• Published 30th Jun 2020
  • 9,124 Views, 240 Comments

The Smiling Monster of the Everfree - Ghost Alvasa

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Author's Note:

Here is the finale of the Crossover with ShadowSatr_IMHP's story DOOM of Griffonstone. Have to say I had a lot of fun with this crossover and I'm glad reached out. It's time for Gar to get back to his own world and tend to his kingdom and problems though.

Enjoy, Alvasa out!

High above the Lavtvarian castle, a sphere of blue light appeared. Within the sphere appeared Victor von Doom with Hans held in his arms. For a moment the weapon systems of the castle aimed at the intruders. However, they identified the man in armor as the ruler of Latveria and disarmed.

Landing in the courtyard “Odd I don’t remember some of this... “

Hans looked over to Doom “Well this version was never seen on the show. On top of being in another universe there bound to be variations. Not to mention your memories are from comics and shows.”

“Do you have to remind me of those flaws?” The two then started heading for the entrance to the castle.

Then the ground exploded and rising out of the hole rose Doctor Doom. However, he was not as he was. His armor had melted and seemed to bond to the flesh of the man within. His eyes glowed yellow and electricity flowed along his body in lighting bolts. “WHO DARES TRESPASS ON THE DOMAIN OF DOOM!”

Doom looked up at the now Discorded DOOM. “I dare!”

Glowing yellow eyes snap to the other Doom. “You dare! There is only one true Doctor DOOM! With my new godhood, I can see you are a fake, an imitation!”

“I prefer to think of myself as an Improvement! I have something you will never have!”

“I’m a God, what pathetic thing could I want more.”

“Godhood is overrated. I have friends,” He removes the telescope token of Gar’s “GAR! It’s the time! I SUMMON YOU TO MY AID!”

“DOOM DOES NOT ASK FOR HELP IMPOSTOR!” The Discorded Doom opened his fist and sent a blast of power at Doom. Only to miss catching Doom’s cloak as his target dodged.

The effects of the blast were Doom’s cloak turning into a rainbow tie-dye pattern. Hans leaped at the Discorded Doom his arms shifting into blades.

He gets swatted out of the air with a backhand by the overpowered megalomaniac.

Just then a black portal opened up and out shot the Smiling form of the Everfree Fairy King. He wasted no time and grabbed onto Hans with an enlarged hand and set the butler down as the Elements of Harmony came through the portal. Gar’s first returned to normal and his spear turned from its turned necklace to its weapon form. Gar took hold of it and spun it around slightly then rested it on his shoulder.

The Discorded Doom looked on and was caught off guard by this new arrival. “WHO ARE YOU AND HOW DARE YOU DEFY DOOM?!”

“I AM FAIRY KING GAR AND WE ARE HERE TO HELP MY FRIENDS!” The king roared as he let out enough bloodlust and killing intent to make any normal creature pass out.

Discorded Doom slightly flinched but quickly recovered and sent a blast at Gar. Gat countered as he morphed his hand into a shield and protected them all.

“Let that be a listen to those who defy the will of Doom,” Discorded Doom snarked and started to walk away but stopped and looked over his shoulder to look in shock as Gar and the other stepped out white the shield morphed back. “IMPOSSIBLE!”

“Looks like Discord was right,” Hans let out a sigh of relief, glad that his friend’s gamble paid off in a big way. “Nature has its own chaos.”

“Gar he's tapping into our Discord power. It’s chaotic, He can barely control it. One thing Doctor Doom is and that is Control! We Despise being out of control. The more chaos can we generate the more confusing it is better!”

Hans looks at Twilight Sparkle. “Twilight! Get into the lab and find the magic tech equipment you need to reverse it. Rainbow, Gilda somewhere in the castle. You're the only one fast enough to search.”

“Oh! I can search, I'm good at hiding and seek Mr. Hans!” Pinkie Pie starts jumping up and down.

“No Pinkie you heard Doom. The more chaos we can generate the better. There is no other pony better at chaos then you! Pinkie, listen closely. Doctor Doom’s mother and father died when he was very young. He hasn’t had a birthday party for over thirty years.”

“No… birthday… party…” Pinkie seemed to blurred into pink sparkles then she was hovering in front Discorded Doom. “YOU NEED A BIRTHDAY PARTY!” Out of nowhere, she slaps a birthday crown on top of his head.

