• Published 7th May 2016
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Ratchet and Clank: The Starlight of Solana - Blackdrag-rose

Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer grow up alongside Ratchet on Veldin, where they begin an epic journey to save the galaxy.

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Arsenal: Mylon


Searing honestly didn't know why Ratchet was so upset that she had wiped one of their enemy's bases from the face of existence, not to mention to weapon that he had been keeping there the entire time. She figured that he, Starlight, and Angela would have been grateful that she had bothered to go out of her way to get rid of the place where the soldiers that attacked the Phoenix had come from, but all she was getting was attitude. It was somewhat annoying, but they were her family and she would never use her powers against them, which would eventually bring them to her downfall once more. Until that time occurred she was still in control of Sunset's body, who was completely unaware of what was currently happening at the moment.

Though when she thought about losing control she noticed that Starlight now had another one of the annoying Cores, which meant that they had found where Qwark had hidden it and retrieved it.

"I'm still not seeing why your so upset." Searing said, though she crossed her arms as she leaned against one of the walls in the room where they kept the Cores in, as she refused to go back into the cell until Nefarious was dealt with, "They were your enemies, so you should be thankful that I eliminated all of them before Nefarious could rally them and use them against us in the future."

"Not everyone on that planet was on Nefarious' side," Ratchet replied, though in truth he was shocked to have seen Planet Koros be destroyed by the demon, which meant that Qwark had been right when he called her the 'Goddess of Destruction', "Couldn't you have, I don't know, summoned one of those magical spheres that you like to use and simply destroyed the facility the Biobliterator was stationed at? It would have been much easier than blowing the entire planet to pieces."

"I suppose I could have... if Nefarious hadn't revealed the fact that he made an android that looked like Sunset and used her to fight me," Searing answered, a smirk appearing on her face as she recalled how she blew the robot to pieces, "but what's done is done and there's no use crying over the loss of one world... there are plenty more where Koros came from."

"And what about the millions of people that you killed?" Angela asked, though despite the fact that she hated what Searing had done she had elected to remain calm the entire time they were talking, "There were innocent people on that planet... and you killed them all without a second thought."

"Well, now you don't have millions of people lining up to join Nefarious' army," Searing replied, letting out a sigh as she stared at the two lombaxes, still not understanding why they were so upset, "I'm sure that Sasha is pleased to have Nefarious on the run at long last... its a shame that she hasn't called you yet."

Ratchet didn't want to tell the demon that Sasha had already contacted them, because at that very moment Starlight was at the bridge and was being briefed on their next assignment. From what he could tell there was a second Biobliterator, on another planet no less, that was supposed to be more powerful than the one that Searing had just destroyed. The problem was that both he and Angela knew that Searing would want to attack Nefarious' main base of operations, just like she had done with the last planet, but there was no telling how she would react once they got there.

He counted himself lucky that they had thought to leave Qwark behind on the Phoenix, because he was about the only thing that might snap the demon out of her obsession with Nefarious.

"Oh, I saw something in your eyes," Searing commented, a smile appearing on her face as she realized what was happening, "Sasha did contact you and the two of you have been keeping me distracted the entire time the conversation has been going on. Let me guess... we're heading to Nefarious' main base?"

"Yeah, we are," Angela replied, though she merely let out a sigh as she moved out of the way, "We had intended on keeping you in here while Starlight put an end to Nefarious' plans, but you figured us out before we could even reach our destination. Now that you know where we're going I know that you'd prefer to skip ahead and start the fight by yourself... but may I offer you a suggestion?"

Ratchet noticed that the moment Angela mentioned a suggestion, which was her own idea on the assault of Nefarious' main base, Searing's eyes lit up for a second, as if she enjoyed listening to what others had to say. No doubt Angela was going to offer the demon the chance to destroy the second Biobliterator and Nefarious, but she had also likely added a condition that would prevent the destruction of another planet.

"Let me take another guess..." Searing said, though as she spoke she looked at the container that the Cores were held in, though her eyes lingered on the case for a few seconds before she turned back to the two in front of her, "I get to destroy the second Biobliterator and rid the universe of Nefarious, but in exchange I have to promise not to blow the planet to pieces AND return Sunset to her body once the entire ordeal is over. Am I right or is there something I missed?"

"No... that was pretty much what I was going to say," Angela replied, though she stared into the demon's eyes for a moment, wondering where Sunset was in the shadows that surrounded Searing's eyes, "You'll have to give Sunset back her body at some point, because it appears that your constantly fighting to keep her trapped inside and its only wearing you out. Even Gods need to sleep Searing, and you're no exception to that rule."

