• Published 7th May 2016
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Ratchet and Clank: The Starlight of Solana - Blackdrag-rose

Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer grow up alongside Ratchet on Veldin, where they begin an epic journey to save the galaxy.

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Time: Vorselon; Second Time

As Aphelion landed inside the docks of the Hyperion, and everyone got out, one of the AI announced that they had an active communication line waiting for them, to which they moved towards the bridge so they could see what was waiting for them. Ratchet was in a confused mood, because he had assumed that Orvus had been in danger two years ago and they had been sent to make sure that he was saved, but what they had discovered was that the elderly Zoni was in no danger. It made him wonder if Clank had been lied to by someone, though more importantly it made him wonder what had happened to Orvus, because if nothing happened two years ago then he should be, if he was following the stories, somewhere in the Great Clock, overseeing all of time like he was said to be doing.

He was sure that something strange was going on, and that someone was wasting their time, but he cleared his mind as the group entered the bridge and took their seats, before he nodded and the communication line was opened... to which they found 'Lord' Vorselon staring at them with his face filling the entire screen.

"Greetings, young Lombaxes!" Lord Vorselon proclaimed, addressing both Angela and Ratchet at the same time, while moving a bit so they could see what he wanted to show them, "I think I have come across something that belongs to you."

What the picture showed as Azimuth locked in a cage, somewhere aboard Vorselon's warship, though oddly enough their opponent had left the general with his weapon, likely because it wouldn't help him escape from his cell at the moment. As the group stared at the picture they noticed that two shadowy wraiths appeared in the room behind Vorselon, where they discovered the sickle wielding wraith that was Despair and the weaponless Doubt... though the dark grey wraith was actually carrying a wicked scythe on her back. Ratchet and Angela exchanged a quick glance with each other, where they wondered if the wraiths had been tracking Azimuth since they departed from Torren IV and had turned him over to Vorselon in exchange for something else.

"General!" Ratchet called out, deciding to lure Vorselon into a false sense of victory, because if he thought that he was going to win he might do something stupid... like transmit his location to them or something.

"It is a dark day when one is tasked with destroying half the galaxy's Lombax population..." Vorselon started to say, though before he got too far he noticed that Starlight was opening her mouth.

"You mean by a third," Starlight commented, causing everyone to look at her, "What? There are only three Lombaxes left in the universe, so its more accurate to say a third than a half."

"Anyway, I have uploaded my exact coordinates to your starship," Vorselon said, to which he shook his head, as if he hated being corrected, before he turned his full attention back to Angela and Ratchet, "if you hurry you might be able to save him before his execution! Vorselon out!"

As the screen went blank Ratchet and Angela turned to the rest of the group, to which they discovered that Starlight was annoyed by what they had heard, Sunset was furious over the fact that Azimuth might die, and Qwark, who hadn't gone to Zanifar for his own reasons, was prepping his weapon for the incoming invasion.

"I know we're going to attack his ship and rescue Azimuth," Ratchet said, though as he spoke he tapped his wrench as Angela held out her lightsaber, "but how are we going to get passed those wraiths? This has to be a trap that they have set up for us..."

"You don't think they're working for Hatred, do you?" Starlight replied, though she had to admit that she was thinking of the same thing, because she already knew that the evil aspect would be gunning for Sunset in an attempt to get her out of the way.

"She's the strongest aspect in existence, if she's to be believed," Ratchet stated, where he shook his head, indicating that he didn't believe what Hatred had told them earlier, "but the presence of Doubt and Despair tells me that they might be working under her, out of fear that she could destroy them and consume their power. They have to realize that once the rest of the aspects are taken care of, and only three of them are left standing, Hatred will turn on them and cut them down... so hopefully we can convince them to help us and turn against the evil aspect."

"I'm not sure that they'll turn against Hatred," Angela commented, shaking her head as their starship approached the area that Vorselon had stopped his ship in, "the two of them seem to be the type of person that enjoy inflicting pain and suffering on others... so they may not care if Hatred beats them, because she'll be doing the same thing if she becomes the God of Destruction. Our best bet is to figure out a way to beat them before they do more damage to the galaxy we're in... and then we need to find and kill Hatred, as she'll be gunning for us once she and Sunset are the last aspects left."

"You forgot that there's a tenth aspect, hiding somewhere," Sunset said, though while everyone turned towards her they would tell that she was pissed about the loss of her sister, "I could tell, in the way that Hatred talked, that we weren't the remaining aspects... there's one more that Hatred is saving for the final event. There's something about this mysterious aspect that makes even Hatred back off, because it seems that the evil aspect is willing to kill the rest of us before taking on the final aspect. Makes me wonder what is so special about the tenth aspect that makes Hatred back off and leave her alone."