“We must keep him occupied and the more opponents the better,” Gar said as he shrank down and spit into five identical smaller Gars, each with their own spear. “I wonder,” One looked on but they all thought the same. “Basquis form four: Increase!” One held his spear up and it split into thousands of singular spearheads.

“Twilight,” One of the other Gars got the attention of the princess. “ You’ll need protection and as your knight, it falls to me. “I’ll go with you, the rest of me will stay and help.”

“Right, let’s go,” Twilight nodded as the duo started toward the hallway.

“Shall we,” the other Gars took up stances. “Yes,” the fourth one said as he pushed his hand forward and shot a bombardment of spears controlling them with his hands. “If you have ideas now is the time to use them as in this form the spear drains my magic rather fast.”

“We need a distraction for Twilight and Rainbow!” Hans calls out as he leaps into the air streams of razor wire as cords shoot out lashing against an arm of the overpowered Doom.

“PARTY CANNON!” Pinkie Pie out of the blue pulls out her Party Cannon and fires a blast of fireworks, streamers, glitter right in Discorded Doom’s face. “Get Going Twilight, We got this!”

“THIS DOESN'T MAKE SENSE! How she pulls a cannon out of her hair!” The Marvel Doctor Doom called out as the very sky turned green with purple polka dots.

“That’s it, he's losing control. It’s fitting, an inferior Doctor Doom.” The Displaced Doom calls out as he lifts in the air. “You are a loser DOOM! All your life, no matter the plot you lost! The reason isn’t some flaw in your thinking, it's what you are. An antagonist, just some plot for some Author to throw at the Protagonist.”

“YOU Cheap imitation!” A blast of magical fire shot out at the Displaced counterpart. Only for Hans to swoop in and catch the blast.

“... Oh…. man the colors… dude I so get it! Like the answer to everything is 42!” Hans turns a shade of pink instead of black as the chaos magic affected him.

“Hans tripping on Chaos magic!” Applejack calls out as she lifts a boulder and tosses at the Discorded Doom. Only to have it turn into a rubble ball when struck by a magic blast.

“Right… come on Gar, three? Doom well our friend Doom said to go into the hole.” She raced forward and dropped down into the underground chamber.

There in the large chamber, four Doom Bots turn their heads to see Twilight. “INTRUDER ALERT!”

“Pathetic machines,” The Gars said in unison. Three of them split their arms into bladed tendrils then proceeded to tear through the robots.

“Oooo… Doom Bots, I know just what to do!” Pinkie bounced up and down while she clapped. She then started to zip around and gather usable robot parts. “GO GET ‘EM PINKERTON!”

“IT’S PARTY TIME!” The pinkie shaped robot said as it began to pelt the robots with cake batter, confetti, sparkler birthday candles, and balloon animals.

“Good move Pinkie!” Twilight lights her horn and blasts the four bots. She wasn’t as strong as she was fighting Tirek, but her power was still quite powerful and focused into a small beam concentrated that blast into a laser of substantial cutting power.

Once the bots fell apart Twilight rushed into the lap. “RAINBOW! GILDA IS DOWN HERE!”

“GILDA?” A blur of rainbow light rushed past Twilight to the bed “Gilda you okay?” Rainbow Dash started undoing the straps holding Gilda down.

“Rainbow? Wait you aren’t Rainbow, who are you.”

“I know I don’t look like the Rainbow Dash from your universe, but I am Rainbow Dash. Look I talked with Hans I know you and your Rainbow Dash had about the same thing happened to my universe. I can’t say for her, but... I’m sorry Gilda. I and my Gilda made up, I pranked her during a Pinkie Party. I overdid it, and she was stressed because of how Pinkie was jealous of us. Not sure what happened between you and her, but I hope it was something similar. She is still the Element of Loyalty, she wouldn’t mean to be mean.”

Gilda looked away “I was in Ponyville to ask for help, every time I built up the courage to ask for help. Pinkie Pie showed up, it’s humiliating to admit that I needed help. Then, yeah pranks, the whole hot sauce, tube snakes, it was too much.”

“When you get the chance, Gilda, try to forgive her. I know that your friendship was important, it was important to me.”

“OKAY, Enough emotional stuff! There's a battle going on!” Pinkie Pie appears and hugs Gilda.

“Get away from me you pink freak!”

“Awww, but we are friends too, Gilda! All three of us like pranking others. Yupperoonie we all buds!”

Gilda blinks and looks at Rainbow “is she for real?”

“Yeah… see you saved our lives. I was going to try to recover the Idol of Boreas for the Griffons.”