Searing growled at Angela, but made no move towards her, though Angela merely shook her head and walked out of the room they were in, followed by Ratchet. She supposed that she could play their game at the moment and switch with Sunset once Nefarious was dealt with, but she knew that she would eventually have complete control over Sunset's body one day. It was actually quite sad that the villains of this universe wanted to torment Sunset by constantly releasing her true powers, because every time Searing watched Sunset from the shadows she noticed something interesting; Sunset was constantly depressed.

Sunset hated the magical energy that was coursing through her veins, as if she believed that magic was a curse that was slowly ruining her life. Even as Searing stared into the nearby mirror she imagined that Sunset would be doing the same thing, only there would be a blank expression on the amber alicorn's face whenever she did it. She could feel Sunset's anger towards Qwark, her hatred for her own powers, and the gnawing fear that was growing in her mind... a fear that Searing didn't expect to find. Sunset was afraid that she would grow to like the power that Searing used, the power of an unchained alicorn, and eventually embrace who she had been before her memories had been shattered.

Searing sighed and looked away from the mirror, silently wondering if there was a way for her to convince Sunset to let go of her hatred for her powers... and she remained that way for the rest of the trip.

When they finally arrived at Planet Mylon the entire group was surprised to find that their scans indicated that there was a massive amount of enemy soldiers waiting for them. Ratchet, Angela, and Starlight all had the latest weapons ready to go and made sure that all of their ammunition was fully stocked, because they wanted to be sure that they were ready for anything. Though the three of them were expecting quite the fight before they reached where Nefarious was hiding, because they all knew that the soldiers would be aiming for Searing the entire time.

Ratchet turned back towards the smaller ship for a moment once he had his weapons fully stocked, keeping his eye on Searing while she climbed out of the ship and stared at the fortress in front of them.

"So this is Nefarious' main base of operations..." Searing commented, though a frown appeared on her face as she turned to the others, "Is this seriously all he has to offer us? A small army of robots and his weapon?"

"I guess that's what happens when you scare the villain into submission," Starlight replied, cycling to one of her weapons, which she pointed at the enemies that were at the base of the platform in front of them, "So, should I bother attacking them, or are you going to obliterate them by yourself?"

Ratchet knew that it was a decent question, because at this point Searing could simply point her hand at the fortress and tear it to pieces with her magic. The consequences of that action would likely cause yet another cataclysm that would remake the entirety of Mylon, similar to what happened to Yeedil and the other planets that survived Searing's wrath. Koros was the only planet that Searing actually destroyed, but Ratchet and the others knew that it was a matter of time until it happened again.

"Go ahead and fight them yourselves," Searing replied, crossing her arms for a moment, "I'll stay at the back and make sure that none of the robots try to pull a fast one and attack us from behind. I wouldn't want anything to happen to my sister, my brother, and his girlfriend."

Angela was surprised to be added in the demon's 'family', as she was positive that Searing only cared for destruction and was leaving the others alone because of their connection to Sunset, but she decided not to provoke the demon at the moment. As much as she hated to admit it they could use Searing on their side, because she knew that the mere sight of her might be enough to make Nefarious surrender the instant they found him. Though she was also familiar with villains and their egos, so she was under the assumption that Nefarious would still insist on fighting to the bitter end.

The enemies that were waiting on the platform in front of them were actually quite easy to deal with, as they weren't expecting the group to show up and attack them, allowing them to cut through their defenses with ease. The same thing happened to the enemies that were waiting in the room ahead of them and the platform just beyond that, which made Ratchet smile as they moved. It was painfully clear that Nefarious had been expecting Searing to show up alone and had his guards on the lookout for her, but since they were spearheading the attack the robots weren't ready for them.

The only problem that they encountered was when they reached an area that had a button trapped behind a force field, one that was guarded by a lone Tyhrranoid. This problem was rapidly removed by Searing, who opened a small hole into the area that the lone robot was walking around in, allowing one of the others to put it out of its misery and activate the button so they could move on. The next area was nothing more than some piles of crates and a moving conveyor belt, which allowed them to jump up the ladder and find another barrier blocking their path. Starlight took a page out of Searing's book and opened a small doorway behind the robotic enemy, allowing Angela to pass through and cut the enemy to pieces before lowering the barrier.

From there it got much tougher for them, as the forces that were arrayed against them must have been updated from afar by Nefarious, because they started firing at them the moment they rode the elevator down into the next area. Ratchet and Angela used their rifles to eliminate enemies that attacked them from afar, allowing Starlight to deal with whoever was directly in front of them with whatever weapon she felt like using. She kept the RY3NO back for the moment, knowing that there was a time and place to use the weapon and that it wasn't worth wasting it here... at least not yet anyway.

