• Published 7th May 2016
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Ratchet and Clank: The Starlight of Solana - Blackdrag-rose

Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer grow up alongside Ratchet on Veldin, where they begin an epic journey to save the galaxy.

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R/C: Batalia

Clank allowed his three companions to rest for one whole hour, which he timed with his internal clock while he wandered around the massive cavern they were in, before he started to return to them. He had found a large metallic door that appeared to lead to a hanger while he had looked around, a hanger that his scans indicated had a ship waiting for something to use it. He didn't go and look at the ship itself, as he figured that Ratchet would want to look at it before they left Umbris, though from what his scans showed him this new ship was much faster than the one they had gotten on Novalis. Considering the speed that Chairman Drek was moving with his campaign, attacking multiple planets with either his troops or trying to rip chunks out of them, Clank knew that they needed a faster ship to catch up with their enemy.

After a few seconds of mentally debating whether or not he should actually leave the ship alone he spotted something familiar, as an Infobot had popped its head out from behind one of the ship's landing gear. He ran over the metallic bridge that connected where his companions were resting to the hanger, before coming to a stop in front of the Infobot and allowing it to show him what was happening on another planet. It showed that the Planet Batalia was under attack by bombers, no doubt under orders from Chairman Drek to remove another thorn from his side, and that a commando was calling for aid.

"Hey Clank, did you find anything?" Ratchet asked, though Clank had to turn around for a moment to notice that his companion had walked over to him, leaving Sunset and Starlight alone for the moment.

"Yes, I have found Chairman Drek's next target," Clank replied, stepping out of the way so his friend could view the Infobot, "Planet Batalia is under attack by Drek's forces and a commando is calling for assistance."

"I can see that," Ratchet commented, staring at the Infobot as it replayed the news that it showed Clank... though Clank didn't like the look on his friend's face.

"Ratchet, we cannot let Chairman Drek get away with this," Clank said, silently hoping that he didn't have to persuade the Lombax to do what was right, "You know that if we don't stop him, or Qwark for that matter, than he'll continue on his mad quest until he has destroyed the entirety of the galaxy. Veldin is, no doubt, somewhere on his list, so can you look past your anger towards Qwark to see the bigger picture?"

"Am I really that easy to read?" Ratchet asked, letting out a light chuckle as he collected the Infobot and turned towards the ship for a moment, "Yes, I'm angry at Qwark for hurting me and my sisters... though I guess this is all of our faults for wanting to leave Veldin and stop Drek from wrecking the rest of the galaxy. We should have been more careful and made sure that we weren't walking into a trap, considering that this entire course looked like a death trap from above, but we were too eager to side with Qwark and we overlooked the obvious trap. I'm also mad at Qwark for betraying the galaxy, but Drek is the bigger fish that we need to fry and we should be focusing our efforts on saving the galaxy.

If that means that we can take out Captain Qwark in the process of saving the galaxy, even if it means we have to blow him out of the sky, then I will gladly overlook my anger until we've reached the endgame."

"Good, because I'm itching to kill Drek's troopers," a voice behind them said, to which they turned around and found both Sunset and Starlight standing there, though Starlight was holding the RYNO as if she was about to fire it, "He and Qwark have so much to answer for... and I'm going to enjoy taking down every single one of their agents that we find as we travel across the galaxy."

"I... I don't know whether to be impressed that your so willing to fight Drek now, or terrified that your so eager to draw blood," Clank said, worry crossing his face for a moment as he recalled the sinister mist he had seen around the unicorn's eyes for a moment.

"She's got more weapon plans churning through her mind now that Qwark's revealed his hand," Sunset commented, making sure that she had all of her weapons while looking at her bracelet for a few seconds, "I already tried to stop her from thinking about Qwark's betrayal, but it seems that this time being the elder sibling has no sway over what the younger sibling does, says, or feels. Though, truth be told, I'm eager to leave this place and see what's happening to the other planets... that's if the two of you are up to saving the galaxy after what just happened to us."

Ratchet and Clank looked at each other for a moment, sharing a look that showed that they were definitely getting a little scared of the two sisters, though for Ratchet he knew that they would be able to make better weapons and gadgets that would allow them to deal with Drek's forces more effectively. Clank, on the other hand, was more terrified of the sinister feeling he had gotten when Starlight's eyes had started emitting that mist or when Sunset's bracelet had started glowing.

