• Published 7th May 2016
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Ratchet and Clank: The Starlight of Solana - Blackdrag-rose

Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer grow up alongside Ratchet on Veldin, where they begin an epic journey to save the galaxy.

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R/C: Eudora

As the ship left Aridia, and began the journey to Eudora, everyone picked something up so that they weren't bored from the amount of time it took to go from one planet to another. Ratchet, being the pilot, couldn't take his hands off the steering wheel unless Clank engaged the autopilot, so he kept his attention on following the directions the ship gave him, while glancing at the stars every now and then. Clank flipped through his own memories and the files he had been given when he had been made, deciding to see what information he had in case there was anything that they could use later on. Starlight pulled out her tablet and got to work on some more weapons that could be created, taking into consideration what she had seen on Aridia and sifting through her incomplete plans.

Sunset, on the other hand, opened her own tablet and pulled up the holo-plan for the Z300 she now possessed, where she could begin tinkering with the plan until she could create something identical to the glider system that Ratchet used when Clank was on his back. She was sure that she could, given enough time and resources, create something to give her the ability to glide like her brother, but she knew that she could always outfit the hoverboard as well.

When they landed on Eudora a few hours later Sunset sighed and put her holo-plan away, somewhat annoyed that mimicking Clank was harder than she thought it would be. Starlight, on the other hand, had finished another set of weapon plans by the time they landed, so she sent them along as Ratchet turned the ship off and opened the lid. The four of them climbed out of the ship, to which Ratchet and his sisters stretched their bodies for a few seconds, before they walked over to the vendor to see if there was another weapon to add to their arsenals. That was when they discovered the Glove of Doom, one of the weapons that Sunset had helped Starlight with and had submitted to Mr. Gadget two days ago, had become available.

"I'm impressed that your boss made this weapon as quickly as he did," Ratchet said, flexing his hand for a moment as he wondered what destruction the latest weapon could cause, "Time to test this baby out."

Starlight knew the reason why Mr. Gadget was making the weapons quicker, as she had included a message in her last transmission that said that she and her siblings were willing to test the weapons in the field, as they were in the process of helping people in need across the galaxy. She didn't mention that they were trying to stop Chairman Drek, but the prospect of protecting people and making sure that there were safe seemed to do the job in getting more of her weapons produced. She knew that she'd be seeing some of her other weapons in the future, so she was excited when the time came to use some of the more powerful ones she and Sunset had made. She had decided to let Ratchet think whatever he wanted about the reason for how quickly the weapons came out, though she did take notes in case there was something wrong in the weapons.

Ratchet threw a sphere forward and four little robots emerged from it the moment it touched the ground, though the little bots jumped for joy when they spotted the wood cutting robots and charged at them. The instant the first little bot touched its target it exploded in a burst of gears and sparks, raining death while the other three repeated the process with the other robots. Ratchet whistled as he watched the carnage, amazed and disturbed by the amount of destruction that Starlight had packed into their small bodies... which only made him wonder what level of power the other weapons she had submitted contained.

"These guys are going to quickly become my best friends," Ratchet commented, preparing another sphere as he advanced down the path that led away from the locked door, leaving Sunset and Starlight behind by the ship.

"We had better follow him," Sunset said, sighing as she followed her brother down the path, with Starlight walking beside her, "I just hope he doesn't get hurt in his eagerness to try out your newest weapon."

"I imagine that the Glove of Doom will make some decent profits for Gadgetron," Starlight replied, pulling out her tablet and making some notes about the level of power that the robots contained, a small smirk lingering on her face while they walked, "I mean, I know Ratchet likes my weapons, but if he likes a weapon that just recently came out, with little explanation on how to use it, then that means that other customers will like the weapon as well."

They followed their brother to an area that had several more of the lumber robots roaming around, cutting into the remaining trees while the axe carrying ones merely patrolled and kept an eye out for intruders. Ratchet's little minions ran forward, blowing the axe carrying robots into the walls while he swung his wrench into the heads of floating robots, smashing them into the ground as he moved along. He came to a bolt crank that, when rotated all the way around, opened the bridge for him to pass into the next area, where more of the lumber robots were continuing their work under the protection of Chairman Drek's troops.

As Ratchet forged ahead Sunset knelt next to the robots he had left mostly in one piece, taking intact pieces of them off of their broken bodies as she collected the modules that hadn't been broken. Starlight looked at her while she worked, appearing to wonder what she was doing for a few moments, before she shook her head and let her sister do what she wanted. She also put down any enemies that Ratchet ended up missing, blowing them to pieces as they passed them by and followed their brother over another bridge.

Ratchet smashed and blasted his way through another set of enemies, before he came to an area that had a lift that would give him and his sisters a boost so they could reach the next area... which would involve them flying over a gap between the two areas. It was then that he stopped in his tracks and wondered how the three of them would be able to cross, because both he and Sunset had something to get them across the gap, but Starlight had nothing. He considered her magic for a moment, but he had no idea how long her concentration would last and if she'd be able to cross to the other side with them.

"So how are we going to do this?" Ratchet asked, staring at the destination they needed to reach, his mind working out how they were going to accomplish the task, "I mean, two of us cane safely cross over this gap, but that leaves Starlight to turn back and head to the ship until we return."

That was seconds before a magical bridge, made in the color of Starlight's magic, formed before his eyes, to which he turned around and spotted the glow resting around his sister's horn.

