• Published 30th Jun 2020
  • 9,124 Views, 240 Comments

The Smiling Monster of the Everfree - Ghost Alvasa

  • ...

A School Arises

A few weeks has passed since Gar had defeated Pump and he was revived from his coma thanks to the efforts of his older brother and his love for Twilight. Many had noticed that Gar was much more emotional than he'd been about things in the passed. He actually laughed for the first time and it thoroughly scared Rainbow Dash; mainly for the fact that his laugh was deep and very maniacal sounding. He was now back in the Sacred Tree, Twilight had tried to get him to stay at the castle but he was adamant that he needed to be in the forest where the magic of Sacred Tree would heal him much faster and rejuvenate his body.

To say the fairies and other denizens of the forest we happy to see their king and to hear that he'd defeated one of the Six Knights of Black was a severe understatement. The whole forest was lively with parties and celebrations for the entire time. Even though it was at night the forest still sparkled with many contrasting colors of lights.

Gar's health was another issue. For the first few days, he had to have help to get up and down for sitting and laying down, mainly using his Basquias as a sort of cane. After about four day's he was able to completely move around independently. Though his body was healed he was far from back to normal, he was better than normal. Thanks to his new Saiyan biology's Zenkai taking full effect during his healing he was now stronger, faster, and much sturdier than he was before. His body's ability to generate blades was much faster and the metal's strength that he produced was akin to the of seven-hundred and twenty layer Damascus steel. He was able to transform into Super Saiyan 1 with very little effort thanks to his brother's fight, he was able to handle Promotion to Super Saiyan 2 for about two minutes without his body breaking from the strain, but it severally drained both his magic and stamina. Gar's magic casting was much faster and so was his skill invocation. Gar gained the skill Limit Breaker from his fight with Pump and from his duel with his brother he gained the passive skill Mental Indomitably.

"Now that he was healed he was enjoying some quiet with Twilight. She'd refused to leave him except for regular things that she had to do. It was mainly Twilight, Zecora, and Tempest that helped Gar while he was healing. Gar left many of his overseeing duties Gerheade and the defenses to Gloxinia so not much changed in this regard.

It was evening and Gar was currently sitting with Twilight in his lap on one of the lower branches of the Sacred Tree to enjoy the pony princess's company and time.

"I would've never thought I'd be enjoying a sunset with a princess in my lap," Gar remarked in joy

"I never thought I fall in love," Twilight giggled. "At least not this early in my life," She snuggled into Gar's chest. "How are things with the fairies here? Other than the parties?"

"The parties have pretty much died down to a halt," Gar huffed in relief. "Though there is a feeling of... uncertainty in the air, or my like something is a miss."

"How so?" Twilight looked up.

"It feels like there is someone close by watching but at the same time, there is no pony there," Gar looked down. "But there is another feeling too."

"What feeling would that be?" Twilight cutely tilted her head.

"The feel of completeness when you here with me," Gar smiled bright causing Twilight's face to heat as he pulled her into a warm hug. "Thank you for being here with me Twilight."

Twilight nuzzled Gar's cheek, "Your welcome."

The couple simply sat in the tree and continued to enjoy their time together. Gar looked at the open field across the way from Twilight's Castle. He then started to think about a conversation that he had with one of the Displaced about Twilight building a school of some sort.


"What are you thinking about?" Twilight playfully squinted.

"Twi, have you ever thought about starting a school?" Gar rubbed his chin.

"A school?" She quirked an eyebrow. "Why would I start a magic school Gar? Celestia already has her school for gifted unicorns and most unicorns figure out their magic on their own. There's no need for another magic school," She waved off the idea.

"Not a school of magic Twilight," Gar shook his head then pointed out to her crystal castle. "There is that open lot next to your castle is the perfect spot for our school, a School of Friendship."

"A School of Friendship," Twilight looked out and started to envision it. A big building where ponies could learn about friendship. "No, not just ponies but every creature on Eques. The ruvas, the thestrals, pegasi, earth ponies, unicorns, griffons, yaks, dragons, changelings, dark changelings, crystal pones..." She started to flap her wings rising into the air with excitement. She turned to Gar with a big smile. "The hippogriffs and the fairies too! This is so great why didn't I think of this sooner?!"

"Twilight," Gar chuckled. "Focus," he pulled her back down and sat her on the branch. "That's when we get the building and staff."

"Right right, you're right," Twilight chuckled. Gar stood up. "Gar?"

He looked down out of the corner of his eye. "Building time," from the tree's trunk sprang a bright green glowing barb that he plucked.

"What are you doing with that?" Twilight tilted her head. Gar not waiting threw the barb with a hardy throw in the direction of the castle.

"Gar! That thing has enough magic to level my castle!" Twilight shot to her hooves.

"Yes it does but it won't," Gar correct as the barb hit the field next to the castle, and a large burst of green magic burst from is. Suddenly from the ground sprang a large purple tree and plant-based school building and as well as other things that grew from trees and plants. It took no time at all for an entire school to grow on the spot.

