• Published 7th May 2016
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Ratchet and Clank: The Starlight of Solana - Blackdrag-rose

Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer grow up alongside Ratchet on Veldin, where they begin an epic journey to save the galaxy.

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Deadlocked: Catacrom Four

Ratchet let out a yawn as he pulled himself off of the metal bed that he had been given in his and Starlight's sleeping quarters, though one quick look to the other side of the room indicated that his sister was already up and about. After the two of them had basically defeated everything that Vox could throw at them, which had been their first taste of what Dreadzone had to offer, they had retired to their containment area. There they watched the other contestants that had been dragged into the arena fight for their lives, though they were unable to access the ship that would take them off world until everyone was finished with their respective tests. Apparently there was a signal that indicated when it was their turn to either head back into the arena or use the ship to access one of the other Battledomes that were scattered throughout the entirety of Vox's empire.

Once the showings were over Ratchet remembered turning into his bed and drifting off to sleep, though now that he was awake he could tell that Starlight was already busy talking to Clank and Al... no doubt trying to get help with the collar that was strapped around both of their necks.

"Morning." Ratchet said, causing the trio to turn towards him for a moment, to which he noticed that they actually weren't looking at anything that was connected to the collars, "Did something happen while I was asleep?"

"We got a notice from Vox a few hours ago," Starlight replied, nodding to Clank for a moment, who clicked a few buttons on his console before a message appeared on the screen in front of them, "Apparently Juanita, the robot that mentioned that Sunset was missing, has caused a commotion in the people who watch Dreadzone, though its not a petition. According to this message a large number of Vox's subscribers have asked for Sunset to appear on the show at some point while you and I are take out whatever Vox throws at us."

"Wait, so after threatening us with Sunset's life if we don't follow his rules, he's going to throw her into the arena anyway?" Ratchet asked, now wondering why they even had to fight anymore, because Sunset could easily decimate the entirety of Dreadzone if she and Searing had a reason to.

"Yes, but she is allowed to fight in our stead once in every tournament." Starlight said, pressing a button with her magic and revealing a chart that she had constructed, "I did some research on the various planets that we would have to fight through, and the so called tournaments that we would be involved in, and there are four medals we must earn to access the level ahead of us. So we have basically been given the ability to allow Sunset the opportunity to fight for us... and to show Vox the true power of the Goddess that he has woken."

Ratchet could already imagine Sunset, in either her fused state with Searing or her original cazar form, taking part in the arena and utterly destroying everything that dared to challenge her. That presented them with an interesting idea, because it basically allowed Starlight the opportunity to rest and, with the help of Al and Clank, determine how to overcome the collars that they were wearing. If they were able to disable the collars, thus rendering the cage that Sunset was supposed to be caged in useless, they could then find a way to slip her a message and explain that she was free to bring the entirety of Dreadzone down. He knew that Searing would jump at the thought of destroying something if she had permission to do so, but before they could reach that point they needed to break the collars.

"Do you have any idea which planet we should have Sunset attack in this 'tournament'?" Ratchet asked, knowing that his sister would have likely determined that before he was even aware of the fact that Vox was allowing Sunset to fight as well.

"Yes, the planet at the end of this tournament," Starlight answered, pulling up an image of the planet that she had in mind, "Kronos, the rumored resting place of one of the Exterminators, Shellshock I believe he was called. According to what I was able to find, which was a small amount I might add, he's the gate between contestants and the end of the first tournament... and he's the perfect person for Sunset to display her power against."

Ratchet thought back to the last robot that Sunset and Searing had fought, the android that Nefarious had made in an attempt to stop her from erasing him from the universe, and remembered the destruction that had occurred during that fight. Of course that fight eventually ended with Searing destroying both the android and the planet of Koros, but he knew that this time would be different. With both Sunset and Searing in control, in their fused state, the only destruction would be the area around them... unless something happened and they were forced to do a cataclysm or something.

He was about to say something about Starlight's suggestion, where he assumed that Vox would be annoyed if they sent Sunset after the Exterminator, but before he could get the words out of his mouth he heard the sound indicator that told them that it was time for them to board the ship and depart for another world.

"Catacrom Four here we come," Starlight commented, letting out a sigh as she and Ratchet headed for the ship, "Its time we found out exactly what Vox has in store for us."

Ratchet nodded as he followed his sister, because while he wanted to get off the station and watch it burn from a distance, which he assumed she wanted as well at the moment, he was still curious as to what Vox could throw at them.

