war-hammer and a lunar halberd.

"It's clear you won't be stopped but normal means," Luna glared.

"So we'll be the ones to face you," Celestia gave a mock sneer then spoke to her nephew. "Get out of here Blue."

The man smirked, "HAHAHAHAHAHA! The same old Celestia and Luna," He shook his head then looked at them seriously. "Fine. You want a fight..." he took up a stance and the sister tightened their grip on their weapons. the air was heavy as the man tensed up and readied to charge when "I give up!" he said as h threw his arms up.

Everypony's jaws hit the ground while the sisters did face plants.

"What trickery is this naive?!" Luna spat.

"Before you jump the gun... again. Let someone introduce themselves Lu," The man ran rolled his eyes.

"Lu?" Luna said stupified.

"I didn't do a very good job on my part either," the man stuck his tongue out with closed eyes as he rubbed the back of his head causing everypony to trip that time.

Celestia got to her feet. "Please, if you want the city all we ask is that you allow the ponies to go free. We know there's no way we can stand against you, especially after your display," She begged with a clenched fist and closed eyes.

"I don't want your city," the man sighed. Celestia cracked an eye and looked to see him looking off to the side and scratching his head. "Look," he placed a hand on his chest, and in a flash, his clothes were suddenly repaired. "I'm sorry for coming in here unannounced but I need to get here. For starters, my name is Edward Elric, and secondly, I'm a Displaced here to see the resident Displaced."

"You're one of Gar's kid," Luna looked on in awe. "But you weren't summoned. We can help you get back to your home. How were you forced here."

"I wasn't forced anywhere," Edward crossed his arms. "I can freely travel between the worlds at will, though several ways. One being this train," he pointed behind himself.

"So you're an evolved Displaced, a void dweller?" Celestia looked on in awe. "That explains why you're so powerful."

"No, I'm just an extremely powerful Displaced," He sighed. "Now I've had enough talking. Take me to Gar please."

"I'm sorry Mr. Elric, but Gar has reticently been... through a trying fight and won't be able to see you," Luna looked to her sister who looked slightly ashamed as she blamed herself. "He is in a critical state right now."

"I know what happened," Edward rolled his eyes. "It's why I'm here."

"How?" Celestia's eyes widened.

"I was watching," Ed sighed. "After all, it's a big brother's job to keep an eye on his younger siblings and help and look out for his baby brother when he should need it."

"You're..." Luna looked on in shock.

"Yes I'm Gar's oldest brother," Ed nodded. "I've been kept here long enough. I want to do things right and not intrude or overstep my bounds here, but I will if necessary. Would you please lead me to my brother before I take it upon myself to do so?"

"Ah... he's in the castle," Celestia motioned. "If you'll follow us we'll take you to him..."

Ed nodded and started to follow but was caught by Luna. "Sir Edward would... it be possible to move your train? its blocking the station."

Ed snapped his fingers and a portal to a frozen land opened and the train went through the portal and vanished. "There, its back home. Now, take me to my baby brother."

"Thank you," Luna quickly bowed.

"Please follow me," Celestia motioned.

Later in the medical wing...

Twilight was still sleeping on the side of Gar's bed. The doors opened slowly and the royal sisters lead their guest into the infirmary. It wasn't as if he would give them many choices others wise as they'd already seen a display of his power thanks to their nephew. They'd rather not take any unnecessary chance at the moment so they complied to the fullest lest the man claiming to be Gar's oldest brother raise the city to the ground. Remembering back to the first major conversation they'd had with Gar about the nature of his kind they did recall that he'd ran into his oldest brother in another world not even his own and that he was supposed to be incredibly powerful and that he could travel to other worlds with ease. So it was possible this being is who he says he is.

"After he collapsed I had him brought here," Luna motioned to Gar.

A subtle beeping of a heart monitor was the only sound being made. Edward walked over and looked over his baby brother's sleeping form. The sisters had no idea why he was just staring. Edward noticed Twilight sleeping on the side of the bed her hand clasped onto Gar's. Edward steadily walked around and then stopped on the spot he'd started on.

"Hmm..." Edward rubbed his chin with his right hand, light glinting off its reflective surface.