“Are you nuts? The wind in the abyss is too high to fly in.”

“Aww... see Rainbow this Gilda still cares as well!”

“We were using some climbing gear, almost got it too but I and Pinkie were about to fall, and you… er, our Gilda chose to save us rather than the Idol.”

That was when the ground rumbled and the roof ripped open as a Rock Candy boulder the size of a small car came crashing in. From above “TWILIGHT SPARKLE HURRY UP!”

Twilight shook her head having stopped to see the bonding moment but now as the fight above came to her mind, she looked around. Seeing the gray and still passed out Discord in the vortex of magic. Her eyes quickly trace the power circles to the power transfer equipment.

"Gilda, are you in need of medical treatment?" Gar asked.

"Yea I- HOLY HELL! WHAT ARE YOU?!" Gilda cried in terror.

"I am Gar," he said flatly. " I am Twilight's knight and the fairy king of our world. Nothing more. Now, where are you injured?"

"Just about everywhere," she sighed. "That Doom really did a number on me, not to mention those robots that hauled me in here."

"Baquias Moon Rose," Gar said while moving his hand to transform his spear. "Now, Droplet of Life." a drop of condensed magic hit Gilda and immediately restored her to full health. "Good as new." He turned to face Discord. "There is no way he'll survive the transfer, again Droplet of Life," Basquias once more gave healing mana to Discord and restored the former lord of Chaos but Gar was slightly huffing. "I can do no more while separated from the others. I must merge," he went over and fused with one of the other Gar.

More Doom Bot flocked to them.

"I WILL END YOU! Martial Art: Dynamic Thrust!" Gar yelled as his spear glowed red at the blade and he thrust the weapon forward crashing through the robots.

Twilight followed the circulatory and then looked at the console. Letting out a growl she magically rips off the paneling and flung it like a frisbee at one of the coming Doom bots. The magically charged metal sliced into the Doom bot chest causing it to short out.

“This.. is AMAZING! Magical circles so small it is near the atomic level of…”

Rainbow Dash smashes into a doom bot at top speed. “GEEK OUT LATER TWILIGHT!”

“Oh right! Um... coolant… processor… ” Twilight says as she looks into the inner workings of the power transfer system. “AH Got it!” She reaches in pulling out a fuse like crystal and turns it upside down and puts it back.

“What? You just flipped that thingy?” Gilda asks looking at Twilight.

“To be fair if I flipped the wrong one, I could have triggered an explosion that would have destroyed this castle, world, and maybe this entire universe… We are talking about Chaos Magic here. Oh, and there are twenty such gem fuses in this thing.”

“Okay, taken that way… yeah okay you are awesome in a dorky sort of way.”

Above the battle was heating up as the other Gar’s struck at the same time. The Discorded Doom turns its attention to Doom. “Enough of this!” He aims for another blast of magic. The magic beam came out and then stopped in a cartoonish way. Then all the reality changes begin to fade returning to normal.

“NOOO, my power! Fine taste my Atomic Blast full power!” He then sends a blast of atomic energy at Doom, just for it to be stopped by Hans who leaped into the way. “AHhhhhhhhhhh… it burns…”

Hans' body seemed to boil and then turn to vapor.

“HANS!” Fluttershy flew up to get in front of the other doom. “YOU MEANY! WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF!” The power of the Stare was felt even to those who weren’t faced to face with her. That wasn’t all somehow her cry alerted the wild animals. Out of the woods came hundreds of birds, insects, rodents, and other creatures.

It began with the woodpeckers pecking at the head, followed by squirrels and rodents crawling on the Marvel doom. “Get these accursed creatures off of me!”

Suddenly, vines sprang to life from every nook, cranny, and crevasse of Marvel Doom’s armor quickly binding the villain’s. They rapidly grew while also tearing apart and damaging his armor making it fall apart. Their roots reached into the internal component keeping it from activating any of its repair function and weapons systems turning Doom into nothing more than a mortal man in scrap metal.

“How is this possible? I can move!” He roared in anger as he tried to free himself to no avail.

“Don’t bother,” Gar said as everyone gathered and he fused back into one Gar. “Each individual vine is stronger than the strongest woven steel cable on its own. To a normal human, they’d be unbreakable. These were grown from the seeds and plant bits that were deposited on your armor from when the animals that had swarmed you. I simply reached out to them with my magical power to help them grow. Now that you can’t move,” Gar took hold of his Basquias and pointed it right at Marvel Doom's eye. “You will be judged!”

