> Slow to Realize > by Captain Unstoppable > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slow to Realize Part 1 Rainbow Dash was sitting on a cloud, glaring down at the ponies of Ponyville with jealousy. Today was the day she hated the most among any other day of the year. Today was the day where everyone who had a special somepony would gather together and do all this romantic crud and tell each other how much they love each other, making all single ponies writhe in jealousy. Today was Hearts and Hooves Day. In the past, Rainbow would just spend the day with her friends, just hanging out and not talking about the fact they had no pony to spend the day with. This year, however, it seemed like each one of her friends had found some special pony to spend the entire damn day with. With a snort of aggravation Rainbow Dash looked down at the town, trying to find somepony or something just as miserable as her today, but, instead, all she was greeted with was the romantic situations of the ponies down below. She saw Rarity and Fancy Pants walking down the streets together, walking next to each other very closely that they could have been glued together. Suddenly, the pair stopped at the end of the sidewalk. In front of them was a puddle from the storm Rainbow had managed the day before. The pair could easily walk around it with no inconvenience to their date, but Fancy Pants thought differently. He put his foreleg in front of Rarity and proceeded to take off his jacket and, with a gesture that Rainbow Dash could call idiotic and over the top sappy, placed his jacket over the puddle so Rarity could walk across it without getting her hooves dirty or wet.   Watching how Rarity’s face turned from stunned to utterly beaming with joy as she walked across the puddle filled Rainbow with even greater jealousy. Rarity had a stallion that would sacrifice the clothes off his back literally just to make her life just the smallest bit better. This just earned a growl from the rainbow mane mare as Rarity gave the stallion a kiss on the cheek for his action. Rainbow took to the air after this, trying to find anyplace other than there to mope about her day. Rainbow’s dark mood was just not because all her friends seemed to have gotten dates for the day, but also because of the fact she actually tried this year to get a stallion to ask her out!  Yes, the tomcolt Rainbow Dash, who always said she was too awesome and cool to need a stallion, was, in fact, lonely. Yes, she had her friends to keep her company, her loyal fan Scootaloo, as well, and even Tank provided some company from to time, but she needed something more at times. With a sigh, she found another cloud to rest upon to gaze at the love stricken town. She had really tried to get a certain stallion to ask her out, one she had a secret crush on for a while, but no matter what she did the stallion didn’t seem to take notice of her. Why did she have to crush on the most non-talkative pony to ever walk the earth? Yes, she had fallen for her best friend’s older brother Big Macintosh like so many other mares in town. She didn’t know what made her fall for Big Mac so hard. His strength? Yes, he was the strongest stallion in all of Ponyville, for that case, maybe all of Equestia! The stallion could pull a plow, buck apples and carry barrels of cider all day long and never look tired. His looks? With all that pulling and bucking, he had a great physique to say the very least. Almost no mare in town, except for his sisters and grandmother, would deny that they had stared at the stallion’s body longer than they should have. Those piercing green eyes? Those eyes were so unfair, just one look from the stallion could make any mare’s heart skip a beat, it was as if those eyes could look right into one’s soul. Or was it his loyalty? As the Element of Loyalty, she did look for that in a stallion, and so far she had never seen anyone as loyal as Mac was to his family. He seemed willing to give up everything for the sake of his family, even his personal happiness, if it meant that he could support them. Rainbow just gave a sigh as she reflected on what she had done to get the stallion’s attention. Weeks prior to this dreaded holiday, she had started to practice her flying above the farm anytime he was out, trying to impress him with her athletic ability or her determination. But anytime she would look down to see if that stallion was watching, he was always working, focusing on the task in front of him than at her. The only pony to had seemed who notice this was Applejack, who found it quite funny that such a proud mare like Rainbow Dash was trying to impress a simple farmer like her brother. Luckily for Rainbow, she could remind Applejack how she would spend hours baking the perfect pie for a certain Wonderbolt and would blush  a shade of red close to her brother’s coat when that certain Wonderbolt told her it was the best pie he had ever had. Applejack, even though angry, did decide to help Rainbow with her little quest, saying it would be good for Mac to have a serious marefriend. So, for a few nights after that, Rainbow Dash would be invited for dinner and would always be sat next to Big Mac during meals. Dash would always try to make conversation with the stallion, but his limited responses and stoic expression gave the mare little indication if he was interested in her even a little bit. Telling Applejack of her frustrations, the cowpony came up with another idea: to help Big Mac on the farm. Now Rainbow Dash had helped on the farm before during apple bucking season so she felt she was a pro at it now. That thought was quickly shot down when she had to get up at four in the morning to get to the farm at five just in time to help Mac with his chores. Rainbow let out a groan as she remembered just that first day of work. She had touched down a few feet away from the barn before slowly making her way over to Big Mac, who was just standing there looking out over the orchard. The sun was just barely shining light upon the world but the rest of the world was still dark and most ponies including herself would still be asleep. Rainbow started to whip the sleep from her eyes trying to remember why she was up so early. “Mornin,” Mac said to her in his normal draw as he chewed on the piece of wheat in his mouth as he looked in her direction. Even with the limited light it was not hard at all to make out those bright green eyes, they were unfair in Rainbow’s opinion. No stallion should have eyes like his that made a mare heart skip a few beats. She was suddenly glad for how dark it was for it hid her blush. “Morning Mac,” she replied with a grin trying to sound more awake than she actually was as she trotted towards him. “So what are we doing today? Bucking apples? Fixing the roof? Feeding the pigs?” Rainbow asked trying to sound excited as well but the idea of spending a day working on the farm actually sounded like a form of torture. “Eeyup,” was the red stallions reply as he started walking towards the open barn door. Rainbow’s expression fell as she watched him walk away. “Wait, you mean we are doing all of that?!” she shouted in disbelief. There was no way they could get that all done in one day, could they? No all she ever saw him do was plow  whenever she was to come over the farm. “Eeyup, also got to plow the right field, feed the cows, and mend the east fence.” Mac added as he entered the barn. Rainbow stood there in disbelief. She knew that farm work was not exactly easy, but this seemed impossible! She was still standing there when Mac came out with the plow attached and a stack of empty baskets on his back. He saw her expression and gave her a smile. “Won’t be that bad,” he said as he started to walk past her. “We will do the easy ones before breakfast. How about you get the slop for the pigs out for me?” Mac asked as he started to walk towards the west field to place the plow for later that day. Rainbow just shook her head as she looked out at barn. “You can do this Rainbow,” she said to herself as she walked over to the barn to find the slop for the pigs. “Just remember, if you impress him he will ask you out,” she said with a smile as she looked at the buckets of slop and gagged on the smell. “Just remember, he’ll ask you out,” she said with a groan as she began to do her chores. For most of that day, Rainbow didn’t feel like she impressed Mac much or at all. It seemed like no matter what she did, she did it wrong or in a way that would make him laugh at her. Well, not laugh, but gave a soft chuckle that made her blush before showing her how to do the work properly or telling her to take a break. At first, Rainbow hated the fact that he was making her take breaks as if she was too weak to do the same work he did. Though the breaks did have their advantages because she was able to watch Mac work, which was nothing short of impressive. Without having to perform tricks to hide the fact she was watching him, she could take in the wonderful sight of the stallion working. Being an athlete herself, she was quick to notice how well toned and developed Mac’s muscles were. Every step he took while pulling that plow was nothing more than ‘awesome’ as she would put it. Rainbow was interrupted of her reflections of the stallion’s working body by the sound of giggling under her cloud. Looking over the side of her cloud, Rainbow could not help but feel her blood boil even more. Below her, the Egghead, Library Shut In, and all around nerd was on a date! She was walking around with some orange pony she had never seen before, He had a blue mane and the cutie mark of a shield. Twilight seemed to be enjoying her, ‘date’ giggling and laughing at jokes the stallion said. The stallion, however, looked nervous about something because he kept looking over his shoulder. Rainbow followed his line of sight and had to bite her lip to suppress laughter. Following a small distance away was Shining Armor and Princess Cadence, also on a date. Shining was glaring daggers at the orange stallion,  looking for any reason to blast him with magic. Cadence, on the other hoof, looked as though she was trying hard to get her husband to focus on anything else; but when it came to his baby sister ‘Twi,’ nothing could distract him. She had heard that Shining was a bit over protective of Twilight but seeing how the Captain of the Guard was acting now she would have to think he made the orange stallion’s life hell in the guard. Rainbow could only watch this show for a little while before being reminded that she had no one to spend the day with and, again, took to the air, trying to find somewhere else to lounge about and try not to reflect on a certain red stallion. Again, this became increasingly difficult due to the fact it was still Heart and Hooves Day and everyone was on a date except her. Looking down, she saw a brown stallion walking down the street with a familiar pink mare hoping next to him. Rainbow didn’t know if Pinkie knew she was on a date but it was clear that Carmel thought she did. He just nodded and listened to the pink mare ramble on about anything she wanted to. The odd combination of the two was something Rainbow Dash couldn't see working out. Carmel was quite, clumsy, forgetful, and really just an unimpressive stallion for a farmer. In fact, compared to Big Mac, it would be comparing a dragon to a flea in strength. Pinkie, on the other hoof, was more random that a school room filled with fillies and colts on a sugar high. How Carmel even asked Pinki on a date was beyond the racer. But Rainbow was reminded of her own situation on how opposites seemed to attract, at least in her case. She was a racer who was living life at a hundred miles per hour, always looking for a new challenge or thrill to improve her flying. She should be looking for a Pegasus that fit those needs, like a Wonderbolt at least. No, she had fallen head over hooves for Big Mac, a slow, thoughtful, and steady stallion whose only thoughts revolved around farming and family.  She gave a sigh of defeat as she took off towards the forest and away from Ponyville. Why was she hanging around in a town that could only remind her how alone she felt that day? As she flew through the air, her thought thoughts slowly went back to working on the farm with Mac. Even though the work was hard and sometimes seemed impossible, it was all worth it because she got to spend time with Mac, as sappy and stupid as that sounded to the best flyer.  Sure, he didn’t talk much, but he did listen to her as she told him about the Wonderbolts, new tricks she was wanting to try, tricks she did try, and the tricks that landed her in the hospital again. The only indication that he was listening to her and not tuning her out like other ponies did when they got tired of hearing about her flying was he was nodding and asking questions. The questions were simple ones such as asking who was in charge of the Wonderbolts, why she tried a trick, or if she could show her a few of the tricks sometime. That last question always sent a flutter through her heart. To have Mac ask her to perform a trick for him was like being asked to perform a trick for the Wonderbolts. She would always take to the air after he asked and would do the trick as close to perfect as possible with the idea of impressing him. He would watch and nod, saying that it was a neat trick before getting back to work. Though it wasn’t the cheers or complete astonishment she was expecting, such as she gets from Scootaloo, just knowing that Mac was focusing on her and no one else was all she needed. Once again, Rainbow’s thoughts were ripped from the farm when she heard what sounded like uncontrollable laughter and pleas to stop. Stopping in mid-air she looked around for the source of the laughter, she was high over the Everfree Forest, so it was hard to make out where the noise was coming from. Flying lower and just above the trees, she was able to find the source of the laughter and almost fell out of the air with shock. In a small opening two yellow ponies were chasing one another laughing. One was her best friend in flight school Fluttershy who was red in the face and was laughing harder and louder than she had ever heard her laugh, she was currently running away from another yellow pony who wore a Stetson hat and brown vest and had a feather in his mouth. “St-stop it Br-Braeburn!” Fluttershy wheezed out as she tried to outrun the Earth Pony. The Earth Pony didn’t stop his attack however as he kept chasing her. “Why Miss Fluttershy, who would have known you were so ticklish,” he laughed as he got in close and tickled her side with the feather that sent her into a fit of laughter. This sight drove Rainbow Dash almost to the brink of insanity with jealousy. Braeburn was Big Mac’s cousin cousin, who was almost the same in size and strength but more talkative by far. Seeing the two together was almost a hoof to the face seeing that she, like Fluttershy, was was a Pegasus trying to get an Earth Pony but she had succeeded. She had beat Rainbow Dash! Looking around the small clearing her jealousy grew even more fearsome. There was a blanket set out with a basket and plates of food and two glasses of what looked like cider. The food was all apple themed from apple fries, apple pie, apple fritters, and just plain old apples! It was almost all too painfully obvious that it had been Braeburn who had prepared the picnic for the two.   The sight was too much to bear and with one strong flap of her wings, Rainbow was airborne again and trying to find another place where she could just get away from all the couples who were on amazing dates while she was all alone. She thought about just going home and sleeping the rest of the day, hoping that she could just escape the pain of the day. The only thing that could hurt her there was if the red stallion she had been so hopeful to have spent the day with her appeared in her dreams. Just as she began to change course for her home, a blue blur passed by her. The blur kept on flying, oblivious that it almost had ran right into her. Rainbow was about to give chance when she saw that blue blur was heading towards Sweet Apple Acres. There were only two blue blurs that ever headed there: herself and Soarin. Soarin was probably racing towards the farm to pick Applejack up for their date as well. She remembered hearing Applejack about how excited she was for her date with the Wonderbolt. That was all she could talk about, even when she knew her friend was suffering because of love issues. Applejack did try to help Rainbow get Big Mac’s attention. She had told her how she would talk to Big Mac at night trying to pry anything out of him about what he was looking for in a marefriend, if he had his eye on any mares, and trying to turn the conversation towards Rainbow. But with any conversation with the red work pony it was only answered by ‘Eeyup’ or ‘Nope’. Finally, after two weeks of trying to get his attention doing chores, she finally gave up and stopped showing up. It was doubtful that the stallion noticed she was gone. Watching the blue blur of Soarin disappear, she had to wonder how Soarin even got past Big Mac to ask his sister out. Then again, Mac didn’t get much of a say in the matter, seeing that it was Applejack who had ask, Soarin out the first time and met him at the restaurant so Mac couldn't get his hooves on him. That was when inspiration struck her. Who said it had to be Mac to ask her out? She was Rainbow Bucking Dash! She wasn’t going to let her life be dictated by a stallion who couldn't tell she was interested. She was going to fly down to that farm and ask him out herself! Then,  if he couldn't give her a response better than ‘Eeyup’ or had the nerve to say ‘Nope,’ she was going to tie a rope around his neck and drag him on a bucking date! With this new resolve, she dove into the orchard in search of her prize. Once in the orchard, she remembered how large it was and that even though he was a bright red pony, it would still be difficult to find him among the trees. She was determined, however and began to speed through the orchard looking for him. She weaved between trees, over hills and fields searching for her target. How hard could it be to find a big red stallion in a field of green? He would stick out like a red apple in a basket of green ones. Laughing at her own little joke, she kept flying and searching. Rainbow gave out a deep sigh as she looked around the orchard one last time. She had been looking for the giant red stallion for what felt like hours, but he was nowhere to be found. She didn’t know how a stallion as big as him could be hard to find. With a sigh, she spread her wings and looked up at the sky. Maybe she was just destined to spend Hearts and Hooves Day alone. Maybe there wasn’t a Mr. Right for someone like her and that she was going to be the only single pony among her friends. Just as she got ready to flap her wings to take to the sky, the sound of gasping and galloping reached her ears. Turning around, she was startled to see Big Mac galloping towards her at what looked like his top speed. As he got closer, Rainbow could make out he was wearing a saddlebag and what looked like a bouquet of flowers in his mouth. As he came to a full stop in front of her, she saw that he was sweating profusely and was gasping for breath as he stood there looking at her. The bouquet of flowers in his mouth looked like they were once very beautiful flowers, but now looked more like weeds with most of the petals missing. “Mac?” she asked looking at the stallion, who was still breathing hard as he sat down in front of her. “Ah ha-have been lo-loo-looking for y-you,” Mac said between gasps of breath as he placed the flowers on the ground and reached around for his saddlebag and pulled out a heart shaped box. As he turned around, Rainbow felt her heart beating faster as she tried to process what was going on in front of her. The stallion she had been crushing on had been