Luna noted, "Sister, his right hand," She murmured. "It looks he has some kind of armor on it."

Celestia squinted and Luna was right. "But why would he wear armor on one hand and not the other?" She questioned.

"Alright I know what to do," Edward said abruptly as he removed his coat then his upper jacket to reveal his hand and it's not what the sister hadn't expect.

"Your arm!" Celestia shouted in shock walking the sleeping Twilight.

"Wha! Gar?!" Twilight said groggily as she rubbed her eyes waiting for her vision to clear only to see Edward. "AH? You're not the doctor! Who you and what are you doing?" She stood up quickly. "I don't like the feeling I'm getting from you. What do you think you were going to do to Gar?! I won't let you hurt him!"

Edward chuckled and walked over to the glaring alicorn. He reached up Twilight scrunched her face eyes shut tight While Celestia and Luna flinched yet couldn't move from their spot. Edward placed his left placed it on top of her head and gently rubbed. Twilight opened her eyes slightly to see a very soft and warm smile on Edward's face. The sisters were also shocked by this, for the first time since they'd seen this man this was the first time he'd shown a soft side, and it was genuine.

"Thank you Twilight," Edward smiled. "Thank you for being here at Gar's side." He pulled his hand back and Twilight felt her head with a bit of a blush. She didn't know why but she was glad this man had rubbed her head and thanked her.

"As for why I'm here," Edward looked at Gar. "I'm here to help baby brother."

"Wait, brother?" Twilight looked at Edward. "So you're-"

"Yes," Edward nodded. "I've been watching him, not constantly mind you but enough to keep an eye on him. That's how I knew to come here and how I know you love him very much, and though he might not have said it before he left he came to realize that he does care for you too," Edward walked over to the other side of the bed again. "But he should till you himself. So I better wake him up so he can."

"You figured out why he's in the coma?" Luna came forward a little of her apprehension gone from the earlier display.

"Yes I did," Edward nodded. "In the time I became what I am now I have amassed much knowledge on just about everything, but primary medical, magical, and alchemical. Some knowledge that most in this world would call outright impossible. One such magic I know of is Seith or Soul magic."

"So there is something wrong with his soul? An internal struggle of some kind?" Celestia came over.

"Not exactly," Edward explained. "Internal in a way but not in his soul. See all demons have the natural ability to grow stronger and replenish their magic via devouring other creature souls, even the souls of their own kind. Though this is not openly practiced amongst the demons as they all need souls but what would be the point of fighting amongst their own kind and thinning their ranks of high-level soldiers."

"What are you implying Mr. Elric?" Luna asked ash e moved next to Edward.

Edward poked Gar's chest. "My younger brother has a moral code that he sticks to. He killed the Demon Pump, but he didn't eat soul the soul. Pump is also an extremely powerful demon who belongs to a group of called The Six Knights of Black. A group once said to be on par in power with the Demon Kings top ten enforcer, The Ten Commandments."

"Gar was able to fight at the same level as a-" Twilight looked down to the stallion on the cots.

"Only for a short time but yes," Edward nodded. "But because he kept the soul instead of eating it, it resonated with his demon side and it is trying to corrupt my brother or at the most, take over his body." Edward held his left hand up."I am going to remove the soul from his body and go inside his mind and bring him back to the waking world," He thrust his hand forward and it phases into Gar's chest and soon Edward pulled it out and in his grasp was a bright bluish-white ball with a crescent moon and circle in it symbol on the ball. "That was the easy part."

"What are we going to with that?" Twilight scowled at the soul.

Suddenly what looked like liquid came from Edward's arm and encase the soul and formed what appeared to some sort of containment unit. Edward hooked it to his built. "I already know what to do with it," he said as he walked to the head of the bed. He placed both hands above his brother's head. "Edward looked to Twilight who was looking at him pleadingly, he smiled back. "I'll bring him back to you Twilight, Mind Link," Edward said and a silver spell matrix appeared behind him, and all went silent.

Gar's Mindscape...

