• Published 7th May 2016
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Ratchet and Clank: The Starlight of Solana - Blackdrag-rose

Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer grow up alongside Ratchet on Veldin, where they begin an epic journey to save the galaxy.

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Time: Terachnos

It didn't take Ratchet and the others very long to gather their belongings and depart from Torren IV, though the moment they reached space once more they decided to make a stop on the Hyperion. Cronk and Zephyr were glad to see that nothing had happened to them, especially considering the fact that they had run into two creatures that almost mimicked Fear in terms of abilities. Starlight had to admit that something weird was going on, because she was starting to see a pattern with the emotional enemies that they had been fighting for the last week or two. When she had first thought that there were some similarities between the creatures she had assumed that it was her mind putting her sister's face and voice to each opponent they were fighting, but now she wasn't so sure about that.

As she thought about the enemies they had fought, and remembered all of the powers they had commanded, she came to one conclusion; there was some sort of connection between Ysmir, Fear, War, Ragenarosa, Doubt, Despair, Hatred, Searing, and Sunset. The only reason she added the two ponies to that list was because their voices almost sounded the same and they were almost identical in their coat color, both of which could normally be explained by the fact that they were twins. That had been her reasoning when she had first met them, but now, after seeing the other two wraiths, she was beginning to suspect that something might have happened to Sunset... as originally it had been her, Searing, and Hatred sharing a body for some time.

She was sure that something was wrong and that she had ignored the obvious answer because she refused to believe it, but now she had to accept the fact that her sister was in trouble, again, and that she needed to figure out how to save her... which was why she was using the cloning spell to summon a copy of herself to leave behind when she and the others went down to Axiom City.

"Are you sure that your not overreacting?" the clone asked, though at the same time she started pulling over the work station that Starlight used to write notes on, which was clean of writing at the moment.

"There's some sort of connection between all of these people and creatures," Starlight insisted, to which she let out a sigh as she watched the names go up on the board, along with the names 'Searing Flame' and 'Sunset Glider', "the only problem is that I have no idea what that problem could be."

"Hence the reason you called upon me," the clone commented, a smile appearing on her face for a moment as she turned to face Starlight, "Look, I'll be here trying to figure this mess out for you... but if I hit a road block I'm going to continue on working with that pile of weapon plans you still haven't finished. Who knows, one of them could be useful in the future."

"I trust you to work as you usually would," Starlight replied, knowing that the clone could work on the connection or her weapons, but she honestly didn't care at the moment, "Just remember to contact me if, and when, you figure something out."

The two Starlights stared at each other for a few seconds, which always made Starlight a little nervous when she was staring at herself, before the clone nodded and went to her work, allowing Starlight to slip out of her workshop and rejoin the others near their ships. She still found it weird that she had, somehow, managed to cast a spell that she didn't even know the existence of until a few days ago, though at the same time she was actually kind of glad that she had started to use it. From what she could tell there was no obvious drawback to having two of her running around, seeing how the clones were basically her, but she felt more comfortable with them running things on the Hyperion. There the clones, or clone as the case was, could either work out something that was bothering Starlight, in this case the matter of why the creatures and people were connected, or working on more of her weapons, which the clone seemed dead set on doing anyway.

After a few more seconds of walking Starlight arrived at the docking area, where she found that the rest of the group was debating how large of a strike force they needed, which happened to be coming from Sunset Glider of all people, while Angela was suggesting that they simply call someone on the inside of the building Alister wanted them to infiltrate and ask for the information. Despite what the Vullards had said about the Jedi not being the proper authorities, and thus shouldn't mettle in the affairs of this galaxy at all, they already knew that Angela could easily approach the building and get the information they needed on the grounds that it would help this galaxy... which would actually be the truth.

