• Member Since 17th Sep, 2013
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Captain Unstoppable

"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." Sherlock Holmes


Little Mac has always had a hard time in school. While reading and writing just seemed to come easy to other ponies, he had to struggle constantly and even then he didn't get it. Was he doomed to forever not be able to learn like the other ponies, or was it because he had never been taught the right way?

Thank you so much to Biker Dash,jszellmer, CptBrony, and Masked Ferret for the edits! Also thank you to Allonso Bronyguy and Shrapmo for reading it!

Chapters (1)

Big Mac has always been seen as the one stallion in Ponyville that always seemed ready to be a father. He had raised A.J. and Bloom almost by himself, and always has time for the CMC. But is the large stallion ready to be a father? Mac himself doesn't know as he stares into the crib that holds his son. Is he ready to be a father? And if so, what kind of father could he be?

Thank you to Jszellmer as always for edits, and a thank you I never thought I would have the plesure of saying, but thank you Mr Bronius Maximus for his edits and suggestions, leanred a lot from you bro, and thank you for his and the permission of ROBBERGON of DeviantArt for this amazing picture!

And a super special thank you to CptBrony for the amazing moral support!

This is also a belated birthday gift to Jake the Army Guy since apparently it is illegal to try to break into Hub and make MacDash cannon.

Chapters (1)

Being the mayor of Ponyville is not easy, not when you have the Elements of Harmony and the Cuite Mark Crusaders always causing trouble. Mayor Mare has a solution however, a Bachelor auction and Big Mac is the star of her little show. Follow Mac as he goes through his own personal hell, while the other stallions seem to be enjoying themselves!

Stallions on the Block: Big Mac, Soarin, Braeburn, Bulk Biceps, Prince Blueblood, Flash Sentry, Caramel, Thunderlane, Dr. Whooves/Time Turner, and Spike! Also two new ponies that you might be able to recognize.

Written by: Captain Unstoppable
Jake the Army Guy
Featured Story?! Thank you all!

Update: Since all of you have been debating the age, Jake and I have decided that the ages are as followed. Main Six are in their early twenties. CMC/Spike pre-teens 10-12. Mac mid twenties.

Thank you as always to jszellmer for the edits.

Thank you to KarmaDash for the idea bouncing along with Shrapmo as well.

Finally thank you mcwhale4 for the great cover art!

Also, here is what Auction has been like for Jake and Cap

Chapters (15)

Big Mac has finally worked up the courage to propose to Rainbow Dash, and now the first wedding of a Element of Harmony is about to take place! Will everything go according to plan? Or will forces keep this pairing apart?

The collaboration you all have been waiting for! Each chapter is done by a different writer, with no knowledge of what the previous writer has done till it is posted. Here is the first chapter of this collaboration and the list of the following chapters.

Writers who have contributed so far.
Captain Unstoppable
Jake the Army Guy
Crowquill Symphony

Thank you to Horsefan999 for the great art! You should all go check out the rest of their work!

We are glad you are here for the ride, so without further delay, lets get this wedding started!

Chapters (7)

Rainbow Dash isn’t a traditional mare. She didn’t care to learn how to bake cookies when she was little, or help her mother cook, and never wanted a doll to play with. She was a tomcolt from the moment she was born, acting more like a colt each day. While other little fillies played with their dolls and talked about secret crushes, she was challenging colts to races and beating them.

So when Big Mac moves in with her, how is she supposed to tell the farm pony who was used to home cooked meals that she didn’t know how to cook?

Thanks to,
jszellmer for the edits! I know you must hate me at times.

KarmaDash for always being there for story bouncing.

SketchinEtch for the cover art!

Chapters (1)

Soarin is a dead stallion! When Big Mac finds out that his sister is pregnant there is no force in all of Equestria that can keep the farmer from killing the Wonderbolt. Or is there?

This story has no connection to Slow to Realize which will have a new chapter soon. There are multiple pairings in this story as well, MacDash, SoarinJack, and CaraPie (Pinkie Pie Caramel). Please enjoy and leave a comment!

Thank you all so much for the feature story! You are all amazing!

Thanks to jszellmer for the amazing edits! As you know I hate commas so much.

KarmaDash for bouncing ideas around like crazy!

SirCxyrtyx for the amazing art!

Featured December 5th 2013

Chapters (2)

It's Hearts and Hooves Day in Ponyville again and Rainbow Dash is alone again this year, but not from a lack of trying. She had set her sights on the non-talkative brother of her best friend? Will she find a way to get the Earth Pony's attention?

Many side pairings in this story not going to tag them all just yet but there is SoarinJack, PinkieCaramel, and of course MacDash. Please no flames and if you think you can help me improve please message me.

Thank you jszellmer for the edits, tomColt15 for the cover art, and KarmaDash for bouncing ideas around.

Chapters (7)

Rainbow Dash was once a beautiful Princess who had everything she could ever want or need. But this caused her to become selfish and arrogant. For this she, her castle, and all who lived there were cursed. The only way to break the curse was for Rainbow Dash to find true love and to be loved in return, but can a beast ever find love? And could anyone ever lean to love a beast?

Art belongs to tomColt15! Thank you so much for allowing me to use your art...now stop giving me ideas for stories with your amazing art! I have too many now to write!

Also this is for the MacDash October Contest.

Chapters (1)