Gar was sitting on his couch in his apartment play Kingdom Hearts 3 on his PS4. His roommates had all decided to go out to do whatever it was they wanted to do; leaving him out of it. This wasn't a completely uncommon occurrence for him, and he wanted to stay home and veg-out anyways. He had some of his other online friends on Discord to talk with while he played and live-streamed.

"Come on..." Gar growled. "Take that you fucking some of a bitch dragon!" He yelled as he jumped to his feet while fighting a dragon in Skyrim. He plopped back down on his couch and heaved a very long-held-in breath. "Well. I finally beat those bastards in the Forgotten Veil. Now what to do?" He paused the game and went to his quest log to see what he could do next. Suddenly...

*Knock...! Knock...! Knock...!*

"Who the hell is here?" Gar rolled his eyes. "Hang on guys I gotta answer the door and find out whoever the heck is here?" He pulled his headset with the microphone up off and tossed it off to the side on the couch. Betting up he stretched not realizing how stiff he'd become.

*Knock...! Knock...! Knock...!*

"Alright!" Gar called out as he headed into the kitchen.

*Knock...! Knock...! Knock...!*

"I coming!" He called out, annoyed that he wasn't playing his game. Once he reached the door he flung it open. "What the hell..." His sentence trailed off as his eye saw who was at the door.

In the doorway was a very familiar figure. It was a man, shorter than Gar by at least a foot and a few inches. The man's attire was that of a red sleeves shirt with an intricate black Celtic style spade on it with a pair of black pants and a pair of brown boots with a black-tipped toe and heel. Over his clothes, he wore a dark gray cloth trenchcoat and a matching fedora with two purple deep bright stripes and a vibrant cyan stripe in between the purple ones. He had shoulder-length brunette hair the was just a little below his shoulder line while it also slightly flared out on the ends that wasn't tied back in a short ponytail with a few black rubber bands. He had hazel eyes that were hidden by the brim of his hat.

"Hello baby brother," the man said with a smirk.

"Allen..." Gar wheezed out.

"Are you gonna invite me in or are we just gonna stand here with you in your boxers?" Allen questioned Gar as he raised his head to look at the taller man.

"Uh... yea... come in," Gar motioned to the apartment allowing Allen to enter. "Ah... Allen... where have you been the last ten years?!" Gar finally managed to get his thoughts together from the effects of the initial shock.

"I've been living my little brother," Allen told his younger brother nonchalantly.

"You disappeared off the face of the Earth without a trace, and now ten years later you show up at my front door out of fucking nowhere and all you have to say is "Hello baby brother I was out living my life without even letting anyone know where I was going.'!" He roared in angered.

"Yes, I went out and am living a life all my own," Allen crossed his arms while looking at his little brother.

Gar balled his fist as his face turned bright red with anger, "Where the hell have you been,? What the fuck have you been doing? Why haven't you contacted anyone?"

Allen took in a deep breath and then let it out slowly while he removed the hat from his head. Turning around he looked Gar right in the eyes. "You have a right to know. I was sent away to a faraway land and there I found a life all my own that I thoroughly enjoy living and will continue to do so." In a quick flash, Allen changes into Edward Elric once more. "There I found many things."

"Okay," Gar gritted his teeth. "But Why didn't you come home? Joseph and I needed you? And you weren't here! What did you find in this far off land that was so important? Why do you look like Edward Elric now? What was that light?"

'"You two didn't me in the ways you think," Ed leaned against a cabinet. "You were in school making on by our parents proud and Joe was out living his life as a martial artist and actor." Edward snapped his finger and the entire room shattered like glass revealing and empty black void.

Gar looked around in horror and shock. "Allen, what is this?" He looked to his older brother. "How are you doing this?"

"You know how I'm doing this Gar," Edward pointed at his little brother. "I'm here to bring you back to reality. As for one of your other questions." he snapped his fingers again and thousands of images appeared all around the duo. "This is my life," Edward said as he showed his younger brother images of his time spent with his family, his children, his adopted family across the void, and his friends.

"So if you can do all this," Gar motioned around him. "then why didn't you come home?" He glared.

"Because I made a choice when my life ended the first... time," Edward said sternly. "I could either give up the life as Edward and go back to the one as Allen or got the other way around." He lamented. "I chose the ladder obviously."