As Starlight thought about that fact she remembered that 'Lord' Vorselon was still out there, waiting to attack them when they were least expecting it, and attacking them while they went after Clank and the Great Clock would be the best move in her mind. Plus she knew that at some point they would be dealing with the robot and his army, which meant that any information they could gleam from Pollyx Industries, the company that had the information they needed, would definitely go to helping the Polaris Galaxy. Eventually they decided to simply head down to the city and see what the situation was, because they were sure that either Vorselon or Nefarious would be terrorizing the civilians and that said civilians would need saving.

Once the plan of attack had been agreed upon, and no one was upset over the matter, the group climbed into their ships and departed from the Hyperion, where they began the flight towards Planet Terachnos.

"General, come in," Ratchet said into his navigation unit, which was apparently the only way they could contact Alister without someone knowing about the transmission, though at the same time he and everyone else landed around each other and climbed out of their ships, "We just landed in Axiom City. Where are you?"

"I'm afraid I ran into a bit of trouble," Azimuth replied a few seconds later, though Ratchet and the rest of the group knew by the tone of his voice that something was wrong, "I've had to make a slight adjustment to our plan."

"What kind of adjustment are we talking about?" Angela asked, but as she said those words she pulled her lightsaber off of her belt and spun it around a few times, though she didn't turn it on just yet, as she wanted to know who their enemies were before anyone starting attacking whatever robots were no doubt coming their way.

"Attention citizens!" the city's Public Address System announced, causing the group to look at the buildings around them for a moment, though they were prepared for anything at this point, "Rogue Lombax Alister Azimuth spotted within city limits. Troopers have been mobilized for your protection."

"Don't worry, I have a plan!" Azimuth said before anyone else could say anything, indicating that he knew someone was going to mention something about him being labeled as a rogue and wanted them to focus on the mission at hand, "Just get to Neurox Plaza and wait for me to make contact."

Ratchet and Angela looked at each other for a moment as the communicator shut down, wondering if Alister was in trouble, but then decided that they might as well progress forward. Starlight and Searing swung across the gap that was in front of them, while Sunset flew over it, before the two Lombaxes followed after them, though before they got much further Starlight pulled Ratchet over to the armor vendor that happened to be waiting nearby. That was when she discovered that the Ectoflux Armor was now available for purchase, which had been form fitted to their bodies, before they rejoined the rest of the group. They also moved to the weapon vendor and picked up the Tesla Spikes, which would allow them to electrocute enemies with spikes they could throw at the ground.

With all the shopping done they moved to the platform that was resting above their heads and swung over the gap that was in front of them, though as they made their way to where Neurox Plaza was waiting for them, thanks to the map Angela had downloaded before they left the Hyperion, Ratchet overheard two of the Terachnoids discussing them and Alister... though one told his friend to shut up about complaining about them when he noticed Starlight. Ratchet had to frown when he heard the term 'sister of the God of Destruction', because that basically told him that the natives wouldn't be helping them out of fear of what Sunset could do to them if they pissed the group off.

They encountered more of the saw wielding enemies once they crossed another gap, to which Ratchet raised an eyebrow when he heard them mention 'capturing' them instead of 'killing' them, as the robots that had been on Vorselon's warship wanted them dead... where these ones wanted something different with them. They tore their enemies apart and took out the small mech that was blocking their path, which Sunset had been ripping apart with her wing blades while they were focusing on the smaller enemies, before they moved towards their next destination. Ratchet then used his new boots to get over the obstacle that was in front of them, while both Starlight and Searing teleported themselves and Angela over not a few seconds later, though before they moved forward they waited for Sunset to fly over to where they were standing.

When they entered the building in front of them, however, they found two more Terachnoids standing in front of a force field of some kind, though one of them seemed pissed off the moment he noticed Ratchet and Angela.

"More Lombaxes!?" the Terachnoid growled, indicating that Alister must have done something to ensure that he and everyone else in this building would be safe, which only annoyed the creature, "What, are you going to vandalize more of our equipment?"