Starlight looked at Sunset Glider for a few seconds and wondered if she should share her thoughts about the tenth aspect being Sunset Shimmer's innocence, or her core as she and her clone had agreed on before she had cancelled the spell. Whatever the final aspect actually represented, be it innocence or something else, wasn't important at the moment, as they had to prepare themselves for what was coming their way once they reached Vorselon's ship.

It didn't take them long to reach their destination, where they were surprised to find that Vorselon hadn't bothered to send out any ships to delay them and basically allowed them to landed on the rear dock of the ship. When they climbed out of their ships Ratchet and Starlight walked over to the vendor and found that the upgraded Buzz Blades was available for purchase, which they knew would come in handy in the near future. With the weapons purchased, and their ammunition restocked, everyone prepared themselves as they approached the doors in front of them, though when the doors opened they discovered that Vorselon had customized his troops, as there was a light blue color to them that had replaced the red coloration they had when they fought Nefarious' forces.

They could also tell that these robots were under Vorselon's control, because while Nefarious' robots always chanted about capturing members of their group, despite the fact that it never happened, Vorselon's robots clearly wanted to murder all of them and make sure that none of them survived their invasion.

As they walked into the docking area Ratchet and Starlight opened fire with their new weapons, targeting the left side of the room, while Angela and Qwark used their weapons to either cut their opponents apart or pin them to a wall with an arrow, which would explode a few seconds later. Sunset, once again, flew around the area and targeted enemies that were spawning on the level above them, intending to make sure that they weren't swarmed by their enemies. After a minute or two of fighting the swarm of enemies Sunset noticed that two tanks had entered the area, to which she flew into one of them and smashed its systems with a well placed hoof jab to its head area, though she followed that up by twisting the cannons towards the other tank and opened fire on it.

After some time they managed to finish off the rest of the swarm that had been sent to kill them, to which they advanced to the door above where they were standing and opened it, allowing them to move deeper into the ship as they searched for Azimuth's holding cell. The next room that they walked into had a bolt crank that was supposed to lower some swingshot targets they could use to maneuver around the area, but Starlight decided that now wasn't the time to play by Vorselon's rules. From what she could tell there were three buttons that they needed to press, so she called forth a magical walkway so Angela and Qwark could take the one on the right side of the room, while allowing her and Ratchet to deal with the one on the left side. Sunset, of course, flew over to the final button and literally sat on it, though it was clear that she was more focused on the aspects that could be on the ship than their actual mission.

When all three buttons had been pressed Starlight levitated everyone over to the door and found that the elevator they had unlocked brought them right back to the arena they had fought Vorselon in the last time they had infiltrated his ship, though this time he appeared to be ready for them.

"You two lasted much longer than I expected." Vorselon stated, staring at both Ratchet and Angela, as if they were his primary threat and not anyone else, "Azimuth has taught you well."

"You must not have done any research on us since our last encounter," Ratchet replied, to which everyone but him and Angela backed up, leaving the two of them to deal with Vorselon, "I am Ratchet Cross, known hero throughout the entirety of the Solana and Bogon Galaxies on at least four separate occasions, and this is my wife Angela Cross, one of the highest ranking Jedi Knights in the universe."

"You have no power against me!" Vorselon said, to which he activated his armor and disappeared into thin air, which only caused both of the Lombaxes to raise an eyebrow as they charged forward.

Sadly both Ratchet and Angela discovered that Vorselon hadn't studied up on them since their last encounter and hadn't taken the time to reinforce his armor with new weapons, because his attack patterns were the same as before. He tried to use every attack he had in his arsenal, which was the same as the last time they fought, and he only targeted on of them at a time, which allowed the other one to attack him from behind and damage his armor. When Ratchet dealt the finishing blow Vorselon's armor shattered into a thousand pieces as his head container flew off, declaring that he could never be defeated and promising them that he would return for them in the future.

With the battle over Ratchet quickly restocked his ammunition and they pressed on, to which they piled into the elevator that had dropped down upon Vorselon's defeat. They walked through the door that had opened for them and found that a large set of lasers were blocking their path, to which Starlight merely levitated them to the other side so they could enter the room that Azimuth was being held in... along with the two wraiths that were hiding in the shadows.

"Ratchet? Angela?" Azimuth said, sounding shocked that they were even here, before he grew serious as faced the entire group, "What are all of you doing here?"