"Its a beautiful spring day on Catacrom Four, Juanita," Dallas, the alien announcer, called out as his partner looked down at the course in front of them, while their ship floated over the entire area, "as we kick off a new season of Dreadzone!"

"That's right Dallas," his partner replied, though she definitely wasn't as excited as he was, almost as if she wanted to go home and forget about what they were doing, "and we're lucky to have a birds eye view of the action."

"Even from up here this seasons Dreadzone battle courses look bigger and deadlier than ever before," Dallas said, though he turned his gaze to one of the cameras that were watching him and his partner, to tell the audience what was going through their minds at the moment.

Ratchet and Starlight teleported into the area as the two announcers were finishing their conversation, hearing bits about this once being an ancient robot burial ground of some kind. Ratchet wondered why robots would bother being buried in the ground at all, though he also heard some noises that indicated that Vox's crew had likely disturbed their rest. Undead robots didn't sound like something that could possibly exist, but then he remembered that one of his sisters was a magical talking unicorn and the other was a pony that commanded the power of a god. Once he thought about it, and shook his head, he realized that undead robots could happen as well, considering all of the crazy things he had already seen.

They stopped by the weapon vendor to see what they could purchase, which ended up being neither of the new weapons that were available considering that they didn't have access to their massive funds, so they had no choice but to move forward with what they had on them at the moment.

The first wave of enemies that they encountered were two of the gladiators and some of the spinning blade spheres, though behind them was one of the turrets they had taken out the previous day. Once the small fry were taken care of they moved behind the small walls that protected them from the turret, though while it mainly focused its fire on where Ratchet was hiding Starlight used that opportunity to loose an EMP at it. The moment the shield went down the two of them loosed their weapons upon the defenseless machine, tearing it to pieces in a matter of seconds and allowing them to see what else was waiting for them. Unfortunately all they found were three more spinning spheres and one gladiator, so once the enemies had been dealt with, and the walkway they had to use cleared of any electricity, they accessed the jump platform and landed on a station that had been on the top of the cliff.

Once there a sound went off that indicated that they had cleared the first 'challenge' of this particular course, though how many more awaited them they had no idea.

As they restocked their weapons, not that they spent that much ammunition anyway, they listened to Dallas as he explained that they would have to fight their way through the area below them, capture several nodes, and then take control of something called a Landstalker, which they both assumed was a walking tank or something. The moment Dallas finished his explanation the two of them jumped down into the area below them, though they immediately headed to the left and found the first of the three nodes that they had to capture. Ratchet switched to his wrench and started spinning the bolt crank around, though while he did that Starlight opened fire on the undead robots that were coming from behind them.

When Ratchet secured the first node several more robots erupted from the ground around him, but he simply leveled his weapons with them and took them all out in a few seconds. Once those enemies were taken care of they made their way across the area they were in and opened fire on the undead robots that were rising from their graves, while making sure to keep the next node in sight. When they reached the second node they were assaulted by gladiators and their little robotic creatures, forcing the two of them to deal with the hose of enemies that were in front of them. It didn't take them long to clear the area of their enemies, to which Ratchet turned the next node until he secured it as well, giving them the ability to focus on the last of the three nodes.

With the second node under their belts Ratchet and Starlight approached the opening that would take them to the final of the three, though as they walked up to it they watched as a host of enemies pulled themselves from the ground. It was clear that Vox wasn't playing around with them, because they had to switch to their Magma Cannons in order to clear out the amount of enemies that were coming after them. When the enemies were taken care of they marched into the tunnel in front of them and opened fire on the gladiators that were ahead of them, taking them by surprise for a moment before they started pushing them backwards. Once they reached the end of the tunnel, and took out the turret that was standing there, Starlight focused on the enemies that were being brought in while Ratchet secured the final node.

When the enemies were taken care of, and the node was secured, they watched as the bridge extended and connected to the area that the vehicle they were supposed to capture was waiting. They jumped off the of the small ledge that they were on, landed on the ground below them, and started walking towards the bridge, where they both spotted a large amount of enemies that were waiting for them. This time when they engaged their enemies they took their time, making sure that every target that came within their sights was put down before they turned their attention to any of the other dozen of enemies that were coming towards them. These enemies were clearly the guardians of the vehicle that they were after, as there were more for them to fight in this one area than there were in the other areas of the course.

At one point Ratchet wished that Starlight would use more than her levitation spell, but he knew that she wouldn't in case Vox didn't tell them that an excessive amount of magic might also trigger the collars as well.