"But why?" Gar tried to understand his older brother's choice. "We needed you?" he pleaded.

"You didn't need me anymore Gar," Edward shook his head. "Joe was out living his life and you were started in yours. I was sent to my world where I started my own. I didn't come back mainly because I was already settled that you'd all had passed away and my own family needed me. Look," He pulled a hologram of his wives and children. "Had I left my twins would've grownup without their father. Celestia wouldn't have the child she's carrying now, she's always wanted to be a real mother with a foal of her own," He sighed with a light smile. "They needed me Gar, not you and Joe; but I'm still here for you two in times like this."

Edward waved his hand and created a new set of images showing a monster with anthro ponies that seemed familiar to Gar one in particular caught his eye. It was of the monster but in a zebra from kiss one the of the ponies, it made his heartache with warmth and joy. Shaking off the feelings Gar looked at Edward, "But what does this have to do with me?" Gar slammed his hand onto his chest.

"Everything," Edward glared. "I'm here to bring you back to reality Gar, but at the same time I'm not going to force you to do anything," he snapped and the apartment reformed. "You must choose what you want to do. Whether you stay here and play video games with friends that you made up or come back to those who need you, who rely on you, and the one pony who loves you with all her heart. It's your life Gar, only you can choose the path and only you can live it." Edward changed back to Allen. "You said that you once languished in the life you had back home and came here to you to find a way to live and a purpose. Well here's your chance little brother, will you go back and languish in this ratty apartment with those who you called friends that rarely ever did anything with you outside of getting high?" The door flung open to show a warm bright world, a hospital room of sorts. "Or will you choose to live your life your way?" Allen placed his hat on his head and walked over to the door. "I'm not here to hold your hand anymore, I just came to show you the paths you have." He pulled the brim of his hat down and he turned to face the door. "Before you chose you should know, Twilight never left you side."

Allen walked through the doorway and faded into the light leaving Gar alone in an empty apartment. Gar looked back at his couch and his games system and then to his open door. He then walked over to the door and started to shut it. As he did he heard a door slam open and a familiar set of voices One sounded sad and upset with worry and concern while the other was hesitant and soft but still firm.

"Luna! Where is he?!"

"Twilight, when did you... Never mind, he's in the medical wing with Celestia..."

"What happend?!"

"Tia was attacked by a high class demon and Gar walked in on it. He didn't wait and simply rushed the beast out the balcony window and away from the city."

"Then what?!"

"I don't know? Not long after he rushed the beast, Gar returned here and passed out. According to the doctor he pushed his body well past its breaking point. I suspect it was to end the demon. *sigh* Come with me."

A few minutes of silence was all there was besides the sound of clopping hooves on the floor. Then there was the sounds of a steadily beeping heart monitor and a gasp of horror followed by the sound and sniffles of weeping.

"If he had been a second later... My sister would've been dead..."

"Gar... you never told me... how you...felt about...

"I never told you how I felt about? What?" he mouthed to himself.

"Me... *Sobs*"

His brother's words started to echo in his mind.

"those who need you... who rely on you... the one pony who loves you with all her heart... Twilight never left your side..."

His eyes shot open wide as he ripped the door off its hinges and threw it across the apartment.

"It's you life Gar, only you can choose the path and only you can live it."

"It's my life and I CHOOSE HER!" Gar hollowed, cracks forming across his body as he did. Suddenly his false form of Garet Ferris broke away to reveal the form of "I am Gar, The Fairy King, The Boar Sin Of Gluttony, The Smiling Monster of the Everfree Forest, and the protector and Lover of Princess Twilight Sparkle!"

He rose from the and summoned his Basquias to his right hand then flew out the door into the warm image...

Back in the Real World...

Edward stood over Gar still never moving even a hair, his eyes closed at mana fizzled from his palms to Gar's head.

"I can't stand this," Twilight grabbed onto the opposite side of her body. "It's been hours, why doesn't he move? He said he'd bring Gar back to me?"