Searing, for the most part, merely stayed at the back of the group and stared at everyone that dared to attack them from behind, though those that didn't run away in fear she carved into pieces.

At one point they came across a door that required the use of their Hacker to get through it, but Searing sunk her magic into the door frame and tore it out of the wall with ease. The enemies on the other side of the door clearly weren't expecting that to happen, because ratchet and his family were able to get some decent shots off before they reacted. Once the enemies were dealt with Ratchet noticed that there was a laser puzzle that they had to solve to get through the next door, but before he could pull out the gadget that would allow him to solve it Searing blew the door to pieces.

"We don't need a gadget to open doors, not when I'm around," Searing commented, glaring at the enemies that were between them and the next building, challenging them to either stand and fight or run away, "I do hope that Nefarious stands his ground and fights us."

Ratchet sighed as he and the others charged out into the open area and fought whoever was left in their way, because half of their enemies had actually either destroyed themselves or simply ran away at the mere sight of Searing. He had known that Searing could inspire fear in the hearts of whoever chose to fight her, but seeing so many robots, who were programed not to feel fear, flee in terror both surprised and shocked him. Not that he was complaining, he knew it made their job easier, but he would have preferred to do all of this with Sunset and not the demon that was in control of her body.

Once those enemies had been dealt with they walked through another building and approached the platform that would bring them to the Biobliterator, where they found Nefarious and his butler waiting for them. Though instead of staying and fighting Nefarious teleported them into the weapon and took off, no doubt heading someplace else to prepare for their next attack. It seemed like there was a launch site somewhere on the planet, because Nefarious didn't direct the weapon into the atmosphere just yet... which told them that he was either finishing his preparations or he was making a stupid decision.

Fortunately Sasha sent them a dropship that would follow Nefarious, giving them time to plan their final assault on Nefarious and whatever forces he had left... and listen to one of Searing's idea while they followed the Biobliterator.

"Got to get off the planet before SHE arrives." Nefarious said to himself, hastily working on the terminal that connected to his weapon, making sure that the weapon was ready for launch before he took off, "Don't want to get destroyed..."

"Stop right there Nefarious," a voice behind him said, to which he turned around and spotted both Ratchet and Angela standing behind him, both armed with guns that were pointed at him.

"And what can you do to stop me?" Nefarious declared, pressing a button on his new right hand and summoning a shield into existence around his body, "I designed this to stop the demon in her tracks, so anything that you have to use against me will fail and I will escape unscathed. Face it, heroes, you have failed."

"Then get some!" Ratchet shouted, to which both he and Angela opened fire on Nefarious, allowing smoke to build up around Nefarious... and more importantly the barrier that protected him.

Nefarious had to resist the urge to laugh at his enemies, because he had told them that the barrier was designed to stop anything Searing could throw at him and render it ineffective, yet they persisted in trying anyway. One of the interesting things about the barrier was that he could actually manipulate it with his hands, which he tested by smacking several of the missiles that were coming his way. This was the last item he had built on Aquatos, next to the serum that he had used to release Searing, so he was confident that no one would be able to break it at all.

"Trump this!" another voice, this one coming from above him, shouted, to which he had time to look up and watch as a RY3NO volley slammed into the barrier.

For a moment he saw several cracks appear in the barrier, which was understandable considering what weapon was used against him, but his smile faded when the barrier broke.

"I'm getting real tired of this..." Nefarious declared, turning on one of his eye sensors so he could see passed the smoke, though when it came on he detected a fourth figure lurking in the immediate area around him.

"You and me both," a voice behind him said, though this one filled him with dread as he threw his right arm towards the figure, where Nefarious silently hoped that he was wrong.

Searing grabbed onto Nefarious' outstretched hand with her right hand, though at the same time she slammed her right foot into his left knee, shattering the metal upon impact and breaking his left foot off completely.

"Now show me your hand," Searing shouted, raising her left hand into the air for a moment, with a hint of joy filling her eyes as she looked into his terror filled eyes, "Nefarious!"

Nefarious, having added a blade to his left hand, extended the weapon and swung his hand right at the demon, aiming right for her head so he could end this nightmare. Searing brought down her own hand and connected with the tip of the blade, but that was when Nefarious noticed that her nails were heated and he knew what was coming. Searing tore through both the blade and his hand, though she completely cut off his left arm before grabbing onto his head before he hit the ground.

"I expected more from you, Nefarious." Searing said, heating her nails once more, ignoring the fact that the others were gathering around them, "Oh well, now the universe will be rid of you."