"Or you could ask me to build a bridge," Starlight said, a smile appearing on her face as she started to walk across the magical bridge, "You had best hurry if you want in on the rest of the action."

As they crossed the bridge they encountered a larger robot that blocked their path, though the combined might of their collective minions and their weapons tore the robotic creature down. Sunset noticed that a major part of the robot remained intact, to which she let her siblings continue ahead while she searched for more intact modules, where she smiled when she spotted five powerful modules that were intact. She knew that she could do something with them, so she pocketed them as soon as she had loosened them and then followed after her siblings, catching up to them as they made their way across another gap. She had to admit it, but her sister was definitely getting stronger the more she used her magic, leaving her to wonder what she could and could not do with her natural abilities.

They found a chamber that had three more of the larger robots, though it was guarded by a small group of Chairman Drek's guards that didn't take too kindly to them and Clank showing up. It actually took them some time to clear out the area, as they had to avoid their enemy's attacks and time their own accordingly, though there were a few times were one of them almost got hit in the process. When the battle was over, and the three larger ones had been taken out during the fight, the group relaxed and walked into the chamber they had to fight to enter.

It was on the other side of the chamber that they discovered a new weapon, a circular cylinder weapon that the group determined had to be a cannon of some kind.

"So this is the Suck Cannon," Sunset commented, staring at the weapon as Ratchet picked it up, giving her the ability to better study it as she pulled up her tablet, "Apparently this isn't a weapon produced by Gadgetron, but by the Blarg instead. According to what I'm reading this weapon uses quantum technology to suck in small enemies inside of it like a vacuum cleaner when the owner holds down the trigger. Then, once its full and can no longer suck enemies up, the owner can release the trigger and then press it again, releasing the enemies as missiles that are fired at whatever the owner is targeting."

"I'm not sure if that's useful or not," Ratchet said, though once Sunset nodded her head he stashed it with the rest of his weapons, knowing that his siblings would want to look at it in the future so they could make something superior to it, "Now, where can we find that lieutenant that's following Drek's orders?"

Starlight remembered the locked door near where they landed their ship, so she suggested that they return to the ship and immediately leapt over the gap that separated them from the area they landed their ship. Within a minute they returned to the ship, but instead of getting into the ship they walked up to the door that rested behind it and parted so Ratchet could approach it.

"So Gadgetron makes both the Invinco-Locks and the Trespasser?" Starlight asked, as she had more experience with the weapons and not the gadgets, which was Sunset's area of expertise.

"That is correct," Sunset replied, watching her brother work the lock while they talked, "though I am pretty sure that someone knew that this Trespasser was going to be on a transport to another planet and, somehow, stole it away from the transport, only to drop it on Aridia."

"That does not explain how it ended up at the top of the tower on Aridia," Clank commented, recalling where Ratchet and found the gadget to begin with.

"Maybe the thief that stole it believed that no one would be able to find it at the top of the tower," Sunset said, recalling that she had been told that it was only because of his Swingshots that her brother managed to reach the top of the tower, "so by leaving it at the very top the thief believed that they would be able to return at a later date to collect it. No doubt whoever had taken it intended to sell it to the highest bidder, so its actually better for us to have it than a criminal that could do harm to others."

"That's... actually a valid response," Starlight stated, surprised that she hadn't thought of that while considering how the gadget had been left at the top of the tower, but before she could say anymore the door opened.

"Let's go find that lieutenant," Ratchet said, pulling out his wrench as he advanced down the new path, watching out for additional enemies that might be guarding their target.

They encountered two more bolt cranks along the new path, opening a mode of transportation that involved using their Swingshots to traverse the massive gaps. Starlight used her magic to create steps that allowed her to keep pace with her siblings as they moved over the raised platforms, taking notes on everything she saw as she followed the path. After some time they eventually reached another door that had another lock, to which Ratchet pulled out the Trespasser and moved to unlock the door, giving his siblings time to rest before they confronted the lieutenant.

Once the door was open they walked inside with their weapons drawn, which was fortunate because they found the lieutenant waiting in the middle of the chamber. He stared at them the moment they entered the chamber, but the moment that Clank detached from Ratchet's back, and he noticed that it was four on one, he turned tail and ran from them as fast as his robotic legs would take him. Ratchet immediately started to follow the lieutenant, but Sunset held her hand up to stop him, before pointing at the infobot that had been left behind by their target.

"Why are we not following him?" Clank asked, staring at his companions for a moment, "He has the information that we need."

"We know nothing about interrogation," Sunset replied, before turning the little robot to the infobot, "but this should be able to give us some insight on where we should go next."

As it turned out the infobot revealed that there was a research station that Chairman Drek was using to build addition weapons, be they mechanical or living creatures that could be controlled. The recording even listed several of the items that someone might be able to find at the station, though Sunset knew that they were likely to find one or two useful items that would aid them in their quest. Once the recording was over both Starlight and Ratchet were showing that they were eager to get to the station, so that they could get their hands on whatever Drek was working on. Clank tried to tell them that they could not be bothered to go to the station, as they had to track down Captain Qwark and reveal what Chairman Drek was doing, but that was before Sunset told him that the station was their only lead left at the moment.

Clank eventually agreed with Sunset and her siblings, knowing that, even if there was another lead they could follow, they would likely be going to the station anyway, to pick up the gadgets. With the group in agreement they returned to their ship, took their seats, and let Ratchet start the launch sequence, each of them wondering what information and gadgets they would find at the station.

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