Twilight looked on in amazement, her eyes getting as big as dinner plates. Gar quickly snatch her up bridle style and raced to the no buildings. He landed outside a sign that read 'The School of Friendship' in big gold letters.

Twilight was speechless until "Thank you Gar!" she grabbed Gar and wrapped her arms around his neck while crying tears of Joy. "THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!"

"You're most welcome my princess," He said lovingly as he returned her embrace before slightly part and kissing the purple headmare of the new school.

Rainbow ash flew out of nowhere, "Twilight what was the green ex... plo... sion..." Her gaze fell upon the couple's intimate moment. "Ah... I'll ah... I'll just get out of here for now... yea... out here..." then sped off.

Meanwhile from the forest, a certain dark changeling queen disguised as a normal dark changeling had watched the whole event play out right before her eyes. From the rocketing green spear filled with great magical power to it landing in the open field and then the very plants grew almost immediately to from the building. Her mouth was still agape, but not from the display of powerful magic but the scene that she had just witnessed happen in between Twilight Spackle and Gar.

Slowly her mouth closed and turned into a sinister grin, "This just keeps playing out better and better for me," She snickered. "I can take out Twilight Sparkle while simultaneously posing as that purple princess to get closer to the King. Ooo... their love is so delicious and even stronger than Shining or The princess of food. Just the fact I can pick it up all the way over here speaks volumes!" Chrysalis drank in the wave of love hitting her. "I think I'll let things play out a little more while I power-up myself off their little relationship. Hehehe..." She sank into the shadows.

Gar and Twilight broker their kissing embrace and looked into each others' eyes and then to the school. "It'll still be a little while before we can open," Twilight smiled looking at the school, the light of the sun shining in her eyes like fire. "We still need a whole staff!" She realized causing her wings to twitch slightly.

"We have the best staff for the job already Twilight," Gar commented while looking at the pony-girl out of the corner of his eyes. "Really?" She quickly turned her head "

"Who better to teach friendship than those who taught it to you and those you taught it to," Gar smiled brightly while Twilight quirked an eyebrow. "Our friends Twilight."

Twilight let out a big gasp when she realized it, "Of course!" Her wings fluttered slightly. "You're absolutely right Gar, they'd be great instructors!"

"Of course they will be," Gar booped her nose causing her to giggle.

"Aj, Fluttershy, Starlight, Pinkie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash," She listed off her friends. "Spike and the Cutiemark Crusaders could help out too!" She bounced around Gar.

Gar snickered and scooped the pony up by holding her up under her arms causing her to pout and puff out her cheeks,

"Hey, why'd you do this?"

"So I could look at your pretty eyes," He snickered causing her to blush as he set her back on the ground. "And to calm you down a bit.," Gar placed a claw-hand on her head. "You need to think a little more Twilight. We still need to talk to everypony and have the letters sent out to the other nations to see if they'd be will to send students. I would have your friends correspond with their friends as many have a better personal friendship with them than you do. It will take some time to get started."

"You're right," Twilight sighed then placing a fist under her chin as she thought. "And we still need to inform the other Princesses too. I don't think Princess Celestia or Princess Luna will have an issue with the school. I know Cadence won't and a lot of crystal ponies, ruva's, and thestrals well come if Spike asks them and they know he'll be involved in this."

"I would have you ask Cadence yourself but have her drop Spike's name and a bit of his involvement," Gar suggested. "I will speak with the fairies, dark changlings, and reformed changlings but I do not expect many of the dark changlings to come. They are... very untrusting of most everything. The fairies are another story. Many will come out of curiosity but may be hard-headed about certain things. The reformed changlings will most definitely come. I will see if one would be willing to get in contact with King Thorax. I have yet to meet him."

"I can have Spike write him," Twilight suggested. "It will b much faster than sending somepony out to the Badlands. And why do you want to meet Thorax?" She quirked and eyebrow.

"He is the reigning king of the changlings and a fairy on top of that," Gar explained. "I am more than willing to leave them be as they are but at the same time I must meet him to show that he is still under my protection as a fairy."

"So the fact your both fairy kings don't come to clash and that you bear no ill will and are here to take his throne but to protect his people," Twilight summarized.

Gar nodded "Yes, believe it or not, there have been more than one fairy king to reign over the fairies at a time. One in title through marriage and because the fairies considered him the King even though he was human, and his brother-in-law the King names by the Sacred Tree," Gar explained. "I am the latter while Thorax is more the first. Though he's still the rightful King for the changlings."

"I think... I... understand..." Twilight yawned.

"Somepony is sleepy," Gar chuckled.

"Am not..." She tried to deny it but yawned again. "Okay, maybe a little sleepy."

"Come on," he picked her up again, "Let's get you to bed." He started to walk to her castle.