They spotted a swingshot in front of them, though once they landed on the platform it connected to another dropship entered the area and opened its sides to deposit some additional enemies for them to fight, but the two of them focused their fire on the ship and tore it, and the unlucky soldiers it was carrying, to pieces. With the enemies taken care of, and the area secured against any potential threats, Ratchet and Starlight swung over to where the vehicle was located, where they discovered that the Landstalker was a cross between a metal spider and a tank.

"So this is the Landstalker?" Starlight asked, her eyes studying the vehicle for a few seconds, though Ratchet knew that she wanted to tinker with it so badly, "Oh well, this is more than sufficient for what we need it for at the moment. I wouldn't mind tinkering with one of these at some point in the future... once we're done with Dreadzone anyway."

Ratchet nodded and hopped into the main section of the tank, where he could control the movement of the four legs and the machines guns that were located on the front of it, leaving Starlight to hop into the section that controlled the missile launchers on top. Once they were in their positions, and Dallas explained that they were supposed to use the vehicle to get to some sort of arena, Ratchet tested the controls and moved forward. At the same time Starlight loosed a barrage of missiles at the nearby glowing orb, which turned out to be an explosive as the gate it was attached to exploded and allowed them to leave the area the tank had been waiting in.

As Ratchet moved the Landstalker out of its holding cell he opened fire on the enemies that spawned into the area in front of them, though at the same time Starlight used her missiles to tear into the larger targets that the machine guns couldn't reach. With their combined efforts they managed to tear into the enemies that were coming their way, blowing them to pieces and destroying every obstacle that was put in their path. There was even a turret that was blocking their way, though Starlight took it would with her missiles and opened the pathway to the arena that they were supposed to be heading towards. There were some more enemies blocking their path, ones that had jumped out of a dropship while they were taking out the turret, but Ratchet mowed them down and they entered the center of the arena.

The two of them had just enough time to exit the Landstalker before Dallas explained that they would be fighting through a series of enemies and that if they survived they would get the metal they were after, while at the same time the tank they had been riding in disappeared as it was recalled.

Once the Landstalker was gone, and both of their weapons were restocked, they were assaulted by a large group of undead robots, a group of gladiators that were accompanied by their little critters, and a seemingly endless amount of spinning blade spheres. They focused on using their Vipers on the spheres and the little minions that followed the gladiators, while saving the Magma Cannon for the larger groups that came their way. Whenever a dropship entered the arena they focused their fire on the ship and blew it to pieces, to which they would then turn their attention back to their other enemies until the wave was cleared.

Eventually they routed all of the enemies that the course could throw at them, though they were secretly pleased that they survived because they were both running low on ammunition for their weapons. As they calmed down they heard Dallas declare that they had survived their final challenge and had scored the second Green Medal they needed to access the first tournament, which meant that they were halfway to their goal. They also heard that they were now able to head to the next planet that was apart of this tournament, a planet called Sarathos, but at the moment they knew that they needed some rest before they headed there. So Ratchet pressed a button and the ship that brought them to this planet teleported them into their holding area, where they would wait until the other gladiators were finished before they could return to Dreadzone.

As they got something to eat on the ship Ratchet wondered what Sunset was up to at that moment, though at the same time he pitied whoever was watching over her, because whoever that person was would be walking on eggshells the entire time they were around Sunset.

Sunset smiled as Ratchet and Starlight teleported back onto the Dreadzone ship and left Catacrom Four behind, as she had known that they would have been able to clear the first course without too much trouble. She wasn't the only one watching Ratchet and Starlight at the moment, as Professor Nora was up in her room watching the entire thing as well, though it gave Sunset the opportunity to watch her warden. It was funny to watch the look of shock appear on Nora's face as she watched them clear the obstacles that had been thrown at them, as if she completely believed that they would have failed.

Of course she wasn't the only one watching Ratchet and Starlight as they fought through the course, as Searing was floating beside Sunset at the moment, which was mainly due to her undoing the fusion state so they could both relax.

Is this all that this Vox character can throw at our siblings? Searing asked, staring at the repaired holoscreen that they had broken earlier, which had been rapidly repaired after Professor Nora had calmed down, I am disappointed. I expected him to have legions of gladiators ready to fight and die at his command, and yet all I see is undead robots and a pitiful amount of those gladiators.

"He'll have something special in store for us," Sunset commented, letting out a sigh as she stretched her wings for a moment, though she was somewhat grateful to be back in her alicorn form for a moment, "just like Nefarious had that android that looked like me waiting for us when you showed up at Koros."