"Then we should get in the ship and I'll set our course for Batalia," Clank said, opening the hatch so that the others could get into the ship, "because Drek's forces are in the process of attacking the planet and a commando is calling for aid."

"Then set the course for Batalia," Starlight replied, leaping up into the ship as the others followed suit, "we've got some troopers to fight and some people to save."

Clank smiled as Ratchet helped him climb into the ship, silently pleased that, despite the betrayal they had all suffered, Starlight was still eager to save the galaxy and that she wasn't letting her anger for Qwark get in the way of what was really important. As he sat in his seat he set the coordinates for Batalia, allowing Ratchet to take control of their new ship before they began the journey towards Drek's next target.


Getting to Batalia was easy for the new ship, though none of the people riding inside the ship bothered to get any sleep after everything that had happened. Starlight started to mumble to herself as she used her tablet to create what she called the 'RYNO II', a weapon of her own design that would be superior to the original that she currently carried, though she claimed that it would take her roughly five to six months to work on the plans considering that she was now working alone. One of the people that had helped her make the original weapon's holo-plan had sold the plans to the salesman, who in turn sold the plans to the Blarg and then stole the prototype when he didn't get his full payment. She had learned from her mistakes and was taking on the RYNO II project by herself, so that there wasn't a repeat of someone stealing the holo-plans, though she was also determined to figure out who had tipped off the salesman in the first place.

When their ship finally landed on the landing pad, and they had climbed out to see what was happening to the city, they were confronted by the commando they had seen in the Infobot.

"At attention you deserting maggots..." the commando started to say, but as the words left his mouth Starlight strode forward and pointed the RYNO right at him.

"We aren't your soldiers," Starlight growled, still angry from Qwark's betrayal and eager to dish out some punishment on Chairman Drek's forces, "We are, however, combat trained civilians responding the Drek's forces attacking this planet, and at the same time responding to your call for assistance, so it would be nice if you treated us with respect."

"Or what?" the commando challenged, appearing to be a tough guy for the four of them, but with the RYNO up in his face it was clear that he was concerned for his own safety.

Starlight grinned as she glanced at the enemies that were standing near the Gadgetron Vendor, to which she turned the RYNO towards them and loosed the volley she had been priming, allowing the missiles to fly through the air and collide with the Blarg and robots that were waiting before the bridge. The last missile corrected its course and flew to the top of the building to the right of the bridge, no doubt it changed because Starlight's magic was involved, and collided with a machine that was designed to dispense additional enemies, obliterating it before it could produce more foes. The commando looked at the carnage the unicorn could cause with one weapon, to which he wondered what he could do with the four of them.

"Or she'll do that," Sunset commented, checking her weapons as she and Ratchet, with Clank on his back, started to approach the vendor so they could see if there were additional weapons available, "Now, if you'll excuse us, we'll be wrecking Chairman Drek's forces and obliterating those bombers that are giving you trouble."

"Wait, I want to try something I read about on the way here," Starlight said, staring at the weapon that Sunset had purchased, the Devastator she had developed almost a week ago, and let her horn light up for a moment, "Before I got involved with starting my plans for the next RYNO weapon I did some research on supposed spells that unicorns are able to cast, though all I could find are references to Old Earth and their understanding of my race. According to what I read, and I'm mostly drawing conclusions at this point, some unicorns are able to duplicate items using their magic, so I figured that I would try it as long as we were coming here."

"Then might I suggest using one of the saw blades that the robots were carrying?" Clank commented, overhearing what Starlight was saying, though he worried for the galaxy if she was able to make duplicates of the RYNO with her magic, "It would be much safer than using your magic on a weapon."

Starlight frowned for a moment, as if considering what Clank was telling her, but then she decided that trying her new spell on something that wouldn't explode was the best idea. She turned her magic to the small saw blade for a moment and picked it up, studying the metal for a moment before casting her spell on the item. A few seconds passed before a light engulfed the saw blade, though when the light faded there were two perfectly identical saw blades floating next to each other. She grinned as she looked at her success, but then she decided to make a few more copies of the blades, so she engaged the spell once more and created a total of eight saw blades. Once that was gone she spun the blades around her and threw them towards an enemy that was standing on the other side of the bridge, wondering if she might be able to make a weapon that launched spinning blades of death.