"Gar..." Twilight drowsily called for his attention. "Could I spend the night with you on top of the Sacred Tree tonight? I haven't been up there with you at night sense you get around o your own." she nuzzled into his chest.

"Sure," Gar acknowledged.

He gently lifted off the ground and quickly but softly flew to his throne clearing. Upon his touch down he went to a nearby door and opened it. Inside it was a simple but large bed made of a special moss from the Sacred Tree. This had been the room in which he spent most of his night in the past nights. Gar walked over to the bed and gingerly set Twilight on it and pulled a warm blanket from a dresser behind him and threw it over the purple princess. She'd fallen asleep in his arms not long after he lifted off the ground in Ponyville. Brushing some of her mane from her face he bent down and gave her a small kiss on the forehead causing her to smile lightly in her sleep.

"Good night Twilight," He said with s oft tone as he shut the door.

Now that Twilight was tucked in for the night Gar went over to his spot and sat on his throne. Soon Gerheade and Gloxinia both came to their king's side.

"Sire, why are you affiliating with that pony?" Gloxinia asked. "You even used the power of the Sacred Tree to create that building for her. I don't see what we or you gain from doing so."

"First, is because I am her knight and it is my duty to protect her. Secondly, I am with her because I care for her very deeply Gloxinia," Gar looked at the guard fairy. "As for the building, it is a school for all those who wish to learn about friendship. The Scared Tree offered its power for the building I didn't even ask is for its help."

"But why let her come her to sleep, that shaman I understand, the unicorn a little as she is devoted to protecting you but this Princess... she does nothing but dotes on you, sir..." Gloxinia threw his hands out. "Yes she was an asset in your recovery but why do you allow her to come here and sleep in your bed?"

"You really are blind brother," Gerheade sighed as she floated next in front of her brother next to Gar. "King Gar cares for her more than just a knight for his princess and as more than just a good friend."

"Our master loves her with all his heart, or hearts in his cause seeing as he has seven of them being part demon," came a soft voice. Out of the corner of the area came Yuki, one of Gar's personal cooks, with a large platter. "Lord Gar, your supper," she placed the platter in front of Gar and the lid vanished. "I had Adreana fetch some cragadile. I thought a nice stew with a new meat would be a welcome from the usual Hydra steak dishes you consume."

"Thank you Yuiki," Gar nodded picking up the bowl with one hand and started to slurp from it. "Delicious."

"You flatter me, my lord," she bowed.

"Thank you for your contribution as well Adreana," Gar's gaze shifted to Yuki's sister in the corner under the shadows.

"Yea, whatever," She turned her head quickly. "It gave me something new to hunt, so yea... your welcome." She blushed slightly from the thanks.

"King Gar are you actually in love with the princess, or is this just a crush?" Gerheade bent over.

Setting the bowl down Gar looked to them all. "I truly love Twilight for who she is, and she does me in the same regard. Whether our relationship moves on is up to time BUT I will continue to serve and protect her as he knight but be there as her lover and supporter as well. I will still be here for my people as well Gloxinia,"Gar turned his head. "I am still the Fairy King after all."

"Very well I won't question this any further," Gloxinia sighed then flew away.

"As for you Gerheade," Gar turned his attention to the female fairy. "Please inform those that wish to learn and be with the ponies and other creatures of this world that the school is for this," he went back to eating.

"Yes sire," she flew off.

"Things will be lively soon, but not too soon hopefully," Gar leaned back in his throne. His gaze shifted to the room where Twilight was sleeping.

"Do you think she really can handle such a task, my lord?" Yuki tilted her head. "I know she's a princess but she'd still very young and running a school is a big responsibility."

"She's not much younger than I am," Gar retorted. "And yes I wholeheartedly think Twilight can do it, especially if she has the help of her friends."

"She may not seem like it but that little book princess has got fire in her belly. I really like that in creature and have to admire what she's trying to do," Adreana chuckled. "I totally agreed with you on this one Lord Gar. I think she can do it."

"We're behind you no matter what happens my lord," Yuki bowed. "Even if this world turns on you."

"Yea, we'll always be on your side no matter what," Adreana added. "But for now you best get some rest my lord."

"Yes, I will see you two morning then," Gar said dismissing the angels. Gar sneered down at the forest. "Something evil has found its way into my kingdom while I was away. Due to my weakened connection, I could not sense its presence till now but I do know it's here now, but where exactly is still out of reach." He tapped a claw on the arm of his chair. "Then there are my new transformations. I need help in getting them under better control." He yawned. "Later though, my focus now is Twilight and help her." He let out a yawn. "I do need some sleep, the next full moon in a few days to, best find a place to burrow into while it passes..." he dozed off.

Author's Note:

Okay, guys had this done for a few days but been busy with work, cleaning, and packing to move. Sorry for the wait but here it is. Trying to stick a somewhat cohesive storyline to the show so far. The next chapter should be up in about two weeks at most. Enjoy.

Alvasa Out!_!