looking for her and was now pulling out gifts for her. As he placed the box down in front of her as well and looked into her eyes with a blush that not even his red coat could mask. “Ah was looking for you today,” Mac repeated trying not to look directly into Rainbow’s eyes. She noticed that the normally strong and steady stallion was shaking a bit as he tried to form words. He kept looking up at her with his mouth open but closed it and looked away, trying to figure out what to say. “We-well Ah was loo-looking for yea becau-because y-you see Ah wa-wanted to ask yea so-some-something.” Mac stuttered out as he kept shaking like a leaf in a storm and stuttering like a colt. Rainbow, who was still trying to process what was going on, watched him as he tried to speak. Everything about him was so contrary to what she had seen in him for the last few weeks; heck, this was the most he had talked in the weeks she worked with him. Swallowing a lump in her throat, she just nodded. “Yea?” she said, her voice higher than normal, and sounding like a filly that was talking to the colt she had a crush on. “Wo-would yo-you like to go to th-the He-Hearts a-and Hoo-Hooves…” Mac trailed off, mumbling the last few words and looking down at the ground, kicking the dirt with his hoof. Rainbow again stared blankly at the stallion till her brain was able to process everything that had just happened. He had just asked her to the dance. Big Mac had just asked her to the dance. Big Macintosh the strongest and most loyal pony in Ponyville just asked her, Rainbow Dash, to to the dance! Every year at the end of Heart and Hooves Day there was an annual dance to end the day. A smile crept across her face as she looked at the stallion, who kept looking up at her with his green eyes like a puppy who was expecting to be punished. “Are you asking me to go to the Hearts and Hooves Day dance with you as your date?” she asked, unable to hide her smile as the stallion just nodded his head yes. At that, Rainbow threw her forelegs around his neck and wrapped him in a tight hug. “Buck yea!” she shouted, hugging him tightly. She felt Mac stiffen under the hug, obviously not expecting this reaction. Hearing him swallow a lump in his throat. “Re-Really?” he asked, a note of disbelief in his voice. Rainbow looked up into his unnaturally green eyes and nodded. “Eeyup!” she replied as she let go of his neck, taking a step back, a light blush covering her face. She watched as Mac’s face turned from disbelief to smile then a tooth grin as his eyes widen. The two ponies sat there blushing for a few moments, unable to form words or keep eye contact longer than a few seconds before turning away. Mac looked down at the box and the ‘flowers’ and gave a sigh. “Ah know you’re not the type of mare thats fer romantic gestures, but Ah thought…” Mac trailed off as he lifted a hoof to the air and just waved in a circle to indicate to the mostly destroyed flowers and the heart shaped box. Rainbow looked them over with a smile as she lifted up the flowers. “Just fancy weeds,” she said with a grin as she opened up the box. No mare in the right mind would turn down chocolate; it was a secret weakness to most mares that even Rainbow had. She opened the box up only to start laughing at the contents of the box, making the poor stallion hang his head in shame. The box of chocolates looked as though it was originally very neatly organized, with the different chocolates labeled and organized into a large heart that got smaller and smaller. The box now had heavy dents in it from being tossed around in Mac’s saddle bag and most of the chocolate was melted, since it was in the bag with the sun beating down on it. Rainbow looked up to see the stallion hanging his head in shame and felt a bit guilty that she just laughed at him. “Thanks Mac,” she said dipping her hoof in the melted chocolate and brought it to her lips. She licked the small portion of chocolate off her hoof before grinning at Mac. “Still tastes good, want a lick?” she laughed holding out her hoof. Mac just blushed harder, unable to hide it behind his red coat. “U-uh n-no thank you Dash,” he said his eyes darting between her hoof and her eyes nervously. Rainbow just laughed at the expression he had made, knowing full well that such an act might be a bit too much for the simple farmer. She finished the chocolate off her hoof before turning to Mac again. “So what time do you want to meet at the dance?” she asked smiling as she let the reality of going to the dance with Mac sink in. The idea that they would be going to the dance together was filling her with such excitement that she thought she could perform a double Sonic Rainboom because of it. “Well, Ah think the gentlecolt thing for me to do is to pick you up and escort you there,” he said with a shy grin as he spoke. This was just another reason why so many mares had a crush on the stallion, he would always think of others needs first before his own and try to act a gentlecolt whenever possible. “True,” Rainbow said, giving the stallion a mischievous smile. “But I doubt you would be able to get to my cloud house to pick me up,” she reminded him as she watched him. His face fell a bit as he remembered the fact he was stuck to the ground without the help of a potion or spell. Seeing this, Rainbow, on impulse, leaned in and kissed him on the cheek, a very un-like Rainbow Dash thing to do. “But it was a sweet thought,” she said after this kiss. A sweet thought? When did she start talking like Rarity? Big Mac however just grinned from ear to ear after this kiss, his face turning another shade of red deeper. “We-well how about we-we meet at five?” he asked with a few stutters.Obviously, the kiss was building up his confidence, but still did a number on his nerves. Rainbow just nodded as she gave her wings a powerful flap, getting her airborne. “Sounds good to me, I will see you then...stud,” she added with a laugh before flying home. If Rainbow was to turn around to look at the stallion, she would have seen his face get even redder. But Rainbow was flying without a care in the world. All the weight on her heart of jealousy and anger had been lifted and now she was going on a date with the stallion she had been crushing on for so long. Now all that was left to do was get ready for the date. > Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slow to Realize Part 2 Big Mac was still looking up in the sky long after Rainbow Dash had disappeared from his view, though no matter how far away she got, the big goofy grin was still ever present on his face. His heart was still pounding harder and faster than if he had been plowing and bucking apples all day. Asking Rainbow Dash out was probably the hardest thing had ever willed himself to do, but he had done it! His hooves felt lighter than feathers as he trotted back to the farmhouse. All the stress that had been on him all day was finally relieved as the path to the house came into view; now all he needed to do was get cleaned up and get ready for his date.   Just as he was getting onto the path, he saw a familiar brown stallion walking the path with a large smile on his face. The stallion looked up to see the large red one and started to pick up his pace to meet up with him. “Hey there, Big Mac!” Caramel said with a bright smile on his face as he started to walk next to Big Mac. “So, have you had a good Hearts and Hooves day so far?” he asked as he trotted along with Mac. It was easy to tell from how much Caramel was smiling and was practically skipping that his Hearts and Hooves day was going very well. Seeing his friend’s excitement he just went with signature phrase. “Eeyup,” Mac said as he flipped the piece of straw in his mouth. “That’s good. So far my day has been going amazing!” he said, almost jumping with excitement. Mac remembered that Caramel had been just as nervous as he was when he was asking Pinkie Pie out last year. The poor stallion didn’t know how to even approach the party mare and it looked like he might not even have the confidence to ask her on a date. Caramel didn’t need to, for Pinkie Pie asked him out when she jumped out of the bags of seed Caramel had just purchased. Nearly gave the poor pony a heart attack, but it was quickly remedied when he realized she was holding up a banner asking him to be her date. “I tell you Mac, that girl is crazier than a bag full of weasels, but I think that what draws me to her,” he said with almost a dreamy look in his eyes. “It seems like she is always smiling and ready to have fun with her friends anytime, but even she gets down in the dumps at times,” he said looking at Mac who kept his stoic face. Though the thought of a depressed or unsure Pinkie Pie didn’t seem possible, in fact, it was hard to see that mare ever having doubts. “That’s when I know she really likes me though,” he added as he looked ahead of them. “When she is down, she comes to me to cheer her up. Sure, I am not great at parties or anything of that sort, but I like to feel when I try to do something for her, she really enjoys it,” Caramel said as he gave out a sigh as he remembered the parties he tried to throw for her. “Can’t think of another mare I rather be with than her.” “Ah’m happy for yea then,” Mac said with a nod, knowing that Caramel was not the kind of stallion to let his emotions run free. The stallion was normally cautious of relationships, afraid that every little thing he did would put the relationship in jeopardy, and resulted in him being dumped, again. Since he had been with Pinkie Pie, though, he had become more open, and much more cheerful than before. It must be true what they say: opposites really do attract. “Thanks Mac,” Caramel said as he smiled back at Mac as the two kept walking down the path towards the Apple Farm. Mac was starting to enjoy the silence of the walk back to the farm. Everything seemed to be shining in a different light, making everything around him seem more beautiful. Even the singing of the birds seemed to be even more angelic now. Was this how it always felt when a stallion asks the mare that been haunting his every thought out? Before he could ponder the situation more Carmel decided to break the silence. “By the way Mac, I saw you running around town all day like your hooves were on fire,” he said, eyeing the big red pony for a reaction. “What could have you of all ponies running around such as that?” Mac didn’t reply as he kept looking ahead, fighting back the blush on his face. The whole morning was something he didn’t want to remember. Caramel, however, seemed to be enjoying the slight discomfort in his friend. After knowing Big Mac for a few years, a pony could tell by the slightest twitch in Mac’s normal stoic behavior that they were on to something. “Watching you run around like that picking up flowers then some chocolate; it was quite the show to watch,” he added as he watched as Mac shook his head as if he was trying to clear a thought out, a telltale sign he was on the right track. “So does somepony have a special somepony this year?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. “Eeyup,” Mac replied as he saw how interested Caramel was. He was afraid that if he didn’t give him a somewhat honest answer, he would keep digging.  This did the opposite of what Mac wanted to do, for Caramel's grin grew wider as he picked up his pace to keep up with Big Mac, who was now walking a bit faster trying to get away. “And who is the lucky mare?” he asked with a wide smile as he looked at Mac ready for an answer. Mac, however, gave no reply as he tried to quicken his pace. He knew that if he kept this pace, his poor friend Carmel would wear out eventually. Mac didn’t like to use his friend’s weaknesses against them, but he didn’t need Carmel to tell Pinkie, and therefore everypony in town, that he and Rainbow had a date before they actually were on a date. Knowing that crazy mare, Mac reckoned that she would throw a party saying that they were officially dating before anything else happened.   This did not slow down Caramel, who just kept on walking faster. Was he really this interested in who Mac might be seeing? Or was there another purpose? A much darker purpose that might involve his marefriend giving him a reward for bringing her new information? That would actually make a bit of sense. Mac thought, looking down at the oh-so innocent stallion. Whenever Pinkie Pie was around, ponies learned to keep their mouths shut and stopped any form of information that might lead the mare into thinking there needed to be a party of some kind. Caramel, on the other hoof, could walk through a crowded room and nopony would notice him. Could it be he was the one actually getting the information for Pinkie Pie? “None of your business,” Mac replied dryly as he saw the outline of the farmhouse. “Now Ah gotta get ready for my date. So Ah would suggest you do the same,” Mac said to his friend before trotting off. He didn’t wait for a response; if Pinkie Pie was using him a spy, he had already given her too much information. After his departure from Caramel, Mac was coming close to the farmhouse when he saw a light blue pony sitting on the front porch. Getting closer, he noticed it was Soarin, the Pegasus that was second in command of the Wonderbolts and dating his sister. Now Mac hadn’t had met this suitor to his sister officially; she had made it damn near impossible for Mac to do so, but that didn’t mean Mac hadn’t done some research on the celebrity. By all accounts, it seemed that this Soarin feller was a kind, well manner, caring and honest stallion. The only ill words that seemed to follow him were from rivals or former marefriends who didn’t like the fact he was now with an Earth Pony. From listening to Rainbow Dash, it only seemed to cement the fact this was a stallion that would treat his sister with all the respect and kindness a suitor should treat a mare. This, however, did not escape the fact that, as Applejack’s older brother and oldest stallion on the farm, he had the duty and privilege of threatening the suitor and making sure he knew who was in charge. Soarin was sitting on the front porch of the Apple House, whistling a tune that had been stuck in his head for the better half of two days, waiting for Applejack to get ready for their date. Normally, Applejack would have been ready for a date with Soarin a good twenty minutes before he arrived or they were to meet, to avoid Big Mac. Today, however, Applejack assumed that, with Big Mac leaving to do some ‘errands’ in town after asking what Rainbow Dash liked, that they had plenty of time to get ready. He was in no rush; he didn’t mind waiting on her, just as long as they could spend the night together. With that thought in mind he looked over the farm again to see all of the wonder of it; that was, until he saw a large red figure approaching him. Mac would be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy how Soarin’s face slowly morphed into fear when he saw him approaching. At first, a look of disbelief came over him as he saw the red figure approaching, shaking his head in hopes that he was seeing things. When the image did not fade, but, rather, got closer, his eyes grew wide as his mouth hung open slightly. Mac chuckled slightly before he got the house taking up his stoic expression. He crossed in front of Soarin and sat down next to him, still chewing the piece of hay in his mouth. “Howdy,” Mac said casually as he looked out over the farm. “Go-good af-afterno-noon,” Soarin stuttered out, looking more worried than Mac had been a few minutes ago. He saw out of the corner of his eye Soarin straighten up, now sitting at looked like full attention as he stared ahead of them. Beads of sweat started to run down his face as he kept glancing at Mac, not sure what to do. It was becoming hard to hide the smile that wanted to creep out, seeing how much fear Soarin had of him. “So, Ah understand your dating ma sister,” Mac said simply, still looking out over the farm not turning to face Soarin. He could see Soarin almost jump at the comment, obviously dreading this moment for a while. Swallowing a lump in his throat, Soarin took a deep breath as he tried to come up with a reply. “Y-yes I a-am,” he stuttered, still afraid to make eye contact with the big brother. Mac could almost see the Pegasus who had performed in front of millions of ponies shake a little as he replied. “Well, Ah’m happy for the two of ya,” Mac said, allowing his grin to show a bit, breaking the stoic look on his face. “You seem to be a fine stallion and if Ah know ma sister she wouldn't be spenden her time with a stallion she wasn’t serious about,” Mac said with a nod. Soarin had turned to Mac, staring at him to make sure he wasn’t joking. He saw that Mac was just grinning as he looked over the farm. “Y-you mean that?!” Soarin asked in complete disbelief. From what Applejack, Granny, Applebloom, and any other pony that knew the Apples had said, Mac was very protective of his family and had already chased off a few suitors before him. Applejack did go into detail about the time he actually bucked a stallion off their property and that stallion was never able to walk the same again. “Eeyup,” Mac replied as he flipped the piece of hay in his mouth effortlessly, dealing with the whole situation as if it was discussion about the weather. Soarin’s grin started to grow wider as he started to imagine telling Applejack that Mac had given them a blessing of sorts. Now maybe they could stay out a bit longer or even kiss in public. “However,” Soarin gulped as he turned to face Mac again, who was now looking straight into his eyes with a glare, Mac’s face taking on that of one of danger. “If you do anythin to hurt ma sister well…” Mac looked out of the farm again and chewed on the piece of hay in his mouth flipping it a few times making sure he had the Pegasus's full attention. “Many accidents happen out here on the farm. Then there are lots of places one could hide a body if they really wanted to,” Mac said, turning back to Soarian. To Mac’s pure pleasure and delight, he saw that Soarin was wide eyed once more and was visibly shaking in fear. Taking a small piece of folded up paper out of his yoke, Mac passed it to him. “Now these are just some simple rules Ah want yea to follow when you're out dating ma sister,” Mac said, patting Soarin on the shoulder a few times with his large hoof, each pat harder than the last. “Now Ah will be down at the dance tonight as well, so Ah will make sure you're following them. Understand?” “Y-yes sir!” Soarin replied, turning to Mac and saluting him. Now Mac visibly laughed as watched the nervous Pegasus's reaction. It seemed that Applejack had found a good stallion for a coltfriend, and Mac was personally going to have fun with this one. Now he was almost hoping that Soarin and Applejack might be in love so that Soarin had to ask him for permission to marry his sister. Hopefully, he will get word of the soon to be proposal beforehoof so he can make sure Braeburn and a few other Apple stallions were in town to really scare the Pegasus. Just at that moment, Applejack walked out of the front door smiling and humming a tone similar to the one Soarin had been whistling before Mac’s arrival. She had washed all of the dirt and dust out of her mane that came from a hard day’s work, and was looking her best for her date. She had even changed the normal red bands she had in her mane with blue ones. She turned to face her date with a smile, but it instantly faded when she saw that Big Mac was with Soarin, and that her coltfriend was still visibly shaking. “Mac, what did ya do to ma date?!” Applejack demanded as she kept an eye on Soarin, who was still too afraid to move. “Notthin, just haven ourselves a little chat,” Mac said with a smile as he walked passed Soarin and his sister, who was now glaring daggers at him, making him chuckle. “Now you two have fun on your date,” he said, pushing the door open for himself. “And Soarin,” Mac paused as the Pegasus looked back at him, still wide eyed in fear. “Lots of space out there.” And, at that, Mac closed the door, laughing to himself.   