"Mind your manners. Any superintelligent being can see that these are different Lombaxes." the second one said, to which he turned and looked at the group for a moment, before his eyes landed on Starlight, "Or, for that matter, realize that the sister of the God of Destruction is standing before us. I apologize for my companion's attitude; Alister Azimuth came through here not too long ago and the 'security robots' opened fire on him. The resulting fire fight damaged this terminal, resulting in the defense grid becoming active and blocking entry to the rest of the city. Perhaps one of you might be able to..."

Starlight focused her magic and accessed the terminal in question, to which the entire defense grid went down and caused the robots they had been fighting earlier to come and fight them once more, but it was a short lived struggle that ended with the robots being completely destroyed by the group. The Terachnoids seemed impressed by their fighting abilities, especially if they could take out a large group on their own like that, but moved out of the way as the group moved through a teleport tube that the Terachnoids activated for them. When they arrived on the other side of the teleport tube they noticed that more of the robot troops were waiting for them, to which they pulled out their weapons and started tearing into them.

As they neared the end of the walkway they were following Starlight noticed that the lost Zoni that had gathered around the city, which the rest of her family were ignoring, happened to be looking at the sky, as if they sensed something that none of them could see... but she decided that she'd figure out what they were doing later on. She wrapped her magic around Angela and levitated them into the air, to which Searing did the same as Sunset spread her wings, where they followed Ratchet as he used his new hoverboots to make his way towards the end of the moving ships that were in front of them. When they arrived at Neurox Plaza, which was easy to figure out because Alister was there, they found that their new friend was under attack, to which they jumped into combat immediately.

The small group of enemies, however, easily fell to their combined skills, though at the same time Alister complimented them on their various fighting styles... though he was most impressed by Angela's skills with the lightsaber she was carrying.

"Not bad. You all are very skilled with your weapons," Alister complimented, though while he said that he approached a nearby communication terminal, where the group followed him while keeping their eyes out for any additional enemies, "Time to get into contact with my man on the inside."

"You know someone working for Nefarious?" Ratchet asked, though it was clear that he was shocked that their new ally knew someone that worked for their enemy, while at the same time possessing the necessary information they needed at the moment.

"Actually, he's a data miner for Pollyx Industries," Azimuth corrected, where he stopped in front of the terminal and pressed something, which was followed by a shimmering light of some kind, "I saved him from becoming food for the Agorians. I'm going to ask him if there's another way inside the building so we can find a list of available Obsidian Eyes so we can talk to Clank..."

"Why don't we just politely ask for the information?" Starlight asked, causing Alister to turn towards her for a moment, "I mean, I am the lead weapon designer for Gadgetron, not to mention that we are the saviors of three different galaxies... and my sister is the God of Destruction. If anything all someone has to do is look up the name 'Starlight Glimmer' and know all of my various accomplishments, so asking would be a lot better than invading the building and breaking their defenses."

"Agreed." a voice said, to which they noticed that a Terachnoid had appeared on the communication device, who happened to be smiling at them, "I have a list of known Obsidian Eyes... and the only one not under the control of Pollyx Industries is one that's located in Krell Canyon on Planet Lumos. I don't know where in the canyon its located, but that should help you guys out."

"Oh... that makes things much easier," Alister commented, his tone indicating that he was hoping for an assault on an enemy building, but he snapped to attention when something came to mind, "Wait, Nefarious and Vorselon know we're here... so is there anything coming that we need to know about?"

"Well, there would normally be something called the VX-99," the Terachnoid replied, his smile remaining on his face the entire time, "but after going over the blueprints, and determining by focus groups that such a mech would terrorize people instead of making them feel safe, Nefarious decided to destroy all diagrams of the machine and vowed never to make it for as long as he lived."

Before anyone could say anything Starlight noticed the Zoni she had spotted earlier coming their way, to which she called for everyone to stop what they were doing as the trio came their way.

"Time Breaker!" the Zoni cried, their voice echoing as they surrounded Starlight for a few seconds, before gathering in front of her and pointing at the sky, "You fix!"