Once she showed that the spell actually worked, and that it wasn't going to blow up in their faces, Sunset allowed her sister to create two copies of the Devastator, but said that doing this would be the only thing that it was okay to create a duplicate of a weapon... unless all four of them determined that the weapon in question was something that they all needed. Sunset wasn't about to rob Gadgetron blind by using her sister's abilities, no matter how much Starlight tried to get her to change her mind on the matter.

"Okay, I am definitely scared of her," the commando commented, reminding the four of them that he had been standing there the entire time, watching them talk, "Look, there's a turret in that fortress over there, and it needs to be repaired and used to shoot those bombers out of the sky before they reduce the planet to rubble! I'm sure you know what to do."

When all three of them were carrying a Devastator, and Clank was back on Ratchet's back, they left the commando alone, walked towards the bridge and collected the bolts that had been left from when Starlight used the RYNO on the Blarg. As they approached the bridge a ship flew passed them and loosed a missile, though it flew into the bridge and blew it apart before their eyes... leaving a small circular walkway for them to use. Once they were on the other side of the bridge Ratchet moved down the pathway that led to the lower area, where he found several Blarg waiting for him as they surrounded a bolt crank. He summoned a few of his minions and let them go to town, watching them surge towards his enemies and blowing them up in seconds, allowing him to turn the crank and extend the bridge.

Once the bridge was reconnected, and Ratchet had gotten off the bolt crank, a tank moved out of a bunker and started rolling over the bridge, though that was before a barrage of missiles from Sunset and Starlight took the machine down before it could even reach them.

"I think I had better let them get into that city on their own," Ratchet commented, watching his sisters take turns attacking enemies from where he was standing, before pulling up the scan of the planet that Clank had created before they landed, "I guess I can check out the grind rail near the ship and see what's out there."

"That would be wise," Clank replied, his eyes zeroing in on the two sisters as they turned in the opposite direction, though he wondered how much damage the two of them would be able to cause while he and Ratchet were gone.


When Starlight and Sunset rode down a small slide of water they came to an area that had a tank and multiple Blarg soldiers waiting for them, though it appeared that they were fully prepared to destroy anyone that got in their way of wrecking the planet. Starlight grinned as her horn lit up, though instead of using her Devastator she slammed her hooves on the ground and two clusters of black crystals erupted from the ground, stabbing the two soldiers that were the closest to them. Sunset was surprised by how quickly her sister had cast the spell, but then she stood back as Starlight repeated the spell, a massive cluster taking down the tank while smaller ones captured the soldiers. Starlight seemed overjoyed with developing her magical powers, but Sunset was worried that the spell she was currently using was going to drain her if she wasn't careful.

As she approached one of the clusters, however, she pressed her hand against the crystal and watched as a light purple aura started to emit from the gem, before it bent around itself and surged into her bracelet. Her eyes widened as she watched the event happen before her eyes, as she realized that she had actually discovered that her piece of jewelry did something other than sit on her wrist. Somehow her bracelet had the ability to absorb the lingering aura of her sister's magic, though she had to wonder if the bracelet had been suppressing Starlight's magic all of these years... to which the ability had been broken when her sister's magic had flared after Qwark's betrayal.

As her sister moved forward, taking out their enemies with her weapon, she stayed back and took in all of the magic that had been left behind, wondering what her bracelet did with the magic that it was taking in. Once the crystals were completely drained, and the bolts were collected, she joined Starlight at what appeared to be a gap between their platform and that complex that had the turret.

"You two are definitely full of surprises," a voice said, to which the commando appeared to the left for a moment, "Alright, I need the two of you to get into that compound and take control of that turret. And here, you deserve this Infobot I commandeered from one of the enemies."

The Infobot in question revealed a few details about Orxon, the planet that the Blarge originated from, and the possible gadgets that they had left behind on Chairman Drek's orders. Starlight's grin only got bigger as she wondered what she could do with all of the items that their enemy was leaving behind, though she knew that she'd have a small window of time to study the gadgets before they were heading to another planet. Once the Infobot was done she levitated her staff over to the bolt crank and attached it to the top, as her staff had been designed to copy her brother's wrench in several aspects, and she opened the way for them to move on.

Before they even started walking over the newly extended bridge, however, Sunset placed her hand on her sister's shoulder and stopped her from rushing forward.