As Big Mac went to prepare for the date, Rainbow Dash was still flying through the air doing flips, corkscrews, and every other trick she could think of other than a Sonic Rainboom. She did not remember feeling this happy before in her life; was she really becoming sappy like Rarity about this whole romance thing? As proud as Rainbow was, she could not help but giggle at the thought, because right now she did not care. She was going on a date with Big Mac! The only way this day could get any better was if she was accepted into the Wonderbolts. Distracted by her own thoughts, she did not notice she was on a direct collision course with a grey mailmare, and before anything else could be done, she and the mare had crashed into one another. The pair started to spin out of control and were speeding towards the ground. Rainbow, who was now all too used to crashes, was instantly aware of the situation and was pulling out of the spinning dive. Thankfully, there was, for once, enough space between herself and the earth in order to pull out of the dive. Leveling off, she looked around for any trace of the pony she had crashed into. Once she found them, she was going to give a piece of her mind for potentially ruining her date!   “Boop!” came the familiar voice of Derpy Hooves as she booped Rainbow Dash on the nose. Instantly, all the anger and rage that was filling Rainbow Dash vanished when she saw the gold strange eyes of Derpy. Rubbing her forehead where the point of collision had happened, she gave a glare to the mailmare. “Derpy, why didn’t you warn me that I was coming right at you?” Rainbow asked, certain that Derpy would have seen Dash coming at her a mile away. At this, Derpy just gave out a laugh as the two hovered in the air. “Well, you looked really happy, so I didn’t want to bother you!” she said innocently as she shook her head making her eyes spin slightly. “Also I thought you were wanted to play a game of chicken,” she laughed. Dash just rolled her eyes as she glared at Derpy. She was about to give her a verbal lashing about playing chicken when only one pony knows, when she noticed something strange in the pony’s blond mane.   “Um, Derpy, what’s that?” Dash asked, pointing to the strange clip in Derpy’s mane. The clip looked to be an hourglass that was just clipped onto Derpy’s hair with no intention of holding back any hair or anything of the sort; just to be there and be shown. Derpy reached for it with her free hoof and a light blush covered her face as she rubbed the clip, the other hoof still holding the mail sack. “Just a special gift from a special somepony,” she said, blushing even more now as she gave out a fit of giggles. Dash looked at her in confusion; it was hard to see Derpy with a special somepony. It wasn’t because she wasn’t pretty; in fact she was quite pretty, but just because of her klutzy manner. If this conversation was taking place indoors, she was sure something would have been broken by now. “Really?” she asked in a confused manner. “Who is it?” This was answered by a fit of laughed and another bop on the nose. “Isn’t it obvious?” Derpy asked as she smiled bright at Rainbow Dash, who only shook her head, still confused. “Time Turner!” A little bit of Rainbow Dash’s mind broke at that statement. Time Turner and Derpy Hooves dating? They were special someponies? That idea seemed so ridiculous, that to even pair the two together was just insanity. Time Turner was supposed to be one of the smartest ponies out there; some even said he had invented time travel and used it whenever he wanted to. Derpy, on the other hoof, was always breaking things and could not fly in a straight line to save her life. The idea of the two of them was just crazy it would be like a…. Farmer and a Racer dating. A smile crossed Rainbow’s lips as she looked to Derpy, who was still smiling and giggling. Was this town really full of ponies that were attracted to their opposite? With a smile, Rainbow Dash returned the bop on the nose. “Well, I am happy for you!” Rainbow said brightly, before gaining a bit of altitude. “As much as I would like to stick around and talk, I got to go get ready for my own big date,” she said with a grin. “You mean your date with Big Mac?” Derpy asked, before turning to her mailbag and started to ruffle through it. Rainbow Dash’s face fell. How did she know about her date with Big Mac? It only happened just a few minutes ago and Derpy knew of it? Was she spying on them?! No, stealth and Derpy did not mix. Then how did she find out about it? The answer was revealed when a pink invitation was shoved in her face. “Pinkie Pie stopped me on my way back from Sugarcube Corner to deliver these!” she said with a wide smile. The invitation was covered with rainbows, green apples, and hearts. It was an invitation to ‘Rainbow Dash and Big Mac are Finally Dating Party!’ that was being held the next day at the Sweet Apple Barn. Rainbow Dash was frozen; her wings stopped flapping for a moment, making her start to fall. “How the buck did she find about this?!” Rainbow Dash shouted, as she gave a powerful flap of her wings, shooting her back into the air. Looking around, she saw that Derpy Hooves was already gone and was out delivering those horrible invitations. Giving a growl, Rainbow Dash flew back to her house at top speed, almost creating a Sonic Rainboom. If she didn’t have to prepare for her date, she would find Pinkie Pie and beat her within an inch of her life! “How does she even get this information?” she asked, flying over Ponyville back to her cloud home. She was unaware of a certain pink mare showering a brown maned stallion with kisses in the streets below. > Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slow to Realize Part 3 Rainbow Dash landed on the front porch of her cloud home. She was still fuming about what Derpy had told her. As much as she would have liked to go find Pinkie and beat her, she needed to still get ready for her big date. She started to grin at the thought as she opened the door of her home. The cloud home was actually something she made with her own two hooves, and, in as such, every inch screamed ‘Rainbow Dash’. Just walking in, guests are greeted by a very large entrance with a staircase leading to the upper levels, and where a large cloud chandelier was hanging. From the entrance, a pony could either go to the left, where a large kitchen, which she didn’t know how to use, and to the right was a large sitting room, which she never used. Looking around her home as she entered, a sudden thought entered her mind. I have a lot of space I don’t use, She thought, looking into the sitting room before going up the staircase. Rainbow Dash had built this home knowing she was going to be a future Wonderbolt, and, in being such, she needed it to be cool, awesome, and a house that showed how she was twenty percent cooler than any other pony. Now, however, it was just a constant reminder of how, outside of her friends, she really didn’t have anypony. That all changes tonight! Rainbow thought, banishing the sad and very unlike ‘Rainbow Dash’ thoughts from her mind as she made her way to her bedroom. Like every other room in the house, it was larger than it needed to be. There was a large king sized cloud bed, two dressers with no clothes in them, a walk in closet with only a few outfits, and a bookcase filled with Daring Do books. Every time she saw the bookshelf, she had to roll her eyes. If Twilight ever saw how many books she owned, she would never hear the end of it. Pushing the door into the bathroom, she gave another growl. “What is it with me and making everything too big?” she asked herself as she looked around. In all honesty, it was much too large for one pony to use. There was a large sink with only two products on it for manes. She was Rainbow Dash; she didn’t use makeup! There was a large cloud shower that looked like you could fit four ponies in and a bath that could fit maybe six. “Well, maybe Mac can help fill the space,” she said absentmindedly as she went to the shower to start it. That was when her words caught up to her. Did she really just think that? Of having Big Mac sharing the bathroom with her? Wouldn't that imply he would be living with her, and if he was living with her, wouldn't that mean they shared the same bed? The thought of sharing a bed with Mac crept into her mind, making her blush furiously as she reached for a rain cloud, making sure it had cold water. “This is our first date!” she shouted at herself as the cloud started to rain the inside of the shower. “I shouldn't be thinking this yet!” she told herself as she took a step into the shower. Sure, she found him attractive, hell, every mare in Ponyville did! Just because she had a date with him, she shouldn't be lusting over his body, right?  The thoughts were becoming too confusing and just too much to handle at that moment. Shutting her eyes tightly, she stepped into the cold shower and let the water work it’s magic. “Buck, it’s cold!” -- As Rainbow Dash was getting into the shower, Big Mac was getting out of his. The warm water relaxed all of his muscles, and left his straw colored mane sticking to the side of his neck. He made sure that he got every speck of dirt off his body and that he didn’t smell like the pigs. Waving his massive hoof over the fogged bathroom mirror, he took a look at himself. His green eyes were looking right back him as he examined his face. He wasn’t looking for any imperfections or anything, but was trying to see what Rainbow saw. Was he handsome? No, he was a very plain looking Earth Pony. He looked at his full body, still not sure what Rainbow saw in him. Sure, he was a bit bigger than a normal pony, but was that really something that mares took into consideration? Mac had noticed a few mares giving him looks anytime he had gone into town, but was that something Rainbow also found attractive? There were many other ponies out there, especially Pegasi stallions, who had a similar build.   For the life of him, Mac couldn't figure out why Rainbow had accepted a date with him. She was moving so fast through life, seeing the world, saving it, and was on the fast tract of becoming a celebrity. What about him? He was born an Earth Pony, destined to work on the farm his entire life. What could she see in him? As he thought about what she could see in him, he started to think about everything he saw in her. A delirious smile found its way to Mac’s face as his mind drifted off to watching Rainbow Dash performing stunts above the farms he worked. How her eyes burned with determination whenever she threw herself into something, giving it nothing less than her all. How, whenever her friends needed her, she was there for them. He could have stood there and named off all of Rainbow’s praises. Heck, he could have sang it, but his train of thought was interrupted by three loud raps on the bathroom door. Living in the Apple home, you learned what that meant when you heard that on a door. Granny wanted to talk to you, and you could bet your hide ten to one it was because you were in trouble. Giving off a light shake, Mac moved to the door, trying to think of what he might have done wrong. He finished all his chores today, Applebloom wasn’t out of school yet, so he didn’t miss picking her up. What did he do? He opened the door and was greeted by three hard whacks on the head by Granny’s cane. He instantly found himself holding his muzzle as he fell to the floor in pain. He fought back letting out a stream of curses  that he felt were appropriate for the pain he now had, but the result would be having to hold a bar of soap in his mouth. “‘bout time you open that there door!” Granny shouted as she stood over her grandson, who was now fighting back a few tears. Even as an old mare Mac would swear she was still stronger than most of the stallions in town. He had, in fact, seen throw a full barrel of cider last week, then complain that it didn’t go far enough. “Sorry, Granny,” Mac said as he rubbed his muzzle. It didn’t feel like it would bruise; the last thing he wanted was a large bruise on his face when he met with Rainbow. Looking up, he saw her glaring down at her as if she was expecting something. Was he supposed to be apologizing for something? Normally he would immediately tell the truth about what he did and apologize for it, it was an Apple trait to be honest, but he didn’t know what he had done. “Um, did Ah do somethin wrong Grann-” Mac was cut off when Granny hit him with his cane again. “You bet your hide yea did!” Granny shouted once more as she poked Mac in the forehead hard. “Gettin ready for some date without even tellen your sweet dear Granny who you are datin!” she said, wiping a tear from her eye. She then proceeded to poke him in the head several more times. Mac just put his hooves up and waited for the hard pokes to stop. He didn’t know how Granny figured out he was going on date, but she seemed awfully mad about it. After a few hard pokes of the cane later, they finally stopped, allowing Mac to look up at his dear, sweet Granny. “Ah ain’t datin nopony,” Mac said standing up, trying to sound as calm as possible after being beaten with a cane. “We are just goin to the dance and from there Ah don’t-” once again Mac was cut off when the cane hit him again. For an old mare, she could move fast. Mac bet she could make a Wonderbolt gack at her speed.   “One date turns into two, than three, and before we know it you're gettin married just like me and your grandad,” she said with a dreamy eyed expression. Every Apple knew that Mac’s grandad proposed to Granny on their third date and the following day they were married. “So Ah got to inspect this mare and make sure she is built to bare an Apple!” she announced. Mac turned a shade of red that should be unhealthy for a pony with a red coat. “Gr-Granny!” he stuttered out, only to have another whack to the head by the cane. “Ah don’t want to hear another word, understand mister?” Granny asked, eyeing Mac, who was now rubbing his head, which was throbbing in pain. “Now, Ah’m exhausted and need to rest ma eyes for a while. Now you get ready for yer date,” she said walking off towards her bedroom. Mac watched till Granny entered her room before standing up. He ran his hoof over his face before walking back into the bathroom to inspect his now hurting face. Ah wonder if the reason Applejack never brought Soarin’ around was because of Granny and not me. He thought as he inspected his face to make sure no bruise was going to form. -- As Mac recovered from the mental and physical torment his grandmother just put him through, Rainbow Dash was landing in front of the Carousel Boutique, glaring at the store. She didn’t know what was more embarrassing: the fact that she had to come here for advice about dating, or the reason why she had come here in the first place. After her cold shower, she had gone to her closet to see what she had to wear for the date. But as she entered her much too large closet, the problem confronted her. She only owned four complete sets of clothing and two of them were costumes! She wanted to make an impression on Mac and maybe dressing up some would, but, the problem arose that she didn’t have anything to dress up in. Rainbow had the dress from the gala. It was probably the only dress she had ever liked, seeing that there were not many frills to it, making it more of her style, but it was way too dressy for something like the Hearts and Hooves Dance. The other dress was one she swore she was never going to wear. The dress was one Rarity had given to her as a symbol of their friendship. Each of the girls got a dress from Rarity that was supposed to show their real beauty, but the dress had so many frills on it that if Rarity hadn’t given it to her and, knowing all the hard work she put into it, Rainbow Dash would have torn it to shreds. The other two outfits were costumes she had worn on Nightmare Night. There was the Wonderbolt costume that she loved and the costume she was planning on wearing this year. Rainbow had seen the other costume while passing a shop and had to buy it. The costume was a Daring Doo costume and she needed to have it. Besides those outfits, she owned no other pieces of clothing. She owned no jewelry or makeup, having to borrow it from Rarity the times she needed it. That was when the solution to her embracing problem hit her; she needed to get Rarity’s help. Slowly she approached the door and opened it, afraid that she might be invading on some private time between Rarity and Fancy Pants. The little brass bell above the door dinged to alert the owner that somepony was there to shop. As Rainbow Dash entered she was greeted to the sight of Rarity prancing around the shop with a large grin on her face as she moved around the shop. She was using her magic to levitate several sheets of fabric as she pranced about. Apparently she was lost in her own little world, seeing that she had not heard the door opening. Rainbow just watched her for a while almost horrified about what she saw. If Mac and I end up as something, is this how I will act? she thought to herself, still watching. As Rarity started to turn around to get something else, she noticed Rainbow Dash and smiled at her. “Oh Rainbow Dash, Darling, how lucky you are!” she stated as she approached Rainbow.  “I never imagined that it would be you to claim Big Mac,” she said with a laugh as he closed the door behind Rainbow and led her inside. Rainbow Dash was about to retort in fury at the comment, but was silenced when Rarity placed a hoof over her mouth, obviously knowing how Rainbow would react to the comment. “Not that I didn’t think you could, but I never saw you show interest in him, or any other stallion, before. Also, with you taking Big Mac, I have to say many single mare, such as myself, are a little jealous that you have taken such a stud,” she laughed, leading Rainbow into the kitchen. Rainbow had cock her head slightly when Rarity said this. “Wait, I saw you in town with Fancy Pants today. I thought you two were dating,” Rainbow asked as Rarity placed a teapot full of water on the stove. “And how did you know that I was going on a date with Big Mac!” She demanded, slamming her hooves on the kitchen table. Rarity laughed lightly as she levitated a plate of crumb cakes on it to the table. “Oh Darling, Fancy Pants and I are not dating; he is married after all. He was just doing me a small favor. He is such a gentlecolt to do so, but he did owe me. As for your date, Derpy dropped by giving me the invitation. Doesn’t she look cute with that mane clip?” she laughed again and saw a confused Rainbow Dash. With a wave of her hoof, Rarity let out a sigh. “That is not important right now; you did not come over here to hear that story. You came over here because you are nervous about your date,” she said with a grin. Rainbow turned away from her friend, gritting her teeth while a faint pink blush started to form on her face. “Well, yea,” she growled out. “But, don’t go turning this into some kind of mushy romance novel thing!” she shouted as she took one of the crumb cakes and ate it furiously. Rarity just kept grinning as she watched Rainbow. If Rainbow could see inside of Rarity’s mind, she would see Rarity already picturing what Rainbow Dash’s dress would look like at her wedding, what kind of fabric she would use for Mac’s suit, and how adorable Apple Bloom would be as a flower filly. “Now don’t be so embarrassed, Darling; it is quite normal for a pony to be nervous on their first date,” Rarity said, which made Rainbow Dash choke slightly on her cake. Rarity simple ignored this as she closed her eyes and dreamed of the possibility for their date. “So, what is it you wanted to ask me?” she asked, still dreaming. “Well, I-I-I, I don’t know!” Rainbow blurted out. “This is my first date and to that stupid dance of all things!” she shouted again, making Rarity snap out of her dream. “If this was a race, a stunt, or even battling monsters and gods, I would know what to do! This however, it’s just all so, well all, it’s just stupid! I mean what if I screw up? What would Mac think if I do something really stupid or embarrassing?” she crossed her forelegs and grunted, not liking the fact that for once the all so confident Rainbow Dash was at a true lost. “I really don’t want to mess up in front of Mac.” Rarity just looked at her friend as a warm smile crossed her face. She didn’t like knowing that her friend was discouraged and, for once, even though she wouldn't admit it, afraid. It made her happy to know she was coming to her with her problems. This might have been the mother in Rarity due to Sweetie Belle, but she couldn't help but feel her heart swell with pride as she watched Rainbow grow into a young mare that knew she didn’t have all the answers. “You really do like him, don’t you?” Rarity asked, making Rainbow’s blush grow even redder. “Wh-what?!” Rainbow Dash stuttered, taken back by her friend’s proclamation. Rarity just smiled as the kettle began to whistle. “Well, you must,” Rarity laughed as she levitated the teapot over to them and began to fill the two tea cups. “Why else would you be so worried about what he thinks?” she asked looking at Rainbow, who looked just about ready to run out of the store. “But let’s forget that part. What part of this stupid dance is making you so nervous?” Rainbow just fidgeted in her seat as she bit her lip. “Well the whole, well, the…” Rainbow mumbled something barely audible. Rarity sat there levitating her cup of tea to her mouth and took a sip, waiting to see if Rainbow as going to repeat what she said. Rainbow Dash was looking at her cup of tea, not wanting to make eye contact with Rarity, apparently waiting for an answer. “I’m sorry, Darling, but can you rep-” “I said, I don’t know what to wear!” Rainbow shouted, obviously angry and embarrassed that she was having this conversation at all. Rarity looked to her friend as a smile crossed her face; soon she was trying to hold back laughter. Dash’s face grew red with anger as she looked at Rarity. She was supposed to be helping her, not making fun of her. “Fine! If you can’t help I will-” Rainbow Dash was getting up to leave when Rarity held out her hoof to keep her there. After taking a few deep breaths to calm herself down, she looked at Rainbow brightly as she pushed the plate of cakes towards her. “I’m sorry Rainbow, it’s just I thought I would never live to see the day where you were concerned about what to wear,” she said, laughing a bit. Rainbow looked at her with anger on her face, but it soon melted away and she, too, began to laugh. For a few moments the two mares were laughing to the verge of tears on what Rainbow had said. “Yea, I guess it is an odd thing for me to say,” she said looking to Rarity, who just nodded. Taking another cake, Rainbow started to munch on it as crumbs started to cover her face. “So, what do you think?” Rainbow asked, mouth full, as crumbs went flying. Rainbow also reached for her tea cup and took a load gulp of the liquid as Rarity levitated a napkin to her own face and wiped away the crumbs that landed on her face.       “Well, first off, I think you need to remember it’s very rude for you to talk with your mouth full,” she said with a groan. Rainbow just shrugged as she took another cake and ate it in a similar fashion. “As for the dance, really just a change in your hair, maybe a mane clip and you should be fine,” Rarity said simply as she took a sip of tea. Rainbow Dash looked at her in surprise. “Wait, no frilly dresses? No total makeovers? Not even a spa date?!” Rainbow Dash asked, not sure if she was talking to Rarity or a Changeling that was doing a bad impression of the fashionista. Rarity just gave her a smile before laughing lightly. “Unless you want to do that, Darling, there is no need,” she said in a matter of fact tone. “I think you are overthinking this date. Big Mac is a very simple pony, kind of like you in a few ways. I doubt he is looking to see you come to the dance all dressed up like me. No, I think it would be a surprise just to see you clean up a bit for it, to show that you are really interested in this,” Rarity said with a wave of her hoof. “If I know Big Mac like I think I do, he didn’t fall for some imaginary version of Rainbow Dash that got all dressed up for a date. No, I think he fell for the tomcolt Rainbow Dash that loves to fly and is the Element of Loyalty.” Rarity said pouring herself another cup of tea. Rainbow sat there, a bit dumbstruck by what her friend had just said. “Wow, that’s, that’s really deep Rarity.” Once more Rarity just laughed as she looked at Rainbow. “Oh, don’t be giving me the credit, I read it in a fabulous romance novel. Maybe you would like to borrow it?” she asked with a slight giggle. “Hell, no,” Rainbow said flatly, making Rarity's face fall. “I might be going on a date, but I am not ready to become a mushy mare,” she said as she reached for yet another cake. “No offence.” “None taken, Darling,” Rarity said with a sigh as she looked at the clock. “Well we might have to start with getting you ready for your date,” she said, making Rainbow glance up at the clock. She only had an hour to get ready for her date! Rainbow began to get up with an obvious look of panic on her face, but was quickly pushed back into her seat by Rarity’s magic as a brush floated over to her.   “Relax, Darling,” Rarity laughed as she started to brush Rainbow’s hair for her. “This won’t even take ten minutes,” she said as she walked over to Rainbow’s side and sat down next to her so she could fully see what she was doing. “Now then, while I take care of this shall we talk about Big Mac?” she asked, teasing her friend, who just blushed more. “Um, I’d rather not,” she said looking to Rarity, who she knew would not let the topic go so easily, but that was when she remembered something. “How about you tell me that story with Fancy Pants?” she asked, trying to distract the conversation from her for once. As much as Rainbow would love talk about herself for hours, when it came to a subject about her she was uncomfortable with, she would rather talk about anything else, even a lecture by Twilight. Rarity stopped brushing Rainbow’s mane for a moment. Rainbow turned to Rarity, afraid that she might have said something wrong, but instead she was greeted by a blushing Rarity, who had a dreamy look on her face. Rainbow watched her for a few moments, a bit worried of what this story might involve. After a few more awkward seconds on Rainbow’s part, she finally cleared her throat. Rarity seemed to snap out of whatever dream state she was in and came back to reality. With a light giggle., she went back to brushing the knotted mess known as Rainbow’s mane. “I’m sorry, Darling, it’s just this story is somewhat of my own little romance novel,” she said with a giggle. “With a knight in shining armor and everything,” At this she sighed dreamily like she always did when the subject of romance came up. “Oh, I just don’t know where to begin!” Rainbow just sat there as she felt the brush move down her mane, she flinched slightly when she felt a knot in her mane get yanked on.   “How about from the beginning?” she suggested, rolling her eyes slightly. Whenever it came to either Rarity or Twilight and telling a story they always made it out to be so big, that somehow starting from the beginning was too much trouble. “Very well, Darling,” Rarity said with an exasperated sigh, obviously not liking how Rainbow took some of the magic away from her story. “Remember the incident with the airship and the tornado?” Rarity asked as she continued to brush Rainbow’s mane. “Of course I do!” Rainbow shouted back at her, “You guys were almost died! Kind of hard to forget a time where your friends almost die. Can you please not brush so hard?” Rainbow asked wincing again as Rarity hit a knot it Rainbow’s mane. “We wouldn't have this problem if you just took care of your mane a bit better,” Rarity said, which was greeted by a snort from Rainbow. “Anyway, it all started right there,” Rarity said with a dream like voice. “That was when I first met my knight in shining armor, Thunderlane.” Rarity just gave a sigh as she thought about the dark grey stallion. Rainbow looked over her shoulder, giving Rarity a confused look. “Wait, you only like him because he saved you?” she asked, a bit confused about why she would fall for somepony like that. That was something little fillies are led to believe in their fairy tales, about a knight rescuing a princess that was in distress, but then she had to remember when it came to love and romance, Rarity was a filly at heart. “Well, at first, yes,” Rarity said, “I mean who wouldn't fall such a handsome stallion who saved you from certain death?” she asked. Once again Rainbow shrugged. “I fear for Big Mac right now if this is the level of depth you can go to in romance,” Rarity said, earning her a glare from Rainbow. “Hey, I can be romantic anytime I want!” she growled, though it was an obvious lie, and both mares knew it. Rarity just rolled her eyes as she kept brushing. “Well, anyway, after that little instance, I guess you can say I developed a crush on him. At first it was because he saved me, and the fact he was a total stud,” she said with a giggle. “Also, putting us side by side, we would go so well together! Our natural beauties would complement each other so well. His dark grey coat would complement my white one. My blue eyes would only help make his gold ones stand out even better! If we were to date, we would always win most fashionable and cutest couple!” she proclaimed with the same excitement she got whenever designing a new dress. Rainbow, on the other hoof, could not believe what she was hearing.       Was this all Rarity really looked for in a stallion? Somepony to compliment her looks? To make her stand out even more? She knew, at times, Rarity could be a bit shallow when it came to the whole looks department, royalty as well, but this was a whole other level for her. Before Rainbow could give her a verbal lashing, reminding her of a certain princes that she fell for in a similar fashion, Rarity’s story took a different turn. “But that was all superficial; I didn’t know the real Thunderlane at all,” she said with an almost depressed sigh. “Did you know he had a little brother named Rumble? I didn’t. I didn’t know till Sweetie Belle told me about him. Apparently he looks up to Thunderlane in a similar fashion as Scootaloo looks up to you. Could I really be that shallow to judge somepony by just appearances? So I asked Sweetie Belle the next time she was to play with Rumble and decided to come along to supervise,” She laughed at this little comment. “How silly it was of me, to use my own sister to spy on a stallion,” she laughed, getting up and walking towards a set of drawers and started to shuffle through them. “So the next day I went to the park with Sweetie Belle and the other Cutie Mark Crusaders to meet with Rumble and Thunderlane. I thought that Thunderlane was just going to watch them like I was; that we could have some small talk while they all played. Instead, he got right in the action with them,” Rarity stopped at this as she pulled out a few mane clips, but it was obvious she was thinking about something else. “It was truly something to watch a stallion like him to play with them, playing silly games and doing the oddest things just to make them laugh. I don’t think I had ever made Sweetie Belle, or any of the other Crusaders, laugh that hard.” Rarity moved back towards Dash, her magic holding up a bright red ribbon as well as a green mane clip. “I watched them play for hours, the entire time I could not help but watch Thunderlane. He was so gentle and kind with them; it’s hard to find a stallion like that,” she said with a gleeful smile. As she said this, Rainbow was reflecting on red stallion who had always gone out of his way to play with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. “During that entire time, I did notice something,” Rarity said with a smile, a smile that might have frightened poor Fluttershy if she saw it. “Whenever he thought I wasn’t looking, he would stare at me for a bit,” she said, sounding a bit proud in herself. She was pulling Rainbow’s mane back and placing the ribbon around it. “Then, when we made eye contact he would get the cutest little blush on his face and try to look away as fast as possible,” she sighed at this part. “So wait, how does Fancy Pants fit into all this?” Rainbow asked, earning an extra hard tug on her mane. “I’m getting there, Rainbow; you can’t rush a good story,” Rarity said as she started to tie the ribbon as Rainbow mumbled under her breath. “Now this was all maybe a week ago, and since then Sweetie Belle has been feeding me all sorts of information. Apparently, after they were done playing and we were all heading home, Thunderlane was asking Rumble questions about me,” she added, another fit of giggles making Rainbow just roll her eyes. The way she was telling this story was making her start to regret not talking about Mac. “But the most important question that Thunderlane asked him was if he knew I had a special somepony.” At this, Rainbow, herself, almost laughed. The idea of asking a younger sibling if they knew if they knew a pony they liked had a special somepony was just too embarrassing. “Obviously, Rumble didn’t know, so he asked Sweetie Belle, who asked me, and I told her I didn’t. After that, I was just expecting to have Thunderlane come through those doors and ask me to be his special somepony, to have him sweep me off my hooves in the most magnificent of manners,” “But he didn’t, did he?” Rainbow asked, trying hard not to laugh. The expectations that Rarity had for stallions to ask her out was just ridiculous. “Quite right, Darling,” Rarity said with another sigh as she turned Rainbow around to face her. She then started to put different mane clips against her mane, seeing which one world work better. “Apparently when he heard this, it made him a nervous wreck. He was too afraid to act. Now, if a stallion is to date me, they need to have initiative, to be ready to act, and not afraid to speak his mind,” Rarity proclaimed as she gave a loud huff as she went back to the drawers to find other clips. “But who can blame him? Any stallion would lose their nerve when trying to ask somepony like me,” At this Rarity struck an exaggerated pose, to this Rainbow burst out laughing at her friend. Rarity just gave a low growl as she went back to the drawers, shuffling through them. “So I decided to give him a little push, by making him slightly jealous. Remember when I asked Twilight to look after Sweetie Belle a few days ago? Well, I had to go to Canterlot for some very high end fabrics. While there I ran into Fancy Pants, who was having a small emergency. He was on his way to meet with some of the other nobles when his jacket ripped. Without it, his whole suit look horrid and if he wore it, he would look like a bum. So, before he could react, I mended it for him.” Rarity held her head a bit higher at this statement. “After I was done with it, the jacket looked brand new, like nothing had ever happened, and I did it all under a few minutes. He was so thrilled that he invited me over for dinner that night after he got home from the meeting. Seeing that he was such a high class pony, I could not say no, so I accepted. Oh, Darling, you should have seen his home! It’s a mansion! He had servants, butlers, maids, cooks, everything!” Rarity gushed as she made her way back to Rainbow with a few more clips. “All of them were so smartly dressed, proper, and by far some of the most elegant looking workers I had ever seen! One of them even had on a limited edition of-” “Rarity!” Rainbow shouted. “Stay on topic.” she said with a bit of impatience. It wasn’t the fact that she was getting off track with the description of Fancy Pants’ servants, just the mention of a mansion filled with other ponies made her think of her own empty home. “Oh, sorry, Darling,” Rarity said with a wave of her hoof. “But it was all just so beautiful. Anyway, once I got there, Fleur Dis Lis invited me to join her for tea. Well, we discussed almost every topic of high class society till we got to the topic of Hearts and Hooves Day. She told me how Fancy Pants had a romantic evening set up for them, that he had so many surprises in store for her. She then asked me what my special somepony was doing for me. I of course had to tell her of my troubles. Fleur listened to me for a while as I told her of everything I told you. Once I was done, we started to discuss ways to give Thunderlane a bit of a push. That was when we both came up with the same idea. Tell me Rainbow, do you know the ways of getting a stallion to ask you out?” she asked as she held two different clips to Rainbow’s mane before tossing them to the side. “If I knew that, I don’t think it would have taken Big Mac such a long time to ask me out,” Rainbow said with an incredulous tone. She wished she had known a few weeks prior so this date wouldn't be as stressful. Rarity just grinned as she examined another clip. “Well, the first way is the same way to get to some stallion’s hearts:  through his stomach,” she laughed a bit at that statement. “This tactic, I think, is how Applejack got Soarin to ask her out. The next is by playing hard to get; by far one of the cruelest techniques a mare can use, but the results justify the means. Then there’s the art of seduction; makes stallions putty in our hooves,” Rarity giggled loudly at this, while Rainbow just turned a shade of red that matched Mac’s coat. “It might not be the most elegant, but it is fun to watch them squirm,” she laughed. “Finally, the one I am using. Make the stallion so jealous that they have no other option but to confront you directly about their feelings,” once again, Rarity broke into a fit of uncontrollable giggles. Rainbow just stared at her; no wonder stallions were a nervous mess when they asked a mare out; with all these mind games going on, it was hard not to feel intimidated. “So Fleur let me borrow Fancy Pants for the morning, just to give Thunderlane a little scare that he might be too late. Now that Fancy Pants is gone, I sent Sweetie Belle to go tell Rumble about how nice it was for Fancy Pants to come down to keep me company today. Once she has completed this, I am sure Rumble will tell his brother and he will rush here as fast as possible,” Rarity said with triumphant smile as she spun Rainbow Dash in her seat to face a mirror. “Now tell me darling, don’t you simply look stunning!”   