“Like I said Victor Von Doom. You are a loser, always will be, unable to grow beyond your own limitations.” Doom removes his face mask revealing the scars. “As long as you see yourself like this… you will always be flawed. Not because of the scars, but because you don’t see yourself as Human.” He replaces the mask. “Girls! Give him a taste of Harmony.”

Rainbow, Twilight, Pinkie, Pinkatron, and Gilda came up from the lab. “Alright, Doom! Ready girls!”

The Six girls got together and one after another the Elements of Harmony activated. “CURSE YOUUUuuuuuu….” The blast of magic hit Marvel’s Doom and slowly, he was turned to stone complete with the vines holding him in place.

“DOOM!” He heard her voice calling out to him and then felt Gilda tackle to hug him. “Wait… you’re my Doom right?”

“Your Doom? We will have to have a discussion about this.”

“Yeah, you're my Doom. Where’s Hans?”

Fluttershy spoke up then “He… he was … he was killed. That…”

Doom sighs and walks over to Fluttershy. “Don’t cry Fluttershy, Hans is just resting. Hans' life is tied to mine, as long as I live so shall Hans.”

“I think he just needs to sleep it off,” The last Gar came in with Hans, still pink, on his back. “Too much Chaos magic again. Perhaps Discord can take some back?” He stated before fusing with the main Gar. “I can repair your skin for you Doom, this way you don’t have to bear unnecessary scars.”

“That body can’t function anymore Gar. I just make a new one when I have access to the infinity gauntlet. However, it is best to destroy that body completely, or at least I should take it with me so it won’t be used to find us or used as means of creating a weapon. Hans’ mind is already in mine once more. I can feel his thoughts even if they are still asleep. He’s dreaming about cotton candy for some reason.”

“That sounds like Discord’s magic alright,” Rainbow chuckled. “Look Gilda, It may not seem like much coming from another Rainbow, but I know you really still mean a lot to your Rainbow. Doom told me about your Equestria and I understand if you don’t like ponies at all, but I do know that back in your world you need your friends. Look at the proof here,” she motioned to everyone here.

“She is right,” Gar added as he looked down at the gryphoness. “If it was not for friends I would not be able to be here or have them by my side. I count Doom among my friends. He has been most helpful in the magic arts.and by extension, he would not be here for you.”

“Alright already! I get it, forgive and bla bla bla. I'll try to make up with the Rainbow Dash of my reality. So you can stop acting like dweebs.”

“Gar, I am fine with my scars. Think about it, after all this time with all the magic and technology I know. Or should I say the Doctor Doom memories I was made from, I should have the knowledge of repairing my face. Just a little plastic surgery right? That or the wounds were demonic in nature. Either way, I am fine with the scars they are a testament to what I survived.”

Out of the lab, the form of Discord rose and recovered when his magic was restored to him. “You… saved me? Why? It makes no sense.”

"You were saved because it was necessary. Chaos magic needs a vessel, or it will run rampant without a course and cause much dismay," Gar said flatly. "You are the only vessel outside Pinkie Pie who can properly wield Chaos Magic with its true purpose intended. And you are not such a bad guy either, just random and good at playing tricks. Lastly, I was asked by my Discord. He said and I quote, "He has much to answer for breaking the treaty by going around and zigzagging through it." This is for you," Gar gave Discord a fifty-cent piece. "He said you know what it means."

Discord took the fifty-cent piece. “Really this isn’t fair. I was trapped in the Alicorn's magical artifact for two hundred thousand years. Fine... “ He looks over to Doom. “Guess you going to trap me as well.”

“No, I have no interest in such foolishness. If you have the power, open a portal so we can return home. Then you are free to go, just don’t bother the Griffons too much and we can consider you a friend.” Doom then went to the hole leading to the lab. “But first I have to delete my counterparts' data. We don’t want him finding his way to any Equestria.”

Looking over to Gar. “I think we can handle the rest on our own. Thank you, Sir Gar, and Ladies. You helped save,” He looks to Gilda. “One of the only true friends I have.”

“Silly Doomie! We are your friends as well!” Pinkie Pie called out.

“Right Partner, if ya need help again. Or just want to visit you're always welcome.”

“Of course you are welcomed to return to our reality with us, Victor! There is so much I want to ask you. Your knowledge can help lead Equestria to a new Golden age! With what you can teach me we can go to the moon even!” Twilight adds eyes gleaming with a desire for knowledge.