"Rescuing you of course," Angela replied, to which she waved a hand to dismiss what was happening at the moment, "Relax General, Ratchet and I have done this in the past. We just need to know how to lower the containment field and then we'll get you out of that cage."

"The cables above my cell should lead you right to the power generators," Azimuth said, pointing to the three tubes in question, to which the group nodded to him, "take out those generators and the containment field should fall apart."

The group looked at the three available paths that were in front of them and, before they could decide where to go first, Sunset flew over to the path on the left of the entrance they had come through, to which she followed the metallic ramp by flying above it. From there she found several important pieces of machinery she could pull apart, as all she had to do was change an option on her screen and she could use her wings to create the same effect Ratchet had when he was using his wrench to pull things. She avoided the lasers as she made her way through the area, breaking apart several of the machines that she felt were important... until she got one that informed her that it was the containment generator she was looking for. She happily returned to the cage that Azimuth was being held in, to which she allowed the others to hunt down the other two generators they were looking for.

Ratchet chose to take on the path that was parallel to where they had entered, to which he discovered that he would need to time several jumps right with his hoverboots to avoid falling into space. Starlight watched from the door opening, as she had given Angela the Omnisoaker tool for the final path, to ensure that her brother wasn't harmed if he missed a jump. Ratchet was very pleased when he reached the other side of the room he was in, because he successfully reached the other side of the room without needing Starlight to catch him, before he pulled the generator apart and disabled it. He then used some swingshots to swing back to the other side, where he had to incorporate some jump pads to reach where his sister was standing, to which they smiled as they rejoined everyone else.

Angela smiled at them as she moved up the stairs that would lead to the final generator, where she used the Omnisoaker to grab some ice cold water that allowed her to cool off the platforms she needed to cross to reach her destination, though before she went further she switched the water for some oil to get rid of the rust that she spotted on the bolt crank. She used the crank to lower the laser walls into place so she could access the generator, which she ruined with her lightsaber, before she turned around and headed back to the cell, which no longer had the containment field surrounding it. They quickly yanked off the module that was keeping the cell locked and Azimuth was free to go, though as he jumped out of the cell they all noticed that they weren't alone.

Standing in the doorway they had come through, which would be the only way off the ship without using Starlight's magic to teleport, were the two wraiths they had been searching for... though instead of a battle happening the two wraiths simply floated over to the group.

"What do you want?" Sunset asked, though at the same time she stepped in front of the group and made sure that she was between them and the wraiths, because she had the feeling that they had come for her.

"Hatred's downfall." Doubt stated, catching the entire group off guard for a moment, "We have seen the destruction she has caused, the pain she has inflicted upon any who dare to challenge her, and felt her intent to slaughter all of us when she flew Searing."

"We are all pawns in her game," Despair added, shaking her hood for a few seconds, "You have defeated many of the aspects that were scattered across the galaxy, which is what she planned on having you do so she didn't have to expand her energy to do so. We wish to see ourselves made whole again, in the form you know as Sunset Shimmer if what Hatred had told us is true, but if she is allowed to win..."

"She'll destroy us all." Starlight finished, knowing what the evil aspect had planned for the power that Sunset used to command, "Do you have any idea where she's hiding?"

"No, but we intend on finding her and wounding her," Doubt replied, to which she tapped the scythe that she was carrying, before turning to Azimuth, "We know that you do not trust us, but we have released your ship from its holding cell. We also recommend that you get out of here by teleportation, because we plan on giving Vorselon a little... gift... before he leaves this sector."

"Head to the Bernilius Sector next," Despair stated, to which both she and Doubt turned to face the path in front of them, while turning their backs to Sunset and her group at the same time, "you may find some clues waiting for you in that Sector."

Starlight nodded and grabbed everyone with her magic, to which she teleported all of them back to the docking area they had landed on, where they discovered that the wraiths had been truthful when they mentioned that Azimuth's ship had been released. None of them wanted to stick around and see what happened when the two aspects gave Vorselon their 'present', so they all boarded their ships and took off, where Azimuth said that he would meet them in the Bernilius Sector. Starlight and the others returned to the Hyperion and got in started moving as well, while at the same time they had to wonder what the two wraiths were planning... and whether or not they were being truthful about hunting Hatred down.

Starlight let out a sigh as the Hyperion began the sequence so it could make the jump to the next sector, because she knew that, in time, she and her family would know exactly what was going on... while at the same time worrying about how odd it was that they had been sent back to save Orvus, who wasn't in danger. She knew something odd was going on, but she knew that she would figure it out in the future... once they had saved the Great Clock, Clank, and the rest of the Zoni from Nafarious and his allies.

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