Rainbow Dash didn’t know what to say. She was never one to spend time to making herself look pretty or anything; how could she when she was always racing around trying to prove to the world how amazing and awesome she was? The most she ever did was brush her teeth and use shampoo on her mane. The Rainbow Dash looking back at her was something else entirely. Her mane was pulled back in a ponytail showing off more of her face. For once her mane was brushed, not giving the appearance of being extremely messy. The red ribbon in her mane really complimented her rainbow mane. But what was best of all was the mane clip that was holding back some of her mane off her face was a bright green circle that almost looked like an apple. “Wow…” Rainbow said, almost too shocked for words. “I-I don’t know what to say,” Rainbow said, turning to Rarity, who was absolutely beaming. Her mother-like heart was just swelling with pride as she stared at Rainbow. “Then don’t say anything,” she said with a laugh as she wiped a tear from her eye and marveled at her work. “Now we still have some time, so how about I put on another pot of tea and we can chat about Big-” Right then the door of the Carousel Boutique was thrown open as Sweetie Belle ran inside. Rarity and Rainbow turned to her seeing her panting heavily as she came to a halt in front of the two mares. “Sweetie Belle!” Rarity shouted. “That is no way to enter a building of any sort! Not even your own home! Now you go back outside and enter like a proper-” “He’s on his way!” Sweetie Bell blurted out before her sister could finish. Rarity looked at her in confusion for a moment before panic set it. She jumped from her seat and started to look at herself in the mirror fixing her mane and making sure every hair in her coat was in place. “Are you sure?” Rarity said in a panic as she examined her face, making sure her makeup was on evenly. “Yea! When I told Rumble what you told me to tell him he was right around the corner! Rumble had to distract him for me so I could beat him here!” she said, bouncing up and down now in joy. “So you're going to let me stay up past ten tonight right? You promised me I could if I did this!” “Yes, yes you can! Now go upstairs for right now! I will even get you a new dictionary if you don’t spy on us!” Rarity said. At this, Sweetie Belle gave a squeal of delight as she ran upstairs to her room. “I’m sorry Rainbow, Darling, but I am going to have to ask you to leave,” she said turning to Rainbow, who was already halfway to the front door. “Don’t sweat it, Rare, don’t torture him too much.” she said with a laugh as she exited the building, leaving Rarity to make some last second adjustments. As Rainbow left the building, she saw a dark mass flying towards the shop, in a similar fashion to Big Mac had galloped to meet her. She laughed to herself as she saw Thunderlane touch down a few feet away, a bouquet of roses in his mouth as he stopped in front of a window and looked at his own mane for a second. After looking over his appearance for a few moments, he gave a nod, apparently satisfied with his appearance. Before starting this way towards the boutique, he froze however, when he saw Rainbow Dash. “Oh h-hey Rain-Rainbow Dash,” he said, trying to sound as calm as possible as a light blush came over his face. Rainbow just smirked as he watched him squirm. She couldn't tell if he was nervous about asking Rarity out, having somepony witness that he was acting like this, or maybe even shocked at her appearance? She had heard once that the stallion in front of her had a crush on her. “Rarity is inside,” she said with a knowing grin as she walked passed him. “And I suggest keeping your eyes off other mares if you want to ask Rarity out.” she added, making Thunderlane straighten up to attention, a nervous habit he had picked up at the Wonderbolt Academy. Rainbow smiled at him, she could have a bit of fun with this, but she knew how much Rarity was looking forward to this. So she just walked away, allowing Thunderlane to regain his composure and knocked on the door of the boutique. Rainbow just kept walking down the street; she didn’t need to fly home just yet. Now that she was not the only mare without a date, she could actually appreciate her surroundings. Looking around she saw the streets were covered with little paper hearts, couples were walking next to one another still, and everywhere she looked there was some kind of testimony to the day. After looking around a few times however, she noticed that it didn’t matter if she had a date; this holiday was still way too mushy for her. Seeing as she had nothing else to do till her date with Big Mac, she spread her wings and prepared to take off. As much as she didn't want to admit it, she really wanted to go back home and admire herself a bit. It wasn’t uncool to admire oneself in the mirror, was it? No, she was just inspecting herself to make sure she looked as amazing as possible for her date. It would be so uncool if she didn’t try to keep her appearance up. Before she could take off, a voice started to call out to her. “Rainbow Dash, is that you?” Turning around, she was greeted to the sight of Applejack and Soarin walking down the street together. Applejack’s smile grew as she took a few quick steps towards the cyan Pegasus. “Why Celestia bless, look at you,” she said as she walked around Rainbow, admiring Rartiy’s handywork. As she did, Rainbow Dash felt a light blush rise to her cheeks that she fought back with every ounce of will she had. If Applejack saw her blushing, she would never hear the end of it. “Don’t tell me you got all pretty up just fer ma brother,” she laughed. “You're going to give that poor colt a heart attack when gets a look at you.” Rainbow Dash held her head a bit higher as she watched Applejack. Sure, this wasn’t something she normally did, but hearing Applejack talk about her like she just won some competition, and the mention of Big Mac, just made her feel proud. Applejack just nodded at Rainbow before walking over to Soarin, who had a questioning look on his face. “What’s wrong, Sugarcube?” Applejack asked as she saw the expression on Soarin’s face. “Well you called this mare Rainbow Dash, the Rainbow Dash I know doesn’t wear ribbons or mane clips,” he said, looking to Applejack. “So I have to assume this is a Changeling that has no idea who Rainbow Dash is,” he said grinning, only to get slugged in the shoulder by Applejack. “Kidding! Kidding!” he laughed before looking back at Dash grinning. “You do look great, Rookie,” he said, just making the smile on her face grow. Applejack watched the two Pegasi for a second as they started to talk about the Wonderbolts. That was when an idea popped into her head, an idea of getting back at Big Mac for what he did to Soarin. Rainbow Dash might be angry with her later on, but in all honesty, which was her element, her brother started this little war. “Now, Rainbow, are you meeting ma brother at the dance or back at the house?” Applejack asked, derailing the conversation between Rainbow Dash and Soarin. Rainbow looked back at her a bit, confused for asking so suddenly and shrugged.   “We were going to meet there, why?” she asked, wanting to know why Applejack was suddenly interested in that bit of information. “Well, Ah was just thinkin how cool it would be to see you and Mac walk to the dance together,” she said, stressing the word cool as much as she could. “All them mares getting jealous about seeing Mac being taken, and how everypony would be just commenting about how awesome you two looked together,” she added. As she spoke, she could see a shimmer in Rainbow’s eyes, telling her that Rainbow was giving serious thought to the idea. “But,  if you just want to meet at the dance, that would probably be okay too.” she said as she turned towards Soarin. “Now come on you, we were goin to get some dinner, weren't we?” she asked. Soarin just gave his marefriend an odd look before looking aback at Rainbow Dash, who looked to be off in her own little world. “Um, yea I got our reservations and everything,” he said, still unsure what was going on. Before he could ask any other questions, Applejack started to push him in the direction of the restaurant. “Well, we will see you at the dance Rainbow,” she said looking back at Rainbow Dash, who was still standing there absentmindedly. Applejack just smirked as she and Soarin walked away. Looking back over his shoulder, he saw Rainbow Dash shake her head lightly before taking to the air and flying in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres. “Hey Applejack, what was that all about?” he asked looking down at Applejack who was just giggling softly. “Now don’t you worry about that Sugarcube,” Applejack said as she leaned against Soarin’s body and nuzzled him under the chin. “Just payin Big Mac back for what he did to yea.” she laughed as she pulled back a bit to see the dreamy expression in Soarin’s face, he really was putty in her hooves at times. “Just worry about our little date,” she added as she turned to watch Rainbow Dash fly away. She had no idea what was in store for her once Granny got her hooves on her. > Part 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slow to Realize Part 4 Big Mac took a final look at his face. Miraculously, even though Granny had hit him with a cane several times, there was not a sign of a bruise anywhere. That was good news to the stallion as he looked at the clock again. He had thirty minutes left till he went to meet Rainbow at the dance, but he had felt himself look at that clock several times before and each time it said thirty minutes. It was just his nerves getting the better of him, but who would blame him? He had a date with Rainbow Dash! Once more, that unfamiliar grin started to take over his face as he thought about it. He could still not believe that this date was happening; heck, he was still trying to believe that he had the courage to even ask her on this date. She was in a whole other league compared to him; she was the Element of Loyalty, future Wonderbolt, and the fastest flier in all of Equestria. But he was just a simple Earth Pony. Sure, he might be the strongest one in town, but that didn’t mean much in the outside world. Finally leaving the bathroom, he started to make his way to his own room, being sure to avoid waking Granny from her nap. Upon entering his room, he moved towards the desk right next to his bed. On top of it were a few folder of the farm’s finances, a picture of him and his family, a few sheets of paper with different problems on it, and an advanced calculus book. He actually did enjoy math; the idea of being faced with a problem and slowly solving it, was like slowly plowing a field. Once you were done with it, you were proud of your work. As much as he would like to do a problem or two to calm his nerves, he was looking for something else, pulling open a few drawers he tried to look for the right piece of apparel for his date. As much as he liked his yoke, wearing it for this date was probably not the best idea. Instead he fished around till he found what he was looking for. Mac pulled out a strap of black fabric that was a pre-tied bow tie. Only Unicorns and Pegasus were able to tie bow ties such as this, meaning that Mac had to get his pre-tied. Sure it was a bit dorky, but he believed one should look good for a date. Mac gave a chuckle as he started to place the bow tie around his neck. He had only been on one date in his life, when he was love poisoned, so this was his actual first date. This sent a new bolt of fear through the stallion, one he didn’t even consider till now. He had no idea how he should act on the date! In desperation he scanned his room trying to find anything that could help him. Besides math books, farm magazines, and a book of the 101 Best Farm Knock Knock Jokes, given to him by Braeburn, his room was bare of any help. Mac’s mind started to race as he tried to recall any advice he might of gotten from Apple family members, but his mind was drawing blanks in his time of need. Mac started to pace back and forth in his room, trying desperately to find the answers to the questions that plagued his mind. Before Mac could contemplate his problem some more, he heard a knock at the front door, followed by the familiar creek open. “Oh, you must be the pony Mac is goin out with tonight,” he heard Granny say from downstairs. Mac’s eyes went wide with horror as he heard the sound of two sets of hooves walking around downstairs. Horse apples! -- Rainbow could not stop grinning as she flew all the way to Sweet Apple Acres, thinking about what Applejack had said. There was no way that she and Mac would not be the coolest couple at the dance tonight! Sure, they were not technically a couple yet, but who cared! They would be so awesome together! She could hardly wait to see everypony’s reaction when they saw her and Mac together; that she beat every mare out there on getting her hooves around Mac! She arrived in record time at the farmhouse, touching down a few feet away from the house. Rainbow ran a hoof down the back of her mane to make sure she still had the ponytail going. She really did hope she looked as good as she did back at Rarity’s; with her sudden burst of speed she didn’t know if she still looked like she did back then. Running her hoof through her mane, she was able to feel that the mane clip was still there as well as the ribbon. Well if those are still there, I bet I still look great! Rainbow thought as she advanced towards the farmhouse door and gave a few loud knocks. Normally from here, Rainbow would just enter. Seeing that she had never really needed to announce her presences with a knock, she would just come through the window to get everypony’s attention. She thought being her first date with Big Mac she should be a bit polite, she was going to open the door when it was opened for her. Granny Smith was standing on the other side of the door. She looked the same as ever, with her light green coat, to her grey mane. She was leaning on a cane for support as she looked over Rainbow. For some reason Rainbow felt like the old mare was x-raying her, seeing through her right to her soul! This only lasted for a second however before Granny just smiled widely as she wrapped Rainbow Dash in a hug. “Oh, you must be the pony Mac is goin out with tonight,” she said with a smile. Rainbow blushed a bit from the sudden hug, and before she could even think about returning it, Granny withdrew. “Now come on inside, no need to be waitin here on the porch,” Granny said, laughing to herself as she started to lead Rainbow inside and towards the kitchen. “Uh, thanks,” Rainbow said, a little lost at what to do with Granny. She had even less contact with the old mare then she did with Big Mac in the beginning. All Rainbow knew about Granny was she was Big Mac, Applejack, and Apple Bloom’s grandmother and raised them all herself. As she followed Granny into kitchen, she heard loud thumps from coming upstairs. Turning towards the noise, Granny just gave out a fit of laughs. “Oh, don’t mind that, sweetie. Bloom’s just tryin another way to get her cutie mark,” the old mare laughed as she lead Rainbow to an open seat and gestured her to sit in it. Unknown to Rainbow, however, the noise was actually Big Mac trying to escape from his room. Somehow, in less than a second, Granny had moved her dresser in front of Big Mac’s door, sealing the stallion inside. It didn’t help that she tasked Apple Bloom to put as many objects as she could in front of the door to keep Mac busy. “Now then, dearie,” Granny began as she sat in the chair next to Rainbow, setting her cane against the table. “Yer one of Applejack’s friends, if Ah remember right,” Granny said scratching her chin as if she was thinking. “Y-yea,” Rainbow answered with a slight stutter: she could not stop looking upstairs whenever there was a large thud.  Whatever Apple Bloom was doing, it must be something extra dangerous. “Are you sure Apple Bloom is-“ “Well that’s good,” Granny said cutting her off, as if she had never heard her. “Applejack has always been good at judging character,” Granny stated as she looked at Rainbow with her golden eyes. “But Ah got to check if yer Apple material,” she said with a grin. At that, Granny sat up and started to make her way towards a drawer in the kitchen. Rainbow just watched her, with a mix between a shocked and a confused expression on her face. “What do you mean, if I’m Apple material?” Rainbow spat. The way the old mare just addressed her was as if Pegesi were not as good as Earth Ponies. “I beat Applejack at the Iron Pony, didn’t I?” she asked as she puffed her chest out, “I’m the fastest Pony in all of Equestria as well! Also I-“ Rainbow was cut off when she suddenly felt something go around her body. Looking down, she saw that Granny was now measuring her waist: how the old mare moved so fast in the blink of an eye confused Rainbow even more. She was about to shout again when Granny removed the measuring tape, and went for her ankles next. “Hmm…yea got some narrow hips; not good for bearing stallions,” Granny said rubbing her chin as she looked at the number at the measuring tape. “But Ah do recall seein some big stallion Pegasus around town, so yea might do,” she said mostly to herself, but Rainbow heard every word of it. “Yer ankles are far too skinny as well; we'll have to fix that somehow,” “Wh-what did you just say?!” Rainbow demanded as she felt her face flush in anger. Was she just checking my hips to see if I could bear  stallions? Rainbow thought as she glared at the old mare, I can bear anything thrown at me, I am Rainbow Bucking Da-Wait, was she just checking if I could bare a foal from Mac?! “You can’t just go around checking my wa-“ Rainbow was about to shout at Granny, when Granny stuck her hooves into Rainbow’s  mouth. “Why, yea got some white teeth and healthy gums,” Granny said with what sounded like joy in her voice, “But smelling yer breath Ah can tell yea eat junk food. If yer goin to be Mac’s wife, yer goin to need to eat right,” Granny said, withdrawing her hooves and walking towards the counter. “But yea got some pretty looking eyes. As much as Ah love our Apple’s green eyes, some change would do it good,” she added in as an afterthought. “Now hold on one-” Rainbow was once more cut off when an apple was thrown at her. She was able to catch the apple before it made contact with her face. Looking at the apple the old mare who threw it, Rainbow’s face was growing as red as the apple in anger. “Now this is-”   “Got some sharp reflexes on yea; that’s always a positive trait to have,” Granny said laughing in joy as she watched Rainbow catch the apple. “That Soarin fella wasn’t able to catch that; hit that sucker right in the eye! Had a black eye for a while as well,” Granny laughed as she started to walk around the table. Soarin told Spitfire he got into a fight, Rainbow thought, remembering seeing Soarin with a black eye. Rainbow was pulled back from her thoughts when she felt her wings being tugged on hard from behind. On instinct Rainbow jumped from her seat, wings flared, looking at whoever dared to pull her wings. Once again, Granny was standing there rubbing her chin, looking at Rainbow with an odd expression. “Hmm, Ah don’t know much about Pegasus wings admittedly, but they do feel a bit frail. Is it because of yer job? Seen yea workin hard up there, when yer not nappin in our trees. Too much sleep is not good fer a mare your age.You getting enough milk in yer diet sweetie? You’re goin to need to drink a lot of milk if yea want to bear some good looking Apples,” Granny said as she became lost in thought. Rainbow stared at her blankly before shaking her head violently. This old mare was acting as if she and Mac were getting married the next day. Turning her attention back to the old mare, she saw that she was close again examining her mane. “Got to say, your mane is one of the prettiest Ah ever done seen. Nice and soft too, another good quality for a mother,” she said with a hum as she sat back down in her chair. “Now eat that apple, sweetie, it’s good fer yea! An apple a day makes an Apple come and stay,” she added with a wink. This comment made Rainbow’s face hot as she took a step back from the crazy old mare. Whatever Granny was up to she was not going to stick around for it. “Now, Ah know mares are not as conservative as they were back in ma day, so tell me, Rainbow, what kind of sexual experience do yea-” “Granny!” both mares in the room turned to the new voice. Standing in the doorway to the kitchen was Big Mac. His forehead had a bit of perspiration and was panting a bit, but to Rainbow he looked like a knight in shining armor, even with the little black bowtie on. Granny just looked up in Mac in confusion for a second, before laughing and waving her hoof at him. “Now Mac, Rainbow and Ah were just havin a little mare chat. Yea can just go outside and wait while we-” before Granny could finish, Rainbow had grabbed Mac by his bow tie and was dragging him out the front door, getting as far as way as she could from Granny before anything else could happen. Granny watched the two in a bit of surprise before laughing again, “Now you two get married first before rolling in the hay!” Granny shouted after them, grabbing her cane as she started to follow them stopping at the front door. “After that, yea can roll around as much as yea wants!” -- Both ponies heard what Granny’s final words were and began to blush a deep red. After getting a few yards away from the farmhouse, Rainbow finally let go of Mac’s neck. After letting go, both of them just stood in an awkward silence. Neither one of them knew how to react to what just happened. Mac felt like he was a little bit more embarrassed than Rainbow was right now; even though she was the subject of Granny’s attack, she was his Granny after all. His mind started to race once more as he tried to find the words to apologize to her; but what does a stallion say to apologize when his grandmother starts to assess if a mare is right to bare his foals or not? So far their first date was going south; who brings up foals on a first date? Turning to Rainbow he took a deep breath, he wasn’t sure what to say but he needed to break the silence. “Hey Mac?” It was Rainbow who spoke first. She was looking down at the ground instead of him. Mac just gulped, afraid of what Rainbow might say to him. “Yes Rainbow?” “We are not doing dinner at your place for awhile,” she said, looking up with him with a smile, “Or ever.” She added as her smile grew. Mac let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding when he saw that smile. “Ah don’t have a problem with that,” he said with a calm voice as he took a step closer to Rainbow, and started their walk towards the dance side by side.   > Part 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slow to Realize Part 5 The shock of the whole ordeal started to dim as Mac walked next to Rainbow on their way to the date. The sun was just setting over the hills beyond the orchard, casting shades of oranges and reds over the green fields. An artist could paint the sight a thousand times over, but they would never catch the true beauty of the scene that Mac saw. Maybe it was just because he and his family were responsible for the orchard there, and only those who worked on the orchard could appreciate the work. To know how much blood, sweat, and tears went into making that orchard as beautiful as it was. As wonderful as the orchard was, it could not compare to the sight next to him. Looking behind him, he started to fully take in Rainbow Dash’s appearance. He was unable to appreciate it since they were trying to get away Granny, but now he could marvel in it. Her mane had been done up in a ponytail, bringing some of  her mane off her face, accentuating her natural beauty and putting it on display. The red ribbon in her hair made her look very cute, though he would not dare say that to her; he knew she was a tomcolt and that the complement could be taken as an insult, but still he found it cute. Her mane itself looked amazing, with the front keeping that wind-blown look it always had, but the back looked like she had brushed it out. The effect was nothing short of breathtaking for Mac; it showed the athlete side of her, and the mare side at the same time.  Then there was the green mane clip that almost looked like his cutie mark; seeing it made him blush a bit. Knowing that she might have picked it out because of him was honored the stallion. It also made him think about she might be actually serious about this. Just thinking about that brought that unfamiliar grin to his face; anytime he thought of her or was around her that grin would appear, he didn't know where it came from but he liked it. Mac looked around and took in his surroundings again. Between the sunset descending on the orchard his family worked so hard on, and Rainbow Dash right next to him, he felt like the luckiest stallion in all the world. When looking back at the mare who was making him feel this way, he found that she was a few steps behind him now, and was looking down at the ground. Immediately Mac slowed down to walk beside her again. Did he already do something wrong? Sure, the whole ordeal with Granny had to be horrible experience, but she had seemed to have gotten over it. Racking his mind he tried to find another reason why she might now seem downtrot. Was it because he wasn’t talking? He knew that ponies sometimes were unnerved by how quiet he was; it wasn’t because he was shy or anything, he just didn’t like to be the center of attention a whole lot. Deciding to be the one to break the ice he took a deep breath and hoped for the best. “Ya’ll alright Dash?” Mac asked, bowing his head down a bit to be the same level as her. Rainbow gave a start as she looked up at Mac. She gave a forced smile as she tried to act like she had never seemed down at all. “Of course I am!” she said, with a air of confidence that just seemed to be hollow. Mac just stared at her as she started to trot a bit more quickly, try to show that she was completely alright. This did not fool the stallion as he took a step in front of her to stop her from proceeding. Rainbow looked up at Mac, and found herself staring right into his green eyes, the eyes she found to be the most attractive part of Mac’s entire being.   “Yer talken to a stallion who grew up in a house of mares,” Mac said, chuckling slightly at his proclamation. True though, growing up in a house of mares could be a hell at times, it did have it’s advantages when it came to reading mares. “Somethin’s up, and Ah want to know,” Mac said, sitting down in front of her and lowering his head a bit to be on eye level with Rainbow. “Ah want this night to be special fer both of us.” Those last few words made the tomcolt’s heart melt. The idea that he was wanting this night to be special, brought up so many emotions that she didn’t even know she had. Turning her head away she gave a grunt before looking back at him, a smile forming on her face. “Between those eyes and living with mares, you have an unfair advantage,” Rainbow laughed. She saw Big Mac just nod as he sat up straight again, his eyes never leaving hers for an instant. “So yer goin to tell me what’s up?” he asked, not letting the conversation divert at all. If there was something wrong, he wanted to know and try to fix it. As a gentlecolt, he felt it was his duty and honor to fix a mares problems if he could. Sure it was old fashioned and mares today didn't need a stallions help for every little problem they had; Mac just felt it was just the nice thing to do, especially for a mare such as Rainbow. Blushing again, Rainbow looked up at Mac, who was smiling so kindly right now that she just wanted to lean forward and kiss him. Suppressing that urge ahe took a deep breath and let it slowly, trying to collect her thoughts. “Well, I guess I am wondering why you asked me out?” she asked, trying hard to fight back the burning in her cheeks. As she said this, a strange transformation started to take place on Mac’s face. From a gentle smile, to a look of pure confusion; one eyebrow rose up above as his eyes went wide. For a few seconds the pair just stood there, staring at one another; one with a look anticipation and worry, the other contorted in confusion. Soon the lapse between the time Rainbow asked to Mac’s answer was getting on the racers nerves. “Well?!” she finally shouted, in such a tone that it could be no doubt that she was demanding an answer. The sudden shout brought Mac out of his confused state Mac and back to the present. He looked down upon a Rainbow Dash who looked as if she was giving much thought of running away. She looked hurt about how long it had taken the stallion to answer her. “Ah’m just surprised that’s all,” Mac said slowly looking down at Rainbow. “Ah thought it would be as plain as water, as to why Ah asked yea out.” Mac chuckled at this. Rainbow, however, just looked confused as ever as Mac stood back up and walked up besides her. “Ah’ll tell yea why on the way there,” Mac said as he nuzzled the side of Rainbow neck. Mac’s face was burning as he did this; such a bold move to do, at least to him, on a first date. As he pulled away, he could see a light blush on her face from the action. Soon their hooves started to move, and together they started for the dance once more. Licking his lips, Mac tried to figure out the best way to tell her why he asked her to the dance. All those reasons why that burned in his mind just a few short hours ago, all those thoughts that lingered in his mind for days, and weeks without end seemed gone now. Rainbow Dash kept looking up at him, expecting him to start talking, to tell her why he asked her. With one shaky breath, he uttered the words that only seemed to sum up why he asked her. “Ah guess, Ah was just slow to realize what yea meant to me,” Mac said, keeping his eyes forward, afraid if he looked down to meet hers, his thoughts would turn to mush after looking into those eyes. “If you want the honest Apple truth, Ah guess it all kinda started when Ah first met yea, back before Ah really knew yea. Wouldn't call it love at first sight or any of that nonsense; you were just a pretty face to look at,” Mac started, trying to recall the first time he met Rainbow Dash. “Many ponies around town say that Rarity is the darn prettiest pony they gone ever seen, but Ah thought you were when Ah first laid eyes on yea.” If Mac was to look down at Rainbow at that moment, he would have seen her face turning scarlet at his words. She would never admit it, but she was a bit jealous of the attention Rarity would draw from a crowd when she entered a party or other gathering. Not that she ever tried to look as pretty as Rarity, but she wouldn't mind it if she was told she was pretty from time to time. Sure, the tomcolt in her would sucker punch the person first, just to show that she was not a mare to be wowed by compliments, but still she was a mare and she didn’t mind somepony to taking the time to tell her she was pretty. “Now Ah doubt yea want to hear me ramble about that,” Mac chuckled lightly, but before he could speak again, Rainbow Dash zoomed in front of him, stopping him dead in his tracks! “Buck yea I do!” she shouted at him. For the last few weeks she had been trying to get him to notice her, and now she was finding out he had noticed her from the very beginning. Her heart was beating so fast, it almost felt like she had been flying at top speed for hours, and then performed a Sonic Rainboom. Her eyes were fixed on Mac, waiting to hear what he had to say about her, to praise her for something. Somehow, his opinion on whatever she did meant more than any pony’s, even the Wonderbolts, at that second. What she saw though was his shocked expression. Either from her sudden burst of speed to cut him off, shouting at him, or  how she was now sitting there, staring at him with all the attention she could give him, had thrown the stallion off balance. Her face turned pink as she looked away, trying to keep her eyes off him and at the ground. “If, If you want to that is…” Rainbow trailed off at this last part, her eyes darting back up to him every few seconds, as a deep red blush started to overtake her face, obviously becoming embarrassed from her sudden action. Mentally she was face hoofing herself for it; she must have looked like a idiot in front of Mac now, some desperate mare probably! He probably saw her as a basket case, never wanting to go on a date with her again, let alone talk to her. As she contemplated about moving out of town to escape the shame, Mac gave her a little surprise of her own. Leaning over, Mac kissed her on the cheek as she tried to keep her eyes focused on anything but him, missing the big stallion moving closer to her. The minute his lips pressed against her burning cheek, her eyes went wide with surprise. “Yer awfully cute right now,” Mac said with a nervous laugh, his red coat unable to hide the blush that was covering his face now. The two ponies locked eyes once again; Mac still wore the same gentle smile, as Rainbow looked up at him wide-eyed and nervous. Licking his lips, Mac took a deep breath to regain his composure before reflecting on that day for the mare in front of him. “Well, to be blunt Rarity is a pretty filly, but to me she just seemed a bit too plain. Ah know that might seem strange comin from me, but as much as Ah love ma normal life, sometimes a change is needed, yea know?” Mac asked, not really expecting an answer but knowing it was a good way to start his story. “So when Ah saw yea, well you were the most exotic thing Ah’d ever done seen. From yer rainbow mane to those stunning magenta eyes yea have.” Now  a really deep blush was covering Mac’s face. This was the first time he had ever said these thoughts out loud, and telling them to the mare he found so attractive was just another level of embarrassment. “Anytime you were out at the farm, Ah’d try to get a look at yea. Ah’d wanted to talk to yea but Ah guess Ah was just too afraid to. Didn’t want to ruin yer’s and A.J’s relationship if yea knew her big brother had a crush on yea. Then Ah guess I was a bit afraid of rejection as well,” Mac kicked the dirt here, and looked away. Rainbow was finding it hard to believe in everything Big Mac was telling her. From what she could tell, from the very first time she met Big Mac, that he never expressed any interest in her. She never even caught the stallion looking at her! Now, here he was telling her how from the very first time he saw her, he thought she was the prettiest mare he had ever seen, even when compared with Rarity! As Rainbow listened to Mac, her smile kept growing, feeling each complement that he gave her was going to make her heart explode with joy. Mac saw her smiling up at him, giving him the courage to move forward with his story. “Tellin maself it was to protect A.J, Ah never tried to push thing with yea. Anyway, Ah doubted you really even knew Ah existed. Besides, Ah didn’t know the first thing about yea; except for what Applejack told me. Didn’t find it proper to ask yea out without knowin yea. But during the Iron Pony competition, and that whole mess with them Flim Flam brothers Ah got to see a whole nother side of you Rainbow.” Mac closed his eyes, reflecting on those incidents. Each one playing out before him, for this was the first time he felt he saw what kind of mare Rainbow Dash was. “You went in with everythin you got, and didn’t stop given it till the end. Even when you were at yer breaking point, yea just kept goin. Never seen anythin like it,” his mind was thinking of how the two of them were working the treadmill during the incident with the Flim Flam brothers. “Heh, when we were wokin together on that treadmill, took every ounce of will Ah had not to look over and stare at yea, seein somepony as stunning as you work so hard made ma heart skip a few beats.” Once more Mac gave out a chuckle. “We did make a really awesome team, didn’t we?” Rainbow asked, as she leaned against Mac like she had seen other mares do that day. She needed to know this was all real, that this date wasreally happening and that everything that Mac had just said was his true thoughts. If this was a dream , this action would either turn the dream to a nightmare, or she would fall out of bed. Neither happened , she just felt the warmth from Mac’s body against her own. She did feel him stiffen a bit, after a few deep breaths, he was able to relax. “We sure did,” Mac said, as he started to lean against her some as well. “After that, Ah felt like Ah knew you a bit better, but Ah was still too afraid to talk to yea,” Mac said. “Felt like yer were out of ma reach even more then, how could Ah possibly impress a mare like you? Yer on the fast track to fame, got everythin goin for yea, but for some reason you accepted a date from some dirt-kicking, farm pony like me,” Mac let some of his doubts about this date slip through. He was still trying to figure out why she accepted a date from him. “Trust me, Mac, any mare would want you to ask them on a date.” Rainbow stated, looking up at the big farm pony. Mac looked down at her, a questioning look in his eyes. “Trust me Mac, and I will tell you latter. I want to hear more about how you fell for me,” she said grinning, pushing against him more. “But discribe me using cool and awesome more,” she said, smirking as she looked at Mac who was grinning at her again. “Ah hold that to yea Dash,” Mac laughed, looking down at the mare he so admired. “And believe me, Ah do think you are cool and awesome, but Ah like using the words cute and pretty more,” he said, returning the smirk she had given him. Rainbow grumbled a bit by this, not liking the fact that he was using words that mares like Rarity wanted to hear. “Fine, but don’t say any of that around other ponies!” Rainbow growled, hitting him slightly with her wing. “I have a reputation to hold you know?” With that she took to the air, flying a circle around Big Mac before landing in front of him, striking a pose that she thought was worthy of being a Wonderbolt. Mac watched her do the quick flight as he walked up beside her again. “Ah promise,” he said, as he nuzzled her slightly again. Rainbow let out a filly-like squeal of delight as he did this, which she tried to cover by coughing. “Ah thought that was cute,” Mac said with a laugh as he kept nuzzling her. Rainbow just groaned as she returned the nuzzle. “Shut up, you big oaf,” she said, pushing up against him again. “Now get back to your story,” she said, taking in his warmth again. With a nod Mac tried to remember where he was in his memories. “Well, after that Ah kind of lost hope. Tried to focus on ma work, seein that it normally clears ma head. That worked till a few weeks ago, that is,” Rainbow went wide eyed at this, and started to listen as close as possible. He had finally gotten to the part where she was trying to get his attention to ask her out. “Don’t know why you were doin it, but you were doin all your flying right above the farm and it seemed that every time Ah was out there workin, there you were flyin. Ah tried not to watch you, but just watching you watch you do it just made me want to talk to yea more, to ask yea out. But that fear of rejection just kept creeping up, so Ah kept my eyes on ma work. “As the day’s went on, though, you just kept comin back and doing more tricks. Never did Ah see a Pegasus move so graceful, and as fast as you. Even at night yer movements were in my dreams; it was like watching an angel,” Mac was feeling his face grow so hot now that it felt like it was on fire. “Didn’t help you were joinin us for supper as well and sitting right next to me. Ah was so nervous around yea, and when you asked me anythin, Ah couldn't think of darn thing to say to impress you,”. Looking down, he saw those amazing eyes looking right into his. She was like a goddess to him, he would do just about anything to impress her, just to know she felt the tiniest bit for him as he felt for her. “Next thing Ah knew, Applejack was tellen me yer we're goin start payin fer yer meals with farm work. Instead of teaming herself with you, she placed me in charge of what yea had to do,” Mac was really grinning now as he reflected on doing farm work. “Now as graceful as you were up in them skies, that didn’t transfer to farm work the slightest bit,”. For this, Mac was given a punch the shoulder, as Rainbow gave out a grunt. “Thanks Mac, you really know how to kill the mood,” Rainbow said, looking away from the stallion, but before she did, Mac saw a grin on her face. “Ah ain’t sayin that’s a bad thing, in fact it’s what impressed me more about yea.” Rainbow whipped around at this comment, one eyebrow higher than the other, giving him a questioning look. Mac could not help himself as he chuckled slightly at her face, that once again earned a slug to the shoulder. “How could I have impressed you more with farm work?” Rainbow demanded, her face growing red with anger. “I pretty much screwed up every job you gave me, and you had to fix it! How does that impress you? Do you have a farm work fetish or something?” At that, Mac burst out laughing as Rainbow came to a full stop, glaring angrily at him. “Here I thought you were a gentlecolt, but here you are laughing at me.” Rainbow felt her heart break a little bit; she really tried to impress Mac with that work, and here he was laughing at her for it. “Ah ain’t laughin at yea so to say,” Mac wezzed out between laughs, “Ah’m laughing because you don’t realize how awesome and cool you were to me when you did all that work,” Mac brushed a tear from his eye, before looking down at Rainbow, trying to look as sincere and honest as he could. Obviously it worked, for the minute Rainbow made eye contact with him, she couldn't look away.   “Workin out there in the morning with me is no easy task, Rainbow. In fact, most mornings A.J. is not even up by the time yea got there. Yer  so determined to be the best, that you give every task yea do a hundred and ten percent. Ah guess ya can say Ah got myself a farm fetish; fer when Ah watched yea work out in them fields, it just made ya look more beautiful and stunning to me.” Mac bent his head low so he could be on almost equal level with Rainbow, who was turning scarlet. “Ah thought Ah fell hard fer ya Rainbow the first time Ah saw ya, but out in the field and seein you try so hard...well...Ah really fell fer ya. That’s why the day ya stopped showing up Ah felt lost; all Ah could do was look up at the sky every few minutes hoping to see a trace of you.” Mac was spilling his heart out to her, something that a pony shouldn't do on a first date; but he was a honest Apple, and if she wanted to know why he asked her out he was going to tell her everything. “After a few days of not seein ya, Ah couldn't get ya off my mind. It felt like Ah lost a part of me, so Ah made up my mind then and there to ask you out on a date, luckily fer me it was Heart and Hooves day so the timin was jus right.” Rainbow just stared at Mac. Those last few words he said shook her to no end. She had really reached the stallion in those days of trying to impress him, but not only that, he sort of told her he loved her. She stood there just staring at him, as if she had seen nothing like him before because in truth, she really hadn’t. Mac swallowed a lump in his throat, he felt as though he had said too much. Licking his lips out of nervousness he cleared his throat. “Ah know that’s a lot to take in, but Ah jus-” Mac was taken off guard as Rainbow leaned in and pressed her lips against his in a surprise kiss. A shiver ran up and down his spine as he felt the warmth of her lips against his, as a deep warmth seemed to come from his chest. Mac had always heard that during one’s first kiss they are supposed to see fireworks or something, but he much prefered this feeling than anything fireworks could bring. Before he could react, she pulled away and nuzzled her head under his chin. “For a non-talkative pony,” Rainbow sighed, as she continued to rub her head under his, “you really know what to say.” The pair sat like that in the fading sunlight, lost in their own world.The dance could wait for a few more minutes because to the both of them, this was already the best date ever. > Part 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slow to Realize Part 6 Mac and Rainbow leaned against one another for what felt like an eternity, an eternity that ended all too soon when the pair realized it was getting darker and the dance was to start soon. As they approached the small town, the pair could see other couples heading towards the park for the dance. Each one was like them, leaning against their date for the night, ready to dance with just them for as long as they could stay on their hooves. The town was something else in the lowering sun. Even Rainbow, who had looked at the town with so much disgust that day, had to admit it now looked amazing. The red and pink hearts that were decorating the town were now softly glowing as candles had been lit inside of them, casting a red and pink glow on to the street below. The silver and red streamers were reflecting the sun’s magnificent light, making them a bright orange that complimented the glow of the hearts. The town had been transformed almost entirely into a true lover’s paradise. Looking out, Mac and Rainbow could only stare in awe of the town, till he noticed somepony out of the corner of his eye. Coming down a path leading out of the forest came Braeburn and Fluttershy. Braeburn was holding a picnic basket in his mouth, and Fluttershy looked flustered; the feathers on her wings were sticking out in random directions, and her mane looked like it had not been brushed in a week. The pair didn’t seem to take notice of Mac and Rainbow, for Braeburn was leaning close to Fluttershy, and looked like he was whispering in her ear. Even from a distance, it was clear that whatever the wild west stallion was saying to Fluttershy was making the every so shy mare give little squeaks of surprise, but looked happy all the same. Rainbow and Mac watched at the two walked into the town, side by side and, as they did, so Rainbow gave an audible gasp, which she quickly tried to cover up with a fit of coughing. Mac looked from Rainbow to the pair heading into town, nothing seemed to be strange about them. They just seemed like a normal couple. Looking back at Rainbow, he could tell that something was one her mind, but she was trying to look cool and collected. “Somethin the matter?” he asked, still looking back, trying to figure out what Rainbow could have seen. She looked up at him in surprise, a split second of disbelief came over her as she eyed him carefully. “Didn’t you see it?” “Is there somethin wrong with Miss Fluttershy datin ma cousin?” Mac asked. He sounded more confused than anything else. Whatever Rainbow saw completely went over his head. She just stared at him in total disbelief till she pointed at the spot again. “Her tail! Didn’t you notice her tail?!” She shouted, she was now hovering right in front of him, her wings like a hummingbird's, moving so fast that they were a transparent blue blur. “Dash,” Mac started, looking at her with pure confusion present on his face. “Ah don’t have the foggiest idea what yer goin on about, so ya might want to explain it to me.” Rainbow gave a growl of frustration as she reached out and grabbed Mac’s face with both of her hooves. “She had her tail over his flank! Come on, you have to know what that means! That’s the way a mare tells other mares to back off! This stallion is taken! They! Are! Mine!” she shouted, shaking his head a bit. Mac just gave her a questioning look as she shook his head, not about Fluttershy claiming Braeburn, but more in the fact how close their faces had come. His green eyes just kept looking into her eyes, a hint of embarrassment and unease about them. Rainbow didn’t seem to notice this for a few seconds till a light blush covered her face. “Shut up, Mac!” she said, landing back on the ground and beginning to trot into town, “We’re going to be late if you keep getting lost in how awesome I am.” Even though Mac couldn't see her face, just from her tone, he knew she was still blushing and a bit embarrassed about how close their faces had gotten. After what had just happened between the two of them, he would have thought she would have been okay with that. Yet again, Rainbow wasn’t the most predictable mare, which might be why as simple farmer like him would be attracted to her. The two of them walked into town side by side heading right for the large park that would host the dance. Everywhere a pony would look,  couples could be seen, all either heading for the dance or preparing for it. Every street, road, and ally had a couple or two in them, all getting in those last minutes of private passion before heading off into the dance. One of those couples was Pinkie and Caramel,  who were nuzzling one another, eyes closed and both having wide grins on their faces as they stood there lost in each other’s company. Half of Dash’s mind wanted to go over there and beat Pinkie for sending out those damn party invitations, but the other half was too busy enjoying the warmth of Big Mac to even care. With a content sigh, she leaned into her stallion as they walked closer to the park. Being so close to Mac, she could hear his slow and steady heartbeat; a true testament to his athletic ability. Also, being so close to him, she could rub against his soft red coat. It was hard to believe that a stallion like him would have such a soft coat, but it felt great against her face. As she thought about how she could get lost in the sound and feel of Mac for the rest of her life,  he came to a sudden stop. “We’re here,” he whispered, his head bowing down a bit to reach Rainbow’s ear. Rainbow looked around and saw that the park was as transformed as the rest of the town and was holding what looked like almost the entire population of Ponyville. Everywhere Rainbow saw familiar faces in the crowd. She saw Rarity and Thunderlane standing close to the stage, Rarity obviously wanting to show off her prize in front of the town, while Thunderlane seemed to be in a state of bliss,  just happy to have Rarity leaning against him. Rainbow could almost imagine a jealous Spike hiding in a tree somewhere with the CMC under him, trying to make him come down. A few feet away from her was Mr and Mrs Cake with their twins, the married couple was each holding a foal and were using foaltalk to them, but were leaning against one another all the same. It was hard to find a couple like them, who could keep the magic alive between them for so many years. Finally she spotted the funny sight she had seen that day. Twilight was standing next to that orange Pegasus, but was glaring at her brother, who was glaring at the terrified Pegasus. Rainbow had to suppress a laugh as she looked at the two sibling’s glares; it was a wonder how the poor Pegasus was able to be that close to Twilight at all. “Ready to find a spot?” Mac asked, once again reminding Rainbow why she was here. With a smirk, she looked up at her stallion. “I know the perfect spot. Follow me, stud,” she said with a laugh, watching Mac’s body give a light shake at the word. To his credit, he recovered quickly and started to follow Rainbow into the crowd, pushing through them till Rainbow came to what she thought was the perfect spot, while Mac slightly paled. They were standing in the dead center of the entire park, right in the center of attention. Rainbow looked around excitedly as she walked over to Mac and nuzzled herself under his large head. “Right where we need to be,” she said with a grin. “A-are ya sure?” he asked, looking around to see the strange looks they were getting from all the others there. Before Rainbow could assure him, Mayor Mare’s voice broke over the crowd, making all heads turn towards the source of the sound. “Welcome, one and all to Ponyville’s annual Hearts and Hooves Day Dance!” Mayor Mare shouted, standing on the stage that had been set up for the day. Standing next to her was Time Turner and Octavia, the later sitting, and holding a cello in her hooves. The crowd gave a cheer at the announcement, but was quickly silenced as Mayor Mare held up her hoof to silence them. “Now as you all know, this dance is a hour long. The first half is to take place with the setting sun, and the second at night, to symbolize that love goes on forever,” she said with an almost dreamy look. “Now without further ado, Time Turner,  start the clock!” Everypony turned their attention to the master of clocks, but the stallion was not paying attention. Instead,  he was looking out into the crowd,  smiling and mouthing words to somepony. Mac followed the stallion’s line of sight till he found where there was a small clearing where a grey pegasus with a blonde mane was standing, smiling at him and mouthing words back. Silence reigned for a little bit, as everypony watched the two ponies interacting, neither one of them noticing that all the attention of the situation had been turned towards them; that was, until Mayor Mare cleared her throat as loud as possible to get Time Turner’s attention. Time Turner looked up in surprise, looking around to see that everypony was now staring at him. He smiled sheepishly as he swallowed a lump in my throat. “Um...yes, Mayor?” he asked, as he did so a chorus of laughter erupted from the crowd. “The clock, Time Turner, the clock! Start  it now! You and your own special somepony can spend the rest of evening talking later,” she groaned, rolling her eyes as she did so. Time Turner gave a little jump in surprise, seeing that he had missed his cue. “Oh! Oh right!” he exclaimed galloping over towards the magnificent clock. The clock was a large grandfather clock with two large hourglasses on either side of it. Giving the lever a pull, the two large hourglasses turned over, and the Grandfather clock gave a large tone signaling the beginning of the dance. Once that tone had ended, Octavia began to play at once using her mastery of music, creating a sound perfect for the atmosphere. The rhythm was slow, but not so slow that one could not dance to it, but that perfect pace that when a couple dance; they could get lose in one another without much interference. As soon as the  music would start, each stallion would comply with the tradition of the dance. Each would take a step away from the mare they came to the dance with. This would take place in almost in perfect unity, and each one bowed to the mare to ask for a dance. From there, the mare would step forward to close the gap left by the stallion, to symbolize that they accepted their partners invite to dance. Mac was planning on following this tradition, as an Apple and a gentlecolt. As the music started to play, Mac took a step backwards like many of the stallions around him, but before he could fully bow Rainbow Dash had already stepped forward and started to nuzzle her head against his thick neck. Mac was startled by this action;  a shiver made it’s way up from the base of his neck all the way to the tip of his tail. Looking around, he saw that the stallions had just finished their bows. Several mares were giving Rainbow glares, one of them being his own sister. “Uh, Rainbow,” Mac said, looking around. “Yer supposed ta wait till Ah bow to-” Rainbow pecked him on the cheek as she took a step forward, making Mac take another step back, Rainbow taking the lead in the dance. “Screw tradition,” Rainbow said with a laugh, taking a step backward so Mac would have to step forward if he wanted to keep her resting on his neck. “It’s more fun to mix things up like this.” At that Rainbow leaned up and kissed him on the cheek before resting her head on Mac again, as the two began to move back and forth in the space they had chosen to dance. Mac had no choice but to follow her lead. One would think being a big stallion such as himself he would have more control over the situation, but between her forceful nature and how amazing she looked that evening; Mac was just putty in her hooves. Bowing his head a little, he nuzzled himself against her mane as the two danced back and forth. Her mane smelt like the air right after a good rain, a deep smell that meant life to a farmer like Mac. Combining it with the fact that the smell was coming off the mare that he had fallen so hard for just made things even better. “Take any deeper sniffs of my mane and I might start to think you're a stalker,” Rainbow laughed, making the poor stallion’s heart beat faster in embarrassment. Rainbow just laughed to herself as kept on leading the stallion in their dance. Mac could just feel his face lighting up like a Hearth’s Warming tree. Embarrassment was rising in him as he thought of his action, how odd and creepy it was to be taking such long inhales of a mare’s mane. As he went to open his mouth again, Rainbow once again interrupted him, a habit that Mac was starting to like more and more. “But why should I care? I like the smell of your mane as well,” she said, with such a tone of honesty that Mac felt that too familiar goofy grin take over his face. Nuzzling in a bit closer to her Mac got his lips close to her and whispered. “Well Ah’m glad ya like the way Ah smell. Otherwise you would of been in bit of trouble, seein that Ah’m a farmer and Ah usually tend to stink after a hard day’s work.” he said, he saw her eat twitch under his hot breath, and for some reason she just pressed her head against his neck more. “Heh, if you think that’s bad you should see me after practice,” she laughed, and in turn making Mac laugh as well. “Well that be the strangest thing Ah’d ever heard,” both ponies looked over in surprise and horror as they noticed Applejack and Soarin had somehow gotten closer to them in their own dance. “Two ponies goin on about how they like the way the other stinks, must be a pair made by Princess Cadence,” Applejack said with a grin, as she lead Soarin around the dance floor. Just like Mac, the Pegasus stallion had become nothing more than putty in Applejack’s hooves. Rainbow just rolled her eyes as Mac’s face got hotter, being overheard during an intimate conversation, and by his sister no less, was no stallion wanted to face. “Mind your own business,” Rainbow growled as she pushed harder against Mac, trying to lead him away from his sister and her best friend. Applejack just kept pulling Soarin around with her, chasing the pair in dance. “Ah was, Sugarcube, but hearing yall yapping like that, Ah just knew Ah had to break it up,” she laughed as she pulled out a little piece of paper. Mac recognized the piece of paper as the one he had given Soarin earlier that day listing rules he was supposed to follow during his date with his sister, most of the rules he had already broken with Rainbow Dash already. Mac gave a low groan as he noticed the look in Applejack’s eyes. “Accordin’ to Mac here, you're not supposed to be dancin’ any closer than five inches. Then all this flirting has to stop, but most of all, no kissing the date at all,” she said with a smirk. “Now seein as you two have already kissed and broken all these other rule, Soarin and Ah are free to do what we want to do,” she said as she dropped the paper and stepped on it, and as she did so she leaned up and kissed Soarin on the lips. Soarin, who had seemed to be in his own little world, seemed shocked to find Applejack’s lips on his, and quickly returned the kiss. Mac gave a deep grunt, but was pushed back by Rainbow who took the opportunity to try to get a bit further from Applejack. The grunt also seemed to have been heard by Soarin, for he looked for the noise and went pale when he saw Big Mac glaring at him. “Stop that,” Rainbow said stepping on Mac’s hoof, making him wince. “Just let them enjoy the night like we are, besides the only mare you need to be protecting here is me,” she said, as she rubbed her head against his large neck. Mac didn’t look down at Rainbow, but kept on glaring at Soarin, who Applejack was leading away. “And why’s that?” he asked, still not looking down. “First off, look at your marefriend when she is talking to you,” she said raising one of her wings and pushing his head back toward her. “And second, look around us,” Mac wasn’t sure what shocked him more: the fact that Rainbow had just announced she was his marefriend, what his sister did right in front of him, or what he saw when he looked up. Looking around, he could see a few mares glaring at Rainbow as they danced with their own partners. Many of them seemed to be angered to see Rainbow dancing with Mac, and were trying to get either closer or further away from the couple. “Some of dem don’t seem to happy ta see ya with me,” he said smirking, as he lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead. Rainbow just giggled lightly as he did so. “So are you going to protect me from the horde of angry mares for taking the towns best looking eye candy?” she asked, as she made sure give each mare a good look at how close she was to Mac. The stallion just gave a deep chuckle as he rested his head on top of her’s. “With ma very life,” he said laughing. “But Ah doubt Ah need to do anythin’” he said as he rubbed the side of her face with his muzzle. “Look fer yerself,” Mac said as he pushed lightly on Rainbow’s face so she would turn a look. Looking around, a smile spread across Rainbow’s face. Fluttershy, Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, and even Derpy had led their partners towards Mac and Rainbow and were now surrounding them, keep all of the other couples away. Even Shining and Cadence were part of the small barrier, even if the only reason they were there was to keep tabs on Twilight and Flash. “Ya got some pretty good friends,” Mac whispered in her ear, as he slowed down the pace of their dance till they were just swaying against one another. “Eeyup,” Rainbow said, mimicking the catch phrase of Mac. “And also a pretty good coltfriend,” > Part 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slow to Realize Part 7 Rainbow Dash was never a mare who was in tune with her feelings, unless they revolved around being cool, awesome, and involved words such as that. Sure, she knew what love was. She loved each one of her friends; they were a part of her like she knew she was part of them. She loved Scootaloo; she was like that little sister that she at times she wished she had, and other times was thankful she didn’t have. This feeling, through, what she was feeling as she leaned into the broad, muscular, yet somehow soft, chest of Big Macintosh was another feeling altogether. She didn’t even know if she could call it love just yet, but it was something strong pulling her closer to the stallion, wanting to know more about him and how he worked. Was it just an infatuation she was experiencing, like when she used to have a crush on Soarin? She had liked him because of his pure physical looks, and his status as a Wonderbolt. But, it felt like so much more than that. While that crush was more of a physical attraction, she never really once gave more than a fleeting thought about what Soarin might think, what he might want to do, or anything like that. With Mac, she wanted to know everything about him, what he liked, didn’t like, what he wanted to do, and what his goals were.   