Fluttershy was not paying attention to Doom but to the body of Hans. “You sure… Hans going to be okay?”

“Yes Fluttershy, he will be better than normal once we return.”

“That good…” She leaps up and flies to Discord. “I know you don’t know me in that other reality. But please try to make friends. We all had such good times together, and our tea time every Tuesday are so very enjoyable.”

“Yeah, Discord! Try to make friends with us in your reality. The Orange joke is going to be a blast!”

“Orange joke?” Discord asks.

Twilight Sparkle sighs “You had to be there… trust me I tried.”

“OH! Don’t forget the Plunder Vines! Those are nasty things you planted a thousand years ago.”

“Wait… the plunder vines haven’t bloomed yet? I mean I thought they were destroyed given they were my backup plan when Celestia and Luna turned me to stone.”

“Nope! The Tree of Harmony just kept them seal away from growing until we started using the Elements.”

Doom sighs “Girls its time for you and Gar to head home. Gar our business is over fair well, my friend.”

A large swirling black portal opened behind the group.

“If you ever need my aid again Doctor, simply call,” Gar bowed.

“Can I at least speak with him some more about the technologies he has vast knowledge of?” Twilight begged.

“Sorry Twilight but it's already night time back home,” Aj cut in. “Y’all are always welcome at the farm.” She smirked as she pulled Twilight through the portal as she desperately clawed at the floor trying to stay.

"But Aj. the knowledge!" She whined.

“Next time we meet we need to do Battle Bots,” Pinkie hopped. “Come Pinkie Tron. There are parties that need us,” As she pointed dynamically as she rode the robot through the portal as the machine used its rocket busters.

“Advice to you bud,’ Rainbow fluttered nearby speaking to Doom. “Don’t let that other Doom get to ya. You’re like ten, no twenty times cooler.”

“I have to agree with her on that Doom,” Gilda pointed out.

“Very well, thank you for the advice Rainbow Dash,” Doom gave a slight nod.

“Try and be a little more patient with creatures too,” Fluttershy added. “Most of the time you can talk it out. If they don’t want to listen then wear them down and let them cool off before you talk…. That's is if you want to.”

The two pegasi follow their friends into the portal.

“If you ever need a decent tailor look me up, or your Rarity if you ever smooth things over with Equestria,” Rarity smiled. “Also look into gems. Many have innate magical properties that would help you with your armor. Ta-ta,” she sang as she walked into the portal.

“Good luck my friend,” Gar looked at Doom and shook his hand. “One last piece of advice. Be wary of the Void and the Void Dwellers.” Gar said as he then turned and walked into the portal.

As he left the portal collapsed in on itself leaving the Doctor with his own group and much to think about.

“Only one thing left for me to do. Then we can head home.” Doom headed over to the hole to the lab and leaped down.

“What’s that? I want to go home.” Gilda walks over and looks down. “I… um… wait here.”

“Very well Gilda. I shall return in a moment.” With that Doom leaped down and head to the computer system. Like before the security system recognized him as Victor Von Doom. With a quick command to the computer. “Primitive. Seems this universe technology is decades behind the one I recall. Good, that means it has no defenses against my virus.” He took a moment to look at the floppy disk drive. “Hmm… really he’s still using floppy disks?”

With a few more commands he accessed the systems wireless network. “At least he has some form of Wifi.” Once the upload was complete the computer started running the virus program deleting every saved file on the system. “Given how Doctor Doom’s don’t think they ever loose, I doubt he would have backed up his data, but I not that foolish.”

He looked around and saw one of the Doom bots still mostly intact. After repairing the damage it reactivated. “Doom bot! Seek out any recording, records, and files I have made in the last year and destroy them. Then activate order Omega.”

“Command acknowledged, order Omega understood.” The Doom bot starts dismantling the remains of the fellow Doom bots. It’s programming now running the Order Omega, a program meant to remove evidence.

He rises up out of the hole and lands near Hans’s body. “We don’t have time. I got one of the Doom bots to run Order Omega. Doctor Dooms doesn’t think they will lose, but we do plan to abandon locations from time to time. The Order Omega will activate an explosive that will destroy any evidence remaining. Including whatever remaining records.”

Looking to Discord. “Mind getting us back to our Universe? Even my vast power has a limit and I’m nearing that limit.”

“Hmm… sure” Discord reaches down and picks up a butter yellow feather. “No Evidence right. Not like I’m letting that Pony get to me or anything.” Discord snaps his fingers the group vanish with any traces of their being.