"I suggest you use your weapons this time," Sunset said, beckoning with her own Devastator for a moment, "Don't want you to use all of your magic at once and have to sit a planet out to recharge your batteries."

"I guess your right," Starlight replied, pulling out her Devastator before pointing it at one of their enemies, "Time to crack some skulls."

They found a few more of Drek's forces patrolling the compound, though when the soldiers spotted them they started shouting commands and turned to face them. Starlight took aim with her Devastator and loosed several of the missiles, which flew through the air and collided with the soldiers that were standing before the door that had to lead to the turret. Sunset's missiles followed seconds later, allowing the combined force of their attack to devastate the forces that were standing in their way, but before they could approach the door they found two tanks standing in their way. Starlight switched to the RYNO and took aim, where she unleashed a hail of missiles that destroyed both of the tanks and opened the way for them.

Starlight then attached her staff to the next bolt crank that they came across and spun it around, where she opened the door and revealed the massive turret that would allow them to destroy Drek's bombers. As the two of them approached the turret, however, Sunset spotted someone that she had been sure that she was never going to see again, but yet she was proven wrong.

"Mr. Plumber, fancy meeting you here." Sunset said, causing the man to turn from what he was working on and see that the two of them were standing behind him.

"I knew that I'd be seeing you again," the Plumber commented, turning to look at Starlight for a moment, before proceeding to scratch her behind her right ear for a moment, "So, what brings you to Batalia?"

"We're here to stop Chairman Drek from destroying the planet," Starlight answered, her face softening as the Plumber worked his magic, "and that means that we need to use the turret."

"Normally I would object to such a thing," the Plumber replied, though that didn't stop a grin from appearing on his face, "but considering everything that you've already been through, and what you might do in the future, I don't see a reason to stop you from using the turret to destroy the bombers."

Sunset leapt into the seat of the turret and took aim at the bomber that was the closest to them, though at the same time Starlight sat on the top of it and watched for missiles that were coming their way. As Sunset started to fire at the first bomber she noticed that there were a few missiles that were launched at them, though Starlight's plan seemed to work as the cluster of them exploded before they could reach the turret. When the bomber was reduced to a burning mass of metal they turned to the second bomber, allowing Sunset to open fire while Starlight took out each and every missile that was fired at them. Soon the second bomber was reduced to the same state as the first one, but before long the remainder of the bombers were in the same state and Starlight tapped the top of the turret to indicate that their job was finally over.

As Sunset climbed out of the turret she could tell that the Plumber was definitely impressed by their skills, though she was sure that he had something to tell them.

"I knew I was right about you two and your brother," the Plumber commented, his hand reaching into his pockets before he pulled out an item that looked like the Metal Detector gadget, "I don't need to tell you what this gadget is, but consider it my way of saying thanks for saving the planet. Now Starlight, I know your angry at Qwark for betraying you, but you have to look past your anger and remember all the good times that you shared with your siblings... it will help you find balance once more."

As Sunset accepted the gadget, and was already considering ways to improve it, Starlight nodded her understanding to what she had been told, before the Plumber backed away and bid them farewell. As they boarded the taxi that would take them back to their ship, however, something crossed Starlight's mind that confused her for a moment.

"Hey Sunset, how did that man know my name?" Starlight asked, voicing her concerns as they returned to the ship, "And how did he know that we had a brother?"

"Honestly, I have no idea," Sunset admitted, though she realized that when she had met the Plumber on Novalis she hadn't questioned his knowledge, "maybe he's just really good at guessing people's names and reading their emotions."

Starlight didn't seem to enjoy that explanation, but she sighed as they approached the ship, where they found Ratchet and Clank discussing what appeared to be coordinates from a second Infobot. It showed a gadget report from one of Drek's inventors, who was apparently working out the problems in what he called a 'Pilot's Helmet', a headset that allowed the wearer to interact with certain ships by using their thoughts. After viewing what their brother found Starlight showed him their Infobot for Orxon, though while Ratchet seemed impressed by what they might find he was also determined to visit Gaspar first. He claimed that whatever was on that planet would help them in the future, because he was certain that the pollution on Orxon would prevent the three of them from exploring the region until a later date.

In the end the four of them decided that Gaspar was the best course of action, so they climbed back into the ship and set the coordinates for their next destination.

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