After just going on this first date with Mac, she already felt like a piece of herself had been missing and she had found the piece that fit. Could one really find true love on a single date? Probably not, but then again, Rainbow Dash was not a normal mare and she was living life at supersonic speeds, so the possibility of this being true could be a possibility. Hay, if Mac was to get on his haunches right now and propose, she would have them on the next chariot to Las Hoofas to attended one of those drive thru weddings. Ya, Applejack, Granny, and her mom might be angry about that, but she wouldn't care. This was her life and going that fast didn’t even phase her. As she thought about all this, Mac was still leading them around in the small circle that was their ground to dance. His large frame leading them around and around, taking the lead only when Rainbow allowed it. Surrounded on all sides by her closest friends, Rainbow felt a kind of peace that she only felt when she was flying high above the skies, and pushing speeds that nopony ever dared to push before. Leaning into the barrel of Mac’s chest, she gave out a sigh of a happiness that she didn’t know one could experience. Slowly closing her eyes, she let the steady beating of Mac’s heart, the scent of apples on his red coat, and the overall presence that was Big Mac lead her into an almost dream like state. That state only lasted a few more seconds, for the loud chimes of the grandfather clock echoed out over the crowd, deafening the music and making all dancing come to an abrupt halt. Rainbow instantly recoiled from Mac’s chest and looked up at the stage. Octavia was putting her instruments away, as Time Turner was checking the clock and preparing it for it’s year long sleep till it was needed for the next Hearts and Hooves Day dance. Looking from the stage to all the ponies that were at the park, she saw that they were all preparing to leave, either leaning against one another and leaving the park one by one,or staying in place, like the Cakes were, and still swaying to a music that was playing in their heads. “Wait, is the dance already over?” Rainbow questioned, looking around to see that most of her friends were now leaning against their special somepony and leaving the park. “Afraid so,” Mac answered, Rainbow’s head snapped back to him so fast that the apple like clip in her mane fell off. “But that wasn’t an hour already, was it? That was way too fast!” she growled, looking to Time Turner, ready to question the so called ‘Master of Clocks’ about how long an hour was. Before she could, her train of thought was interrupted by the deep laughter of Big Mac. “What do you find so funny about this?!” she demanded. “That something was too fast for the Fastest Mare in all of Equestria,” he said, his laughter dying down to a chuckle, but an amused smile was now plastered across his face. Rainbow grunted as she punched the stallion in the shoulder. “Shut up, you big oaf, the only reason I thought it went by too fast, was, well it was because, because-” Rainbow was blushing now, it was now a deep red blush, but still noticeable. “ItwasjustbecauseIwashavingareallygoodtime,” she said in a single breath, looking around the emptying park, seeing if anypony had heard her. Just because she liked the stallion she was with, and that everypony had seen them together, did not mean was comfortable with admitting how she felt yet with others around. Mac just chuckled as he leaned forward and nuzzled her affectionately. “Ah was havin’ a real good time maself,” he whispered in Rainbow’s ear, sending chills up and down her back. “And it don’t have to be over if ya don’t want it ta’ be. Just because the dance is over, don’t mean you and Ah can still enjoy our date,” Mac continued, Rainbow could feel the heat coming from Mac’s face when he said date which only made her want to spend more time with him. “Sounds good. Lead the way,” Mac nodded, as he turned towards the exit of the park and waited for Rainbow to join him. She did in a blue flash, leaning against the stallion like how they entered. As Mac started to lead them away, Rainbow looked over her shoulder to see who was still remaining in the park. Up on stage Time Turner was now doing a silly dance with Dinky as Derpy watched on, a large smile crossing the single mother’s face as she watched the two of them. Rainbow knew that Derpy had a rough go in life being a single mother, but since Time Turner entered her and her daughter’s life, the clumsy mare never seemed happier. The two Cakes were still dancing, swaying to some song that no other pony but them could hear. A twin was sleeping on either’s back, rocked to sleep by the swaying of their parents, and the music that Octavia had played for that wonderful hour. Finally, Braeburn and Fluttershy were still standing around, the pair nuzzling, practically in the middle of the park, not caring if anypony saw them or not. How strange it was to Rainbow to see her fillyhood friend be so open about a relationship, when she never had the courage to even let her opinion be heard at times. Braeburn had been able to get past that emotional barrier that seemed to separate Fluttershy from the rest of the world, and became the rock Fluttershy could lean against when things became too much for one pony to handle. She had to remember to give that stallion a talking to, about the consequences of what would happen to him if he so much as ruffled her feathers. Speaking of barriers, Rainbow felt a triumphant smile make it’s way on to her face. She was the only mare, as far as she knew, to make it past the almost unreadable exterior of Big Mac and had him ask her on a date! No love potions or poisons, blackmail, or anything like that to get his attention; she won him over by just being her amazing self! With that thought in mind, she pressed her body against Mac’s, more closely needing to feel the warmth of him to make sure it was not some dream that she was going to wake up from any second. It was then she noticed she had no idea where they were going. Looking around, she noticed that they were taking the path that led to one of the bridges that led outside of Ponyville and around the Everfree forest. Away from the small town, the night sky seemed so open and Luna’s moon seemed to shine a silver glow over everything that it came in contact with. While some might find the sight almost scary, Rainbow Dash found it to be a very cool sight. From how the shadows were dancing across the ground with each breeze, the sky almost clear with only a few clouds to block the light, and the silver glow seeming to give everything a new dimension. It would be a perfect night for flying, to test ones limits and courage, but she didn’t care for it, for this walk with Big Mac was the best anypony could hope for. “Miss Dash? Can Ah ask ya somethin’?” Mac’s deep voice brought her back to reality, taking her head out of the clouds to look at the large stallion, who was also bathed in the silver light. “You can ask me anything, Mac! But don’t call me ‘Miss’ anything again; I thought I already told you that back on the farm,” Rainbow laughed. She remembered how the big stallion would always refer to her as Miss Dash or Miss Rainbow Dash when she first started to work on the farm. Needless to say, she broke that habit out of him early on, saying it made her feel like a old mare or something. “Uh, right,” Mac said, his eyes looking down now. He was acting like when he had first asked her out to this date, a colt too scared to say what was on his mind. “Come on, Mac, you can ask me,” she whispered, as she nuzzled against the stallion’s neck. “I won’t bite, unless you're into that kind of thing,” she added, in a sultry tone. She looked up at Mac out of the corner of her eye to see the stallion’s face grow a very noticeable shade of red darker. Even in the faint light she could see it.   “D-dash!” was all he was able to stutter before she gave him a peck on the cheek. “Mac, it is just too easy to mess with you,” she laughed as she walked beside him. “But seriously, what did you want to ask?” “Well, earlier tonight ya asked me why Ah fell fer you, and, well, Ah was wonderin’ why did ya fall fer me?” Mac asked, his voice shaky as he asked, his eyes focused in front of them instead at Rainbow Dash. Rainbow looked up at him, one eyebrow raised as the question circled around in her head. Mac’s eyes started to dart back between her and the path they were walking, unsure of the answer he might be getting from the unpredictable mare. Rainbow, however, did not understand the question. He should have known why she, and almost every mare in town, had fallen for Big Mac. “Are you kidding me?” she finally asked, still giving Mac a questioning look. “Not at all, Ah really want to know why a stunt flyer like yerself, would want anythin to do with a simple farmer like me,” Mac’s voice seemed down, as if comparing himself to Rainbow was like comparing Princess Celestia to a dirty rock. At once, Dash took to the air, only to land on Mac’s back, placing her hooves on his strong shoulder and leaning forward so she was looking at him upside down. “Luna above, Mac! I thought you were the smartest of the Apples!” Dash exclaimed, making Mac come to a stop, looking up at the blue mare who was glaring at him. “I fell for you like every other mare in town! Don’t you know why they all have?” “Ah reckon not,” Mac replied, he wore a look of confusion on his face, the same as when she tried to explain the whole tail thing to him. Dash just face hoofed, using her wings to keep balance so she didn’t fall off the stallion. “Come on, Mac, do I really need to spell it out for you?” she moved back so that she was now laying on the stallions back, looking up at the night sky, enjoying the feel of his red coat under her. “For starters Mac, you're the best looking stud in all of Ponyville! Your super strong, big, got the coolest pair of eyes, a sexy accent, a catchphrase that makes most mares swoon, and to top it all off you got that mystery stallion thing going for you! With you rarely coming into town or speaking, nopony knows much about you!” Rainbow exclaimed, as she waved her forelegs in the sky, trying to stress her point. “So...ya fell fer me for just that?” Mac asked, a noticeable sound of hurt in his voice. “Buck, no! I said that was for starters, for the mares who only look at you for eye candy,” Mac gave a noticeable shiver at that phrase, but Rainbow didn’t seem to notice. “Mac, I got to know you better than almost any mare in town and, well, it’s hard to put into words why I like you, okay?” Rainbow huffed, turning over so her head was now resting on his shoulder. “Well, can ya try fer me?” Mac asked, now a bit curious about why Rainbow was having trouble expressing herself now. She gave a grunt as she looked at the stallion. “Fine...but didn’t you want to lead us somewhere?” Mac started forward again, while Rainbow was left to think on his shoulder. “Well, it’s not easy, Mac, but, I guess it started back at the Flim Flam thing. I mean, there are not many ponies that can keep up with me, just ask your sister, but, there you were, never slowing down as we worked that treadmill. I tried to go faster than you to prove some unknown point, but you just kept up,” Rainbow was rubbing her chin. There were so many reasons why she liked the big work pony, but she didn’t seem to come up with any reasons why. “I mean ya, like those other mares, I fell for your looks but, I don’t know, there was just something else there that I wanted to get to know more about! The way Applejack talks about you sometimes, she makes it out like you're a demi-Alicorn or something. Heck, she and Twilight get into flights sometimes about who has the better big brother,” Rainbow laughed, remembering how the two would get into fights about who’s brother who was better, who could beat who in a fight, and other silly things. “Reckon Shining got the better on me,” Mac laughed, “Doubt Ah could land a hoof on the former Captain of the Equestrian Guard and Prince of the Crystal Empire,” “Not true, according to Applejack. She says that if you were there during the wedding, you would have been able to fight off all those Changelings by yourself! Then be able to buck them all out of Equestria,” Both Rainbow and Mac laughed at this, still making there way down the path in the silver light. “But, after hearing Applejack talk so much about you, I wanted to know more about you. So during weather duties I would fly over the barn just to see what you were up to. Sorry for spying on you by the way,” she giggle, which only made the stallion’s face grow warm. “Uh, Ah forgive ya.” “Good. Watching you buck apples, plow fields, or doing anything else was, I don’t know, cool? Ya! Cool! I mean you're an athlete, Mac! You can work all day, and with only a few short breaks before going back to work like nothing had happened. Now, as an athlete, myself, I always wanted to find a stallion that can keep up with me, and you sure can!” “So ya like me because Ah can keep up with ya?” “Yes! I mean no! Yes! Ugh! Just let me finish, alright?” Rainbow growled, moving her head from his shoulder now to rest it right on top of his, so she had a higher view of the world. “It was just a check off of my list for a coltfriend, okay? But you much more than a good looking stud or a really strong athlete, Mac, I mean...well...you're strong…” Rainbow just stopped, looking up ahead at where Mac was taking them. They were still on the outer path from the Everfree forest, and were on their way to the few hills and lakes that were outside Ponyville. She just laid on top of Mac as he walked, keeping the silence that had now wrapped around them. “Strong?” Mac finally questioned. “Ya...strong, not just physically but, like in every way. I don’t know how to describe it, Mac, but something about you just, well, it made me feel like I didn’t have to put an act on in front of you, or that I had to always be so...I don’t know okay?” Rainbow shouted, jumping off of Mac’s back and landing next to him. Mac just watched her as she did, her face almost contorted in a mixture of confusion and anger. “That’s okay,” Mac said, taking a step towards her so they were side by side again. “We don’t need any words to describe it, if ya don’t want. Just knowin ya like me enough to go on a date, is good enough fer me,” Mac made the pegasus blush again, as she looked away. “It’s not okay, I just don’t know what it is! Ugh! I bet Twilight knows what it is,” she growled once more, as they kept on walking. “It will come ta ya, but in the mean time, we’re here,” Rainbow looked up, and felt her jaw almost fall. She didn’t know how she missed walking up the small hill or the sudden breeze that seemed to have been blowing for awhile, but she didn’t care. She was now over looking a small lake, that was so still and perfect looking that it was reflecting the night sky almost like a perfect mirror. On the small hill with them was a large and old looking apple tree, red apples already hanging from it’s branches. “Wow…” Rainbow murmured looking over the landscape. She had never seen a place like this before, and was trying to figure out how she never noticed it during her flights over Ponyville and the surrounding area. “It’s nice, isn't it?”Mac asked, looking over the landscape before sitting down. Rainbow sat down right next to him, still amazed by the area she was now seeing. “How did you know about this place?” she asked, looking at the red stallion. As she did, she saw the bark of the tree behind him and something seemed to be carved into it. “Ma pa used to take ma up here all the time when they were datin’, and this is where he proposed to her,” he said, smiling as he looked out into the night sky. “He showed this to A.J. and Ah before he died, tellin us when we met somepony special, to take em’ here,” Rainbow felt an unfamiliar feeling swell up inside of her, just being here, a place that seemed so special to Mac and Applejack just seemed impossible. As she looked at Mac, she looked over at the bark again at the carving. In the limited light, she was able to make out that a large heart was carved into it with the initials BR and GG were inside of it. Mac seemed to have followed her line of sight and was smiling at the initials carved into the tree. “Big Red and Ginger Gold, my Ma and Pa,” Mac said in a whisper, as he looked back down at Rainbow. “Ah thought you were special enough to take here,” he said, his smile never fading as he looked at her. At once, Rainbow leaned in a kissed Mac, whatever it was about this place, whatever it was about him that she liked all came to a tipping point that she couldn't resist anymore. Mac leaned into the kiss happily, as they sat there in the light of the moon. After what seemed like hours, Rainbow pulled away first, her eyes half lidded as she looked at Mac. “Look, I’m no good at saying how I feel, Mac,” she sighed, laying down in the grass to which Mac followed suit. “But, I think, well, I know it’s just our first date but, I think I, well, I...” before she could finish, Mac leaned in and kissed her again.   “I love you too, Rainbow,” Mac said, pushing his forehead against hers. Rainbow only smiled, her eyes closed as she pushed against Mac’s forehead, there noses barely touching. “Ya...that,” Rainbow laughed, as she put a wing around Mac as she went in for another kiss. “I love you, Mac,”. And there the two laid, bathing in the moonlight, unaware of anything else in the world, only concerned with the one the two of them now shared together. A night that would each would remember, for the rest of their lives. The End