Celestia wrapped her arms around her former protege. "I know it's hard to see this go on with no signs of results Twilight but we, especially you, must stay strong for the stallion you love," she looked at the blonde haired man.

"I must say for somepony with such overwhelming power he certainly tried," Luna said as she placed a hand on her chin. then let a sad sigh

"Luna, what do you know?" Twilight looked at the night princess.

"I felt it earlier, perhaps and hour or more ago," Luna looked to her junior out of the corner of her eye. "Edward's consciousness made contact with Gar's mind that was buried deep in his subconscious. There they stayed for a while then Edward left. Gar felt like he was... closing himself off..."

"No!" Twilight fell to her hands and knees as tears falling to the floor. "But... he... promised..."

Celestia knelt down, but she looked at Luna, "Sister, are you certain?"

Luna slowly nodded," Yes," she closed her eye and looked at the two brothers. "He..." Her eyebrow quirked, Twilight... grab Gar's hand!"

"What?" the purple ponies sobbed.

"Do it! NOW!" Luna commended. "Hurry!"

Without wasting another second Twilight Ran to Gar and tightly grasped Gar's hand, "Please Gar, come back to me!"

Luna smirked.

"Sister is.." Celestia started to say only for Luna to nod quietly. "Her love saved him."

Gar and Allen's combined Mindscape

Gar burst out of the apartment's doorway in to an empty space of white, charging at his older brother with his spear's head glowing red aimed straight ahead. Gar's speed would've made even rainbow Dash's jaw drop.

"ALLEN!" Gar roared. "DYNAMIC THRUST!" He thrust his weapon forward, red energy spiraling backward.

Allen quickly turned and spread his feet apart, holding up his right hand then thrusting it forward slightly. The spear's tip made contact with the older brother's hand. The blow forcing Allen back while he maintained his stance. The sleeve of Allen's coat was torn to shreds by the attack and his hat was knocked from his head as Gar forced his brother back.

Allen broke the connection and jumped back, "What are you doing Gar?"

"Isn't it clear big brother," Gar stated clearly as he twirled his spear then angled it downward in Allen's Direction. "I'm going to fight you."

"Why?" Allen tilted his head.

"Because that's what I choose to do!" Gar took off at hypersonic speeds.

Allen smirked, "Good answer!" he yelled as he rushed forward. "Bring it on Little brother!"

The two brothers clashed in mid-air several times, thunder clapping each time they met in a fury of punches, spear thrust, kicks, and Martial Art skills. Gar reeled back his left arm split it into hundred of thorny bladed whips then thrust them all on Allen. Allen countered, activating his shadow to match his younger brother blow for blow.

"Split!" Gar activated his skill and created several of himself. "HELL BLAZE!" The Gars' shot a purplish-black flame from their hand at Allen.

The view came up from the ground to be on Allen's eyes, the shifted to his Mangekyo Sharingan, "AMATERASU!"

Gar looked at his older brother. 'Every one of my attacks his matched blow for blow, always canceling them out.'
He wasn't even winded at all. Sure this was a mental battle but fatigue was still a thing.

"Gar, stop holding back!" Allen called out. "I know you're stronger than this!"

"Fine," Gar balled his fists and concentrated but felt nothing. 'But how do I access it on my own without battle What was the trigger the two times?" images of Twilight flashed in his mind from the first time he transformed into Super Saiyan, then images of Celestia and the urge to protect her came to his mind. 'That's it, the need to protect what's important to me!' Gar's eye s shout open as a golden aura steadily enveloped his form. "RAAAAAAAAA!" He roared as his body shined covered in a golden aura. His once slick backed brown hair now stood on end spiky and golden blonde. His brown eyes were once more a greenish-cerulean. He had gone super Saiyan on his own and on instinct.

"That's what I'm talking about!" Allen yelled with a smirk as he kicked off the ground and launched himself forward at Gar. Gar did the same, both brothers reeled back their right fists and flung them forward. The blows met with such a force that a tornado was forced outward with and explosion.

The two were once more at each other flashing across the whole area, to the normal eye no one would be able to see the awe-inspiring fight as the brothers clashed. They never paid attention to the cracks that were forming in the space around them. Gar would unleash ki blasts and Allen would counter with his own or deflect Gar's which threw the parazyte fairy for a loop.