The android was weak. Searing stated, though she also let out a sigh as she returned to her seat, which she actually couldn't sit in considering that she was basically a cloud made of magic at the moment, She deserved her punishment.

I would suggest that the two of you quit speaking for the moment. another voice said, which was followed by a shadowy Sunset appearing to Sunset's left, Our guests should be arriving any moment now.

Sunset resisted the urge to let out another sigh, as Hatred had awoken from her slumber when she felt the immense hatred that Professor Nora held for Sunset, though she was also strengthened by her fear for Sunset's powers. Professor Nora had no idea that Hatred even existed at the moment, as the shadowy version of herself only appeared whenever they were truly alone and would disappear when someone else was watching them. The guests that she mentioned had to be the designer that would be taking Sunset's measurements and showing her the overall design of the 'appropriate' armor that she would be allowed to wear. Sunset assumed that there was an apprentice or something that was coming along as well, or someone else that she was currently unaware of at the moment.

The three of them turned their attention to the door as the handle moved, though as it opened both Searing and Hatred dived into Sunset's shadow, disappearing from the world until they were totally alone once more. Sunset fully turned around to face the door as someone entered the room, though that person ended up being a paled skinned creature that she suspected came up to her waist in her fused state. The creature was clearly female, judging from its figure and chest area, but Sunset had no idea what sort of creature was standing before her at the moment.

"You must be Sunset Shimmer," the creature said, pushing a pair of glasses into place as she spoke, "I will admit, I was expecting you to be in your 'Godly' form when I got here."

Sunset let out another sigh as she felt a surge of power rush through her body, allowing her body to shift into her fused state once more, though this time she didn't bother with breaking anything. Professor Nora had gotten the message the first time she did this, so there was no reason to repeat herself... unless it became necessary to remind her who she was dealing with.

"Much better," the creature commented, pulling out one of her tools and started to measure Sunset's body, "Your Godly form reminds me of someone I read about in one of the Codex pieces I found on my journeys across the universe, as he was called a God of Destruction as well. His name was Beerus, though he was often called the Destroyer or the God of Destruction."

"Really?" Sunset said, though she was definitely interested in someone that was known by the same title that she was at the moment, save for the fact that he was male and she was female.

"Indeed," the creature replied, moving to the holoscreen and slipping a card into the side of it, to which she moved through her files until she pulled up an image, "This is Lord Beerus... and your clothing will be modeled over what he always wears."

Sunset discovered that the 'clothing' that the creature was referring to happened to be some sort of Egyptian attire, with the strange collar that was wrapped around his neck and came all the way down to his chest area. She assumed that her chest would be bound in some manner to make her mimic this particular God of Destruction, who she also noticed looked like a humanoid cat of some kind. The only problem she had with the clothing the designer wanted to make for her was the baggy type of pants that he was wearing, though she knew that she wouldn't have time to complain about it. She was going to have to wear a set of clothing that matched Beerus' own, though she hoped that the designer would be willing to change the colors to match her own.

"Are the colors changeable?" Sunset asked, causing the designer to turn her way for a few seconds, before she beckoned to the pants and the sash that Beerus was wearing.

"Of course they are," the designer replied, pulling out a pad as she took a seat near Sunset, "Tell me what you would prefer and I'll see what I can do before your thrown into the arena."

"I have some ideas in mind," Sunset said, before turning her gaze back to the God of Destruction, "Also, do you think I can borrow the data you have on this 'Beerus' for a day or two? I'd like to learn more about the person whose clothing I'll be copying... and maybe pick up another move or two for my own usage."

"Certainly, I can make that work." the designer replied, though the smile on her face told Sunset that she hoped that she used Beerus' moves to bring the entirety of Dreadzone down around her, "Now, about those colors."

Sunset smiled as she got to work changing the colors on Beerus' clothing, knowing that whoever she had to fight would be terrified of her with the mere mention of her name or her title. She would deal with Vox when she was sure that her siblings were safe and secure... though she would gladly step forward sooner if the man did something that really pissed her off. Vox was already a dead man walking and all Sunset was waiting for was an excuse to take him out, which only made her widen her smile a bit as both Searing and Hatred laughed in the shadows around her.

They were going to ruin Vox and destroy Dreadzone, though the only thing they were waiting for was the fateful moment when Vox did something that deserved their wrath... and they knew it was rapidly coming their way.

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