Before she could slay the villain, and end his reign of terror, the butler robot teleported into the immediate area, latched something onto his master, and teleported the two of them out of Searing's reach. Not seconds later the Biobliterator became active, transforming into a massive fighting robot that was designed to fight Nefarious' enemies, though before anything happened Starlight indicated that their enemy was aboard the weapon. Searing suspected that he was repairing his body and was having the robot do the fighting for him, but she would not allow her target to escape her wrath a second time.

Starlight noticed the magical energy flicker around Searing for a moment, though it was clear that she was concerned that the demon was going to blow the planet to pieces.

"Just what are you planning this time?" Starlight asked, wondering if she could even dissuade Searing from blowing a second planet to pieces.

"I'm going to blow that robot to pieces," Searing replied, holding her hands out for a moment, to which one faced the right of her while the other faced the left, "Just keep Nefarious distracted and I'll do the rest."

It was at that point that the Q Force ship flew into the area around the Biobliterator and started firing at it, though Searing smiled when she heard Qwark's voice taunt Nefarious and saw the robot switch its aim towards the captain. Ratchet and Angela climbed into the spare ships that happened to be sitting in the immediate area, praising their luck that Nefarious hadn't destroyed them before attempting to make his escape, before they took to the skies and joined the fight. Starlight merely wove her magic around her, levitated herself into the air, and flew into the battle, using her RY3NO to do some damage.

"You know Nefarious, I learned something from you," Qwark called out over the radio, grinning as he heard groans on the other side, "and I also remembered something that I learned the hard way."

"And what would that be you imbecile?" Nefarious shouted back, keeping his aim on Qwark's ship the entire time, completely ignoring what was going on around the Biobliterator.

"I remembered that it is unwise to upset the Goddess of Destruction... no, that it is unwise to upset both Sunset Shimmer and Searing," Qwark replied, deciding that it was best to refer to the person he was talking about by their actual names, "From you I learned that it is unwise to go back on an agreement that had been struck with them, because they'll figure it out and deliver a fitting punishment to the one who broke their word. I'm sorry Nefarious, but the moment you broke your deal with Searing you sealed your fate..."

"What are you... talking... about?" Nefarious said, though that was before he turned the Biobliterator towards where Searing was standing, where his scanners were going off the charts, "By the Maker!"

By that point Searing had brought her hands together and was combining the energies she had been gathering, creating an attack that would end the fight in one swoop. Now, however, the attack was generating enough energy that it was producing lightning that cut into the ground and the buildings around her. It was something that she always wanted to try out and never had the opportunity to use... until Nefarious gave her the chance to do so.

"FINAL FLASH!" Searing shouted, releasing the energy she had been gathering and watched as a beam of energy tore through the space between her and the Biobliterator.

The attack tore through the robot's core, completely ruining the weapon that Nefarious had spent months building, while the arms, legs, and head piece of the robot fell to the ground around them. Searing could hear Nefarious screaming inside the robot's head and it brought a smile to her face, but before the head exploded she felt him and his butler disappear. It was clear that the war was over and that Nefarious had given up, though in time they would eventually catch him and sentence him accordingly.

Searing turned her attention to Qwark's ship as it landed, watching the man approach her for a few minutes as she debated what to do with him. Eventually she sighed and slammed her fist into his chest, but this time she was merely punching him and not issuing the destruction of this world.

"Be grateful that I've had my fill of destruction thanks to Nefarious," Searing whispered into the captain's ear, knowing that it was only a matter of time until he messed up again, "I'll let you off the hook this time, but try my patience again and I will destroy you in a heartbeat. Do I make myself clear?"

"C... crystal clear," Qwark gulped, clearly surprised by what was happening, but choosing to remain silent so he didn't press his luck too far.

Searing looked up to see Ratchet and his family approaching her as well, though this time she let out a sigh as she released her hold on Sunset's body, allowing the transformation to reverse itself until the amber alicorn was whole once more. She knew that she'd be back in control in the future and all she had to do was wait for that day to arrive, because it was only a matter of time until another idiotic villain woke her from her slumber.

Starlight breathed a sigh of relief as Searing released her sister and watched as Sunset's chest moved while she slept, though she was thankful to have her sister back. She could only imagine how long it would take for Sunset to completely recover from what had happened to her, but she knew that her sister would awaken in a week or two. Until that time came she would see if the third Core had anything interesting to tell her, all while making sure that Qwark stayed away from Sunset and keeping an eye out for the next villain they had to deal with.

They might have won the fight with Nefarious, but she was sure that there was another battle coming their way in the future... and she wanted to be ready for it when it arrived.

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