This fight went on for what felt like days until Gar flew above Allen Panting, 'I don't have much left in me," He thought, "But I have enough! Promotion!" Gar yelled. Suddenly his aura flared as lightning and purple became apparent in it while his power skyrocketed, Super Saiyan Two. He threw his hand forward together and then to his side, a ball of ki formed in Gar's hands.

Allen smirked as he knew this technique all too well,: "Fine, I meet you with my own!" Allen mimicked his baby brother's action to a 'T'.

They spoke in unison.


The two brothers ki were building to Allen's glowed red and Gar's glowed yellow and they were ready to fire on each other.


The duo threw their palms full of energy forward send massive energy waves directly at each other. The blasts collide in mid-air equally matched. The brothers struggling to kept their footing in the energy battle. Gar poured all his remaining power into the blast. The cask in the area grew evermore.

Allen smirked. "You've gotten strong baby brother, but I'm still stronger! YAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!" Allen unleashed more of his ki and broke through Gar's attack and consume the parazyte in red ki. The entire area started to become unstable as the crack opened and chunks fell from everywhere until everything was consumed in a red flash.

In the waking world...

Edward's eyes slowly opened and he stood up straight cracking and popping his body. He looked over to see Twilight firmly held onto Gar's hand. She looked to him but simply crossed his arms and let out a sigh.

Twilight looked to the one she loves and tears started to form then, Gar's fingers closed around Twilight's. Slowly, Gar's four eyes fluttered open and came to dart around the room till they came to rest on Twilight.

"Twi...light," Gar gurgled out.

"Gar!" SH e wrapped her arms around her knight's neck and started to cry.

"I need... to tell you," Gar whispered. "I love you."

Twilight froze for a moment and pushed off the bed, as she looked at Gar's face. she looked, happy. "Gar. I love you to!" she cried tears of joy as she hugged him.

Gar's attention shifted to Edward in the corner of the room. "So you really did come big brother," Gar wheezed with a slight chuckle.

"Gar," Edward looked away slightly looking at the window then turned back to his baby brother, "I want you to know we're brothers forever. Even if the bottom drops out between us I'll still be here for you in the end."

"I'm grateful," Gar express with a bit of joy. "Twilight can you help me sit up?" She nodded and a purple aura enveloped Gar's body and he was positioned to face Edward. "Thank you for saving me from myself." he gave a slight bow.

"I try to be a righteous man," Edward looked at his brother. "Sometimes the world can do me wrong, but I keep to that path and will never stray from it. When I start to see red my blood sometimes boils over my and feelings catch a flame. You are still a man, so stay a man baby brother, but you won't be the same as you were before, you will be better." He looked at Twilight and smiled, "You should really thank the one next to you, if she hadn't been here you'd have shut yourself off again."

Gar turned to look at Twilight and gave a genuinely warm smile.

"Mr. Elric, how can I repay you for bringing him back to me?" Twilight leaned her head against Gar's side.

"Live your lives for each other," Edward smiled as he opened the window, let the morning breeze in. "Innocence is wasted on me and I'm so sorry that I can never replace the time I missed out on with you Gar." He looked at his baby brother. " Know this, the darkest roads lie ahead of you, you're gonna have to walk them and face the trials that come. I can't always be there but I'll do the best I can for you when you do need me."

"Thank you, big brother," Gar said sincerely.

"Got some rest, both of you," Edward chuckled. "I'm afraid I must take my leave now. Be will Gar, and that coat is for you," he pointed to the red coat in the corner of the room and summoned the soul of Pump to his hand. Putting on his black upper shirt he jumped on the window seal. "See ya," Edward waved as he jumped from the window and into a whizzing train.

"So that was your oldest brother," Twilight said wide-eyed. "He's... yea..."


She looked up to see a snot bubble steadily rising and falling from her coltfriend. Shaking her head Twilight used her magic to lower him back under his blanks and then curled up next to the man she loved and fell into a soft and loving sleep.

"Come sister," Celestia sighed. "I need some sleep as well," Luna nodded in agreement.