At first Starlight had no idea what the Zoni were talking about, what with calling her a 'Time Breaker', whatever that meant, and telling her to 'fix' something, but she decided to follow their fingers and looked up at the sky. What she found, however, was a swirling vortex of energy, which Starlight thought was another dimensional rift that was caused by the Dimensionator, but based on the fact that the Zoni were pointing at it told her something else. This rift was some sort of time anomaly, because a few seconds later a large mech descended from the sky and crashed into a building near where the group was waiting, though its body appeared to be some sort of saucer that's power core was protected by a Raritanium shell. It was at that point that Starlight realized that the Zoni weren't asking her to fix something like the large rift in the sky, they were telling her to take care of a problem that was unique to their station... or, in the case that was presented to her, commanding her to take care of a mech.

"Impossible! That's the VX-99." the Terachnoid stated, his gaze locked on the machine that was on his screen, though his tone told the group that something was wrong, "I don't understand... why is that machine even here? Nefarious never bothered to make it!"

Starlight stared at the mech for a few seconds, which carved its way through a building as it searched for them, though she had to wonder if the Terachnoid was pulling their legs about Nefarious never making the machine. Or, after taking into consideration the fact that the Zoni were asking for help in their own fashion, this had to be some sort of time-space anomaly, which meant that the mech could be from another timeline. If that was the case, and this machine was from another timeline, that meant that someone was messing with the Great Clock, which was only going to make matters worse for them.

Ratchet and Angela, seeing no way to get to the mech without letting it get close to them, engaged their hoverboards and took to the skies, while Searing and Starlight used their magic to create magical steps or levitate themselves into the air. Sunset, on the other hand, had already flown off the moment the mech had descended from the rift in the sky, though she was already dropping charges on the top of the mech, which were apparently connecting to the casing that was protecting its head. Starlight could tell that the pegasus was thinking of forcing the turret that was inside the casing to come out, thus allowing everyone else to damage the Raritanium shell that was protecting its core... which made Starlight think about praising the pegasus later on.

As Starlight and the twins kept the top of the mech occupied, which was easy considering what they were doing, Ratchet and Angela flew to the shell and dismantled the moorings that allowed the pieces of the shell to stick together. Without anything coming to hurt them, and interrupt them, the two of them were able to destroy all three moorings and allowed them to fall towards the ground, though once the deed was done they jumped back on their hoverboards and flew away from the exposed core. As they flew away they watched as the casing protecting the turret shattered, causing the turret to emerge and open fire on everyone that was flying around it, but with so many targets to choose from it quickly became evident that this wasn't designed to handle so many enemy targets that could fire back at it.

Starlight suspected that this was some sort of crowd controlling machine and not a tank type of machine, but she wasn't complaining at all, not when she and the others were able to dismantle the machine without it actually being able to do any damage to them... though she and the others retreated as the VX-99 detonated thanks to its damaged core. She already knew that Nefarious would design mechs to deal with someone like her or Searing, but this one seemed to be a mech that had been designed to deal with someone like Ratchet or Angela, almost as if it came from a timeline where Starlight and her sister didn't exist.

"Well, I am slightly disappointed that I didn't get a chance to attack that mech," Alister commented, though that was mainly because he had gone to get his ship while the others had attacked the machine, "but I will meet you all on Planet Lumos. With any luck we can find that Obsidian Eye and figure out where the Great Clock is located."

Before anyone could respond the communication stopped, which indicated that Alister was leaving the planet and didn't want to leave a trail for their enemies to follow, but that made Starlight wonder about something. They all knew that Nefarious hated them and would have enjoyed siccing the VX-99 on them, though oddly enough the machine had never been built and there was no notice that he had launched any guards to stop them. She was beginning to wonder if Nefarious was even an enemy at the point, because it almost seemed like he was going out of his way to make people feel safe while at the same time offering no resistance to her and her family's efforts to stop Vorselon.

Starlight turned her gaze towards the sky and found that the rift she had seen earlier was gone, meaning that someone or something had gotten rid of it... though as she and the others moved towards their ships she silently admitted that everything was starting to confuse her, while at the same time hoping that she would get some answers in the future.

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